01-08-2024 (Parks & Recreation) MinutesWylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes 'A
January 08, 2024 — 5:30 pm fN
Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road, Building #100, Wylie, Texas 75098
Board Chair Dyson called the regular meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. The following Parks and Recreation
Board members were present: Board -Vice Chair Gloria Suarez, Board Member Craig Allen, and Board
Member Kim Mullis. Board Member Nick Puente was absent, Board Member Brian Arnold arrived at
5:34 p.m., and Board Member Scott Hevel arrived at 6:00 p.m.
Staff present included Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen, Parks and Recreation Assistant
Director Brent Stowers, and Parks and Recreation Executive Administrative Assistant Janet Pieper.
No presentations.
City of Wylie resident Eric Clowers addressed the Board regarding the current use and rental of the
Founders Park soccer fields.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the November 13, 2023, Regular Parks and Recreation
Board Meeting Minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Allen, seconded by Board Member Mullis, to approve the
November 13, 2023, Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken, and
the motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Puente absent and Board Member Hevel arriving to the
meeting at 6:00 p.m.
WS1. Project Updates.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Stowers reviewed and provided recent pictures of the Parks and
Recreation Department's current and future project updates.
The contractor, LMC Corporation, continues renovating the interior and exterior of the Senior Recreation
Center. The renovation project includes new ADA restrooms, a new fitness room, new flooring, office
relocations, new lighting, new windows, exterior refinishing, and additional parking. Progress remains on
schedule for the expected completion this spring.
The Founders Park field renovation project continues on three athletic fields located on the park's
northwest side. The contractor is Grand Landscapes and Athletics, and Parks staff is assisting in installing
new irrigation to the renovated fields. The three northern fields are being crowned, the front section will
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January 8, 2024, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
be renovated for smaller fields, new irrigation will be added to the renovated areas, a new irrigation pump
will be installed to service the west side of the complex, all fields and common areas will be upgraded to
Tiffuf Athletic Field grades sod, and all playing fields in that area will be brought up with two inches of
premium topsoil and sand capped with two inches of sand for drainage.
Except for addressing a few punch list items, the contractor, RLM EarthCo Construction, completed the
dog park construction. The park includes three dog park paddocks, bullpen fencing entries, dog wash
stations, agility equipment, small pavilions, site furnishings, security lights, trail connections, irrigation,
and landscaping. The grand opening for the new park, named "Prairie Tails," is scheduled for this
Thursday, January 11, at 3:30 p.m.; Parks and Recreation Board Members are encouraged to attend.
The splash pad projects at the Community Park and the East Meadow Trail areas are ongoing. The East
Meadow splash pad will include prairie -style water features, stamped concrete, stone seating, a group
shelter, an arrival plaza, a drop-off location, a gateway shade structure, a public restroom, a filtration
building, and a connection to the existing trails. The Community Park splash pad will include futuristic -
style water features, stamped concrete, seat walls, shade fabric, an arrival plaza, a drop-off location, new
restrooms with a pump filtration room, and a connection to the existing trails. The completion date for the
splash pad is anticipated to be in the summer of 2024.
Upcoming projects include the construction of a new Pirate Cove playground. It will be an all-inclusive
playground located in a new area of Founders Park. It will remain pirate-themed, have a two to five -year -
old play structure, a five to twelve -year -old play structure, a three -bay swing set, and rubber -based
poured -in -place surfacing. The original Pirate Cove playground will remain intact at its location for
public use until the new one is complete. The estimated start date for this project is April 2024.
Another upcoming project is the Community Park Playground Phase Two. This will include a Nexus
Climber amenity, additional stand-alone playground components, an additional three -bay swing set with
inclusive swings and a bird nest swing, and the rubber -based poured -in -place surfacing. This project's
estimated start date is expected in the spring of 2024.
WS2. Program Updates.
Staff Comments
Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen reviewed updates on departmental programs. January is
Wellness Month, and many activities are planned during that time. Last week, the department co -hosted a
Hooping with the Blues program where youth engaged in a friendly basketball challenge with Wylie
Police and Wylie Fire Department staff. There will be an added bonus to the Recreation auto -renew
passes. Staff have wrapped up the Spring Break and Summer Camp programming with the new Activity
registration opening on March 1. Staff will be coordinating and participating in the Prairie Tails Dog Park
grand opening event on Thursday, January 11.
A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Member Allen, to adjourn the meeting
at 6:17 p.m. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 6-0 with Board Member Puente absent from the
eaux_\Dyson, and thair
Janet Pieper, Executive Administrative Assistant
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January 8, 2024, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes