Resolution 2025-03 RESOLUTION NO. 2025-03(R)
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council"), on its own motion, duly
authorizes and hereby orders a special election to be held within the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie" or"City"), on
May 3, 2025, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of Wylie certain proposed amendments to the
existing Home Rule Charter of Wylie ("City Charter"), pursuant to and in accordance with Section 9.004 of the
Texas Local Government Code and Article XI, Section 26 of the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that Wylie has complied with all legal requirements for ordering the
special election.
SECTION 1: Findin sg Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this
Resolution as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: Special Election Ordered. A special election ("Election") is hereby ordered to be held on
Saturday, May 3, 2025 ("Election Day"), for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of Wylie certain
proposed amendments to the existing City Charter, as set forth in Section 3 and Exhibit A of this Resolution. The
Election shall be held in conjunction with the previously ordered Wylie General Election. The proposed
amendments to the City Charter shall be submitted to the qualified voters in the form of ballot propositions as set
forth in Section 4 and Exhibit B of this Resolution. The Election shall be administered by the Collin County,
Rockwall County, and Dallas County Elections Administrators. The Collin County Elections Administrator shall
administer the Election for the Collin County portion of Wylie, the Rockwall County Elections Administrator shall
administer the Election for the Rockwall County portion of Wylie, and the Dallas County Elections Administrator
shall administer the Election for the Dallas County portion of Wylie. Wylie voters shall vote in the county in which
they are registered.
SECTION 3: Proposed Charter Amendments. At the Election, the proposed amendments to the City
Charter,attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated as if fully set forth herein, shall be submitted to the qualified
voters of Wylie in the form of ballot propositions as set forth in Section 4 and Exhibit B of this Resolution.
SECTION 4: Official Ballot Propositions. The proposed amendments to the City Charter shall be submitted
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to the qualified voters of Wylie at the Election on ballots in the form of propositions set forth in Exhibit B,attached
hereto and incorporated as if fully set forth herein, in conformance with the requirements of the Texas Election
SECTION 5: Early Voting. The election shall be administered by the elections administrators of Collin,
Dallas and Rockwall Counties. The election officers and maximum number of clerks for said polling place shall be
determined and appointed in accordance with the provisions of the contracts for election administration services.
The designated Early Voting polling places, dates, and hours, and information for applications for ballot by mail
are as follows:
Wylie early voting locations for Collin County voters are Collin College Wylie Campus (Lobby), 391
Country Club Road, Wylie, Texas 75098, or Wylie Community Park Center (Meeting Room East), 800 Thomas
Street #100, Wylie, Texas 75098. The main Early Voting location for Collin County voters is Collin County
Elections (Voting Room), 2010 Redbud Boulevard, Ste. 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. For more information
regarding the City early voting locations within Collin County, please contact the Collin County Elections
Department at(800) 687-8546 or
The main Early Voting location for Dallas County voters is the Dallas County Elections
Training/Warehouse(Vote Center), 1460 Round Table Drive, Dallas,Texas 75247. For more information regarding
the City early voting locations within Dallas County, please contact the Dallas County Elections Department at
(469) 627-8683 or
The main Early Voting location for Rockwall County voters is the Rockwall County Library (Community
Room), 1215 E. Yellowjacket Lane, Rockwall, Texas 75087; however, if both the City of Rockwall and Rockwall
ISD are able to cancel their elections, the primary Early Voting location will be held at the city with the largest
population within Rockwall County that is holding an election. For more information regarding the City early voting
locations within Rockwall County,please contact the Rockwall County Elections Department at(972)204-6200 or
Collin, Dallas, and Rockwall County voters may vote at any of the additional early voting locations open
under full contract services with the County Elections Administration for each respective county. Early voting times
and locations are subject to change.
Early voting for Collin County voters will begin on April 22, 2025 and continue through April 26, 2025
during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on April 28, 2025 and April
29, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Early voting for Dallas County voters will begin on April 22, 2025 and continue through April 25, 2025
during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on April 27,2025 from 12:00
p.m. to 6:00 p.m.; and April 26, 2025, April 28, 2025, and April 29, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Early voting for Rockwall County voters will begin on April 22, 2025 and continue through April 25,2025
during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on April 26,2025 from 10:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; and April 28, 2025 and April 29, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
For Collin County voters, applications for ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to Collin
County Elections, Attn: Kaleb Breaux, Early Voting Clerk, 2010 Redbud Boulevard Suite 102, McKinney, Texas
75069, faxed to 972-547-1996, or emailed to absenteemailballotingL&
For Dallas County voters, applications for ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to Dallas
County Elections, Attn: Heider Garcia, 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247, faxed to 214-819-6303, or
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emailed to evapplications(c)dallascount�org.
For Rockwall County voters,applications for ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to Rockwall
County Elections, Attn: Christopher Lynch, 915 Whitmore Drive, Suite D, Rockwall, Texas, faxed to 972-204-
6209, or emailed to elections c)
Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 22, 2025. For
an application for ballot by mail submitted by telephonic facsimile machine or electronic transmission to be
effective, the hard copy of the application must also be submitted by mail and be received by the early voting clerk
not later than the fourth business day after the transmission by telephonic facsimile machine or electronic
transmission is received(Texas Election Code Section 84.007).
SECTION 6: Election Day Voting. The election shall be administered by the elections administrators of
Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties. The election officers and maximum number of clerks for said polling place
shall be determined and appointed in accordance with the provisions of the contracts for election administration
services. The designated Election Day polling places are as follows:
The closest Election Day locations for Collin County voters are Collin College Wylie Campus (Lobby),
391 Country Club Road, Wylie, Texas 75098 and Wylie Community Park Center (Meeting Room East), 800
Thomas Street#100, Wylie, Texas 75098.
The closest Election Day locations for Dallas County voters are Sachse City Hall (Courtroom), 3815-B
Sachse Road,Sachse,Texas 75048;B G Hudson Middle School(Practice Gym),4405 Hudson Drive,Sachse,Texas
75048; or Liberty Grove Elementary School (Computer Lab 401), 10201 Liberty Grove Road, Rowlett, Texas
The closest Election Day location for Rockwall County voters is Rockwall County Library (Community
Room), 1215 E. Yellowjacket Lane, Rockwall, Texas 75087.
Collin, Dallas, and Rockwall County voters may vote at any of the additional election day voting locations
open under full contract services with the County Elections Administration for each respective county.
Election polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the date of the election.
SECTION 7: Voting Equipment and Materials. For early voting in person, early voting by mail, election
day voting and provisional voting, the following voting equipment will be used in Collin County: ES&S
ExpressVote Universal voting machines (EVS, ES&S ExpressTouch curbside voting machines (EVS, ES&S DS200 ballot counters (EVS, ES&S Model DS450 and DS850 High-Speed
Scanners/Tabulators (EVS, along with the required ancillary parts and services required for such voting
tabulation system.
For early voting in person, early voting by mail, election day voting and provisional voting, the following
voting equipment will be used in Dallas County: ExpressVote Universal Voting System (EVS consisting
of Firmware;the ES&S DS200 Digital Precinct Scanner(EVS of Firmware;and
ES&S Model DS850 High-Speed Scanner/Tabulator, Version 1 (EVS, along with the required ancillary
parts and services required for this voting tabulation system.
For early voting in person, early voting by mail, election day voting and provisional voting, the following
voting equipment will be used in Rockwall County: ES&S ExpressVote Universal voting machines (EVS,
ES&S DS200 ballot counters (EVS, ES&S Model DS450 High-Speed Scanner/Tabulator (EVS,
along with the required ancillary parts and services required for such voting tabulation system.
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SECTION 8: Election to Comply with Applicable Laws. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and
directed to publish and/or post, in the time and manner prescribed by law, all notices required to be so published
and/or posted in connection with the conduct of this Election. The Election and notice of the Election shall be
conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code and other applicable law, and all qualified and registered
voters of Wylie shall be eligible to vote at the Election.
SECTION 9: Appointment of Election Judges and Clerks. The appointment of the Presiding Election
Judges, Alternate Judges, Early Voting Clerks, the Presiding Judge of the early ballot board and other election
officials for the Election shall be made by the Elections Administrators in accordance with the contracts for election
administration services and the Texas Election Code. The Elections Administrators may employ other personnel
necessary for the proper administration of the Election, including such part-time help as is necessary to prepare for
the Election,to ensure the timely delivery of supplies during early voting and on Election Day, and for the efficient
tabulation of ballots at the central counting station.
SECTION 10: Authority of Mayor and City Secretary. The Mayor and the City Secretary, in consultation
with the City Attorney, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the
provisions of the Texas Election Code and any other state or federal law in carrying out and conducting the Election,
whether or not expressly authorized herein.
SECTION 11: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution
be declared unconstitutional and/or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any
and all remaining portions of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares
that it would have passed this Resolution, and each section, subsection, clause and phrase thereof regardless of
whether any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases may be declared unconstitutional
and/or invalid.
SECTION 12: Savin sg /Repealing. All provisions of any resolution in conflict with this Resolution are
hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict. Any remaining portion of such resolutions shall remain in full
force and effect.
SECTION 13: Effective Date. This order for an election becomes effective immediately upon its passage.
on this 11 th day of February, 2025.
Mat hew Porter, Mayor
Stephanie Storm, City Secretary
E ... i
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Exhibit A
Proposed Charter Amendments
Below are the proposed amendments to the City Charter. Words and punctuation proposed to be added are
underlined; words and punctuation proposed to be deleted are marked with strik gh. The proposed
amendments to the City Charter are designated below in order of their appearance on the ballot along with the ballot
proposition associated with each such proposed amendment.
Shall Article I, Section 1; Article 111, Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, and 13; Article IV, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7;
Article V, Section 2; Article VI, Sections 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, and 14; Article VII, Sections 4, 9, and 10; Article VIII,
Sections 2 and 3; Article IX, Section 2; Article XI, Sections 5, 8, 21, 25, and 29; and Article XII, Section 1 of the
Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to replace gender-specific language with gender-neutral terms?
Section 1. —Form of Government.
The municipal government provided in this Charter shall be known as the Council-Manager form
of government. Under its provisions, the City Council, consisting of the Mayor and Council Members
elected by and responsible to the people, shall appoint a City Manager(who shall be responsible to the City
Council for the administration of the government of the City). All powers of the City shall be vested in the
City Council and shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by this Charter, or if the manner not be
prescribed,then in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance,the state Constitution or the statutes of
this state.
Section 1.—Number, Selection and Term.
The legislative and governing body of the City shall consist of a Mayor and six Council Members
men and shall be known as the "City Council of the City of Wylie."
A. The Mayor and Council Membersme*shall be elected by the qualified voters of the City at large,
each of whom, unless sooner removed by the provisions of this Charter, shall serve for a term of
three years. Each Council Memberst shall occupy a position on the City Council,such positions
being numbered 1 through 6, consecutively.
B. All members of the City Council, other than the Mayor, shall be elected under the place system.
C. The method of election and transition to three year terms under the places stem will be as follows:
Terms 2 yr. 3 yr. 2 yr. 3 yr. 3 yr. 2 yr. 2 yr.
Places 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mayor
1999 1 3 5
2000 2 4 6 Mayor
2001 1 3
2002 5 6 Mayor
2003 2 4
2004 1 3
2005 5 6 Mayor
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2006 2 4
2007 1 3
2008 5 6 Mayor
Places 1, 3, and 5 will be up for re-election in 1999. Places 1 and 3 will have a two-year term, and
Place 5 will have a three-year term.
Places 2, 4, 6 and the Mayor will be up for re-election in 2000. Place 6 and the Mayor will have a
two-year term and Places 2 and 4 will have a three-year term.
Beginning in 2001, each Place, including the Mayor, will be re-elected with three-year terms.
Section 2.—Qualification of Members.
In addition to any other qualifications prescribed by law,the Mayor and each Council Memberffhm
shall meet the conditions of Article V,while in office,and shall reside within the City limits while in office.
Any member of the City Council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified in this section, or
convicted of a felony while in office, shall immediately forfeit his or her,office.
Section 5. —Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem.
