07-09-2024 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council Regular Meeting July 09, 2024—6:00 PM f'V Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY WYLIE CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS &RECOGNITIONS PRl. Eagle Scout-Amelia King. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Ae Consider, and act upon, approval of June 25, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2024-20 amending Ordinance No. 2023-39, which established the budget for fiscal year 2023-2024;providing for repealing,savings and severability clauses;and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. CC. Consider,and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Ladera Wylie,creating one lot on 47.374 acres,located at 2301 Country Club Road. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, the award of contract #W2024-67-1 to LMC Corporation for repairs and improvements of the Thomas and Mattie Brown House exterior, in the estimated amount of$89,791.84, through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buyboard and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. WORK SESSION WS 1. Discuss Fiscal Year 2024-25 General Fund,Utility Fund, and 4B Fund Budgets. WS2. Discuss the FY 2024-25 WEDC Budget. a e I1 RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION See. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. ES1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at Brown/Eubanks, FM 544/Cooper, FM 544/Sanden, Jackson/Oak, Regency/Steel, and State Hwy 78/Brown. See. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay,or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision(1). ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2022-1c, 2022-10c, 2023-Ic, 2023-2d, 2023-5c, 2023-9b, 2023-1lb, 2024-1c, 2024-2d, 2024-4c, 2024-4e, and 2024-5a. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on July 5, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the a e 12 Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange,lease or value of real property. § 551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. § 551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. a e 13 0710912024 it,,A. lAl Wylie City Council CITY F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: Stephanie Storm Subject I Consider, and act upon, approval of June 25, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. Recommendation 0 Motion to approve the Item as presented. The minutes are attached for your consideration. 0710912024 it,,A. Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 25,2024—6:00 PM fN Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE CALL TO ORDER Mayor Matthew Porter called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Councilman David R. Duke, Councilman Dave Strang, Mayor pro tem Jeff Forrester, Councilman Sid Hoover, Councilman Scott Williams, and Councilman Gino Mulliqi. Staff present included: City Manager Brent Parker;Deputy City Manager Renae 011ie;Assistant City Manager Lety Yanez, Assistant Fire Chief Brian Ritter; Digital Media Specialist Kristina Kelly; City Secretary Stephanie Stonn; Public Works Director Tommy Weir; Police Chief Anthony Henderson; Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen; City Engineer Tim Porter; Community Services Director Jasen Haskins; Library Director Ofilia Barrera; Wylie Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Jason Greiner; Finance Director Melissa Brown; and various support staff. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tem Forrester led the invocation and Councilman Mulliqi led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS &RECOGNITIONS PRl. Keith Self Recognize the Police Department. Michelle Bishop and Susan Fischer, representing Congressman Self s office, recognized and presented Congressional Certificates of Recognition to the Wylie Police Department 2023 Award Winners. PR2. Presentation for Outgoing Wylie Board and Commission Members. Mayor Porter and Mayor pro tem Forrester presented gifts of appreciation to outgoing board and commission members thanking them for their service. Outgoing board and commission members present included Laurie Sargent and Craig Allen. PR3. Oath of Office for Incoming Wylie Board and Commission Members. Associate Municipal Court Judge Feil administered the Oath of Office to the newly appointed board and commission members in attendance. PR4. National Park and Recreation Month. Mayor Porter proclaimed the month of July as National Park and Recreation Month in Wylie, Texas. Parks and Recreation Board and staff members were present to accept the proclamation. Staff announced the Fall schedule would be released on September 1 st for registration. Mayor Porter convened the Council into a break at 6:31 p.m. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 6:34 p.m. F,Iag 11 0710912024 it,,A. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No persons were present wishing to address the Council. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the ConsentAgenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of June 11,2024 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of April 30,2024. C. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of May 31,2024. D. Consider,and act upon,the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for May 31,2024. E. Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for May 31,2024. F. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Connection Point Church Third Annual Run for the Fatherless 5K and Fun Run event in Founders Park on November 23,2024. G. Consider, and act upon,the award of contract#W2024-65-I to Fuquay,Inc. for repairs/rehabilitation of 12 Manholes, in the estimated amount of $73,368.00, through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buyboard and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Forrester, seconded by Councilman Mulliqi,to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, an appointment to fill a Board of Review vacancy for a term to begin July 1, 2024 and end June 30,2026. Council Comments Mayor Porter stated one of the individuals, Krishna Upadhyaya, who had been selected for this Board at the prior meeting withdrew from consideration upon being contacted. Councilman Strang stated he had concerns with the only remaining eligible applicant as he is not present this evening for an interview and did not complete his application leaving some crucial areas blank. Mayor pro tem Forrester agreed that at this point it would be hard to place an individual on the Board of Review when the comments on the application do not relate to the Board of Review,but rather the growth and development within the City,and added it would behoove the Council to re-open the application for applicants for the next couple of weeks. City Secretary Storm replied if Council decides to table the item to allow applicants to apply, the item would have to come back for consideration within three meetings, and added there are two alternates on this board if Council desires to move an alternate to the open position. F,Iag 12 0710912024 it,,A. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Forrester,seconded by Councilman Strang,to table Item 1 for three meetings and reopen the application.A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. WORK SESSION Mayor Porter convened the Council into a Work Session at 6:40 p.m. WS1. Discuss the Fiscal Year 2025 General Fund Budget. City Manager Parker addressed Council presenting the proposed revenue assumptions including the certified total estimated value as of April 30th of$7,271,454,376, the certified estimated value of new construction as of April 30th of$212,108,718 (equates to$1,240,715 in revenue),proposed sales tax is a 10 percent increase over FY 2024 budgeted/projected (6-month actuals at 53 percent), assumes an estimated voter approval rate of.580111 which includes the 3.5 percent revenue cap plus the incremental rate,includes$1.5 million for EMS revenue,and includes reimbursement grants of$1.9 million which are offset with expense. Parker reviewed the items included in the proposed base budget which include a 10 percent increase in health insurance for$393,227, a three percent average merit increase for the General employees(effective January 2025) for $309,819, five percent pay plan adjustments for Police and Fire (effective mid-year 2025) for $508,418, and Public Safety step increase for $262,453 resulting in a total of $1,473,917. Parker added a notable change to expenditures for the reclassification of select positions from General Fund Parks to 4B Parks for$750,000. Parker reviewed the General Fund summary with an estimated beginning fund balance on October 1, 2024 of $24,001,674,proposed revenues for FY25 (with a tax rate of.580111) of$65,573,508,proposed expenditures for the base budget for FY25 of $64,041,605, recommended requests (recurring expense) of $537,703, new/replacement equipment one time uses of$994,200, and the use of fund balance of$2,232,100 resulting in an estimated ending fund balance for September 30,2025 of$21,769,574 which would result in the fund balance being 33 percent of expenditures. Parker reviewed the new General Fund recommendations including a Facilities Operations Support Technician for $73,838,a Police Crossing Guard for$22,323,a Police Records Clerk for$68,345,an Emergency Communications Public Safety Data Analyst for $86,274, a Code Enforcement Code Compliance Officer for $129,554 (including vehicle and equipment), a Streets Equipment Operator II(Traffic) for $78,643, and a Streets Equipment Operator 11(Streets) for$78,727 totaling $537,703 in personnel. The non-personnel includes Facilities building automation system controls for $125,000, Police camera replacement for $300,000, Police advanced body scan for $58,200, Fire replacement Holmatro extrication tools for $45,000, Police replacement vehicles for $216,000, and Streets 2023 HSIP Call For Projects-FM 544 Street Lighting and Signal Coordination for $250,000 total $994,200. The total for new General Fund personnel and non-personnel recommendations is $1,531,903. Parker reviewed the use of the General Fund Fund Balance which includes a Police armored vehicle for$170,000, Police vehicle equipment FY23/24 for$662,000, Fire replacement fleet Unit#276 for$140,000, Fire replacement fleet Unit #285-Support for $110,000, EMS replacement ambulance for $450,000, four EMS automated CPR devices for $120,000, Animal Control vehicle replacement for $91,100, two Code Enforcement vehicle replacements for $74,000, Streets PTZ camera (Stormwater) for $60,000, Streets skid loader/trailer (Stormwater) for $75,000, Streets utility truck (Traffic) for $72,000, Streets six-yard dump truck and sander (Stormwater) for $172,000, Streets 15k lb two post lift (Fleet) for$16,000, and Streets flashing pedestrian crossing at Hensley and Cornerstone for$20,000 totaling$2,232,100. Council comments and questions included: is the City estimating an increase in revenue of 10 percent for sales tax, asked if the expenses for the$1.9m reimbursement grants were in last year's budget,is the proposed crossing guard for the new school included,confirmed the main focus of the Public Safety Data Analyst position,can the personnel and non-personnel costs be split out for the new positions, what was the grant amount awarded for the FM street F,Iag 13 0710912024 it,,A. lighting and signal coordination and is the cost from an RFP or an estimated cost, and confirmed the traffic utility truck is normal and not a bucket truck. WS2. Discuss the currently proposed Downtown Project lane,parking,and sidewalk configuration. City Engineer Porter addressed the Council presenting the Wylie Downtown Project — Phase 1 including project history,Phase 1 -project overview,progress to date,review lane configuration options, and next steps. Council comments and questions included:will the proposed lighting and trees interfere with the Fire Department's apparatus down Ballard Street, would like to continue to look at the original single-lane plan with gaining as much real estate from the front of the buildings to the street and would explore improving the alleys to serve emergency vehicles,why was the fire lane issue was not previously brought up in earlier discussions,what will be the parking fix downtown, and have concerns with one lane and blocking traffic when getting into a space. Council directed staff to meet with the downtown stakeholders to review the new options, gather their feedback, and bring that information back to the Council at a future work session. WS3. Discuss the future format for City Council and Board and Commission Meeting Minutes. City Secretary Storm addressed the Council requesting their direction on changing the format from discussion to action item minutes for Council and Board and Commission meetings effective July 1,2024. Storm stated that most surrounding cities do action items, and currently, all City Council and Board and Commission meetings with the exception of the WEDC, are live-streamed and available on demand on the City website indefinitely. Council directed staff to move forward with action item minutes starting July 1, 2024 for City Council and Board and Commission meetings. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 8:05 p.m. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Strang,seconded by Councilman Williams,to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Matthew Porter,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm,City Secretary F,Iag 14 El 0710912024 Item B. IAI f'V Wylie City Council ITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Finance Account Code: Prepared By: Melissa Brown Subject F er, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2024-20 amending Ordinance No. 2023-39, which established the budget for fisca23-2024;providing for repealing,savings and severability clauses;and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Motion to approve the Item as presented. Discussion budget amendment to cover unanticipated expenses,including$17,500 for Collin Park concerts on the lake and$15,477 in ttorney fees for the recovery of unpaid hotel/motel taxes. This amendment will increase the Hotel.Occupancy budgeted expenditures by$32,977. 0710912024 Item B. ORDINANCE NO. 2024-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2023-39, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023- 2024; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City Council heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 2023-39 setting forth the Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 beginning October 1,2023,and ending September 30, 2024; and, WHEREAS, the City Departments and Divisions routinely review their budget appropriations to determine if any changes are necessary; and WHEREAS,based upon said review the City staff now recommends that certain amendments to the Budget be considered by the City Council; see Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS,the City Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 2023-2024 Budget; see Exhibit A, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City; and therefore, desires to adopt the same by formal action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION L• The proposed amendments to the FY 2023-2024 Budget of the City of Wylie; Exhibit A, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 2024-20, are completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY 2023-2024 Budget. SECTION II: All portions of the existing FY 2023-2024 Budget and Ordinance No. 2023-39, except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional,illegal or invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid,illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION V: That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, Ordinance No. 2024-20 Hotel Occupancy Budget Amendment Page 1 of 2 1fl 0710912024 Item B. nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,this 9th day of July 9, 2024. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2024-20 Hotel Occupancy Budget Amendment Page 2 of 2 11 0710912024 Item B. Budget Amendment Exhibit A Hotel Occupancy Fund Fund Department Account Number Account Description Debit Credit Description 161 5651 56040 Special Services 17,500.00 Collin Parks Concerts 161 5651 56040 Special Services 15,477.00 Attorney Fees Hotel Occupancy Fund 32,977.00 0.00 El 0710912024 Item C. IAI f'V Wylie City Council ITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subject Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat for Ladera Wylie, creating one lot on 47.374 acres, located at 2301 Country Club Road. Recommendation Fotion to approve the Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: Fred Monroe for Monroe Estate APPLICANT: GM Civil Engineering& Surveying The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Plat for Ladera Wylie, an age restricted condominium residential community on 47.374 acres.Zoning for the development was approved by the City Council in May 2024 as Planned Development Ordinance No.2024-17. The preliminary plat shows the construction of eight private streets to serve a maximum of 168 residential units with gated access. The development is to be completed in two phases due to the development requiring a flood map revision(LOMR) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Additionally, all park land dedication has been reserved until the consideration of the Final Plat in order for the Parks Board to provide a recommendation and staff to work with the developer on the details of the dedication, such as City trail connections. The plat dedicates the necessary rights-of-way and utility easements. Open space lots and easements are to be maintained by the Condominium Owners Association. As presented,the preliminary plat is in compliance with the Planned Development and is consistent with the approved Zoning Exhibit. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations and of Planned Development Ordinance No. 2024-17. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The City Council must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. P&Z Recommendation The Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval. 1 0710912024 Item C. N 1 t�avr rnmE W E c� Ak ., -A r-�eln -� S a SIGHT VISIBILITY EASEMENT DEJ All, a z,u aoo nar t ti. Sw i � I �c NIIY _ , ar o .' I i Lvis� VIC LAP ti F1, I�, G 7.09' r\ h111I'FTJ N8&13400 E �vsr N885440 E 2&18T N 89/128 E1°41 INT OP L1Ti'OF�'YLdS-- iNNINer ---S 40T 7 r BLOCK 1 / 1 fix, S W66 19"W 522 2b z pfio- a p 1J 1 l R a �' 1— w 4 AIU11L1(I °' I IJ`m _ _--- _g1geE're �� —r— I� 0 j LEGEND 586°2644 W 2129.9 s� h � F r o ° PRELIMINARY PLAT doe DIV 1101 D M rlaE ,az_)M LADERA WYLIE tia s i G� ' ' 47.374 ACRES .. 4u4wo E g Bering&Surveying 1 HOA LOT '* •' '4 SITUATED IN THE active adult H14 W.PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.716 CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS El 0710912024 Item C. OWNLRS CERTIFICATE: ine� Fz.� a SUMS s ai SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION: P&EL MINAftY -'l FI1'6SI etl forre eev NCE i... 6s 6/t9/20291.12PM 21 21 Cow�v of § PRELIMINARY PLAT D1%1 011D sr: i'MPAMD M, LADERA WYLIE GM i i l °F 47.374 ACRES Engineering P Surveying 1 HOA LOl' .. ^. SITUATED IN THE ac[Pw�adtl l4 RR :. W.PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.716 � M CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS x 0710912024 Item 9. Wylie City Council CITY F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: 112-5612-54910 Prepared By: Amy Cortez Subject Consider,and act upon,the award of contract#W2024-67-I to LMC Corporation for repairs and improvements of the Thomas and Mattie Brown House exterior, in the estimated amount of$89,791.84, through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buyboard and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. 7 . Motion to approve the Item as presented. Discussion The Parks and Recreation Department seeks approval from the City Council to award a contract to LMC Corporation for the exterior painting and repairs of the Thomas and Mattie Brown House. This project will include removing and replacing damaged ceiling board,trim at column header,and damaged or rotted siding; power wash all previously painted surfaces, sand and scrape any loose paint and sealants; prep and paint previously painted surfaces; seal and caulk all windows and door frames,paint all previously painted surfaces with client specified colors;repair two windows to match existing windows (re-using the glass); and provide and install handrails to the front and back stairs to match existing handrails on accessibility ramp. Staff recommends the award of contract#W2024-67-1 Thomas and Mattie Brown House to LMC Corporation in the amount of$89,791.84 as providing the best value to the City. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization under Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code, and by doing so, satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. Wylie Agreement#W2024-67-1/Buyboard Contract#728-24 El 0710912024 Item WS9. IAI f'V Wylie City Council ITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Finance Account Code: Prepared By: Melissa Brown Subject Discuss Fiscal Year 2024-25 General Fund,Utility Fund, and 4B Fund Budgets. Recommendation Fis—cussion Discussion Discuss with City Council the Fiscal Year 2024-25 General Fund,Utility Fund, and 4B Fund Budgets. 17_ 0710912024 Item WS1. Budget Y�ear+ 2024mw2025 1#3 0710912024 Item WS1. Proposed General Fund Revenue Assumptions Certified Total Estimated Value (Freeze Adjusted) as of April 30: $7,271 ,454,376 Certified Estimated Value of New Construction as of April 30 $211 ,652,279 (equates to $1,128382 in revenue) Proposed Sales Tax Revenue is a 10% increase over FY 2024 Budgeted/Projected (6 month actuals at 53%) Assumes an estimated voter approval rate of .580111 which includes the 3.5% revenue cap plus the full unused incremental rate Includes $1 .5 million for EMS revenue Includes reimbursement grants of $1 .9 million, offset by program expenditures 2 El ' 0710912024 Item WS1. Items Includedin Proposed Base Budget Amount 10% increase in health insurance $393,227 3% average merit increase for General Employees (effective January 2025) $309,819 5% pay plan adjustments for Police and Fire (effective Mid-Year 2025) $508,418 Public Safety step increase 262 453 Total General Fund $1,473,917 10% increase in health insurance $32,486 3% average merit increase for General Employees (effective January 2025) $48,240 Total 4B Sales Tax $80,726 10% increase in health insurance $53,928 3% average merit increase for General Employees (effective January 2025) $86,553 Total Utility Fund $140,481 Notable Change to Expenditures: Reclassification of select positions from GF Parks to 413 Parks ($750,000) 3 El 0710912024 Item WS1. General Fund Summary Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/24 $ 24,001,674 (a) Proposed Revenues FY25 (@ .580111) 65,783,508 Proposed Expenditures Base Budget FY25 (64,041,308) Recommended Requests (Recurring Expense) (470,654) New/Replacement Equipment(One-Time Uses) (1 ,061 ,250) Use of Fund Balance (2,432,100) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/25 $ 21 ,779,870 (b) a)Assumes 2% of expenditures unspent in FY 2024 b) Estimated Ending Fund Balance is 33% of expenditures 0710912024 Item WS1. New Recommendations General Fund Dept Description Amount Personnel (Recurring) 5132 - Facilities Operations Support Technician 72,018 5211 - Police Crossing Guard 19,523 5211 - Police Records Clerk 63,245 5241 - Emergency Comm Public Safety Data Analyst 83,104 5313 - Code Enforcement Code Compliance Officer 76,634 5411 - Streets Equipment Operator II (Traffic) 78,023 5411 - Streets Equipment Operator II (Streets) 78,107 Total $ 470,654 New/Replacement Equipment (One-Time Uses) Recommended Personnel one time expenses (computers, phone, etc.) 14,130 5132 - Facilities Building Automation System Controls 125,000 5211 - Police Advanced Body Scan 58,200 5211 - Police Replacement Vehicles 216,000 5211 - Police Camera Replacement 300,000 5231 - Fire Replacement Holmatro Extrication Tools 45,000 5313 - Code Enforcement Code Compliance Officer Vehicle and other expenses 52920 5411 - Streets 2023 HSIP Call For Projects - FM 544 Street Lighting and Signal Coordination 250,000 Total $ 1,061,250 Total Recommendations $ 1,531,904 5 El 0710912024 Item WS1. Use of Fund Balance = General Fund Dept Description Amount 5211 - Police Armored Vehicle 170,000 5211 - Police Vehicle Equipment FY 23/24 662,000 5231 - Fire Replace Fleet Unit#276 140,000 5231 - Fire Replacement Fleet #285 - Support 110,000 5261 - EMS Replacement Ambulance 450,000 5261 - EMS Automated CPR Devices X 5 120,000 5251 -Animal Control Animal Services Vehicle Replacement 91,100 5313 - Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Vehicle Replacement (2) 74,000 5411 - Streets 15k Lb 2 Post Lift (Fleet) 16,000 5411 - Streets Flashing Pedestrian Crossing at Hensley and Cornerstone 20,000 5411 - Streets PTZ Camera (Stormwater) 60,000 5411 - Streets Utility Truck (Traffic) 72,000 5411 - Streets Skid Loader/Trailer (Stormwater) 75,000 5411 - Streets 6 Yard Dump Truck & Sander (Stormwater) 172,000 5411 - Streets EECBG Street Light Retrofits 200,000 (a) Total $ 2,432,100 a) Funded by $200,000 grant revenue (budget neutral) 6 El 0710912024 Item WS1. Utility Fund Summary Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 10/01/24 $ 31,239,765 Proposed Revenues FY25 31 ,712,578 (a) Proposed Expenditures Base Budget FY25 (29414970) Recommended Requests (Recurring Expense) (336,584) New/Replacement Equipment (One-Time Uses) (2,788,570) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/25 $ 30,412,219 (b) a)Assumes 5% water rate increase and 5.5% sewer rate increase per the 2023 rate study b) Policy requirement is 90 days of operating expenditures. Estimated Ending Fund Balance is 390 days 7 0710912024 Item WS1. m-M New Recommendations Utility Fund Personnel ( Recurring) Dept Description Amount 5711 - Utility Administration Training Coordinator 87,542 5712 - Utilities - Water GIS Analyst 93,646 5714 - Utilities - Sewer Fleet Technician 72,370 5715 - Utility Billing Utility Technician 83,026 Total $ 336584 El 0710912024 Item WS1. New Recommendations Utility Fund Dept Description Amount New/Replacement Equipment (One-Time Uses) 5711 Utility Administration Recommended Personnel one-time expenses (computers, phone, etc.) 7,810 5715 - Utility Billing Utility Technician Vehicle and other expenses 60,260 5712 - Utilities - Water Chlorine Analyzers 60,000 5712 - Utilities - Water Concrete Saw 65,000 5712 - Utilities - Water Water Quality Vehicle 66,000 5712 - Utilities - Water On Call Replacement 72,500 5712 - Utilities - Water Skid Steer Replacement 75,000 5712 - Utilities - Water Air Compressor 80,000 5712 - Utilities - Water Hilltop Land Waterline Replacement Design 100,000 5712 - Utilities - Water Water Valve Exercise Trailer 130,000 5712 - Utilities - Water Excavator Replacement 150,000 5712 - Utilities - Water Dogwood Drive Waterline Replacement 1,500,000 5714 - Utilities - Sewer 315 Replacement 67,000 5714 - Utilities - Sewer Skid Steer Replacement 75,000 5714 - Utilities - Sewer Concrete Saw/Trailer 80,000 5714 - Utilities - Sewer Bypass Pumping Infrastructure 200,000 Total $ 2788570 Total Recommendations $ 3,125,154 0710912024 Item WS1. 