07-09-2009 (WEDC) Minutes Min tes Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting Friday, July 9, 2009 — 6:30 A. . Inwood National Bank— Conference • oom 200 South Highway 78 — Wylie, Texas CALL TO 0 I ER Announce the presence o a Quorum President Fuller called the meeting to order at 6:30 a.m. Board Members present were: John Yeager, Mitch L erzog, Todd Wi tters and Chris Seely. WE DC staff present was Executive Director Sam Satterwhite and Administrative Assistant Gerry Harris. Ex-Officio Board Members Mindy Manson and Eric 'ogue were present. MIZE, PARTICIPATION There being o citizen participation, President Fuller proceeded to Action Items, ACTION ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 — Consider and act upon approval of the June 19, 2009 Minutes of the WEDC Board of Directors 'eeting. MOTION: A motion was made by Mitch Herzog and seconded by John Yeager to approve the June 19, 2009 Minutes of the WEIOC Board of Directors Meeting. The WE IC oard voted 5 — FO and 0 — AGAINST in favor of the motion. ITEM NO. 2 — Consider and act upon issues surrounding the FY 2009 — 2010 WEDC Budget. Based upon recent as justments to fund balance estimates and direction given to staff at the 6-19- 09 Board Meeting, staff is presenting the following amendments to the WEDC budget presented in June as follows. Revenue Sales Tax — Staff has not amended sales tax projections from the previously prese, ted S1,323,620. However, staff advised the Board that even thouh sales tax is up 2.3 I% for the year, the previous four months have resulted in average monthly receipts of -0.66% over prior year receipts. The Board indicated that should the negative trend continue prior to approval of the budget by Council, the WEDC Board can amend revenue estimates at that time. WEDC Minutes July 9, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Fund Balance — After updating an internal cash flow report, staff has amended the projected fund balance from S708,126 which was presented in June to S705,460, Expenses Co ipe Hsatjofl - Staff proposed a 5% salary increase for the WEDC Administrative Assistant based upon performance. Being cognizant of budget restrictions for the City of Wylie, staff provided other Administrative Assistant's salaries for comparison. The following salaries are based upon comparable positions and duties. McKinney EDC _..__.___.___._.__..._____..___...__$57,000 Rockwall E C ._.._____..___...._............_.........._._.50,000 Frisco EDC_______________________________49,350 Allen C _____._____________._ _____ 45,000 Staff indicated that the City Ma Hager has a 'no salary increase solicy", hut there will be a few City employees which receive small increases to remain competitive in the market. Thus, an increase of the WEDC Administrative Assistant's salary will not be the only increase in the City. Advertising — Again based upon direction given by the Board to reevaluate all promotional and advertising programs to ensure maximum effectiveness, staff provided changes to the followi Hg programs. Advertising within the Dallas Business Journal ($5,000) has been eliminated with an offsetting increase to a continued effort to promote downtown shoppi Hg ($5,000). A two-page ad within the Chamber directory (S1,500) has been reduced to a half-page ad ($500). Even though the advertising contract has not been finalized for Wylie High School football radio broadcasts, staff reduced the WEDC co imitment by 50% to $2,375. Miscellaneous advertising with the Wylie News has been reduced from $2,000 to $1,000. Finally, the Wylie News Newcomers Guide ($2,000), which has been funded out of discretionary funds, has been added as a budgeted line item. All reductions with offsetting increases resulted i a net reduction of$2,375. Community ' evelopment Staff reduced spending on Rotary Club eve ts from $700 to $500. Expenditures for the Education Foundation oots and •arbecue event were reduced by 5600. The Collin College Gala has been eliminated. Sponsorship at the FFA annual sale was reduced by 50%. Finally, participation in a Farmersville Rotary Club event was eliminated. Net spending for Community Development was reduced by $6,800. Furniture and Fixtures — Staff eliminated the Furniture and Fixtures budget of $2,000 being that all office furniture has bee, acquired. MOTION: A motion was made by John Yeager and seconded by Chris Seely to approve the FY 2009 — 2010 WEDC Budget subject to Hre changes to compensation following the evaluation of the WEDC Executive Director. The WEDC Board voted 5 — FOR and 0 — AGAINST in favor of the motion. WEDC Minutes July 9, 2009 Page 3 of 3 EXECUTIVE SESSIO A • •Ala The WEDC :oard of Directors convened i to Executive Session at 6:46 a.m. I. Consider issues surrounding the First Ame dment to Performance Agreeme t between the WEDC and Woodbridge Crossing, L.P. as authorized in Section 551.087 (economic development negotiations) of the Local over t Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). II. Co sider issues surrounding the potential offering of incentives for project Re-tool as authorized in Section 551.087 (economic development negotiations) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meeti gs Act). III. Consider issue surrounding Personnel Matters (evaluation of the Executive Director and Administrative Assistant) as authorized i Section 551.074 of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open eetings Act). RECONVE E INTO OPEN MEETING The WEDC Board of Directors reconvened into open session at 7:02 a.m. o action was taken as a result of discussions held in Executive Sessio ADJOURNMENT With no further business, President Marvin Fuller adjou ed the WEDC Board meeting at 7:03 a,m. Marvin Fuller, Preside t ATTEST: —7:T) Samuel D.R. Satterwhite Executive Director