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03-05-2024 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 05,2024—6:00 PM f'V Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY WYLIE CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public mustfill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the ConsentAgenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the ConsentAgenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider and act upon, approval of the meeting minutes from the February 20, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. REGULAR AGENDA 1, Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Agricultural(AG/30)to Agricultural-Special Use Permit(AG/30- SUP) on 0.055 acres to allow for Telecommunications Tower. Property located at 5085 Bennett Road (ZC 2024-01). 2. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Agricultural(AG/30)to a Planned Development with single family attached, single family detached,commercial development and open space on 25.037 acres.Property located near 605 Country Club Road(ZC 2023-18). WORK SESSION RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT 1 CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on March 1,2024 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Commission at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. 2 0310512024 Item A. IAI f N Planning & Zoning WYLIE Commission AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: A Prepared By: Gabby Fernandez Consider and act upon, approval of the meeting minutes from the February 20, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion I The minutes from the February 20,2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting are attached for your consideration. 0310512024 Item A. Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting JAI February 20, 2024—6:00 PM f'N Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY O WYLIE CALL TO ORDER Chair Joshua Butler called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. In attendance were Vice-Chair James Byrne, Commissioner Joe Chandler, Commissioner Harold Gouge, Commissioner Zeb Black and Commissioner Keith Scruggs. Staff present were: Community Services Director Jasen Haskins, Senior Planner Kevin Molina, Development Engineering Manager Than Nguyen and Administrative Assistant Gabby Fernandez. Absent was Commissioner Jennifer Grieser. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Butler gave the Invocation and Commissioner Gouge led the Pledge of Allegiance. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of*the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of*the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No one approached the Commissioners on Non-Agenda Items. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the ConsentAgenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon,the approval of the February 6,2024 Regular Meeting Minutes. B. Consider,and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat of Lot 2B 1,Block A of Aldi. Wylie Addition, amending one commercial lot on 1.162 acres,located at 3457 W FM 544. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge,seconded by Commissioner Skruggs,to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6 0. Page I 1 0310512024 Item A. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan amendment for Lot 1R-4RR, Block C of Woodlake Village for the expansion of a car wash on 1.03 acres. Property located at 2010 N State Highway 78. 2. Hold a Public Hearing, consider and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Commercial Corridor(CC)to Commercial Corridor-Special Use Permit(CC-SUP) on 1.074 acres to allow for a drive-through restaurant use. Property located at 2806 W FM 544. (ZC 2023-19). 3. Hold a Public Hearing, consider and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Planned Development 2020-27 (PD 2020-27) to Planned Development(PD)on 20.433 acres. Property located from 2535-2701 S State Highway 78 (ZC 2023-20). Commission Discussion on Regular Agenda Item 1 Senior Planner Molina approached the Commissioners, stating that the applicant is proposing a Site Plan amendment for an addition to a car wash by adding 271 sq. ft and reconfiguring the vacuum service stalls.Planner Molina stated that with this change, they would not be affecting any of the existing Ere lanes and are still in compliance with landscaping requirements. The use did not require a special use permit because it was already an existing car wash. Chair Butler questioned if it was just the office space that was being added to which Planner Molina stated that was correct,it would be a waiting area for vehicles that are being serviced. Chair Butler asked if the site plan was being changed beyond what had previously been approved other than what had been discussed.Planner Molina stated that the access to the vacuum base is being moved to the West of the existing building. Commissioner Byrne questioned if the move affected the fire lanes to which Planner Molina stated that the fire lanes are not next to the building,they are to the North. Board Action on Item 1. A motion was made by Commissioner Byrne, seconded by Chair Butler,to approve Item 1 as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Commission Discussion on Regular Agenda Item 2 Senior Planner Molina stated that the applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit(SUP). The site was previously Bush's Chicken and has since become a medical clinic and the property owner wants to lease space for a restaurant.Planner Molina explained that this is why they are requesting an. SUP, as they would be changing uses. The applicant is asking for the SUP to function as a site plan. Planner Molina stated that staff has reviewed it as if it were a site plan and is in compliance with site plan requirements. Additional parking spaces will be added on the East side of the lot. Senior Planner Molina stated that 15 notices had been sent out and 1 was in opposition. There are currently no tenants. Page 12 5] 0310512024 Item A. Chair Butler opened a public hearing at 6:10 pm. The architect of the project approached the Commission to answer any questions.No questions were asked.No one else approached the Commission. Chair Butler closed the public hearing at 6:11 pm. Board Action on Item 2 A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge, seconded by Commissioner Chandler,to approve Item 2 as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6-0. Commission Discussion on Regular Agenda Item 3 Senior Planner Molina presented a request from an applicant for a Planned Development amendment. Planner Molina explained that the purpose of the amendment is because the property does not maintain the same ownership. It was previously zoned as Multi-family with Commercial and was sold to the new applicants. The Town Home portion remains the same as the Serene Development. Levi Wild with Wild Land Development Consulting presented to the Commission on behalf of the new property owner. He stated that something the developers liked about the property was the frontage on Highway 78 has a a lot of traffic,which is a great opportunity for Commercial Development. They will be preserving the corridor along Highway 78 and on the back side,having a multi-family community there.Wild explained that they will be marketing toward young professionals with their amenities on the property. He said they would be maintaining the access points from the previous plan and changing everything internal to the property. With the Commercial Development along Highway 78,they're looking at having restaurants and more neighborhood services to recruit tenants. He stated that he has been working with the Wylie EDC to get connected with people who are active in the Marketplace. Commissioner Byrne asked about what was being done with the body of water that transverses the two properties running through Sachse and Wylie. Director Jasen Haskins explained that the area was annexed into Wylie and belonged to the City of Wylie. The body of water is a floodway and has to stay where it is. Commissioner Byrne asked if there was a plan for a sidewalk crossing the body of water to which Director Haskins answered that they plan to connect it with a pedestrian bridge as mentioned in the development agreement. Commissioner Byrne asked about the number of apartment units. Director Haskins explained that being limited to one and two bedrooms,there will be minimal impact on the school district. The Commission discussed the property's layout and Director Haskins stated that the density is not much more than what is normally required and while asking for 250 units,they are spreading them out well. When asked about the commercial property,Levi Wild stated that they do not have any tenants,but are working with the EDC to secure interest. Commissioner Byrne asked about turning lanes to which Presenter Levi Wild confirmed that there would be lanes added. Chair Butler questioned the difference between the staggering of the development and the site plan changes. Director Haskins explained that the two main differences are this development splits the concurrency requirements that were in the previous project development for building all at the same time as well as asking for more apartment units. The previous development proposed more commercial properties to be involved. Chair Butler asked if the City Council has seen the development from a work session perspective to which Director Haskins answered that they have not yet seen it. He explained that because it was so similar to the other development that was already approved, it was decided to move forward without a work session. Chair Butler opened the public hearing at 6:22 PM. None approached the Commission. Chair Butler closed the public hearing at 6:22 PM. Page 13 0310512024 Item A. Board Action on Item 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge, seconded by Commissioner Black,to approve Item 3 as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge, and seconded by Commissioner Chandler,to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 PM. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Joshua Butler, Chair ATTEST Gabby Fernandez, Secretary Page 14 7] 0310512024 Item 1. IAI fN Wylie Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item Number: 1 Prepared By: Kevin Molina Hold a Public Hearing,consider,and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Agricultural- Special Use Permit (AG/30-SUP) on 0.055 acres to allow for Telecommunications Tower. Property located at 5085 Bennett Road(ZC 2024-01). Recommendation 1 Motion to recommend(approval,approval with conditions or disapproval)as presented. OWNER: Wylie Independent School District APPLICANT: Verizon Wireless The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) on 0.055 acres to allow for a telecommunication site with a telecommunication tower. The property is located at 5085 Bennett Road and is leased from Wylie ISD within the Wylie East High School platted subdivision. The current zoning is Agricultural(AG/30). The development consists of a 60'X40' lease area with a 100' monopole tower screened by an 8' tall CMU wall on top of a retaining wall. A 5' landscaping screening strip with flowering trees is proposed along the southern border of the site. The site is to be accessed by a 30' fire lane access & utility easement that connects to Bennett Road. The applicant has obtained a utility crossing authorization permit form the North Texas Municipal Water District for this proposed driveway. The Special Use Permit(SUP) is requesting for the Zoning Exhibit to act as the site plan for the development. Approval of the SUP shall act as site approval. As presented, this Zoning Exhibit is in compliance with the design requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Approval of the site development is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The adjacent property to the south and east are located outside of the city limits and are developed with single family homes and land within FEMA Flood Zone Hazard Zone A . The property to the north and west are developed with the Wylie East High School campus. The subject property lies within the Pubic/Semi Public sector of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The proposed zoning is compatible with the Plan. In accordance with Section 332.c.(7).B of Title 47 of the US Communications Act, any denial of an application must be in writing and supported by substantial evidence and cannot be based on environmental effects of radio transmissions nor the proposed cell service provider. Notices were sent to one property owner within 200 feet as required by state law.At the time of posting,no responses were received in favor or in protest of the request. ,,off 0310512024 Item 1. Locator Map NS�P� ------------- Opp r ' 777 �pp r d •.l CHADBOURNEMR- i• • I ' `� yv •M �G REATA DR C 4J� •Z 0 Alley Z f BEAUMONT DR SHERIDAN a ENDICOTT GTE I LN Alle V ~ _ - v N""wYLIE MONTAGUE Alley �� :: e_: ,° � .;r, •Y -h, 0 G W Alley w� ,�, %.1z m ` �. ,• ti'1 ti Al M4. t�� • '� BROWNST Ws Wylie Ci ty limit ZONING CASE: Ilk r-ri r-1 ZC 2024 01 SUP tl r� ~7 CITY ( j 1r :_: A. SUBJECT property WYLIE ;,., a .A �[�'YL•I ...,,. r� L 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Miles I I I I Date: 2/7/2024 `< 9 0310512024 Item 1. /1 ACTION VICINITY MAP U IPP11111 0 KIRKE uttfrl nN/J — Da,e ..... � O�l� Ail HA YL P p l Prizo L �mY "I 3 NPGNBORN00D g j t 8 Sond Thom W-Ited 10 the pp-d of th,,p ect. y PROJECT 3 PROJECT SUMMARY NEW --- _ 1 TELECOMMUNICATION SITE INFORMATION RA L DRAWN By MG ' JURISDICTION CCI UN fOUN TY CELL SITE occuRANcr uNMaNNEO afEa:EO BY cz ...:.�, Z01vI AGYEN ' (,XINSTRIJCIIUN TYPE'.NEW CELL 511E MONOP(,ILE I(IWER 0 9/2]/23 ISUE FOR 041NJ UH, COORDINATES 33.015568',-96.490606 SUL OF ZONING 4EYiEN_ 'RE: 5¢ a ALL, Laval EeAPON 437AO /L ARAI 20/o ISsJEFneLauw9RLWEw M , , .-: SITE NAME PROPERTY OWNER T WWII D V't,k I^ ,'.=v.., .J it t1 I • OIMIJEP,COIIIAC-.SGuIT RODEP,ICK 95iS B11dA LLPRO y, WYLI-IX 75098 PRONE.972-429-3027 crrouY 75243 11 B TT``— rllE SITE ADDRESS APPLICANT 6 VERIZON WIRELESS ay st.atan eras 5085 BENNE17 ROAD 696 TRI FLINTY PARKvNAW 3TE ,DO ApHER TZ U IB;54 WYLIE, TX. 7509$ SURVEYOR COLLIN COUNTY 21 SUR,EYOR INC jai FIT N. O ORD 730 ) 4" FL RENo Or 1,o,r, F RZ �'_ 33.015568°, -96.4906060 PRONE (OS).6L-0249 RF�iF�°"rNc. TAX (405)262-51 O7 IT RVEYING1 lAOL COO �► ENLARGED MAP NORTH ENGINEER CONSULTANT AL-PRO COK YI.TING GROUP,INC 922i LYNDON B.JOHNSON`WY,SUITE 204 DAL,AS,TEXAS 752k3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OFFICE(Tu)A1,-8893 PILOT GROVE FAX (866)364-1171 REIN A LEASE AREA CONTAINING Q_055 ACRES (2,400 SQ.FT.) CONTACT INCH SHANK PIT LOCATED IN THE F DEL PIMA SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0, 688, COLLIN SHEET INDEX WY EI.S-O. COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF AND PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK A ,... � LEGAL DESCRIPTION T OF THE WYLIE EAST HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION AS RECORDED IN PLAT —i COALS PAGE WwEEASTHEAD sCHTOOL ADDITION BOOK 2008 PAGE i38, PLAT RECORDS OF COI COUNTY, TO, SAID 5ACRE TRACT WYLIE EAST FINAL PLAT(BY OTHERS BLOCK A,Lon 63.5-AC4T TRACT BEING MORE PARTICUI ARLY DESCRIBED BY METES VOL ME2018 PAGE349 PLAT RECORDS OF AND BOUNDS COLIN COUNTY,Tx AS FOI—OWS WITH ALL CONIR01 REFERRED TO THE TEXAS STATE sA--) SURVEY(BY OTHERS) PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORI-F CI N1RAL ZONE (420)), NORThi ExyBIT A ` AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983: OVERALL SITE PLAN Z-2 ENLARGED&COMPOUND ANDSCAPE PLAN ADDRESS Z-3 ELEVATION ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN 5085 BeNNET R.A. /-�§ SITE DE-AILS Wvue,TX.75098 COU1N COUNTY -5 SIIC DI TAILS f °Site Location SCOPE OF WORK: T.-6 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS NEW CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS SITE WITH 100' HIGH MONOPOLE TOWER "Ns 0N3° DATE'08/31/23 q< / 5E � TEXAS ONE CALL -NEW CPI AID('OM OTK) / oo \ CONTRAC OR TC Cf LL 48 WVEET TIT,E -NEW CMU IFF APIt ll ND FRS RM"43VUICGIur„�, T11LE PAGE -NCA IECTRIf&POPE,SERVICE TO BIT b -NEW COMMUNI 40i.E 545-6005 'Y RACK FOR POWEROMER DEMARCS \/1 �A9 O -NEW 25 INDEPENDENT LOCATORS CONCRETE ACCESS ROAD 9\ 10 BE USE➢ON All SITES -PEW RETAINING lNALI- Qp�� T-1R TI 9ESE DRAWINGSc s 0 ARE SCALED FOR 24"X36" SHEET 1-01 0310512024 Item 1. R,ow.ow,A,re SURVEY OF A LESSEE'S LEASE PREMISE'S LYING IN PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK A, WYLIE EAST HIGH SCP-IOOL ADDITION (OIL.IN COUNTY 'TEXAS 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONd PER PREVIOUSLY RECORDED LEGAL d L PONE 0 O 8 9U �, f+ o n ex-a 9 0 58 (IARR nh DEEII AS RECORDED IN SOCII 889 DADE 21.IIFID RFCORD_,OF IAIIIII 1011N11 G ,S.) eonnan rzooa ° ' e g 6,g, at.tcortlw o!Co."n 2UJ..y, ex.L —A.IIAO I—III.1 FVh..I A1d:TD,-recorC a n Pot look 2008, Mo- SURVEY OF A LESSEE'S LEASE PREMISES LYING IN PART OF EAsE,,YAAr DERV LOT t,BLOCK A,WYUE EAST HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION COLUN COUNTY,TE%AS / I zaffias cos,r,e„.�� W` -g- e F a P' 3 Pbe o/Co 11 Ntbd IF _g nn g onri2 OJO _LIFE 110011 acres Pu-- \ _ s _ _ t td ? J 38 �C d A ` - 0 889 22 D C CA__ 9 0 "0 LIFE co d r/�///T _ a d V Vt ]4 CI pE1AlC "o�„�,o„ - / - e T.a r avo ,,.��� M1� ub c 9 of a TI o�a ,a.n.+S ' l v —i T / "P B tl Roan antl t mwu,P n t e Sn t ne of P ft0 acre e s xs IF—,ytrPm wPs It Its n,. (a C /`/. B D IF Ii Ile C N () _ / / io F o F o e�o o IAIT r 9 y C 3,,IYTlYo. room= d�e....... ses so 9 2xom rzm0 P Sar,ea,.A✓ nsaE- / 11 1, IF vo,o,Tx EFu pn 25 Dote LLD s� �o j "DO -- F , ,��� � 9 IIFF— I D©e p o Bo FCC/ - 4/o7/23 / w _ —._ _ o o d FIV AT 20 a " 1,. 00 - xso' LESS 5 E'.SES rn t s° _y s ore.,r o�d�o of.y r L w ' o!l-L S a ( N. a5n57 n Aer s g - ..—u+ " o, `��`e,` .�-- ..— ¢ H s o ao ao Rv,Lav-�r IF TIE 1 r TRAOF. w,w i A °A ,- -- --- p B' zs° ors c poF e E , nF e L L 7 11 o° Does c. am000e opoEs NOT Frc, i 5 s �i (FEES AL—T m..a°�w,,,TI-b°e a °r ene a°,w r��t)�o [F.55£F F F,veE,5E.5 RI GRAPHIC SCALE D D83&F— f -�— --- T /- 3. b 9C 92't8 ^ n" \� a o^..Poo[E� D D8.T—dot .E zone TD Ali/YGVD 96 292>.21. I.� i cn—so tt-a 911 ADDRESS.TOO ,ert CO.".5 NO REVISION I DATE.I BY RATE SI.RVFYED Ai:D�4AF'r D �; z I�- ( nI SURVEYOR R: COORDINATED BY PREPARED FOR. SURVEY OF: DR, ING N0. / /- a/o//2s a,Ts (/ , p . PILOT' GROVE NORK SG. 10RIC.GLH 0/H IF p I Ill 10 CLIFF-, /-/. '�4K'D JOB J/C-.w/ PREPARED FOR n M4 sl �_ ,«w_ D-3D,c,E �. o LIFE ��H Al— C�CO Oo wireless VFRI70N IL RL.,ESS s/'F/eT SCAFF, — so' _p... FIE OFFINE. "'�' 600 HIDDEN RIDGE, IRVING, TEXAS 75038 , OF ,, 1 0310512024 Item 1. t FLOODPLAIN NOTE NOTE - j 'ACCORDING TO FLODO INISSURANCE PATE MAP THE LATEST ANTENNA DESIGN IS TO BE REFERE4CED PRO'To J- j/ _j (BRAD MAP TOWER WORK 70 VERIFY THE LATEST EQUIPMENT IS ACCOUNTED N(%480115C044Ol DAM 6/2/2009 FM RANCH BII.E I By MOK TWO M*KM AGENCY(FEMA)MR ONIAN COUNTY.MX,THIS PREPARED BUD B,LOT 5' EUPIAIION PLAN IS MEANT TO DEPICT ZONE PD ILI I, I. ELI I, ELI E, TOM TA - - PROPERTY IS WITHIN ZONE 'AREA OF MINIMAL NOTE T -F FLOOD WAD' HEIGHT AND IS NOT TO BE USEDONE FI, DILL 11 �gT,I',, L,,.T,I.,, ZIP,,,,I I III ILI FOR CONSTRUCTION.FOR CONSTRUCTION ,, I I ,Tl� D EF 'I "I I E,,,T,IET LPT LLI NOTE.SITE DESIGN IS ON SITE WALK BY SEE TOWER DRAWINGS I TE"'I 1.E"7L E�'IITI'-'I I N GROUP, ND/OR ,eco ALLPRO CONSULTING .INC.ING.AW4 23-1218. STRUCTURALANALYSES PREPARED BY J- L DATED 04/04/23 SITE LAYOUT BASED ON SURVEYOTHERS J Lo BY MINI S.RVIDING,INC.,DAFED 06/22/23. NOTE, CUMBERS SNGAD NOT LATCH OR TIE THEW SUPPORT LANYARD OR TOWER OUGH DING l ODORS- GEM OR TO ANTENNAS ROM All TYPES OF MOUNTS,M UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ORNGNM-DESIGN ENGINEER THEY SHOULD MY I TO THEIR SUPPORT LANYARDS 0"TO OR ATTACH TO STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS NOTE, TOM SIRUC7URM.MEMBERS THAT HAW VISRUE BOLTING AND NE)PROPERly AN ANALYSISOF THE TOWER OR STRUCTURE CONNECTION TO THE LARGER STRUCTURE IS PENDING BY OTHERS DRAWN By G IS PENDING BY OTHERS REFER TO UTUTY :1 ON PAGE Z-5 NO EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED ON THE MOUNT ---------- CHECKFD BY CZ WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF A STRUCTURAL :1 ENGINEER. UP RA N"RBIEW NOTE 2 02/01/24 ISLID FOR ENDS REFEW SITE SUGHT.Y VISIBLE FROM PUBUC STREET, MASONRY WALL/GATE PROADED FOR SCREENING NOTE REQUIRED SCREENING IN STRIP AT VAST E 5 WOE,PLAITS 3.IN HEIGHT WHEN F PLANTED,INCLUDE ONE FLOWERING TREE ALLPRO FOR EVIERY 20 UNEAR FEET OF FIELD(IYP.) NOTE COMPLEM Y PRIMARY 91C LpdU A AIlll USE OF FACADE MATERIALS TO HELP FACADE wy A:R�r!.Al"A ETY /OR D, ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING CCBM STYLE ENTIRE ELM. E'11�`,`Z 712 LOT 1,IL-011 A WIDE lAll HIGHSC 001 ADDITION 0)/01/24 FRANCISCO BE EP PINA SURVEY ARSTRACIL SHEIRER 688 PARENT TRACT OWNER WYLIE INDEPENDENI SCHOOL DISTRICT BOOK 5889,PAGE 11 PARSHELA 263AM36 (0 BASEBALL BELL,(IYP) --------- ------- PILOT GROVE OWNER-------------- ------------ CF4ARJRON IM6FAT1SUBD ,S PHASE B WYLIE LSO. x LEGAL DESCRIPTION WYLIE'AST HIGH SCHOOL AS ACHILL ON 1E)BUILDING 5 ACRE TRACT (TYP �E) NEW 60OHY LEAS-ITEM BLOOD A,ECTI BASEBALL I DELIA VOLUME 2018 PAGE 349 2 PI-AT RECORDS OF FIELD 0) 1;'I"D�21'GM TPOIE1 AND COLIN CONNIFF,TX (Ty REIAPGN ----------—--- C'WALL (DESIGN LENDING) HLB 30' E,2/EF[JTL/FQ3[R TH ------—-------- ADDRESS N 01H 5085 A NNM ROAD WYLIE,TX.75098 COLLIN COUNTY LEGEND P BENNETT RD. YOD1,1 I EGILLEUT 7-7 DATC 08/31/23 IF 7 I IRIIERTILOE E� GLI FENE FI I 1—11 EX IYLF I E T X WATER DUN NE 36 0 11FIT TITI I x TILIE, LOT:6 urNT L :7 LOT:8 LOT:9 LOT:10 LOT:I I LOT:12 LOT:13 LOT:14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT:17 1 WRIEELD PIPE 303 UP 0 MEN HAI 1, Fl 1,1111 All RANCH EENAIII (C)AZES OVERALL S�TE PLAN VOL,PG 66 __]��DWELLINGS(�W I oll (E)SHRUBS 10 BE LOT:5 RLPOVED N DRNLWAY AREA ALF, ----------- SLIEET PliP FI,I SIZE ITST GOAL'- �'-BE 0' IA1 F SIZE PLOT SCAI F 160-0' FiA�I z- 0 'Lo 80' '60, F 12] 0310512024 Item 1. // NEW vEaI o JUTooUP EQUIPMENT NOMAR RY W SEE AGE ZFOR 0 7`_ '�, \ l r r/ Mwc\ SITE SANITY VISIBLE FROM PUBLIC STREET, ,//� GI 1A E CONCRETE PAD W AV N1/GATE PROVIDED FOR SCREENING NEW 1 1 VC ROP, pC A eRO510N CONTROL �{ CER/P - (C 1C CHIEF / ry NOTE X.___ 3� �/� ✓ / �- EA<EtJEVf REQUIRED TED,SCREENING IN STRIP AT LEAST .✓ v // I / // —`�I/ F RAGE,Y 20 3'R!HEIGHT MNEN PLANTED,INCLUDE ONE fLOMERING TREE r�eimv zo uNEnx�r OF AeEA. X X NOTE USE OF TMtl COMPLEMENTABr PRIMARY u \� "�L✓.