413 Sales Tax Fund Summary Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01124 $ 4,635,867 Proposed Revenues FY25 6,214,492 (a) Proposed Expenditures Base Budget FY25 (5,816,396) Recommended Requests (Recurring Expense) (189,557) New/Replacement Equipment (One-Time Uses) (2,723,490) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/25 $ 2,120,916 (b) a) Total includes sales tax revenue and service fee revenues from the Recreation Center b) Policy requirement is 25% of budgeted sales tax revenue ($4,990,217 X 25% = $1 ,247,554) 10 El 0710912024 Item WS1. New Recommendations = 4B Sales Tax Fund Personnel ( Recurring) Dept Description Amount 5613 - 4B Community Park Center Transition Part-Time GSS to Full-Time - CPC 39,867 5614 - 4B Parks Equipment Operator I - Irrigation 69,918 5625 - 4B Recreation Center Transition Part-Time GSS to Full-Time (A) 39,886 5625 - 4B Recreation Center Transition Part-Time GSS to Full-Time (B) 39,886 Total $ 189,557 :11 El 0710912024 Item WS1. New Recommendations = 413 Sales Tax Fund Dept Description Amount New/Replacement Equipment (One-Time Uses) 5613 - 4B CPC Ford Transit - CPC 75,000 5613 - 4B CPC Transition Part-Time GSS to Full-Time - CPC 750 5614 - 4B Parks Equipment Operator I - Irrigation 2,240 5614 - 4B Parks Ride On Broadcaster - Parks /Athletics 20,000 5614 - 4B Parks Replace - Front Loader Tractor- Parks /Athletics 40,000 5614 - 4B Parks Plans - Conceptual Drawings - Braddock Park 44,000 5614 - 4B Parks Replace - Playground - Sage Creek Park 60,000 5614 - 4B Parks Replace - One-ton Unit #278 - Parks /Athletics 70,000 5614 - 4B Parks Replace - Playground - Riverway Park 70,000 5614 - 4B Parks Parks and Public Works Master Plan 75,000 5614 - 4B Parks Replace - Spray Rig - Parks /Athletics 80,000 5614 - 4B Parks Plans - Parking - Community Park 120,000 5614 - 4B Parks Plans - Parking - Founders Park/Pirate Cove 145,000 5614 - 4B Parks Playground Shade - Founders Park/ Pirate Cove 200,000 5614 - 4B Parks Construction - Parking - Community Park / South 300,000 5614 - 4B Parks Construction - Pickleball, Shade, Lights - Community Park 420,000 5614 - 4B Parks Renovation - South Field Drainage and Irrigation - Founders Park/ South Field 1,000,000 5625 - 4B Rec Center Transition Part-Time GSS to Full-Time (2) 1,500 Total $ 2,723,490 Total Recommendations $ 2,913,047 12 0710912024 Item WS2. Wylie City Council CITY F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: WEDC Account Code: Prepared By: Jason Greiner Subject I �i-scuss the FY 2024-25 WEDC Budget. Recommendation Discussion. Discussion Staff will lead a discussion regarding the FY24-25 WEDC Budget. Attachments include: • WEDC Narrative • WEDC Department Overview • WEDC Fund Balance Summary • WEDC Debt Service Detail El ����'� �N� ��������������� �����0�� �%���������� �������������~������ �� mm~�m� w�����m���m�wm�� DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The Wylie citizens, as authorized by the Texas State Legislature, created the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WED[) vie the passage of half-cent sales tax increase in I990. Funds received by the WEDC are used solely to enhance and promote economic development within the Wylie community. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 Executive Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Assistant Director 1.0 1.0 Director nfBusiness Retention 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senior Assistant 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 Office Manager 1.0 1.0 Mkt& ComnosCoordinator S TOTAL 3.0 4.0 5.5 5 The primary objectives of the VVE0C are to increase local employment opportunities while enhancing and diversifying the City of VVy|ie'o Lax base. The VVEDC currently employs five full-time professional staff members who report directly to the Executive Director, and the Director reports to a S'rnernber Board of Directors appointed by the Wylie City Council. Ex'(]ffioio Members of the Board include the sitting Mayor and current City Manager. Meetings typically occur On the third Wednesday Of each month at 7:30 a.m. and on an as-needed basis at the WEDC's office located at 250 S. Highway 78. The Wylie City Council provides oversight of the VVEDC via approval Of Bylaws, appointment of Board Members, approval ofannual budgets, review of monthly expenditures and project approval. The City of Wylie Finance Department processes all financial functions of the VVEDC and coordinates an annual Financial Audit by an independent, third-party firm. 0710912024 Item WS2. Budget Overview FY 2024-2025 Department Executive Summary Wylie EDC FY 2025 Budget Notes Notable increases/decreases from FY 2024 base budget: For FY25, the WEDC estimates $17,587,840 in available resources which includes a beginning fund balance of$8,371,292. Staff estimates the following WEDC Revenues: $4,990,217 in Sales Tax Receipts, $4,109,530 in proceeds from the Sale of WEDC-owned properties, $4,800 in Rental Income and$112,000 in allocated interest earnings. Expenses for FY25 are estimated at $13,972,554. Personnel Services are up from $629,900 to $667,517, Incentives are down from $1,929,250 to $1,764,250, Debt Service stayed the same at $1,231,998, and the WEDC's Capital Outlay (Land/Purchase) has $1,000,000 budgeted. As City Council will recall, staff has reclassified the WEDC Expenses in Infrastructure Projects (Streets & Alleys) to Special Services. These expenses have always been accounted for in Capital Outlay, however, since the WEDC does not maintain ownership of the street, alley,water,sewer, or natural gas lines,they have been moved to Special Services. The