02-20-2024 (Planning & Zoning) MinutesWylie Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting %A1 February 20, 2024 — 6:00 PM fN Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road, Building #100, Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE Fek� �1',11 Chair Joshua Butler called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. In attendance were Vice -Chair James Byrn" Commissioner Joe Chandler, Commissioner Harold Gouge, Commissioner Zeb Black and Commissioner Kei Scruggs. Staff present were: Community Services Director Jasen Haskins, Senior Planner Kevin Molin Development Engineering Manager Than Nguyen and Administrative Assistant Gabby Fernandez. Absent w Commissioner Jennifer Grieser. I Chair Butler gave the Invocation and Commissioner Gouge led the Pledge of Allegiance. COMMENTS ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out aform prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutesfor an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matterpresented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent AVenda are considered to be routine bit the Commission and will be enacted b ' it one motion. 7here will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removedfrom the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat of Lot 213 1, Block A of Aldi Wylie Addition, amending one commercial lot on 1. 162 acres, located at 3457 W FM 544. FRITMI• r � A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge, seconded by Commissioner Skruggs, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6 — 0. ----------------------------- 1. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan amendment for Lot IR-4RR, Block C of Woodlake Village for ths expansion of a car wash on 1.03 acres. Property located at 2010 N State Highway 78. 2. Hold a Public Hearing, consider and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial Corridor - Special Use Permit (CC -SUP) on 1.074 acres to allow for a drive -through restaurant use. Property located at 2806 W FM 544. (ZC 2023-19). 3. Hold a Public Hearing, consider and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding the writing of an ordinance for a change in zoning from Planned Development 2020-27 (PD 2020-27) to Planned Development (PD) on 20.433 acres. Property located from 2535-2701 S State Highway 78 (ZC 2023-20). Will; All Senior Planner Molina approached the Commissioners, stating that the applicant is proposing a Site Plan amendment for an addition to a car wash by adding 271 sq. ft and reconfiguring the vacuum service stalls. Planner Molina stated that with this change, they would not be affecting any of the existing fire lanes and are still in compliance with landscaping requirements. The use did not require a special use permit because it was already an existing car wash. Chair Butler questioned if it was just the office space that was being added to which Planner Molina stated that was correct, it would be a waiting area for vehicles that are being serviced. ,V&- 7 ir Y ut I ir zxW- i [* f trw&Wi 7,zt imaku, vi�f - g *L Z-_ #g1i iA 16,1,tvi , �14.�Z�Jllll � vw1k,4 w4v WA-;7_279[v 1, welt ' J had been discussed. Planner Molina stated that the access to the vacuum base is being moved to the West of the E existing building. Commissioner Byme questioned if the move affected the fire lanes to which Planner Molina stated that the fire lanes are not next to the building, they are to the North. Board Action on Item 1 A motion was made by Commissioner Bye, seconded by Chair Butler, to approve Item I as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6 — 0. Ig Jill LI) I E FR Senior Planner Molina stated that the applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP). The site was previously Bush's Chicken and has since become a medical clinic and the property owner wants to lease space for a restaurant. Planner Molina exvlained that this is why the-Y1 are reiruestin- an SUP. as theW would be changiag uses. The applicant is asking for the SUP to function as a site plan. Planner Molina stated that staff has reviewed it as if it were a site plan and is in compliance with site plan requirements. Additional parking spaces will be added on the East side of the lot. Senior Planner Molina stated that 15 notices had been sent out and I was in opposition. There are currently no tenants. Chair Butler opened a public hearing at 6: 10 pm. The architect of the project approached the Commission to answer any questions. No questions were asked. No one else approached the Commission. Chair Butler closed the public hearing at 6: 11 pm. Boar d.-Action -onItem - A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge, seconded by Commissioner Chandler, to approve Item 2 as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6 - 0. Commission Discussion on Regular Agenda Item 3 YOTFIT"tYm =CT =1 I Te 9� Los C77 a 11177371—d1Ji I•— =OL. Itt Molina explained that the purpose of the amendment is because the property does not maintain the same — ownership. It was previously zoned as Multi -family with Commercial and was sold to the new applicants. Ths Town Home portion remains the same as the Serene Development. Levi Wild with Wild Land Development Consulting presented to the Commission on behalf of the new property owner. He stated that something the developers liked about the property was the frontage on Highway 78 has a a lot of traffic, which is a great opportunity for Commercial Development. They will be preserving the corridor along Highway 78 and on the back side, having a multi -family community there. Wild explained that they will be marketing toward young professionals with their amenities on the property. He said they would be maintaining thcr access points from the previous plan and changing everything internal to the property. With the Commercial Development along Highway 78, they're looking at having restaurants and more neighborhood services to recruit tenants. He stated that he has been working with the Wylie EDC to get connected with people who are active in the Marketplace. I 1110 1111 flag Moll Im 10.0470MI I RNIffroml - I 11 LUCIO 11'Uh plan to connect it with a pedestrian bridge as mentioned in the development a•reement. r-oll-Ellissioner ime as iris F&��MTTM one and two bedrooms, there will be minimal impact on the school district. The Commission discussedthe rproperty's layout and Director Haskins stated that the density is not much more than what is normally required an(g? while asking for 250 units, they are spreading them out well. When asked about the commercial property, Levi Wild stated that they do not have any tenants, but are working with the EDC to secure interest. Commissioner Byrne asked about turning lanes to which Presenter Levi Wild confirmed that there would be lanes added. .11MMMIT.5 Chair Butler asked if the City Council has seen the development from a work session perspective to which Director Haskins answered that they have not yet seen it. He explained that because it was so similar to the other development that was already approved, it was decided to move forward without a work session. Chair Butler opened the public hearing at 6:22 PM. None approached the Commission. Chair Butler closed the public hearing at 6:22 PM. Page 13 Board Action on Item 3 • motion was made by Commissioner Gouge, seconded by Commissioner Black, to approve Item 3 as presented. • vote was taken and carried 6-0. A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge, and seconded by Commissioner Chandler, to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 P. A vote was taken and carried 6 — 0. A JO utler, Chair ATTEST 604errrand—e-Z, Secretary Pa e 14