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Resolution 2025-04
RESOLUTION NO. 2025-04(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A JOINT ELECTION CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND THE COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE MAY 3,2025 WYLIE GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS FOR THE CITY'S VOTERS RESIDING IN COLLIN COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie wishes to contract with Collin County Elections Administrator, Kaleb Breaux, to administer the May 3, 2025 General and Special Elections as referenced in the contract which is attached as Exhibit"A and WHEREAS, Article 2, Section 1(c) of the Home Rule Charter allows the Council to cooperate with the government of any County for any lawful purpose for the advancement of the interests of its inhabitants and cost savings to the taxpayers. The Election Code allows and encourages cities to contract with any county within its incorporated city limits for the administration of local elections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, an Agreement by and between the City of Wylie and the Collin County Elections Administration for the Administration of the May 3, 2025 Wylie General and Special Elections for Collin County Voters. Should the final, executed version of such Agreement be modified from the version attached as Exhibit "A", such final, executed version shall replace Exhibit "A" of this Resolution for all purposes. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this 1 1 th day of February, 2025. 00, atthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST TO: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary \ _ Resolution No.2025-04(R)—Collin County Election Administration Contract Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" Contract for Election Services Resolution No. 2025-04(R)—Collin County Election Administration Contract Page 2 of 2 COLLIN COUNTY IP, JOINT ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT ("Election Services Contract") ELECTION SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR ("Contracting Election Officer") AND CITY OF WYLIE ("Participating Political Subdivision") FOR THE CONDUCT OF A JOINT ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, MAY 3,2025 TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR 1 1. ADMINISTRATION AND STATUTORY AUTHORITY a. Kaleb Breaux ("Kaleb Breaux") is the duly appointed County Elections Administrator ("Elections Administrator') of Collin County, Texas, and the Department Head of the Collin County Elections Department. As such, Mr. Breaux is the Election Administrator of Collin County, Texas and authorized by Subchapter D of Chapter 31 of Title 3 of the Texas Election Code to enter into this Election Services Contract with the contracting authority of the Participating Political Subdivision. b. The contracting authority of the Participating Political Subdivision is hereby participating in the Joint Election to be held in Collin County, Texas on Saturday, May 3, 2025. The Participating Political Subdivision is hereby contracting with the Elections Administrator of Collin County, Texas and all other joining jurisdictions to perform the election services set forth in this Election Services Contract under Subchapter D of Chapter 31 of Title 3 of the Texas Election Code. 2. DUTIES AND SERVICES OF THE CONTRACTING ELECTION OFFICER a. The Contracting Election Officer shall be responsible for performing the following duties and shall furnish the following services and equipment: i. The Contracting Election Officer will prepare and publish the required Notice of Election and post the required orders and resolutions to the Collin County Elections Department website. ii. The Contracting Election Officer shall arrange for appointment, notification(including writ of election),training and compensation of all presiding judges, alternate judges, the judge of the Central Count Station and judge of the Early Voting Ballot Board. iii. The Contracting Election Officer shall be responsible for notification of each Election Day and Early Voting presidingjudge and alternate judge of his/her appointment.The presiding election judge of each vote center will use his/her discretion to determine when additional workers are needed, during peak voting hours. iv. The Contracting Election Officer will determine the number of clerks to work in the Central Count Station and the number of clerks to work on the Ballot Board. 1. Election judges shall attend the Contracting Election Officer's school of instruction (Election Law Class).A training event calendar will be provided. 