Special Services Account has been split into three sub-categories to more adequately track the taxable vs. non-tax nature of these expenses for reporting purposes due to the Series 2022 Note in the amount of $8.1 MM. Notable Changes: • Personnel Services: Up from$629,900 to $667,517 • Special Services: o SpecSery Misc: up from$37,270 to $67,270 o SpecSery Real Estate: down from$234,500 to $71,000 o SpecSery Infrastructure: down from$10,324,000 to $8,040,667 ■ Includes remaining infrastructure investment for the 544 Gateway Addition, Cooper Plaza, and the Eubanks Gas Line Extension • Travel&Training: up from$73,000 to $92,500 • Dues & Subscriptions: up from$60,733 to $91,053 • Audit&Legal: up from$23,000 to $53,000 Staff estimates the FY25 ending fund balance of$3,615,285. Once approved by the WEDC Board of Directors, this budget will come back to City Council for final approval at the July 23,d City Council Meeting. Prepared by: Wylie EDC El 0710912024 Item WS2. City of Wylie Fund Summary Wylie Economic Development Corporation Audited Wylie Economic Development Corp Ending Balance-9/30/23 $ 12,625,715 Projected '24 Revenues 4,846,361 Available Funds 17,472,076 Projected '24 Expenditures (9,100,784) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/24 $ 8,371,292 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance-10/01/24 $ 8,371,292 Proposed Revenues'25 9,216,547 a) Proposed Expenditures'25 13,972,554 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 9/30/25 $ 3,615,285 a) Proposed Sales Taxis 10%higher than FY24 and includes$4.1MM in Gain/Loss Sale of Property. �3 FY2024-2025 WEDC Debt Service Detail 0710912024 Item WS2. Jarrard Loan#6088461 $79,695.52 Payment No Due Date Interest Principal Total Payment Principal Balance (Payout Complete Dec FY 26-27;120 Payments Total) 94 10/22/2024 $298.86 $2,810.29 $3,109.15 $76,885.23 95 11/22/2024 $288.32 $2,820.83 $3,109.15 $74,064.40 96 12/22/2024 $277.74 $2,83L41 $3,109.15 $71,232.99 97 1/22/2025 $267.12 $2,842.03 $3,109.15 $68,390.96 98 2/22/2025 $256.47 $2,852.68 $3,109.15 $65,538.28 99 3/22/2025 $245.77 $2,863.38 $3,109.15 $62,674.90 100 4/22/2025 $235.03 $2,874.12 $3,109.15 $59,800.78 101 5/22/2025 $224.25 $2,884.90 $3,109.15 $56,915.88 102 6/22/2025 $213.43 $2,895.72 $3,109.15 $54,020.16 103 7/22/2025 $202.58 $2,906.57 $3,109.15 $51,113.59 104 8/22/2025 $191.68 $2,917.47 $3,109.15 $48,196.12 105 9/22/2025 $180.74 $2,928.41 $3,109.15 $45,267.71 $2,881.99 $34,427.81 $37,309.80 Government Capital Loan(Series 2021:No.9624 Effective 10/5/21) $7,246,324.61 Payment No Due Date Interest Principal Total Payment Principal Balance (Loan is Eligible for Principal Reduction 11/2026) 36 10/5/2024 $21,014.34 $25,925.51 $46,939.85 $7,220,399.10 37 11/5/2024 $20,939.16 $26,000.69 $46,939.85 $7,194,398.41 38 12/5/2024 $20,863.76 $26,076.09 $46,939.85 $7,168,322.32 39 1/5/2025 $20,788.13 $26,151.72 $46,939.85 $7,142,170.60 40 2/5/2025 $20,712.29 $26,227.56 $46,939.85 $7,115,943.04 41 3/5/2025 $20,636.23 $26,303.62 $46,939.85 $7,089,639.42 42 4/5/2025 $20,559.95 $26,379.90 $46,939.85 $7,063,259.52 43 5/5/2025 $20,483.45 $26,456.40 $46,939.85 $7,036,803.12 44 6/5/2025 $20,406.73 $26,533.12 $46,939.85 $7,010,270.00 45 7/5/2025 $20,329.78 $26,610.07 $46,939.85 $6,983,659.93 46 8/5/2025 $20,252.61 $26,687.24 $46,939.85 $6,956,972.69 47 9/5/2025 $20,175.22 $26,764.63 $46,939.85 $6,930,208.06 $247,161.65 $316,116.55 $563,278.20 Government Capital Loan(Series 2022:Effective 7/20/22) $7,556,077.29 (Loan is Eligible for Principal Reduction in 8/2027) Payment No Due Date Interest Principal Total Payment Principal Balance 27 10/20/2024 $30,224.31 $22,393.16 $52,617.47 $7,533,684.13 28 11/20/2024 $30,134.74 $22,482.73 $52,617.47 $7,511,201.40 29 12/20/2024 $30,044.81 $22,572.66 $52,617.47 $7,488,628.74 30 1/20/2025 $29,954.51 $22,662.96 $52,617.47 $7,465,965.78 31 2/20/2025 $29,863.86 $22,753.61 $52,617.47 $7,443,212.17 32 3/20/2025 $29,772.85 $22,844.62 $52,617.47 $7,420,367.55 33 4/20/2025 $29,681.47 $22,936.00 $52,617.47 $7,397,431.55 34 5/20/2025 $29,589.73 $23,027.74 $52,617.47 $7,374,403.81 35 6/20/2025 $29,497.62 $23,119.85 $52,617.47 $7,351,283.96 36 7/20/2025 $29,405.14 $23,212.33 $52,617.47 $7,328,071.63 37 8/20/2025 $29,312.29 $23,305.18 $52,617.47 $7,304,766.45 38 9/20/2025 $29,219.07 $23,398.40 $52,617.47 $7,281,368.05 $356,700.40 $274,709.24 $631,409.64 Interest Total FY 24-25 $606,744.04 Principal Total FY 24-25 $625,253.60 Debt Service Total FY 24-25 $1,231,997.64 Total Principal Balance EOY 24-25 $14,256,843.82 0710912024 Item WS2. Account 2023 Actual 2024 Budget 2024 Base 2024 YTD Actual 2024 Projected 2025 Base 2025 Base vs 2025 Base vs 2025 Proposed 2025 Adopted Budget Budget 2024 Base$ 2024 Base% Fund:111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ (5,186,103) $ (7,354,381) $ (7,354,381) $ (2,885,090) $ (4,846,361) $ (9,216547)i $ (1,862,166) 25% $ (9,216,547) $ (9,216,547) CORP Department:4000-REVENUES $ (5,186,103) $ (7,354,381) $ (7,354,381); $ (2,885,090) $ (4,846,361) $ (9,216,547)'! $ (1,862,166) 25% $ (9,216,547) $ (9,216,547) Category:400-Taxes $ (4,611,796) $ (4,536,561) $ (4,536,561) $ (2,779,886) $ (4,536,561) $ (4,990,217) $ (453,656) 10% $ (4,990,217) $ (4,990,217) Type:Revenue $ (4,611,796) $ (4,536,561) $ (4,536,561)', $ (2,779,886) $ (4,536,561) $ (4,990,217) $ (453,656) 10% $ (4,990,217) $ (4,990,217) 111-4000-40210-SALES TAX $ (4,611,796) $ (4,536,561) $ (4,536,561); $ (2,779,886) $ (4,536,561) $ ( (4,990217)I $ (453,656) 10% $ (4,990,217) $ (4,990,217) Category:430-Intergovernmental