09-28-2023 (Historic Review) Agenda Packet Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting September 28, 2023 —6:00 PM f'V Council Chambers- 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY WYLIE CALL TO ORDER COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. PRESENTATIONS CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the ConsentAgenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the ConsentAgenda and will be considered separately. A. Meeting Minutes from August 24, 2023 Regular Meeting REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request to construct a new residential structure, located at 1 I Keefer Street within the Downtown Historic District. WORK SESSION RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on September 22,2023 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. 1 Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Commission at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. 2 09/28/2023 IAI f N Historic Review Commission ITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: A Prepared By: Lillian Baker Subject Consider and act upon Minutes from the August 24, 2023 Regular Meeting. Motion to approve as presented. Discussion The minutes are attached for your consideration. 3] 09/28/2023 Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting JAI - Amended f'N August 24, 2023—6:00 PM CITY Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 WYLIE CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Sandra Stone at 6:00 p.m. Present were Chair Sandra Stone,Vice-Chair Allison Stowe,Board Member Anita Jones,Board Member Kali Patton,Board Member Krisleigh Hoermann,Board Member Stephen Burkett,Board Member Laurie Sargent,Deputy City Manager Renae 011ie, and Secretary Lillian Baker. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was led by Deputy City Manager 011ie and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board Member Stowe. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. None approached the Board. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR A. Nomination and Motion for Chair B. Nomination and Motion for Vice-Chair Board Action on Election of Chair and Vice-Chair A motion was made by Chair Stone to nominate herself for re-election for chair. A motion was made by Board Member Stowe and seconded by Board Member Hoermann to re-elect Chair Stone. A vote was taken and carried 7-0. A motion was made by Board Member Patton and seconded by Board Member Jones to re-elect Vice-Chair Stowe for Vice-Chair. A vote was taken and carried 7—0. F,Iag 11 09/28/2023 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the ConsentAgenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider and act upon the approval of June 22, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Board Action on Consent Agenda A motion was made by Board Member Patton and seconded by Vice-Chair Stowe to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and carried 7—0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request to renovate an existing commercial structure, located at 105 W. Jefferson within the Downtown Historic District. Board Comments on Regular Agenda Deputy City Manager 011ie presented an overview of the applicant's submittal. The paint selection swatches were presented to the board and a discussion was held on the preference of the color with the applicant,who was present. Applicant Bobby Heath and on the phone Chad Heath, discussed the historical selection of the colors based on the time period. The Board Discussed their color preference and how it would reflect in the Historic District. Board Action on Regular Agenda A motion was made by Vice-Chair Stowe and seconded by Board Member Patton to approve the color palette of the eggshell color presented for the main building, charcoal for the top, the light blue that was presented for the fagade with the arches,and charcoal on the inner arches. A vote was taken and carried 7—0. WORK SESSION WS1. Work Session: Discuss Landmarks Ordinance Board Discussion on Work Session Deputy City Manager 011ie started the discussion on the landmarks. She stated a landmark ordinance with the City does exist. The Board determined that the citizens should be given the option of a wall plaque or a yard plaque. The Board also discussed preference on plaque types and colors. The Board discussed having a brief synopsis of the history of the home as well as possibly adding to a mapping/walking tour,for those that choose to do so.In addition, the Board discussed a two-step criteria that would either provide a tax incentive for those that are of true historical designation or a nice home with non-period modifications for recognition. The Board discussed possible implications for Historic District Home's future potential if deemed a landmark. Costs and other items will be left for further discussion. Deputy City Manager 011ie stated that she would source companies for plaques and present back to the Board when she had more information available. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Hoermann and seconded by Board Member Patton to adjourn. A vote was taken and carried 7—0. Chair Stone adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m. F,Iag 12 09/28/2023 Sandra Stone- Chair ATTEST Lillian Baker-Secretary F,Iag 13 09128120231tem 1. IAI f N Historic Review Commission ITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Renae' 011ie -1-11-410 Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request to construct a new residential structure, located at I I I Keefer Street within the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval as presented Discussio OWNER: Angelica Hernandez APPLICANT: Angelica Hernandez The Owner/Applicant is proposing to construct a new residential dwelling on a single lot. In accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34, any development proposing new construction or substantial renovation requires special oversight by the Commission to ensure preservation of the historic and architectural character of the District. The applicant is proposing to construct a 2,193 sf single story Craftsman style residential dwelling on 0.12073 acres (5,259 sf). The design includes an 8:12 pitch gable roof, a 4' open front porch with tapered square columns, American craftsman standard glass multi-pane windows. The primary exterior material shall be horizontal Hardi Board siding with a width between four and five inches. The selected paint colors will be from Sherwin Williams Historic Color Palette: Siding: Roycroft Vellum SW 2833 Trim: Classical White SW 2829 Wavy Decorative Shingles: Craftsman Brown. SW 2835 As stated in the book A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia Savage McAlester, identifying features of a Craftsman style house typically includes low-pitched, gabled roof with wide, unenclosed eave overhang; roof rafters usually exposed; decorative false beams or braces commonly added under gables; porches, either full or partial width; with roof supported by tapered square columns; columns or piers frequently extend to ground-level (without a break at level of porch floor); commonly one or one-half stories high, although two story examples occur in every subtype. The single-family dwelling will conform to the design standards of Article 6.3 as well as other city ordinances and guidelines. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by City Engineer and Building Inspections Department. History of property It is believed that the property was platted sometime between the late 1940's to mid-1950's. A 1921 Sanborn Map shows a structure on the property. It is unknown when the structure was demolished. This item will be considered on the October IOth Council Agenda. If approved, work will begin October 15th with an approximate completion date of seven months. 7] 09128120231tem 1. GENERAL NOTES 1 . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH ALL CONTRACT W. MARBLE STREET 11 E) DOCUMENTS IN THEIR ENTIRETY, SURVEY THE PROJECT AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH TORRES HOMES DESIGNS THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND SCOPE OF WORK. ALL COSTS SUBMITTED SHALL BE INTO@TTDTX.COM BASED ON THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE OF ALL WORK AND MATERIALS REQUIRED. ANY 214-854-5420 DISCREPANCY AND/OR UNCERTAINTY AS TO WHAT MATERIAL OR PRODUCT IS TO BE T a USED SHOULD BE VERIFIED WITH THE OWNER OR ARCHITECT. DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have exercised great effort and care in the a creation of this home design and the 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2021 IRC AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE = o completion of these construction drawings. PP 00 a P FEDERAL, & LOCAL CODES & AMENDMENTS. _ OVERHEAD ELECTRIC PROPOSED DRIVEWAY However the designer, have not been LO — o - O contracted to provide personal ppT consultation, site supervision or field 3 . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION MEANS, 95 inspection services and have no control METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES, AND PROCEDURES REQUIRED FOR SAFE S890 0, 56"E over the construction materials, methods EXECUTION AND COMPLETION OF WORK, AND FOR INITIATING, MAINTAINING, AND or sequencing used by the builder. For SUPERVISING ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE � ,� 1 these reasons, as well as the gross 10' BUILDING LINE 1 8 o 3� variations in local building codes, the WORK. designer assume no responsibility for any damages, including structural failures 4. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR INCONSISTENCIES ON THESE DRAWINGS OR ANY ; W resulting from errors or omission in these VARIATIONS OR AMBIGUITIES BETWEEN THESE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL SITE AND z GARAGEAREA Ofconstruction drawings. We strongly O CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS AND/OR RT UIREMENTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THT recommend that you, the homeowner, / Q W a _ have these drawings thoroughly reviewed ATTENTION OF THE OWNER. --4 ;Z N by a licensed architect, professional z g certified residential designer or 111 KEEFER DR ; C engineer, "z� ONE STORY HOME ------- --=Q general contractor licensed to practice in 5 . IN THE EVENT A DISCREPANCY IS FOUND IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE OWNER O�, 1,689sQFTLIVINGAREA L D to _0, COyour area, in addition to your local building SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. C�� N officials, prior to beginning construction. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD AND NOTIFY THE OWNER `0I SEAL: OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION . IL— W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4j 10' BUILDING LINE 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS AT THE SITE AND BE RESPONSIBLE 6;0 A FOR ACCURACY AND CORRECTNESS OF SAME. 86.53' 6 '0 394011W 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH ALL OTHER TRADES. NOTIFY N88 W OWNER & ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION . j W 9. STORE MATERIALS IN SPACES DESIGNATED BY OWNER. �lI 10. REMOVE RUBBISH FROM PREMISES AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED. 11 . ALL WORK AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER BEFORE TURNING SAME OVER TO THE OWNER. 12. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO SITE PLAN ORDERING AND INSTALLATION OF ANY EQUIPMENT. 13 . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY ALL FEES, GIVE ALL NOTICES, FILE ALL NECESSARY ADDRESS: DRAWINGS AND OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES OR APPROVAL REQUIRED IN LEGAL DESCRIPTION 111 KEEFER DR CONNECTION WITH ALL WORK UNDER THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. HE OR SHE WYLIE, TX 75098 SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES, AND REGULATIONS OF ALL BROWN & BURNS, BLK 9, LOT 40R; REPEAT AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION . DATE: 14. THERE SHALL BE NO DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN 9/ 15/2023 APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND/OR ENGINEER. DRAWN BY: 15. DRYWALL INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE GYPSUM FOOTAGE ATOR ASSOCIATIONS RECOMMENDED PRACTICES FOR THICKNESS, NAILING, TAPING, AND SQUARE � dap z CORRECT STUD SPACING . PROPOSED LIVING AREA 11689 SQ FT t DESCRIPTION: 16. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY CHASE AREA NOT SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. T CRAFTSMAN STYLE PROPOSED PORCH PATIO AREA 1O4 S SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ALL SHOP DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY / Q FT ONE STORY 14 BEDROOM, 2 BATH EQUIPMENT. 11 to 1 PROPOSED GARAGE AREA 400 SQ FTT � h scALE: 1, = 10, 17. CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED STRUCTURE. THEY TOTAL AREA 2, 193 SQ FT p DO NOT INDICATE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION . CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL ern{s ' MEASURES NECESSARY TO PROTECT STRUCTURE AND PERSONNEL DURING a: SHEET TITLE: CONSTRUCTION . SUCH MEASURES SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, LOT SIZE 51259 SQ FT 611 4 SITE PLAN BRACING SHORING OF LOADS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT EXCAVATION Garland PERCENTAGE OF LOT 41 . 7% SQ FT } ` PROTECTION, SCAFFOLDING, JOB SITE SAFETY, ETC. OBSERVATION VISITS TO THE SITE � 1. r BY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER SHALL NOT INCLUDE INSPECTION OF ABOVE ITEMS. VICINITY MAP A� 1 09128120231tem 1. I E) TORRES HOMES DESIGNS INFO@TTDTX.COM 37'-6" 214-854-5420 21'-3 3/8" 16'-2 5/8" DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have exercised great effort and care in the creation of this home design and the completion of these construction drawings. However the designer, have not been w03 w03 contracted to provide personal CURRENT ADOPTED CODES: consultation, site supervision or field 2021 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE inspection services and have no control 10' BOXED CEILING 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE Over the construction materials, methods 2021 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Or sequencing used by the builder. For these reasons, as well as the gross T variations in local building codes, the W 3 DINING T WINDOW SCHEDULE 8'-7" X 12'-3' �' BEDROOM T NUMBER QTY HEIGHT WIDTH DESCRIPTION designer assume no responsibility for any 15'-7" X 12'-4" W01 1 24" 24" SINGLE HUNG damages, including structural failures LIVING W02 1 36" 24" FIXED GLASS resulting from errors or omission in these 12'-0" X 15'-11" W03 11 72° 36° SINGLE HUNG construction drawings. We strongly W04 11 12411 G 48" SINGLE HUNG E the homeowner,E recommend that you, DOOR SCHEDULE have these drawings thoroughly reviewed N N o3 D06 NUMBER QTY HEIGHT WIDTH DESCRIPTION by a licensed architect, professional D01 1 96" 192° GARAGE-GARAGE DOOR CHD05 engineer, certified residential designer or o I D02 2 80„ 24„ HINGED-DOOR PO4 D03 10 80 30 HINGED-DOOR PO4 general contractor licensed to practice in 2'-6" L "' W04 D05 2 80" 36" EXT. HINGED-DOOR E21 your area, in addition t0 your local building o PRIMARY BATH D06 1 80" 48" DOUBLE HINGED-DOOR PO4 1 V-11" X 8'-7" _ officials, prior to beginning construction. D07 1 80 60 EXT. SLIDER-GLASS PANEL SEAL: ______ Do3 SHOW E E N W.I.C 6'-0" X 3'-5" 12'-11" X 14'-2" 9'-2" X 8'-0" D02 _ SQUARE FOOTAGE � N !3� TOILET W01 T 9'-7" X 2'-8" Coll PROPOSED LIVING AREA 1,689 SQ FT PAN �' 5'-2" x " W W03 - PROPOSED PORCH/PATIO AREA 104 SQ FT LAUNDRY03 ' r 4'-5 1/2" 51_ 11 X 6'_0" PROPOSED GARAGE AREA 400 S FT U Q BEDROOM LO T _ 11'-5" X 10'-1" C) TOTAL AREA 2, 193 SQ FT BEDROOM Do3 r ' 12'-7" X 10'-0" I M W03 I D03 D05 CL ET 6'-6" X 2'-0" N Do3 ® 3'-4" o N LO L' BATH DcLnl , , ADDRESS: '-11" X 5'- L 3'-6„ 111 KEEFER DR CLOSET 2'-6" Do3 GARAGE D01 WYLI E, TX 75098 6'_ '-O" 20'-0" X 20'-0" o 11, Do3 `V DATE: 80 � I N 9/ E 5/2023 N -05 N BEDROOM I DRAWN BY: 0 12'-7" X 9'-10" co Ln rTOR ATO R - Wo3 Wo3 Wo3 W03 PORCH DESCRIPTION: 20'-9" X 4'-0" CRAFTSMAN STYLE 4 1/4" 2 3/4" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 13'-3" 3' ONE STORY ( 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 13'-3" < 3'-7" 20'-8" SCALE: 37'-6" 1/4" = 1' LIVING AREA 1689 SQ FT SHEET TITLE: FLOOR PLAN 09128120231tem 1. I E) TORRES HOMES DESIGNS INFO@TTDTX.COM 214-854-5420 DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have exercised great effort and care in the HIGHEST RIDGE rhcreation of this home design and the 22.4' TI ILL completion of these construction drawings. DECORAHowever the designer, have not been contracted to provide personal consultation, site supervision or field WAVY SHINGLESinspection services and have no control 00 over the construction materials, methods CRAFTSMANAMERICAN T Nt or sequencing used by the builder. For these reasons, as well as the gross variations in local building codes, the LT SHINGLES esigner assume no responsibility for any damages, including structural failures resulting from errors or omission in these TOP OF PLATE r6, construction drawings. We strongly 9.1' HARDIE BOARD SIDING recommend that you, the homeowner, A ' have these drawings thoroughly reviewed AMERICAN CRAFTSMAN STANDARD GLASSIW/LITES by a licensed architect, professional 00 TAPERED x COLUMN / engineer, certified