09-11-2023 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting
September 11,2023 —5:30 PM f'V
Council Chambers- 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY
Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must
fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak.Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual,
six minutes for a group.In addition,Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during
citizen participation.
1, Consider and act upon approval of the August 14, 2023,Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting
2e Consider and act upon approval of the Jingle Bell Jog 5K and Fun Run/Walk hosted by the non-profit
group,Wally W. Watkins PTA, on December 2, 2023,in Founders Park.
3. Consider and act upon approval of the 2024 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting and Tour
WSI. Project updates.
WS2. Program updates.
WS3. Discuss rescheduled Fall Tour.
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on September 8,2023, at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at
Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas,a place convenient and readily accessible to
the public at all times.
Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing
impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting.
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive
meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then
such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings
Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Board at the date,hour and place given in this
notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the
attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including,
but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes:
Texas Government Code Section:
§ 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City.
§ 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange,lease or value of real property.
§ 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City.
§ 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit.
09111120231tem 1.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
Subject 0
Consider and act upon approval of the August 14,2023,Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes.
Motion to approve Item as presented.
The minutes are attached for your consideration.
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09111120231tem 1.
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2023—5:30 pm
Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chair Beaux Dyson called the regular meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. The following Parks and
Recreation Board members were present: Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez, Board Member Kim Mullis,
Board Member Nick Puente, and Board Member Brian Arnold. Board Member Craig Allen and Board
Member Scott Hevel were absent from the meeting.
Staff present included Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen, Assistant Parks and Recreation
Director Brent Stowers,Parks and Recreation Executive Administrative Assistant Janet Pieper,Parks and
Recreation Department Supervisors Brittany Williams,Annika Sacco,Katy Burton,Julie Pannell,Rico
Govea, and Ron Thompson.
Division overviews were presented by Parks and Recreation Department Supervisors Brittany Williams,
Annika Sacco,Katy Burton, Julie Pannell, Rico Govea, and Ron Thompson.
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the July 10,2023,Regular Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Puente,to approve the
July 10, 2023,Regular Parks and Recreation.Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken, and the
motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Allen and Board Member Hevel absent from the meeting.
2. Consider and act upon approval of the Non-Profit Park.Event Application from the Wylie
P.O.L.I.C.E. Club representative School Resource Officer Michael Stewart,to hold the"Wylie
P.O.L.I.C.E. Club Softball Tournament"at Founders Park on Saturday,November 4, 2023, from
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Vice-Chair Suarez,to approve the
Non-Profit Park Event Application from the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club representative School Resource
Officer Michael Stewart,to hold the"Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club Softball Tournament" at Founders
Park on Saturday,November 4, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. A vote was taken, and the motion
passed 5-0 with Board Member Allen and Board Member Hevel absent from the meeting.
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August 14, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
09111120231tem 1.
3. Consider and act upon approval of the recommendation to amend the Parks and Recreation Board
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Arnold,to approve the
recommendation to amend the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaw amendments as written,but with
the inclusion of clarification for board residency requirements if necessary. A vote was taken, and the
motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Allen and Board Member Hevel absent from the meeting.
WSL Project Updates.
Staff Comments on Proiects
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Stowers reviewed the department's current and future project
The contractor,RLM EarthCo Construction,is in the process of moving dirt at the dog park location,
which is next to the Municipal Complex east of the Smith Public Library. Water taps for the new meters
will be added next week for the park's irrigation and dog wash stations. Completion of the project is
expected by the end of 2023.
On consent agenda items for the purchase of splash pad equipment features and installation will go before
the City Council for approval on August 22,2023. The equipment features include installing the pumps
and the filtration system that will be located inside the mechanical room and the concrete for the splash
pad itself. It will not include the infrastructure,utilities,restrooms, and similar,which will all go to the
City Council for approval after staff acquire pricing. Staff is working with six different contractors and
the Parks and Recreation Department staff to construct the two splash pad projects,which are expected to
begin by late fall or early winter 2023.
Pickleball courts at Community Park are nearly complete,with the concrete work and fence installation
having been done. The four gates and windscreen mesh to the courts will be installed within the next
week. Surfacing of the concrete and net installation is expected in the first part of September 2023.
After staff received the Senior Recreation Center renovation proj ect's conceptual plan, staff pursued
project quotes,which, after finalization, will go for City Council approval in September. Construction is
expected to begin by the later part of 2023 or early 2024. No building expansion will be included in the
project,just renovations to the existing building.
