09-11-2009 (WEDC) Minutes mutes
Wylie Eca ornic Hi eveloR ent Cor'oration
oard of Directors Meeting
Friday, September I I, 2009 — 11:30 A.M.
Inwood National Bank — Conference Room
200 South Highway 78 — Wylie, Texas
Announce the presence of a Quorum
President Fuller called the meeting to order at 11:37 a. card Members present were: John
Yeager, Mitch Herzog, Todd Wintters and Chris Seely.
WEDC staff present was Executive irector Sam Satterwhite and Ad inistrative Assistant
Gerry Harris,
Ex-Officio '..oard Members Mindy Manson and Eric Hogue were present as well as City
En:neer Chris Hoisted.
There being no citizen participatio , President Fuller proceeded to Action Items.
ITEM NO. 1 — Consider ad act upon as proval of the August 28, 2009 Minutes of the
WEDC Boars of Directors Meeting.
MOTION: A motion was made by Chris Seely and seconded by John Yeager to
approve the Pv st 28, 2009 Minutes of the WEDC Board of Directors
Meeting. The WEDC oard voted 5 — FOR and 0 — AGiVi ST in favor of
the motion.
ITEM NO. 2 — Consider issues surrounding City of Wylie Thi roughfare Impact Fees.
Ch s toisted prese ted a s rnmary of City of Wylie thoro ghfare impact fees in terms of why
we charge impact fees and how the fee is calculated. Further, Mr. Hoisted reviewed tHe types of
capital projects which are funded by i pact fees and the technical process by which the Wylie
City Council can waive those fees and reimburse ievelopers for privately funded CIP roadway
projects with collected thoroughfare i pact fees.
The bard as a whole agreed that there is a perceived inequity in the amount charged in the east
zone versus the west zone being that the east zo, e is 40% higher. Staff pointed out that while
there is perceived i equity, the calc lation of the fee for each zone is exactly equitable based
upon the uniform calculations and proposed land use within each zone. Mr. Fuller suggested a
possible adjustme t to the fees within the existing zones or possibly reconfiguring the zones so
there is not su& a wide variance between the fees assessed in each area.
WE ill C — Minutes
September 11, 2009
'age 2 of 2
Mr. Herzog questio ed whet Her the 'oard was deviating om its original interest in the fees
being charged. Staff indicated that the WEDC originally took interest in the issue based upon a
oerception that the fee was not being calculated correctly. After dete ining that the fee is being
calculates correctly, the focus transitione into the fee amount in relation to surrounding
co LLL unities anii the perceived inequity between the fees charged in the se,e arate zones.
Mr. Fuller requested that the total fees collected i, each zone be provided to the Pi.oard. The
oard did not readh a consensus as to a recommendation to Council.
Staff requested no fo al acti I n on this item.
I oard Memo er Mitch Herzog excused himself from the meeting at 12:25 p.m.
With no further business, ' resiii ent arvin Fuller adjoumeil the WEDC Board meeting at 12:55
/7 e
Marvin Fuller, 1'resident
SaHF uel 0.I . Satte hite
xecutive Director