Ordinance 2009-33 ORDINANCE NO. 2009-33
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has adopted
Ordinance No. 2009-12 establishing a consolidated fee ordinance ("Consolidated Fee
Ordinance") for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and
WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be
advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to amend the Consolidated Fee Ordinance
Section I(Water and Sewer Fees), B(Water Rates) and Section XI (Fire Department), A
(Development Fees).
SECTION 1: Findin�s Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into
the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: Amending Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance).
Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance) is hereby amended as identified in Exhibit
SECTION 3: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity that violates
this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if the violation relates to the public
health and sanitation, otherwise the fine shall be a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars
($500.00). Each continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal
provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude the Wylie from filing suit to enjoin
the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state
and federal law.
SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict
with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall
not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal
prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of
the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect.
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SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase
of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it
is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full
force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each
section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its
passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law.
WYLIE, TEXAS, on this the 13th day of October, 2009.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Car e Ehrlich, ty Secretary
Date of nublication in The Wvlie News October 21, 2009
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560400. v 1
Exhibit ��A"
A. Water and Sewer Service Deposit.
Each water customer shall make a deposit to the City of Wylie, Texas for water service
and sewerage service in accordance with the following schedule:
(i) Water Deposits
(1) 3 inch meter domestic .........................................................$75.00
(2) 3 inch meter irrigation with domestic account ......................................$50.00
(3) 3 inch irrigation meter without domestic account ...............................$125.00
(4) 1 inch meter domestic $125.00
(5) 1 inch irrigation with domestic account $75.00
(6) 1 inch irrigation without domestic account $200.00
(7) 2 inch meter domestic ..........................................................................$225.00
(8) 2 inch irrigation with domestic account $115.00
(9) 2 inch irrigation without domestic account ..........................................$340.00
(ii) Sewer Deposit
(1) Residential $20.00
(2) Commercial ............................................................................................$20.00
B. Water Rates.
(1) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic residential
customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas. ALL PRICES
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of inetered
water consumption :................................................................$8.90
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
1,001 to 10,000 gallons :.........................................................$2.99
Over 10,000 gallons :..............................................................$3.89
(2) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic commercial
customers, (other than apartments, mobile home parks and other multi-unit
dwellings not individually metered) within the corporate limits of the City of
Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of
metered water consumption $12.15
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(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons :.........................................................................$3.40
(3) The following water rates shall apply to all domestic apartments, mobile home
parks, and other multi-unit dwellings, not individually metered, within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of inetered water
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons $3.40
(4) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all irrigation meters within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of inetered water:
(1) Residential irrigation 8.90
(2) Commercial Multifamily ............................................$12.15
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
(1) Residential irrigation $4.30
(2) Commercial irrigation $4.30
(5) The monthly water charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (ll 5%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(6) Any bulk water customer who desires to withdraw water from a hydrant or other
source not metered and charged directly to them, shall fill out a water application
form and sign the form in the same manner as a regular metered customer. Bulk
water rate charges are to be charged in twenty-five (25) gallon increments at the
same rates as the commercial customers.
C. Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates.
(1) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
residential customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Customers who are 65 years of age or older and have a homestead
exemption on the service address which appears in the tax
records............................................................................. $20.00
(b) Customers who are disabled and have a homestead exemption on the
service address which appears in the tax records .................$20.00
(c) All other customers ..............................................................$27.00
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(2) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
commercial customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge first 1,000 gallons of inetered water...... $21.50
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons......... 1.82
(3) A sewer fee of twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) shall be charged for each apartment
unit, multiple-family unit, or mobile home space and special areas such as
washateria, swimming pools, etc., where the apartment, multiple-family
development or mobile home park is on a master meter for water consumption
with the City of Wylie, Texas.
(4) The monthly sewer charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(5) The monthly water and sewer rate charge for residential and commercial
customers located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall
be at the rate of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers
inside the corporate limits of the City.
D. Returned Check Charge.
Each and every check or bank draft, used as payment to the City for services, which is returned
for insufficient funds, shall have a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) assessed against the
E. Utility Account Establishment Charge.
Each time a customer changes his place of occupancy and requests water service or a change in
billing address or a new account is established, a charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be made.
F. Past Due Account Penalty; Restoration Charges.
(1) The charges for water and or sewer service shall be billed and collected monthly as a
utility charge payable to the City of Wylie, Texas. All charges not paid within fourteen
(14) days from the date that the bill is rendered shall be delinquent, except when the
fourteenth (14` day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday under which condition
such bill shall be due by 5:00 p.m. Central Time, on the next working day following such
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
(2) All payments made after the fourteenth (14` day will bear a late charge or penalty of
five (5%) percent on amounts over twenty dollars ($20.00).
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(3) A customer's utility service may be disconnected if a bill has not been paid or a deferred
payment agreement entered into within twenty-six (26) days from the date of issuance of
a bill, if proper notice has been given. Proper notice shall consist of a separate mailing or
hand delivery at least ten (10) days prior to a stated date of disconnection, with the words
"termination notice" or similar language prominently displayed on the notice. The
information included in the notice shall be provided in English and Spanish as necessary
to adequately inform the customer. Attached to or on the face of the termination notice
shall appear a statement notifying the customer that if they are in need of assistance with
payment of their bill, they may be eligible for alternative payment programs, such as
deferred payment plans, and to contact the water department of the City of Wylie, Texas
for more information. If mailed, the cutoff day may not fall on a holiday or weekend, but
will be on the next working day after the tenth (10) day. Service may not be discontinued
for non-payment of a residential account if a permanent occupant of the residence will
become seriously ill as a result of discontinued service. If a customer seeks to avoid
termination on this basis, the customer must have the attending physician call ar contact
the water department within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of the bill. A written
statement must be received by the water deparhnent from the physician within twenty-six
(26) days of the issuance of the bill. The limit on termination shall last sixty-three (63)
days from the issuance of the bill or a lesser period if agreed by the parties. The customer
who makes such request shall enter into a deferred payment plan to accomplish payment
of the bill.
(4) If it is necessary to terminate water service for nonpayment, a charge of fifty dollars
($50.00) shall be paid prior to restoration of the service if the service is restored between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on weekdays. At other times, the
restoration charge shall be sixty-five dollars ($65.00).
(5) If water and sewer service are terminated by customer request, the charge for restoring
the service shall be ten dollars ($10.00) which will be added to the next month's bill.
G. Temporary Connection Charge.
A fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be paid in advance for temporary water service to a utility
customer for activities such as cleaning, plumbing checks, remodeling and so forth. This service
will be for three (3) working days, excluding the date the fee is paid.
H. Special Service Connection Fee.
Upon receipt of an application for service and payment of all required deposits, connection of
utility service shall be made by the City. If requested by the customer, and if the application and
deposit are received prior to 12:00 noon, all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service
by the end of the same working day. If the application and deposit are received after 12:00 noon,
and upon payment in advance of a twenty-five ($25.00) special service connection fee, service
will be connected by the end of the same working day. Otherwise, all reasonable efforts will be
made to connect service by the end of the following day.
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I. Special Meter Reading Charge.
A special meter reading charge of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be charged on the existing water bill
when requested by a customer if the reading is determined to be correct. No reading charge will
be made if it is determined the original reading was not correct.
J. Development/Subdivision Water Charges.
All developers or sub-dividers who are tying into the water and sewer system of the City of
Wylie, Texas shall pay an initial fee equivalent to the gallon capacity of their water system
distribution lines multiplied by a factor of three (3) at the prevailing lowest rate per one thousand
(1,000) currently in effect at the time actual usage occurs. The final determination of the amount
of gallons to be charged shall be determined by the City Engineer. Any water used subsequent to
the initial loading and flushing of the installed lines shall be accomplished by the developer or
sub-divider securing a meter attachment to a fire hydrant. This fee shall be due and payable prior
to approval of the final plat.
K. Charge for Replacing Meter Box.
The cost for replacement of 1 inch and under plastic water meter box is seventy-five ($75.00).
L. Charge for Replacing Sewer Clean Out Caps.
The cost for replacement of property line sewer clean out caps is five dollars ($5.00).
M. Meter Testing Fee.
When any utility customer is of the opinion that a water meter is registering incorrectly, the
customer may make a request to the City for testing of the meter. A field test will be provided
for the customer's meter without charge once every two (2) years. If the customer desires a
calibration and certification test, then at the time such request is made, the customer shall make
a twenty-five ($25.00) deposit with the City. If the test shows that the meter is registering
consumption in excess of actual flow by more than two (2) percent, the meter shall be replaced
with an accurate one at the expense of the City, and the twenty-five dollars ($25.00) deposit
shall be returned to the customer. If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption at
less than actual flow or in excess of actual flow by two (2) percent or less, the twenty-five
dollars ($25.00) deposit shall be retained by the City to defer the cost of such test.
