04-18-2024 (Public Arts Advisory) Agenda Packet P a g e | 1 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting April 18, 2024 – 6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road, Building #100, Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an indiv idual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. DISCUSSION ITEMS DS1. Discussion regrding the 2024-2025 Phase 3 Walking Trails Art DS2. Discussion regarding Walking "Trails, Phase 2 by Yoshi Wright DS3. Discussion regarding the 2024 Bluegrass on Ballard DS4. Discussion regarding the Promotional materials for events REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon, the Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes of 3-21-2024 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on April 12, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. ___________________________ ___________________________ Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings 1 P a g e | 2 Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Board at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to, the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 – Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.073 – Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076 – Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. 2 S O N N Y B E H A N MULTIDISCIPLINARY ARTIST MURALS | PAINTING | SCULPTURE 3 04/18/2024 Item DS1. B I O G R A P H Y S o n n y B e h a n , a l s o k n o w n a s S o n n y S u n d a n c e r , i s a n a c c l a i m e d a r t i s t r e n o w n e d f o r h i s m a g n i f i c e n t l a r g e - s c a l e w i l d l i f e m u r a l s a n d i n t r i c a t e l y d e t a i l e d o i l p a i n t i n g s . H i s a r t , w h i c h s e a m l e s s l y b l e n d s r e a l i s m w i t h a b s t r a c t i o n , c a n b e f o u n d i n g a l l e r i e s a n d s t r e e t s w o r l d w i d e , f r o m S o u t h A f r i c a t o N e w Y o r k . H i s b o l d u s e o f c o l o r a n d d y n a m i c c o m p o s i t i o n s c a p t u r e t h e m o v e m e n t o f t h e a n i m a l s h e b r i n g s t o l i f e . B o r n i n t h e U K , S o n n y w a s r a i s e d i n S o u t h A f r i c a f r o m t h e a g e o f t e n , a t i m e t h a t s p a r k e d h i s p a s s i o n f o r w i l d l i f e . H i s g l o b a l m u r a l t o u r a n d s o l o e x h i b i t i o n i n N e w Y o r k i n 2 0 1 8 m a r k e d t h e b e g i n n i n g o f a m e t e o r i c r i s e , l e a d i n g t o a n i n c r e a s i n g d e m a n d f o r h i s a r t . N o w b a s e d o u t o f M i a m i , S o n n y h a s e x p a n d e d h i s a r t i s t i c r e p e r t o i r e t o i n c l u d e i n t r i c a t e b r o n z e s c u l p t u r e s , i n c l u d i n g a l a r g e -s c a l e p u b l i c s c u l p t u r e a t t h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s H Q i n N Y C . 4 04/18/2024 Item DS1. S o n n y ’s p a s s i o n f o r u s i n g h i s c r e a t i v i t y t o h i g h l i g h t t h e n e e d t o p r o t e c t a n d p r e s e r v e t h e n a t u r a l w o r l d h a s e a r n e d h i m t h e r e p u t a t i o n o f b e i n g a n a r t i s t w h o i s d e e p l y e n g a g e d a n d d r i v e n t o m a k e a n i m p a c t . T o t h i s e n d , h e h a s c o l l a b o r a t e d w i t h p r o m i n e n t n o n -p r o f i t s a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n s , s u c h a s W o r l d W i l d l i f e F u n d , U n i t e d N a t i o n s , U N I C E F , I F A W , G l o b a l C i t i z e n a n d D i s c o v e r y I n c ., t o c r e a t e p u b l i c a r t i n s t a l l a t i o n s a n d c a m p a i g n s t o r a i s e f u n d s a n d a w a r e n e s s f o r c o n s e r v a t i o n e f f o r t s . PAINTING A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR ENDANGERED WILDLIFE C O N S E R V A T I O N P A R T N E R S H I P S 5 04/18/2024 Item DS1. C A R E E R H I G H L I G H T S SPEAKER & ADVOCATE AT UNITED NATIONS Sonny has twice had the honour of speaking at the world's most prestigious international organization; the United Nations. In 2018 he participated in their Earth Day panel to highlight the powerful ways young people are using creativity and innovation to protect our environment. In 2021 he was involved in a discussion around big cats as part of the UN General