The Mayor shall be recognized as the official head of the City government for all ceremonial
purposes and by the Governor for purposes of military law but shall have no administrative duties. He or
she shall be the chaff erg rson and shall preside at all meetings of the City Council. The Mayor shall vote
on all propositions before the City Council, but shall have no power to veto. He or she shall, when
authorized by the City Council, sign all official documents, such as ordinances, resolutions, conveyances,
grant agreements, official plats, contracts, and bonds.
The Mayor Pro-Tem shall be a Council Membert*t elected by the City Council at the first regular
City Council meeting following each regular City election. The Mayor Pro-Tem shall act as Mayor during
the disability or absence of the Mayor, and in this capacity shall have the rights conferred upon the Mayor.
Section 6. —Vacancies, Forfeiture, Filling of Vacancies.
A. The office of a Council Members or office of the Mayor shall become vacant upon his or her
death, resignation, removal from office in any manner authorized by law, or forfeiture of his or her
B. A Council Members or the Mayor shall forfeit his or her office if he or she:
(1) Lacks at any time during his or her term of office any qualifications for the office prescribed
by this Charter or by law;
(2) Violates any express prohibition of this Article (see Section 8), or any other provision of
this Charter;
(3) Is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, or
(4) Fails to attend three consecutive regular City Council meetings without being excused by
the City Council.
(5) The City Council shall be the final judge in matters involving forfeiture of office.
C. Filling of Vacancies. Any vacancy or vacancies occurring on the City Council shall be filled for
the remainder of the unexpired term by majority vote of the qualified voters at a special election
called for such purpose within 120 days after such vacancy or vacancies occur.
Section 8. —Prohibitions.
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A. Holding Other Office. Except where authorized by law, no Mayor or Council Members shall
hold any other City office or City employment during his or her term as Mayor or Council
Member,and no former Mayor or Council Members shall hold any compensated appointive
City office or City employment until one year after the expiration of his or her term as Mayor or
Council Member.
B. Appointments and Removals. Neither the City Council nor any of its members shall in any manner
dictate the appointment or removal of any City administrative officers or employees whom the City
Manager or any of his or her subordinates are empowered to appoint, but the City Council, at a
meeting called for that purpose, may express its views and fully and freely discuss with the City
Manager anything pertaining to appointment and removal of such officers and employees.
C. Interference With Administration. Except for the purpose of inquiries and investigations as
provided by this Charter, the City Council or its members shall deal with City officers and
employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the City Manager solely through the
City Manager, and neither the City Council nor its members shall give orders to any such officer
or employee, either publicly or privately, except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
Section 11. —Conflict of Interest and Abstention.
A. Conflict of Interest. Should any member of the Council feel he or she has a conflict of interest with
an agenda item then before the Council, he or she should openly declare same before discussion
proceeds and he or she is thereby prohibited from discussing the item or voting on the question.
B. Abstention. Should any member of the City Council choose to abstain from voting on any question
before the City Council, where no declared conflict of interest exists, his or her vote shall be
recorded as an affirmative vote in the official minutes of the City of Wylie.
Section 13. —Passage of Ordinances in General.
A. Form. The City Council shall legislate by ordinance only, and the enacting clause of every
ordinance shall be "Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas." Each proposed
ordinance shall be introduced in the written or printed form required for adoption. An ordinance
shall not be amended or repealed except by the adoption of another ordinance.
B. Procedure. Any member of the City Council may offer any ordinance in writing that has been
placed on the agenda at a regular City Council meeting. Copies of proposed ordinances,in the form
required for adoption, may be furnished to members of the City Council before the meeting at
which it shall be considered. Copies of the proposed ordinance, in the form required for adoption,
may be made available at the City offices and furnished to citizens, upon request.
C. Effective Date.Every ordinance shall become effective upon adoption,or at any later time specified
in the ordinance,except that every ordinance imposing any penalty, fine or forfeiture shall become
effective after publication of its caption once in a newspaper having general circulation in the City.
D. Reading. The reading aloud of a title and caption of the ordinance shall suffice as a reading. If two
Council Members *request that the ordinance be read in its entirety, it must be so read.
Section 1.—City Manager.
A. Qualifications and Appointment Procedures. The City Council shall appoint a City Manager who
shall serve as chief administrative officer of the City, and shall be responsible to the City Council
for administration of all the affairs of the City, with only those exceptions that are named in this
Charter. The City Manager shall be appointed solely upon his or her executive and administrative
qualifications. He or she need not be a resident of the City when appointed,but within a reasonable
time after such appointment shall become a resident of the City and thereafter shall reside within
the City during the tenure of his or her appointment. He or she shall be bonded, at City expense, in
an amount deemed adequate by the City Council.
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B. Compensation. The City Council shall fix the compensation to be received by the City Manager,
and the compensation may be amended from time to time in accordance with the City Manager's
experience and qualifications.
C. Term and Removal. The City Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and shall have
no fixed term of office. The City Council shall have the sole authority to remove the City Manager
from office.
(1) If within five days after being notified of his or her termination and removal, the City
Manager files a written request to the City Council requesting that his or her termination
be reconsidered, the City Council shall, as soon as practical, meet with the City Manager
in executive session to review its decision to terminate.
(2) After such review, after affording the City Manager an opportunity to respond to such
initial decision to terminate, a new vote shall be taken with regard to termination of the
City Manager.
(3) At the request of the City Manager, the review meeting shall be held open to the public.
(4) The City Manager shall continue to receive his or her salary pending this final decision of
the Council.
(5) This procedure for a review meeting with the City Manager shall not alter the fact that the
City Manager serves at the pleasure of the City Council and the City Manager shall not
have, nor should this procedure be construed to grant to the City Manager a property
interest or right to continued employment.
D. Acting City Manager. The City Manager shall, within 30 days of taking office, and at appropriate
subsequent times, designate by letter, filed with the City Secretary, an alternate to perform the
duties of the City Manager in the case of his or her absence or disability. The City Council shall
ratify the City Manager's designated alternate. During the absence or disability of the City Manager,
the City Council may revoke such designation and appoint another person to serve as acting City
Manager until the City Manager shall return or his or her disability shall cease. The acting City
Manager shall be a qualified administrative officer of the City at the time of his or her designation.
No member of the City Council shall serve as acting City Manager.
E. Duties. The City Manager shall be empowered to:
(1) Appoint, and when he or she deems necessary for the welfare of the City, suspend or
remove any or all City employees and appointive administrative personnel provided for by
this Charter. He or she shall promulgate such rules and regulations as he or she may deem
appropriate and necessary for the exercise of this authority. (See Section 7)
(2) Direct and supervise the administration of all departments,offices and agencies of the City,
except as otherwise provided by law or this Charter.
(3) See that all state laws and City ordinances are effectively enforced.
(4) Attend all City Council meetings and have the right to take part in discussions, but he or
she shall not vote.
(5) Prepare and accept items for inclusion in the official agenda of all City Council meetings
and meetings of boards and commissions as established by this Charter.
(6) Prepare and submit to the City Council the annual budget and capital program, and
administer the budget as adopted by the City Council.
(7) Keep the City Council fully advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the
City, and make such recommendations concerning the affairs of the City as he or she or
the City Council deems desirable or necessary, but not less than every three months.
(8) Make reports as he or she or the City Council may require concerning the operations of the
City departments, offices, or agencies subject to his or her direction or supervision.
(9) Perform such other duties as are specified in this Charter or may be required by the City
Council;and are not inconsistent with this Charter.
Section 2. —City Secretary.
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A. Appointment and Removal. The City Manager shall appoint a City Secretary. The City Manager
shall have authority to remove the City Secretary, should he or she find such action necessary for
the welfare of the City.
B. Duties. The City Secretary shall be required to:
(1) Give notice of all official public meetings of the City Council in a manner consistent with
this Charter and state laws.
(2) Attend all official public meetings of the City Council.
(3) Keep the minutes of the proceedings of all official public meetings and hearings of the City
Council. Be responsible for the electronic taping or recording of the entire proceedings of
all the official public meetings and hearings of the City Council. Be responsible for the
care, maintenance and filing of such tapes or recordings for a period of not less than two
(2)years following each meeting or hearing so taped or recorded.
(4) Act as custodian of all official records of the City Council.
(5) Hold and maintain the seal of the City of Wylie, and affix this seal to all appropriate
(6) Authenticate by signature and seal,and record, index and codify all ordinances,resolutions
and proclamations of the City.
(7) Perform such other duties as may be required by the City Manager, this Charter, the laws
of the State of Texas and not inconsistent with provisions of this Charter.
(8) Be bonded, at City expense, in an amount deemed adequate by the City Council.
Section 3.—Municipal Court.
A. The City Council shall establish and cause to be maintained a Municipal Court, for the trial of
misdemeanor offenses. The Court shall have all the powers and duties as are now, or may be
prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas.
B. Municipal Court Judge. The City Council shall appoint a judge of the Municipal Court, who shall
be a competent, duly qualified, licensed attorney in the State of Texas. The judge of the Municipal
Court shall be appointed to a term of two years,and may be appointed to additional and consecutive
terms, upon completion of his or her term of office. The appointment of the judge may be
terminated by a majority vote of the City Council. The judge shall receive compensation as may be
determined by the City Council. This compensation shall be fixed, and commensurate with the
duties performed by the judge.
C. Acting Judge of the Municipal Court. The City Council shall, in the absence or disability of the
appointed judge of the Municipal Court, appoint an acting judge to serve during such absence or
disability. The acting judge may be compensated by the City Council for his or her performance of
required duties.
D. Appointment of Additional Judges. Additional judges of the Municipal Court may be appointed by
the City Council consistent with state law.
E. Clerk of the Court. The City Manager shall appoint a clerk, and may appoint deputies of the
Municipal Court. The clerk and deputies shall be bonded at City expense, in an amount deemed
adequate by the City Council, and shall receive compensation as may be determined by the City
F. Powers of the Clerk. The clerk and deputies of the Municipal Court shall have the power to
administer oaths and affidavits, make certificates, affix the seal of the Court, and perform all acts
usual and necessary by the clerks of said Courts, in conducting the business thereof, including but
not limited to the keeping of records and accounts of the Municipal Court.
G. Costs, Fines and Penalties. All costs, fines and penalties imposed by the Municipal Court shall be
paid into the City treasury for the use and benefit of the City,as may be consistent with present and
future state laws.
Section 4. —City Attorney.
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A. Appointment and Qualifications. The City Council, in consultation with the City Manager, shall
appoint a competent,duly qualified,licensed and practicing attorney in the State of Texas who shall
serve as the City Attorney.
B. Removal. The City Attorney shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and as such shall have
no property right to continued employment.
C. Duties. The City Attorney shall be required to:
(1) Serve as a legal advisor to the City Council and City Manager.
(2) Represent the City in litigation and legal proceedings as directed by the City Council and
City Manager.
(3) Review and provide opinions as requested by the City Council or City Manager on
contracts, legal instruments, and ordinances of the City.
D. Limitation. The City Council shall have the right to retain special counsel at any time that it may
deem necessary and appropriate.
E. Compensation. The City Attorney shall receive compensation as may be determined by the City
F. Additional Attorneys. The City Attorney, with approval of the City Council, may select additional
attorneys to act for him or her and the City in its representation and litigation.
G. Firm May Designate Individual to Serve as City Attorney. The City Council may contract with an
attorney or with a firm of attorneys who may designate one member of said firm to serve as City
Section 5. —City Engineer.
A. Appointment and Qualifications. The City Council, in consultation with the City Manager, shall
appoint a competent, duly qualified, registered and practicing professional engineer in the State of
Texas who shall serve as City Engineer.
B. Removal. The City Engineer shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and shall not have a
property right to continued employment and may be removed by a vote of the City Council.
C. Duties. The City Engineer shall be required to serve as engineering advisor to the City Council and
City Manager, and perform such other duties as may be required by the City Council or City
D. Limitation. The City Council shall have the right to retain special engineering service at any time
that it may deem necessary and appropriate.
E. Compensation. The City Engineer shall receive compensation as may be determined by the City
F. Additional Engineers. The City Engineer,with approval of the City Council, may select additional
engineers to act for him or her and the City in serving its engineering needs.
G. Term City Engineer. The term "City Engineer" may refer to an individual or firm.
Section 7.—Personnel System.
A. Neither the City Council nor any of its members shall request or direct the appointment of any
person to, or his or her removal from office or employment, by the City Manager or any of his or
her subordinates. Except for the purposes of inquiry, the City Council and its members shall deal
with the City's administrative service solely through the City Manager. And, neither the City
Council nor its members shall give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager, either publicly
or privately, except as may be provided in this Charter.
B. Personnel rules shall be prepared by the City Manager and presented to the City Council for their
information; provided, however, that any rule or regulation which involves the expenditure or
commitment of public funds must have the approval of the City Council. The adopted rules shall
establish the City as an equal opportunity employer and shall govern the equitable administration
of the personnel system of the City. Provided; however, that no such rule shall cause to be created
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 10
for any employee of the City, a property right to continued employment and shall provide that all
employees of the City, including police officers, shall serve at the pleasure of the City Manager.
C. The adopted rules shall provide for the following requirements, among others:
(1) A pay and benefit plan for all City employment positions.
(2) A plan for working hours, attendance policy and regulation, and provision for sick and
vacation leave.
(3) Procedures for the hearing and adjudication of grievances.
(4) Additional practices and procedures necessary to the beneficial and equitable
administration of the City's personnel system.
(5) A plan for oral and written evaluation on an annual basis for all City employees by their
immediate supervisor, including evaluation of the City Manager by the City Council.
Section 2.— Filing for Office; Eligibility to File.
A. Candidate Qualifications. Each candidate for an elective office shall meet the following
Shall be a qualified voter of the City.
Shall have resided for at least 12 months preceding the election within the corporate limits of the
City, including territory annexed prior to the filing deadline.
Shall not, after notice of any delinquency, be in arrears in the payment of any taxes or other
liabilities due the City. "In arrears" is defined herein to mean that payment has not been received
within 90 days from the due date.
An incumbent City Council Members seeking reelection must file for the same place position
number currently being served.
No candidate may file in a single election for more than one office or place position as provided by
this Charter.
B. Petition Required. Every person desiring to file for elective office with the City shall first present
to the City Secretary a sufficient petition signed by a minimum of the greater of the following:
a) 25 persons; or
b) a number of persons equal to one-half of one percent of the total vote received by all
candidates for Mayor in the most recent Mayoral general election who are qualified voters
in the City.
Section 3.—Petition circulation.
All petition blanks used for circulation by the members of the petitioners' committee or their
designees shall be numbered, dated, and bear the signature of the City Secretary. The City Secretary shall
enter in a record to be kept in his or her office the name of the qualified voters to whom the numbered
petitions were assigned. Petition circulators must be qualified voters in the City of Wylie.
Section 4. —Form of Petition.
All papers of a petition shall be uniform in size and style and shall be assembled as one instrument
for filing. Each signer of a petition shall personally sign his or her own name thereto in ink or indelible
pencil, and shall write after his or her name his or her place of residence within the boundaries of the City
of Wylie,giving name of street and number, or place of residence, and shall also write thereon the day,the
month and the year his or her signature was affixed. Petitions shall contain or have attached thereto
throughout their circulation the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered, or in the
case of a recall petition,a statement which distinctly and specifically states each ground with such certainty
as to give the officer(s) sought to be removed notice of such matters and things with which he or she is
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3,2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 11
Each paper of a petition shall have attached to it when filed, an affidavit executed by the circulator
thereof stating that he or she personally circulated the paper,the number of signatures of the persons whose
names they purport to be,and that each signer had an opportunity before signing,to read the full text of the
ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered.
Locations for 20 and no more than 20 signatures shall be provided on each blank petition.
Section 8.—Public Hearing on Recall of Officers.
An elected official whose removal is sought by recall may,within five days after such recall petition
has been presented to the City Council, request that a public hearing be held to permit him or her to present
facts pertinent to the charges specified in the petition. Should such a request be made,the City Council shall
order that a public hearing be held not less than five days nor more than 15 days after receiving such request
for a public hearing.
Section 12. —Form of Ballots.
Ordinances shall be submitted by ballot title, which shall be prepared in all cases by the City
Attorney. The ballot title may be different from the legal title of any such initiated or referred ordinance
and it shall be a clear, concise statement, without argument or prejudice, descriptive of the substance of
such ordinance. Immediately below the ballot title shall be printed the following two statements,one above
the other, in the order indicated:
"For adoption of the ordinance," and
"Against adoption of the ordinance."
Immediately below or to the left of such statement shall appear a square in which the voter may
cast his or her vote by making a mark. Ballots used at recall elections shall, with respect to each person
whose removal is sought, submit the question:
"Shall (name of person) be removed from the office (name of office)by recall?"
Immediately below each such question there shall be printed the two following statements, one
above the other, in the order indicated:
"For the removal of by recall."
"Against the removal of by recall."
Immediately below or to the left of such statement shall appear a square in which the voter may
cast his or her vote by making a mark.
Section 13.—Results of Election.
If a majority of the qualified electors voting on a proposed initiative ordinance vote in its favor, it
shall be considered adopted upon certification of the election results and shall be treated in all respects in
the same manner as ordinances of the same kind adopted by the City Council. If conflicting ordinances are
approved at the same election, the one receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes shall prevail.
An ordinance adopted by initiative may be repealed or amended at any time after the expiration of
two years by a vote of not less than five members of the City Council, or at any time after the expiration of
five years by a simple majority vote of the City Council Members.
If a majority of the qualified electors voting on a referred ordinance vote against the ordinance, it
shall be considered repealed upon certification of the election results. If a majority of the qualified electors
voting on a referred ordinance vote for the ordinance, the ordinance shall be considered in effect.
An ordinance repealed by referendum may be reenacted at any time after the expiration of two
years by a vote of not less than five members of the City Council or at any time after the expiration of five
years by a simple majority vote of the City Council Members.
If a majority of the votes cast on the question of recall at a recall election shall be against the
removal of the elected official named on the ballot, he or she shall continue in office for the remainder of
his or her unexpired term,subject to recall as before within the limitations of Section 14 below. If a majority
of the votes cast on the question of recall at a recall election shall be for the removal of the elected official
named on the ballot, he or she shall, regardless of any technical defects in the recall petition, be deemed
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 12
removed from office and the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of this Charter for
the filling of vacancies.
Section 14. —Limitations and Restrictions.
No recall petition shall be filed against any officer of the City of Wylie within six months after his
or her election or appointment, nor within six months of such a petition being filed and found insufficient
nor within one year after an election for such officer's recall.
In no instance shall an officer removed from office by recall election succeed himself or herself,
nor shall his or her name appear on a ballot for elective office of the City of Wylie within a period of five
years following the date of the election at which he or she was removed from office.
Unless successfully withdrawn, no petition shall again be filed on a proposed or referred ordinance
of substantially the same content within a period of six months of such a petition being filed and found
insufficient or within a period of two years of the failure of the petition at a City election.
Section 4.—Amendments After Adoption.
A. Supplemental Appropriations. If, during the fiscal year, the City Manager certifies that there are
revenues available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the budget, the City Council
may make supplemental appropriations to fund other appropriations as desired.
B. Emergency Appropriations. At any time in any fiscal year, the City Council may, pursuant to this
section, make emergency appropriations to meet a pressing need for public expenditure, for other
than regular or recurring requirements, affecting life, health, property, or the public peace.
C. Reduction of Appropriations. If, at any time during the fiscal year, it appears probable to the City
Manager that the revenues available will be insufficient to meet the amount appropriated,he or she
shall report to the City Council indicating the estimated amount of deficit, any remedial action
taken by him or her and his or her recommendations as to any other steps to be taken. The City
Council shall then take such further action that it deems necessary to prevent or minimize any
D. Transfer ofAppropriations. At any time during the fiscal year, the City Manager may transfer part
or all of any unencumbered appropriation balance among programs within a department, office or
agency. Upon written request by the City Manager, the City Council may, by budget amendments,
transfer part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balance from one department, office or
agency to another.
E. Limitations. No appropriation for debt service may be reduced or transferred, and no appropriation
may be reduced below any amount required by law to be appropriated or by more than the amount
of the unencumbered balance.
F. Effective Date. The supplemental and emergency appropriations and reduction or transfer of
appropriations authorized by this section shall be made effective immediately upon adoption of the
appropriate ordinance or budget amendment.
Section 9. —Purchasing.
The City Council may, by ordinance, confer upon the City Manager general authority to contract
for expenditures without further approval of the City Council for all budgeted items not exceeding limits
set by the City Council. All contracts for expenditures involving more than the set limits must be expressly
approved in advance by the Council. All contracts or purchases involving more than the limits set by the
City Council shall be let to the lowest bidder whose submittal is among those most responsive to the needs
of the City after there has been opportunity for competitive bidding as provided by law or ordinance;
provided that the City Council, or City Manager in such cases as he or she is authorized to contract for the
City, shall have the right to reject any and all bids.
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Emergency contracts as authorized by law and this Charter,may be negotiated by the City Council,
or City Manager,if given authority by the City Council,without competitive bidding. Such emergency shall
be declared by the City Manager and approved by the City Council or may be declared by the City Council.
Section 10. —Administration of Budget.
No payment shall be made or obligation incurred against any allotment or appropriation except in
accordance with appropriations duly made and unless the City Manager or his or her designee first certifies
that there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in such allotment or appropriations and that sufficient funds
therefrom are or will be available to cover the claim or meet the obligation when it becomes due and
payable. Any authorization of payment or incurring of obligation in violation of the provisions of this
Charter will be void and any payment so made illegal. Such action shall be the cause for removal of any
officer who knowingly authorized or made such payment or incurred such obligations, and he or she shall
also be liable to the City for any amount so paid. However,this prohibition shall not be construed to prevent
the making or authorizing of payments or making of contracts for capital improvements to be financed
wholly or partly by the issuance of bonds, time warrants, certificates of indebtedness, or certificates of
obligation, or to prevent the making of any contract or lease providing for payments beyond the end of the
fiscal year, provided that such action is made or approved by ordinance.
Section 2. —Boards and Commissions Enumerated.
A. Planning and Zoning Commission.There is hereby established a Planning and Zoning Commission,
whose purpose, composition, function, duties and tenure shall be as set out in Article IX of this
B. Parks and Recreation Board. The City Council shall appoint a Parks and Recreation Board of seven
members who shall be qualified voters to work in an advisory capacity to the City Council in the
planning and development of Parks and Recreation facilities and regulations governing their use.
Members of the Board shall be appointed for two year terms with three members'terms expiring in
even-numbered years and four members' terms expiring in odd-numbered years. Members of the
Board shall elect a chaff erp rson , each July, from their membership and shall meet at the call of
the chaff erp rson or at the request of the City Council. The City Manager shall appoint a staff
representative to the Board.
C. Library Board. The City Council shall appoint a Library Board consisting of seven members who
shall be qualified voters who shall serve for a term of two years with three members'terms expiring
in even-numbered years and four members'terms expiring in odd-numbered years. Members of the
Board shall elect a chaff ersonmat, each July, from their membership and shall meet at the call of
the chaff erp rson or at the request of the City Council. The City Manager shall appoint a staff
representative to the Board.
D. Board of Adjustment and Appeals. The City Council shall appoint a Board of Adjustment and
Appeals of five members and two alternate members who shall serve in accordance with applicable
law. Members of the Board shall be qualified voters of the City and shall be pointed for two year
terms with three members' terms expiring in even-numbered years and two members' terms
expiring in odd-numbered years. Members of the Board shall elect a chaff erp rsonma* each July
from their membership and shall meet at the call of the chairpgrsoriffmn within 30 days of receipt
of written notice from anyone aggrieved as a result of the refusal of a building permit or
administrative decision by the City Building Official. Rules and regulations shall be prescribed for
the functioning of the Board consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and the building codes
of the City of Wylie.
