Ordinance 1932 ti v r t ��.;v y V ♦'l� ORDINAIQCE LEt1YYNG A TAX t�F �1.50 nN F�CH ONE HUiV�RED DOLLARS vALVA'���1 OF TA�CABLF PR�PERTY IN THE CITY OF 1PYLIE, TE�CAS, F� TAE XEAR �,93�,, �1•00 OF SAID AI�4UNT T� BE U9ED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING dLtRA��fT INTEREST 4I� ITS Bt9i�DED Ii�'DEBTEDNE9S ApD TO CREATE A B��fI'�G FU10'D �IITH 1VHICH Tt} PAY THE PRII�CIPAL A3 3A� BECOMEB DU�, �gTY CENT3 OF BAID Ali0U1�T TO 8� PA�3 IpTO THL t�ENERAL FU�tD OF SAID �3'�''Y OF 1l7CLIE, A1�D TlYEN'YY CEATS �F SAID Al[�U11T TO BE USED FOR THE PEfRPOS� OF PAYING IT9 SE11ER FUND I1�EHTEDME38; AND DECLARING AN EI�ERGENCY• BE IT QRI)AINED �Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IiYLIE, TE�AS: 8ectioa 1. That there ie hereby levied a taa of One and .50/100 ��1.50), Dollare on eaoh t?ne Hundred (�lOQ.QO), Dcllars valuation Ai taxable propertq ia eaid City oY llylie, Texas, for the year 1933, Ome (�1.0�), Dollar of eaid a,moun� tc be ueed for the purpo�e o� paqing the ourrent in�ereet on ite bor�lecl indebt�dnees aad to create r a sinking Sw�d with whioh to pay the prinoipal as �ame becomee due, ?hirty Geate of eaid amount to be paid into the general fuixi ot �eid City of 1Pylie, Teacas, and Txenty Csnte ci aaid amount to be ueed Sor the purpoae of paqiag ita 8ewer Yuad indebtednaee. Seotion a. The public importanoe of thia ordinance creates an emergeacq ax�d an imperative public aeceesity for the auspension of� R _,the rules requiring ordin�noee to be r�ad on three �everal daqe, and said rule is hereby suspe�cled, and tbis ordinanoe is plaa�d on ite first reading and finarl passage, and ehall be affeotive and in full i�rve from and af ter i te passage and approval by the l[aqor PA3SED AND APPROVED, thie the 15th. day of April A.A. 1933. APPROVED MAY4R t�F 0 TE S• �crrect Attest: y eore ary o p c q e, exas, 1 y. r a __�r_:r� a.6�..c��?�xn.ta",:�,,'fi�_.�wi'...__. ._._..--�----"y`-----�------_