Assembly SDG Media Zone. NYC, 2018 & 2021 SOLO EXHIBITION IN MANHATTAN Sonny’s first and highly- anticipated solo exhibition of his canvas work, along with a series of hand-painted skull sculptures. The sell-out show explored the precarious balancing act that exists between mankind and the animal kingdom. The exhibition had a fantastic turnout with people queuing arond the block to attend the opening eveming. NYC, 2018 MONUMENT AT UNITED NATIONS Together with Discovery, Sonny unveiled a large-scale bronze tiger statue at the United Nations headquarters in New York to celebrate tigers and raise awareness for endangered species ahead of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly. The sculpture, also draws attention to the UN’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. NYC, 2021 NYC, 2021 CLOSING THE STOCK EXCHANGE IN NYC Sonny was invited to the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square to ring the closing bell in honor of the unveiling of his tiger statue at the United Nations, and to celebrate tiger conservation successes around the globe, including efforts by Discovery's Project CAT. His tiger statue was also showcased on the seven- stories-tall Nasdaq tower screened onto its 10,000 square foot billboard GLOBAL MURAL TOUR FOR WILDLIFE In 2017 Sonny launched his To The Bone project with a global mural tour that brought some of the world’s most iconic and endangered animals into urban environments around the world. He painted ten large- scale murals of endangered species in seven countries from New York to Vladivostok, Johannesburg to London. GLOBAL, 2017 10,000 SQFT MURAL FOR THE UN SDG'S Sonny was commissioned to paint a 10,000 sq ft mural (his largest to date) as part of the Houston Big Art Bigger Change project in partnership with Downtown Houston. The project aimed to amplify awareness on social and environmental issues inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. HOUSTON, 2022 6 04/18/2024 Item DS1. F O X N E W S T I M E S S Q U A R E , N Y C F O R B E S C L O S I N G T H E M A R K E T SNASDAQ N Y C S U N D A Y T I M E S B U Z Z F E E D I N T H E N E W S 7 04/18/2024 Item DS1. In 2021 Sonny unveiled a large-scale (10ft) public sculpture at the United Nations Headquarters in NYC during the UN General Assembly in partnership with Discovery Inc. to bring attention to the plight of wild tigers. 'Abhaya' Bronze L - 114" x H 61" x D 38" E X A M P L E S O F S C U L P T U R A L W O R K 8 04/18/2024 Item DS1. U N I T E D N A T I O N S H QNEW Y O R K , U S A 9 04/18/2024 Item DS1. On September 20 2021, Sonny Behan together with Discovery, unveiled a large-scale bronze tiger statue at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York to celebrate tigers and raise awareness for endangered species ahead of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly. The sculpture, placed at the entrance of the UN Plaza next to the renowned ‘Non- Violence’ sculpture, also draws attention to the UN’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a call for the protection and revival of ecosystems around the world for the benefit of people and nature. This public artwork was created in collaboration with Discovery’s Project C.A.T. campaign, launched in partnership with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which supports nearly six million acres of tiger habitat across India, Bhutan and Russia. The ambitious project took over a year to bring to life, from conceptualisation to installation and was publicly unveiled at the iconic bell ringing ceremony to close the markets at the Nasdaq Market Site in Times Square. 10 04/18/2024 Item DS1. 11 04/18/2024 Item DS1. 'Siku' Bronze H - 23.2” x W - 11.5” x D - 11”12 04/18/2024 Item DS1. 'Terra' Bronze H - 6.6” x W - 14.1” x D - 8.5” 13 04/18/2024 Item DS1. 'Savanna' Bronze H - 16” x W - 19” x D - 9” 14 04/18/2024 Item DS1. 'Taiga' Bronze H - 17” x W - 27.5” x D - 10” 15 04/18/2024 Item DS1. 