E. Other Boards and Commissions. The City Council shall have the power and is hereby authorized
to create,abolish,establish and appoint such other boards,commissions and committees as it deems
necessary to carry out the functions and obligations of the City. The City Council shall, by
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ordinance, prescribe the purpose, composition, functions, duties, accountability and tenure of each
such board, commission and committee.
Section 3.—General.
A. Open Meetings. All meetings of any board, commission, or committee created, established or
appointed by this Charter or the City Council shall be open to the public,unless otherwise permitted
by law and shall be subject to both current and future laws of the State of Texas concerning public
B. Appeals to City Council. Subject to the provisions of any law of the State of Texas and to the
county, an appeal may be taken to the City Council from any decision of any board, commission,
committee or other body except from decisions of the Board of Equalization, or Board of
Adjustment. Such appeals shall be perfected by filing a sworn notice of appeal with the City
Secretary within 30 days from the rendition of the decision of the board, committee or other body.
Prior to the institution of any appeal in a court of law by an aggrieved person from a decision of
such board, commission, committee or other body, appeal must be first perfected to the City
C. Compensation. Subject to the provisions of any law of the State of Texas or this Charter to the
contrary, all members of any board, commission, committee or other body will serve without
compensation but may be reimbursed for any necessary expenses as a result of their work.
D. Minutes. All boards, commissions or committees of the City shall keep and maintain minutes of
any proceedings held and shall submit a written report of such proceedings to the City Council at
least once each month.
E. Exclusion of City Of and Employees. No officer of the City nor any person who holds a
compensated appointive position with the City shall be appointed to any board, commission or
committee created or established by this Charter other than in an advisory capacity.
F. Rules and Regulations. All boards, commissions and committees established or created by this
Charter shall set out their own rules and regulations for operation thereof unless specifically
prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas,this Charter, or by ordinance. Ordinances creating any
board,commission or committee shall provide that if any member is absent from three consecutive
meetings, his or her position shall be declared vacant and the vacancy shall be filled for the
remainder of the unexpired term by the City Council within 30 days after the vacancy occurs.
G. Existing Boards and Commissions. All existing boards, commissions and committees heretofore
established shall be continued in accordance with the ordinance or other acts under which they have
been created, or until the City Council shall, by ordinance, abolish, modify or alter the ordinances
or acts under which they exist.
Section 2. —Planning and Zoning Commission.
The City Council shall establish a Planning and Zoning Commission in the manner provided by
this Charter, whose primary duty shall be to advise the City Council in carrying out its various duties and
functions regarding planning and environmental quality as provided by this Charter.
A. Organization and qualification.
(1) There shall be established a Planning and Zoning Commission which shall consist of seven
citizens of the City of Wylie. The members of said Board shall be qualified voters of the
City and shall be appointed by the City Council within 60 days of the adoption of this
Charter, for a term of two years. The members of said Board at their first meeting shall
draw lots to determine those who will serve one year and two year terms beginning on the
date of initial appointment of the Board. On the expiration of the term of each of the
members who have drawn lots, his or her place shall be filled by a member appointed for
a two year term. The Board shall elect a chaff erp rson from among its membership each
year at the first regular meeting in July. The Commission shall meet not less than once each
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month. Vacancies in an unexpired term shall be filled by the City Council within 30 days
from the date of the vacancy for the remainder of the term. For purposes of this section,
the appointment year of respective Commission members shall be deemed to begin on July
1 St.
(2) Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be residents of the City of Wylie
for at least 12 months preceding the date of appointment; be knowledgeable in the affairs
of the City and be knowledgeable in the functions and activities provided for in this Article.
B. Duties and Powers of the Planning and Zoning Commission.The Planning and Zoning Commission
(1) Make and recommend to the City Council a master plan to be used as a guide in considering
ordinances for the orderly development of the City. The Commission shall, not less than
every five years, review and recommend to the City Council amendments to the master
plan of the City.
(2) Recommend to the City Council proposed ordinances and amendments to ordinances
regarding planning, zoning and environmental quality and review ordinances and
amendments proposed by the City Council relative to the City Council's planning and
zoning function. Such review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning
Commission must be received by the City Council prior to action on the proposed
ordinance or amendment.
(3) Receive and review all platting and subdivision proposals and make recommendations to
the City Council for appropriate action.
Section 5.—Personal Financial Interest.
No officer or employee of the City shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract
with the City, nor shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the City of any land,
materials, supplies or service, except on behalf of the City as an officer or employee. Any willful violation
of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and any officer or employee found guilty thereof shall
be subject to removal from his or her office or position. Any violation of this section with the knowledge,
expressed or implied,of the person or corporation contracting with the City Council shall render the contract
involved void.
Section 8. —Damage Suits.
Before the City shall be liable for any claim for damages for the death or personal injuries of any
person or for damages to property, the complainant or his or her authorized representative shall notify the
City Secretary. The notification shall be in writing and shall state specifically how, when and where the
death, injury or damage occurred;the amount of loss claimed;and the identity of any witnesses upon whom
it is relied to establish the claim. The notification shall be filed within 45 days of the date of injury or
damage or, in the case of death, within 45 days of the date of death. The failure to so notify the City within
the time and manner specified shall exonerate, excuse and exempt the City from any liability whatsoever.
No action at law shall be brought against the City until at least 60 days have elapsed since the date of
Section 21. —Emergency Powers of the Mayor.
Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the Mayor or his or her designee that any malignant,
infectious or contagious disease or epidemic is prevalent in the City or probably will become so,or in case
of public calamity arising by reason of flood, hurricane,tornado, fire,or other disaster, he or she shall have
the power to take all lawful steps and use all lawful measures necessary to avoid, suppress or mitigate such
disease and relieve distress caused by flood or resulting from tornado, hurricane, fire or other disaster.
Section 25.—WordingInterpretation Wig.
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The masettline gender of the wording throughout this Charter shall always be interpreted to mean
either sex.
Section 29. —Schedule of Transition.
A. This Charter shall take effect immediately following adoption by the voters and entry of an official
order by the City Council declaring the same adopted.
B. Upon the adoption of this Charter,the present members of the City Council filling elective offices
will continue to fill those offices for the terms to which they were elected. If this Charter is adopted,
the City Council shall,by majority vote,at its first regular meeting after the adoption of this Charter,
appoint one additional Council Members to serve for a term to coincide with the term of the
Council Members who are elected in even-numbered years, or until his or her successor is
elected and qualified. Thereafter, the City Council shall be elected as provided in this Charter.
Persons; who, on the date this Charter is adopted, are filling appointive positions with the City of
Wylie which are retained under this Charter, may continue to fill these positions for the term for
which they were appointed, unless removed by the City Council or by other means provided for in
this Charter.
C. In compliance with the terms of Section 29, paragraph B, the following offices, places, names and
next election years are given in order to clarify the intent of that paragraph and provide an orderly
transition. To wit: the Mayor is John W. Akin and his term will expire in April 1986. Council
Member, Place 1 is Don Hughes, whose term of office will expire in April; 1985; Council
Members, Place 2 is Percy Simmons whose term will expire in April; 1986; Council
Member, Place 3 is Cleo Adams whose term will expire in April; 1985; Council Member,
Place 4 is William Martin whose term will expire in April; 1986; Council Member, Place 5 is
Joe Fulgham whose term will expire in April; 1985; Council Member, Place 6 is open and will
be subject to appointment by the City Council following the adoption of this Charter and will serve
until that term expires for Place 6 in April; 1986. Thereafter, the procedure for filling of Council
seats shall follow the provisions of this City Charter.
Section 1.—Procedure.
A. This Charter shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Wylie for adoption or rejection
on January 19, 1985, at which election, if a majority of the qualified voters voting in such election
shall vote in favor of the adoption of this Charter, it shall then immediately become the governing
law of the City of Wylie,Texas,until amended or repealed.
B. It being impractical to submit this Charter by sections,it is hereby prescribed that the form of ballot
to be used in such election shall be as follows, to wit:
For the adoption of the Charter
Against the adoption of the Charter
C. The present City Council of the City of Wylie shall call an election in accordance with the
provisions of the general laws of the state governing such elections,and the same shall be conducted
and the returns made and results declared as provided by the laws of the State of Texas governing
municipal elections,and in case a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of the
adoption of such Charter, then an official order shall be entered upon the records of said City by
the City Council of Wylie declaring the same adopted and the City Secretary shall record at length
upon the records of the City, in a separate book to be kept in his or her office for such purpose,
such Charter as adopted and such Secretary shall furnish to the Mayor a copy of the Charter which
copy of the Charter shall be forwarded by the Mayor as soon as practicable, to the Secretary of
State under the seal of the City together with a certificate showing the approval of the qualified
voters of such Charter.
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Shall Article III, Section 5 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to specify the time for electing the Mayor
Pro-Tem and to provide that the Mayor Pro-Tern shall serve in such capacity until a majority of the City Council
votes to elect a new Mayor Pro-Tem?
Section 5. —Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem.
The Mayor shall be recognized as the official head of the City government for all ceremonial
purposes and by the Governor for purposes of military law but shall have no administrative duties. He shall
be the chairman and shall preside at all meetings of the City Council. The Mayor shall vote on all
propositions before the City Council, but shall have no power to veto. He shall, when authorized by the
City Council, sign all official documents, such as ordinances, resolutions, conveyances, grant agreements,
official plats, contracts, and bonds.
The Mayor Pro-Tem shall be a Councilman elected by the City Council at the first reguiaf City
Council meeting after each election of Council Members and/or Mayor, except that in the event a runoff
election is required for any such office, the City Council shall not elect a Mayor Pro-Tem until the runoff
election is completed and the duly elected candidate(s) have been officially seated on the City Council
n," Wi fi eaEh ,-egUlaf Git+ ' ele6tian The Mayor Pro-Tem shall act as Mayor during the disability or
absence of the Mayor, and in this capacity shall have the rights conferred upon the Mayor. The Mayor Pro-
Tem shall serve in such capacity until a majority of the City Council votes to elect a new Mayor Pro-Tem.
Shall Article III, Section 6 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify that a Council Member or Mayor
forfeits his or her office if he or she fails to attend three consecutive regular City Council meetings without an
explanation acceptable to a majority of the remaining members of the City Council?
Section 6. —Vacancies, Forfeiture, Filling of Vacancies.
A. The office of a Councilman or office of the Mayor shall become vacant upon his death,resignation,
removal from office in any manner authorized by law, or forfeiture of his office.
B. A Councilman or the Mayor shall forfeit his office if he:
(1) Lacks at any time during his term of office any qualifications for the office prescribed by
this Charter or by law;
(2) Violates any express prohibition of this Article (see Section 8); or any other provision of
this Charter;
(3) Is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, or
(4) Fails to attend three consecutive regular City Council meetings without an explanation
acceptable to a majority of the remaining members of the City Council being exettsedJay
the Gity Gotf,,.:i
(5) The City Council shall be the final judge in matters involving forfeiture of office.
C. Filling of Vacancies. Any vacancy or vacancies occurring on the City Council shall be filled for
the remainder of the unexpired term by majority vote of the qualified voters at a special election
called for such purpose within 120 days after such vacancy or vacancies occur.
Shall Article III, Section 11 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify the standard for determining
when a Council Member has a conflict of interest by referencing state law?
Section 11. —Conflict of Interest and Abstention.
A. Conflict of Interest. Should any member of the Council have feel l he has a conflict of interest with
an agenda item then before the Council (as determined under Chapter 171 of the Texas Local
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 18
Government Code), he should openly declare same before discussion proceeds and he is thereby
prohibited from discussing the item or voting on the question.
B. Abstention. Should any member of the City Council choose to abstain from voting on any question
before the City Council, where no declared conflict of interest exists, his vote shall be recorded as
an affirmative vote in the official minutes of the City of Wylie.
Shall Article III, Section 11 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to modify the result of a member of the
City Council choosing to abstain from voting to reflect that the vote shall be recorded as a negative vote?
Section 11. —Conflict of Interest and Abstention.
A. Conflict of Interest. Should any member of the Council feel he has a conflict of interest with an
agenda item then before the Council, he should openly declare same before discussion proceeds
and he is thereby prohibited from discussing the item or voting on the question.
B. Abstention. Should any member of the City Council choose to abstain from voting on any question
before the City Council, where no declared conflict of interest exists, his vote shall be recorded as
afi negative arse vote in the official minutes of the City of Wylie.
Shall Article III, Section 13; Article VI, Section 9; Article VII, Sections 3 and 13; Article X, Section 3; and Article
XI, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to provide for publication of certain notices by means
other than publication in the official newspaper of the City or as otherwise specified, all as may be allowed by state
Section 13. —Passage of Ordinances in General.
A. Form. The City Council shall legislate by ordinance only, and the enacting clause of every
ordinance shall be"Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas." Each proposed
ordinance shall be introduced in the written or printed form required for adoption. An ordinance
shall not be amended or repealed except by the adoption of another ordinance.
B. Procedure. Any member of the City Council may offer any ordinance in writing that has been
placed on the agenda at a regular City Council meeting. Copies of proposed ordinances, in the form
required for adoption, may be furnished to members of the City Council before the meeting at
which it shall be considered. Copies of the proposed ordinance, in the form required for adoption,
may be made available at the City offices and furnished to citizens, upon request.
C. Effective Date. Every ordinance shall become effective upon adoption,or at any later time specified
in the ordinance, except that every ordinance imposing any penalty, fine or forfeiture shall become
effective after publication of its caption once in a newspaper having general circulation in the City,
or by such other means as may be allowed by state law.
D. Reading. The reading aloud of a title and caption of the ordinance shall suffice as a reading. If two
Councilmen request that the ordinance be read in its entirety, it must be so read.
Section 9. —Action on Initiative and Referendum Petitions.
When an initiative or referendum petition has been finally determined sufficient,the City Council
shall promptly consider the proposed initiative ordinance in the manner prescribed for enacting ordinances
or reconsider the referred ordinance by voting its repeal. If the City Council fails to adopt a proposed
initiative ordinance without any change in substance within 60 days,or fails to repeal the referred ordinance
within 30 days after the date the petition was finally determined sufficient, it shall submit the proposed or
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 19
referred ordinance to the voters of the City of Wylie at the first date permitted by law for holding said
election after 30 days following the failure of the City Council to act as specified herein.
Said called election may coincide with a regular City election should such City election fall within
the specified period. Special elections on initiated or referred ordinances shall not be held more frequently
than once each six months, and no ordinance substantially the same as an initiated ordinance which has
been defeated or one substantially the same as a referred ordinance which has been approved at any election
may be initiated by the voters within two years from the date of such election. Copies of the proposed or
referred ordinance shall be made available at the polls and shall be published at least once in the official
newspaper of the City of Wylie, or by such other means as may be allowed by state law, not more than 15
days immediately preceding the date of the election.
Section 3. —Budget.
A. Content. The budget shall provide a complete financial plan of all City funds and activities and,
except as required by law or this Charter,shall be in such form as the City Manager deems desirable
or the City Council may require. A budget message explaining the budget both in fiscal terms and
in terms of the work programs shall be submitted with the budget. It shall outline the proposed
financial policies of the City for the ensuing fiscal year, describe the important features of the
budget, indicate any major changes from the current year in financial policies, expenditures, and
revenues,with reasons for such changes. It shall also summarize the City's debt position and include
such other material as the City Manager deems desirable. The budget shall begin with a clear
general summary of its contents; shall show in detail all estimated income, indicating the proposed
property tax levy,and all proposed expenditures, including debt service,for the ensuing fiscal year.
The proposed budget expenditures shall not exceed the total of estimated income. The budget
message shall be so arranged as to show comparative figures for actual and estimated income and
expenditures of the current fiscal year and actual income and expenditures of the preceding fiscal
year, compared to the estimate for the budgeted year. The budget shall include in separate sections:
(1) A clear, general summary of contents.
(2) A consolidated statement of receipts and expenditures of all funds, listed and itemized
(3) An analysis and itemization of all estimated income of the City from surplus,miscellaneous
income and taxes with miscellaneous income subclassified by source.
(4) Tax levies, rates, and collections for the preceding three years.
(5) A proposed multi-year capital program for pending and proposed new capital projects,
including but not limited to the amounts to be appropriated from the budget, the amounts
to be raised by the issuance of bonds, and the amount required for the operation and
maintenance of the new projects.The above information may be revised and extended each
year with regard to capital improvements still pending or in the process of construction or
(6) The amount required for interest on the City's debts, for sinking funds and for maturing
serial bonds.
(7) The total amount of the City's outstanding debts,with a schedule of maturity on bond issues
in an attachment.
(8) An itemized estimate of the expenses of operating each department, division and office or
(9) Anticipated net surplus or deficit for the ensuing fiscal year of each utility owned or
operated by the City and the proposed method of its disposition; subsidiary budgets for
each such utility giving detailed income and expenditure information shall be included in
the budget.
(10) Such other information as is required by City Council or deemed desirable by the City
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 20
(11) The total amount of each reserve/contingency fund must be not less than five percent of
the proposed expenditures for the major operating funds.
B. Public Notice and Hearing. The City Council shall provide for a public hearing on the proposed
budget and publish in the official newspaper, or by such other means as may be allowed by state
law,a general summary of the proposed budget and a notice stating:
(1) The times and places where copies of the budget are available for inspection by the public.
(2) The time and place, for a public hearing on the budget, as required by law.
C. City Council Action.
(1) The City Council shall hold a public hearing on the budget as submitted at the time and
place so advertised or at another time and place with proper notification. All interested
persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item on the
proposed budget.
(2) At a regular or special meeting, the City Council may adopt the budget with or without
amendment. In amending the budget, it may add or increase programs or amounts and may
delete or decrease any programs or amounts, except expenditures required by law or for
debt service or for estimated cash deficit, provided that no amendment to the budget shall
increase the authorized expenditures to an amount greater than the total of estimated
income plus funds available from prior years.
(3) The City Council shall adopt the budget by ordinance. Adoption of the budget shall
constitute appropriations of the amounts specified therein as expenditures from the funds
D. Failure to Adopt. If the City Council fails to adopt the budget by September 27, the amounts
appropriated for operation during the current fiscal year shall be deemed adopted for the ensuing
fiscal year on a month-to-month basis, with all items in it prorated accordingly, until such time as
the City Council adopts a budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The levy of property tax normally
approved as part of the budget adoption will be set such that the tax rate for the budgeted year shall
equal the tax rate of the current fiscal year.
Section 13.—Independent Audit.
At the close of each fiscal year, and at such other times as it may be deemed necessary, the City
Council shall cause an independent audit to be made of all accounts of the City by a certified public
accountant.The certified public accountant so selected shall have no personal interest,directly or indirectly,
in the financial affairs of the City or any of its officers. Upon completion of the audit,the summary thereof
shall be published immediately oin the City website, or by such other means as may be allowed by state
law o ffi ial newspaper- f the C-4y and copies of the audit placed on file in the City Secretary's Office as
public record.
Section 3. —Ordinance Granting Franchise.
Any ordinance granting, renewing, extending or amending a public service franchise shall not take
effect until 30 days after the final adoption. Within 15 days fallowing the first reading of the ardinanee, a
the expease ,.r stiek publication be-ne by the prospeetive f ehiseo No franchise shall be exclusive.
Section 2.—Official Medium of Communication Newspaper.
The City Council shall declare annually one or more official media for the communication of all
notices and other matters required by this Charter, City ordinance, or the Constitution and laws of the State
of Texas to be published or made available by the City.newspaper of general eifettlation in the Gity. All
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 21
Gity ardinanees, E)r- by the Gonstitution and laws of the State of 4:&Eas, shall be published in this effieial
Shall Article III, Section 13 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the requirement to read aloud
the title, caption and full text of ordinances as part of the passage of ordinances?
Section 13. —Passage of Ordinances in General.
A. Form. The City Council shall legislate by ordinance only, and the enacting clause of every
ordinance shall be "Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas." Each proposed
ordinance shall be introduced in the written or printed form required for adoption. An ordinance
shall not be amended or repealed except by the adoption of another ordinance.
B. Procedure. Any member of the City Council may offer any ordinance in writing that has been
placed on the agenda at a regular City Council meeting. Copies of proposed ordinances, in the form
required for adoption, may be furnished to members of the City Council before the meeting at
which it shall be considered. Copies of the proposed ordinance, in the form required for adoption,
may be made available at the City offices and furnished to citizens, upon request.
C. Effective Date. Every ordinance shall become effective upon adoption,or at any later time specified
in the ordinance, except that every ordinance imposing any penalty, fine or forfeiture shall become
effective after publication of its caption once in a newspaper having general circulation in the City.
D. Reading. The reading aleud of a title and eaption of the efdinanee shall stiffiee as a reading. if two
!`.,. neilm enf est that the or-difianee be ad in its o.r:ror., :r +. .st be s read.
Shall Article 1I1,Section 14 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to modify how frequently the City Council
must provide for the codification of general ordinances from every five years to every fifteen years?
Section 14. —Authentication, Recording, Codification, Printing, and Distribution.
A. Authentication and Recording. The City Secretary shall record in a properly indexed book kept for
that purpose, all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Council, and it shall be kept open
for public inspection. Ordinances shall be numbered consecutively in the order in which adopted.
The City Secretary shall attest the signature of the Mayor or officer signing such ordinance.
B. Codification. Within three years after adoption of this Charter, and at least every fifteen fwe years
thereafter, the City Council shall provide for the preparation of the codification of all general
ordinances of the City. Every general ordinance enacted subsequent to such codification shall be
enacted as an amendment to the code. For the purposes of this section, general ordinances shall be
deemed to be those ordinances of a permanent or continuing nature which affect the residents of
the City at large. The codification shall be published promptly, together with this Charter and any
amendments thereto, and with appropriate references to state statutes and Constitution, and such
codes of technical regulations and other rules and regulations as the City Council may specify. This
compilation shall be known and cited officially as the Wylie City Code and shall be in full force
and effect without the necessity of such code or any part thereof being published in any newspaper.
The caption,descriptive clause,and other formal parts of the ordinances of the City may be omitted
without affecting the validity of such ordinances when they are published as a code.
C. Printing of Ordinances and Resolutions. The City Council shall cause each ordinance and each
amendment to this Charter to be printed promptly following its adoption,and the printed ordinances
and Charter amendments shall be distributed free or sold to the public at reasonable prices to be
fixed by the City Council. A copy of each ordinance and resolution may be placed in City offices.
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 22
Shall Article III, Section 17 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to modify the makeup of the commission
charged with acting as the City Council during a disaster and calling a City election for the election of a required
quorum and to remove the required formation of a committee to appoint such a commission?
Section 17.—Disaster Clause.
In case of disaster when a legal quorum of elected Council Members cannot otherwise be assembled
due to multiple deaths or injuries, the surviving member or members of the elected Council, or highest
surviving City official, if no elected official remains, must within 24 hours of such disaster, appoint a
commission with a membership equal to the number of persons necessary to make a quorum, composed of
the surviving members of the City Council, if and and the following, appointed on a rotating basis in the
following order: (a) the highest-ranking member of the Wylie Independent School District Board of
Trustees who is a resident of Wylie, (b)the highest-ranking member of the Wylie Economic Development
Corporation Board of Directors who is a resident of Wylie, and(c)the highest-ranking member of the F.O.
Birmingham Memorial Land Trust Board of Directors who is a resident of Wylie. eElUest the highe4
and the eountyjudge of Gellin Gett -a The commission shall4e act as the City Council during
the disaster-emergexey and call a City election within 15 days of such disaster for election of a required
quorum, if for good reasons it is known that a quorum of the present Council will never again meet. The
commission's authority to act shall cease once a quorum of City Council is elected and inducted into office.
Shall Article IV, Section 3 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to require additional Municipal Court
judges to be competent, duly qualified, licensed attorneys in the State of Texas?
Section 3.—Municipal Court.
A. The City Council shall establish and cause to be maintained a Municipal Court, for the trial of
misdemeanor offenses. The Court shall have all the powers and duties as are now, or may be
prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas.