�+ FACADE NATEINALS ro KEEP E I AgWEVE FACADE ) �,� /I �.�, /' NEW V SE GL ERAI LN ARiIWLAnON,VISUAL VARIETY AND/OR NEW COMMUNITY cLNEanroR % �� // ��� ENTIRE BLOCK.DETAWNG,COPY SANE S1YIE AND NEW 3 4M NITY r ENTIRE BLOCK. GAIN DI _ /a h E,DRAINAGE N W 60 X9O LEASE AR{ POOR sl \ NAB roUnIITY CROSSING SCNENATIC NI'1 \AMINE INAIVI?DESft N\ta oG ;N m'/./ RAcd \ lI \\ ( EASEWNT -- ON PAGE Z-5 ` 1 / I_ 1111,111011 ,- d 0 Ao7g 93...166E M 0I OPO E'OWR j,� AN( / \ � @ 1E)wA>ER _ �——�� � - � � DRAWN By Mc ��_\ i \ aSA� ( DRAINAGE t'JLVE.Ri— -- _ _ -_ _ cLTCEMD -_ IS NAccEW 2S9 ROAD t BIs_.uECFOR mmNc 4.NPN__ .��)\�� II3 IS UE OR NINCV NON FAR _ �C� \\, can J z3 Is UE wR Nu;c 4 NEw ED r' qy8 -NEw 30 lC �--.�l Ei S PUT DIED \ C A(,(,ESS/JTIUIY/URIER —" D" •✓ EASEMENT �. / NRNRG RADIUOS — V iE) WATER L L L R MWD y K'-°"`yT�� Yt'= -�i i'Trr�z-r' =y`g__ ' TO _ r+a= a 1'+ _ _ 468 1 ... P P- sw e- - _ N a re wie .,a . -� 0DI ONAE PRICING - -- Nr_ty MMPe Ir a.w ���� rR LEGEND w1212 Eaows i LED FOR END o� w ----- -—— — — ———— V- `THE EXISTING VEHICLE (GC T FIELD VFFIY ALL UNDERGROUND COMPDUNU ACREsS ROAD �_ UTILITIES LOOP TO DINGING/ ENCHI ) -- - _.- -__ - ..._ _ m/oi/1S o ww1x _ _- DunEsrR-TRENCHING �r n O 465 NEW cLlvrm _ SE Et SNrroa h Dr _ - FOR -- V �i �J REMOVED IN DRIVEWAY AREA o a RFV 2�/i�l R N GPI E' / - _ ,P rF �c, �- -------� wl,.,,� w0 ..a-... .. ���...._.. ........ .._.... ....-. .........��.��..----. ..sr ->r� ---------- N<V rOR 7 x,5"PLOT-1/16"=1'0 a'8' 16 32 ENLARGED SITE PLAN- - --- -- TOR 11 X 17 PLOT—3/64'=1' lE \� X X � �X _X _X X.. NEW GORED(EASE AREA 2POD TOIT CR0110IrA�NT7l- - D iWALR AND NEW O S, F, Hr DING WALL W/8 CMU WALL NEw-SEE vacE ° ° s-Goo LEA Aer'n a 4 u 9'. �DEwcn PPo INc \ PILOT GROVE J 1W 477� i / \� / � write ICED. G 473.75 473-- J_ -' N - /_- _ '. OWNER AL I ION / LJ WYLIE EAST HIGH SCHOOL L ADDIT 473 - �c ��� �. . 58LOCK A,TOLOTiT I TX ------ _ ✓ VOLUME 2018 PAGE 349 2 t I� NEW CI1U 3RI K NPIt Cl �\ \ COLIN COU I��/'/1 PLAT RECORDS OF ON NCW 0'WIDE NEW VEft1701 OUTDOOR \ NN N -.� wcruNlN wAll ( .• ,� g G 47 0 �� 'XCNN i �- is sEWER� i TW 4742 cDUIPMrLhT oN Nn+t x- ,TI cI \V �/ G 4720 coNcxEDe PAD W/nrvmwc 'f{y�472.5 / Eb N Ev / ADDRESS E Z V e ;? _— 5085 WYLTFNTX.75098ROAD __ - .,-.,i,i �V J' _ — COLLIN COUNTY / NE111 IANDSCA INC 5 0 S �� ,r S NEW COMMUNITY RACK SCN EN ING STRIP I,` ' I _ m o __ I / 4LONlEF NC TEPEE _ -24'_p b _ _ _T- +' DATG 31/23 JO 1 A/U/FO EASEMEM IT S 6' 13' V i fN ARCED UPI. i - - ---- - - o LANDSCAPE PL - ���� ��� L LANDTCME PLANT NORTH 25e 0 CONO.ASS ROAD / SIHEET t Z_2R FOR 7h x x.1T PLO PI.T T ii i5 COMPOUND LAND CAPE PLAIN FOR Il - / i - / 0310512024 Item 1. FLOODPVWN NOTE: "ACCORDING TO FLOW INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM)MAP NO.48MMW DATED 6/2/2009 PREPARED Of FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY(TEMA)FOR CG11N COIRRY,TEXAS,THIS PROPE FLOOD HA7AR0'. / n.E`�icP oEooA�rL N ' FLOOD NA IS WITHIN ZONE NNFA OF MINIMAL f1E VF3IN L yFJCH \\ ) yc i J 9O� I \ 61'POV LIrHICTING RODMEM R # ,Z9p NOTE.SITE DESIGN IS BASED�!SITE WAN(BY W4hfMq DATED 04/C 04/23INGSIDE LAYOUT BASED ON SURVEY - L y NEW S 1MSUNG IAT6I.13-771A BY NEBB SURVEYING BNC..DATEO 06/22/23. )' f NTEM A NEW VENISON ANTENNA G NTERUNE I W/INILGI APED ROLLELEV 9"'-0'AAT E (1 PER SECTOR)(EEL 3) --� STEALTH TONER DESK!PENDING BY OTHERS ACGI$ 23-166,F , / \ AN ANALYST ANALYSIS NOTE IS ANALYSIS W THE TONER OR STRUCTURE DRAWN BY. MG —� I rs PENDING BY o>xERs CHECKED br c2 IS PENDING BY OTHERS NEW PV / NO EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTATED ON THE MOUNT MONOP01_E SECTOR o 1 lUE FOR, 94IN6 RLVElt MOUNT II/01/25 ISUL�Ok ZUNW64ENEN_ --- NiTHOUT THE APPROVAL GE A STRUCTURAL 11 �� 5 0/o/L ISLE roR LauwG PLNEw NEW SANG CAN/E.NTJ 11 LOUR ORANT(RF / NEWORA SA\d LN(,82/866A ARTY I' PER ,AMsumlc tBes ® / III OVP-6)Box �t2ACR(a.�aass)(sA) M146 d 53A) TYPE'') NOTE. (1 SFCT ) ) ,,� NE C2 NEW ANTENNA PLACEMENT IOCANON TO�FIELD VERIFlm BY � -.!_,____ GENERAL CONTRACTOR PPopi TO CONSTRUCTION To AVOID L L P R O ZRH-ft TM14- 48A ANY INTERFERENCE OR SHADOWING OF DUSTING ANTENNAS IF INTERFERENCE OR SHADOWING OF EXISTING ANTENNAS IS IT PER SECTOR)(TYP_ DISCOVERED DURING FIELD VISITTATIW.PLEAD CONTACT 11 3) ALLPRO CONSULTING GROUP INC.FOR DESIGN FUNTRON PRIOR LL 11 TO ANY NEW ANTENNA RNS7ALLATION. -T 75243 Son�o. 212 TO NOTE EEI PLAN IS MEANT TO DEPICT n NEW CoriMscOPE ANTENNA TONERONR HEIGHT.MT IS NOT TO USED i MODELp uRIT F51:-Ii2B /� FOR CONSTRUCTION.FOR CONSiRUCitUN o2/UI/2G ('PER SECTOR)(TYP.6) NOR (H SEE TONER DRANWGS AND/OR NEW 100E-0 MONOPOLE STRUCTURAL ANALYSES PREPARED BY TOWER OTHERS NOR 11'a TIN'POT 1T 4=I O i 2 4' VERTZON ANTENNA LAYOUT Q R20NOCIBGR5R SNWtD RIOT U1C1 CR TIE DG1R SGRdtT LANYACO OR jFr y�j�G GEM ONTO ANTENNAS.RAOM All TYPES GE MOUNTS,ETC �N(). UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ORIGINAL DESIGN ENMEEIL THEY SHOULD ONLY TIE T 14DR SUPPGi!LANYARDS W GEAR T OR ATTACK T TOWER STRUCMAIL MEMBERS THAT HAVE VISIBLE B0.TWG AND CG&IECTION T THE LARGER SIRUCNfffi. NEW PV MONOPOLE NOTE SECTOR MDUNT Tiff,LATEST ANTENNA DESIGN IS TO BE REFERENCED PRIOR TO PILOT GROVE TONER WORK TO VERIFY THE LATEST EQUIPMENT IS ACCOUNTED FOR. I NOTE OWNER NEW CT)) o SITE SLNGRLY VISIBLE FROM PUBLIC STREET, wYLtE[.s0. 0 0 Rio 6-OVI' ( / --- NEW MONOPOLE MASONRY WALL/GATE PROVIDED FOR SCREENING TOWER) LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOTE: WYLIE EASC HIGH SCHOOL REFER TO UTILITY CROSSING SGNTIATIC ADDITION NEW VERIZ IN AN IENNA CENTERLINE ON PAGE Z_B 63.5 ACRE TRACT BLOCK A,N TL ELEV_95'-0"A(A VOLUME2018 PAGE349 NEW VERIZON PLAT RECORDS OF COLIN COUNTY,TX OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, ON NEW 4'x4'CONCRETE NEW 60'PUT O'VER170N PAD W/AWNING LEA E AREA W/WALLED i( COMPOUND NEW COMMUNITY ....-.. / PACK DD12Es NEW LANDSCAPwL Snss BA DND EI-r ROAD 5-0'SCREENING WY LIE,TX.U75098 \ STRIP COLLIN COUNTY / NEW HYBP.I:-L CABLE FROM \ f} DATE.08/31/23 OVP TO NEW ANTENNA JUMPFB.._� SPIT SIT TO RBH _ s LLEVA�IOFI& ANTENNA LAYOUT . .. �� s1EE Srerseea FOR T X 1 P,0 112,-1 U 3 6 0" i' ACTION THRW ANTENNA SECTOR FNR;A XX 30"Ply i•—1'0 L 4 8 IfOR 2h x VLOT-SA4 [) PLOT 3/S2 -€" EI TVAi�ON 1001(INt,EAST F14] 0310512024 Item 1. GENERAL PLANTING NOTES: PI.ANTmf SCHEDULE 1 AI..I.. PLANT MATERIALS S CHALI.. BE CPFCIFIED TO B. EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN THE STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK, B"THE At IE41CAN NURSERY AND LANDSCFl"ERS A 0 IA,IO!V ANLA. ±IPEBOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME OUAI.iITY REMhRKS \ t,a LR HUGI t =PRCnU - C. PlHE AME SEASON RESTRICTIONS ALl FAILED AND ALIONP N PLANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN OCTOBF.P. 1 AND 1 3/1 NOANDRES i UNLESS OTHE WISE AUTHORNED BY THE LANDSCA E ARCHITECT ALL CONTAINER CROWN (ANTS SHALE. BE PACAAMERICAN HOLY 3'AVIM5 UI I.,DENY. PIAN`AS S4GWNINSTAL.Fo BETWEEN SF i-MBER 15 AND MA iF UNLESS OTHTRW SFAUTHORIIEF BT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.A cFJkIFERA $OUMF..N renx Imm�.E - zn"-ss' 2h-_GI 30 `Uu.,DENSE. RANT AS SHOWN J TINISIlrD (,HADES ON GRADING PI ANS THAT OCCUR IN SI RUB BL':DS SPECIFY 7ED Of FINISHED MULCH GRADES. LAN DSCA.PE CO,NIRACI'OR SHALL NOT EXCEED THESE GRADES NF.CN BEDS ARE COMPLE'C. PRtT LONIAINER 10 BE HIS 35 GAL OR EOUIVAIPNi CALL AND HUFdAP. 4. FOP AT MULCT-I SIIHAI L FINISH1 BELOW ADJACENT PAV'DMCNT. ®� RED IFICA ION OF TOTAL QUANTITIES AS SHOWN IN THE PLANT SCHFDIIIF SHAl BE THE PECP01`SIE31..ITT OF THE. COPURACTOR ULAN DISCRETPANCIEC,THE RANTING FLAN SYn ROIS SHALL GOVERIN. 6 NEW PLANTING SHALL BE LOCATED AS SINWN ON LANS. H CONTRACTOR I RESPONSIBLE FOP VERIFYING THE LOCA'ION OF ALL SITE ELEMENTS AND UTILITIES IF I) C2�EPANCIL ARCO AN IF OESIRUCTIONS BELOW AROUND OR 0\ RHEAD ARE ENCOUNTERED THE CONTACTOR SHALL NOTIFY H LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT NECESSARYADJUSTMENTS SHALL B MADE ONLY(7PCN A PROVAI OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT_ 7. MAINTENANCE Wlll INCL UCF IRRIGATION AND 4F RFMCVAI OF INVASIVE CLIMBERS FROM PROPOSES V,..G..TATION UNTIE.. —ANON IR"STRAP PRO OSED VEGETATION HAS HART OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME ESTABLISHED. AC# 23 1664 AIdN BY MG RCA ED SIAKI /,r C EU(D BY CC 2 ORGI NtC MJLGH 2 } ORGANIC HUTCH �Y�J � RIPE COGS Ai BUM) 0 QR)/)2J IS UE`OR NWG 4 N,.W L_-�-� T�WIPE LOW AT HA NI<) ,_ I I/al/2J Is uL NR Z wN0 4 NE'n- i Sfi MO LBURLAP BAIL TOP 'i 02/0/2 IS UE`OR ZONING 4 NEfl_ / R MO\.BURLAP RUM TOP AND ( AID D OF BALL loks of BAIL 0 Fav 4 PLAre) � (I AVF IN PACE)CH 6 1 M1!ULCh SAUCER i 4 F BIRCH SNICFR GPM ARED SOIL / PRCPARCD SOIL 0=wOmwo ALLPRO 7� FINISHED GRADE -IIPIISHED GRADE 922E.Ynnnn BGJ°n UP DU _2 3'NE IS L.. 1110 k' /'.?'-3 WID14S 1 5 UNDISTURBED SOIL OF FOOTBALL \—UNDAUDERD SOIL OF ROSEDALI_ - �- pro 9co~I 1 TREE PLANTING DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL Cl/ CZJ LANDSCAPING Coal va"=ru"(\r;:vT MASONRY F 1_ MASONRY srrdrNGrrl RF�F��ING ®s aeBnl'+ A HOLLOW CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS CRADF N. LIGHTWEIGHT WITH A COMPRESSIVE wpNLj' -1 tz._�. a"oc. STRENGTH OF F. 1500 PSI ON THE NET AREA.. ' ' w/Pull caoumTc D GROUT: 0DO PSI, MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STEA III. VIBRATE GROUT r'I'_ ( °> \ ITIME DVILELY AFTER POURING AND AGAIN AFTER MINUTES. ROUT HALL CONFORM TO (rw. ,so nR11 L � I T TO A57'M C416'TiND FLIRTS 2703_ MIX!'ROUT FOR AT LEST PIPE MINUTES AND UN11l A91X sa Roo(n=) \ HA BEEN ATTAINED_ GROUT SHALT GAVE SUFFICIFN7 Y/A7FR ADCFl7 'YO RRSEE ODL T:E 4 CON S7,NC"FOR POHANG CRITELLI SFGREGADON USE GROG T7 WITHIN 7 5 `♦OARS OF \ ADDITION 0f MIXING WATE. e L 1 R PILOT GROVE I C MORTAR_ f M,..N7-LIM,. T)PES, 1,900 PSI MINIMUM 28 DAL Cl)MPHESSRIF STRENGTH_ COVFOI.M TO UHC 210,E OWNER D. 2,50D PSI STRENGTH CONCRETE AT 28 DAY 3 TO 5'"Of wn�iso. LEGAL DESYRIPI'ION LAY UNITS IN RUNNING BOND. CORNERS SHALL HAVE A STANDARD BOND BY OVER WYLIE EAST HIGH SCHOOL M LAPPING UNITS. ADDITION 63.5 ACRE TRACT BLOCK A,LOTS ---- --'-( --i ( --I_ 3. McXIh.AUld GROUT LIFT lAT!IhOUT CLEAN OLl7$ SHALL BE a`—D" VOLUME20T8 PAGE349 m ij PLAT RECORDS OF 1. 