N. Threshold Conditions
In regards to implementation and enforcement of the Drought Contingency Plan (the "Plan"), the
City Manager is designated as the official responsible for implementation and enforcement, and
the guidelines for the threshold determinations as listed in the Plan are hereby adopted. In the
event severe or critical conditions persist (as defined in the Plan) for an extended period of time,
the City may ration water usage and/or terminate service to selected users of the system in
accordance with the following sequence of increasing priority:
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(1) Recreation Users
(2) Commercial Users
(3) Industrial Users
(4) School Users
(5) Residential Users
(6) Hospitals, Public Health and Safety Facilities
O. Penalty
(1) Users of City water except for the City, that do not comply with Section 3 of this
Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty and fine of not less than one hundred dollars
($100.00) per day no more than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) per day for each day of
non-compliance and/or disconnection or discontinuance of water services to such users
by the City. The fines shall be listed on Table B of the Plan.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to do, commit or assist in committing any of the
following things or acts in the City:
Remove any water meter that has been placed by the City, or changing, interfering with
or tampering with any water meter in any manner; prevent water, by any means or
devices, from passing through any meter connected directly or indirectly with the lines or
mains of the City waterworks, whether sewer service customer only or both water and
sewer; prevent a meter from registering the amount of water passing through such meter,
or prevent or obstruct a meter from accurately registering the quantity of water supplied;
or in any way interfere with a water meter's purpose, action or just registration; or
whoever, without the consent in writing of the director of the water department diverts
any water from any pipes, lines or mains of the waterworks, or otherwise uses or causes
to be used any water produced or distributed by the waterworks, or retains possession
thereof shall be fined one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) and pay for the water
estimated by the City to have been used without proper metering. This fine is in addition
to any criminal penalties that may be imposed by the City.
(3) The presence at any time on or about any meter, water lines or mains of the City, whether
such meter, if any, is owned or operated by the City or others, of a pipe or any device or
pipes resulting in the diversion of water or the prevention of its free passage and
registration by any such meter, or resulting in the diversion from such meter, or resulting
in the prevention of water reaching the meter, or resulting in the prevention of just
registration of the meter or meters or resulting in the taking of any water except through a
lawfully installed meter shall constitute prima facie evidence on the part of the person
owning or having custody or control of the room, building, place or premises where such
device or pipe is located, of knowledge of the existence thereof and/or knowledge of such
existence to the person who would be benefited by the failure of the water to be
accurately metered shall further constitute prima facie evidence of intention on the part of
such person or persons to defraud and tamper with a meter, and shall bring such person
prima facie within the scope, meaning and penalties of this section. This section shall not
apply to employees or agents of the City when acting in their official capacity.
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(4) That a convenience fee of three dollars ($3.00) per transaction be collected at the point of
sale for those persons wishing to use a credit/debit card to purchase city services.
(a) A convenience fee of three dollars ($3.00) per transaction will be collected at the
point of sale for those persons wishing to use a credit/debit card to purchase city
(5) That a convenience fee per transaction of one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) for
residential customers and business customers be collected at the time of sale for those
persons wishing to use credit/debit card to purchase city services on-line.
A. Residential Fee; Deposits.
(1) The collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and brush in one (1) polycart container
from residential premises, one (1) time per week and one recycle polycart one (1) time per
week, shall be made for a charge of eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per residential
unit for each calendar month.
(2) Nonresidential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three (3)
months' charges, or a minimum thirty-four dollars ($34.00).
(3) Residential fees far each unit of single-family detached or duplex (not master metered)
either curbside or alley side service, shall be eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per
month and shall be charged each month on the utility bill.
(4) The following collection fees are based upon the type of establishment or collection, to
(a) Duplex, per unit .$11.30 per unit
(b) Multifamily $11.30 per unit
(c) Trailer park $11.30 per unit
(5) Each additional Polycart ................................................................................$4.00
B. Commercial Charges.
(1) Commercial Hand Collection, per ninety-five (95) gallon polycart
Automated Collection Cost:
Once (1) per week $22.94
Two (2) carts once (1) per week $43.58
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(2) Front Load Container Rates
lxwk 2xwk 3xwk 4xwk Sxwk 6xwk
2 cu d 78.40 $149.80 $208.60 $291.06 $377.76 465.85
3 cu d 86.80 $163.80 $226.80 $314.16 $423.50 503.12
4 cu d 92.40 $172.70 $242.20 $337.26 $433.66 538.52
6 cu d $107.80 $197.40 $277.20 $381.92 $496.34 613.06
8 cu d $120.40 $226.60 $312.20 $428.12 $553.94 685.73
(3) Additional Char�es
Additional charge of $8.75 per pick up for containers on Casters
Additional charge of $8.75 per pick up for containers with 4 sided enclosures
Additional charge of $8.75 per pick up for containers with locks
8 cubic yard Cardboard Recycling Container 1 X per week .......................$84.28
8 cubic yard Cardboard Recycling Container 2 X per week $176.74
Front load container exchange charge .........................................................$78.94
(4) Extra Pick Ups
2 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$47.37
3 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$48.42
4 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$49.