B. Municipal Court Judge. The City Council shall appoint a judge of the Municipal Court, who shall
be a competent, duly qualified, licensed attorney in the State of Texas. The judge of the Municipal
Court shall be appointed to a term of two years,and may be appointed to additional and consecutive
terms, upon completion of his term of office. The appointment of the judge may be terminated by
a majority vote of the City Council. The judge shall receive compensation as may be determined
by the City Council. This compensation shall be fixed, and commensurate with the duties
performed by the judge.
C. Acting Judge of the Municipal Court. The City Council shall, in the absence or disability of the
appointed judge of the Municipal Court, appoint an acting judge to serve during such absence or
disability. The acting judge may be compensated by the City Council for his performance of
required duties.
D. Appointment ofAdditional Judges. Additional judges of the Municipal Court may be appointed by
the City Council consistent with state law.The additional judges shall be competent,duly qualified,
licensed attorneys in the State of Texas.
E. Clerk of the Court. The City Manager shall appoint a clerk, and may appoint deputies of the
Municipal Court. The clerk and deputies shall be bonded at City expense, in an amount deemed
adequate by the City Council, and shall receive compensation as may be determined by the City
F. Powers of the Clerk. The clerk and deputies of the Municipal Court shall have the power to
administer oaths and affidavits, make certificates, affix the seal of the Court, and perform all acts
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 23
usual and necessary by the clerks of said Courts, in conducting the business thereof, including but
not limited to the keeping of records and accounts of the Municipal Court.
G. Costs, Fines and Penalties. All costs, fines and penalties imposed by the Municipal Court shall be
paid into the City treasury for the use and benefit of the City,as may be consistent with present and
future state laws.
Shall Article IV, Section 5 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the City Council's authority
over the appointment, removal, duties, compensation and other terms of employment of the City Engineer and
granting such authority to the City Manager?
Section 5. —Reserved City EARineef.
"AA-0 Shall Sefve as Gity Engineer-7
Removal. The Gity Engineef shall setwe at the pleasufe of the Gity Gouneil and shall not have a
D. Limitation. The City Gatineil shall have the fight to fetain speeial engine
that :t .„ de neeessafy „,7 ., ..tK Gefnpensation. The City Engineer- shall reeeive eem :nay be detefmined by the ily
Fl. Additional Engineers. The Gity Engineef:, with appfaval ef the Gity Gatineil, may select additional
♦., aet t;gr-h:m and the City i sefving :its engineefing o,, .,
G.Tertn Eity Engineer-. The term"Eity Engineer"Fnay refer-to an individual or r
Shall Article V, Section 1 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to require regular City elections to be held
annually on the first Saturday in May or such other date as required by the Texas Election Code?
Section 1.—City Elections.
A. Election Schedule. The regular City election will be held annually in accordance with the Texas
Election Code. The City Council shall be responsible for specifications of places for holding of
such elections. The regular City election shall be held annually on the first Saturday in May or such
other date as required by the Texas Election Code.
B. Special Elections. The City Council may order a special election under conditions specified
elsewhere in this Charter, or for ordinances, bond issues, Charter amendments, recall or other
purposes deemed appropriate by the City Council. The City Council will fix the time and places
for such special elections;and provide all means for holding same.
C. Voter Eligibility List. A certified list of voter registrants within the City, as prepared by the proper
agency, shall be held by the City Secretary or the contracted election official. If, for a purpose
relating only to a City election or to candidates or issues involved in such election,any organization,
group or person requests a list of qualified voters of the City, permission to copy the current list
shall be granted by the City Secretary or the contracted election official.
D. Conduct and Regulation of Elections. All City elections shall be governed by the Constitution of
the State of Texas, general laws of the state, this Charter, and by ordinance of the City in the order
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 24
named. Municipal elections shall be conducted by election officials appointed or approved by the
City Council.
E. Publicizing City Elections. All municipal elections shall be publicized in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the present, and all future amended editions of the Texas Election Code.
Shall Article V, Section 2 and Article XI, Section 14 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove
provisions disqualifying a person from being eligible to run for elective office or to serve in a municipal office if
he or she is in arrears in the payment of taxes or other liabilities due to the City'?
Section 2. —Filing for Office; Eligibility to File.
A. Candidate Qualifications. Each candidate for an elective office shall meet the following
Shall be a qualified voter of the City.
Shall have resided for at least 12 months preceding the election within the corporate limits of the
City, including territory annexed prior to the filing deadline.
Shall not, aftef notiee of an), delinqueney, be in affeaf:s in the payment of any taxes of Othef
liabilities due the C—ity. "In "
is defined hefein to mean that payfneat has not been f:eeeive
An incumbent City Councilman seeking reelection must file for the same place position number
currently being served.
No candidate may file in a single election for more than one office or place position as provided by
this Charter.
B. Petition Required. Every person desiring to file for elective office with the City shall first present
to the City Secretary a sufficient petition signed by a minimum of the greater of the following:
a) 25 persons; or
b) a number of persons equal to one-half of one percent of the total vote received by all
candidates for Mayor in the most recent Mayoral general election who are qualified voters
in the City.
Section 14.—Reserved. Per-sons indebted t the City Shall Not Hold O ffieo
No per-son shall be qualified to hold a fnanieipal effiee w h is, of be e while e afrear-s in the payment of ta�Ees or- other liabilities due the (;4y, pr-ovided they have reeeived fietiee of!he
safne (in affeafs in this seetion shall have the safne fneaning as defined in Aftiele N1, Seetion 2 of
Shall Article VI, Section 1 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove from the scope of the powers
of initiative and referendum ordinances relating to salaries of City officers or employees, the Comprehensive Plan,
amendments of the Zoning Ordinance, use of the power of eminent domain and other ordinances not subject to
initiative or referendum as provided by state law, and reorganizing existing language relating thereto'?
Section 1.—General Authority.
The qualified voters of the City of Wylie shall, by following the procedures set out in this Charter,
have the power to propose ordinances to the City Council, to require reconsideration by the City Council
of any adopted ordinances, and to revoke the office of any elected City official. !RitiatiVe PE)We f ffla ' be
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3,2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 25
the power of initiative or referendum shall not extend to ordinances relating to a�pprepfiatingappropriation
of money or levying of taxes, of efdi......ees .epeali ng a levyingof r" es et in
Re f f:end fn pawef shall not extend to the budget or capital program of afly O.a:,,,fleL'Or eMiR fleos
ef--ta-issuing of bonds issued pufstiant to the
autherit . of an ele-i-i Sly h4d, salaries of City officers or employees, the
Comprehensive Plan, amendments of the Zoning Ordinance, use of the power of eminent domain or other
ordinances not subject to initiative or referendum as provided by state law.
Grounds for removal of any member of the City Council, whether elected to office by the qualified
voters or appointed by the City Council to fill a vacancy, shall be incompetency, noncompliance with this
Charter, misconduct or malfeasance in office.
Shall Article VI, Section 6 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify the scope of the City Secretary's
review of petitions, to modify the time period in which the City Secretary must verify petitions, and to remove
authority for amending and supplementing petitions after the filing thereof?
Section 6.-Certification of Petitions and Presentation to City Council.
Within 35 ten-days after the petition is filed, the City Secretary shall verify whether the petition
complies with applicable law as to form, content, and procedure and, only if the City Secretary so verifies
the petition,complete a certificate as to its sufficiency,specifying, if it is insufficient,wherein it is defective
and shall immediately upon completion of certification, send a copy of the certificate to the petitioners'
committee by registered mail.
If the petition is certified sufficient, the City Secretary shall present the certificate to the City
Council by the next regular City Council meeting which shall be a final determination of the sufficiency of
the petition.
If a petition has been certified insufficient and the petit:,)Rer-S' O fRittee aOoS RE)r fi'L- RE)tiee Of
intention to amend 4, the committee may, within five working days after receiving the copy of such
certificate, file a request that it be reviewed by the City Council. The City Council shall review the
certificate at its next regular meeting following such a request and approve or disapprove it, and the City
Council's determination shall then be a final determination.
-It:111-twes, it may be amen
onee if the petitioner-s' oemmittee files a notiee of intention to amend it with the City Seefetar-y within five
wef:king days after- having f:eeeived the eap), of the eei4ifieate. A supple ion with additional
names must be filed-A,ithin Ave,di-ays afief:reeeiving the eeff Ofthe 6el4ifieate. Stieh StippleffleRtffy Petitk)
shall e ,,1.,. ,1 1 11 the fequifefnents of Seetions 3 and A of!his A i4ielo
Within five days after-the amended petition is filed, the City Seer-etaf�, shall eempiete a eefti
of suffieieney of the petition, as amended, and shall send a eepy of stieh suffieieney to the petitioners'
suffieieney ef an amended petition shall be deteffnined in thea, s-am-e mannef as pf:eser-ibed for- of4ginal
r�. . .n a....s oevuvic uwrc, o o that no ,. nended, ,V. be afnefided •
A final determination as to the sufficiency of a petition shall be subject to review in a court of
competent jurisdiction. A final determination of insufficiency, even if sustained upon court review, shall
not prejudice the filing of a new petition for the same purpose.
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3,2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 26
Shall Article VII, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to change the date by which the City
Manager must submit a proposed budget from August 1 to August 15 of each year?
Section 2.— Submission of Budget.
On or before August 15 of each year, unless the City Council has granted an extension, the City
Manager shall file with the City Secretary and submit to the City Council a proposed budget for the ensuing
fiscal year and the budget message. The City Council shall hold the required public hearings on and review
the proposed budget and make any appropriate changes prior to publishing the final budget.
Shall Article VII, Section 9 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify procedures relating to City
Council's award of contracts and purchases`?
Section 9.—Purchasing.
The City Council may, by ordinance, confer upon the City Manager general authority to contract
for expenditures without further approval of the City Council for all budgeted items not exceeding limits
set by the City Council. All contracts for expenditures involving more than the set limits must be expressly
approved in advance by the Council. All contracts or purchases involving more than the limits set by the
City Council shall be awarded by the City Council in accordance with state law let to the !a west bidder
whose submittal is ameng these Ve k) the ReedS Of the G45' aftef there has beefl OPPO
for-eempetitive bidding as provided dinanee; provided that the City Council, or City Manager
in such cases as he is authorized to contract for the City, shall have the right to reject any and all bids.
Emergency contracts as authorized by law and this Charter,may be negotiated by the City Council,
or City Manager,if given authority by the City Council,without competitive bidding. Such emergency shall
be declared by the City Manager and approved by the City Council or may be declared by the City Council.
Shall Article VII, Section 12 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the requirement for the City
Manager to submit financial reports at the first formal City Council meeting each month and instead require the
submission to occur at any City Council meeting but no less frequently than once per month?
Section 12. —Financial Report.
The City Manager shall submit to the City Council at its first f4mal fneeting each month the
financial condition of the City by budget item, budget estimated versus month to date accruals for the
preceding month and for the fiscal year to date. The financial records of the City will be maintained on the
modified accrual basis or the accrual basis by fund type as established by the Governmental Accounting
Standards Board.
Shall Article VIII, Section 2 and Article IX, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to change the
time for electing chairpersons of certain boards and commissions from each July to the first regular meeting after
annual appointments and to remove language regarding appointments occurring in July?
Section 2. —Boards and Commissions Enumerated.
A. Planning and Zoning Commission.There is hereby established a Planning and Zoning Commission,
whose purpose, composition, function, duties and tenure shall be as set out in Article IX of this
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 27
B. Parks and Recreation Board.The City Council shall appoint a Parks and Recreation Board of seven
members who shall be qualified voters to work in an advisory capacity to the City Council in the
planning and development of Parks and Recreation facilities and regulations governing their use.
Members of the Board shall be appointed for two year terms with three members'terms expiring in
even-numbered years and four members' terms expiring in odd-numbered years. Members of the
Board shall elect a chairman,at the first regular meeting after annual appointments, from
their membership and shall meet at the call of the chairman or at the request of the City Council.
The City Manager shall appoint a staff representative to the Board.