2. Election judges and alternate judges shall be responsible for picking up and returning election supplies to the County Election Warehouse located at 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney. Compensation for this pickup and delivery of supplies will be $25.00. v. The Contracting Election Officer shall compensate each election judge and worker. Each judge shall receive $15.00 per hour, each alternate judge shall receive $14.00 per hour,and each clerk shall receive$13.00 per hour for services rendered.Overtime will be paid to each person working more than 40 hours per week. 2 b. The Contracting Election Officer shall procure, prepare, and distribute voting machines, election kits, and election supplies. i. The Contracting Election Officer shall secure election kits, which include the legal documentation required to hold an election and all supplies. ii. The Contracting Election Officer shall secure the tables, chairs, and legal documentation required to run the Central Count Station. iii. The Contracting Election Officer shall provide all lists of registered voters required for use on Election Day and for the Early Voting period required by law. iv. The Contracting Election Officer shall procure and arrange for the distribution of all election equipment and supplies required to hold an election. 1. Equipment includes the rental of ES&S ExpressVote Universal Voting Machines (EVS, ES&S ExpressTouch Curbside Voting Machines (EVS, ES&S DS200 Ballot Counters (EVS, ES&S Model DS450 and DS850 High-Speed Scanners/Tabulators (EVS, ADA compliant headphones and keypads,voting signs, and election supply cabinets. 2. Supplies include paper ballot cards, Early Voting and Election Day supply kits, provisional ballot kits, security seals, pens,tape, markers, etc. c. The Contracting Election Officer, Kaleb Breaux,shall be appointed the Early Voting Clerk. i. The Contracting Election Officer shall supervise and conduct Early Voting by mail and in person and shall secure personnel to serve as Early Voting Deputies. ii. The Contracting Election Officer shall select the Early Voting polling locations and arrange for the use of each. iii. Early Voting by personal appearance for the Participating Political Subdivision shall be conducted during the Early Voting dates and times and at the locations listed in "Exhibit A" attached and incorporated by reference into this Election Services Contract. iv. All applications for an Early Voting mail ballot shall be received and processed by the Collin County Elections Administration Office located at 2010 Redbud Blvd.,Suite 102, McKinney,Texas 75069. 1. Applications for mail ballots erroneously mailed to the Participating Political Subdivision shall immediately be faxed to the Contracting Officer for timely processing. The original application shall then be forwarded to the Contracting Election Officer for proper retention. 2. All Federal Post Card Applications(FPCA)will be sent a mail ballot. No postage is required. v. All Early Voting ballots (those cast by mail and those cast by personal appearance) shall be prepared for counting by the Early Voting Ballot Board in accordance with Section 87.000 of the Texas Election Code. The Contracting Officer shall appoint the presiding judge of this Board. d. The Contracting Election Officer shall select the Election Day vote centers and arrange for the use of each. i. The Participating Political Subdivision shall assume the responsibility of remitting their portion of cost of all employee services required to provide access, provide security or provide custodial services for the vote centers. ii. The Election Day vote centers are listed in "Exhibit B", attached and incorporated by reference into this Election Services Contract. 3 e. The Contracting Election Officer shall be responsible for establishing and operating the Central Count Station to receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with Section 127.001 of the Election Code and of this agreement.The Central Count Station Manager shall be Kaleb Breaux. The Central Count Station Judge shall be Kathi-Ann Rivard. The Tabulation Supervisor shall be Brian Griesbach. i. The Tabulation Supervisor shall prepare,test and run the County's tabulation system in accordance with statutory requirements and county policies, under the auspices of the Contracting Election Officer. ii. The Public Logic and Accuracy Test and Hash Validation of the electronic voting system shall be conducted in accordance with Texas Election Code. The Contracting Election Officer will post the required Notice of Logic and Accuracy Testing and Hash Validation. iii. Election night reports will be available to the Participating Political Subdivision at the Central Counting Station on election night. Provisional ballots will be tabulated after election night in accordance with State law. iv. The Contracting Election Officer shall prepare the unofficial canvass report after all precincts have been counted, and will provide canvassing documents to the Participating Political Subdivision as soon as possible after all returns have been tallied. v. The Contracting Election Officer shall be appointed as the custodian of the voted ballots and shall retain all election materials for a period of 22 months. 