07-10-2023 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes JAI July 10, 2023—5:30 pm fN Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Kim Mullis called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 pm. The following Parks and Recreation Board members were present: Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez, Board Member Craig Allen, Board Member Nick Puente, Board Member Beaux Dyson, Board Member Scott Hevel, and Board Member Brian Arnold. Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Brent Stowers, and Parks and Recreation Executive Administrative Assistant Janet Pieper. PRESENTATIONS Staff introduced the two new Parks and Recreation Board Members, Scott Hevel and Brian Arnold. Each Board Member and staff member gave a brief introduction of themselves. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS No Citizens came forward. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the election of the Parks and Recreation Board Chair for the 2023-2024 term. Board Action After discussion, Board Chair Mullis nominated Board Member Dyson for the Parks and Recreation Board Chair in the 2023-2024 term. A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Allen,to elect Board Member Dyson as the Parks and Recreation Board Chair for the 2023-2024 term. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the election of the Parks and Recreation Board Vice-Chair for the 2023-2024 term. Board Action A motion was made by Board Chair Allen, seconded by Board Chair Dyson, to re-elect Board Vice- Chair Suarez as the Parks and Recreation Board Chair for the 2023-2024 term. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 7-0. 3. Consider and act upon approval of the June 12, 2023,Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. Board Action A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Puente,to approve the June 12, 2023, Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 7-0. Page 1 of 3 July 10, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes WORK SESSION WS1.Board Member Orientation. Director Carmen Powlen led a Board Member orientation presentation and passed out orientation booklets. WS2.Project and Program Updates Staff Comments on Proiects Assistant Director Brent Stowers updated board members about ongoing departmental projects. On May 30", the City Council awarded the dog park contract to RLM EarthCo Construction,who are now in the process of obtaining the necessary project bonds. Staff is in the process of pursuing contractor pricing for the two splash pad projects. On July I I",the departmental staff will take a grant resolution to City Council from the Collin County Parks and Open Space. Staff are applying for$1,385,000 of grant money,which is fifty percent of the cost of the two splash pad projects. This grant is part of a strategic plan to assist cities with land acquisition for parks and open space,regional trail connectors or trail projects,and facilities for Parks and Open Space.The Parks and Recreation Department was awarded this grant in the past for the Municipal Trail project,the East Meadow Trail project, and the Twin Lakes Trail project. The Collin County Parks and Open Space will make its selections for the grant award in October 2023, and if our City is selected,the amount awarded could be less than what is being requested. Before this, however, staff will begin working on the project's infrastructure and utility construction. The repurposing of one of the Community Park basketball courts to pickleball courts will begin the week of July 17th. Staff will begin removing the basketball goals, and the contractors will begin concrete form-ups and fence installation that same week. Using the Acquisition and Improvement funds,the backstops at Avalon Park will be removed and replaced with new ones starting the week of July 17". Wylie Youth Baseball Softball Association(WYBSA)is donating funds for the installation of artificial turf at the home plates and pitching mounds on the Community Park game fields. Within two weeks,construction will begin, which will take approximately one week to complete. Changes are in process on the Senior Recreation Center renovation project's conceptual plan as staff prepares to pursue project quotes. The Founders Park field renovation project will include fields located to the west side of the park's three northern fields,closest to the Wylie Independent School District/City of Wylie shared parking lot. The selected contractor recently received his required bond information,and staff anticipates receiving their final proposal on July I It'. After this final proposal is reviewed by Purchasing, it will go on to City Council for their final approval. Staff Comments on Prosrams Director Powlen provided an update on Parks and Recreation Department programs. At the Blue Grass on Ballard event, staff handed out 570 popsicles to patrons at the Welcome Center at the Brown House; at Olde City Park, staff gave away promotional swag items at the Parks and Recreation Page 2 of 3 July 10, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes Department booth that over 1,800 citizens visited; and staff provided and supervised an inflatable at Olde City Park. For the City of Wylie-sponsored firework show on July 2nd, staff prepped the East Meadow Trail area for a viewing location wherein approximately 200 people attended between that location and the Municipal Complex parking lot(this number does not include the people who viewed the show at Founders Park and Collin County Community College.) For the month of July, at the Welcome Center at the Brown House, staff is hosting the"Sweet Land of Liberty Exhibit"with displays reflecting on how the Victorian era celebrated Independence Day; in August, the exhibit will change to a"School Days in Wylie"theme. July is National Parks and Recreation Month, wherein Parks and Recreation staff are hosting activities including Nerf Wars, Black Light Pickle Ball, Black Light Group Fitness Week, croquet and badminton lawn games, Plant Talk with Parks, Taste Test Tuesday, Parks Bingo, and Art your Walls. Other upcoming events include Pumpkins on the Prairie on October 13th, Boo on Ballard on October 26`' and the Tree Lighting Ceremony/Parade on December 31. Volunteers for all events are needed, and those interested in participating in these and the National Parks and Recreation Month events may sign up at the Board Member Resource Gallery. Ms. Powlen added that with over 1,100 youth participating so far, the summer camps at the Recreation Center are 82 percent full at this point. Board Comments on Proerams Board Hevel inquired about including Board Member's children in volunteer opportunities. Ms. Powlen advised that it would depend on the event being volunteered for and could be considered case by case. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Arnold, seconded by Board Chair Suarez, to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 pm. A vote was taken,and the motion passed 7-0. m Mullis,Board Chair ATTEST: Janet Pieper,Administrative Assistant II Page 3 of 3 July 10, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes