03-20-2024 (WEDC) MinutesBoardMinutes
Wylie Economic Development Corporation
rect r Regular Meeting
March 20, 2024 — 7:30 A.M.
EC Offices — Conference Room
250 S Hwy 78Wylie, TX 7509
Announce the presence of a Quorum
President Melisa Whitehead called the meeting to order at 7.30 a.m. Board Members present were Aaron
Jameson, Whitney'McDougall, Blake Brininstool, and Demond Dawkins.
Ex-Officio Member Mayor Matthew Porter was present and Deputy City Manager enac' 011ie were
DC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greiner, Assistant Director Racael Hermes, BRE
Director Angel Wygant, Administrative Assistant Marissa Butts, and Marketing & Communications
Coordinator Will Kelly,
Immediate Past President Demond Dawkins gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice President Aaron Jameson addressed President elisa Whitehead and the Board stating that he is
resigning from his position as a member of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of
Directors effective immediately and submitted his letter of resignation to President Whitehead.
Aaron Jameson left the meeting at 7:33 a.m.
With no further citizen participation, PresidentWhitehead moved to Consent Agenda.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the WEDC Board of Directors
and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is
desired, that item will he removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider and act upon approval of Minutes from arc , 2024, Special Called eeting o
e WEDC Board of Directors.
B. Consider and act upon approvalof the February 2024 WEDC Treasurer's Report.
Board Action
A motion was made by Blake Brininstool, seconded by Whitney McDougall, to approve the
Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0.
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. Consider _and act upon Committee Appointments by the Board President.
Staff Comments
Staff brought this item back for theBoard's consideration to appoint Members of Committees now
that all Board Members were present. Staff noted that there was interest based on previous Board
discussions for a subcommittee to handle initial discussions regarding events like Board Retreats,
future events in Wylie, or strategic marketing events. The Board discussed the addition of a
Marketing Committee that would focus on attracting new businesses and recruitment to Wylie. The
Board then discussed appointing anew Member to the vacant position on the Budget Committee.
Board Action
A motion was made by Blake Brininstool, seconded by Demond Dawkins, to appoint Blake
Brininstool and Whitney McDougall to the New Business Attraction and Recruitment Committee. A
vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0.
A motion was made by Melisa Whitehead, seconded by Blake Brininstool, to appoint Demand
Dawkins and reappoint Melisa Whitehead to the Budget Committee. A vote was taken, and the
motion passed 4-0.
. Consider and act upon issues surrounding the WEDC Board Member Handbook.
Staff Comments
An updated draft of the WEDC Board Member Handbook was presented to the Board for review and
approval. The WEDC Board Member Handbook reflects updates provided by the Bylaw
Subcommittee based on Board Member and City Council feedback. This included Board Member
accountability, term limits, and overall transparency regarding the time commitment expected from
WEDC Board Members.
Board cti
A motion was made by Blake Brininstool, seconded by Demond Dawkins, to approve the WEDC
Board Member Handbook. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0.
. Considera act upon a contract between WEDC and The Retail Coach.
Staff Comments
Staff provided a proposal to renew retail consulting services from The Retail Coach for the Board's
review. WEDC has worked with The Retail Coach since 2007, which has resulted in securing the
Target -Anchored Center, Woodbridge Crossing. Staff noted that as development moves toward the
final stages, it is advantageous to continue employing The Retail Coach's services. Once approved,
a joint meeting between the WEDC and City Council will be scheduled to establish goals and a plan
when attending ICSC Las Vegas. The Board also encouraged the newly formed. New Business
Attraction and Recruitment Committee to work with The Retail Coach and to utilize their resources. ,
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Board Action
A motion was made by Whitney McDougall, seconded by Demond Dawkins, to award a contract to
The Retail Coach in the amount of $35,000 and further authorize the Executive Director to execute
any and all necessary documents. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0.
. Consider and act upon issues surrounding the 2023 WEDC Annual Report.
Staff Comments
Staff presented the proposed 2023 VVEDC Annual Report to the Board. As per the WEDC Bylaws,
the WEDC must present an annual report to the Wylie City Council no later than April V of each
year. The report must include, but is not limited to, a review of all expenditures made by the Board,
a review of accomplishments, and a review of other than direct economic development. Once
approved, the final report will be presented to the Wylie City Council on March 26, 2024. Staff
discussed the full proposed Annual Report for the Boards review and approval. Staff then discussed
the 2024 WEDC Goals and Objectives included within the Annual Report. Staff requested a Board
Member be present at the March 26k' City Council Meeting when the 2023 WEDC Annual Report is
Board cti
A motion was made by Blake Brinistool, seconded by Demond Dawkins, to approve the 2023
DC Annual Report and present the same to the Wylie City Council for review. A vote was taken,
and the motion passed 4-0.
DS1. Staff report: WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking,
Engineering e o , Upcoming Events, and WEDC Activities/Programs.
Staff Comments
Staff referred the Board to the Agenda Report provided in the packet for all updates related to WEDC
Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report,
Upcoming Events, and WEDC Activities/Programs. Staff commented on the recent Project U
conference attended by the Board/City C and noted that there is an opportunity in the future for
an event like Project U in Wylie. Mayor Porter noted the importance of finding impactful speakers
if Wylie wanted to host a similar conference. Related to sales tax revenue, March numbers reflect a
84.18% increase due to an audit collection adjustment. With the consideration of both negative and
positive adjustments in February and March; sales tax revenue is currently up 14.26% for the year.
The Board then discussed upcoming Board & Commission Interview deadlines. Staff presented the
Board with the 2023 Economic Excellence Award from TEDC, which was awarded to VVEDC at the
recent TEDC Conference.
Recessed into Closed Session at 8:52 a.m. in compliance with Section 551.001, et. seq. Texas Government
Code, to wit:
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S. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at Brown/Eubanks, FM 544/Cooper,
FM 544/Sanden, FM 1378/Park,ac o , Regency/Steel, and State Hwy 7 ro
ES2. Deliberationa ar . commercial or financial information that the WEDC has receive
from s ess prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives orProjects: 1 - , 2-1c,
2022-10c, 3-2d, 2023-5b, 2023-9b, 2023-12c, -1a, -1c, - c, 2024-3a, and 2024-
Take any action as a result of the Executive Session.
President Whitehead reconvened into Open Session at 9:21 a.m. and the Board took the following actions:
The Board requested that Board Seat Appointments be included in the April WEDC Board Agenda for
discussion and consideration of the appointment of Vice President to the WEDC Board of Directors.
With no further business, President Whitehead adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 9:22 a.m.
Melisa Whitehead, President
ri s
Jason Greiner, utive Director