08-14-2023 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet (02) Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting
August 14, 2023 —5:30 PM f'V
Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY
PR I. Division Overview.
Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Public members
must fill out a form before the meeting to speak. The Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for
an individual and six minutes for a group. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate, or take
action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
1, Consider and act upon approval of the July 10,2023,Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes.
2. Consider and act upon approval of the Non-Profit Park Event Application from the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club
representative School Resource Officer Michael Stewart, to hold the "Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club Softball
Tournament"at Founders Park on Saturday,November 4,2023, from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.
3. Consider and act upon approval of the recommendation to amend the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws.
WS1. Project Updates.
WS2. Program Updates.
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on August 11, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at
age 11
Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to
the public at all times.
Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing
impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting.
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive
meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then
such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings
Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Board at the date,hour and place given in this
notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the
attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including,
but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes:
Texas Government Code Section:
§ 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City.
§ 551_072—Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
§ 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City.
§ 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit.
0811412023 It PR1.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
Division Overviews.
Division overview led by Parks and Recreation Department staff.
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O8/94/2023 Item PRI.
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Gym, Fitness Area, Annual, monthly, and day Division facility leader.
Indoor Walking Track, to day operations.
Childcare, Climbing Wall, • Large Projects
Meeting Spaces, and 0 Policy • Day to day facility
Locker Rooms. 0 Procedures needs
0 Best Practices Staffing
• Reporting • Custodial Liaison
• Budget Online Software 0 Inventory
• Staffing Administrator 0 Division offsite
• Customer Service • Record Retentions resources(storage
• Auditing units,etc.)
• Purchasing
• Activities and
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WRC SRC, BH, Parks, New Products WRC, SRC, BH, Parks,
and Athletics and Athletics
• Policy
• Budget • Procedures • Large Projects at
• Best Practices
• 'Staffing facilities:
• Customer Service • Reporting • Day to day facility
• Online Software
Auditing needs
• Purchasing Administrator • Staffing'
• Record Retentions
• :Activities and Custodial Liaison
Programs • Inventory
• Division offsite
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Game Room, Fitness Welcome Center Annual, monthly, and day
Area, Dining Room,and Museum, Gift Shop,and to day operations.
Meeting Space Tours.
• Policy
• Budget/Purchasing • Budget/Purchasing • Procedures
• Staffing • Staffing • Best Practices
• Customer Service + Museum Tours •` Reporting
• Auditing • Special Events •s Online Software
• Activities and • Wylie Historical Administrator
Programs Society and Rotary • Record Retentions
• Field Trips Liaison •' Large Projects
• Meals on Wheels
• Special Events
• Community Outreach
• Partnerships/Sponsors
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08/14/2023 Item PR1.
Department marketing . Regular Promotions Product development,
and promotions leader. • Registration Drives quality control,and
• Print Ads reporting.
• Special Events • Postcards
• Downtown Merchants • Rack Cards • Programs and
Liaison • Branding Activities
• Communication • Surveys • Surveys
Requests • Mailers • Downtown Special
• Activity Menu • Promos Events
• Camp Catalog • Content • Gift Shop Merchandise
• Activenet
• City Website
• Social Media
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Playgrounds, Trails, Annual, monthly,and day City-wide special event
Green Spaces, to day operations. planning, and
Landscape Areas, and implementation.
Outdoor Recreational Policy
Areas. • Procedures . Downtown Merchant
• Best Practices • Wylie Chamber
• Budget • Reporting . City-Sponsored
• PubWorks •' Citizen
• Staffing • Division Safety Liaison • WISD
• :Customer Service • Equipment Maint.
• 'Inspections • Playground Maint.
• Purchasing • Facility Maint.
• Activities and 'Programs • Vandalism/Graffiti`
• Landscape Contract
• Irrigation Repairs
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Athletic Complexes and Annual, monthly,and day City athletic leagues
Parks. to day operations. liaison.