C. Library Board. The City Council shall appoint a Library Board consisting of seven members who
shall be qualified voters who shall serve for a term of two years with three members'terms expiring
in even-numbered years and four members'terms expiring in odd-numbered years. Members of the
Board shall elect a chairman, at the first regular meeting after annual appointments eaek juy, from
their membership and shall meet at the call of the chairman or at the request of the City Council.
The City Manager shall appoint a staff representative to the Board.
D. Board of Adjustment and Appeals. The City Council shall appoint a Board of Adjustment and
Appeals of five members and two alternate members who shall serve in accordance with applicable
law. Members of the Board shall be qualified voters of the City and shall be appointed for two year
terms with three members' terms expiring in even-numbered years and two members' terms
expiring in odd-numbered years. Members of the Board shall elect a chairman, at the first regular
meeting after annual appointments eaeh july, from their membership and shall meet at the call of
the chairman within 30 days of receipt of written notice from anyone aggrieved as a result of the
refusal of a building permit or administrative decision by the City Building Official. Rules and
regulations shall be prescribed for the functioning of the Board consistent with the laws of the State
of Texas and the building codes of the City of Wylie.
E. Other Boards and Commissions. The City Council shall have the power and is hereby authorized
to create,abolish,establish and appoint such other boards,commissions and committees as it deems
necessary to carry out the functions and obligations of the City. The City Council shall, by
ordinance, prescribe the purpose,composition, functions, duties, accountability and tenure of each
such board, commission and committee.
Section 2.—Planning and Zoning Commission.
The City Council shall establish a Planning and Zoning Commission in the manner provided by
this Charter, whose primary duty shall be to advise the City Council in carrying out its various duties and
functions regarding planning and environmental quality as provided by this Charter.
A. Organization and qualification.
(1) There shall be established a Planning and Zoning Commission which shall consist of seven
citizens of the City of Wylie. The members of said Board shall be qualified voters of the
City and shall be appointed by the City Council within 60 days of the adoption of this
Charter, for a term of two years. The members of said Board at their first meeting shall
draw lots to determine those who will serve one year and two year terms beginning on the
date of initial appointment of the Board. On the expiration of the term of each of the
members who have drawn lots, his place shall be filled by a member appointed for a two
year term. The Board shall elect a chairman from among its membership each year at the
first regular meeting after annual appointments in }. The Commission shall meet not
less than once each month. Vacancies in an unexpired term shall be filled by the City
Council within 30 days from the date of the vacancy for the remainder of the term. Fef
PHFPE)SeS 6f this Se6tiEffl,th i year of fespeetive Gemmission members shall b-e
deemed to begin an Jully I
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 28
(2) Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be residents of the City of Wylie
for at least 12 months preceding the date of appointment; be knowledgeable in the affairs
of the City and be knowledgeable in the functions and activities provided for in this Article.
B. Duties and Powers of the Planning and Zoning Commission.The Planning and Zoning Commission
(1) Make and recommend to the City Council a master plan to be used as a guide in considering
ordinances for the orderly development of the City. The Commission shall, not less than
every five years, review and recommend to the City Council amendments to the master
plan of the City.
(2) Recommend to the City Council proposed ordinances and amendments to ordinances
regarding planning, zoning and environmental quality and review ordinances and
amendments proposed by the City Council relative to the City Council's planning and
zoning function. Such review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning
Commission must be received by the City Council prior to action on the proposed
ordinance or amendment.
(3) Receive and review all platting and subdivision proposals and make recommendations to
the City Council for appropriate action.
Shall Article VIII, Section 3 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the requirement for submission
of written reports of proceedings of City boards, commissions and committees?
Section 3. —General.
A. Open Meetings. All meetings of any board, commission, or committee created, established or
appointed by this Charter or the City Council shall be open to the public,unless otherwise permitted
by law and shall be subject to both current and future laws of the State of Texas concerning public
B. Appeals to City Council. Subject to the provisions of any law of the State of Texas and to the
county, an appeal may be taken to the City Council from any decision of any board, commission,
committee or other body except from decisions of the Board of Equalization, or Board of
Adjustment. Such appeals shall be perfected by filing a sworn notice of appeal with the City
Secretary within 30 days from the rendition of the decision of the board, committee or other body.
Prior to the institution of any appeal in a court of law by an aggrieved person from a decision of
such board, commission, committee or other body, appeal must be first perfected to the City
C. Compensation. Subject to the provisions of any law of the State of Texas or this Charter to the
contrary, all members of any board, commission, committee or other body will serve without
compensation but may be reimbursed for any necessary expenses as a result of their work.
D. Minutes. All boards, commissions or committees of the City shall keep and maintain minutes of
any proceedings held. and shall submit a -itte r-epaft of sueh preeeedings to the Gity Gatineil at
least., e o ,.h m „th
E. Exclusion of City Officers and Employees. No officer of the City nor any person who holds a
compensated appointive position with the City shall be appointed to any board, commission or
committee created or established by this Charter other than in an advisory capacity.
F. Rules and Regulations. All boards, commissions and committees established or created by this
Charter shall set out their own rules and regulations for operation thereof unless specifically
prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas,this Charter, or by ordinance. Ordinances creating any
board,commission or committee shall provide that if any member is absent from three consecutive
meetings, his position shall be declared vacant and the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of
the unexpired term by the City Council within 30 days after the vacancy occurs.
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 29
G. Existing Boards and Commissions. All existing boards, commissions and committees heretofore
established shall be continued in accordance with the ordinance or other acts under which they have
been created, or until the City Council shall, by ordinance, abolish, modify or alter the ordinances
or acts under which they exist.
Shall Article III, Section 1; Article IX, Section 2; Article X, Section 6; Article XI, Sections 27 and 29; and Article
XII, Section 1 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove obsolete transitional provisions that are no
longer necessary'?
Section 1. -Number, Selection and Term.
The legislative and governing body of the City shall consist of a Mayor and six Councilmen and
shall be known as the "City Council of the City of Wylie."
A. The Mayor and Councilmen shall be elected by the qualified voters of the City at large, each of
whom, unless sooner removed by the provisions of this Charter, shall serve for a term of three
years. Each Councilmen shall occupy a position on the City Council, such positions being
numbered 1 through 6, consecutively.
B. All members of the City Council, other than the Mayor, shall be elected under the place system.
4'errl}s 2 y` . 3-: 2-�.
Places -1_ 2 3 4 6 #Iaye
-14W 4- 4
2000 -2 -4 -6 Mayer
2001 4- -3
300 -5 6 #layer
2403 -2 -4
240-- --5 6 Mayer
2006 -2 -4
240-7 T -3
2005 3 6 Mayer
Plaees-1 3, and 5 will be up-fef:re-election in 1999 vlaees 1 and 3 will have a wo year tefm, and
Plaee 5 ill have ., three year teR
Places 2, 4, 6-and the-Mayer-will b p for I etion 2000 nl � a the Mayor- I I h
v�u xvi-rc-cre ccrvri-i-irzvvv--r-if[cc v-arx�cncz r=vrirr�cRc-f[
,l will 1 1 roll with thfeo r
l�egif3f3}tl'�-1-r1-208-1, each l�l&Ee, t}Zel}lGti3g the-1�r�3y6��Virrbe-ie crecccv�r}crrmrcc=jcur�enas
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3,2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 30
Section 2.—Planning and Zoning Commission.
The City Council shall establish a Planning and Zoning Commission in the manner provided by
this Charter, whose primary duty shall be to advise the City Council in carrying out its various duties and
functions regarding planning and environmental quality as provided by this Charter.
A. Organization and qualification.
(1) There shall be established a Planning and ZoninP Commission which shall consist of seven
citizens of the City of Wylie. The members of said Board shall be qualified voters of the
City a shall be appointed by the City !`etineil within 60 days of the adeption of this
G .-t , f temn of twee The Fne.. be.s f saidshall
at rhoif first meeting shll
dr-aw lots to detefmine these whe will sef-,,e one yeaf and twe yeaf tefffls beginning en the
t f initial t..+ent f the R.,., d On the tier f the tefm of e eh of the
cxacc�r-mTcxur-a-ppvxrrancrr�v cicpiiucrorrv�ax ....... .,. ........ .,. .....
fnemhers h have a,...wn lots his „lace shall he filled by . fnember- a nte,l f a twe
year- te . The Board shall elect a chairman from among its membership each year at the
first regular meeting in July. The Commission shall meet not less than once each month.
Vacancies in an unexpired term shall be filled by the City Council within 30 days from the
date of the vacancy for the remainder of the term. For purposes of this section, the
appointment year of respective Commission members shall be deemed to begin on July
1 St.
(2) Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be residents of the City of Wylie
for at least 12 months preceding the date of appointment; be knowledgeable in the affairs
of the City and be knowledgeable in the functions and activities provided for in this Article.
B. Duties and Powers o_f the Planning and Zoning Commission.The Planning and Zoning Commission
(1) Make and recommend to the City Council a master plan to be used as a guide in considering
ordinances for the orderly development of the City. The Commission shall, not less than
every five years, review and recommend to the City Council amendments to the master
plan of the City.
(2) Recommend to the City Council proposed ordinances and amendments to ordinances
regarding planning, zoning and environmental quality and review ordinances and
amendments proposed by the City Council relative to the City Council's planning and
zoning function. Such review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning
Commission must be received by the City Council prior to action on the proposed
ordinance or amendment.
(3) Receive and review all platting and subdivision proposals and make recommendations to
the City Council for appropriate action.
Section 6.—Right of Regulation.
In granting, amending, renewing and extending public service and utility franchises, the City has the
following rights:
A. To repeal the franchise by ordinance for failure to begin construction or operation within the time
prescribed or for failure to comply with terms of the franchise. This may be executed only after due
notice and hearing.
B. To require all extensions of services within the City limits to become part of the aggregate property
of the service and operate subject to all obligations and reserved rights contained in this Charter.
This extension is considered part of the original grant and terminable at the same time and under
the same conditions as the original grant.
C. To require expansion and extension of facilities and services and to require maintenance of existing
facilities to provide adequate service at the highest level of efficiency.
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 31
D. To require reasonable standards of service and quality of product and prevent unjust rate
E. To impose reasonable regulations and restrictions to insure the safety and welfare of the public.
F. To prescribe the form of accounts kept by each utility. Accounts must be kept according to the
accounting system prescribed by the appropriate state or federal regulatory agency.
G. To examine and audit accounts and records and to require annual reports on local operations of the
H. To require that procedural rules and regulations dealing with public utilities conform to the
requirements of the appropriate state or other regulatory agency.
I. To require franchisee to restore,at franchisee's expense,all public or private property to a condition
as good or better than before disturbed by the franchisee for construction, repair or removal.
J. To require every franchisee to furnish; within a reasonable time to the City, at the franchisee's
expense, a general map outlining current location, character, size, length and terminal of all
facilities, over and underground of City property and additional information on request.
K. To require every franchise and public service utilities operator within the City to file certified copies
of all franchises owned or claimed or under which such utility is operated in the City. This shall be
Elono within six menths aft the Ghat4er- takes " The City shall maintain a public record of
public service franchises.
L. To require such compensation and rental as may be permitted by the laws of the State of Texas.
M. To require City Council approval of all rates, rate schedules and amendments thereto of utilities
franchised in the City of Wylie.