Type:Revenue 111-4000-43518-380 AGREEMENTS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Category:460-Interest Income $ (381,356) $ (112,000) $ (112,000)i $ (349,660) $ (350,000) $ i (112,000) $ 0% $ (112,000) $ (112,000) Type:Revenue $ (381,356) $ (112,000) $ (112,000) $ (349,660) $ (350,000) $ (112,000)' $ 0% $ (112,000) $ (112,000) 111-4000-46110-ALLOCATED INTEREST $ (381,356) $ (112,000) $ (112,000) $ (349,660) $ (350,000) $ ' (112000)'! $ 0% $ (112,000) $ (112,000) Category:480-Miscellaneous Income $ (192,951) $ (2,705,820) $ (2,705,820)i $ 244,456 $ 40,200 $ (4,114,330)j $ (1,408,510) 52% $ (4,114,330) $ (4,114,330) Type:Revenue $ (192,951) $ (2,705,820) $ (2,705,820)j $ 244,456 $ 40,200 $ j (4,114,330) $ (1,408,510) 52% $ (4,114,330) $ (4,114,330) 111-4000-48110-RENTAL INCOME $ (116,558) $ (48,600) $ (48,600) $ (29,981) $ (4,800) $ (4,800)'I $ 43,800 -90% $ (4,800) $ (4,800) 111-4000-48410-MISCELLANEOUS INCOME $ (996) $ (1,250) $ (1,250); $ (1,947) $ - $ $ 1,250 -100% $ - $ 111-4000-48430-GAIN/(LOSS)SALE OF CAP $ (75,397) $ (2,655,970) $ (2,655,970) $ 276,384 $ 45,000 $ (4,109,530) $ (1,453,560) 55% $ (4,109,530) $ (4,109,530) ASSETS Category:490-Other Financing Sources - Type:Revenue 111-4000-49325-BANK NOTE PROCEEDS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 111-4000-49600-INSURANCE RECOVERIES $ $ $ $ $ $ ' $ $ $ $ (5,186,103) $ (7,354,381) $ (7,354,381) $ (2,885,090) $ (4,846,361) $ (9,216,547); $ (1,862,166) 25% $ (9,216,547) $ (9,216,547) *Y(D Actua(s as of 71312024 El 0710912024 Item WS2. Account 2023 Actual 2024 Budget 2024 Base Budget 2024 YTD Actual 2024 Projected 2025 Base Budget] 2025 Base vs 2025 Base vs 2025 Proposed 2025 Adopted 2024 Base$ 2024 Base Fund:111-WYLIEECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ 3,737,395 $ 16,453,701 $', 16,453,701 $ 3,130,379 $ 9,100,784 $ 13,972,565 $ (2,481,146) -15% $ 13,972,555 $ 13,972,555 CORP Department:5611-WEDC $ 3,737,395 $ 16,453,701 $ 16,453,701 , $ 3,130,379 $ 9,100,784 $ 13,972,555 $ (2,481,146) -15% $ 13,972,555 $ 13,972,555 Category:510-Personnel Services $ 471,211 $ 654,900 $: 654,900 $ 408,224 $ 629,900 $ I 667,517 $ 12,617 2% $ 667,517 $ 667,517 Type:Expense $ 471,211 $ 654,900 $ 664,900 $ 408,224 $ 629,900 $ 667,517 $ 12,617 2% $ 667,517 $ 667,517 Category:520-Supplies $ 9,335 $ 8,300 $ 8,300 $ 5,363 $ 8,300 $ 8,300 $ - 0% $ 8,300 $ 8,300 Type:Expense $ 9,335 $ 8,300 $ 8,300 I $ 5,363 $ 8,300 $ 8,300 $ 0% $ 8,300 $ 8,300 Category:540-Materials for Maint $ 5,549 $ 10,150 $ 10,150 $ 2,626 $ 10,150 $ 10,150 $ 0% $ 10,150 $ 10,150 Type:Expense $ 5,549 $ 10,150 $ 10,150 $ 2,626 $ 10,150 $ 10,150 $ 0% $ 10,150 $ 10,150 Category:560-Contractual Services $ 2,019,302 $ 13,548,353 $ 13,648,363 $ 1,845,895 $ 7,220,436 $ 11,054,590 $ (2,493,763) -18% $ 11,054,590 $ 11,054,590 Type:Expense $ 2,019,302 $ 13,548,353 $ 13,548,353! $ 1,845,895 $ 7,220,436 $ 11,054,590 $ (2,493,763) -18% $ 11,054,590 $ 11,054,590 111-5611-56030-INCENTIVES $ 855,812 $ 1,929,250 $ 1,929,250 $ 1,015,000 $ 1,179,250 $ i 1,764,250 $ (165,000) -9% $ 1,764,250 $ 1,764,250 111-5611-56040-SPECIAL SERVICES(SS) $ 12,167 $ 37,270 $ 37,270 $ 25,455 $ 67,270 $ I 67,270 $ 30,000 80% $ 67,270 $ 67,270 111-5611-56041-SS-REAL ESTATE $ 336,302 $ 234,500 $ 234,500 $ 130,699 $ 234,500 $ 71,000 $ (163,500) -70% $ 71,000 $ 71,000 111-5611-56042-SS-INFRASTRUCTURE $ 51,143 $ 10,324,000 $; 10,324,0001 $ 6,101 $ 4,683,333 $ 8,040,667 $ (2,283,333) -22% $ 8,040,667 $ 8,040,667 111-5611-56080-ADVERTISING $ 133,089 $ 226,125 $', 226,125 $ 94,215 $ 226,125 $ 226,125 $ - 0% $ 226,125 $ 226,125 111-5611-56090-COMMUNITY DEV $ 61,566 $ 66,200 $ 66,200 $ 35,357 $ 64,950 $ 74,450 $ 8,250 12% $ 74,450 $ 74,450 111-5611-56110-COMMUNICATIONS $ 5,669 $ 7,900 $ 7,900 $ 3,635 $ 7,900 $ 7,900 + $ - 0% $ 7,900 $ 7,900 111-5611-56180-RENTAL $ 27,000 $ 27,000 $ 27,000 $ 20,250 $ 27,000 $ 27,000 ; $ - 0% $ 27,000 $ 27,000 111-5611-56210-TRAVEL&TRAINING $ 56,489 $ 73,000 $ 73,000 i $ 50,953 $ 77,000 $ 92,500 I $ 19,500 27% $ 92,500 $ 92,500 111-5611-56250-DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS $ 53,399 $ 60,733 $ 60,733 'I $ 57,853 $ 60,733 $ + 91,053 $ 30,320 50% $ 91,053 $ 91,053 111-5611-56310-INSURANCE $ 6,449 $ 6,800 $ 6,800 $ 5,653 $ 6,800 $ 6,800 $ - 0% $ 6,800 $ 6,800 111-5611-56510-AUDIT&LEGAL SERVICES $ 28,282 $ 23,000 $ 23,000 $ 26,509 $ 53,000 $ 53,000 $ 30,000 130% $ 53,000 $ 53,000 111-5611-56570-ENGINEERING $ 389,189 $ 530,175 $i 530,175 $ 372,684 $ 530,175 $ 530,175 $ - 0% $ 530,175 $ 530,175 111-5611-56610-UTILITIES-ELECTRIC $ 2,746 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 1,530 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 0% $ 2,400 $ 2,400 Category:570-Debt Service $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 $ 868,272 $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 $ 0% $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 Type:Expense $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 ! $ 868,272 $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 $ 0% $ 1,231,998 $ 1,231,998 Category:580-Capital Outlay - $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ 0% $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Type:Expense - $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 i $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 + $ 0% $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 3,737,395 $ 16,453,701 $+ 16,453,701 $ 3,130,379 $ 9,100,784 $ 13,972,555 $ (2,481,146) -15% $ 13,972,555 $ 13,972,555 *YTD Actuals as of 71312024