05-14-2009 (Construction Code) Minutes Construction Code Board
Construction Code Board
Thursday, May 14, 2009—7:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman, Ronald Hauck called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. with the following
Construction Code Board Members present: Ronald Hauck, Frank Spingola, Allen Morris,
Zachary Herrera, Brian Parten, Bryan Rogers, Lisa Palomba.
Staff present were: Building Official, Mike McAnnally; Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell;
Board Secretary, Wendy Young.
Residents may address Construction Code Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must
provide their name and address. Construction Code Board requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes.
In addition, Construction Code Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented
during citizen participation.
There were no citizens present to address the Construction Code Board during Citizens'
1. Consider, and act upon, approving the Minutes from the February 26, 2009
Construction Code Board meeting.
Board Action
A nomination was made by Allen Morris to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member
Bryan Rogers seconded the motion. A vote was taken and a motion passed 7-0.
Minutes—May 15, 2009
Construction Code Board
2. Consider, and act upon, sign ordinance revisions for approval to send to Council.
Board/Staff Discussion
Building Official Mike McAnnally read the changes to the Sign Ordinance that the Building
Inspection Department is preparing to propose to Council. Board Member Allen Morris asked if
the people that this Ordinance will affect had been notified. Mr. McAnnally stated that there
were a collective group of people that knew about it and many people were not happy with the
current language and are looking forward to changing the new Sign Ordinance. Lisa Palomba
asked if the sign contractors were required to register and pay an annual fee. Building Official
McAnnally stated that they do not as of now pay a registration fee nor are they required to
register. Ms. Palomba recommended that the city require the sign contractors to register, pay an
annual fee and possibly be required to show proof of insurance.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Lisa Palomba and seconded by Board Member Frank
Spingola to approve the sign ordinance revisions to send to Council for approval. A vote was
taken and the motion passed 6-0, with Board Member Allen Morris obstaining.
Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell, updated the Board on the following items from the
Dangerous Building Ordinance#2008-49.
A. Discussion of demolition at 100 S 5th St.
B. Discussion of demolition at 206 Jackson Cir.
C. Discussion of demolition at 3451 Eubanks.
D. Discussion of secured structures
• 2930 Glendale
• 303 Waterwood Dr.
• 1331 Hill View Trl.
• 101 Spence Dr. (fence with pool)
• 1312 Huntsville Dr. (fence with pool)
• 107 S Birmingham(house vacated)
Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell discussed a possible Food Ordinance revision
E. Discussion of Food Ordinance 1990-25 with the City of Wylie Building Department
• Adopting Minimum Standards for specific construction guidelines to be used for all
new construction and remodels of existing and or sub-standard food establishments.
This section will also include grease trap sizing.
• Implementing the mandatory use of single service gloves for bare hand food contact.
Minutes—May 15, 2009
Construction Code Board
• Adopting a registration program for food service establishments and mobile vendors
using the annual registration fee of$50.00 that is already in the fee schedule. Mobile
vendors will also have a City of Wylie permit registration sticker attached to the truck
that will be issued each year that they renew their registration.
• Implementing a Registered Food Service Manager Program to be on duty during all
hours of operation. This will include establishments involved with the preparation of
potentially hazardous foods and non PHF's from scratch; including full service
restaurants, fast food restaurants, delis, bakeries, donut shops, sandwich shops etc.
This will also include all Catering"Hot Trucks"that prepare on site.
• Developing an ice cream truck registration program that will include; that all driver
operators of the trucks must have a current solicitors permit from the Wylie Police
Department. The program will be designed so that anytime an ice cream vendor is
inspected the driver is required to have a current solicitors permit, valid drivers
license and liability insurance, all three must have matching names in order for the
operators permit to be valid. These trucks will also have a City of Wylie permit
registration sticker attached to the truck.
Board/Staff Discussion
Board Member Brian Parten asked if the department was sufficiently staffed for the new
Dangerous Building Ordinance and the proposal of the new Ford Ordinance. Mike McAnnally
stated that besides Wendy Young, there are 2 other employees that will be licensed to do Code
Enforcement as well. Building Official McAnnally stated that we were ready for the challenge
and has a great staff.
With no further business before the Construction Code Board, a motion was made by Ronald
Hauck, seconded by Bryan Rogers to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. A vote was taken and the
motion passed 7-0.
Ronald Hauck,C nstruction Code Board Chairman
endy Young, C ns ructio Code Bo r Secretary
Minutes—May 15, 2009
Construction Code Board