11-06-2024 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting November 06, 2024—5:30 PM f'V Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY WYLIE CALL TO ORDER PRESENTATIONS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak.Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group.In addition,Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matterpresented during citizen participation. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the October 14, 2024 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes. 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Non-Profit Park Event Application from Wylie High School PTSA for the Pirate Dash 5K/Walk event on April 12, 2025 at Founders Park. WORK SESSION WS1. Parks and Recreation 2025 Courtesy Calendar. WS2. Project Updates. WS3. Program and Event Updates. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on November 1,2024, at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. 1 Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Board at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. 2 1110612024 Item 1. IAI f N Wylie Parks and Recreation Board WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Pieper 7Consider, and act upon, approval of the October 14, 2024 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes. 70t—ion to approve Item as presented. The minutes are attached for your consideration. 3] 1110612024 Item 1. Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes October 14, 2024—5:30 pm Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Beaux Dyson called the regular meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. The following Parks and Recreation Board members were present: Board Member Goria Suarez, Board Member Tarah Harrison, and Board Member Brian Arnold. Board Vice-Chair Nick Puente, Board Member Scott Hevel, and Board Member C'Ne Turner were absent from the meeting. Staff present included Parks and Recreation Supervisor Julie Pannell,Parks and Recreation Supervisor Brittany Williams, and Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant Janet Pieper. PRESENTATIONS No presentations. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS No citizens came forward. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the September 9,2024 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Suarez and seconded by Board Member Arnold,to approve the September 9, 2024,Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0,with Board Vice-Chair Nick Puente,Board Member Scott Hevel, and Board Member C'Ne Turner absent from the meeting. WORK SESSION WSI. Texas Arbor Day. Parks and Recreation Supervisor Julie Pannell went over the plans for celebrating Texas Arbor Day at the Municipal Complex on November 1st WS2.FY 24-25 Approved Projects. Parks and Recreation Supervisor Julie Pannell discussed the fiscal year 2024-2025 departmental projects that were approved by the Wylie City Council. WS3.Project Updates. Parks and Recreation Supervisor Julie Pannell provided updates on the department's current and future projects. Page 1 of 2 October 14, 2024, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes 1110612024 Item 1. WS4.Program and Event Updates. Parks and Recreation Supervisor Julie Pannell provided updates on the department's recent and upcoming programs and events. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Arnold, seconded by Board Member Suarez,to adjourn the meeting at 5:53 p.m. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0,with Board Vice-Chair Nick Puente, Board Member Scott Hevel, and Board Member C'Ne Turner absent from the meeting. Beaux Dyson,Board Chair ATTEST: Janet Pieper,Administrative Assistant Page 2 of 2 October 14, 2024, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes 1110612024 Item 2. fN Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY I AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Pieper Consider,and act upon, approval of the Non-Profit Park Event Application from Wylie High School PTSA for the Pirate Dash 5K/Walk event on April 12, 2025 at Founders Park. Recommendation i Motion to approve the Item as presented. Discussion 0 The Pirate Dash 5K/Walk event is a repeat fundraiser event hosted by Wylie High School PTSA, a non-profit organization. The applicant is requesting to hold the event at Founders Park on Saturday, April 12, 2025, from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm with Tans to sell participation registrations. The event will also feature approximately 10 participating vendors, food trucks,music and school spirit wear.Proceeds go to benefit all Wylie High School students and provide the primary funds for the graduating class year end celebration. 