12-20-2023 (WEDC) Agenda PacketWylie Economic Development Corporation Board Regular Meeting December 20, 2023 — 7:30 AM WEDC Office Conference Room - 250 South Highway 78, Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WYLIEE,DC' ono�w, mtiniiumtt«1141t5��11Im����mu�uquvuu����itlQ�U�' ��� ''I°�aimnoa����Wu w �� i000000000iNu�mi �tis�uimuuuoNuma� COMMENTS ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Consider and act upon approval of Minutes from the November 15, 2023 Regular Meeting of the WEDC Board of Directors. . Consider and act upon approval of the November 2023 WEDC Treasurer's Report. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon a First Amendment to the Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. DISCUSSION ITEMS . _......... Discussion regarding ICSC. . _S 2 Staff report: WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, Upcoming Events, and WEDC Activities/Programs. EXECUTIVE SESSION Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. IIIIa �� m � 1 1 ES 1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at Brown/Eubanks, FM 544/Cooper, FM 544/Sanden, FM 1378/Park, Jackson/Oak, Regency/Steel, State Hwy 78/Alanis, State Hwy 78/Brown, and State Hwy 78/Skyview. Sec. 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. (a) This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1). ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Proj ects: 2021-4b, 2022-1 c, 2022-10c, 2023 - la, 2023-1 c, 2023-2b, 2023-2d, 2023-3b, 2023-4c, 2023-5b, 2023-8a, 2023-9b, 2023-10a, 2023-11a, 2023-12a, 2023-12b, 2023-12c, and 2023-12d. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on December 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then IIIIa m � e 12 2 such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Board at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to, the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072 —Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. § 551.073 —Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.074 —Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. § 551.076 —Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. § 551.087 —Discussing certain economic development matters. IIIIa m � e 3 3 12120120231tem A. Minutes Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting November 15, 2023 — 7:30 A.M. WEDC Offices —Conference Room 250 S Hwy 78 —Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum President Melisa Whitehead called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m. Board Members present were Blake Brininstool and Aaron Jameson. Ex-Officio Members Mayor Matthew Porter and City Manager Brent Parker were present. WEDC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greiner, Assistant Director Rachael Hermes, BRE Director Angel Wygant, Administrative Assistant Marissa Butts, and Marketing & Communications Coordinator Will Kelly. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Whitehead led the Pledge of Allegiance and Angel Wygant gave the invocation. COMMENTS ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS With no citizen participation, President Whitehead moved to Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the WEDC Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider and act upon approval of Minutes from October 15, 2023, Regular Meeting of the WEDC Board of Directors. B. Consider and act upon approval of the October 2023 WEDC Treasurer's Report. Rnard Action A motion was made by Aaron Jameson, seconded by Blake Brininstool, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 3-0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon an Agreement between WEDC and American Entitlements, LLC. 2. Consider and act upon construction services at Hwy 78 & Brown. Staff recommended that the Board consider Regular Agenda Items 1 and 2 after Executive Session. President Whitehead moved to consider Discussion Items. 12120120231tem A. WEDC - Minutes November 15, 2023 Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION ITEMS Demond Dawkins arrived at 7:37 a.m. and stepped out at 7:3 8 a.m. during Discussion Item 1. DS1. Discussion surrounding disposition of WEDC properties. Staff Comments Staff referenced the properties that were being prepared for demolition. Regarding 104 S Ballard, staff noted that City Council discussed the mural on the exterior of the building and requested that the EDC consider working with the original artist to recreate the mural, commemorate the mural, or consider the commission a new mural downtown. Staff also noted that the Historic Review Commission requested that the mural be photographed for future reference, print, or duplication. The demolition at 300 N Second was tabled at the 10/26/2023 HRC meeting for further research regarding the age of the structure. All the other properties listed in the agenda report will be scheduled for demolition. Staff will notify the Board if the cost of demolition has increased since the last received bids. DS2. Staff report: WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, Upcoming Events, and WEDC Activities/Programs. Staff Comments Staff referred the Board to the Agenda Report provided in the packet for all updates related to the WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, BRE Updates, Upcoming Events, and WEDC Activities/Programs. Staff inquired if the Board would like to move the December WEDC Board meeting and the Board chose to keep the date of the regularly scheduled Board meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recessed into Closed Session at 7:46 a.m. in compliance with Section 551.001, et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. ES1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at Ballard/Brown, Brown/Eubanks, FM 544/Cooper, FM 544/Sanden, Jackson/Oak, Regency/Steel, State Hwy 78/Ballard, State Hwy 78/Brown, and State Hwy 78/Skyview. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2013-9a, 2017-6a, 2021-2d, 2021-5a, 2021-6c, 2021-9b, 2021-11b, 2022-1b, 2022-1c, 2022-7b, 2022-9a, 2022-10c, 2023-1a, 2023-1c, 2023-2b, 2023-2d, 2023-3b, 2023-5b, 2023-6b, 2023-6c, 2023-6d, 2023-8a, 2023-8b, 2023-8c, 2023-9a, 2023-9b, 2023-9c, 2023-9d, 2023-10a, and 2023-10b. 12120120231tem A. WEDC — Minutes November 15, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Demond Dawkins returned to the meeting during Executive Session at 7:52 a.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result of the Executive Session. President Whitehead reconvened into Open Session at 8:26 a.m. No action was taken on Regular Agenda Items 1 or 2. The Board then took the following action: Hoard Action A motion was made by Demond Dawkins, seconded by Blake Brininstool, to authorize the WEDC to enter into a Performance Agreement with MLKJ Investments LLC, (Project 2021-6c) in the amount not to exceed $801000. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Items requested for inclusion on future agendas. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, President Whitehead adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 8:27 a.m. Melisa Whitehead, President ATTEST: Jason Greiner, Executive Director 12120120231tem B. WYL,IEEDC �,s»��iromioi�mu�i491q�kDDDKf�m�i���� �� Meeting Date: December 20, 2023 Prepared By: Jason Greiner Wylie Economic Development Board AGENDA REPORT Item Number: B Consider and act upon approval of the November 2023 WEDC Treasurer's Report. Motion to approve the November 2023 WEDC Treasurer's Report. Presented for the Board's review and approval is the November 2023 Treasurer's Report detailing the month and year-to- date financial transactions and performance against budget. In this report, you will find the Revenue and Expense Report, Statement of Net Position, Balance Sheet, Sales Tax Report, and Performance Agreement Summary. 12F.VF.N11F.C- Sales Tax Revenue earned in August allocated in October, was $377,466.67, an increase of 16.78% over the same period in 2022. Sales Tax Revenues for FY23 were up 11.25%. Gain/Loss Sale of Cap Assets $ (149,089.01) Sale of 607 Commerce EXPENSES: No notable expenses for this month. Page 1 of 1 12120120231tem B. ECONOMIC . WY L I E . K,t , �h b,Wt,,�� «Q ar , uYnt���°au4 D a,3, �s�U����,� N��„a� w,«W November Rev/ExpReport Account Summary For Fiscal: 2023-2024 Period Ending: 11/30/2023 Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Remaining Fund: 111- WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP Revenue 11J.,,4,00040210 SALES TAX 4,536,561.00 4,536,561.00 0.00 0.00 -4,536,561.00 100.00 % ..:..:.:.:....:46110 ........ ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 112,000.00 112,000.00 0.00 41,513.28 -70,486.72 62.93 % ........ ..:..:.:.:...........::48110 RENTAL INCOME 48,600.00 48,600.00 500.00 500.00 -48,100.00 98.97 % ..:..:.:.:....:..........::30 .... GAIN/(LOSS) SALE OF CAP ASSETS 2,655,970.00 2,655,970.00 -149,089.01 -149,089.01 -2,805,059.01 105.61 % Revenue Total: 7,353,131.00 7,353,131.00 -148,589.01 -107,075.73 -7,460,206.73 101.46% Expense ...:..:.:.....:...::..... 10 SALARIES 440,500.00 440,500.00 28,473.20 43,068.00 397,432.00 90.22 % OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 871.40 871.40 -871.40 0.00 % .0 .....::::.....:...:::�.....::.. LONGEVITY PAY 1,200.00 1.1200.00 1,092.00 1,092.00 108.00 9.00 % .....::.'....:...:::..:....... TMRS 68,500.00 68,500.00 4,359.86 6,416.06 62,083.94 90.63 % ....:.:.°....:..:5.1 .::..:.::10 .... HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 81,000.00 81,000.00 5,006.67 9,951.41 71,048.59 87.71 % ....:.:.°61 ....:..:5.1 .:...:.::20 .... LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,600.00 1,600.00 58.50 58.50 1,541.50 96.34 % ....:::::.": ....::..::.::::...:.:5.1 :::.. FICA 27,000.00 27,000.00 11725.30 2,540.48 241459.52 90.59 % ...:..:.:."....:...::...:.::."... MEDICARE 6,400.00 6,400.00 403.50 594.14 5,805.86 90.72 % ..:..:.:." ....:...::51470 ....::........... WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 21100.00 210100.00 825.66 825.66 1.1274.34 60.68 % UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,600.00 1,600.00 2.40 4.92 1,595.08 99.69 % ..:..:563 1.:.....:...::52010 .......... OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,000.00 5,000.00 504.96 631.30 4,368.70 87.37 % ..::..:.:." ....:...::............::.. POSTAGE & FREIGHT 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 % ..::..:.:."....:...::52810 ................ FOOD SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 268.88 358.14 2,641.86 88.06 % J.-561 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 2,500.00 2,500.00 -193.05 -193.05 2,693.05 107.72 % COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 7,650.00 7.1650.00 0.00 0.00 7,650.00 100.00 % .....::.'....:..:56030 .::............... INCENTIVES 1,929,250.00 1,929,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,929,250.00 100.00 % :.:.' ....:..:.::...........::.. SPECIAL SERVICES 371270.00 37.1270.00 157.50 315.00 36,955.00 99.15 % .:.°....:..:.:............::... SPECIAL SERVICES -REAL ESTATE 234,500.00 234,500.00 2,851.34 4,549.43 229,950.57 98.06 % :..:::::."....::...::.....::... SPECIAL SERVICES -INFRASTRUCTURE 10,324,000.00 10,324,000.00 0.00 6,101.36 10,317,898.64 99.94 % ..:..::.:.° ...��::...::::.........0 ADVERTISING 226,125.00 226,125.00 23,109.00 321481.62 193,643.38 85.64 1 560 ..:..:.:." ....:...::::..........90 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 64,950.00 64,950.00 6,217.91 111217.91 53,732.09 82.73 % ..:..:.:.....:...::.......... COMMUNICATIONS 7,900.00 7,900.00 492.28 492.28 7.1407.72 93.77 % ..:..., ,5...:...::.5.... 80 RENTAL 27,000.00 27,000.00 21250.00 4,500.00 22,500.00 83.33 ..::..:.:." ....:...::56210 .......... TRAVEL & TRAINING 73,000.00 73,000.00 12,398.16 121462.03 60,537.97 82.93 % ...:..:.:......:...::.....250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 60,733.00 60,733.00 7,381.21 241720.09 36,012.91 59.30 ..:1::...-:......:....-:. 63-1 0.. INSURANCE 6,800.00 6,800.00 5,350.11 5,350.11 1,449.89 21.32 % ..1..1......::...::II'.....1.Q.. AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 23,000.00 23,000.00 41470.87 4.1470.87 18,529.13 80.56 % .....::.'....:..:.::............... ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL 530,175.00 530,175.00 16,222.50 53,642.50 476,532.50 89.88 % ....:.:.' ....:..:.::........ UTILITIES -ELECTRIC 21400.00 2.1400.00 256.03 256.03 2.1143.97 89.33 % ....:.:.° ....:..:.:....::10 .... PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 600,096.00 600,096.00 25,112.70 74,185.36 525,910.64 87.64 % ..:..:15 ::::.":....::...::....::............................................................................................. INTEREST EXPENSE 631,902.00 631,902.00 21,827.15 75,420.96 556,481.04 88.06 % LAND -PURCHASE PRICE 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 7,079.00 992,921.00 99.29 % CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 -7,079.00 7,079.00 0.00 % Expense Total: 16,427,451.00 16,427,451.00 171,496.04 376,384.51 16,051,066.49 97.71% Fund: 111- WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP Surplus (Deficit): -9,074,320.00 -9,074,320.00 -320,085.05 -483,460.24 8,5901859.76 94.67% Report Surplus (Deficit): -9,074,320.00 -9,074,320.00 -320,085.05 -48%460.24 8,590,859.76 94.67% IL... f 1 r 1212012023 Item B. Budget Report For Fiscal: 2023-2024 Period Ending: 11 30 2023 Group Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Account Typ... Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Remaining Fund: 111- WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP Revenue 7,353,131.00 7,353,131.00 -148,589.01 -107,075.73 -7.1460,206.73 101.46% Expense 16,427,451.00 16,427,451.00 171,496.04 376,384.51 16,051,066.49 97.71% Fund: 111- WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP Surplus (Deficit): -9,074,320.00 -9,074,320.00 -320,085.05 -483,460.24 8,590,859.76 94.67% Report Surplus (Deficit): -9,074,320.00 -9,074,320.00 -320,085.05 -483,460.24 8,590,859.76 94.67% IL.... °''° :'. . '" a' L "� 9 Budget Report 1212012023 Item B. For Fiscal: 2023-2024 Period Ending: 11 30 2023 Fund Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Fund Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) 111- WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CO-9,074,320.00 -9,074,320.00 -320,085.05 -483,460.24 8,590,859.76 Report Surplus (Deficit):-9,074,320.00 -9,074,320.00 -320,085.05 -483,460.24 8,590,859.76 10 12120120231tem B. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Statement of Net Position As of November 30, 2023 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 13,142,296.54 Receivables $ 570,000.00 Note 1 Inventories $ 15,219,198.23 Prepaid Items $ - Total Assets $ 28,931,494.77 Deferred Outflows of Resources Pensions $ 67,748.55 Total deferred outflows of resources $ 67,748.55 Liabilities Accounts Payable and other current liabilities $ 20,010.64 Unearned Revenue $ 4,141.40 Note 2 Non current liabilities: Due within one year $ 562,897.61 Note 3 Due in more than one year $ 15,034,169.48 Total Liabilities $ 15,621,219.13 Deferred Inflows of Resources Pensions $ (84,717.41) Total deferred inflows of resources $ (84,717.41) Net Position Net investment in capital assets $ - Unrestricted $ 13,293,306.78 Total Net Position $ 13,293,306.78 Note 1: Includes incentives in the form of forgivable loans for $20,000 (LUMOS), $100,000 (Glen Echo), and $450,000 (Phoenix Ascending) Note 2: Deposits from rental property Note 3: Liabilities due within one year includes compensated absences of $32,301 41N6(4 �N11 ��� 1212012023 Item B. F ECONOMI, C 6aIance Sheet WYLI �1 C 111LA11, I I #111111111k " C1111111�1111 pkl 111,11 IUIi Account Summary As Of 11/30/2023 Account Name Balance Fund: 111 - WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP Assets 111-1000 1.0110 ........................................................................... CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 13,175,225.96 CASH - WEDC - INWOOD 0.00 ESCROW 0.00 111,1000 "1 0180 DEPOSITS 2,000.00 111-1000 1.0198 ........................................................................... OTHER - MISC CLEARING 0.00 ....1....1000....034,1 TEXPOOL 0.00 .11.1 I.O.O.Q.--.­ LOGIC 0.00 11-1,1000 1 04,,81 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 Ill-1000-1.15"11. ........................................................................... ACCTS REC - MISC 0.00 1 1 1.1 1�111'.j 7 ACCTS REC SALES TAX 0.00 LEASE PAYMENTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 LOAN PROCEEDS RECEIVABLE 0.00 LOAN RECEIVABLE 0.00 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 0.00 ACCTS REC - FORGIVEABLE LOANS 570,000.00 111,1000 "1 4,,112 INVENTORY - MATERIAL/ SUPPLY 0.00 .11.1 INVENTORY - LAND & BUILDINGS 15,214,476.18 11-1,1000 1 4,,118 INVENTORY - BAYCO/ SANDEN BLVD 0.00 .11.1 I.O.O.Q.--.­ PREPAID EXPENSES - MISC 0.00 11-1,1000 1 44,10 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS 2,088,500.00 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Total Assets: 31..050,,202.14 31,,050,,202.14 Liability FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 .11.1 2.0.0.Q.--.2.01.14 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 11....2000...20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 .11.1­ HEALTH INSUR PAY -EMPLOYEE 13,866.97 11-1,2000 20117 TIVIRS PAYABLE 6,328.82 .1.1.1 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 1-1 )2( )119 "I'lI'llI'll'll""I'll""I'.'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll,'ll""I'll"'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll'I .............. .............................. "I'll'I'll.'llI'llI'll",'llI'll"',,"",',,""I'll",lI WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 .11.1­ FICA PAYABLE 0.00 1-1 1,-,2(")( )0-2012,1111, TEC PAYABLE 0.00 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 .11.1­ ICIVIA PAYABLE 0.00 111.2000 20127 EMP. LEGAL SERVICES PAYABLE 0.00 .11.1­ FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT 1,674.96 EDWARD JONES DEFERRED COMP 0.00 .1.1.1­ EMP CARE FLITE 12.00 1-1 )......2( )133 .............. ........................ Unemployment Comp Payable 4.93 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 1-1 1,-,2(")()0- 20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY 92.32 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 AP PENDING 18,901.34 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0.00 .11.1­ NOTES PAYABLE 2,088,500.00 11,1,,,2()00 20810 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 2' ..... ..... o 3 /7,11,11121,023 5 6 1:!1 �"a I ,� I 12 Equity ............................................................................ Total Revenue Total Expense Revenues Over/Under Expenses Name Balance DEFERRED INFLOW 0.00 DEF INFLOW - LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 DEFERRED INFLOW - LEASE INT 0.00 RENTAL DEPOSITS 1,200.00 Total Liability: 2,130,581.34 FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 0.00 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 29,403,081.04 Total Beginning Equity: 29,403,081.04 -107,075.73 376,384.51 -483,460.24 Total Equity and Current Surplus (Deficit): 28,919,620.80 Total Liabilities, Equity and Current Surplus (Deficit): 31,050,202.14 1212012023 Item B. As Of 11 30 2023 IL 2'5 6 1:!I.::IIL. 1212012023 Item B. Balance Sheet As Of 11 30 2023 Account Name Balance Fund: 922 - GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) Assets Total Assets: 0.00 0.00 Liability ww..... ,w .--..2w0.0.0.--..wwwww .2.4..8. GOVCAP LOAN/SERIES 2022 7,556,077.29 Total Liability: 7,556,077.29 Total Equity and Current Surplus (Deficit): 0.00 Total Liabilities, Equity and Current Surplus (Deficit): 7,556,077.29 *** FUND 922 OUT OF BALANCE ***-7,556,077.29 ***Warning: Account Authorization is turned on. Please run the Unauthorized Account Listing Report to see if you are out of balance due to missing accounts *** :'. :. IL... ::IIL. IIC:: III ^ °'� IIC:° „ '., °w1 3 14 1212012023 Item B. Wylie Economic Development Corporation SALES TAX REPORT November 30, 2023 BUDGETED YEAR DIFF % DIFF MONTH FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 22 vs. 23 22 vs. 23 DECEMBER $ 226,663.94 $ 235,381.33 $ 263,577.66 $ 338,726.54 $ 75,148.88 28.51 % JANUARY $ 218,520.22 $ 262,263.52 $ 326,207.92 $ 368,377.73 $ 42,169.80 12.93% FEBRUARY $ 362,129.18 $ 456,571.35 $ 417,896.79 $ 480,381.11 $ 62,484.32 14.95% MARCH $ 228,091.34 $ 257,187.91 $ 305,605.50 $ 313,686.17 $ 8,080.67 2.64% APRIL $ 203,895.57 $ 221,881.55 $ 265,773.80 $ 310,050.94 $ 44,277.14 16.66% MAY $ 289,224.35 $ 400,371.70 $ 401,180.20 $ 434,878.33 $ 33,698.14 8.40% JUNE $ 239,340.35 $ 290,586.92 $ 343,371.26 $ 330,236.89 $ (13,134.37) -3.83% JULY $ 296,954.00 $ 314,559.10 $ 331,432.86 $ 379,162.00 $ 47,729.14 14.40% AUGUST $ 325,104.34 $ 390,790.76 $ 429,696.16 $ 448,253.70 $ 18,557.55 4.32% SEPTEMBER $ 259,257.89 $ 307,681.15 $ 337,512.61 $ 371,880.65 $ 34,368.03 10.18% OCTOBER $ 249,357.02 $ 326,382.38 $ 346,236.36 $ 377,466.67 $ 31,230.31 9.02% NOVEMBER $ 384,953.89 $ 411,813.32 $ 392,790.84 $ 458,694.91 $ 65,904.07 16.78% Sub -Total $ 3,2835492.09 $ 39875,470.98 $ 45161,281.96 $ 4,611,795.64 $ 450,513.68 11.25% Total $ 3,283,492.09 $ 3,875,470.98 $ 491619281.96 $ 456119795.64 $ 450,513.68 11.25% *** Sales Tax collections typically take 2 months to be reflected as Revenue. SIsTx receipts are then accrued back 2 months. Example: November SIsTx Revenue is actually September SIsTx and is therefore the 12th allocation in FY23. 15 m N N N O Q m v o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O W 00 00 OO p J _� ~ 0 O� M OCV 0 (D o O O o 0 O Q) O O O H Z W cY) cM M LO O co qqt ~ Z N 69. 69 69 69. 63 6g 6g 69 69. 69 69 6A. O O O O O O O O O OLL p O Cl) Z C) C)LOO O O M W Q O O LO r > W W In 69 69 69 6g 69. 69 69 6), 69. 69 69 to)- LL _ Z��u Q o N Z Lu Z Q H LU 0� C5LO L11) ( Owe o� LL � Q � O� LU N O N 0. L. LPL O69 69 69 69. 69. 69 69 6). 69. 69 69 6co. UF— }� O N WO N ^ , W w CIO)LLZ EH O 69 69 69- 69. 6g 6g 6s 69 6g 69 69- 0% m NLU O C) O n2 L C) O O W / Q >- IN N LU E LL QZ 0 67 6g Ica 69. 69. 6. 69 617 6 k 6 $ 6g � Z O O O O O p O O O O O O O O O N O O O LO EO O LL N M O� O O 00 C- LU a LL`° 69. 69 69 69. 69. 69. 69. 69- 69. 69. 69. if} VC) Cl) Cl)Z O N 1111 6 "' , O N ". �Nu , . i 6 i �w c' I,„.... < 5 C (� N ,lll .. O r LPL O O O O O O O O O r O W 00 00 00 00 O J _> ~ 0 M ON 0 O 0 O 0 OM 0 O O O O H Z o W CEO cY) co LO O co qqt H Z N 69. 69 69 69 69 67 69. 69 69. 69. 69, 6A} F— Z W = W LU Q W Z Q (n O Q LL D w J Z w 2 H z LU z¢ Q U w 2 Q Z J w —1 U Q 0 m F- O X Z Q U z w m Oz C) w z= J C7 J F— w LU w > U Y o Z Q Z w ,� F— Q w w LL z 0 z Z z w of U w Q z X z z w w C)O m Q m w W a N O N 06 N O N N ,;1 O N N O oZS N clq O N cq CO >N 0 N ON 00 O N L .� O fi L 06 Co N •C: O o U o N 0 O O O O O O N O LO 66- 06 O � 06N . O Q U oN (n co O ( >+ C) C:) co N CO O N c') N } L > co > CO N > >� C)> � M L ° oo O OD, 0 o c 06 0 0 > O o r-- U O O O +-� O C: CIO co O N O C: N C: co 6 J J N N C N L Co >, N > L .� > O LL J O LL N > C (6 co .O c6 > O O O 2 O C)O C:)O LL O O O -0 O } {f} � � cc ct 4-1 N N L L L J U U U N C: C: C E E E O O O •� CO T— 12120120231tem 1. W Y L I E ouououououououououour uouououoimiu�C6�j1tiy\91iIG j916�N�`��uifilVi��6�llt�lmyy�� muououoiiouniiounuououoi fououououoimmpNlppp�Q�VI� ��S111NI11�i�lni�u�iovolVIDV��� Meeting Date: December 20, 2023 Prepared By: Jason Greiner Wylie Economic Development Board AGENDA REPORT Item Number: 0 0 Consider and act upon a First Amendment to the Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. ". Me Motion to approve a First Amendment to the Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. As the Board will recall, the City Council approved Project 2021-9f on June 27, 2023, and the WEDC approved the Performance Agreement with Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. in an amount not to exceed $500,000 on September 20, 2023. This First Amendment provides a 90-day extension to the Performance Agreement to allow Sanden adequate time to get final fire inspections and provide additional documentation to confirm the $25MM project cost. Staff has received notice that the fire suppression system has passed inspection and the new manufacturing line is fully operational. Staff has also verified the minimum employment levels and confirmed that Sanden is current on all property taxes. This extension will provide some additional time to review and confirm the project cost and to confirm the installation of an unrelated fire alarm panel. Page 