6 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$51.58
8 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$52.63
(5) Refills
2 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$36.8
3 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$37.8
4 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$38.95
6 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$41.05
8 cubic yard ..................................................................................................$42.11
(6) Rolloff Charges:
20 cubic yard per haul $482.31 (M-F)
30 cubic yard per haul $492.84 (M-F)
40 cubic yard per haul $524.42 (M-F)
Delivery and Exchange ...................................................................$369.76 (M-F)
Daily Container Rental ..................................................................................$7.89
(7) Compactors:
6 cubic yard compactor haul charge $265.11 (M-F)
8 cubic yard compactor haul charge $297.79 (M-F)
30 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
35 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
42 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
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Disposal will be billed at $29.23 per ton; rates based on 4 ton minimum.
(8) Returned Check Charge .................................................................................$26.31
(10) Front Load Container Rates
Size/Picku 1 x week 2 x week 3 x week 4 x week 5 x week 6 x week
2 Cu Yd 67.03 $128.08 $178.35 $248.86 $322.99 $398.30
3 Cu Yd 74.21 $140.05 $193.91 $268.61 $362.09 $430.17
4 Cu Yd 79.00 $147.23 $207.08 $288.36 $370.78 $460.44
6 Cu Yd 92.17 $168.78 $237.01 $326.54 $424.37 $524.17
8 Cu Yd $102.94 $190.32 $266.93 $366.04 $473.63 $586.30
WISD front load rates are net to contractor, does not include billing fee, franchise fee and
sales tax do not apply.
C. Fees for Special Collection of Brush and Bulky Waste Items.
Special collection of brush and bulky items, in excess of twenty-four (24) cubic yards per
resident per year, will be made available to residents at the rate negotiated between the
contractor and the resident.
D. Denial of Service.
In the event of nonpayment of charges for the above services, the City shall have the right to
deny further service to such nonpaying person or customer.
A. Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Permit Fees.
When a building, plumbing, mechanical or electrical permit is required by the Building,
Plumbing, Mechanical or Electrical code adopted by the City of Wylie, Texas the following fees
shall be assessed:
EXCEPTION: Permit fees shall not be required when the permit is for a building owned and
occupied by a public agency.
(1) New Single-Family Fees (including duplexes) -$700.00 +.10 cents a square foot
(a) A non-refundable plan review deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) is due at
time of plan submittal. The plan review deposit will be applied toward the
cost of the building permit only if the building permit fee is paid within six
(6) months of the date the plan was submitted for review.
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(2) New Multi-Family Fees (3 attached units or more) -$250.00 per unit
(a) A non-refundable plan review deposit equal to ten percent (10%) of the
permit fee is due at time of plan submittal. The plan review deposit will
be applied toward the cost of the building permit only if the building
permit fee is paid within six (6) months of the date the plan was submitted
for review.
(3) New Commercial Fees
(a) Building Permit Fees for New Construction
1. $200.00 +.08 cents a square foot
2. Fees for tenant finish out and shell buildings will be seventy-five
percent (75%) of the above fees.
3. A non-refundable plan review deposit equal to fifty percent (50%)
of the building permit fee is due at the time of plan submittal. The
plan review deposit will be applied toward the cost of the building
permit only if the building permit fee is paid within six (6) months
of the date the plan was submitted for review.
(b) Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical fees for New Construction (each)
1. $50.00 +.03 cents a square foot
2. Fees for tenant finish out and shell buildings will be seventy-five
percent (75%) of the above fees.
(4) Fees for Additions, Alterations, Repairs, Demolition, Screening Walls, Retaining
Walls and Accessory Buildings.
The following fees shall be charged for small construction jobs involving
additions, alterations and repairs. Larger projects that involve substantial work
shall be charged as new construction at the sole discretion of the Building
Value of Construction Permit Fee
$0.00 to $2,500.00 50.00
$2,500.01 to $5,000.00 60.00
$5,000.01 to $10,000.00 75.00
$10,000.01 to $25,000.00 $100.00
$25,000.01 to $50,000.00 $150.00
$50,000.01 to $100,000.00 $225.00
$100,000.01 or more $300.00 for the first $100,000.00
plus $50.00 for each $50,000.00
or fraction thereof.
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B. Miscellaneous Fees.