• Budget • Chemical Treatments • Scheduling
• Staffing • Mowing • Lighting
• Customer Service • Field Maint. • Tournaments
• Inspections • Equipment Maint. • Restrooms
Purchasing' • Litter • Concessions
• Activities and • Interoffice Mail
Programs Delivery
• Mowing and Litter • Vandalism/Graffiti
0811412023 Item PR I.
Annika Sacco
JulieRico Govera
08114120231tem 1.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
Subject 0
Item 1. Consider and act upon approval of the July 10, 2023,Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes.
Motion to approve Item as presented.
The minutes are attached for your consideration.
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08114120231tem 1.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2023—5:30 pm
Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chair Kim Mullis called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 pm. The following Parks and Recreation
Board members were present: Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez,Board Member Craig Allen, Board Member
Nick Puente,Board Member Beaux Dyson, Board Member Scott Hevel, and Board Member Brian Arnold.
Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen, Assistant Parks and Recreation
Director Brent Stowers, and Parks and Recreation Executive Administrative Assistant Janet Pieper.
Staff introduced the two new Parks and Recreation Board Members, Scott Hevel and Brian Arnold. Each
Board Member and staff member gave a brief introduction of themselves.
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the election of the Parks and Recreation Board Chair for the
2023-2024 term.
Board Action
After discussion, Board Chair Mullis nominated Board Member Dyson for the Parks and Recreation
Board Chair in the 2023-2024 term. A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by
Board Member Allen,to elect Board Member Dyson as the Parks and Recreation Board Chair for the
2023-2024 term. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon approval of the election of the Parks and Recreation Board Vice-Chair for
the 2023-2024 term.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Chair Allen, seconded by Board Chair Dyson,to re-elect Board Vice-
Chair Suarez as the Parks and Recreation Board Chair for the 2023-2024 term. A vote was taken, and the
motion passed 7-0.
3. Consider and act upon approval of the June 12,2023,Regular Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Puente,to approve the
June 12,2023, Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken, and the motion
passed 7-0.
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July 10, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
08114120231tem 1.
WSI.Board Member Orientation.
Director Carmen Powlen led a Board Member orientation presentation and passed out orientation booklets.
WS2.Project and Program Updates
Staff Comments on Projects
Assistant Director Brent Stowers updated board members about ongoing departmental projects.
On May 30",the City Council awarded the dog park contract to RLM EarthCo Construction,who are now in
the process of obtaining the necessary project bonds. Staff is in the process of pursuing contractor pricing for
the two splash pad projects.
On July I It', the departmental staff will take a grant resolution to City Council from the Collin County Parks
and Open Space. Staff are applying for$1,385,000 of grant money, which is fifty percent of the cost of the
two splash pad projects. This grant is part of a strategic plan to assist cities with land acquisition for parks
and open space,regional trail connectors or trail projects, and facilities for Parks and Open Space. The Parks
and Recreation Department was awarded this grant in the past for the Municipal Trail project,the East
Meadow Trail project, and the Twin Lakes Trail project. The Collin County Parks and Open Space will make
its selections for the grant award in October 2023, and if our City is selected,the amount awarded could be
less than what is being requested. Before this,however, staff will begin working on the project's
infrastructure and utility construction.
The repurposing of one of the Community Park basketball courts to pickleball courts will begin the week of
July 1.7th. Staff will begin removing the basketball goals, and the contractors will begin concrete form-ups
and fence installation that same week.
Using the Acquisition and Improvement funds,the backstops at Avalon Park will be removed and replaced
with new ones starting the week of July 17th
Wylie Youth Baseball Softball Association (WYBSA)is donating funds for the installation of artificial turf
at the home plates and pitching mounds on the Community Park game fields. Within two weeks, construction
will begin,which will take approximately one week to complete.
Changes are in process on the Senior Recreation Center renovation project's conceptual plan as staff prepares
to pursue project quotes.
The Founders Park field renovation project will include fields located to the west side of the park's three
northern fields, closest to the Wylie Independent School District/City of Wylie shared parking lot. The
selected contractor recently received his required bond information, and staff anticipates receiving their final
proposal on July I Ith. After this final proposal is reviewed by Purchasing, it will go on to City Council for
their final approval.
Staff Comments on Programs
Director Powlen provided an update on Parks and Recreation Department programs.
