12-28-2023 (Historic Review) Agenda PacketWylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting December 28, 2023 — 6:00 PM f'V Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road, Building #100, Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY WYLIE CALL TO ORDER COMMENTS ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. PRESENTATIONS CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the ConsentAgenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the ConsentAgenda and will be considered separately. A. Regular Meeting Minutes from October 26, 2023 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Tabled from 10-26-2023 Remove firom table and consider Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 300 N. Second St. within the Downtown Historic District. WORK SESSION RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. Ivinf \ U 3 CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on December 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at age 11 Fil Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Commission at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to, the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071— Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551_073 — Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. 2 1212812023 /tem A. IAI f'V CITY OF WYLIE Historic Review Commission Department: Planning Item: Prepared By: Lillian Baker Consider and act upon Minutes from the October 26, 2023 Regular Meeting. Motion to approve as presented. The minutes are attached for your consideration. I1 0 1212812023 /tem A. Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting October 26, 2023 — 6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road, Building #100, Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER JAI f'N CITY OF WYLIE Chair Sandra Stone called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were Chair Sandra Stone, Vice Chair Allison Stowe, Commissioner Krileigh Hoermann, Commissioner Stephen Burkett, Commissioner Kali Patton, Commissioner Laurie Sargent, Commissioner Anita Jones, Deputy City Manager Renae 011ie, Director of Community Services Jasen Haskins, and Administrative Assistant Lillian Baker. COMMENTS ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. None approached the Commission CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the ConsentAgenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Meeting Minutes from September 28, 2023 Regular Meeting Board Action on Consent Agenda A motion was made by Vice -Chair Stowe and seconded by Commissioner Patton to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and carried 7 — 0. REGULAR AGENDA Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the demolition of a commercial structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 104 S. Ballard. within the Downtown Historic District. Board Discussion on Regular Agenda Item #1 Deputy City Manager 011ie presented an overview of the application, from the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (EDC), to demolish an existing structure, property located at 104 S Ballard within the Downtown Historic District (DTH). The property has housed multiple businesses, but was a newer addition to the city and does not have historical significance. The current tenant will vacate the property at the end of October 2023. If approved, the building will be demolished in December 2023. There is no engineering report because the building is not dilapidated or structural issues. Flage 11 0 1212812023 /tem A. Rachel Hermes with the EDC was present and stated that there are no future plans for this site to date. She further stated that due to its location it is prime property and the EDC will redevelop and market it to be an asset to the community. The question of the mural that is painted on the side came into question by Board and the Commission raised concern on the preservation of the mural. Hermes informed the commission that the EDC would be thoughtful of the thoughts of the City regarding the mural. The Commission requested that the mural be documented in some way, preferably photographs, prior to demolition. Board Action on Regular Agenda Item #1 A motion was made by Commissioner Stowe and seconded by Commissioner Hoermann to approve recommendation for demolition, with the condition that the mural be photographed prior to demolition. A vote was taken and carried 7 — 0. 2. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the demolition of a commercial structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 100 E. Oak St., within the Downtown Historic District. Board Discussion on Regular Agenda Item #2 Deputy City Manager 011ie presented an overview of the demolition application from the EDC for the property located at 100 E Oak St within the DTH. The property is currently being used as a church. The church will vacate in January of 2024 and demolition will begin in February of 2024. The property has no decay or structural issues and has no historical significance. Board Action on Regular Agenda Item #2 A motion was made by Commissioner Patton and seconded by Chair Stone to approve recommendation for demolition. A vote was taken and carried 7 — 0. 3. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 300 N. Second St. within the Downtown Historic District. Board Discussion on Regular Agenda Item #3 Deputy City Manager 011ie presented the demolition application for the EDC for property located at 300 N Second St. It was noted that the EDC has purchased all homes on this street with the exclusion of one and the property to the east. The Commission raised concern that the home appeared older than records showed of 1967. The Commission inquired why demolition was necessary for a residence that does not have any evident structural issues. The question was also raised by Chair Stone on why the commercial district was being pushed so far north into the residential area. Hermes stated that the EDC will be demolishing all the properties and they currently do not have discussions in progress on what will be developed there in the future. The one residence that they do not own, was previously attempted to be purchased but the EDC was unable to acquire. Chair Stone wanted to table the item to find out more information on the exact age of the home, the architecture, and if it had any historical significance. She felt that more information needs to be researched prior to making a decision on the demolition. Vice -Chair Stowe stated she would research state records to find accurate and any historical records on the age of the home. Board Action on Regular Agenda Item #3 Flage 12 5] 1212812023 /tem A. A motion was made by Chair Stone and Seconded by Vice -Chair Stowe to table Agenda Item 3 until more information can be researched. A vote was taken and carried 7 — 0. WORK SESSION WS1. Discuss Downtown Historic Ordinance Board Discussion on Work Session Chair Stone stated that the application that was submitted (111 Keefer) presented an opportunity to revisit a number of items within the ordinance. Chair Stone expressed concern over specific ordinances and questioned whether they were specific enough to make decisions or be interpreted correctly. She stated that the city had few true contributing residential structures that met both historical architecture and/or historical significance and that she wanted to be sure that future structures were historically accurate to be added to that list of properties. She also stated that she wanted to build the district. The Board discussed 6.3 A of the Ordinance verbiage regarding what a contributing structure is. Deputy City Manager 011ie noted that the Texas State Historical Commission states that a contributing structure is one that is 50 years or older. Some homes were built outside of existing historical standards, but could be deemed historical at a future date. Deputy City Manager 011ie noted that a home built in 2023, in 50 years may be deemed historical or it may not, but there is no way to determine that at this time. The Board discussed 6.3 E-2(C) of the Ordinance. Chair Stone expressed concern over the verbiage "encourage and discourage." She stated the verbiage should use words such as "shall/must." Chair noted the most recent application at 111 Keefer and that the windows were not "Craftsman style." To which the Board noted that the true craftsman windows were designed for ventilation and were specifically placed when air conditioning was not available and the standards for windows are different on the recent submission for that reason. Deputy City Manager reiterated the State Guidelines that the new builds should not be replicas to be confused with originals. She also noted that the priority of the board was for preservation of the DTH and not exact replication of historic homes. Commissioner Hoermann stated that the Historic Review Commission (HRC) was an advisory board and not established to set laws. Commissioner Patton questioned if the HRC was overstepping its boundaries. Commissioner Jones asked if there are standard lists of historical features. Deputy City Manager 011ie informed the Board that there is a resource available, from the Secretary of Interior, she uses when reviewing applications and the Board agreed that applicants should be directed to this resource before filing with the City. Director Haskins cautioned against using specified language as it could cause unintended consequences by being too restrictive. Chair Stone wanted the Board to become more familiar with the resource and create a list that needs to be met by applicants. Deputy City Manager 011ie said this could create issues because it puts applicants and the Board in a restrictive box and that more open dialogue would be preferred for what is best for the DTH and not personal preference by Board Members. The Board agreed to remove the encourage/discourage section from the ordinance and for applicants to reference the resource materials. Chair Stone also questioned if prior to destruction that applications be accompanied by a Structural Engineer letter. Deputy City Manager 011ie noted that the letter is typically only required if the building is of decay or not structurally sound and in some instances is waived if the structure does not fall into that category. The Board discussed 6.3 — E 4 (iii) of the ordinance relating to the definition of the accessory structure. It was still determined that a garage is part of the main residence and not in all cases considered an accessory structure and that it can also depend on the usage. Chair Stone requested that the verbiage be changed to include a garage specifically as an accessory structure for all new builds in the DTH, again noting the latest application for 111 Keefer. Chair Stone stated that she had never seen a historic home with an attached garage. Commissioner Burkett noted that he has seen attached garages on historic homes as he lived in a 1902 Victorian with an attached garage in Galveston, TX. The Board also discussed setbacks and if those could be adjusted. Director Haskins stated that the setbacks are firm in the ordinance for the DTH. Chair Stone noted the previous application for 111 Keefer and stated that the lots were too small for the residence that was wanting to be built and if a variance can be made for the setback to Flage 13 6] 1212812023 /tem A. include a detached garage if the house was moved closer to the street, that might help the issue. Director Haskins stated he could consult with the Fire Department and the Engineering Department to see if that was a possibility, as the location is a corner lot and site visibility for traffic may be an issue if the house is built too close to the street. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Patton and seconded by Commissioner Hoermann to adjourn. A vote was taken and carried 7 — 0. Chair Stone adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Sandra Stone, Chair ATTEST Lillian Baker, Secretary Flage 14 0 12128120231tem 1. JAI fN CITY OF WYLIE Department: Prepared By: Planning Renae' 011ie Historic Review Commission Account Code: Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 300 N. Second St. within the Downtown Historic District. Motion to recommend approval as presented Owner: Wylie Economic Development Corporation MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE Applicant: Jason Griener for WEDC UPDATE: At the October 26th meeting, the board requested the item be tabled to allow for further research into the origins of the subject property. Commissioner Stowe stated that she has resources to conduct such research. Commissioner Stowe, informed staff that she found some information that seems to point to the house predating the 60s but nothing definitive. She mentioned we may not be able to date this house for sure and suggested moving forward with consideration. In addition, staff reached out to the previous owners seeking any information on the history of the property. The owner confirmed there were additions/alterations made from the original footprint of the house. The current property owner proposes to demolish the existing 1,814 square foot residential structure. According to Collin County Appraisal District records, the structure was built in 1967. The property was acquired by WEDC in 2019 for redevelopment purposes as part of strategic planning efforts for the Downtown Historic District. The subject property is on the western boundary of the Highway 78 and Brown redevelopment and will bridge the new development to the existing DTH District. The exterior material is siding and includes a wrap around porch with decorative arched columns. The application states that property is not of historic value. Redevelopment of this prime property located within the entryway into the Downtown Historic District will contribute to the charm and vibrancy of Historic Downtown Wylie while further spurring economic development for our community. Section 6.3.E.3. of the City's Zoning Ordinance outlines the criteria for demolition as follows: Demolition of a structure will NOT be allowed if any of the items below are met: 1. A structure is of architectural or historical interest and/or value or its removal would be detrimental to the public interest, or 2. The building contributes significantly to the character of the historic district and demolition would create a detrimental view or adversely affect the existing buildings on the block, or 3. A structure is contributing or unusual or uncommon design and materials and it could not be reproduced without great difficulty and/or expense, or 4. If its proposed replacement would not make a positive visual contribution, would disrupt the character or be visually incompatible within the historic district. 12128120231tem 1. Demolition of a structure MAY be allowed if any of the following criteria is met: 1. The building has lost its architectural and historical integrity and importance and its removal will not result in a negative, less appropriate visual effect on the historic district, or 2. The structure does not contribute to the historical or architectural character and importance of the historic district (e.g. a non contributing structure), and its removal will result in a positive, appropriate visual effect in the district. Staff believes that its removal would not be detrimental to the public interest. 1212812023Item 1. LOT 3 LET BLOCK 4 LT 112'IRS EAST 1 1 5 0' 1- s cc co r — — t STORY LOTS DPFR4ME#300 .25T ACR DRIVE L13T 5 GARAGE 3fP�D`dRS li`IF s WATER METER JEFMSON FIRE HYDRANT DP BRICK PLANTER PLAT OF SURVEY SHOWING LOT 6 & PART OF LOT BLOCK 960rings asSamed RAILROAD ITI See Held notes to accompany plat. CITY OF WYLIE I Chris E. OWfffth, Registered Professional Land Swrvepw, do h .. rtlfy COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS thot this plat rapre Ps the results of a &(jrVeY made on the ground SCALE. n under my sup vision durfng the month of Lbly, 2009. lfie fmpravements shown h6lraon am above the 10D yaw flood plain. 4��rmi t + fiv as predoWad 6y F.E .A.:(F.I.R .J flood Insurance spate Maps. °prod Gf N UNDER MY a"f l DI A4, this the d CHR15 FRTH 480 tlegisPared fFafmssfcn¢I lmd sune"r.. REFERENCE- .DEED - Vi1L. 4750. PG. 1634 -g DAC.C13.,TX. State of texas Na 4e46 REFER Ei RAILRI4AD AD01TIt�l = VIIL. 4 PG 111 m A4.RCiCi7 ,TX. CO.GRIFFITH SURVEYING AVENUE607 =PREPA IRED FOR LVI , TEXAS 75604 PH j 295-1560 FAX i )-1T OMMYJ