1. Pending no litigation and as prescribed by law, the voted ballots shall be shredded 22 months after the election. f. The Contracting Election Officer shall conduct a partial manual count as prescribed by Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code and submit a written report to the Participating Political Subdivision in a timely manner. If applicable, a written report shall be submitted to the Secretary of State as required by Section 127.201 of the aforementioned code. 3. DUTIES AND SERVICES OF THE PARTICIPATING POLITICAL SUBDIVISION a. The Participating Political Subdivision shall assume the following duties: i. The Participating Political Subdivision will prepare, adopt, and publish all legally required election orders, resolutions, and other documents required by, or of, their governing bodies. The Participating Political Subdivision are required to send Collin County Elections Department a copy of any election order or resolution related to this Joint Election within three business days of publishing, adopting or ordering it. ii. The Participating Political Subdivision shall provide the Contracting Election Officer with an updated map and street index of their jurisdiction in an electronic (PDF and shape files preferred) or printed format as soon as possible but no later than Friday, February 14, 2025. iii. The Participating Political Subdivision shall procure and provide the Contracting Election Officer with the ballot layout and Spanish translation in an electronic format. 1. The Participating Political Subdivision shall deliverto the Contracting Election Officer as soon as possible, but no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 24, 2025, the official wording for the Participating Political Subdivision's May 3, 2025 Joint Election. 2. The Participating Political Subdivision shall approve the ballot proofs format within 24 hours of receiving the ballot proof and prior to the final printing. 4 a. If the Participating Political Subdivision fails to approve the ballot proofs within 24 hours of receiving the proofs, the Contracting Election Officer will presume that the ballot proofs have been approved bythe Participating Political Subdivision.Any costs incurred by making any changes to the ballot (designing, printing, programming, etc.)from this point forward will be the responsibility of the Participating Political Subdivision. iv. The Participating Political Subdivision shall compensate the Contracting Election Officer for all associated costs including any additional verified cost incurred in the process of running this election or for a manual recount, this election may require, consistent with charges and hourly rates shown on "Exhibit C"for required services. 1. The charges incurred during the manual recount are outlined in Sec. 212 of the Texas Election Code. b. The Participating Political Subdivision shall pay the Contracting Election Officer 90% of the estimated cost to run the said election prior to Friday, March 28, 2025. The Contracting Election Officer shall place the funds in a "contract fund" as prescribed by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code.The deposit should be made payable to the"Collin County Treasury" with a note "For election services" included with the check documentation and delivered to the Collin County Treasury, 2300 Bloomdale Rd., #3138, McKinney,Texas 75071. c. The Participating Political Subdivision shall pay the cost of conducting said election,less partial payment, including the 10% administrative fee, pursuant to the Texas Election Code, Section 31.100,within 30 days from the date of final billing.Additionally,all payments in excess of the final cost to perform the election will be refunded to the Participating Political Subdivision. 4. COST OF SERVICES. a. See "Exhibit C". b. Note:A Participating Political Subdivision shall incur a minimum cost of$3,500.00 to conduct a joint election with the Collin County Elections Department. 