residential designer or FRONTOAK WOOD DOORgeneral contractor licensed to practice in LL A your area, in addition to your local building officials, prior to beginning construction. TOP OF SUBFLOOR - FOUNDATION SEAL: o' _ BOTTOM OF FOOTING -1' WAVY SHINGLES: (SW 2 35) ROOF: GREY 0 SIDING: VELLUM (SW 2833) FRONT DOOR: OAK WOOD O TRIMS TIV ILLWORK: CLASSICAL WHITE (SW 2 2 ) FRONT ELEVATION HIGHEST RIDGE 22.4' e0 d- M ADDRESS: 111 KTEFER DR ROOF: L SHINGLES WYLI E, TX 75098 TOP OF PLATE 9.1' ti DATE: 03 _ —HARDIE BOARD SIDING a CRAFTSMANT 9/ 15/2023 WINDOWSGLASS /LIT TOP OF SUBFLOOR - FOUNDATION WALL CORNER BOARDS o' _ ATO R BOTTOM OF FOOTING -1' Y DESCRIPTION: SIDING: V (SW 2833) CRAFTSMAN STYLE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TRIMS: CLASSICAL WHITE ( ) ONE STORY ( 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH SCALE: REAR ELEVATION 1/4" = i, SHEET TITLE: FRONT & REAR ELEVATIONS A� 3 10 09128120231tem 1. I E) TORRES HOMES DESIGNS HIGHEST RIDGE I N TO@TT DTX.COM 22.4' 214-854-5420 DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have ROOF: ASPHALT SHINGLESexercised great effort and care in the creation of this home design and the co completion of these construction drawings. T However the designer, have not been contracted to provide personal consultation, site supervision or field inspection services and have no control over the construction materials, methods or sequencing used by the builder. For TOP of PLATE r6, these reasons, as well as the gross 9.1' variations in local building codes, the I I I designer assume no responsibility for any HARDOZ damages, including structural failures 00 resulting from errors or omission in these AMERICAN CRAFTSMANTA L INDOWS W/LITESconstruction drawings. We strongly T / I VENEER recommend that you, the homeowner, have these drawings thoroughly reviewed WALL CORNER BOARDSby a licensed architect, professional TOP OF SUBFLOO R - FOUNDATION engineer, certified residential designer or BOTTOM of FOOTING general contractor licensed to practice in -1' your area, in addition to your local building officials, prior to beginning construction. T VELLUM (SW 2833) Y TRIMS: CLASSICAL WHITE ( ) SEAL: LEFT ELEVATION HIGHEST RIDGE 22.4' LT SHINGLES 00 d- TOP OF PLATE 9.11 ADDRESS: AMERICAN CRAFTSMAN 111 KTEFER DR I WYLIE, TX 75098 --, HARDIE BOARD SIDING 4 LLCORNER BOARDS 4 ov DATE: I - -AMERICAN CRAFTSMAN STANDARD GLASS WINDOWS W/ LIT 9/ T 5/2 0 2 3 TOP OF SUBFLOOR - FOUNDATION / I Q' BOTTOM OF FOOTING -1' DRAWN BY: CRAFTSMANGARAGE DOOR: (SW 2 3 ATO R O SIDING- VELLUM (SW 2 33) El ROOF: GREY O T I (SW 2829) DESCRIPTION: CRAFTSMAN STYLE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENC RIGHT ELEVATION ONE STORY ( 4 BED OOME2 BATH SCALE: 1/4" = 1' SHEET TITLE: RIGHT & LEFT ELEVATIONS 09128120231tem 1. I E) TORRES HOMES DESIGNS ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE GENERAL ELECTRI ICAL NOTES INF0@22D2X.COM WPC 2D DESCRIPTION QTY 1 . ALL ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND WORK SHALL 214-854-5420 SYMBOL — COMPLY WITH THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: we have exercised great effort and care in the 3 BLADE CEILING FAN 1 THE GOVERNING ELECTRICAL CODE. creation of this home design and the 2. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS SHALL completion of these construction drawings. ,� \ ' / \ o CEILING FAN LIGHTS 4 CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND However the designer, have not been DINING 1 I 1 (LIGHTS) contracted to provide personal ° I I REGULATIONS AS ESTABLISHED BY consultation, site supervision or field \LI��VI GOVERNING AND APPROVAL AGENCIES. inspection services and have no control \ °s 220V 2 over the construction materials, methods -B R6 R6 3. ALL DEVICES SHALL B2 U .L. APPROVED AND or sequencing used b the builder. For 2 q g Y BEAR U .L. LABELS these reasons, as well as the gross — / DUPLEX 40 4. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ALL SWITCHES variations in local building codes, the � \ R6 \ R6 �_ designer assume no responsibility for any AND OUTLET HEIGHTS SHALL BE AS NOTED damages, including structural failures R6 - - - � O/5 \ I PRIMA R6 BATH R6 ON THESE DRAWINGS. resulting from errors or omission in these \ GFCI s construction drawings. We strongly GFGI 5. SWITCH AND DUPLEX OUTLETS OF MULTIPLE recommend that you, the homeowner, ' \� SWITCHES UP TO (4) FOUR WHEN SHOWN have these drawings thoroughly reviewed GFCI DUPLEX FLOOR RECEPTACLE 1 by a licensed architect, professional {} R6 SHIER F ADJACENT TO EACH OTHER ON PLAN SHALL engineer, certified residential designer or ' y N / w.l.c - B2 GROUPED UNDER 1 PLATE. general contractor licensed to practice in our area, in addition to our local building R6 R6 \ �O C21 officials,R6E R6 RECESSED DOWN LIGHT 35 6. VERIFY SERVICES AND LOCATION Pprior beginning - -J g construction. R6 REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL APPLIANCES AND PA RY 6- -- - - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO SEAL: GFCI GRAN TENOS 3 INSTALLATION . w 6 0 7. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF TWO SEPARATE20 J PENDANT 3 AMP CIRCUITS TO KITCHEN APPLIANCES. i 8. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF ONE SEPARATE20 BEL) /. R6 os AMP CIRCUIT TO LAUNDRY APPLIANCES. � G,5 / Ol5 CO/SMOKE DETECTOR 7 \ \ O/5 \ EP �I \ I _ - - - - - - - - (9 EXHAUSTFAN 3 CLOSET \\ J �3 = � ELECTRIC TURF EI -ITS EA ® MEDIUM RECESSED TUBE LIGHT [48W6D] 1 ® OGF 41L \ _ �\ OUTLLT OR SWITCH @ B H \\ DUAL SPOTLIGHT 2 SIDE 'F CABINET CLOSET / GA GE b GFCI WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLE 2 (D � m C7FC 00 1 wP' �- CO �t"s ADDRESS: D ELECTRICAL PANEL - SURFACE MOUNTED 1 _ / \ T NDAR OUTLET T OUTLET T' TYP WALL FIG., 111 K2EFER DR Bc� P CUTLET 3 pH, CAB, aH. CAB, SWITCH GARAGE, OR UTILITY WYLIE, TX 75098 W R6 \ SINGLE POLE SWITCH 27 PORCH \ DATE: / \ 3-WAY SWITCH 8 9/ 15/2 0 2 3 PORCH 3 R6 DRAWN BY: ATO R DESCRIPTION: LIVING AREA CRAFTSMAN STYLE 1689 SQ FT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONE STORY ( 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH SCALE: 1/4" = 1' SHEET TITLE: ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PLAN A� s 12___ 09128120231tem 1. PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 1 . ALL PLUMBING WORK SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE TEXAS PLUMBING CODE, NOTES JN.T.S LATEST EDITION ADOPTED BY THE STATE OF TEXAS WITH TEXAS AMENDMENTS, MUNICIPAL WATER EATERS TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE OR CITY CODES, AND THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING WITH THE MANUFACTURE'S INSTRUCTIONS FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES, INCLUDING FLUSH CONTROL VALVES INTENDED FOR PEOPLE "g WITH DISABILITIES, SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS. TORRES HOMES DESIGNS 2. INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING PIPING SHALL BE FULLY COORDINATED WITH STRUCTURAL, INFO@TTDTX.COM �M " T1 AND P"2�'SaU"M ARCHITECTURAL, ELECTRICAL, AND HVAC DRAWINGS TO AVOID CONFLICT. NO PLUMBING RELIEU3�E 2 14-854-5420 T ������� (WATER, DRAINS, VENT, OR GAS PIPING) SHALL BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ABOVE ANY � `�'" ELECTRICAL PANELS. COORDINATE WITH OTHER DIVISIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have INSTALLATION. exercised great effort and care in the DINING BEDROOM creation of this home design and the GAMAIAL. 3. PROVIDE WATER HAMMER ARRESTERS AT PLUMBING FIXTURES AND GROUPS OF PLUMBING _ completion of these construction drawings. LIVING "SE ISA"CISTRAP FIXTURES THAT ARE SUBJECT TO WATER HAMMER. SELECT ARRESTERS IN ACCORDANCE However the designer, have not been WITH THE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE INSTITUTE STANDARD. contracted to provide personal ...................... ............. ....... � �# 4 � aj` 4. ALL PLUMBING SERVICES GOING INTO THE BUILDING AND LEAVING THE BUILDING SHALL BE consultation, site supervision or field CONNECTED TO THE SITE UTILITIES, COORDINATE WITH SITE UTILITIES. COORDINATE ALL inspection services and have no control UA7 ` EXTERIOR UNDERGROUND PLUMBING WORK WITH THE SITE UTILITIES BEFORE over the construction materials, methods ELEFEW BOTTOM ' ' or sequencing used b the builder. For COMMENCING WORK. COORDINATE ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING WITH FOUNDATION q 9 Y ' DRAWINGS. these reasons, as well as the gross w_. ,. . IdOEIF BEE:; ma _ PRIMARY BATH variations in local building codes, the —.____— Q m T 5. INSTALL BALL VALVE CLOSE TO WATER MAIN ON EACH BRANCH AND RISER SERVING designer assume no responsibility for any - - - PLUMBING EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES. damages, includingstructural failures P' `.". i'N`SHITILI 1407 BE :: w E nare" PvtEi �� „� E ,T resulting from errors or omission in these P�T DOINLIME SHOWER 6. ALL EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES, AND SERVICEABLE DEVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ACCESS construction drawings. We strongly ., AND CLEARANCE FOR MAINTENANCE. COORDINATE WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND recommend that you, the homeowner, >._ . . �i ���iYtl ,I;�S4��..''��I`i�' �ti�yJ�`� Y M OTHER TRADES TO PROVIDE THIS ACCESS AND CLEARANCE. ' m -- have these drawings thoroughly reviewed IL 7. INSTALLALL EQUIPMENTAND MATERIALS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. by a licensed architect, professional engineer, certified residential designer or PANTRY B24R B24R - - - - - _ — —- - - - - - - �- 8. IF EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES, AND MATERIAL, OTHER THAN THAT SCHEDULEDOR SPECIFIED, IS general contractor licensed to practice in = APPROVED AND PROVIDED, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO your area, in addition to your local building W2436R W2436R W372624 �- COORDINATE AND PROVIDE REVISED UTILITIES AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND VERIFY officials, prior to beginning construction. iND THE SPACE ALLOTTED FOR ADEQUACY AND CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. SEAL: 9. COORDINATE ALL LOCATIONS AND SIZES OF STRUCTURAL FLOOR AND WALL PENETRATIONS BEDROOM L--V WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND PROVIDE CODE REQUIRED SEALS AT ALL FIRE 141 RATED WALL, CEILING, ROOF AND FLOOR PENETRATIONS. BEDROOM 10. ACCESS DOORS AND/OR PANELS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE LOCATIONS FOR CONCEALED CONTROL DEVICES, VALVES AND PLUMBING EQUIPMENT/ DEVICES. UNLESS A SIZE IS SPECIFICALLY NOTED, PANELS SHALL BE SIZED TO SERVICE .TES EQUIPMENT/DEVICE. DOORS AND PANELS SHALL HAVE THE SAME FIRE RATING AS THE WALL CONNECTT I LI OR CEILING IN WHICH THEY ARE INSTALLED. ACCESS DOORS AND/OR PANELS ARE NOT �CLOSET ' " STACK REQUIRED WHERE ADJUSTMENT, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT ARE POSSIBLE ' THROUGH LAY INSUSPENDED CEILING. 1 ( 0 11 . INSTALL SHUT OFF VALVES AT EACH FIXTURE. INSTALL BRANCH SHUTOFF VALVES WHERE 583040 ( 31 1 INDICATED ON PLANS. LOCATE AND ORIENT VALVE OPERATORS FOR EASE OF ACCESS AND BATH 11 FULL LIMITS OF OPERATION. II i 12. OPENINGS DUE TO INSTALLATION OF DRAINAGE AND VENT SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROTECTED L ; A i L WITH A TEST PLUG SECURED AND LOCKED IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL CONNECTIONS ARE _____ ' # " INSTALLED, fit �' WC 13. INSULATION AND VAPOR BARRIER SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL PIPING AND/OR EQUIPMENT ' SUBJECT TO HEAT LOSS, CONDENSATION, OR CONSTITUTING A POTENTIAL BURN HAZARD. 