Section 27. —Reserved Seib fission ofChat4er to Vet _s
This Ghai4er-is se eenstfueted that in ordef to enable it to wer-k and funetion, i
than 30 days pfier- to stieh eleetion, the G45, Cetineil shall eattse the City Seer-etafy te mail a eepy of this
qualified vatefs —t... sueh eleetion vote in favef of the adeption ef this Ghai4er, it shall beeeme the
sea! of the City, shall be for-waMed to the Seer-etar-y of the State of TeNas and shall show the appf:aval of
this Ghartor by major-t.J,vote of'the y" yatefs voting t sueh 1 t'
Section 29. —Reserved Sehedtile of 44ansition
B. Upon the adoption of this Ghai4eF, the pfesent Fnember-s of the City Getmeil filling eleetive effiees
will eantintie to fill these offiees faf the teFrAs to whieh the),wer-e eleeted. ifthis Ghat4er-is ada' .A. This Chaftef shall take effeet immediately fellowing adoption by the vetef:s and entr-5,of an 44eial
the City Gatineil shall,by at its fif:st fegular-meeting after the adeption afthis
-.-P eleeted in even numbered years, or until his sueeesser-is eleeted and qualified. T-hef:ea#,ef-,
the City Gouneil shall be eleeted as pfevided in this Ghaf4er. Pefsens, who, an the date this Ghaf4e
is adopted, af:e filling appointive positions with the City of Wylie whieh are fetained undef this-
Chartef, mal 411 these positiens for- the tefm for- whieh they wef:e appointed, Uni...
r2...., yed by the City!''ettneil by other Fneans ',1 ,1 fef th c t
tr„isiii n Te it• the >\R.,..or is i hn WAkin h' term ill Ar l 1996 ! l
� ,1 r
Place 1 s Don Hughes .,here to.-ffl of affiee ,ill e April, 1995; G •t n1aee 2 .
Pefey Simmons whose tefffl will expire in April, 1996; Gouneilman, Plaee 3 is Cleo Adams whose
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 32
teffn will expire in Apfil, 1995; Gouneilman, Plaee 4 is William Maftia whose tefffl will expi i
April, 1996Eouncil an, lace 5 is jee—€ulgl3am vl,hese to will e*pire in April, 199-5
adoption of this Ghat4er-and will ser-ve until that teffn e*pifes for Plaee 6 in Apfil, 1996. Thefeaftef,
the p ,.edti e for- filling of f`o,,ned seats shall f.,llaw the provisions of this City G ai4er
Section 1.—Reserved rPfaeedur-e.
A. This Ghaf4er-Shp-ill be Sub-m-4ted to the Eltialified vetefs of the City of Wylie fef ado. ton
., rantiat-y 19, 1995, .,t.,.1 ieh eleetion :f a m fity of the qualified voters Voting : .eh ele ,n
shall vote in favef of the adeption of this Ghaftef, it shall then immediately beeeme the gov
�"of theCity of Wylie Texas until amended o repealed.
to be used in eh eleetion shall be as follows, to wit:
Fof the adoption of the Ghaftef
G The presen -Gity Getineil of theGity of Wylie shall all an eleetio in aeeafdanee with t1 0
provisions of the genefal laws ef the state .......t,-tieh eleetions,and the safne shall be eandi
and the fetums made and results Eleelafed as pfevided by the !aws of the State OfTe*as gON,e
adoption of sueh Ghafter-, then an effieial ardef shall be entefed upen the feeefds of said Gity-by
the City Getineil of Wylie Eleelar-ing the same adopted and the Gity Seer-etaf:�,shall Fe6OFE1 at ieRo
under the sea! of the City togethef with a eeftifieate showing the appfoval of the qualified vetefs e
stieh Chafte
Shall Article IX, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to state the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall meet as needed rather than not less than once each month?
Section 2.—Planning and Zoning Commission.
The City Council shall establish a Planning and Zoning Commission in the manner provided by
this Charter, whose primary duty shall be to advise the City Council in carrying out its various duties and
functions regarding planning and environmental quality as provided by this Charter.
A. Organization and qualification.
(1) There shall be established a Planning and Zoning Commission which shall consist of seven
citizens of the City of Wylie. The members of said Board shall be qualified voters of the
City and shall be appointed by the City Council within 60 days of the adoption of this
Charter, for a term of two years. The members of said Board at their first meeting shall
draw lots to determine those who will serve one year and two year terms beginning on the
date of initial appointment of the Board. On the expiration of the term of each of the
members who have drawn lots, his place shall be filled by a member appointed for a two
year term. The Board shall elect a chairman from among its membership each year at the
first regular meeting in July. The Commission shall meet as needed net less than enee each
R;A;#h. Vacancies in an unexpired term shall be filled by the City Council within 30 days
from the date of the vacancy for the remainder of the term. For purposes of this section,
the appointment year of respective Commission members shall be deemed to begin on July
1 St.
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3,2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 33
(2) Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be residents of the City of Wylie
for at least 12 months preceding the date of appointment; be knowledgeable in the affairs
of the City and be knowledgeable in the functions and activities provided for in this Article.
B. Duties and Powers of the Planning and Zoning Commission.The Planning and Zoning Commission
(1) Make and recommend to the City Council a master plan to be used as a guide in considering
ordinances for the orderly development of the City. The Commission shall, not less than
every five years, review and recommend to the City Council amendments to the master
plan of the City.
(2) Recommend to the City Council proposed ordinances and amendments to ordinances
regarding planning, zoning and environmental quality and review ordinances and
amendments proposed by the City Council relative to the City Council's planning and
zoning function. Such review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning
Commission must be received by the City Council prior to action on the proposed
ordinance or amendment.
(3) Receive and review all platting and subdivision proposals and make recommendations to
the City Council for appropriate action.
Shall Article XI, Section 8 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to enlarge the time for providing notice of
a claim for damages from 45 days to 180 days?
Section 8.—Damage Suits.
Before the City shall be liable for any claim for damages for the death or personal injuries of any
person or for damages to property, the complainant or his authorized representative shall notify the City
Secretary. The notification shall be in writing and shall state specifically how, when and where the death,
injury or damage occurred; the amount of loss claimed; and the identity of any witnesses upon whom it is
relied to establish the claim. The notification shall be filed within 18045 days of the date of injury or damage
or, in the case of death, within 18045 days of the date of death. The failure to so notify the City within the
time and manner specified shall exonerate, excuse and exempt the City from any liability whatsoever. No
action at law shall be brought against the City until at least 60 days have elapsed since the date of
Shall Article XI, Section 24 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to state that use of the word"City" shall
mean the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas'?
Section 24.—City Defined.
The use of the word "City" in this Charter shall mean the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas, and
Rockwall Gatint� Counties, Texas.
Shall Article XI, Section 25 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to state that references to singular words
include the plural, references to plural words include the singular, references to laws shall mean "as presently
enacted or as may be amended or superseded,"and use of the word"Charter"shall mean the"Home Rule Charter"?
Section 25.—Gender of Wording.
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 34
The masculine-gender of the wording throughout this Charter shall always be interpreted to mean
either sex. All singular words shall include the plural and all plural words shall include the singular. All
references to laws, however expressed in this Charter, shall mean "as presently enacted or as maybe
amended or superseded." The use of the word "Charter" shall mean this Home Rule Charter.
Shall Article XI, Section 28 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to grant the City Council authority to
make non-substantive revisions to the Charter without obtaining separate approval of the voters in a Charter
amendment election, authorizing non-substantive changes to be made to the Charter through the passage of an
Section 28.—Nonsubstantive Revisions
The City Council shall have the power, by ordinance, to renumber and rearrange all articles,
sections and paragraphs of this Charter or any amendments thereto, and to correct errors in spelling,
grammar, cross-references and punctuation, as it shall deem appropriate, and upon the passage of any such
ordinance, a copy thereof, certified by the City Secretary, shall be forwarded to the Secretary of State for
filing. A revision adopted under this section is not intended to and is not to be interpreted as making any
substantive change in any Charter provision.
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Exhibit B
Official Ballot Propositions
At the Election,the following ballot propositions shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Wylie in conformance
with the requirements of the Texas Election Code:
Shall Article I, Section 1; Article III, Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, and 13; Article IV, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7;
Article V, Section 2; Article VI, Sections 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, and 14; Article VII, Sections 4, 9, and 10; Article VIII,
Sections 2 and 3; Article IX, Section 2; Article XI, Sections 5, 8, 21, 25, and 29; and Article XII, Section 1 of the
Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to replace gender-specific language with gender-neutral terms?
Shall Article III, Section 5 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to specify the time for electing the Mayor
Pro-Tem and to provide that the Mayor Pro-Tem shall serve in such capacity until a majority of the City Council
votes to elect a new Mayor Pro-Tem?
Shall Article III, Section 6 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify that a Council Member or Mayor
forfeits his or her office if he or she fails to attend three consecutive regular City Council meetings without an
explanation acceptable to a majority of the remaining members of the City Council`?
Shall Article II1, Section 11 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify the standard for determining
when a Council Member has a conflict of interest by referencing state law?
Shall Article III, Section 11 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to modify the result of a member of the
City Council choosing to abstain from voting to reflect that the vote shall be recorded as a negative vote?
Shall Article III, Section 13; Article VI, Section 9; Article VII, Sections 3 and 13; Article X, Section 3; and Article
XI, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to provide for publication of certain notices by means
other than publication in the official newspaper of the City or as otherwise specified, all as may be allowed by state
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 36
Shall Article III, Section 13 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the requirement to read aloud
the title, caption and full text of ordinances as part of the passage of ordinances?
Shall Article III,Section 14 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to modify how frequently the City Council
must provide for the codification of general ordinances from every five years to every fifteen years?
Shall Article III, Section 17 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to modify the makeup of the commission
charged with acting as the City Council during a disaster and calling a City election for the election of a required
quorum and to remove the required formation of a committee to appoint such a commission`?
Shall Article IV, Section 3 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to require additional Municipal Court
judges to be competent, duly qualified, licensed attorneys in the State of Texas?
Shall Article IV, Section 5 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the City Council's authority
over the appointment, removal, duties, compensation and other terms of employment of the City Engineer and
granting such authority to the City Manager?
Shall Article V, Section 1 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to require regular City elections to be held
annually on the first Saturday in May or such other date as required by the Texas Election Code?
Shall Article V, Section 2 and Article XI, Section 14 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove
provisions disqualifying a person from being eligible to run for elective office or to serve in a municipal office if
he or she is in arrears in the payment of taxes or other liabilities due to the City?
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3,2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 37
Shall Article VI, Section 1 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove from the scope of the powers
of initiative and referendum ordinances relating to salaries of City officers or employees, the Comprehensive Plan,
amendments of the Zoning Ordinance, use of the power of eminent domain and other ordinances not subject to
initiative or referendum as provided by state law, and reorganizing existing language relating thereto?
Shall Article VI, Section 6 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify the scope of the City Secretary's
review of petitions, to modify the time period in which the City Secretary must verify petitions, and to remove
authority for amending and supplementing petitions after the filing thereof?
Shall Article VII, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to change the date by which the City
Manager must submit a proposed budget from August 1 to August 15 of each year?
Shall Article VII, Section 9 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to clarify procedures relating to City
Council's award of contracts and purchases?
Shall Article VII, Section 12 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the requirement for the City
Manager to submit financial reports at the first formal City Council meeting each month and instead require the
submission to occur at any City Council meeting but no less frequently than once per month`?
Shall Article VIII, Section 2 and Article IX, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to change the
time for electing chairpersons of certain boards and commissions from each July to the first regular meeting after
annual appointments and to remove language regarding appointments occurring in July?
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3,2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 38
Shall Article VIII, Section 3 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove the requirement for submission
of written reports of proceedings of City boards, commissions and committees?
Shall Article III, Section 1; Article IX, Section 2; Article X, Section 6; Article XI, Sections 27 and 29; and Article
XII, Section 1 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to remove obsolete transitional provisions that are no
longer necessary?
Shall Article IX, Section 2 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to state the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall meet as needed rather than not less than once each month`?
Shall Article XI, Section 8 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to enlarge the time for providing notice of
a claim for damages from 45 days to 180 days?
Shall Article XI, Section 24 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to state that use of the word"City" shall
mean the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas?
Shall Article XI, Section 25 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to state that references to singular words
include the plural, references to plural words include the singular, references to laws shall mean "as presently
enacted or as may be amended or superseded,"and use of the word"Charter"shall mean the"Home Rule Charter"?
Shall Article XI, Section 28 of the Wylie Home Rule Charter be amended to grant the City Council authority to
make non-substantive revisions to the Charter without obtaining separate approval of the voters in a Charter
amendment election, authorizing non-substantive changes to be made to the Charter through the passage of an
Resolution No. 2025-03(R)Ordering May 3, 2025 Special Election on Proposed Charter Amendments Page 39
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