1E VER7`1CAL REINFORCING A7 EACH END OF BAR AND FT 4'-0"MAXIMUM VERTICAL COLIN COUNTY,Tx FORAL'IN(i USING SINGLE WIRE LOOP TYPF TIES AS MANUFACTJBIP BY AA WIRE 5_ SEE UC7"S COMPANY OR APPIIOVED AI Te KNA TE_ I ( 'I CHl7EOTURA L PARDONER FOR LOCH IONS OF EXPANSION AND CONIROL JOINTS_ A GROUT SOLID 411 '✓✓AILS IN CONTACT WITH EAR,II, RETAINING 'AIAII.S, STEh4 WAI.I_S, _. ADDRESS AND AS ASTIR ON DRAWINGS ROSA BEBREFT ROAD _, _ _,_, Il- 7. GROUTS:L> MA.,ONRI'SHAT.I BL CONSTRUCTED IN SUCH A MANNER LIST All, rI�MENIS OF mLUN COUNTY 'I 11 11E MASONRY AC7 TOGEI HER AS A STIZUCTUFZAI. CI f.MEM-. / g- KNON(PADLOCK KL TIO TO WYL II.FIRI DEPARTMENT BAIL QF R(:DUIRED ON CA II:FOR IT)ACCESS TO SIT`IN EMERGFNC S. CATF I RISING MECHANISM MUST SUPPORT MULTIPLE NOS oanN TT-/ LOCK ACCESS CONTRACIOR MUST'SUPPLY KNOX PARTICLE FOR FD INSTALLATION. DATE'.08/31/23 _.CCNHAL IN TRACTOR TO PER.ALL LAIC OIMLNSION PRIOR TO COI'Yr,uclwc FAIL. SIT;.. T TAILS sT7Er nuMBca SCALE t 112 10)" (24.36) Z�4 FENCE DETAIL �� (OR) a14"-A O" (11xn) Fl-51 0310512024 Item 1. FORMED NOTES CrossiI IC SChl ncCohic A. NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT(FLOODS)36-INCH WATER,/AST=IATTR OPERA IS LOCATED WITHIN LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION C. B- OPERATION OF HEAVY CA TIMOVING EQUIMFNC COMPACTION COUPORTNT JRHEAVY COUCTRL CTITN FOUIPMENT,SUCH AS CONCRETE TRUCKS,SP Ai.L BE RFSTR,CTTD TO FORICIFIC CROSSING POINTS ACROSS NTMWD IASTIVEIFS,AS APPROVED 9Y THE TIMIS) THE CROSSINGS STILL BE RECESS DESIGNAILO AND VERIFIED TO PROWDE A MINIMUM OF FIVE-FLET 01 COVER- _(,ONNE'1'E' ROAD C- TU ASSURE IHAI PLACING OF SIGNIFICANT LOADS OVER H"NTMWD CITE LINE DOES NOT DAMAGE TH=EYES IN PIP NINE_,NO INAI RA-S SHAH PF 1TOCKPIIFD ON THE NTMWD ASFM.NT WITHOUT , 6UTHDRITATIDI FROM FIT NTMWD IF THE CONTRACTOR DE IRS TO USE NTMVOS EASEMENT FOR STOGICPIE OF MATFRIA1_S CONTACT NTMWD ENGINEERING AT(972)442-5405 SO YOUR PLANS FOR - - - - USE OF SWIFTS EASEMENT CAN BE REVIEWEE,. D. A MINIMUM OF 4.5-SET SEPARATION BETWEEN BOTTOM OF PAVEMENT AND TOP OF INTMWD CARRIER PIPE PIPT 1111 IS REQUIRED. IN ADDITION.IF SEPARATION BETWEEN BOTTOM OF PAVEMENT AID TOP OF 1 F DIAMETER 2 PIPEUINE IS LESS THAN 45 FEET,LIME STABLITiD IS NOT PERMITTED AND A THICKENED PAVEMENT _ SECTION IS REQUIRED. AGGIk 23-1664 � , (u f CROSSING OF THE NTMWD P ASEMENT WITH OFFER uTlii TES,$IJGI{AS I .ABL`,PHONE.,GAS UTILITY CROSSING PIPE 2'SO 1,80 PVC DRAWN BY. MC —1 AND ELLCTRIG,SHALL BC COORDINATED ATII FIT NThI WD TO AVOID DAMAGE TO TPiL NTMWD FACILITIES3-0 CONDUI [OR FIBER MIN' _ C.i NECKED BY CZ IN LED IN MAID EA LMDS WI THE,SCHEENIN WARS OF OTHER SWIM TES SCALE NOT BE CILARATTCE ........ .. -0 NOTE. INSTALLED IN Nl'MWU EASFM"Ili YIfHDUI'lVIt 1'1'EN APPROVAL OF THE NfAIWO. MIN- POTHOLING dl�l BE REQI,RED PRIOR U 09/27/25 TSB FOR ZUNING RENEW TO CGNSiRUC1lON OF THE ROAD 10 G UALSS OTHERATSE SHOWN OR BLENDED A MINIMUM DF TOO TOO]CLEARANCE SHALL BE II25 ISSJt FOk ZONWV RENEW DEIFRMINE ACTUAL DEH1 OF FEE PRONTO D FOR ALL U RIITIES GROSSING THt NTMWD PIPELINES DIRECTIONAL BORE CROSSINGS REQUIRE 2 02A0/2 IS U FOR IONWG RENEW NTM14D PINE,NO ALU'P PIE - - A MINIMUM OF FOUR-FEET CI EARWIGS _.- DEPTH DOES INOT MELT THE REQUIRED ICI. BORE CROSSINGS ONLY TO BF PERFORMED BFTAeEN 9'.00 AM AND 4-00 PM TUESDAY NIEL � \ MINIMUM SPACING FOR A REDESIGN THFREDPY I NO TREES ARE ALLOWED WITHIN NTMWD EASEMENT,ONLY CREPE MYRTLES,SHRUBS,AND BUSHES I/ I�' VI \1 a A N';MAN REPRESENTAIIVE IS REQUIRED TO BE ON-SHE FOR ANY WORK IN]HE VICINITY OF I\ M VVD NIrtWO PIPE O NTMWD PIPELINES,FEA,TURFS OR FACILITIES PIPE pp..36 0 c. /I LLL,1.B N D os DK Tl CONTRACTOR SHALE CON ACT NTNAD LINE LOCAT AT(a69)626 4569 AT LEAST 48 j 66 36 OURS H PPOR TO PERFORMING,ANY WORK IN THE VICINITY OF THE N MWD FACTLIIES- L IOf CROSSING ROSE,FLOWN LINES BY OPEN CUT,SI ORIn IS 0 BE U CD TO MINIMIZE EXP09NG THE UINFO LINE TRENCH WILL BE IMF ED TO 4 FEET WILL MAXIMUM SCALB'. 02/DI/2A UTILITY CROSSING SCHEMATICFEE Mrs � x / dT LONGITUDINAL Na��E Rono MUS sUPPueI N�THD me WILL a R Quw o REINFORCEMENT _ MNIMUM OF 85 oeo I1 FUND vLICLE FRIOR ro CON IRUCUUN OF THe O� @ 18 C-C-SPACING ROAD TO D]E WIN ACTUAL g IOU 11ED ON CHAIRS DFP II 01 PIE NTMIID PIPE, NOTIFY Al IPRO TF THE DEPTH \� DOS NOT MEET IIF REQUIRED \ \ "P NEW 30' #F T ANSVE AT MININUN SPACING FOR A REDESIGN \/ \ RUNE ORCENLNT \ /�ACCFSS/J f 8 l -STA LNG DD NEW SM NTH DOWELS \ \ EASEMENT 100 FIND ON CHARS C 12"C-C SPACING �n A PILOT GROVE --=�� 25 WIDE CONCRETE ACCHS ROAD ----- - nEY 25 CONCRETE �� \ SAWED LUNG IUDINAL JOINT 6'CONCRETE PAVEMENT ._ 2 1 S OPT(TYR) ACOL�ROAD a YLIE I.. R �r LEG EASTAT HIGH SCR EXISTING SOIL - 4 T �TESTING GRAGE � wvuTION E EADDI HIGH SCFloot. NEuovI TOP 6 .womoN 2 00% (50o Psl FOM sueGRAOE of solL r,M5ACRETRACT _ —`r — _ _ _ ———_ -�.- ( BLOCK A,LOTi. \\ VOLUME I01N PAGE 311 �, ' PLAT RECORDS OF (E)EM NTMwo N\ COLIN COUNTY,TX EASEMENT Wr AE)NTMWD �\WATER PE 1U,DING RADIUS. r PILINE \ 'T OTE'.if SFFF RATION 3FTIREFN BOTTOM OF TURNING RADIUS R50 T n \ ADDRESS IDRRFlM 11000 1 SNR5 BENNEI'1 ROAD � j 0 PA\EMJNi MD lOP 0`NiMNIC PIPELINE IS LESS L FIRE SUB-BASE WITH OF OUTPUTE _ HAN 4.5.V.BRO-CGMPACf10N IS NOl'ALLOA'tD MINIMUM 95R COMPACTION -- w p al fR w R wTe -w'R - CULL N COUNTY sT a, OH1 DAT 31/23 \ b E'. - NTMWD PIPE: 36"N ...._ �J ----------�_ ) orTnlNs..� -90 11 BINNrT Joao s�EET FDMBEa ACCESS DRIVE DETAIL scA e I yr 1-0 (zaxae> 2 TURNING RADIUS DETAIL C scALE=' 1-0�(2axs6) 3 (OR) 3W`VI'OIRI) (OR) 332"-)'0" (11 xt Y) F16] 0310512024 Item 1. i. ALL VE t A'IVI AND S!JCHJRAL EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE KITH IRS MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPF.IFICAUONS OF THE APPIICAME STATE ADOPTED PROCEDURES ADD STANDARDS FOR URBAN SKIT BOSTON ACID SF.DIMFNIATION CON ROTE AND THE 'STANDARDS AND SPFCIIIATIONS FOR SOI EROSION ANT)SEDIMENT CONTROL OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY T. A SOIL EROSION CONTROL FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED BEFORE AS UNDER THE GROUND AND SHALL BE N.. PROVIDED AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN.THE CONDITION OF THE E NCE SHAIt BE INSPECTED REGUt,WI.Y AND AFTER EVERY RAINSTORM THAT MIGHT PRODUCE RUNOFF.DAMAGED OR DETERIORATED ftEMs SHALL BE REPLACED AND MAINTAINED IN AN EFFECINE CONDITION- 3- SOUL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN CONTRACTOR RID AND PRICING. 4. 111E ENTIRE SITE SHALL BE GRADED SO]'HAT NO STORM WA'i ER RUNOFF AND LIKEWISE SOIL SEDIMENT CAN FLOW UIHRF.STkiCTED FROM THE SHE. ACGID 7.3-1664 E_ ALL DEETS,STRUCTURES PIPES,SWALES,AND ROADS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN AND TREE OF DIRI AND SEI. 6. MAINTAIN SOIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES THROUGH THE DURAHON OF THIS PROJECT- DRAWN BY M6. —1 7_ SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN REACHING ONE HALF FILL OF'i I1E BARRIER_ CHANNEL EY CC 8. AIL SOIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNIT ALL DISTURBED LARTH HAS BEEN PAVED [11�111211111?1 3 IttUE PoOR VEGT AFFD. SU6_�4rrz/o12a I�uE Foe zONII�c REnFw 9- ANY EXCESS TOPSOIL 1HN IS TO FEE$/OCI<PILF.D FOR A PERIOD LONGER THAN 2 WEL K$SHN..1.BE PROTECIFD -- — BY EXCAVATING A TRENCH COMPLETELY AROUND THE STOCKPILE TO PREVENT THE ESCAPE OF SOIL MATERAL THROUGH STORM WAITER RUNOFF.STOCKPILES THAT ARE TO REMAIN LONGER THAN 14 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH All APPROPRIATE GROUND COVER. 10- TO PREVENT SOIL FROM AVTNC THE AIDE 01N CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE WHEELS,TEMPORARY GRAVEN.ROADS AT L L�R O WORK ENTRANCES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND SHAD_EXTEND INTO JOB SITE THE EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACES $HAIL BE INSPECTED DAILY FOR DICK DEBRIS AND SHALT.BE CLEANED WHEN NECESSARY- 'IPAUIIIN111 9121 TT C,B'A 11- REPLACE SOIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WITH SEED,SOD AND TOPSOIL AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT- Nne Las,Dams,'IXXOKsI e tl66�3fia-B:/5 12 SOIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERTY DISPOSED OF WHEN PROJECT IS COMPLETED. - a t Z. 02/DI/2& SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES NIF 4 NOT USED NTs 3 NOT USED s 2 F RFC F(�IVIryG pN1 V µ GRADING NOTES: FII �I LF �L7 M1 '- � " i.THE C.(II\TRAC.R SI{AEI RC WORk DRY SCARIFY tTr._.I All MAIERIAI. l� _ r _ -I w��p PILOT GROVE j /Rj� 1 `Yi ''( -9 NO"SUI7AELh FOR SUB GRADE N I]S RESENT SATE IF TNC MATERIAL, "''T AF ER REIORKING REMAINS UNSU-ABL -ED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL _ < FLow ��i_�J_-�11r- MATERIAL — - _ � �l� '� �. UNDERCUT THIS AND REPLACE JOF ROTATE,W MATERIAL AT His II i, 1 � ? r CXPENSty ALL SJB-RADDS SHALL(F PROOF ROTATE,V1111 A Tt It LCA DEO / - III DAU �Uf IA RED ATtE DI MP TP,JUC PRiOP,i0 PAVING-M'1 SOY I'MA RATE SHFlLL B. !i CFI�I. - 4 -� III owNER WIDTH �"i I II REWORKED OR REPLACED. 1�— WYLIE TON. 2-DIE CONTEMPT IS RDCJIRED 10 MAINTAIN AU PHOTO,PIPES,AND 4"— LEGAL DESCRIPTION OTHER DRAINAGE_STRUCTURE'RATE FROM OBSTRUCTION UNTIL WORK IS i- SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4"X4" 2- STAR WIRE LENDING TO THE IJNF OF WYLIE EAST HIGH SCHOOL 1- EXCAVATE TINE TRENCIH. 2. PLACE AND STAKE STRAW BALES. ACCEPTABLE B THE OWNER THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOP,ANY ADDITION DAMAGES CAUSED BY FAILURE TO MAINTAIN DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN TRENCIN UPSLOPE ALONG POSTS- POSTS 635 ACRE TRACT OPERA81 E COND POI, BLOCK A,LOT1 Y':S A mt 3.ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE WARRANTED FOR ONE EN VIA DEC OBDSGOEFA9 ij� --�- YEAR FROM DATE 0'ACCEPTANCE - - COLIN COUPLE,TX Si �—;- N-45 ,� -„., Nu -� .15._ `IT TER F!HkC WIRE L LL DnMENSION_SHALL uE IeRII D nITH n E PLANS(LATEST RevlsloN) IlIlIl SE I0 I '�i PRIOR 10 COMMENCING COv TRI.0 101 NOTIFY SUN OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF1 �{ I I APN OVER PHI EC RMEE A DESIST AITO DISCOVERED HRESPOINRIBIfOfSIHALL OY fHhI1AIVE 1 BETOF �L/ � T ir' Iii A PROVED PLISCREPANCID�AA_T ALpBLE AT SHE SI E SI A L MO VNEN WORK ISli ` II / III IIF li- l } AVAILABLE FOR CONTACT BY GOVERNING AGENCY INSPECTORS _i/ y..i ADDRESS V 5085 BENNEET ROAD WYU A,TX.75098 COU1N COUNTY I- WEDGE LOOSE STRAW BETWEEN BALES. BACKALL AND COMPACT THE a EXCAVATED SOIL 3.AI TACIT THE CLIFF FABRIC TO THE 4. EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO WIPE FENCE AND EXTEND IT INTO THE 1HF.TRENCH STRAW BALE BARRIER TRENCH. DA-08/312s SICK I LNCL EROSION CONTROL DETAILS EROSION CONTROL DETAIL scALe �Z'66 Nvrs F17] 0 0310512024 Item 1. y �ry,.ry1'ry� y,��,,�h � 3��� 3ry 7,cJ ry0J 1'��1pl ry0��p�'3,t,�1 ry ry�V3i ryry a V Notification Map -1��� ������������-z 1 I T ry�lrylryclrylc11'I�cJ1601ryry0J31�hryhh� �ry� 0 6 o p 3 hi h h h hh�.y'�ih3y3•h�l.�. v. �h.��•�°i•h 1 k-O ry'>'ryh,ryh �. 0 y •,� h '� b3 o3p3v� '�' ry�!Y ry�ryOJ ry� ry0J,yOJ O� 'f� ry 3 IP�difli- 1 fin, ° ry° ry1',�,M•,yto„y0,�0,�ti.3V;,LO 0 O�f�,Q�;p I ry LO O LO r 3y0 Np6 �� �cy� p�ry��ryryojry ti�ry�p����j ti�n�ryp�'� U '3 ,� 3 06 I 1•_ry_Y ry�ry�ry°?ry� �Ory 1 ao 1 �ryti�ryti�ryry�ryry�ry00���p��ryp��V� ��ro� WYLI E 1' 1 1 1 1 � 01 ��ry�,y°lryryolryryoJ�,��j�ryol�,yo1�1 ryyr0 I 0 ry P"ry o1ry o1ry 3�0�3� 3�"'� 'ti 6i 1 t— 'Y�ry ry ry�ry ry�ry� ryy - Wylie East I W yi° o High School Z LU ry9�ry�ry��ry�3ry�3ry��ry�3 ryo0 � o° 1 wh 0 o v� 6 0 ry �ry�ryryO5ryryOj�ryp�3ryo�3�3�� rypO ♦♦♦ of 1 City Limit 1 1 1 ♦ 1 1 BENNETT ROAD City-7 717 �' , 'ft a a v C LU ry�ry 6y�Jry6�ry6Jry��ryby�y •i O� O ry ry I ZONING CASE: . ' ZC 2024-01 SUP ' , A ':-a CITY OF r 7 ® SUBJECT property 200 foot Notification Buffer Parcel Lines WYLI E Nvyl I `a _ i i 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 Feet I" I I I I I I I I I I I Date: 2/7/2024 j�.