The Founders Park field renovation project will include the three fields to the northern west side of the
park, closest to the Wylie Independent School District Stadium. These fields were originally added with
only irrigation and lighting and no fieldwork prep in 1999. The project will include bringing up the
ground about four inches with material,professional crowning, sand capping, and adding a new full
irrigation system on the fields and the surrounding common areas. It is possible that there will also be an
excess of funds available to add a few smaller fields in front of fields one, two, and three. Staff met with
the City contracted sports leagues,making them aware of the renovation, and their only request was that
the project's construction begin no sooner than November 2023. Staff will take the Agenda item for the
chosen vendor for approval by the City Council on August 22,2023.
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August 14, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
09111120231tem 1.
The backstops at the Avalon Park practice fields were removed, and the new poles were installed. The
expected completion date of the project is early September 2023.
Supervisor Julie Pannell updated the board on the Wylie Municipal Trail art projects. She served on the
Public Art Board Selection Panel,working with Public Art Coordinator Carole Erlich on selecting
finalists for the art projects. The panel narrowed it down to four artists who have until September 21,
2023,to provide a Marquette of their proposed art. The selected Marquette and contract will be presented
to the City Council for final approval on October 10, 2023, and the project is expected to be installed at
the sites in August or September of 2024.
WS2.Program Updates
Staff Comments on Programs
Director Powlen reviewed the recent and upcoming Parks and Recreation Department programs.
Summer camp increased revenue by 13 percent this year, and 80 percent of the camper seats were filled.
During Parks and Recreation Month, 95 activities were offered,with 7,000 people participating, a 40
percent increase from last year. Early Bird Registration opens to the general public on September 1 and
September 8 for the Senior Recreation Center patrons.
The Fall Parks and Recreation Board Tour is scheduled for October 21, 2023; however,because two
board members cannot attend, a date change will likely be considered after staff emails them with
optional dates and their availability.
Other upcoming events include National Night Out,Pumpkins on the Prairie, Spooky Yoga, and Boo on
Ballard in October. The Gingerbread Workshop, Donuts with Santa,the Victorian Christmas Market,
Tree Lighting Ceremony, and Parade are scheduled in December. The Victorian Christmas Market is a
new cooperative event with the Economic Development Corporation and the Downtown Merchants
The Senior Recreation Center has their European Christmas Market trip from November 30 through
December 8, 2023; 24 senior citizens signed up,with 8 more on a waiting list. The Senior Recreation.
Center Christmas Celebration is scheduled for December 15, 2023.
Volunteer opportunities will be emailed to Parks and Recreation Board Members for many of the
upcoming events.
A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Allen and Board Member Hevel absent
from the meeting.
Beaux Dyson,Board Chair
Janet Pieper,Executive Administrative Assistant
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August 14, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
09111120231tem 2.
f'V Wylie City Council
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
Consider, and act upon approval of the Jingle Bell Jog 5K and Fun Run/Walk hosted by the non-profit group, Wally
W. Watkins PTA, on December 2, 2023,in Founders Park.
Recommendation I
Motion to approve the Item as presented.
Discussion k
This is a repeat event hosted by the Wally W. Watkins PTA, a non-profit group. The PTA representative, Brittney
Williamson, submitted a Non-Profit Park Event Application requesting to host the 5K and fun run/walk at Founders
Park. They plan to sell participant registrations,food,and beverages which will be provided by the applicant and three
outside food vendors.The goal is to raise funds for their school,kick off the holiday season,and promote lifestyles for
students and families. 500 people are expected to attend the event. The Wylie Youth Soccer Association is aware of
the event,which will not interfere with league use.
u4 6
09/11/2023 Item 2.
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Check in begins at Tarn;
Fun kun/ Wa[k begins at Sam
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5K begins at 8:30am 0
0911112023 Item 2.
Parks$Recreation Department
300 Country Club Rd, Building 100
Wylie,TX 75098
972-516-6340 1 Parks@wylietexas.gov
Non-Profit Park Event Application
Please note that this application is NOT required in order to reserve a pavilion or gazebo for typical,private group
parties,meetings,reunions,or family events,It is also NOT required to reserve an athletic field for Practices or
pick up games;instead click on the following link to make a
Submission of this Non-Profit Park Event Application is required for special public non-profit events, 5Klfun runs,
fundraisers, events with food andlor merchandise vendors, and all events wherein items will be sold. This form is reviewed
by staff for approval prior to the requested event and must be submitted a minimum of twelve weeks in advance, and no
sooner than 6 months prior to the event date being requested.