3"' INSULATION SHALL NOT BE CRUSHED OR COMPRESSED THROUGH INTERFERENCE WITH ' 2 " SYSTEMS INSTALLED BY OTHER TRADES OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. i�BEDROOM L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 C 3" 14. INSTALL PLUMBING AND PIPING HIGH POINTS AS TIGHT AS POSSIBLE TO THE BUILDING ADDRESS: STRUCTURE TO ALLOW PROPER PITCH AND MAXIMIZE CEILING HEIGHT. 111 KEEFER DR PORCH 15. ALL PIPING SHALL BE CONCEALED IN WALLS AND BEHIND FIXED FURNISHINGS UNLESS WYLIE, TX 75098 CON ( - TO CITY SEWER OTHERWISE INDICATED. EXPOSED PIPING IN FINISHED AREAS SHALL BE CHROME PLATED HB WITH A CHROME PLATED ESCUTCHEON AT EACH FINISHED ENTRY/EXIT. DATE 16. ALL PIPING SHALL BE RUN PARALLEL TO BUILDING LINES AND BE SUPPORTED AND ANCHORED AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION. ALL PIPING SHALL 9/ Z 5/2023 BE CONCEALED EXCEPT IN UNFINISHED SPACES. INSTALL AS REQUIRED TO MEET ALL CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS AND TO ALLOW FOR INSTALLATION OF OTHER WORK INCLUDING DUCTS AND ELECTRICAL CONDUIT. ALL PIPING EXPOSED TO VIEW SHALL BE DRAWN BY: ROUTED AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE AND TO THE UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE. LIVING ATOR 1669 SCE FT N.T.S NOTE: PLUMBING - 1"" DRAIN FROM AC DESCRIPTION: ` WATER HEATEROPTION TO BE DECIDEDWASHING MACHINE HOSE BIBBS COL.:. .. CRAFTSMAN STYLE Y O N G RAL CONTRACTORVALVE BOA WATER SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE LAV ONE STORY ( 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 1 1/2" VENT HOT SCALE: WATER 11/2" X 11/2" X 1 TEECOLD " ATERLINE 1/4,� _ 1 DRYER 1 1/2" P—TRAP BOX HOT WATER LINE SHEET TITLE: " — n 12"X121" PLUMBING PLAN �� a ACCESS CLEAN CUT SEDER LINE 7 7PANEL WALL L 2�' PIPE P—T AP WATER HEATER 2" DRAIN CLEAN OUT TO SEWER A 6 13 09128120231tem 1. 37'-6" ' T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � TORRES HOMES DESIGNS INTO@TTDTX.COM 214-854-5420 DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have \ 00 i exercised great effort and care in the creation of this home design and the completion of these construction drawings. However the designer, have not been i contracted to provide personal consultation, site supervision or field i inspection services and have no control over the construction materials, methods i or sequencing used by the builder. For these reasons, as well as the gross ROOF PLAN variations in local building codes, the �� _ �� designer assume no responsibility for any i SCALE = 1 /4 — 1 -0 damages, including structural failures resulting from errors or omission in these -ROOF AS SPECIFIED 8/12 construction drawings. We strongly recommend that you, the homeowner, PITCH UNLESS NOTED have these drawings thoroughly reviewed THERWI by a licensed architect, professional OSE engineer, certified residential designer or -ALL OVERHANGS 18 general contractor licensed to practice in your area, in addition to your local building UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE officials, prior to beginning construction. o o I SEAL: LO II 8 . 12 II T II I 8 : 12 II T i I i I II II � I i I II i T I II 00 II i I II E - - - - - - - - - - TT 00 II T__ co \ II ADDRESS: - - - - - - - -N- - - - - - (.0 111 KTEFER DR N I — II WYLIE, TX 75098 - - - - - - - - -00 - - - ' I DATE: 8 : 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - I 9/ 15/2023 - - - - - - - - - - T 13'-3" 3'-7" 20'-8" DRAWN BY: 37'-6" ATO R FRAMING GENERAL NOTES. DESCRIPTION: CRAFTSMAN STYLE 1. ALL LUMBER TO BE NO.2 SYP OR DOUGLAS FUR, 19% M.C. U.O.N. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2x6 MIN,RAFTERS SA 2. USE BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED BY 2021 IBC. ONE STORY 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 2�:8 �N.RIDGE, HIPS, ROOF VENTING NOTES: SPACING AS JOIST 3. CONNECTIONS TO BE PROPERLY INSTALLED WHERE REQUIRED PER 2018 IBC. ROOF FRAMING NOTESw 'VALLEYS INCREASE 4. NAILS IN CONTACT WITH TREATED WOOD ARE TO BE STAINLESS STEEL OR A MIN. G185 PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTING FOR ATTIC ONE SIZE LARGER THAN RAFTERH TFIII RAFTER/TRUSS HDS HOT DIP GALVANIZED SUCH AS: SIMPSON (AMAX G185). 1. DESIGN LOADS: SCALE: USING A COMBINATION OF CONTINUOUS S`TIFAK � 5. TRANSFER ALL LOAD BEARING POINTS TO FOUNDATION. ROOF LIVE LOADS 20 PSF SOFFIT VENTING AND EITHER CONTINUOUS MID SPANS 2x4 IN COLLAR 6. SILL PLATES FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE OF PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER, 2. ALL ROOFS SHALL BE FRAMED 2X6#2 SYP RAFTERS � TIES p 48`�O�C� �+ �' q'"d,� OR SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN APPROVED VAPOR BARRIER BENEATH THEM. SPACED @ 16" O.C. WITH A MAX SPAN OF 17"-11".ALL 1/4" = 1, RIDGE VENTS AT ALL ROOF RIDGES OR VENT I d � 7. ALL STUD WALLS SHALL BE S.P.F. #2 OR BETTER, KD (19% M.C.) OR#2 SOUTHERN PINE RAFTER SPLICES SHALL BE BRACED W/PLYWOOD TILES TO COORDINATE WITH ROOF TILES. 2x4 %1148RACES @ 4W -C_MAX '= ° (U.O.N) GUSSETS BOTH SIDES. OWNER TO MAKE FINAL DECISION. IF VENT DOUBLE 2 'S IF O' ER 8'-0 � � � 8. ALL EXT AND LOAD BEARING STUD WALLS: STUD SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 16 3. PURLINS ARE TO BE SAME DEPTH AS RAFTERS THEY O.C. FOR 2X4 STUDS AND 24" O.0 FOR 2X6 STUDS U.N.O. ARE SUPPORTING. TILES ARE SELECTED, THEY SHALL BE .C. INTO AR165 SHEET TITLE: ` 9. EXT. JOINTS IN DOUBLE TOP PLATES SHALL BE OFFSET AT LEAST 48 INCHES AND 4. ALL HIPS, RIDGES AND VALLEYS TO BE AT LEAST ONE LOCATED ON THE UPPER 1/3 OF THE ROOF 26 h,�IN SHALL BE NAILED WITH NOT LESS THAN EIGHT 16d FACE NAILS ON EACH SIDE OF THE MILL SIZE LARGER THAN RAFTERS THEY ARE E t i S JOINT. PLATES SHALL BE NOMINAL 2 INCHES IN DEPTH AND HAVE A WIDTH AT LEAST SUPPORTING. AND INSTALLED ON THE ROOF PLANES NOT JOIST �` , �* BLOCKING "' ,_ ,. ROOF PLAN a ��" I EQUAL TO THE WIDTH OF THE STUDS. 