At the Blue Grass on Ballard event, staff handed out 570 popsicles to patrons at the Welcome Center at the
Brown House; at Olde City Park, staff gave away promotional swag items at the Parks and Recreation
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July 10, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
08114120231tem 1.
Department booth that over 1,800 citizens visited; and staff provided and supervised an inflatable at Olde
City Park.
For the City of Wylie-sponsored firework show on July 2nd, staff prepped the East Meadow Trail area for a
viewing location wherein approximately 200 people attended between that location and the Municipal
Complex parking lot(this number does not include the people who viewed the show at Founders Park and
Collin County Community College.)
For the month of July, at the Welcome Center at the Brown House, staff is hosting the"Sweet Land of
Liberty Exhibit"with displays reflecting on how the Victorian era celebrated Independence Day; in August,
the exhibit will change to a"School Days in Wylie"theme.
July is National Parks and Recreation Month,wherein Parks and Recreation staff are hosting activities
including Nerf Wars,Black Light Pickle Ball, Black Light Group Fitness Week, croquet and badminton lawn
games,Plant Talk with Parks, Taste Test Tuesday,Parks Bingo, and Art your Walls.
Other upcoming events include Pumpkins on the Prairie on October 13th,Boo on Ballard on October 26"
and the Tree Lighting Ceremony/Parade on December 3'. Volunteers for all events are needed, and those
interested in participating in these and the National Parks and Recreation Month events may sign up at the
Board Member Resource Gallery. Ms.Powlen added that with over 1,100 youth participating so far, the
summer camps at the Recreation Center are 82 percent full at this point.
Board Comments on Programs
Board Hevel inquired about including Board Member's children in volunteer opportunities. Ms. Powlen
advised that it would depend on the event being volunteered for and could be considered case by case.
A motion was made by Board Member Arnold, seconded by Board Chair Suarez,to adjourn the meeting at
6:40 pm. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 7-0.
Kim Mullis,Board Chair
Janet Pieper,Administrative Assistant II
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July 10, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
08114120231tem 2.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
Subject I
Item 2. Consider and act upon approval of the Non-Profit Park Event Application from the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E.
Club representative School Resource Officer Michael Stewart,to hold the "Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club Softball
Tournament"at Founders Park on Saturday,November 4, 2023, from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Motion to consider approval of Item as presented.
This is a repeat event hosted by the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club to hold the"Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club Softball.
Tournament"at Founders Park. Their intent is to raise money to help support their youth club by charging
tournament fees and pre packaged food items and drinks. It will consist of 18 teams in a double elimination-
style tournament using Founders Softball Fields A, B, C, and D. Staff has confirmed the available use of these
fields with representatives from the Wylie Youth Baseball Softball Association.
About the applicant: The Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. (Practice.Leadership.Integrity.Character.Education) Club is an
organization at the high school level available to WISD students from ninth through 12t'grade. The club is
sponsored by the Wylie Police Department's School Resource Officers. The organization gives students a
better understanding of the law enforcement profession from the local to the federal level and also teaches
students the importance of good leadership and character traits. Their main purpose is to build better student
leaders in their schools. This is done by educating the students on what it takes to be a good leader and how
they, as students, have a major role in shaping the atmosphere of their school campus. The organization
increases student involvement in their schools and community, allowing them to make a difference and
changes for the better.
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0811412023 Item 2.
Parks$Recreation Department
300 Country Club Rd, Building 100
Wylie,TX 75098
972-516-6340 1 Parks@wylietexas.gov
Non-Profit Park Event Application
Please note that this application is NOT required in order to reserve a pavilion or gazebo for typical,private group
parties,meetings,reunions,or family events,It is also NOT required to reserve an athletic field for Practices or
pick up games;instead click on the following link to make a
Submission of this Non-Profit Park Event Application is required for special public non-profit events, 5Klfun runs,
fundraisers, events with food andlor merchandise vendors, and all events wherein items will be sold. This form is reviewed
by staff for approval prior to the requested event and must be submitted a minimum of twelve weeks in advance, and no
sooner than 6 months prior to the event date being requested.