After City staff reviews the application, a Non-Profit Park Event Application may be considered for recommendation of
approval by the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board, with the final review for approval completed by Wylie City Council if
staff finds that:
Priority use is given to City Events and private rentals;
All fees have been paid;
® The event does not:
a, Conflict or compete with another approved non-City event, in consideration of event size,location, expected
attendance, etc., as determined by staff;
b. Conflict or compete with City events and programs, as determined by staff(no car shows permitted 30 days
prior to or 14 days after the City-sponsored Bluegrass on Ballard event);
c.Present an unreasonable danger to health or safety;
d. Cause loss or damage to City property;
e. Interfere with or place a burden on Public Safety services;
f, Interrupt the safe and orderly movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
® For events including food items, applicant provides documentation from the Collin County Environmental Services
indicating whether or not a Food ServiceMealth permit is required for the event. This includes all food items:sold,
free, food trucks, catering, homemade,prepackaged, etc,;
a, Please contact the Environmental Services Specialist at 972-548-5528 or 972-548-5585, The Collin County
website is www.collincountytx.gov for further information.
b. If permit is required by Environmental Services,provide staff with a list of all planned food vendors and a
copy of their current Collin County Food Service/Health permit, or intent to receive a Temporary/Short-Term
Event Food ServicelHealth Permit.
® There will be adequate sanitation available in or adjacent to the event, in addition to the City facilities as deemed
necessary,y,such as port-a-lets, wash stations, and other required health facilities.
The event is not being conducted for unlawful or discriminatory purposes. The event is in adherence to all Parks and
Recreation rules and City Ordinances,
Please call the Parks and Recreation Department at 972-516-6340,prompt 1,if you have any questions pertaining to the
Park Event Application.
Applicant Information
Name of Organization* Website 0911112023 Item 2.
Wally W Watkins PTA
Please upload 501c3 Documents
Are you a non profit?* Tax Exe rn pti onCertificate-2021- 89,71 KB
Yes No 2022.pdf
Contact Information
Primary Contact Name*
Brittney Williamson
Event Information
Event Name/Title*
Jingle Bell Jog 5K&Fun Run/Walk
Purpose of event*
Fundraising 5K&Fun Run/Walk
Event Location*
Founders Park 851 Hensley Lane
Proposed Event Date* Alternative Event Date*
12/02/2023 12/16/2023
Start Time* End Time*
05:00:00 AM 01:00:00 PM
Include SetUp Include Cleanup
Do you plan to sell items of any kind?
example:dainlks,food Items,t-shirts,snow cones,membershIps,registrations etc.
Yes No
Please specify all items you plan to sell
Day of Registration; Food and Beverages
Will there be food items provided?
Yes No
Please specify the types of food items to be provided
Cookies, Hot Cocoa;Coffee; Breakfast Foods
Who is providing the food?
Food Vendor
Other Both Applicant&Food Vendor
F—10 I
Anticipated number of participating Vendors* Anticipated Event Attendance 09/11/20231tem 2.
3 500
Event Target Audience*
Wylie Community
Event Details'
Wally Watkins Annual 5k<&Fun Run/Walk to kick off the holiday season and promote healthy lifestyles for
our students and families.
Event Announcement and/or Flyers
JBJ 2T EVENT FLYER.pdf 1.581`08
y ed 08/18/2023
11 1
09111120231tem 3.
f'V Wylie City Council
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
Consider and act upon approval of the 2024 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting and Tour Calendar.
Recommendation I
Motion to approve the Item as presented.
0911112023 Item 3.
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Parks,&'Recroa on Board Meeting
'day ofv`ach,'month""
.30 moll
yoar,ternis end June'
Boord:2-yeor forms begin uyh,,'1,1�1
PARS Agenda Submission Deadline
Arbor Day
F-yi IT City Council Meeting 6:00 OF pm,2nd&4th Tuesday of each month
WISD Spring Break
WYLIE, March 11 through Mar 15 F13]
0911112023 Item WS1.
f'V Wylie City Council
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
WS1. Project Updates.
Discussion --FEN
Discuss Parks and Recreation Department project updates.
0911112023 Item WS2.
f'V Wylie City Council
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
WS2. Program Updates.
Discussion --FEN
Discuss Parks and Recreation Department program updates.
0911112023 Item WS3.
f'V Wylie City Council
Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code:
Prepared By: Janet Pieper
WS3. Discuss rescheduled Fall Tour.
Recommendation I
Discussion --FEN
The New Fall Tour date is Saturday, October 14, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Arbor Day photo op will occur
during the tour.