04-27-2009 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Fire Station #3 Art Selection Panel and the Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Minutes Special Called Joint Meeting Fire Station #3 Art Selection Panel and the Public Arts Advisory Board April 27, 2009 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chairman Stewart Matthews. Those in attendance were: Patsy Robertson, Kathy Spillyards, Alvaro Salinas, Erin Dougherty and Ashley Burt. Polly �„„„ Harrison was absent. Fire Station #3 Selection Panel members included: Macklyn Henderson Stripling and Nicole House. Carole Ehrlich, Board Liaison/Secretary was also present. WORK SESSION Joint Work Session of the Wylie Public Arts Board and the Fire Station #3 Selection Panel • Presentation of the Art Design by Montage 48/61 for Fire Station #3 (Larry Enge and Charlotte Lindsey) Larry Enge and Charlotte Lindsey presented a slide presentation of the collaboration for the art design for Fire Station #3. They presented several examples of designs that came from the collaboration between the Wylie Fire Department and the artists. They explained that in the initial design, two columns were created to give a history of Wylie Volunteer/Fire Rescue over the past century. One column depicted the early days of the all volunteer fire fighters and evolved to the second column with the current day fire rescue department. They explained that the columns would be placed to the left of the large planter created for the art space. They reported that there was some concern regarding the size of the columns in relation to the art space. Members and artists felt that the space may be too large for the two columns. Mr. Enge reported that during the discussion, the artists and staff felt a wall might be more suited for the space and asked the artists to design a wall (four feet tall by fourteen feet wide with a 28" footer, bringing the overall size to 6.67 ft.) He reported that two wall designs were created and displayed each along with the additional costs incurred for each new design. One wall had large solid lines running April 27,2009 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Special Called Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 vertically from one mosaic picture, to the next. The other wall had very small solid lines and larger mosaic art scenes. The artists thanked the Wylie Fire/Rescue committee for the education they provided them in the process of collaboration and stated they had gained much respect for the department and the service they have provided over the past century. BUSINESS ITEMS 11. Consider and act upon approval and recommendation to the Wylie City Council for the art design and contract between Montage 48/61 and the City of Wylie to commission the art piece for the Fire Station #3 Public Art Project. (C. Ehrlich, staff liaison) Staff/Board Comments PAAB Liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that PAAB and the Wylie City Council approved the selection of Montage 48/61 for the artists to complete a design for the Fire Station #3 Public Art Project as recommended by the Public Arts Advisory Board and the Fire Station#3 Art Selection Panel. She explained that in the course of collaboration, it was suggested the art be designed utilizing columns within the art space with a variety of mosaics depicting the first 100 years of the Wylie Volunteer/Full Time Fire Department; within the recommended $25,000 budget. The artists presented two columns that would be placed within the planter either centered or off-set at either side of the art site. There was some concern with regard to the balance of the art space in comparison to the number and size of the columns. Ehrlich reported that after further collaboration, the artist were asked to create a wall to see if a wall placed in the center of the space would better enhance the art. Montage 48/61 re-designed the proposal to include a 4 ft by 14 ft wall with 28" footer underneath and above the art planter, to give additional height for viewing. The artists submitted the re-designed wall and reported that after checking with their (base/wall) construction contractor it was found that the cylinder poured columns were less costly than constructing the wall and would require additional labor and materials at an additional cost of $2,900. They explained that they had exhausted all contingency funding they had set aside for base construction costs. Ehrlich reported that the Fire Department has suggested, if approved by council, Fire Station #3 construction funding be used to cover the $2,900 base/wall overage. Liaison Ehrlich explained that the re-designed wall had large "rest" areas between the actual mosaic scenes. This was done to separate the individual mosaic scenes and to stay within the budget and size presented. She reported that the artists were asked to revise the design to enlarge the actual mosaic scenes and reduce the size of the rest lines; and to include a cost to make this change. The artists redesigned the art work and submitted to the committee with the additional cost of $2,500. She noted that part of the public art project contingency funding for the fire station could be used to accomplish this option; this would still leave some funding should the art piece require maintenance. The three options for PAAB consideration are: Option#1 —stay with two columns at the original project cost of$25,000. Option #2 — provides for the wall in lieu of the columns at a cost of$2,900. (which must have final approval by Council); Total contract cost of$27,900. Option #3 — provides for larger mosaic scenes and smaller rest areas within the same design and size at a cost of $2,500 (using art contingency funding). Total contract cost for both options $30,400. This would leave a contingency maintenance funding of$2,900. April 27,2009 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Special Called Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 She explained that Public Art Advisory Board and Selection Panel may recommend the final design and a final contract for the commissioning of the art to the Wylie City Council, who may approve and authorize the execution of the contract. Board Action A motion was made by board member Dougherty, seconded by board member Robertson to approve and recommend Option#3, including the wall design with smaller rest lines and a contract with Montage 48/61 in the amount of$30,400 to commission the art to the Wylie City Council. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6- 0 with vice chair Harrison absent. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the April 16, 2009 Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Board Action A motion was made by board member Dougherty, seconded by board member Burt to approve the April 16, 2009 Public Arts Advisory Board minutes. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with vice chair Harrison absent. ADJOURNMENT Board Action A motion was made by board member Robertson, seconded by board member Salinas to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with vice chair Harrison absent. 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