1 of 17 1212012023 Item 1. FIRST AMENDMENT TO PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (this "First Amendment"), is entered into and is effective as of the 20th day of December, 2023 by and between WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Texas economic development corporation ("WEDC"), and SANDEN INTERNATIONAL (U.S.A.), INC., a Texas corporation (the "Company"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, WEDC Board of Directors approved that certain Performance Agreement between WEDC and Company on October 20, 2023 to provide economic assistance for personal property improvements in the form of added equipment and maintaining at least 240 Full -Time Employees at the Company's facility located at 601 Sanden Blvd., Wylie, Texas, Collin County, Texas (the "Prof ect"); and WHEREAS, WEDC and Company desire to modify and amend the Agreement in certain respects, as more particularly set forth in this First Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in an effort to address unforeseen circumstances surrounding the personal property improvements, the WEDC and Company covenant and agree as follows: I. Defined Terms. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this First Amendment will have the meanings given to them in the Agreement. 2. Modification to Performance Obligations. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, the CO Deadline as defined in Section II (a)1 of the Agreement is hereby modified to be 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on March 30, 2024. 3. Ratification. As expressly modified by this First Amendment, the Agreement is hereby ratified and confirmed by WEDC and Company. 4. Counterparts; Transmission. This First Amendment may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall constitute one and the same agreement. Transmission of an executed signature page of this First Amendment by email will be effective to create a binding agreement. [Signatures appear on next page] FIRST AMENDMENT TO PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Project 2021-9f/ Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. 18 1212012023 Item 1. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. WEDC: Wylie Economic Development Corporation, a Texas Corporation By: Name: Title: COMPANY: Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc., a Texas Corporation ("Company"). By: Name: Title: FIRST AMENDMENT TO PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Project 2021-9f/ Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. 19 1212012023 Item 1. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Between WYLILE ECONOMIC DEVELOPM[ENT CORPORATION And SANDEN INTERNATIONAL (U.S.A.), INC. This Performance Agreement (this "Agreemenf ') i's made and entered into by and betwe the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (the WEDC"), a Texas corporation orgamz and existing under the I Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended from titne to time (th "Act"), and Sa,nden International (U.S.A.), Inc., a, Texas corporation (the "'Company"). V*W-4111EAS, the Company is desi ous, of making personal pro rt)r * pe improvements 'in the form of added equipment to their existing buidding located at 601 Sanden Blvd., Wylie, Texas (thao "Facility") and maintainm"g at least 240, Full -Time IFAnployees at the Facility (the "Projlecf'). The Project will have an estimated cost of Twenty -Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000.00); and WHEREAS, the Company has, requested that the WEDC pro"'de econonlic assistance to 0 offset the cost of completing the Ptogect; and WHEREAS, -the completion of the, Project in the City of Wylie, Texas will ultimately create "primary jobs"', as ffiat terin is defmeld *111 the Act, and WMREAS, the WEDC has determined that 'it 'is in t1le best interest of the Public and the 4 City and promotes the purposes authorized by the voters of the City of Wylie for whieb the WEDC , 0, 4.9 was established to encourage the development and use, of business properties wit I tfin the City,, and I t V a V 0 WHEREAS, for the public Purpose of promoting economic development and diversity, 6, increasing employment, reducing unemployment and underemployment, expanding commerce, and 6 1 stimulating busm*ess and commerclai activities in the State of Texas, and the City of Wylie, the WEDC desires to offer economic assistance to Company as inore particularly described *in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consiaeration of the promises, coveriants and agreements & ^ *4 set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency oi which are hereby acknowledgc4, the WEDC and Company agree as follows.- L Economic Assistance. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the, WEDiC Will provide economic assistance "in an amount up to, but not to exceed, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) (the "Economic Incentives"). The Economic Incentives will be paid according to the criteria set forth herein vn*th the WEDC's obliga-uon to pay the Economic Incentives terminating on December 31, 2024# Upon meeting the qualifications and requirements (the "'Performance Requirements"), the 6 Company shall be entitled to the following Economic Incentives, MR 1 El20 1212012023 Item 1. Econorm*c Incentive Payment Schedule -I Expected, Cost of Current WEDC ToW WEDC Year Incentive Ct Incentive Incentive 2023 No. 1 $25,00%000 Up to $300,0100 Up to $300,000 20�24 'No. 2 $2500:POO Up to $200000 Up to $500,000 sir (a) Incentive No. 1 ' - An Econorm*c Incentive of Three Hundred Thousand Doll ($300,00:0.00) will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performanc c Requirements for Incentive No. 1 -0 11 Receipt of documentation by WEDC of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Facility issued by the City of Wylie or a completion letter f-rom the Ci,ty"s Cbjef Bw`kfing Official, vefifying the "installation of a new equipment line (a "Certificate of Occup ), approval of said documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDQ, and that the Facility i's open, and operating as of December 31, 2,023 (the "CO Deadline') and the *issuance date of CO (*wiU become the "CO AnMV!qM_D-ate"); and 2) Receipt of documentation by WEDC confirrm*ng a mm=iun Project cost of at least Twenty -Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000.00) as evidenced by paid invoices supporting the mmum cost, approval of said documentation at the t 41 so - ie and absolute discretion of the WEDC; and 3) Company i*s current on all ad valorem taxes and other property taxes due on 4 aQ: 1 written notice and evidence of such payment to the F flity and prov*de WEDC M' a form satisfactory to VVEDC; and 4) Employment verification confirming the number of Full -Time Employees employed at the Facility, which shall not be lessi than 240 Full-Tinie Employees, approval of said documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC,- and 11 5) Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. I is December 3112023. IM 21 l 1212012023 Item 1. (b) Incentive No. 2 : An Econorw'c Incentive of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,001000.00) . U be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirements for Incentive No. 2*- 1) Company is current on all ad valorem taxes and other property taxes due on the Facility, and provide written notice and evidence of such payment to 10 WEDC *in a form satisfactory to WF.,DC,, and 2) Receipt of documentation by, WEDC evidencing me ongoing operations of the Faeflity one (1) year from the CO Anniversary Date, approval of sai d documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC; and 3) Employment verification, confirming the number of Full -Time Employees; employed at the Facility one year from the CO Anniversary Date, which shall not he less than 240 Full -Time Employees, approval of said documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the VVEDC; and 4) Eligibility expiration, for the Company to qualify for this Incentive December. 31, 2024#1 V Under no circumstances shall WED:C be required to, pay to the Company any amount more than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) under this Agreenivnt. Ill. WEDC 1!ftym,ent of Incentives. Subject to the tenns of this Agreement, the WEDC shal pay the Incentives vAthin approximately fifteen (15) days of receipt of the require a 0 documentation from the Company, suoject to verification by the WEDC that th r a tel h Pertormance Requirements have been met or ex,ceeded by the Company. Further, Inoentiv 4 No. 2 will be paid. not sooner than twelve (12) months following payment of the precedm Incentive Payment, IV. Nou.-Attam*nient of Performance Requirements. In the event that the Company fails to meet or exceed any of the Performance Requirement specified 'in Section H(a) of this Agreetnent�, the VVEDC Economic Inceiative will be voided M* advance of payment addition to all future Economic Incentive payments being voia f w at the sole discretion of the WEDC. The Company will not be eligible to receive an Econonuc Incentive payment if documentation supporting Performance Requirements are not receivea * Dy WEDC prior to the Eligibility Expiration Date. Company Will be notified M* writing 'in the event a Perrormance.Kequvement is not met and have thirty (30) days to cure said default. V. Econowic Assistance,00 Termination. The Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by either party, upon the failure of the other party to fulfill an obligation as set forth M* Section 11 above. Regardless of the Company's level of attainment of the Performance Requirements set -forth 'in Section R above, the WEDC's obligation to pay the Reimbursemeni i so ncentive will expire in full on January 15, 2025. 0 Ulk VI. E ee Hiri a,ten*als and Su Hes rurchase. Although not an event of default or a, condition to any advance m' -the Agreement, WEDC requests that the Company satisfies its Page 3 of 5 4172177 22 ] 1212012023 Item 1. neea tor all construction contractors from Wylie residents and purchase all materials, supplies and services necessary to affect the Project and subsequent occupancy of the Facility from Wylie merchants and businesses. VIL COMMUdU, Involvement. Although not an event of defhult or condition of any advance 0, hereunder, the Company agrees to actively participate *in community and charitable . 2 organi;zafions and/or activities, the purpose of which are to u'nprove t , ne quality of life 'in the City of Wylie, Texas, and to actively encourage 'Its employees to be M*Volved *in such organizations ancvor activities. 'M 0 Vill. Vedfica-tion and CouiDUance. The Company Will allow the V&DC to audit necessary Company's records, documents, agreements and other 'M'struments M' furtherance of the following purposes: (i) to ensure the Company's compliance with the affirmative covenants 0 set forth "in this Agreement; (ii) to determine the existence of an Event of Default under the 0 oil terms of this Agreement; (iii) to ensure compliance wim any other terms and. conditions set forth herein or any reiated documents. Company Will provide reports certifying the status of V compliance, jobs retained, new investments and any other relevant infonnation until the termination of this Agreement. IX. Cessation of Economic Assistance. Notwithstandig an herein to the contrary, Roo 1001010010 WEDC shall have no obligation to disburse VVEDC Econorm"c Incentives if the Company # A #A becomes *insolvent, files a petition in bankruptcy or similar proceedings, or is ac , igudged bankrupt, or 'I's delinquent on any property tax payments or an Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement occurs. A V I X. Non-Payntat of Economic Assistance. The following wit * I constitute an Event of Default and any advance shall not be forgiven in an Event of Deffitilt-, the Company becomes X Msolvent, makes any materially false statements to the City and/or the WEDC, fails to pay ad valorem taxes, or files suit againsA the City and/or the WEDC. X1. Miscellaneous. a. This Agreement shall m"ure to the benefit of the parties hereto and shall not be assignable I y Company without the prior written consent of the WEDC, which, consent may be vAthheld by the WEDC in its sole and absolute discretion. b I A This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Texas and i's emo subject to all provisions of V n s Ann. Civ. St. Art. 5190.6. which are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. In the event any provision of' the Agreement is "in conflict with article 5 190.6, article 5190�.6 shall prevail. C. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties regarding the within subject matterand may only be amended or revoked by the written agreement executed by all of the parties hereto. d. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and is specifically perfonnable *in Collin County, Texas,4 1 El23 1212012023 Item 1. e A. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this agreement shall be deemirk lIt" delivered by depositing the same in the United States mail, certified with return recei requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate party at the following addresse or at such other address as any part hereto nu*ght specify M* writing. A NVEDC: Jason. Greiner Executive Director Wylie Econonu*c Development Corporation 250 South Highway 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 COMPANY, Sanden International 601 South Sanden Blvd. Wylie, TX 75098 Attention-, I By the execution hereof, each. sipatory hereto represents and affirms that he is acting on behalf of the party indicated, that such party has taken all action necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of the Agreement and that the same, is a bmaing o r wigation on such party. I EXECUTED to be effective as of the 20 day of October 2021 Wylie Economic Development Corporallon BY -Jason GrA'n'Oe/(O'c,, 23 17**01 CDT) Jason dTei6r, Executive Director ,SANDEN INTERNATIONAL (U.S.A.), INC. ocit Texas corporation 1 El24 1212012023 Item DS 1. W Y L I E ouououououououououour uouououoimiu�C6�j1tiy\91iIG j916�N�`��uifilVi��6�llt�lmyy�� HUHHHHHUH muououoiiouniiounuououoi fououououoimmpNlppp�Q�VI� ��S111NI11�i�lni�u�iovolVIDV��� Meeting Date: December 20, 2023 Prepared By: Jason Greiner Discussion regarding ICSC events. No action is requested by staff for this item. Staff will lead a discussion about the upcoming ICSC events. ICSC Red River January 31— February 2, 2024 Wylie Economic Development Board AGENDA REPORT Item Number: DS1 Wednesday, January 31 • 2:00 — 7:00 pm - Badge Pickup & Registration • 3:30 — 4:00 pm - ICSC First -Timer, New Member & Student Meetup and Exhibit Floor Walking Tour • 4:00 — 5:00 pm - Next Generation Reception • 4:00 — 5:00 pm - Women's Forum • 5:00 — 7:00 pm - Networking Reception Thursday, February 1 • 7:00 am — 5:00 pm - Badge Pickup & Registration • 9:00 am — 5:00 pm - Dealmaking & Retailer Central Friday, February 2 • 7:00 am — 12:00 pm - Badge Pickup & Registration • 9:00 am — 12:00 pm - Dealmaking & Retailer Central For more information follow the link to the ICSC Event Page. ICSC Las Vegas May 19 - 21, 2024 For more information follow the link to the ICSC Event Page. Page 1 of 25 1212012023 Item DS2. Wylie Economic Development W Y L I E Board A EN A REPORT Meeting Date: December 20, 2023 Item Number: DS2 Prepared By: Jason Greiner 0 0 Staff report: WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, Upcoming Events, and WEDC Activities/Programs. No action is requested by staff on this item. WEDC Property Update: Property Management • Staff has worked to finalize utility disconnections in preparation for demolition 104 S Ballard, 701 S Ballard, and 711 Cooper. Staff will coordinate photography at 104 S Ballard prior to demolition. Staff is coordinating with WFR and WPD to allow training opportunities prior to demolition. • The next HRC meeting for review of demolition of 300 N 2nd Will take place on December 28tn • Staff received a request to extend the vacate date for the tenant at 100 W Oak from January 31, 2024 to March 1, 2024. • Property Management is still working with the previous tenant at 104 S Ballard for final walk thru of property. • Staff is in discussion with previous tenant at 106 N Birmingham, 605 Commerce Suite 200 and 908 Kirby regarding payment of past due rent. • Tree removal has been completed at 300 N 2nd Listing Agreement —Segovia Partners (SP) • SP has continued to market developable properties and has engaged with potential users/developers. • Staff met with Segovia and potential users/developers. • Staff will provide project updates in Executive Session. Downtown Parkin • Concept plans and OPCCs for Phase 1 and Buildout of the parking lots have been submitted. • Preliminary Cost estimates are being prepared. • Staff met with UP to discuss the potential for parking downtown. Page 1 of 26 1212012023 Item DS2. Downtown & SBO Property Concepts: • KH to prepare concept layout for 503-701 S Ballard. Waiting on existing plat/survey data. Enf!ineerinj! Report: Design &Engineering - 544 Gateway Addition — Kimley Horn (KH) • Atmos/Oncor coordination ongoing. • The construction plan resubmittal was made to TxDOT and we are waiting on the final permit. • Ongoing coordination with Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 6 developers. • After KH receive all approvals, KH will bid the project and setup apre-con meeting. • A replat will need to be prepared to show final easements after all approvals are received. • Staff will further coordinate with USPS regarding postal service in the coming weeks. • The next step is construction bids and award of contract. • Completion Date: Early-2024 Design &Engineering —City of Wylie's 19 Acres - FM 544 Corridor (KH) • Survey has been completed • Next meeting scheduled for 12/20 Environmental- State Hwy 78 &Brown —Elm Creek (EC) &Whitehead Environmental Services (WES) • TCEQ sent comments back on 8/29. • Staff met with EC and WES to discuss deliverables. WES was brought in on the project to wrap this up asap. • The DUS was submitted to TCEQ on 12-8-23 and the RACR was submitted on 12-14-23. • EC now anticipates receiving TCEQ response by January 9`n Design & Engineering - Cooper Plaza - State Hwy 78 & Brown • The Preliminary and Final Plat as well as the Civil Plans have been submitted to the City. P&Z will