�.) ' 18 0310512024 Item 2. IAI fN Wylie Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item Number: 2 Prepared By: Kevin Molina Hold a Public Hearing,consider,and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to a Planned Development with single family attached, single family detached, commercial development and open space on 25.037 acres. Property located near 605 Country Club Road (ZC 2023-18). Recommendation Motion to recommend(approval,approval with conditions or disapproval)as presented. Discussion OWNER: Scott Residential APPLICANT: Dr.Abdul Lateef Khan The applicant is requesting a change in zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) on 25.037 acres to allow for a Planned Development with 14.5 acres of land to be developed for single family detached homes, four acres developed for townhomes, 2.7 acres developed for commercial development, and 3.8 acres reserved for open space. The property is generally located near 605 Country Club Road. A previous 2023 zoning request was denied.Nearby citizens and the City Council expressed several concerns.The applicant has addressed several of those concerns,including: • All single family homes will be built to current zoning ordinance architectural standards, including roof slope and facade design. • The street connection from Washington Place to the Presidential Estates subdivision shall be used only for emergency access. • The zoning exhibit has been modified to contain less commercial development in lieu of additional single family development that borders the subdivision of Presidential Estates. • The townhome lots have a front setback of 5' for a brownstone style neighborhood with rear entry vehicular access through a 24' wide alley which will also serve as a fire lane. The single family portion of the development contains 50 residential lots. The townhome portion contains 32 residential lots. The commercial portion allows for the potential development of 23,800 sq.ft. of commercial space. The 3.8 acres of open space shall be owned and maintained by the HomeOwners Association and provides the potential for court type sports, a playground, and open space areas. The open space shall be required to be screened from FM 1378 by an 8' tall wrought iron fence with brick columns. The Planned Development prohibits the following uses within the commercial development: o sexually oriented business,equipment rental,automobile rental,automobile repair minor,car wash,vehicle display, sales or service, smoke shop, smoking establishments, any and all uses listed under sections 5.2.H and 5.2I of the Zoning Ordinance(adopted as of June 2023). Fl-91 0310512024 Item 2. If zoning is approved, a site plan review shall be required for the commercial development. Preliminary and Final Plats shall be required for the entire development. The property to the north is developed with the Presidential Estates single family subdivision. The property to the south is developed with Fire Station#2. The property to the west is developed as a farm and ranch style single family home.The property to the east is developed with commercial uses and a bus parking area for the Wylie School district.. The subject property lies within the Local Commercial and Low Density Residential sectors of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The proposed zoning is compatible with the Plan. Country Club Road is categorized as a Type B roadway and is listed as a major thoroughfare within the Thoroughfare Plan, being the highest street capacity the city maintains. Based on the most recent traffic counts, Country Club is well under capacity. The Comprehensive Plan shows the North Central Texas Council of Government (NCTCOG) performance measurement for Level-of—Service for the section of Country Club Road adjacent to the subject property being in the "A","B"and"C"category,defined as traffic flow that moves at or above the posted speed limit.Travel time in this category is not hindered because of congestion because traffic volumes are much less than the actual capacity, with few exceptions at limited times of the day. Notices were sent to 41 property owners within 200 feet as required by state law. At the time of posting, four responses were received in opposition within the notification area and none in favor of the request.Fifteen additional protest responses were received outside of the notification area. F20] ram/ !•N i •� tt f/. �� • MA i ' t•.� � ! t, a 1::i�t�i •a„, f .r�s.: r,,.i r i•'.. t A i5 h IF J;—law r ` •. t • I' . y To � e f �./..N•����•`� A L'rrLL1Li' lye 'S Mv ALAMCAI PR rt• 7 1 _s 'rti rI 1 .'y I '-!�", � � '. + 3 � act ���►, •r_—,,:�- `. •;. _` �_ ',' SIR!`�, �s 0310512024 Item 2. OAT, S i I �—____—_ ---— ---— _—_—_ _---- _-_-- -- -- -- _ _....._ KENNLD DDRIVEuj LOT 2 0 6-.0CK Fl J _ I. z �2 AT S IT LT v J A a L :C 1), TOT 3 �0'!n t0i 5 LOT 6 L I, 1 IA'I'0 O A I i' I I � u ux / G ST. zs BLDr,. vE - zHOP-ADEWA K _ 'SIDEWFlt,iC aDTSK-rC LOT 2 ! I.OT 3 I.0'i t LOT 5 !EO�T`6' I.OT/ l<TT R LOT 9 lKi IK t.U'I'1 .Ol'1'r t.C'13 L(5'i 14 LOT lv t.OT iti R o ...._. �V , ... 00io,3e,st. io9.o6st. ,O3Ts. DaT,sr. �o,s�asi. D513 ,5 ,i 16 HIGIi IAETpL f:NC[ J- 'N0\E J 8 oN8 i LOT _ r�.a;cnwtiw &NPro me4 >ia2n�sc.CUE— mOo- ii,ia, _.6a INLET `� sc � .......--- EH' _ STr E o�so Rot`)--- _- _ oas ff -- 3, o ....—— — V ACC — AI —E COLIC.vav[MC�T—— — 1�I2OP.SID�WA�K � ������ ... .Y 7 1c 5_T en F ._ ' WrE Is t t t0I S n [IL 1 LOT- LOT�0' LOTBULOT LOT 13 861 aLaT a eLONc E w aalu;a Bb, 3o�rioesasr. aoTosDsrDDso�rLAR—t. DosDsr. �D,asDsc 1Dmasr. �o.osos. ioosas53=,. Zc�t9 a wLLo�r- LOT 2 0o LO Lo. ---I__— _ --� - - - sEr each CrE z c rA NT)�� 8 iG,-MCTAI f Af "9 T) __-- P SI F A(65 To*) R 293]9' �h19LLLMNS \o . \ N' CS01544434"W K NE ! - o --....i0,Pat. i. _.. zC �^ 1 .. .. (i � �` c I m z '3 LOT to LOT%0 LOT Zi LOT 2'_ LOT 23 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 2f, LOT 2T LC'� 6. 'a m D o ,6 LOT,� LOT 0 --II D a ° o a 0 0-0 a.o D ma as oa 5 D os0 as0 U ELF 2 3 W IT 6 i i s`. ( T r. ( i c i ( i _ L S OR'L ,qI. _m �— ---�D =�,D =f�D �D =�oos=�SE_ ,D �� ��D =•�0os���DIF �N Wwl — a ) A — N (Y IT'CINC 1AISII11 ' R DrIOPOB POND N �s 60G C o� BLDG B 2no'ry FLDG A Eol P I s FIRE CANE RK roTmL Af<cm�3o.631 sr( - ,P r oa M 3°« 4 i6 - 0 os ''29`rrcTJ *, l Bcr / L R 6 3.48' „ o n- —F,s rTA t= 71' A o p � Ct t 8 68' B /J AI'I(IRf I ANE 1' 7'�7 a FIRE LANE roJ HIR I ANr 24 FIRE LANE 2E FIR LANE BLD, 1 2 STI- ��— 'C8 S® 4'09'�W y M n LLLI I-fE ll T. GRLLN Sf'ACE� .. •• ' J ....—GNL4N SPACE _.. _ 3.q eR �NNN c€ fi� cuicw0-m L�L_� `' .,K21 FIRE LANE ®� 58958 tk W 7,B29.84 .... .. ___— F � t• .s_ si I_F.GFNQ aR OUIUU.A/so MONUMENT SIGNS- i .LOADING UNLOADING �A (-NO PARKING STRIPE") SIGN j1_GOI Ft F PAt2k 2 NN 2. COI ECZ 11 ES SIGN #3. PARK FOWNI-IOMCS ''i � °S;evaeFP SURVEYOR'S NOTES: N oLVELGr MCN r sc^I LDULL CONCEPT PLAN 1 ZOLING CHANGE & PLAT DONE BY KARCH 2O24 1.Bearing system for this surrey based on the Texas Coordinate System of 1983,North Central zone(4202), P SE Of FJLL EICINLLRING FUBI iiAL BY AP PAIL. 2024 DIANA is rvey was prepared without ft benefit of a Tift Commitment 4 SET o c� �2v S. CON ORUC ONENGINE S�ARf6 HV NDuty& 3024ING APVROVED Bl'LULL, 202�. 3.Th Based uupon 9 Ph�P ng the lact ProPertY 6s located win Zons'X"(unshadad),being defined as those Nwry one: 6. CIVIL CONSTRuc ION DONE BY DECFMBER 024 areas determined to be outside the 0.2%annual chance floodplain,as delineated on Flood Insurance Rate Map, D NK s Ii.—BIB -� 7. BUILDING colvsTRuciloN rJOD�H DFCFMBER R625_ Number 48081 dated June 02,2009. R T85-WYL-23 2 , 0310512024 Item 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: BEING a 25.0372 acre tract situated in the George W.Gunnell Survey,Abstract No.351,Collin County,Texas and being all of a tract of land described in a deed to Wylie Partners,LP as recorded in Instrument Number 20180530000658260 of the Official Public Records Collin CounI Texas(O.P.R.C.C.T.),and all tract of land described in a deed to Abdul R.Khan and Abdul L.Khan,as recorded in Instrument Number 20150608000672830,(O.P.R.C.C.T.)and all of YIX s a tract of land described in a deed to Scott Residential,LLC as recorded in Instrument Number 20181105001376830,20181106001376890(O.P.R.C.C.T.) and all of a tract of land described in a deed to ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP,as recorded in Instrument Number 201703020DO278350(O.P.R.C.C.T.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: -, ISIS BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod set at the northeast corner of said Wylie Partners,LP,and the southeast corner of Presidential Estates,an addition to J s , R a the City of Wylie as record in Volume G,Page 174,Map Records of Collin County,Texas,and on the west right-of-way line of FM Highway No.1378(a variable width right-of-way),for a comer; �� �7 THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds East along the east line of said Wylie Partners,LP,and on the west right-of-way line of said FM Highway PROJECT SITE• No.1378,a distance of 210.17 feet to a 1/2-inch Iron rod found at the southeast corner of said Wylie Partners,LP and the northeast corner of said Khan a tract,and at the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 2937.97 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 01 degrees 44 minutes 34 U seconds West,154.95 feet; J E .A h THENCE Along the east line of said Khan tract and the west eight-of-way line of said FM Highway No.1378,and along said curve to the right having a delta 4)> 8 of 03 degrees 01 minutes 19 seconds and a arc length of 154.95 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod set,for corner o a ., THENCE South 01 degrees 31 minutes 02 seconds West,along the east line of said Khan tract and the west right-of-way line of said FM Highway No.1378, p ^^R a U w a distance of 109.32 feet to a 5/8-inch Iron rod found with cap stamped"TXDOI at the southeast corner of said Khan tract and the northeast corner of N c K said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP,and the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 3643.48 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 00 Q r c U. A a degrees 44 minutes 09 seconds West,198.68 feet; r # G THENCE along the east line of said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP,tract and on the west right-of-way line of said FM Highway No.1378and along said w s VICINITY MAP curve to the left having a delta of 03 degrees 07 minutes 29 seconds,and an arc length of 198.71 feet to a 1/2-inch Iron rod set at the southeast comer of Z N t9 a w U. N.T.S. said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP,tract and the north line of a tract of land described in a deed to City of Wylie,as recorded in Instrument Number 98-0038017,(O.P.R.C.C.T.),for a corner; 605 CoumTv flub Road Wylie Trip Generation(WE Trip Generation Manual,11th Edition) ---- -- ---- -- -- AM Peak Widow -- PM..Peak H w THENCE South 89 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds West,along the south line of said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP tract,and on the north line of said ITT 4 use Quantity VJe+rkiPa# ""' City of Wylie tract a distance of 1629.84 feet to a 1/2-iron rod found at the southwest corner of siad ALK Real Estate Investment tract and the northwest T;-- In _ cpv¢ T�tak en_ crve_ t6 ki.valy,MA rnrha Mfi C:xih€4i Nr7trs�+Ilp 43LAI" 4641 TA 9 26 4A 28 17. - corner f said City of Wylie tract,fora Comer; w 822 A1,Ev St PEazaly v::8xe?a€fdeauci'�R*_ .N �Jnses _ 1'A3 sq 8 R Z �3 u5 d,.2 strlTr RctaIw N�Iara tw v'T1h ANI 3U,c'�a]51 i.s=�U 59 35 24 1 FaT 85" sT, THENCE North 00 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds East,along the west line of said ALK Real Estate Investment tract,a distance of 198.70 feet to a 3/8-inch — 7otot. 21153 105 4 Sa 1xz aQa iron rod found at the northwest corner of said ALK Real Estate investment tract,and the southwest corner of said Scott Residential,LLC,for a corner; yttgYerna6 Capture(AM ,P »23WS. .LL w ;M 0 04 '3k. 6 THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 51 seconds East,along the west line of said Scott Residential,LLC tract,a distance of 265.48 feet to a 3/8-inch iron _. _ _ ._. __.. _ _..: .