1110612024 Item 2. JAJ CITY O f N WYLIE Parks&Recreation iepartment 300 Country Club Rd, Building 100 Wylie,TX 75098 972-516-6340 ( Parks@wylietexas.gov Non-Profit Park Event Application Please mote that this application is NOT required in order to reserve a pavilion or gazebo for typical private group parties,meetings,reunions,or family events.It is also NOT required to reserve an athletic field for practices or pick up games;instead click on the following lirate to make a reservation:hftps.,//anc.apm.activecommunities.com/wylie munities.com/wylie Submission of this Non-Profit Park Event Application is required for special public non-profit events, 5KIfun runs, fundraisers, events with food and/or merchandise vendors, and all events wherein items will be sold. This form is reviewed by staff for approval prior to the requested event and must be submitted a minimum of twelve weeks in advance, and no sooner than 6 months prior to the event date being requested. After City staff reviews the application, a Non-Profit Park Event Application may be considered for recommendation of approval by the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board, with the final review for approval completed by Wylie City Council if staff finds that. ® Priority use is given to City Events and private rentals; All fees have been paid; The event does not: a. Conflict or compete with another approved non-City event, in consideration of event size,location, expected attendance, etc., as determined by staff,, b. Conflict or compete with City events and programs, as determined by staff(no car shows permitted 30 days prior to or 14 days after the City-sponsored Bluegrass on Ballard event); c.Present an unreasonable danger to health or safety; d. Cause toss or damage to City property, e. Interfere with or place a burden on Public Safety services; f, interrupt the safe and orderly movement of pedestrians and vehicles. ® For events including food items, applicant provides documentation from the Collin County Environmental Services indicating whether or not a Food Service/Health permit is required for the event. This includes all food items:sold, free, food trucks, catering, homemade,prepackaged, etc.; a.Please contact the Environmental Services Specialist at 972-548-5528 or 972-548-5585. The Collin County website is www.collihcountytx.gov for further information. b. if permit is required by Environmental Services,provide staff with a list of all planned food vendors and a copy of their current Collin County Food Service/Health permit, or intent to receive a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food ServicefHeaith Permit. ® There will be adequate sanitation available in or adjacent to the event,in addition to the City facilities as deemed necessary,such as port-a-lets, wash stations,and other required health facilities. The event is not being conducted for unlawful or discriminatory purposes. The event is in adherence to all Parks and Recreation rules and City Ordinances. Please call the Parks and Recreation Department at 972-516-6340,prompt 1,if you have any questions pertaining to the Park Event Application. Applicant Information Name of Organization* Website 1110612024 Item 2. Wylie High School PTSA Are you a non profit?* Please upload 501c3 Documents Yes No Wyliehs—tax_exempt form[l].doc 34.5KB Contact Information Primary Contact Name* Christina Rigby Event Information Event Name/Title Pirate Dash went Type* 5k/Walk Purpose of event* Community event supporting wylie high health programs and wylie high seniors. Focus on fun and fitness. Event Location* Founders Park 851 Hensley Lane Proposed Event Date* Alternative Event Date* 04/12/2025 04/12/2025 Start Time* End Time* 06:00:00 AM 12:00:00 PM include Setup Include Clewiup Do you plan to sell items of any kind? example.drinks,food iterns,t-shirts,snow cones,memberships,registratbr)s etc, Yes No Anticipated number of Participating Vendors* Anticipated Event Attendance 10 250 Event Target Audience* All community members,free race entry for first responders, runners,fitness, high school,all ages. Event Details* The Pirate Dash 5K&Fun Run will be held at Wylie High School and Founders Park on April 12,2025 from lam to 12 pm. Proceeds earned from the Pirate Dash benefit all students of Wylie High School.Along with providing the primary funds for the graduating class'end of year celebration,proceeds from the Pirate Dash are used in conjunction with the PTSA:s Health and Wellness Committee,Their efforts support our Pirates'physical and mental health through events at the school,participation in community events and supporting the efforts of the WHS Student Support Advocates. The event will feature Pirate Pride throughout the Course,food trucks, music, 1-81 Event Announcement and/car Flyer 11/06/2024 Item 2. Signature Clete :� � 10/14/2024 1110612024 Item WS1. f N Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Pieper Subject Parks and Recreation Board 2025 Calendar. Recommendation /A Discussion Review the 2025 Parks and Recreation Board courtesy calendar. 0 1110612024 Item WS2. lAl f N Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Pieper Subject Project Updates. Recommendation /A Discussion Discuss the Parks and Recreation Department's ongoing and upcoming projects. F I 1110612024 Item WS3. lAl f N Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Pieper Subject Program and Event Updates. Recommendation /A Discussion Discuss the Parks and Recreation Department's recent and upcoming programs. F12]