consider the item at the 12-19-23 P&Z Meeting. • The next step is construction bids and award of contract. • Completion Date: Early-2024 Flood Study &Drainage Study- Hooper/Steel/Regency Business Park (KH) • Drainage analysis and modeling is underway and preliminary results are expected to be available in January. Water &Sewer Extension -State Hwy 78/Alanis (KH) • Approval from NTMWD has been received. Contractor will need to coordinate with NTMWD on shutdown for tie-in. • The proposed drainage and sanitary sewer easements have been signed by Larry Nelson. We will then need to file with Collin County. • KH has prepared two concept exhibits for Nelson's property at the hard corner of 78 and Alanis. • The proposed drainage and sanitary sewer easements need to be resigned by Larry Nelson. We will then need to file with Collin County. • The access easement across Stealth property needs to be resigned by Larry Nelson and Stealth. We will then need to file with Collin County. Eubanks Easement/ROW Coordination • Easement exhibits have been submitted and staff is coordinating with property owners to get them signed. • KH is preparing ROW documents for Lot 1. Expected to be completed 12/13/24 and will be sent to WEDC and City for review. • Staff has worked with contractor to coordinate tree removal on Eubanks. 27 1212012023 Item DS2. FM 544/Younger Partners Commercial Property Survey • Survey field work is completed and sent to WEDC. This survey includes the data that will be required for the flood study of the City's 19-acre tract. • KH reviewing whether or not an at -grade crossing of the railroad is feasible based on the existing topography. SCS Lakes • KHA prepared IPO# 10 to study the ponds and their dams. IPO to include the process for taking the ponds off system, providing an environmental inventory, providing a cost for dredging, providing flood studies for both watersheds and section on the possibility for adding amenities. Additional discussion will be needed prior to moving forward. State Hwy 78 TxDOT Improvements • KH to prepare EJCDC contracts for the project. BRE Updates: • Conducted 2 BRE visits in November. • Attended the first Regional Business Symposium for Business Students featuring local businesses and educational institutions. Partnered with Plano, Rockwall and Wylie (ISD & EDC). • Attended the Red, White, and You Veterans Hiring Event — City of Wylie received an award during the event for significant achievements in hiring veterans. • Assisted the Wylie ISD to secure medical providers for placement of Medical Assistant Practicum students for January practicum placement. Additional WEDC Activities/Programs in Review: • Participated in Sanden International USA Ribbon Cutting • Staff worked with legal regarding ongoing real estate projects and performance agreements. • Staff coordinated the sale of property at FM 544 Gateway with Phoenix Ascending LLC and the sale of the Squire property with MLKJ. • Sales tax revenues for the month of December are up 10.62%. This allocation is the first sales tax allocation for FY24. • Rachael Hermes graduated from OU Economic Development Institute on November 91h after completing the final Fall Session in Austin. • Staff and Blake Brininstool attended the TML Economic Development Conference in Bastrop on November 16-17. • Staff and Demond Dawkins attended the Chamber breakfast featuring the Wylie Community Christian Care Center. • Staff worked on ongoing updates and refreshes to website content and available properties for better online visibility. This included work toward development of video content, updates to data and featured stories, and development of content including press releases. • Staff worked on ongoing development of social media initiatives and future content creation/scheduling. Upcoming Events: • WEDC January Meeting and Board Retreat — January 12 • ICSC Red River — January 3 1 - February 2 • Project U- Burleson — February 20 • TEDC Winter Conference- San Antonio — February 21-23 • TEDC Basic- Round Rock — February 27-March 1 Please see the attached Marketing Calendar for the full list of upcoming events. 28 �� t �II�I�„II N ���� � 1212012023 Item DS2. �YDIIIiuiouol�Dlliuuuiu�ou�D M�iuiouoiii�, VVY L I E �oo�o�I��,DI l'i"iman V ���III�����i�iSSlP � �E N i��mi�i � Irv"� uiltllii�tity `,�ui�`i\uiN¢ ���� �� ,D� �� � 2023 November Board Meeting -15`n Day Time Meeting/Event 5-9 OU EDI Fall 2023 Institute — Austin TX - rh 9 10:00-1:00 Red, White & YOU! Hiring Event- Plano Events Center �111110 Veteransiiiiiit i i I 13-17 National Apprenticeship Week 14 6:00 pm City Council - Sm Business Sat, Nat'I App Wk, Nat'l Entr Day 15 7:30 am WEDC- Board Meeting 15 8:30 am Wylie Chamber Breakfast featuring Wylie Community Christian Care Center 16-17 TML Economic Development Conference — Bastrop, TX - mw/bb/jg/rh 21 National Entrepreneur's Day 23 L i iiiiir k iiiiii ii 1 i i ,111,111,11241, 2023 December Board Meeting — 2ptn Day Time Meeting/Event 1 6:00 pm Chamber Winter Wonderland Elfin Gala — Boyd Farm, Lavon 4-15 TEDC Sales Tax Workshop — Virtual — ai, wm, bb 5 8:30 am WDMA Meeting 7-8 TEDC Board Retreat - jg 12 6:00 pm City Council 12 11:00 am CTE Advisory Luncheon 20 7:30 am WEDC- Board Meeting 21 Leadership Wylie — City of Wylie/EDC Day �5 C LOS IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII iil riiiii III°°°°°IIIIII i "i 2024 January Special Called Board Meeting —12th Day Time Meeting/Event C L I@mpl New Ye&iii,-'s IIIIII Illllh°°°°°i iiiiii 9 8:30 am WDMA Meeting 9 Wylie Chamber Board Retreat 9 6:00 pm City Council 10 11:30 am City of Wylie's Annual Employee Banquet 12 7:30 am WEDC- Board Meeting and Board Retreat °i 5 L' IIIIII'' ixt �iiiiir t it iiiii ilk it ! r i i I 23 6:00 pm City Council 31-Feb 2 ICSC Red River- Dallas Around the Corner... • Project U- Burleson, TX- February 20 • TEDC Winter Conference — San Antonio, TX — February 21-23 • TEDC Basic Course — Round Rock, TX — February 27- March 1 • TEDC Women in Economic Development Conference- Round Rock, TX - April 23-24 • TEDC Basic Course- Ft. Worth —June 11-14 *RSVP Required *RSVP Required *RSVP Required *RSVP Required 29