'Tundra' Bronze H - 9.5” x W - 14” x D - 7” 16 04/18/2024 Item DS1. C O N C E P T U A L I D E A S F O R W Y L I E S C U L P T U R E S 17 04/18/2024 Item DS1. Interactive Sculptures: The concept involves two sculptures that interact with each other in a meaningful way. Caddo Tribesman in Action: The primary focus of one sculpture is a life-sized Caddo tribesman in the midst of shooting his bow. The sculpture aims to capture the essence of strength, artistry, innovation, focus, and grace inherent in the Caddo culture. Elements of Motion: Both sculptures incorporate elements that convey a sense of movement, including details such as flowing hair, billowing clothing, and scattered dirt. Fragmented Hollow Design: A distinctive feature of both sculptures is their hollow, fragmented design, with approximately 50% to 60% of the structure intentionally missing. Despite this, the complete forms are still recognizable. Traditional Exterior Patina: The exterior of both sculptures is adorned with traditional patina, adding depth and character to their appearance. Internal Color Sand Patterns: On the inside, both sculptures are painted with vibrant color patterns that represent the Caddo tribe, adding cultural significance to the artworks as well as a contemporary flair. 18 04/18/2024 Item DS1. Dynamic Bison Sculpture: The second sculpture portrays a life-sized bison in action, running through a cloud of dust. This depiction emphasizes the bison's powerful and graceful attributes, creating a sense of speed and vigor. Frozen in Time: These sculptures are designed to freeze a moment in time, capturing a memory as it forms, encapsulating the essence of a particular moment in history. Appearance and Disappearance: The sculptures create a captivating illusion of both appearing and disappearing, generating a sense of constant movement and change. Spatial Interaction: Although set far apart from each other, the sculptures are strategically placed to interact visually from a distance, forming a harmonious composition and allowing viewers an educational experience. Illusory Movement: The combination of hollow elements, fragmented design, and internal colors creates an optical effect where the sculptures appear to move and change as viewers walk around them, especially as lighting conditions shift.19 04/18/2024 Item DS1. Hollowness for Budget Constraints: Careful consideration must be given to the degree of hollowness to ensure that the sculptures remain life-sized while staying within the budgetary constraints. Low Ground Mounting for Realism and Cost Efficiency: Suggesting low-to-the-ground mounting not only enhances the sculptures' realism but also reduces the costs associated with base plinths and installation. Prioritizing Safety: It is crucial to design the sculptures with safety in mind, avoiding sharp edges or protruding pieces that could pose a risk to viewers or maintenance personnel. Dual Budgets for Cost Reduction: Combining the budgets for each sculpture could potentially lead to reduced costs in fabrication, shipping, installation, engineering, and other associated expenses. This approach may provide more flexibility and efficiency in managing the project without sacrificing in scale and impact. F E A S I B I L I T Y C O N S I D E R A T I O N S 20 04/18/2024 Item DS1. www.sonnyonline.com tess@sonnyonline.com @sonnysundancer @sonnyartist 21 04/18/2024 Item DS1. 7'0" 3'0" 12" 12' DIAM CONCRETE PAD 12" DIAM 4' DIAM 10' DIAM TI T L E PR O J E C T DW G # SH T DR A W N DA T E AD D R E S S RADIUSED TOP EDGE 23' DIAM MOUND BASE * 6" THICK CONCRETE, USE QUICKCRETE CRACK RESISTANT CONCRETE MIX CONCRETE, SCULPTURE, AND MOUND TOP VIEW SOIL STABILIZATION DETAIL NDS EZ ROLL GRASS PAVERS ALLOW CONCRETE TO POUR INTO PAVERS ATTACH WITH 16 GAGE SS WIRE 5.05' CONCRETE, SCULPTURE, AND MOUND SIDE VIEW EDGE OF CONCRETE CORE OF STABILIZED SOIL, 85% SOIL, 15% CEMENT SOIL TO CREATE MOUND TO BE MOIST AND COMPACTED WITH VIBRATOR IN 8" LIFTS STABILIZED SOIL MAY BE EASILY FRACTURED AS NEEDED FOR SHAPE STABILIZED SOIL MUST DIRECTLY SUPPORT BASE OF CONCRETE PAD 59832 GERARD J. DUHON STA T E OF TEXA S REGIST E R E D P R OFESSIONALEN G I NEER INSTALL MOIST, 6' DIAMETER CONNECTIONS WITH SS WIRE EVERY 10" 1st LEVEL 3rd LEVEL 2nd LEVEL 7'6' 5' 1st LEVEL 2nd LEVEL 3rd LEVEL DRAPING PATTERN CUT 7' Lg SEGMENTS PAVER LAYOUTS HARDWARE ORDER 3) 152' ROLLS FOR 2 MOUNDS * * 22 04/18/2024 Item DS2. FACE TRUMPET GRANITE BLOCK 12"X30" 24"X40" GRANITE BLOCK EFFIGY TI T L E PR O J E C T DW G # SH T DR A W N DA T E AD D R E S S 5.05' SCULPTURE AND MOUND SIDE VIEW RADIUSED TOP EDGE 23' DIAM MOUND BASE SCULPTURE AND MOUND TOP VIEW SOIL STABILIZATION DETAIL NDS EZ ROLL