5. RUNOFF ELECTIONS a. Each Participating Political Subdivision shall have the option of extending the terms of this contract through its Runoff Election, if applicable. In the event of such Runoff Election, the terms of this contract shall automatically extend unless the Participating Political Subdivision notifies the Elections Administrator in writing within 3 business days of the original election. b. Each Participating Political Subdivision shall reserve the right to reduce the number of Early Voting polling locations and/or Election Day vote centers in a Runoff Election. If necessary, any voting changes made by a Participating Political Subdivision between the original election and the Runoff Election shall be submitted by the authority making the change to the United States Department of Justice for the preclearance required by the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended. c. Each Participating Political Subdivision agrees to order any Runoff Election(s) at its meeting for canvassing the votes from May 3,2025 Joint Election,and to conduct its drawing for ballot positions at, or immediately following, such meeting in order to expedite preparations for its Runoff Election. d. Each Participating Political Subdivision eligible to hold Runoff Elections after the May 3, 2025 Uniform Election Date agrees that the date of a necessary Runoff Election shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Code,which will be Saturday,June 7, 2025. 5 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS a. Nothing contained in this Election Services Contract shall authorize or permit a change in the officer with whom,or the place at which any document or record relating to the Participating Political Subdivision's May 3, 2025 Joint Election are to be filed, or the place at which any function is to be carried out, or any nontransferable functions specified under Section 31.096 of the Texas Election Code. b. Upon request, the Contracting Election Officer will provide copies of all invoices and other charges received in the process of running said election for the Participating Political Subdivision. c. If the Participating Political Subdivision cancels their elections pursuant to Section 2.053 of the Texas Election Code, the Participating Political Subdivision shall pay the Contracting Officer a contract preparation fee of $75.00 and will not be liable for any further costs incurred by the Contracting Officer. d. The Contracting Officer shall file copies of this contract with the County Judge and the County Auditor of Collin County,Texas. 6 WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS DAY OF 2025. Kaleb Breaux, Elections Administrator Collin County,Texas WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS DAY OF 2025. Approved By: Witnessed By: Signed: Signed: Name: Name: Title: Title: Exhibit A(Anexo A) Collin County(Condado de Collin) May 3,2025 Joint General and Special Elections-Early Voting Locations,Dates and Hours (3 de mayo de 2025 Elecci6n general y especial conjunto-Lugares de Votaci6n Temprana, Fechas y Horas) Important Note:Eligible Collin County registered voters(with an effective date of registration on or before May 3,2025)may vote at any Early Voting location. (Nota importante:Los votantes registrados elegibles del Condado de Collin(con una fecha efectiva de registro en o antes del 3 de mayo de 2025 pueden votar en cualquier lugor de votacidn anticipada.) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday (Domingo) (tunes) (Mortes) (Miftoles) Oueves) (Viernes) (Mbado) April22 April 23 April24 April25 April26 April 20 April 21 Early Voting Early Voting Early Voting Early Voting Early Voting No Voting No Voting (22 de obril) (23 de abril) (24 de abril) (25 de abril) (26 de obril) (20 de abril) (21 de abril) (Votaci6n (Votaci6n (Votaci6n (Votaci6n (Votaci6n (Sin votar) (Sin votar) adelantada) adelantada) adelantada) adelantada) adelantada) 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm April 28 April 29 May 3 April 27 Early Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting (28 de abril) (29 de abril) April 30 May 1 May 2 (3 de mayo) No (27 de abri (Votaci6n (Votaci6n (30 de abril) (1 de mayo) (2 de mayo) (Dip de (Sin votar) adelantada) adelantada) elecci6n) 7am-7pm lam-7pm 7am—7pm Polling Location Room Name Address city Zip Code (Nambre de to (Od go (tugar de V©racicSn) (DJrerci6n) (Ciudad)habitacift postal) Allen ISD Service Center Main Lobby 1451 N.Watters Rd. Allen 75013 Allen Municipal Courts Facility Community Room 301 Century Pkwy. Allen 75013 Anna Municipal Complex Lobby 120 W. 7th St. Anna 75409 Blue Ridge ISD Administration Building Board of Trustees 318 W.School St. Blue Ridge 75424 Board Room Carpenter Park Recreation Center South Lobby 6701 Coit Rd. Plano 75024 Children's Health StarCenter Activity Room 6993 Star Ave. McKinney 75070 Collin College Celina Campus Classroom CEC110 2505 Kinship Pkwy. Celina 75009 Collin College Farmersville Campus Atrium 501 S.Collin Pkwy. Farmersville 75442 