After City staff reviews the application, a Non-Profit Park Event Application may be considered for recommendation of
approval by the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board, with the final review for approval completed by Wylie City Council if
staff finds that:
Priority use is given to City Events and private rentals;
All fees have been paid;
® The event does not:
a, Conflict or compete with another approved non-City event, in consideration of event size,location, expected
attendance, etc., as determined by staff;
b. Conflict or compete with City events and programs, as determined by staff(no car shows permitted 30 days
prior to or 14 days after the City-sponsored Bluegrass on Ballard event);
c.Present an unreasonable danger to health or safety;
d. Cause loss or damage to City property;
e. Interfere with or place a burden on Public Safety services;
f, Interrupt the safe and orderly movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
® For events including food items, applicant provides documentation from the Collin County Environmental Services
indicating whether or not a Food ServiceMealth permit is required for the event. This includes all food items:sold,
free, food trucks, catering, homemade,prepackaged, etc,;
a, Please contact the Environmental Services Specialist at 972-548-5528 or 972-548-5585, The Collin County
website is www.collincountytx.gov for further information.
b. If permit is required by Environmental Services,provide staff with a list of all planned food vendors and a
copy of their current Collin County Food Service/Health permit, or intent to receive a Temporary/Short-Term
Event Food ServicelHealth Permit.
® There will be adequate sanitation available in or adjacent to the event, in addition to the City facilities as deemed
necessary,y,such as port-a-lets, wash stations, and other required health facilities.
The event is not being conducted for unlawful or discriminatory purposes. The event is in adherence to all Parks and
Recreation rules and City Ordinances,
Please call the Parks and Recreation Department at 972-516-6340,prompt 1,if you have any questions pertaining to the
Park Event Application.
Applicant Information
Welpsite 0811412023 Item 2.
Name of Organization* https://www.wylietexas.gov/community2/youth_progra
Wylie P.O.L.I.C,E,Club ms/police club,php
Are you a non profit?* Please upload 5010 Documents
Yes No
Contact Information
Primary Contact Name*
Michael Stewart
Event Information
Event Name/Title*
WYlie Police Club Softball
Event Type*
Purpose of event*
Fundraiser for Wylie RO,U.C.E. Club
Event Location*
Founders Park 851 Hensley Lane
Proposed Event Date* Alternative Event Date*
11/04/2023 11/1112023
Start Time* End Time*
08:00:00 AM 09:00:00 PM
Include Setup Include,Cleanup
Do you plan to sell items of any kind?
example:drinks,food items, L-shiri.s,snow cones,memberships,registrations etc,
Yes No
Please specify all items you plan to sell
The P.01.1,C.E,Club will set up tables to sell packaged food items and drinks as part of the fundraiser.
Will there be food items provided?
Yes No
Please specify the types of food items to be provided
The P.0,L,I,C,E.Club will setup tables to sell packaged food items and drinks as part of the fundraiser.
Who is providing the food?
Food Vendor
Anticipated number of Participating Vendors* Anticipated Event Attendance 08/14/20231tem 2.
1 500
Event Target Audience*
Wylie Community
Event Details'
The Wylie P.O.L,I.C,F.Club which is run by the Wylie Police Department is hosting a Co-Ed Softball
Tournament.The main purpose of the event is a fundraiser for the P.O.L.I.C.P.club.The event will consist of 18
teams in a double elimination style tournament.
Event Announcement and/or Flyers
19 1
08114120231tem 3.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
Subject 0
Item 3. Motion to approve the recommendation to amend the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws.
Recommend approval of the amendments to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws as written.
Discuss amendments and answer questions the Board may have regarding the changes.
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08114120231tem 3.
City of Wylie
Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws
As authorized by the City Charter, City of Wylie, and City Ordinance No. 78-18. This
body shall be known as the Parks and Recreation Board.
ARTICLE II. Meetings
A. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be held monthly in
the Municipal Complex Council Chambers unless staff the
determines otherwise.
B. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or at the call of any two
members of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all Board
C. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board.
D. All agenda items presented for a vote of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be
decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the
E. Any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings without good
cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will recommend to City
Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term.