-_.__.. Trips to Site: -- 105 47 Sa 176 94 82 rod found at the northwest corner of said Scott Residential,LLC tract,and the southwest corner of said Wylie Partners,LP tract,for a comer; - Pass-by Trips(AM=0%,PM=15%)° 0 t1 0 2G+ 3 3 11 I, New Trips to Vic; 3n5 LL a7" 5a �ISO . aj.LL_ 69 LL THENCE North 01 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East,along the west line of said Wylie Partners,LP tract,a distance of 198.02 feet to a 5/8-Inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said Wylie Partners,LP tract,and the southwest corner of said Presidential Estates,for a comer, ��� '�\ I�l THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 29 seconds East,along the north line of said Wylie Partners,LP tract and the south line of said Presidential Estates, a distance of 1633.31 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1,090,618 square feet or 25.0372 acres of land,more or less. SF 10/21 IH COMMUN IY COMMON AREAS GENERAL NOTES: F b-. (SINGLE FAMILY) (TOWNHOMES) COMMFRCIAI t ALL USES PERMITTED BY THE CITY of WYLIE. TEXAS DEVELOPER/OWNER &APPLICANT 'OIAL LAND AREA 145 ACRES 4.0 ACRES 2.1 ACRES 3,8 ACRES RZ DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS HALL MEPT OR TS,ACCESS s OIa ILSIDENUA, LLC ` e - A L SU}Z-AL MAI ERiAtS 0-PU3Li� STRFF [DIAL HOUSES JO 32 23,800 SF- BLDG- EXCEED MINIMUM CONTACT DR- ABDUL LATEEF KHAN CITY STANDARDS R SPEC IRCATIONS. 54 KINGSTON ARNE ig000 SE. 3,300 SF" RzCHAlI DSON, TEXAS 75082 e X MIN. LOT AREA 3. FINAL STREET LAYOUT, LOT CONFIGU RATIONS, DIMENSIONS& PI (469) 870 6020 s , AREAS MAY VARY PROVIDING NO VARIANCES OF11HL CITY T OF ems:. , MIN. LOT WIDTH 75 FEET 30 FEETX'. WY ARCHITECT �` w MIN"LOT DEPTH 100 FEET 110 FEET 4, LANDSCAPE SHALL COMPLY WITH 1HE C11Y OF AHN IF RULES OCULUS ARCHITECTS, INC_ MAX LOT COVERAGE 45% 60% AND R",ULATONS. CONI"ACT: POIrnUDDIN KHONDAK.:R, AAA, NCA.FRl3 14310 RICH BRANCH DR MIN DWELLING S17E 2100 SF- 1,200 SF- 6 HIGH MASONRY SCREENING FENI L WILL BE NOR I POTOMAC, MD 20878 CONSTRLCIED W Sl', NORTH & SOUTH SIDE OF THE ...._ .._._._. _._...... .._._..... SIDE YARD 0 FEET MIN- 0 FEE(A N BOUNDARY LINE CIVIL ENGINEER SITE DATA RONT YARD 25 fPiT MIN. TkE T MIN- 5 A HOMES HERS ASSOCIATIONS Will.. BE ORPAED TO NO &ASSOCIATES, LLC _ MAINTAIN COMMON & EASEMENT AREAS AS PER THE CITY CONTACT_ NAIM KHAN, A- CFM _-- REAR YARN 25 FEET MIN, 20 FEET MIN. REOUNITMFNTS" 603 CHERRY TREE LANE 2N912024 N.rS. WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 er.ownwu cv,:aan BUILDING HEIGHT al(7 FEET 40 [LET 50 [LET 7. TOWNHOMES LOT WILL HAVE 500 AT C'ARAGES. PH- 214 533 7181 ND NK E-MAIL: L-N,1207@yahoo.com reamp '1 CAR GARAGE AREA 500 SF, 500 SF. 8. ALL SINGLE FAMILY HOUSES WILL HAVE FRONT GARAGE 7ggyyyL.� ENTRY ni 23 0310512024 Item 2. w - EL - pp ! aaESlcewTwi.EseArs •; i i IF W RCGT. ® IF 3 — -.-. _._ _.... PC I _._ __ __ -.... KENN ooY0 DRIVE ------—— - h , -- -- =-- -- — — -- -- -- -- r — — — N'z I oLNED m o I.OT L01 t-- 1.01—2 L9'(J LOT 4 LOT 5 lf7i 6 I.Oi T i_Oi e LIT 2 LOT 3 a Oi 5 \T T �i .Iry 0 III) BLOCK h w� 8 2. io r cc s� ��" ... j ' 'VcO�M osl- n FlN - T �_ I " �i� OCR NizN a 2E 1 Bloc<c 02 aOCKf - Q®O �+ - I I s y LOT 1 IS CT3 L0�'4 i_OT o l 7 l OT 8 0 fl OT,O LOT , 12 ITT 1-S l01 O' 15 LOTH2 BO i41T. a, a1, 05 3T a,T lo.s esr. ,spa aoa ,. s 3,10 T �rs� st t r r to ,o o , a 0 5. ¢ ,o,4,fr,- I � EllI�M ' ZNt�aawu. — —_ d IS, AISIII M Z. ..... -_ OP.SS�, L 1. --- aKOC Fa�vvpanw" T- T s,,v (,rCs�n rT TLRCK B , \ N�� Oa2O C vo0.w, T o\ S'�. loos �m B 7 _ FLIT ( �� �Of A i?o5osr. H OT 4 LOT�, LOT b LOT, LOT 8 LOT 9LOT .o osost._ P•Sr z5 e oc s's-o cl:L c oso _sasr. c o 3oYr9'7RnI-L.-.- a a ��, 71 ._ _- �r - - - ( - ( 51'I"LF1 A(fi 0\N) R8293]9 i t0.t 5, � _ _ • oI — �- ,.- � — _ — <5 T BA _..... = FIT m I a i ,q,aesc � ; � � - � - _,_.... � - _.. �( T�SI I I I\ " LH CL t64 93 Oi'44'34"W _ QTT 2, ... LOT?2 �O 2O LO 24 LOT 2> LP 26 �C'2i LOT28 ` BLD. 2[2-C— OT6tLoO OT 018 LPT,3 LOT 20 o.,o .oso 0�0 �Os ,oso ,oso ,Oso ,ova HAIAPIIrLs oos Frae Hv RAwT L0 0 o 'r IVVi1 IJ „n LOT 6 a,,. O s BE FIRE,o ,o St. a ( '; ( , STORY ICI f P= II WATER 0 8 ...... V20P.T I .ro -- BRPB — -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --.1./ Bb T 9' -" f'BOf� e"W .. '' — —— — WATER ENE 5 VOf'8 SS L�E ft0n EftC OT (3 B R MNO F fwT E« �T-.— n—'IS LIKE Pe0 SS�1 - - — — — _--- — — — ¢wE B TO INSTALL tJBLDC. _ . �d oa or Bzsr srwnx iBLo 1 nJo iw naa s•. r aT s . ° A 111 BI D(, A �... DETENTION Polio 1 - _ li / 4 EieYtN 'ii 1TOTAL AREA.30.531 5E ( � �; 11 1 _ 0 03 '28"LT) Pa Ir> t, .�_ _� ��',, �_�a EaEJoeao ,�na AEz 000L.Ern- R-s a4�' s �, w P4 P F n ] _ CL 7 8.68' _L vca An�h I RI 1,10t 24 IIRE LANE miE2 � 24 LANE GILD �CB-S g 4'09"W 11I11111L1� __ = I WJ w .,, RE T NE / S89'S814W 111 T- t o Rye � PRELIMINARY � ( UTILffYPLJ+N N _ i r , ND NK r � 4 ......... ao ...�..�P � 766-WYL•23 s�cm,'yea ' G-3 F24] 0310512024 Item 2. � MRGG T. 1 q � n¢ _ o rvJ I ° AA L..I LOi 1 LOT 2 oT T LOT s LpT�2 t.T 3 l0i a l0i R LpT 6 Lp:- LpT g d SOT 3 1, P .� W .o e DPP I s N n LL a J E e � J —p N &,--ol cat�RP93.9 L 154 CL= ) �NpAWLL —5'95' Z a � asa�mL \s M i a o w a v i vi Q \ (\ 0 03 .71' ) n z R 6 3.4' Ct 1 8.68, CBS 0 4'09"W L. e N « V6—� 9814 W i 4 s2 z E hh N ALLOWABLE DISCARGE TO EXISTING STORM SYSTEM FROM PROPSED DEVELOPMENT - --------- EGEOD RUNo; (RATIONAL METHOD) HYDROLOGIC COMPUTATIONS n iio, a --- -- -- - FRMNAGE STINGo50' 120= ,g O A P- de p d 100—y TI f) - Af'EAIMEOF IN FNSIfYp'HARGF LCULATIONS ........ Existing prc,-ge D-de CONC. 0 COEFF. ,00 1 qq st— nova Arrow (A¢) c (MIN.) (IN_/HR (CFs) COMMENTS ?119@024 =so' ND NK� Aw 25.0 0,40 20 6,90 69,11 TOWARD SOUTH WEST DITCH d as�.wvL-� ,off F2� , 0310512024 Item 2. _�___._.._ ......_.J LEGEND A 0 ":g 4l an E Itl D.' ge A (Fl j d.veloped 700 N PCw(cf_)j ■���� Eist:^g Dra Ccge Divide q.�Pa 8iaT4 1 �.� I— Flo, Arrow Lu W Y IF, CI A _Alv A E,- a N V - oT I LOT z or LOT z I.c 3 oT h I_oT 5 I.o- LOT 3 SOT 1 BLOCK 11 0/'La) III lU RI OIL, LOT] r�� + 1 ILL L tt x� I �._' ' LOT 1 [- ( _.. ( ~7 } I LOT 1 LOi 2 LOT 3 LOT H LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT'3 LOT 14 LOT f5 LOT 16 FEID Q x7 U. YOP BLOCK A LOT 4 LOI� � LOT 6 LOT F •x M 1 ( Z 00 LOT z TrEFTso r oy_d -- ..^ \\ � � o c Q�"~ . FTTFFTTTM7 BLOCK B /l\ ado Mw LOT3 ? 1 -- �~ -' LOT 1z _ _ LOT 14 u.,eeonCE �� aw— s^ 0 1 a 1 L I 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LUf C LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT T LOT A L9T 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 (� LOT 4 0 ( ( ( A v 61\\\ ST1'1T A(65 f+OA) - ZB1 �. N I 25.00 T - t=re4 ss• -- -- - s w la 14.1 r _ LOT "cS di ti w ' 1y2 1 40i 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT to LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 21 LOT 23 LOT 24 LOT 2 LOT 26 LOT 21 LOT 2$ 1 BLD »7 3 LOT 6 31 J A v STPBv R_ ST CCT 0 _ __UUlUT' �h m� PA vNM,,L - ----- f� 77 f=TFN1(.N FOND eerrc<re Isa xvou � Axca �BLDc�CI l SLUGS 1r �' er ac"n �f ---� _L 6LD0 E BLCG D sE 4'ARE LANE IOF"I,ARCA-30,L3i 'I � ( � - , � \ i _r C hg (nR kFl� 444 at o ,,,•'C_ ) L t6-c0t 3 32.9" T) nrcao��o —_� 4 r� BL 24 LANE 6 C8S 9"W 24F4E LANE I >TOR1BID 1 PCN SFd'C LANE RNOF E 2 �,. S89'58 t4 W 11 629.4 __ .._ _.'....._ ,a« ..... ......... s........ =aw ..7 IIRN n/Ko L ...._ __� COMPOSITE 'C•• CA..CUTATIONS POST—DEVELOPMENT FLOW CALCULATIONS T"TAL AREA: "5 00 AC sae ax TOTAI SINGLE FAMILY - 14.5 ACRES — n o ACRES . NNo HYDROLOGIC (RATIONAL METHOD) PROP.DRAINAGE 1o1Ai TowN rluMFs L < ROMOOFC COMPUTATIONS .... __ AREAMAPB i OTAL COMEF'CIAL ^' ACRES COMMON AREA K80 ACRES N I AR A T INS Y DISCLIARG CALCULATIONS < CONPOSITIF "C Ai*C1+A ('2�+A3*C3+P4*C4 �`� COEFF- CONc. i70o 410o yq 6u AlIA 1A3fA AC) c MIN; SIN/RR-� c`S) COMIMLITI .. 145'0.5014,0*08012/x090+3.80'0.40 o eo 1zo n�oa< NK COIv1L OSITE C' 2500 -='0.58 NDD 1.0 -60. A 25.0 0.58 15 7.86 114FT5 TOWARDS DETENTION POND ass-wrL-z3 C-5 J 26 0310512024 Item 2. -'< DETENTION POND CALCULATIONS coI F,� � r.uawnir mlt:ms lv c cnA oms a x s b 4 at MIFF r6 o"m 68 951 a era 2.y o, c ct 1 t O SCi HH 00x1' t 1$X1.$D 0*00o a o roI q Determine Allowable Discharge From 83e Proposed Development -2 u .. Pre-Developed Flow -' // 5-ya ID H . OD9-Wr 10aym CO3l X Pn I / A � ;2�5 oY 25_'€%} 25 25-Go L31 ' '€c 0A 04 o4 G4 _ c 20 aDo 2.1 z 9 UNIT �L f` 1 dxa 4,84 562 aso �� Q 2 Ll L-V\��. .0]ctap 42&3 ,.4d 40 56 20 69 01 U a 01 r /UE F�N I IAA AE) 4 M / �� co �' a ]HE POND MIGHT BE EN � � PA(`K A4� ETEIVTioN POND NOTE R RAWER L E\ANT. ION POND NIS KFREE IOG r F� CARS AA 100- E D N Es 1 FREEBOARD y0 � A ED mAll ON All SIDES N 10 1 AL- AAAA. SJ,AA ISI � r l� v l MULTI , A/HE,�LYR`R` Ht RL GNED To R LEASE Qa- r c�T t ca - r PON i -STAGED Ot TFAI STRUCTURE �`�! TM I I I I d. FLOW SPRADER WILL BE BUILT AT OUMFALL TO (MAKE 1"HE CONCENTRATED C)m..Q a" L------ FLOW TO SHEET FLOW Z& 'Una W�= DETENTION(,IV POND AREA ND WILL 3E DEDICATES AS A DRAIN ACE EASEMENT 1 f. POND NAIL W11 l_ BE WIN ON 1"HE IOU AND o INSIDE iNF FASFMENI (�5 /I I� ( /\ I� g_ DAME WIt L BE PROVIDE Al MAX 6'.1 SLOPS FOR MAIN fJNANcE VEHICLE `r \ I_A � h. POND WII L.RE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. �V _5 X,5 OUT�A�_L_ ATRUC T ARC _ _L /II II 3 Required Storar4..e for 400-YR Storm Event W"jIh M1laxinovor Release Rate for 100-YR St3m1 Event o 10-yr Sterna Event(Maximum Release Rate 48,40 nta) la", Ghxratrcm F v, 6 AMa PI0 rFI $maw 0.,11rrw $r0mo. a 1001r Stoma Event(Maximum Release Rate,69 0'l GfsI ntnn Whr At. re co-6 nun cu a w 906-gr $3ur0- F1 Loy, G Arms P,.k Flew {nP..+3w coftu $twaEx 40 654 358 2500 94,78 5666.€ 25049 27825 0 �' m rE In+hr +'w:.He cS su ft cu.7t cu Po I$ 5"S4 G 58 25,96 N 34.- 72304 -36310 - 34oaa` 10 6 2a 1158 250 13.3 33 7M8 4140s 36 593 ii S S 766 0158 25 oo r 6}eI 1ty252 a 51756 15(}a' } 20 4 84 t3'S$ 26 L14 To 11 &R107 -41 + 4 7T -DID 6 952 0,58 rs OF) it'1tk t 120074 621 Or 57 7 S0 $89 0 5$ 2$0P ",v&4 i e$F1651 5$GSa 43,671 :tit 582 058 :56U 6143 146572 $2810 63,782 46 329 058 2500 47 rv0 $1+4472 72£sh 41,1272 40 A 78 0 S# 25 40 6933 105351 10512 Fn7 87?k 5o 2$B p$8 2$00 41$3 124516. $714 37,4% -. -so 4 19 0 56 25 00 eG 76 r&1276 124215 56 06l Bo 2 55 A 58 25DO 36 62 132922 10164D 31,282 �.. 66 3 75 6 5$ 25 oo 54,33 M57$ 144517 S0 6b8 70 2 3D 0 56 2$00 $3 34 A40042 11615ts 2518621 N `n 34o use 2$oo 43.30 207057 Mateo :4HA57 $6 210 055 25do 3047 146262D 13o680 15,580 0 19 2$t a E 80 312 058 2500 4525 21.7Y80 Y86.3223fJ856 94 0SR so 00 1 5178S Due 6$Ab g 90 2$5 0$$ 28P0 41 Re 211a.`u6 10702$ 19'$I tMCk 189 0.58 25,DO 26 13 P5EiT7Y i58d;t'o -2949 K .z fiv0 270 0so 25,00 39o$ 2;34425 227727 B776 bf4 169 0.58 23 f]0 2S 4# 361313 774240 12.927 -.*6 2 53 6 U8 25 00 3668 24205a 24$A 3w6 370 .. 20 40' o 25-yr Stoma Event fhItaxi€ran Release Rate W 20 cfsl d 6-vr Slonla Eve I(Mdax3mum Release Rate 42,80 cFs� 25'xr Chum Aron F$gr C Arox "Ptak 51pwr Kftw {7e om Si1H:ag4 6 pr ;9ur n— Isy, G A.... Pi.k F4a.�': hit.. outer. sw gu ° rnln, 'rtu, At. de Pu 4 —ft -8 Mir, h* A— � c�8 cu fa I.Tt < to 7 55 0 55 25,GO 109,48 D5689 33720 .31,66D 40 582 0 58 25 AG 84,34 : 50607 eRe; •»25&60 2-0,62T I,$ G 42 0$$ 25 Do - e$ra $$743 3 I50 41,643 96 - AM 0 51 25,00 71,26 64i38 321 Do 32,058 DETENTION POND i 2e 562 0 55 25 DG 8 47 27766 54'.8t1 47,186a 20 - 4 28 a S$ or,tie d2 83 14416 3852a 35 9ie Do 4 5A o ss 25 DID6.5,'30 118617 6744J 61,177 3CI 343 ass 25 ea 49,75 89535 59360 3$,t91 PLAN& � 40 a{35 055 25DO - 5554 1a40`"0 643.G0 49,720 40 :$9 058 :500 41$$, : 1065r3 7z42Ik3 3611$$ CALCULATIONS 50 3.36 a w 25 00 4B 75 148244 t 0 t t60 45#M,A S0 2 5t O S8 25'Do 36 36 105 9: 77044 32,549 60 $00 J$$ 2$00 4$" M400 91$¢23} 393$21 so 222 058 25.DG 3226 ` 11e3D _:89580 26,250 2N8/2Q24 r =20'-- ii 70 2,71 A55 25.M0 3851 1651Doo 1345W ,302'25 70 2Gt 058 2$4U 28A)? 122106 nr5'2720 15,3a$ SO 2va D58 2504 Dom 1727W1 15t740 21'ool BD 1 8a a°a 25 tars a6 s2 12730a 515500 11,143 ND NK I 50 i-29 NSF, 250 I'3s$ H735$2 16640 lea$2 so +68 958 "Soo 2443 131906 12840D 3546 > I Too 213 6.5.8 211D) v&135 185.711 i55J4w :251 9170 56 0:.18 2,r.6ra 22 8T rm>sc, r 136442. 'idt2A0 ,5,'F98. f to Zoo 4 5$ 2$60 2$99 191344 20 iDoat 16.56M 310 114 4 se 251D0 21 18 : 1398G7 '1$4030 .14 Zao C6 F27] 0310512024 Item 2. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS EXHIBIT "C" COLLEGE PARK 2023-XX-PD I. PURPOSE College Park is a sustainable neighborhood with the intent to promote a gradual transition of single family detached residential living with a higher density townhouse community. The neighborhood is accompanied by open spaced amenities and a commercial retail component. SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL II. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Single Family 10/24 set forth in Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of June 2023) shall apply except as specifically provided herein. 3. The development shall be in general conformance with Exhibit`B"(Zoning Exhibit). A. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Maximum number of residential detached lots shall not exceed 50 lots. 2. Alleys shall not be required within the Single Family Detached tract of the Planned Development. 3. All homes within the community shall have front entry garages. 4. J-swing garage entries shall not be required. 5. The second point of vehicular access into the development shall be located off the existing street of Washington Place to the north and shall be gate restricted for emergency access only. 6. A Homeowner's Association (HOA) shall be established that will be responsible for maintenance of all screening, HOA open space lots, HOA common areas, and landscaping within HOA areas. a. A 8' high metal fence with brick columns shall be required for the community park. Page 1 of 2 28 0310512024 Item 2. TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL III. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Townhouse District set forth in Article 3, Section 3.3 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of June 2023) shall apply except as specifically provided herein. 3. The development shall be in general conformance with Exhibit`B"(Zoning Exhibit). A. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Maximum number of townhouse lots shall not exceed 32 lots. 2. The Townhouse units shall have a front setback of 5' and shall provide rear entry vehicular access through a 24' wide alley which will also be used as a fire lane. 3. A Homeowner's Association (HOA) shall be established that will be responsible for maintenance of all HOA open space lots, HOA common areas, and landscaping within HOA areas. COMMERCIAL IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Commercial Corridor District set forth in Article 4, Section 4.l.0 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of June 2023) shall apply except as specifically provided herein. 3. The development shall be in general conformance with Exhibit`B"(Zoning Exhibit). A. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The following uses as defined in the June 2023 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance shall be prohibited: a. Sexually Oriented Business b. Equipment Rental c. Automobile Rental d. Automobile Repair Minor e. Car Wash f. Vehicle Display, Sales or Service g. Smoke Shop h. Smoking Establishments i. Any and all uses listed under Sections 5.2.H and 5.2.1 of the Zoning Ordinance(adopted as of June 2023) Page 2 of 2 F29] 100 0310512024 Item 2. 722 m Notification Map - 709 708 709 1' 707 706 707 7 705 704 70 704 7 7°3 7O2 703 L702 17 7oa 700 703L 700 7 543 ft — A 201 O 614 6 3D1 101 6a 612 613 m 612 6 a 60 S�w 1301 610 ° 1:01 UAKEIRANCH LN 6�3 �c 611 610 6 419, I � 6o8 6o8 6 Ia7a617a,i712171o17oi7o6170,17o2a6r16a8t61i614t61x 61o.60 1606i6o41602 6aa 609 4�7 i i � i i 6o9 6o6 607 LincoliLINCOLN DR _ 6°6 6 Sol 4�5 J. — a ya�FW4O g w 410 409 410 409 410 409 410 607 6°4 605 6o4 1001 4a3 O yo8 _ 7 Q 408 407 93 408 4°7 408 4°7 4°13 0g 605 602 603 602 6 2 yaa Z ' 1 406 603 I ' 6 00 601 4o640524o6 405 < 46 y52o 40S 4Z boa 0 ,j 404 0y04°9 404 403 044 4 y Q 2y°7 O 4oa 1S a 1 75a5 a a a650a0 9 yoz o2 ou + 405 _— K,- KENNEDY DR , 601 801 ♦ 403 1700 161 16aa a6o .60 16o i6oa ' / a7a=a71a I17o7a70S1703.701 1617 56a3 i6og 7 S 3 t 1 you • 675 670 / / / c / / 64S j / 60 v _ / .52 5 C / / Z / O / / v / Wylie Fire Static555 2 ♦ 570 ♦�� sr� 56o 455 456 405 / Exxon454 ZONING CASE: ZC 2023-18 1-, A i CITY OF A. ® SUBJECT property 200 foot Notification Buffer WYLIE I�fA*ry��--.}� : i 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 Feet �� 1q. '1 I t l i l t l i l t l i l t l i l t l i l Date: 2/8/2024 F30 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name East Name* Steven D Curtis Address* Street Address 401 Monroe Drive Address tine 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Lip Code 75098 Case It C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments We do not need the additional traffic in Presidential Estates, l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/22/2024 F31] 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Shaun Keefer Address Street Address, 1611 KENNEDY DR. Address Une 2 City State/Province/Region WYLIE Texas PoF.tal/Zip Code 75098-7103 Case#* C2023-18 645 A 675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments So many reasons to be against this. Increased traffic through our neighborhood via Adams/Kennedy Dr.,A 6ft wall up against our alley on Kennedy will make it difficult to get in the driveway especially on trash day. Increased crime with retail and townhomes. Houses looked like they belong in a gentrified neighborhood and don't fit the Wylie look. Houses packed together like sardines.The houses will be overlooking our 8ft privacy fence. 1 agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature rr'tr 2/19/2024 32] 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Robert E Thompson Address* Street Address, 807 Carlton Rd Address Zinc.2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/23/2024 33 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Michelle Subia Address Street Address 709 Overton Dr Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments Too much traffic. Not enough space in schools as it is to house more students l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 1Vq"A;61t 2119l2024 34 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Gabriel Subia Address Street Address 709 Overton Dr Address Line y City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/19/2024 35 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* mare Pieroni Address Street Address 701 lake ranch rd Address piny y City State/Province/Region wylie TX Postal/lip Cade 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/19/2024 36 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Stephanie .i Johnson Address* Street Address 503 Woodhollow Drive Address Line,2 City State/Province/Region WYLIE TX Postal/Zip Cods 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments d agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature ze �!� 2/19/2024 37 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name toast Name* Mark A Johnson Address* Street Address 503 Woodhollow Drive Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/!i„a Side 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments d agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/19/2024 38 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* marc Pieroni Address Street Address 501 lake ranch rd Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FRI 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments d agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* e Date of Signature 2/19/2024 39 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Naive* Lindsay Davis Address Street Address 406 Monroe Drive Address,Line 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/lip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments Do not want multi-family dwellings and increased traffic next to my home. f agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/23/2024 40 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Ronald Ward Address Street Address 406 Monroe Drive Address G..ne 2 City ;hate/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FIN 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments It will lessen property values and increase traffic. No thank you. f agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/23/2024 F41] 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Rhoda Cistertag Address Street Address 405 Washington PI Address Line 2 405 Washington PL City State/Province/Region Wylie Texas Postal I Lip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd, Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments More traffic,and who will buy these condo/homes?Kids for the college? If so Chats inviting trouble to Wylie.We do not even have enough teachers for the kids that live in Wylie now so why add more families! I agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature r? 2/15/2024 42 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Aaron Gallagher Address Street Address 405 Monroe Dr. Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments For the second time, no.Absolutely not. i agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/19/2024 43 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Eunice Navarro-Garcia Address Street Address 405 Adams Ave Address I re 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Cade 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FIN 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments Too many homes in very little space will be adding to traffic congestion as well as noise and crime rates with so many people crammed into that area.We want to maintain the quiet, peaceful environment we currently have. l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/25/2024 44 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Melia Abreo Address Street Address 403 Adams Ave Address i ine t City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Flo tal/Zip Code 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments This is a concern due to increased traffic,safety of neighborhood,and school capacity. 1 agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/20/2024 45 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Viktoria Reindl Bray Address* Street Address 402 Adams Ave. Address titre City State(Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case XC2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature Pu— 2/23/2024 46 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Gary Herrman Trentelman Address* Street Address 401 Washington PL Address I..ine City State(Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Code 75098 Case XC2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd, Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments !agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/15/2024 47 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name East Name* Barbara H Curtis Address* Street Address, 401 Monroe Drive Address I.,.ine 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Zip Cede 75098 Case C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments We don't need the additional traffic in Presidential Estates. l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/22/2024 48 03/05/2024 Item 2. JAI 0TY' OF Public Comment Form First Name* Middle Name East Name* Steven D Curtis Address* Street Address 401 Monroe Drive Address tine 2 City State/Province/Region Wylie TX Postal/Lip Code 75098 Case It C2023-18 645&675 FM 1378 and 605 Country Club Rd. Response* I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the public notice I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public Comments We do not need the additional traffic in Presidential Estates, l agree and understand that by signing the electronic signature, that it is the equivalent to my manual/handwritten signature. Signature* Date of Signature 2/22/2024 49 0310512024 Item 2. 8 M. u I " 4 N 1 to t i Fol 0310512024 Item 2. Land Area : TOTAL LAND : 25.0 AC. LAND USED: ti SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AREA: 14.5 AC. TOWNHOMES AREA: 4.0 AC. e COMMERCIAL LAND AREA: 2.7 AC. COMMON AREAS: 3.8 AC. 605 Country Club Rd. Wylie, Tx 75098 1 0310512024 Item 2. ConceptT I _ -- — - �— - —r --- _ -_ — a s Plan • � - -- -- K€N7�ED4Y DRIVE � -- -- { - -- - � -- - �� � B p Wy� • «z5 <,. evAxarM snop. 6 _ R MBVf RAIR .R@/rem 0 LL4 1 E LOCAIE 8 T5 LOF LO 0 06,6 —1 � �_� 8', ❑i T,Ax �� r '�� aaWa:. { .D � { ..a. � ... � OT,2 ro sss o 3n 6 t nl i — 6LDCK — — M/Karl CCtUNNs 1 O `$ 1 �'� Qa$SJ�tT�i D3� { H �� a 8 H lOT 1LOT 3 OT 5 LOT 6LO 7 r LO 8 Oi 9 OT 0 l0 LO 130 LO p�� �� HiE �H—�� R a MIL o 6 4�i Wio �,.. LOT,s �- {--- --- a. Gx----�.. �T �� LOT 25 OT 26 OT 2Y y — 0 ^fi 0 zp> LOT,8 LOY 9 OT 20 Ot 2 OT 22 OT 23 0 2 a o ex_ LO 28 N B�'pv a�6. � — I ��� 3� a _ ---- -- -- -- - - -- - -- -- i{ u_{ � — — E G = -- DETENTION POND , ,/, °i ..x, egos i N � 1 i ze tN,e cnNe rOTAL AE-aosa,s ( E = %' »`�, P a �"i ° Kati , 2 E , a r asa' i I R4 PRO,"02, 2k`FlR 4AN6, $R'r'r1Yl i.rStG ,ZG'Pf4E 1 kV NAB I.mV£ IS £# eem mace B&maa � Km a.v'w;rj LEGEND j NOR 1 L' ti LOADING/UNLOADING (MONDMENT SIGNS: `jP 2r, nP SIGN1.COLLEGE PARK i y n \ U(TLO PARKING STRIPE") SIGN�2.CO L GE H I r^^ �� SIGN#3.FARK TOwNIS.fIOMES 6URVEYOR'S NOTES: N DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: ` lONCEPT PUN i ZONING CHANGE&PLAT DONE BY MARCH,2024 i.Eeadn0 sY0fam MNlesurvey based an ttre TBrsa Cootdinero Syebm of 1883,14 M0.b01 Zone(4202j 2,SET OF FUG ENGINEERING SUBMITLAI_BY APRIL,2024 cnu 3 BUILDING PLANS SUBM1=0 BY JUNE.2024. 2,Thls eurveywe0 p,epe,ed wldwutdn benefitaFe TXie ConmdbnOld m� i 4 SET OF ENGINEERING PLANS&BUILDING APPROVED BY DULY,2024 (t"-6O' 1, 6 CONSi RUCTION START BY DULY,2024 3.B9eed uponW phW pMng ft sebje properly W fouled WIN.Z—'r(.W.Wed),bMg dented esd,oee sq ,zo' 5.81-CONSTRUCTION DONE BY DECEMBER,2D24 81ee9 deW W d W bO BumWe ft 02%er Walm—ft-,100in,as d011n0eWd on Flood lrreulawO RM Mp, � NK ` scaie�r'eso'--'� T.BUILDING CONSTRUCTION DONE BY DECEMBER,2025. Numbbr 4809EC04d6J,tleted kere02,2W8. ,wu. 78SWY421 C.1 5 2] 0310512024 Item 2. Site LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: C BEWGa25.p372 acre t2 situated the George W.Gunneg Survey,Absimct No.351,Collin County,Texas and being all ofa tract of land described in a % N< deed to Wylie Partners,LP as recorded in lnstrumerr[Number 20180530000658260 of the Official Public Records Collin County,Tetras(O.P.R.C.CTJ,and all tract of land described in a deed to Abdul R.Khan and Abdul L.Khan,as recorded in Instrument Number 20150508000672830,(O.P.R.C.C.T.)and all of L F Y R a tract of land described In adeed to Scott Residential,DEC as recorded in Instrument Number 20181705001376830,20181106001376890{D.p.R.C.C.T.) H` Data and all of land of land described In a deed to ALK Real1.11 Investment,LIP,as recorded In instrument Number 201703020W278350(O P.R C.0 T.) � � and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: ' I BEGINNING at a 1/2-Inch iron rod setatthe northeast corner ofsaid Wylie Partners,LP,andthesoutheast comerof Presidential Estates,an additionto $" Gd the City of Wylie as record in volume G,Page 174,Map Records of Collin County,Texas,and on the west right-of-way line of FM Highway No.1378(a tCCS�� W variable width right-of-way),fora comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds East along the east line of said Wylie Partners,LP,and on the west right-of-way line of said FM Highway u No.1378,a distance of 210.17 feet to a 1/2-inch hon rod found at the southeast comer of said Wylie Partners,LP and the northeast corner of said Khan tract,and at the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 2937.97 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South OS degrees 44 minutes 34 (� seconds West,154.95 feet; J THENCE Along the east line of said Khan had and the west rightrof-way line of said FM Highway No.1378,and along said curve to the right having a delta Q1, of 03 degrees 01 minutes 19 seconds and a arc length of 154.95 feet to a 1/2-inch iron and set,for comer THENCE South OS degrees 31 minutes 02 seconds West,along the east line of said Khan tree[and the west right-of-way line of said FM Highway No.1378, py a distance of 109.32 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found with cap stampedIUDOT",of the southeast corner of said Khan tract and the northeast corner of N r�Eet said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP,and the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 3643.48 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 00 Q r m "c degrees 44 minutes 09 seconds West,198.68feet; « THENCE along the east line of said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP,tract and on the west right-of way line of said FM Highway No.1378 and along said 01 2 9 12 VICINITY MAP rve to the left having a delta of03 degrees 07 minutes 29 seconds,and an arc length of 198.71 feet toa 1/2-Inch tron rod set at the southeast corner of ZNe7o W LL N.T.S. said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLP,tract and the north line of a tract of land described Ina deed to City of Wylie,as recorded in Instrument Number 98-0038017,(O.P.R.C.C.T.),for a comer; '1605 Country Club Road,Wylie-Trip Generation(ITE Trip Generation Manual,11th Edition) ITEk Use Quantity Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peah How THENCE South 89 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds West,along the south lined said ALK Real Estate Investment,LLPtract,and on the north Imeofsaid i Total in Qut Total in out City of WylietrattadiAonce.fi629.84feeftoal/2-ironrodfound atthesouthwestcornerofsiad ALKReal Estateinvestment front and the northwest zz 21P Stogie Fa- mily Detached Housing A3 IPG 464 35 9 26 h5 28 SJ corner of said City of Wylie tract,for a corner; 2t5 4 gi F ly Attah IH,s,g #2SF 1942_ it 3 8 iS I �` THENCENaFOR 00 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds East,along the west line of said ALK Real Estate Investment tract,a distance of 199.70 feet too 3/8-Inch 822 St pRtAPlaza 4<40tt 5E1 30,000 SF 14.5 64 35 24 ]7ti as R9 iron rod found atthe northwestern—ofsaid ALK Real Estate lnvestmenttract,and the southwestcomer of said Scott ReddentiaDILE foracur a. Total. 2,153 305 47 5$ 2}0 122 Sob lit IC-re{AM-0'.A,PM 33yj. 0 0 0 54 2$ 26 THENCE North 00 degrees OD minutes 51 seconds East,along the west line of said Scott Residential,LLC tract,a distance of 265.48 feet to a 3/8-inch iron Rips to Site: 105 47 58 176 94 82 rod found at the northwest comer of said Scott Residential,LLC tract,and the southwest corner of said Wylie Partners,LP tract,fora corner; Pa-by TO ps( —ARVI p"5 PM=1Sf} 0 0 0 26 13 13 New Tops to Site. .1 47 -5-jj 150 81 69 THENCE North 01 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East,along the west line ofsaid WyliePartners,LP tract,a distance of 198.02 feet too 5/84nch icon rod 3 found at the northwest corner of said Wylie Partners,LP tmcL and the southwest corner of said Presidential Estates,fora comer, F��t THENCE North 89 degre135 minutes 29 seconds East,along the north line of said Wylie Partners,LP tract and the south line of said Presidential Estates, Silt DA I�SI_' adistance of 1633.31 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1,090,618 square feet or 25.0372 acres of land,more or less. SF 10 24 TN COMMUNITY COMMON A�AS GENERAL NOTES �eq � TOTAI LANE AREA 745 ACRESGULL}AI Y) O 5 U.�� �CO'JtA�h 4i DAPPLICANT WNER Ep TO 40 ACRES -___ 1 All USES PF.RM17FD BY THE CITY OF WHIF TEXAS. 1= -- --- ----- &APPLICANT 27 ACRES 3&ACRES 2 ALL SURFACE MATERIALS OF PUBLIC STREETS,ACCESS SCOTT RESIDENTIAL,LLC 27pi gyx TOTAL HOUSES 50 32 23,800 SF.BLDG, DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED MINIMUM CONTAC'i':DR.ABDUL I.ATEEF'KHAN g�4''Ea CITY STANDARDS&SPECIFICATIONS. 5411 KINGSTON DRIVE d RICHARDSON,TEXAS 75082 MIN LOT AREA 10,000 SF. 3,300 OF. 3.FINAL STREET LAYOUT,LOT CONFIGURATIONS.DIMENSIONS& PH:(469)870 6020 'ki\ 75 FEET 30 FEET AREAS MAY VARY PROVIDING NO VARIANCES OF THE CITY OF � MIN.LOT WIDTH wruE. ARCHITECT IN MIN.L01 DEPTH 100 FEET 710 FEET 4.LANDSCAPE SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF WYLIE RULES OCULUS ARG RUTU,INC, a MAX.LOT COVERAGE 45% 60% AND REGULATIONS. CON'fAGI t0 F DUIN K ONDAKER,AA.NCARB H 143T RICH BRANCH D0 MIN.DWELLING SIZE 2,400 SF. 9,200 SF, 5,6'NIGH MASONRY SCREENING FENCE DE BE NORTH PQ'fOMAC,MD 208%8 CONSTRUCTED WEST,NORTH&SOUTH SIDE OF ME FRONT YARD 25 FEET MIN. 5 FEET MIN_ OOCNGA11 LINE CIVIL ENGINEER 517E DATA SIDE YARD 10 FEET MIN, 0 FEET MIN_ 6.A HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIARONS WILL 9E FORMED 10 ND&ASSOCIATES,LLC MAINTAIN COMMON&EASEMENT AREAS AS PER THE GUY CONTACT:NAIM KHAN,P.E.CFO REAR YARD 25 FEET MIN_ 20 FEET MIN. REQUIREMENTS, flax CHERRY IS.LANE F"E' WYLiE,TEXAS 75098 BUILDING HEIGHT 40 FEET 40 FED 50 FEET 7.TOWNHOMES LOT WILL HI 500 BE GARAGES. PH.214 53317181 E-MAIL12070yohoo.com2 CAR GARAGE AREA 500 SF. 500 SF. 8.ALL SINGLE FAMiIv Houses WILL HAVE FRONT GARAGENTR3 0310512024 Item 2. S• te • a cto.a 4 z tSLU. F54] 0310512024 Item 2. LOMmercial Retails Birds Eye View, a"4« w i *F1 a 1 4ts za. '✓""� F55] 0310512024 Item 2. Clubhouse• n� W ke:�s1 t °$4y Y� `1 F5-61 0310512024 Item 2. TH Building: R g, f�eK ......... .. ................ �r!P, r g.. } 8 � k yt z F57] 0310512024 Item 2. Single Family Homes Example : "1 �5\�i}1l\}t zizt rt Ti, ............ a ~,w v } w, � t 5 Sys .vi t. a F5-81