GRASS PAVERS ATTACH WITH 16 GAGE SS WIRE SOIL TO CREATE MOUND TO BE MOIST AND COMPACTED WITH VIBRATOR IN 8" LIFTS INSTALL MOIST, 6' DIAMETER STABILIZED SOIL MAY BE EASILY FRACTURED AS NEEDED FOR SHAPE STABILIZED SOIL MUST DIRECTLY SUPPORT SCULPTURE 59832 GERARD J. DUHON STA T E OF TEXA S REGIST E R E D P R OFESSIONALEN G I NEER SCULPTURE DETAILS, 2X SCALE 7'6' 5' 1st LEVEL 2nd LEVEL 3rd LEVEL 1st LEVEL 2nd LEVEL 3rd LEVEL DRAPING PATTERN CUT 7' Lg SEGMENTS ORDER 3) 152' ROLLS FOR 2 MOUNDS PAVER LAYOUTS CORE OF STABILIZED SOIL, 85% SOIL, 15% CEMENT 23 04/18/2024 Item DS2. Minutes March 21, 2024 Public Arts Advisory Board Page 1 Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Regular Meeting March 21, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex – Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Chair Esther Bellah at 6:07 pm. Members present included:. Board members Cassie Dyson, Steve Shank, and Anita Jones. Joseph Murdock, Gloria Suarez, and John Treadwell were absent. PAAB Coordinator Carole Ehrlich was also in attendance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. The Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate, or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No citizens were present to address the board. DISCUSSION ITEMS All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Discussion regarding the 2024/2025 Walking Reails, Phase 3 Projects (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Staff/Board Comments PAC Ehrlich reported that she had presented a proposal by Sonny Behan to board members preset at the February meeting. Some members were absent and she wanted to get feedback from them for a selective process for the 2024-25 Walking Trails, Phase 3 proposals by Sonny Behan (a semi-finalist in the 2023-24 Call for Artists). 24 04/18/2024 Item 1. Minutes March 21, 2024 Public Arts Advisory Board Page 2 Board members had a few questions regarding the backside of the sculptures, weight to withstand high winds, and any sharp edges that could injure someone. Ehrlich reported that the questions had been sent to artist Behan and she was waiting for a reply. B. Discussion and update regarding the progress of the two 2024 art pieces by Yoshi Wright (C Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Board Discussion PAC Ehrlich reported that artist Wright has submitted the Texas certified engineer plans to the City Engineering Department and was waiting on an approval from staff. (Sacred Fire and Ancestor). C. Discussion regarding the materials for a booth set up for the Wylie events. (C Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Board Discussion PAC Ehrlich reported that Public Information Officer Kelly had commented that the proposed flags and table cover be with the exact logo of the City. Board member Shank asked if the logo could be in white to offset some of the other colors used in the items. PAC Ehrlich stated that she would find out and report back to the board. D. Discussion regarding the 2024 Bluegrass on Ballard. (C Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Board Discussion PAC Ehrlich reported that 58 applications had been approved and paid. She reported an additional 8 food vendors approved. She stated that she expected full vendor capacity by mid-June. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon, the Public Art Advisory Board minutes of March 21, 2024 Board Action A motion was made by board member Shank, seconded by board member Jones to approve the minutes of March 21, 2024 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Treadwell, Suarez and Murdock absent. ADJOURNMENT 25 04/18/2024 Item 1. Minutes March 21, 2024 Public Arts Advisory Board Page 3 Board Action A motion was made by board member Jones, seconded by board member Shank to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 pm. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Treadwell, Suarez and Murdock absent. ______________________________ Esther Bellah, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Carole Ehrlich, Secretary 26 04/18/2024 Item 1. White-Tailed Deer: Throughout most of Caddo history, the favorite game animal hunted by Caddo men was the white-tailed deer. Deer provided most of the meat as well as hides, antlers, sinew, and bones for tools and clothing. Deer also figured prominently in Caddo dance and symbolism. • White Patina: The bronze sculpture will feature a white patina. The white color of the deer in the sculpture symbolizes purity, or spirituality. It represents the sacredness of the animal in Native American culture, highlighting the reverence for nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Additionally, white can symbolize peace or a harmonious relationship between the Caddo people and nature, even in the context of hunting. **Note: If preferred we can opt for a more traditional bronze patina. Golden Arrows: The golden arrows represent the skill and precision of the Caddo a 9, hunters and their excellent craftsmanship and toolmaking, celebrating the ancestral traditions and heritage of the Caddo people. Additionally, the gold again symbolizes the spiritual or cultural value placed on the hunt and the relationship between humans k and nature. ff = ! Colorful Base: The colorful sculpture base symbolizes the diversity and richness of the t natural world, the vibrancy and vitality of the ecosystem. It also brings a contemporary edge to the sculpure and brightens up the natural landscape. Appearance and Disappearance: The sculpture creates a captivating illusion of both appearing and disappearing, generating a sense of constant movement and change. It also speaks to remembrance and honoring ancient knowledge and wisdom so that it is not lost. Hi Carole, As promised here is our feedback in response to the queries raised. In particular we've deeply considered the note on the hunting of Bison on horseback and on further research found that although bison hunting on horseback did become more frequent in the late 17th century, bison hunting was not a core part of Caddo culture and bison do not figure prominently in Caddo mythology. For this reason (as well as budget limitations with such a large animal) we've decided to go in a different direction and rather focus on a life-sized bronze white-tailed deer as they were the favored prey for Caddo hunters and the main source of meat throughout Caddo history. Please see attached the new design render and symbolism. With this new direction in mind, we believe that this deer sculpture with the Caddo arrows could work well as a stand-alone piece (freeing up the additional sculpture for another call for artists). However, if you prefer the concept of having the deer and a Caddo hunter, we could adjust the design of the hunter to align with this new direction and create the two separate sculptures to be installed apart as in the original proposal. What would the approximate weight of the sculptures be? A maquette needs to be done first to accurately determine sizing and weight as there are many factors that will affect the final specs. As a very rough estimate, 200-300 lbs. The native americans started hunting bison once they were on horseback. Is there a way to place the native americon on horseback and what would the additional cost be? Noted, feedback above and new design What would the sculptures look like from the back? New designs should provide a better understanding Is the bronze and patina 40% or 60%? Unsure what you mean here? The sculptures are amazing and the board is very excited to hear back from you all. Timeline would be scheduled for installation in late 2025 if that works. Yes that timeline would work. Looking forward to your thoughts on the above and the new creative direction. If there are any additional queries, please send them through so we can address them. Have a wonderful weekend! All my best, Tess From: Carole Ehrlich <carole.ehrlich@wvlietexas.gov> Date: Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 16:06 To: Tessa Cunliffe <tess@sonnyonline.com> Subject: Re: Plans for Septemlber 21st Presentations /_mLE7•7iir-M On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 8:14 AM Tessa Cunliffe <tess sonnyonline.com> wrote: Thanks for checking in Carole! I know Sonny has had multiple discussions with his foundry but was waiting for clarity on certain things before getting back to you. He has another call with them lined up for tomorrow morning. We'll be sure to provide feedback on the boards queries tomorrow so that you have information to feedback to everyone in next week's meeting. Will be in touch again tomorrow! Thanks, Tess