Any activity listed below shall be charged the following fee associated with the activity:
Commercial Certificate of Occupancy or Completion ............................................$75.00
(Existing building/space or unoccupied clean and show, applicable to shell or structure/space)
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $75.00
(Charged for all Temporary Certificates of Occupancy (ies))
Commercial Temporary Utilities Releases (Electrical or Gas Services) $100.00
Residential Temporary Utilities Releases (Electrical or Gas Services) ..................$50.00
(All temporary utility releases require signed affidavit by contractors builders)
Manufactured Home Construction Permit Fee ......................................................$300.00
Manufactured Home License Application Fee $500.00
(All original license applications and license transfers shall be accompanied
bya fee of $500.00)
Manufactured Home Space Fee ................................................$50.00 per space
Manufactured Home Park Annual Inspection Fee .....$10.00 per occupied space
Manufactured Home Park License Fee ...................................................$500.00
Minimum Miscellaneous Permit Fee (Residential) .................................................$50.00
Minimum Miscellaneous Permit Fee (Commercial) ..............................................$100.00
FencePermit ............................................................................................................$40.00
In-ground swimming pool ......................................................................................$300.00
Spa or above-ground pool $100.00
LawnSprinkler .........................................................................................................$50.00
Tent.......................................................................................................................... $50.00
Construction trailer ..................................................................................................$75.00
Drive Approach $50.00 per approach
Sidewalk....................................................................................................... $50.00 per lot
Structure Moving Permit ..........................................................................................$75.00
(Any structure moved through or into the City of Wylie, Texas that exceeds 250 square feet)
Additional Plan Review $50.00 per hour (Minimum one hour)
Appeal to the Construction Board ..........................................................................$150.00
Duplicate Building Permit .......................................................................................$10.00
GarageSale ................................................................................................................$5.00
Administrative fee/change contractor or change on issued permit.. $25.00 per contractor
Re-stamp Plans $50.00 per hour Minimum one hour
SignPermit ...............................................................................................................$75.00
PromotionalSigns 40.00
Dance Hall License ................................................................................................$100.00
Pool Hall License ...................................................................................................$100.00
Massage Establishment Permit ..............................................................................$500.00
Individual License to Perform Massage ..................................................................$50.00
Sexually Oriented Business License ......................................................................$500.00
Food Service Establishment Permit (annual) ...........................................................$50.00
Retail Food Store Permit Fee(annual) .....................................................................$50.00
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Junkyard or Salvage yard License .........................................................................$250.00
Dangerous Building Abatement Administrative Fee $750.00/per lot
Abatement of Graffiti ..........................Employee Hourly Rate plus cost of Materials
Weeds, High Grass, and Trash Abatement Administrative Fee.......$75.00 per lot ar tract
C. Registration and License Fees.
General, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Irrigation contractors shall not be eligible to
receive a permit within the City of Wylie, Texas until they have registered with the City as a
contractor and paid the following fee. Fees shall be paid annually and registration will be valid
from January 1 through December 31. Registrations received and fees paid between December 1
and December 31 of any calendar year shall be valid from that date until December 31 of the
following calendar year.
GeneralContractor $100.00
PlumbingContractor $100.00
MechanicalContractor $100.00
IrrigationContractor $100.00
BackflowTester $100.00
PoolContractor $100.00
ElectricalContractor $100.00
JourneymanElectrician $10.00
ResidentialSpecialist $10.00
MasterSign Electrician ............................................................................................$25.00
Journeyman Sign Electrician ...............................................................$10.00
D. Special Inspection Fees.
Re-inspection Fee
After Hours Inspection .$75.00/hr-3hr minimum
SpecialInspection $75.00
House Moving Inspection Fee $100.00
House Moving Inspection Mileage Reimbursement... current government mileage
reimbursement rate
A. Water and Sewer Impact Fees
(i) Service unit means the standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge
attributable to an individual unit of development that has been calculated in accordance with the
generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards. The water and wastewater service
unit is defined to be a 3/4-inch water meter. Other meter sizes can be compared to the 3/4-inch
meter through a ratio of water flows as published by the American Water Works Association and
Ordinance No. 2009-33
Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 14
560400.v 1
as shown in Table No. 7 of the "Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update 2005-2015" which is
attached as Exhibit A to Ordinance 2006-25 and incorporated by reference herein, as may be
amended from time to time.
(1) Calculating Impact Charges
For each single family living unit equivalent (SFLUE) to be served by the water system
there shall be a water impact fee of one thousand three hundred four dollars and ninety
seven cents ($1,304.97). For each SFLUE to be served by the sewerage system there
shall be a sewerage impact fee of one thousand two hundred thirty one dollars and one
cent ($1,231.01).
B. Thoroughfare Impact Fees
(i) Service unit means the standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge
attributable to an individual unit of development, that has been calculated in accordance with the
generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards, as indicated in the land use
equivalency tables located in the "Roadway Impact Fee 2008-2017" report which is attached as
Exhibit A to Ordinance 2007-34 and incorporated by reference herein, as may be amended from
time to time.
(1) Calculating Impact Charges
Thoroughfare Impact Fees shall be calculated at the rate of four hundred thirty four
dollars and eighty-two cents ($434.82) per service unit for the Western zone and seven
hundred eighteen dollars ($718.00) per service unit for the Eastern zone.
C. Special District Fees.
(1) In addition to all other fees, the City Council may designate by ordinance, certain special
districts. These districts shall be formed in order to collect pro rata fees to offset the cost
of capital improvements to the water and sewer system that benefit only a particular
section of the City.