F. The most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order will guide the parliamentary
procedure of the Board. The Board is not strictly bound to comply with Robert's
Rules of Order.
O. The Chairperson may request agenda items at least one week before the
meeting. Agenda items requested by any member must be submitted and
approved by the Chairperson before being submitted to the staff liaison. Any two
Board Members (not including the Chairperson) may submit an item to the staff
liaison to be placed on the Board Agenda at least one week before the meeting.
Agenda items submitted must be made in writing to the staff liaison.
Park and Recreation Board Bylaws June 2023 revised
Page 1
08114120231tem 3.
A. The officers of the Board shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and
Secretary (a City Staff member will serve as Secretary).
B. Officers shall be elected and take office at the first regular meeting after the new
Board Members have been appointed and sworn in.
C. Vacancies shall be handled as follows:
a. In the event of the resignation or incapacity of the Chairperson, the
Vice-Chairperson shall become the Chairperson for the unexpired portion
of the term.
b. Vacancies in officers other than the Chairperson shall be filled for the
unexpired term by election from the remaining Parks and Recreation
Board Members.
D. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
a. Chairperson:
i. Preside at all meetings.
ii. Represent the Parks and Recreation Board at public functions.
iii. Appoint special committees.
iv. Assist Parks and Recreation staff in establishing the agenda for
each meeting, as needed.
b. Vice-Chairperson:
i. Assist the Chairperson in directing the affairs of the Board and act
in the Chairperson's absence.
c. Secretary:
i. The City Secretary's office will record and maintain the minutes.
This "Secretary position" will be occupied by a City Staff member,
not an official Board position.
ii. The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the agenda and
distributing the agenda and minutes to the Parks and Recreation
Board and City Manager. An official record of attendance will be
kept in the minutes.
The Board will approve
a yearly calendar of monthly meetings by the regular December
ARTICLEIV. Board Members
A° The City Council appoints Board Members.
B. No member shall serve on the board for more than three consecutive, two-year
terms or six consecutive years, whichever is less, unless extended by the
affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the full membership of the City
Council. Except for a board member whose tenure has been extended by the
City Council as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a board member who
has served three consecutive, two-year terms or six consecutive years,
whichever is less, on the board may be reappointed to serve on the board after
being off the board for at least one year, and upon reappointment, the board
member is eligible to serve another three consecutive terms or six consecutive
Park and Recreation Board Bylaws June 2023 revised
Page 2
1 0811412023 Item 3.
years, whichever is less. Such board member is eligible, however, for
appointment to a different board or commission without waiting. (Per Chapter 78
Section 78-23)
ARTICLE V. Committees
A. Committees may be appointed for particular purposes by the Chairperson and
with the consent of the majority of the Board. All committees will have at least
one Parks and Recreation Board member serving on them. These committees
are automatically dissolved upon completion of the assignment.
B. Progress reports and a final report on completion of assignments will be given at
each Board Meeting.
ARTICLE VI. Powers and Duties of Board Members
A. Abide by applicable ordinances of the City of Wylie.
B. Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council, City Manager, and Parks and
Recreation Staff.
Make ordinance and bylaw recommendations.
D. Assist in planning and guiding the improvement expap6iffi of parks and
recreation facilities.
E. Assist in interpreting the ordinances and functions of the Parks and
Recreation Department to the public. Encourage the development and
advancement of the Parks and Recreation Department in every possible way.
F. Provide an opinion on dedications and donations.
G. Recommend ordinance variance regarding fundraising events.
K Advocate the benefits of Parks and Recreation by:
a. volunteering assistance at Parks and Recreation Department events.
b. participating in public education and information engagements as needed.
ARTICLE VII. Amendments
A. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting,
provided all members have been notified of the proposed amendments at least
three days before such meeting. Such an amendment would then be subject to
approval by the City Council.
Park and Recreation Board Bylaws June 2023 revised
Page 3
0811412023 Item WS1.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
FwS 1.Project Updates.
Discuss upcoming and ongoing Parks and Recreation Department projects.
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0811412023 Item WS2.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
FWS2. Program Updates.
Discuss upcoming Parks and Recreation Department programs.
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