5. PROVIDE COLLAR TIES AR 4 0 O.C. ON ALL RIDGES. VISIBLE FROM THE MAIN ENTRY DRIVE. REFER II,: 2 4 TOP'` y SIAL EA 10. AT GABLE ENDS,AT LEAST EVERY OTHER GABLE STUD SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE 6. ROOF SYSTEM SHALL BE COMPOSITE SHINGLES OVER TO ROOF TILE MANUFACTURER Pl,. °FS �P a BNB ATTACH DOUBLED TOP PLATE AND THE RAFTER WITH A SIMPSON H2.5. 30# ROOFING FELT OVER 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD OR OSB UIL h L , 2 16 I 11. BUILDER SHALL TAKE EXTRA CARE TO ENSURE THAT UPPER LEVEL LOAD BEARING STRUCTURAL PANELS. EXPOSURE I. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ANY ADDITIONAL 2 STUDS EN 1) WALLS AND POSTS CAN TRANSFER THEIR LOADS TO THE SUPPORTS DIRECTLY BELOW 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL 16 O.C. Ulu I nN I II Stud VENTING NOTES OR REQUIREMENTS. Il� � F 1 OF E HI U THEM. INSTALL BLOCKING OR STUB COLUMNS BELOW FLOOR DECKING. ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES AND IS RESPONSIBLE f �" 12. ALL ROOF FRAMING DETAILS AND CONNECTIONS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE �°�.°� ITT to offset I�Q �' �. I'�T� FOR FIT AND FINISH. 2021 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE. A� 7 _1 0912812023 Item 1. --ZE 371-61f 21'-3 3/8" 16'-2 5/8" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TORRES HOMES DESIGNS INFO@THDTX.COM 214-854-5420 DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have exercised great effort and care in the creation of this home design and the completion of these construction drawings. However the designer, have not been Iz/ contracted to provide personal consultation, site supervision or field inspection services and have no control over the construction materials, methods or sequencing used by the builder. For FRAMING NOTES: these reasons, as well as the gross 1 . ROOF PITCH 8:12 UNLESS NOTED variations in local building codes, the 2. ROOF TO BE COMPOSITION SHINGLE 00 LO designer assume no responsibility for any 3. RAFTERS MUST MEET LOCAL CODE 4. RAFTERS MUST BE SUPPORTED BY CONTINUOUS damages, including structural failures BRACING HORIZONTAL SPANS OF 15' OR GREATER resulting from errors or omission in these 5. SUPPORT ALL RIDGES, VALLEYS AND HIPS AT 8' MAX construction drawings. We strongly 6. RAFTERS MAY BE SPLICED ONLY AT CONTINUOUS recommend that you, the homeowner, BRACING have these drawings thoroughly reviewed 7. FASCIA OVERHANG 18" UNLESS NOTED by a licensed architect, professional engineer, certified residential designer or o general contractor licensed to practice in your area, in addition to your local building officials, prior to beginning construction. 0 SEAL: CD CD LO 00 O LO CD I I I C) \�\� t \�� �� '�T��` TT `T'T` 1`:��\� TTA_A 00 Q0 ...........11 A CD ADDRESS: co 110110" Lo1 to � {' t�ITT �� 111 KEEFER DR A 04 WYLIE, TX 75098 - — — — — — — — — - DATE: 9/ 15/2023 Al -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - IMAGE NTS 131-3v' 31-711 201-81v DRAWN BY: 371-61" ATOR SHEATHING (N.T.S) GABLE AND STUPL(q.T.S DESCRIPTION: ROOF CROSS SECTION BEAMSAND RAFTE.RS, (Nj.S) -(N-.T. RAFTERS TO WAL 'TS UN, CRAFTSMAN STYLE RIDGE ONE SIZE LARGER THAN RAFTER, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE RLY31E,HIPS,VALLrYS DO MIN USE,MAWFAC,NSTRUC. REXX OP4E SIZE LARCER 114AN RAFTER ONE STORY 1 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH BEAM SUPPORTING ANCHOR RAF rIERS n1a ININ STAGGER END JOINTS SPACE D AS JOSTS CEILING�JOISTS RAFTER & STUD ALIGN SCALE: COLLARTIES 2X4 MIN Q 4B,O'C' (2)2 X4 P STSONG"GKS 1/411 if RAFTER, PLATES, LUS 26 PANEL CUP 7 DROP 71a'FOR AIR F V TYPE SHEET TITLE: 7X4 @ 411'Q C,MAX 4 2M IF OVLR 81 ANCHOR RAFTER & STUD DON'7 ROOF FRAMING PLAN RAFTER TIE ALIGN 8,d Ring Shank Nails TOP PLATE spaced at 8" Max XST'A MIN CEILING JOIST re)rOP NATES, 1/8"SPACING FOR,ALL END JOINTS 20 GAGUE GALVANIZED STRAPS 20 WAu Cr IVS SEE GEN, CONTRACTORIOWNER TOP PLATE, FOR HURRACANE STRAPS 15 09128120231tem 1. I E) TORRES HOMES DESIGNS INTO@TEDTX.COM 214-854-5420 37'-611 DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have exercised great effort and care in the 21'-3 3/8" 16-2 5/8" creation of this home design and the completion of these construction drawings. However the designer, have not been contracted to provide personal — — — — — — — — — — — — consultation, site supervision or field NOTEinspection services and have no control TO TO TO TO TO TO T01 T01 over the construction materials, methods or sequencing used by the builder. For T05 1 . CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE TO SEE THAT ALL these reasons, as well as the gross N STRUCTURES COMPLIES TO ALL CODES. variations in local building codes, the T05 2. LAMINATED BEAMS TO BE SIZED BY MANUFACTURES designer assume no responsibility for any T05 ENGINEER. damages, including structural failures HI resulting from errors or omission in these Toy 3. ALL RAFTERS TO BE 2" X 6" @ 24" O.C. UNLESS INCREASED construction drawings. We strongly T05 FOR STRUCTURAL PURPOSES. recommend that you, the homeowner, M T05 4. CEILING JOIST TO BE 2" X 6" @ 16" O.C. UNLESS INCREASED have these drawings thoroughly reviewed co T05 FOR STRUCTURAL PURPOSES. by a licensed architect, professional N 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO engineer, certified residential designer or T01 T01 T01 T01 T01 T01 T01 T01 I general contractor licensed to practice in COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. your area, in addition to your local building TOS officials, prior to beginning construction. T05 SEAL: T05 FRAMING SCHEDULE NUMBER NAME QTY NOMINAL LENGTH MATERIAL TYPE T05 °? T01 CEILING JOIST 16 2X6 14 1/2" FIR FRAMING 1 LUMBER `'' T02 CEILING JOIST 1 2X6 247 1/2" FIR FRAMING 1 LUMBER T05 _ T03 CEILING JOIST 1 2X6 292 7/8" FIR FRAMING 1 LUMBER T04 CEILING JOIST 1 2X6 449 1/2" FIR FRAMING 1 LUMBER \ T05 I T- T05 CEILING JOIST 41 1 2X6 450" FIR FRAMING 1 LUMBER o T05 M T05 T05 0 o T05 �n c T05 rn N T05 0 T d T05 0 T T05 T05 T05 Q0 — — T05 r I.f) T05 N T05 T05 � I ADDRESS: in T05 111 KEEFER DR T05 WYLI E, TX 75098 - - II T05 T05 N DATE: T05 00 T05 9/ T 5/2023 N T05 N T - T05 DRAWN BY: N co o n �o T05 T N � ATO R d N T05 W � — — —_ —_ T04 DESCRIPTION: CRAFTSMAN STYLE T02 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONE STORY ( 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH SCALE: 13'-3" 3'-7" 20'-8" 37'-6" 1/4" = 1' SHEET TITLE: CEILING FRAMING PLAN A� 9 E16 09128120231tem 1. I E) TORRES HOMES DESIGNS .T SECTIONWALL T INTO@TTDTX.COM 214-854-5420 4 DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have COMPOSITIONSHINGLE = L exercised great effort and care in the RAFTER ®, creation of this home design and the completion of these construction drawings. However the designer, have not been contracted to provide personal METALconsultation, site supervision or field . „ inspection services and have no control r �. J I . over the construction materials, methods or sequencing used by the builder. For these reasons, as well as the gross T' I L TI O . variations in local building codes, the designer assume no responsibility for any damages, including structural failures 1 2 ' GYPSUM BOARD resulting from errors or omission in these construction drawings. We strongly recommend that you, the homeowner, FASCIA have these drawings thoroughly reviewed by a licensed architect, professional F°F engineer, certified residential designer or general contractor licensed to practice in your area, in addition to your local building officials, prior to beginning construction. SEAL: INSULATION13,13 L: I —TVCICO- FOLLOW MANUFACTURE INSTRUCTION .. , ADDRESS: FIRE 111 KTEFER DR WYLI E, TX 75098 FELT 8TWSIDING AND S—HEATHING DATE T. " 9/ T 5/2023 SYSTEM112'" EXTERIOR SHEATHING ZIP R OSB WITH MEM BRANE DRAWN BY: J-1B0,LT ANCHOR TREATEDATO R L :I DESCRIPTION: ":: 2 #5 TOP '�i' 5 CONCRETE SLAB CRAFTSMAN STYLE •� SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE r a N AR FILL _ 46 2 BATH GRANULAR L ONE STORY ( 4 BEDROOM, O . SCALE: wig NTS CONTINUOUS VAPOR BARRIER SHEET TITLE: WALL SECTION DETAILS A� 10 1 . 09128120231tem 1. I E) TORRES HOMES DESIGNS INTO@TEDTX.COM 214-854-5420 STUD DESIGNER DISCLAIMER: We have TOIL PLATE exercised great effort and care in the FRAMING ANCHOR AT 114 creation of this home design and the OF EVERY OTHER STUD . r n, com letion of these construction drawin s. CSC �I,A P g 8 NAILS ���8 o.o.M However the designer, have not been ANCHOR BOLT FOUNDATION CORROSION RESISTANT IMETAL CUP STUDS n.c; ": contracted t0 provide personal a POSITIONED SO Ir 'EACH RAFTER SPACE LE,PLATE consultation, site supervision or field 2 inspection services and have no control + i r over the construction materials, methods or sequencing used by the builder. For ANCHOR LT �' these reasons, as well as the gross ANCHOR BOLTS SHOULD RE EMBEDDED A MIN OF l INTO THE CONCRETE AND SHOULD HAVE PREP SIDE WASHERS Nlc� SHE I ,T variations in local building codes, the designer assume no responsibility for any STAGGER END�IOINTS ANC SILL PLATE O FOUNDATION damages, including structural failures BETWEEN ADJACENT ROWS � � g g resulting from errors or omission in these construction drawings. We strop SOLE PLATEg strongly recommend that you, the homeowner, 1"'I61 '' have these drawings thoroughly reviewed by a licensed architect, professional certified residential designer or PLYWOOD D DECK � RAFTER ORJ IST WRAP HOUSE ,°1,'�` engineer, g �L� F'L 'WOOP SHEATHING general contractor licensed to practice inMX THICKNESSyour area, in addition to your local building SOLID PLYWOOD OWNER F A SONRY officials, prior to beginning construction. MPTAL STRAPS FOR HURRICANE BRACING SEAL: LATERAL BRACING OF EXTERIOR WALLS MASONRY TIE INTERIOR WALL WITH STUDS 4�1 °'r r EXTERIOR SHEATHING DO NOT RLCGK`VENT ve'INSULA7IONJ _- _ TOP PLATE COR-A-VENT USE 211 NAILS ANCHORING MASONRY'VENEER TO WALL FRAMING RIDGE STRIP PROVIDE 12 RIDGi FLASHING EXTERIOR WALL WITH STUDS @ 16" c DROP RIDGE 3 ' MAX.PIS TANCE BETWEEN ANCHORS OR STRAPS OARD 7=/8' CRIPPLE STUDS TO ALLO'N AIR FLOW IDLE VENT DETAIL wEADER HEADER I NOTE TRIMMER STUD 1 . ALL CEILINGS TO BE 9' UNLESS NOTED. ANCHOR BOLT 115, MAX-BETWEEN 2. BUILDER TO APPROVE & VERIFY ALL PLANS CRIPPLE STUDS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. STUD 3. VERIFY ALL PLANS W/ LOCAL BUILDING CODES. SPLICING OF THE S RKATE 4. W.H. & HVAC TO BE IN ATTIC UNLESS HALFWAY� �q"`q'�NA IL E'q LET-INC�IAOON:ALRRA INC wALr-���°A`r BEr���EEnI��ti JArE>�IT �TL.ER AND AMINI NOMIKAL2,NA SOLE PLATE OTHERWISE NOTED. !wFIIJGE PLAHP(),9II`IONEDA(,HOSS SOLE PATE 5. PROVIDE SHUT-OFF VALVE FOR ALL GAS Lr1CIIE WLLL ADDRESS: Fl PLATE APPLIANCES REFERENCE IRC SECTION G2419. 111 KEEPER DR 6. ALL GLASS LOCATED WITHIN 18" OF FLOOR, 12" SALE I�&.ATE LATERAL AGING OF INTERIOR ALLell WYLIE, TX 75098 OF A DOOR OR LOCATED WITHIN 60" OF FLOOR A INTERSECTION WITH AN EXTERIOR WALL ANCHORAGE OF ADEFF°r;��,��.�ti,.��;��� DATE AT BATHTUBS, WHIRLPOOLS, SHOWERS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOM OR HOT TUBS SHALL BE TEMPERED. TO COMELY W/ IRC SECTION T1" FNDS OF D SCON1,NUOUS SHIS OR S01f PLAFES 9/ 15/2023 R308.4.8. SPLICING OF SILLS OR SOLE PLATES DRAWN BY: ATO R DESCRIPTION: CRAFTSMAN STYLE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 11; `° GAGE SHE T ONE STORY ( 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH EASE ANCHOR SET IN METAL-CORROSION WOOD COLUMN CONCRETE FOUNDATION RESISTANT STRAPS SCALE: OR POST EVERY OTHER RAFTED NOTE NTS 1 118"- U DACE SHEET' METAL-COR OSIO SHEET TITLE: RESISTANT SCRAPS: TYPICALANCHORAGE F WOOD COLUMN TYPICAL T ALL STRAPS FRAMING DETAILS OR POST TO A CONCRETE FOUNDATION CONNECTING GABLE STUDS TO RAFTER AND TOP PLATE.