(2) When such action is deemed appropriate by the City Council, said area shall be deemed
by clearly understood boundaries. Then the fee per unit shall be determined by using the
following formula:
No. of Units per Total Cost of Project
Acres x Acre No. of Shares Special District Fee
(3) Units existing within the special district prior to the establishment by the City Council
shall not be charged the determined special district fee unless the parties involved
request such service be provided.
D. Engineering Inspection Fees
Each project shall be charged an engineering inspection fee. The fee shall be three percent (3%)
of the City's estimate for the cost of the public work utilities and streets of new construction
which are to be dedicated to the City of Wylie, Texas as well as private commercial parking
Ordinance No. 2009-33
Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 15
areas. Such items shall include, but not be limited to: street paving, storm drainage, water mains,
sewer mains, commercial parking areas and other items designated for conveyance to the City
after completion of improvements through the process of public dedication. These fees shall be
paid prior to the start of construction.
E. Grading Fees
(1) Grading Permit $100.00
(2) Grading Permit Deposit:
One acre or less ..................$500.00
Once acre or more ..$500.00 for first acre +$100.00 for each additional acre
A. Shelter Impound Fees (All Animals).
FirstOffense $40.00
SecondOffense ........................................................................................................$60.00
ThirdOffense ...........................................................................................................$80.00
B. Boarding Fees (Daily Rates).
All Animals ................................................................................$10.00 (per calendar daY)
C. Adoption Fee.
$75.00 (includes $50.00 voucher for sterilization)
D. License, Registration for Dangerous Dogs, Euthanasia, Disposal, Surrender Fees and
Trap Deposits.
LicenseFee ...........................................................................................$10.00 per animal
Fee for Lost License Tag .......................................................................$2.00 per animal
Euthanasia Fee ......................................................................................$25.00 per animal
DisposalFee ...........................................................................................$10.00 per animal
SurrenderFee $15.00 per animal
TrapDeposits $60.00 per trap
Annual Registration Fee for Dangerous Dog .........................................$50.00 per animal
Fee to register dangerous dog at new address ........................................$25.00 per animal
Ordinance No. 2009-33
Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 16
560400.v 1
A. Maintenance Bonds.
Refer to Subdivision Regulations Section 6.7: Maintenance and Guarantee of Public
The property owner shall maintain all required public improvements for a period of two (2) years
following acceptance of the subdivision by the City, and shall also provide a two (2) year
maintenance bond (warranty) that all public improvements will be free from defects for a period
of two (2) years following such acceptance by the City.
B. Zoning and Platting Fees.
Zoning Change Application ............................................................$325.00 $15.00/acre
(Including standard districts, planned development districts and special use permits)
Zoning Change Re-notification/Re-publication .....................................................$200.00
(When request is tabled by applicant)
SitePlan Application .............................................................................................$250.00
Preliminary Plat Application ...........................................................$200.00 +$12.00/acre
Final Plat/Amended Re-plat/Minor Application ..............................$325.00 +$25.00/acre
Annexation/Disannexation Application .................................................................$200.00
VarianceApplication $100.00
(Zoning Board of Adjustment and all others i.e. commission waive planned development acreage, alleys,
VerificationLetter ....................................................................................................$50.00
(Zoning, comprehensive plan, utilities)
Right-of-Way Abandonment ...................................................................................$50.00
(fee toward appraised market value)
C. Material
Comprehensive Plan $10.00 Sales Tax
Zoning Ordinance ................................................................................$20.00 Sales Tax
Subdivision Regulations $15.00 Sales Tax
Prints of Plats and As-Builts (24 x 36) $3.00/sheet Sales Tax
Special Area Study Map (8 '/2 x 11 x 36) $5.00/sheet Sales Tax
City-Wide Planning Maps $15.00/sheet Sales Tax
(Land use, zoning thoroughfare, development trends, city limits)
CD Copies $5.00 each Sales Tax
(Scanned plats, as-builts)
Ordinance No. 2009-33
Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 17
ParadePermit Fee $25.00
Special Event Permit Fee
RegistrationFee $75.00
PermitFee $75.00
FingerprintingFee $5.00
Accident Report Fee
Copy of accident report $6.00
Certified copy accident report $8.00
Open records request $.10 cents (per page)
Certify Open Records Request $2.00
BarcodeFee $1.00
DVDCase Fee $3.00
LostItem Cost of material+ $3.00
Damaged Item Cost of material +$3.00
Blackand white .................................................................................$.10 per page
Color..................................................................................................$.25 per page
Fax. $.50 per sheet
Library Replacement Card $1.00
Extended Use Fee
DVD..................................................................................... $.50 per day/per item
Allother $.10 per day/per item
Interlibraryrequest fee $2.00
BookJacket Fee $1.00
ArtWork (DVD) $1.00
CDCase (Music) $1.00
CDCase (Books) $3.00
(replacement) $1.00
SpineLabel $1.00
A. Pavilion Rental (excluding neighborhood parks)
Boy/Girl Scouts .......................................................................................................No Fee
Non-Profit Groups .......................................................................................$5.00 per hour
Residents................................................................................................... $10.00 per hour
NonResidents $25.00 per hour
B. Wylie Wave Fees/Summer Program Fees
Participantper week $75.00
Scholarshipper week $15.00
(reduced lunch status)
Scholarshipper week $10.00
(free lunch status)
Activityfee per week $15.00
(does not apply to scholarship participants)
Cancellation fee (per week):
Regular participant ..............................................................$35.00 (past deadline)
Reduced lunch scholarship ..................................................$15.00 (past deadline)
Free lunch scholarship $10.00 (past deadline)
Summer sports program fees:
Track, per summer session $100.00
Tennis, per summer session $100.00
Tennis minicamps, per session $75.00
Minihawk (ages 4-7), one week $100.00
Regular Skyhawks, one week $100.00
Regular Skyhawks, Parent and Me, one week ...................................$45.00
C. Athletic Field Reservation Fees.
Per person, per sport season, 18 and under $5.00
Per person, per sport season, 19 and older $10.00
Athletic field light per hour/per field $18.00
Tournament or single use per field reservation $10.00 per hour lights
LightKey ...................................................................................................$100.00 deposit
Late payment fee (athletic fields) .....................................................Amount owed 10%
D. Community Center Rental Fees.
(2 hour minimum)
($100.00 deposits required on large events)
Room Rental:
Boy scouts/Girl scouts ...............................................................No Charge
Non-profit groups $12.50 per hour
Residents........................................................................... $25.00 per hour
Non residents .....................................................................$62.50 per hour
560400-1 1 9
Kitchen Use Fee:
Boy scouts/Girl scouts ...............................................................No Charge
All others $25.00 per event
Cancellationfee $50.00
(within ten (10) days of rental date)
E. Continuing Education Classes.
Full session, 20 classes (10 weeks 2x per week) $140.00
Halfsession $85.00
Dropin, per class $10.00
F. Park Land Dedication Fees.
(Land Dedication Minimum 5 acres and 5 acres per 100 lots.)
Five or more lots per acre $1,500.00 per lot
3 or 4 lots per acre $2,000.00 per lot
1 or 21ots per acre $3,000.00 per lot
Apartment units $800.00 per unit
WaterTap $2500.00
(Residential or commercial)
Wastewater Tap 0' to 8' deep $3000.00
Wastewater Tap Greater than 8' deep Cost plus $310.00
Fire Hydrant Installation $3000.00
(In City ROW)
Tap/Fire Hydrant Inspection $200.00
A. Development Fees
Residential Fire Development Fees $450.00 per lot
Commercial Fire Development Fees $.22 cents per sq. ft.
B. Annual Contractor Registration Fees
After Hours Inspections $100.00 additional
(before 8 a.m. and after 5 p.m.)
Combustible Liquid Storage Tanks $100.00
FireSprinkler Backflow $100.00
Hazardous Materials Storage $100.00
HydrantFlow $100.00
OverheadSprinkler $100.00
PaintBooth $100.00
560400-1 20
Re-inspection Fee $75.00
TemporaryStructure $100.00
Underground/Above Ground Storage Tanks $100.00
Underground $100.00
Vent-A-Hood $100.00
C. Permit Fees
Aircraft Refueling Vehicles (annual) $25.00
Asbestos Removal (per job) $25.00
Assembly $25.00
(parties with 50 or more guests including weddings)
Automobile Wreckin Yard annual $25.00
Backflow $10.00
Bowling pin or Alley Refinishing Job (per job) $25.00
BurnPermit $25.00
Candles and Open Fames in Assembly Areas (annual) $25.00
Carnivalsand Fairs $50.00
Cellulose Nitrate Film (annual) $25.00
Cellulose Nitrate Storage (annual) $25.00
Combustible Fiber Storage (annual) $25.00
Combustible Material Storage (annual) $25.00
Commercial Fire Alarm Installation Permit
(Per building)
Lessthan 10 devices $50.00
11 to 25 devices $75.00
25 to 100 devices $150.00
100 to 200 devices $200.00
Morethen 200 devices $400.00
Commercial Limited Access Security Gates and Perimeter Fencing $100.00
Commercial Rubbish Handling Operation (annual) $25.00
Com ressed Gasses annual $25.00
Cryogens(annual) $25.00
Dry Cleaning Plants (annual) $25.00
Dust-Producin O erations annual $25.00
g P
Explosives and Blasting Agents (annual or per job) $25.00
Fireworks Event (per event) $500.00
Fire Sprinkler Overhead Permit (suppression system)
(per sq. ft. of building area)
0- 100,000 sq. ft $0.015 per sq. ft
100,001 300,000 sq. ft $.014 per sq. ft
($1,500 for the first 100,000 sq. ft. plus $0.014 for each additional sq. ft. of area or fraction
300,001 sq. ft $0.009 per sq. ft
($4,200 for the first 300,000 sq. ft. plus $0.009 for each additional sq. ft. of area or fraction
(includes two inspections per system and on re-inspection)
Fire Sprinkler Underground Permit (suppression system) $250.00
(Includes three inspections per system: Visual, Hydrostatic Test, Flush and one re-inspection.)
FruitRipening (annual) $25.00
560400-1 2,1
Fumigation or Thermal Insecticidal Fogging (annual) $25.00
Hazardous Production Materials (annual) $25.00
High Piled Combustible Storage $25.00 per building
Hydrant Test $50.00 (2 hydrants)
Hydrant Installation $50.00
(per installation)
Liquid or Gas Fueled Vehicles or Equipment in Assembly Building
(annual or event) $25.00
LumberYard (annual $25.00
Ma esium Workin annual $25.00
Mall, Covered (annual or event) $25.00
Organic Coatings (annual) $25.00
Ovens, Industrial Baking and Drying(annual) $25.00
PaintBooth $50.00
Radioactive Material (annual) $25.00
Refrigeration Materials (annual) $25.00
Spayingor Dipping (annual) $25.00
Special Fire Suppression System Permit $75.00
TemporaryStructure $25.00 per tent
(tents and temporary membrane structures)
Tire Stora e annual $25.00
Trench Burns 500.00/$100.00
($500 initial and $100 per re-inspection)
Undergound/Above Ground Storage Tanks $250.00
(Includes flammable and combustible liquid storage and liquefied petroleum gas, per tank)
Vent-A-Hood $50.00
Welding and Cutting Operations $50.00
(annual fixed occupancy or per job)
D. Plan Reviews
1— 100,000 sq. ft ..............................................................................$0.02 cents per sq. ft.
(per sq. ft. of building area, minimum $60.00)
100,001 300,000 sq. ft $0.17 cents per sq. ft.
($3,500 for the first 100,000 sq. ft. plus $0.017 for each additional sq. ft.)
300,001 sq. ft $0.01 cent per sq. ft.
($6,900 for the first 300,000 sq. ft. plus $0.01 for each additional sq. ft.)
E. Annual Alarm Permit Fees
Burglar Alarm Permit Fee $50.00
(commercial or residential)
Other Alarms Permit Fee $50.00
(All alarm systems that are not burglar alarms, including, but not limited too, panic, fire, and EMS
alarms, whether commercial, residential or otherwise.)
False Alarm Notification Fee $50.00
(If after three (3) false alarms in the twelve month period immediately preceding any false alarm, the
permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of $50.00 for such false alarm.)
560400-I 22
Municipal Court Building Security Fee $3.00
Municipal Court Technology Fund $4.00
Driving Safety Course Administrative Fee $10.00
WarrantFee $50.00
Consolidated Court Costs $40.00
Judicial Fee
County.......................................................................................................... .$5.40
City.................................................................................................................. $.60
ArrestFee $5.00
StateJury Fee $4.00
Time Payment Fee Efficiency $2.50
Time Payment Plan
Local............................................................................................................ $10.00
State............................................................................................................. $12.50
TrafficFund $3.00
StateTraffic Fee $30.00
AdministrativeFee $20.00
Consolidated Court Costs $17.00
Corrections Management Fee $.50
FugitiveApprehension $5.00
JuvenileDelinquency $.50
JudicialTraining $2.00
ChildSafety Fee $25.00
IndigentDefense Fee $2.00
School Crossing Guard Fee $20.00
Juvenile Crime/Delinquency Act $.25
Compensation to Victims Crime Fund $35.00
560400-1 23
C8S �Media, Inc.
�i)e �Farmergbille �imeg Murphy Monitor The Princeton Herald The Sachse News TIIE WYLIE NEWS
,t I+.. _2
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock,
publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and
having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and
says that the foregoing attached
City of Wylie Orninance No. 2009-31, 2009-32, 2009-33
was published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit:
October 21, 2009
Chad Engbrock, Publisher
da of �V'�:%����'�'� 2009
Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the y
to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.
H. .m,.�,...,�. ..,�v.�.�,.M,.�
Notary Public in and for
The State of Texas
9 �a
My commission expires t �13
NOV 0 5 2009
Murphy/Sachse/Wylie Office 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, TX -4�4�=35d� fax 972-442-4318
�armersville/Princeton Office 101 3. Main P.O. Box 512 Famiersville, TX 75442 972-784-6397 fax 972-782-7023
o�rober i �009 3C
N0. 2b09-33
2009-12 (CONSOLI-
N A N C E.
Eric Hogue,
Cazole Ehrlich,
City Secretary
23-1t 339-126