Collin College Frisco Campus Building J, Room 113 9700 Wade Blvd. Frisco 75035 Collin College Higher Education Center Atrium 3452 Spur 399 McKinney 75069 Revised January 23, 2025 Page 1 Polling location Room Name Address city Tap Code (Nombre de/a (Direcci6 (Ciudad)nJ (C6digo (Lugar de Votaci6n) habitaci6n) postal) Collin College McKinney Campus Atrium C Square 2200 University Dr. McKinney 75071 Collin College Plano Campus Atrium D Square 2800 E.Spring Creek Pkwy. Plano 75074 Collin College Wylie Campus Lobby 391 Country Club Rd. Wylie 75098 Collin County Elections Voting Room 2010 Redbud Blvd.,Suite 102 McKinney 75069 (Main Early Voting Location) Davis LibraryChildren's Program 7501 Independence Pkwy.A Plano 75025 Room p y East Plano Islamic Center Mulitpurpose Room 4700 14th St. Plano 75074 Frisco Fire Station#05 Training Room 14300 Eldorado Pkwy. Frisco 75035 Frisco Fire Station#08 Training Room 14700 Rolater Rd. Frisco 75035 Gay Library Meeting Room 6861 W. Eldorado Pkwy. McKinney 75070 Haggard Library Programs Room 2501 Coit Rd. Plano 75075 Harrington Library Thelma Rice Sproles 1501 18th St. Plano 75074 Program Room Lavon City Hall Gymnasium 120 School Rd. Lavon 75166 Lovejoy ISD Administration Building Portable#1 Training 259 Country Club Rd. Allen 75002 Room Lucas Community Center Community Room 665 Country Club Rd. Lucas 75002 McKinney Fire Station#05 Community Room 6600 Virginia Pkwy. McKinney 75071 McKinney Fire Station#07 Community Room 861 Independence Pkwy. McKinney 75072 McKinney Fire Station#09 Community Room 4900 Summit View Dr. McKinney 75071 McKinney Municipal Complex TBD 401 E.Virginia St. McKinney 75069 McKinney Senior Recreation Center Meeting Room 1400 S. College St. McKinney 75069 Melissa Public Safety Building Court Room 2402 McKinney St. Melissa 75454 Methodist Medical Center Richardson Conference Room A 2831 E. President George Bush Richardson 75082 Hwy. Michael J. Felix Community Center Rooms A and B 3815-E Sachse Rd. Sachse 75048 Murphy Activity Center The Great Hall 201 N. Murphy Rd. Murphy 75094 Parker City Hall Council Chambers 5700 E. Parker Rd. Parker 75002 Revised January 23, 2025 Page 2 Polling Location Room Name(hombre de/a Zip Code Address C"rtY (Lugar de Votoci6n) (Direcci6n) (Ciudad) (C6digo hobitoci6n) postal) Parr Library Programs Room 6200 Windhaven Pkwy. Plano 75093 Prosper Town Hall Community Room 250 W. First St. Prosper 75078 Renner-Frankford Branch Library Programs Room 6400 Frankford Rd. Dallas 75252 St. Paul Town Hall Council Chambers 2505 Butcher's Block St. Paul 75098 Terry Pope Administration Building Community ISD Board 611 N. FM 1138 Nevada 75173 Room The Grove at Frisco Commons Game Room C 8300 McKinney Rd. Frisco 75034 Weston Community Center Main Room 117 Main St. Weston 75097 Wylie Community Park Center Meeting Room East 800 Thomas St.#100 Wylie 75098 *Polling locations are subject to change. For the most current list of locations,please visit the Elections webpage at www.collincountytx.gov/elections. (*Los lugares de votaci6n est6n sujetos a combios. Para obtener la listo m6s actualizoda de ubicaciones, visite la p6gina web de Elecciones en www.collincountytx.goy/elections.) Applications for ballot by mail may be mailed and must be received no later than the close of business on April 22,2025, to: (Las solicitudes de boleta par correo pueden enviarse par correo y deben recibirse a m6s tardar el 22 de abril de 2025 pora:) Kaleb Breaux,Early Voting Clerk 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102 McKinney,Texas 75069 972-547-1900 www.col:incountytx.gov Applications for ballot by mail may also be faxed or emailed and must be received no later than the close of business on April 22,2025. For an application for ballot by mail submitted by telephonic facsimile machine or electronic transmission to be effective,the hard copy of the application must also be submitted by mail and be received by the early voting clerk not later than the fourth business day after the transmission by telephonic facsimile machine or electronic transmission is received.(Texas Election Code 84.007) (Las solicitudes de boleta par correo tambien pueden enviarse por fax o correo electr6nico y deben recibirse antes del cierre de operaciones el 22 de obril de 2025. Para que una solicitud de boleta por correo enviada por mdauina de fax a transmisi6n electr6nica sea efectiva, la copia impresa de la solicitud tambien debe presentorse par correo V ser recibida por el secretorio de votacl6n anticipado a rods tardar el cuorto dia h6bil posterior a la recepcl6n de la transmisi6n por fax o m6auina electr6nica de fax. (C6digo Electoral de Texas 84.007).) Fax(Fax)—972-547-1996 Email(Correa electronico)—absenteemailballoting@collincountytx.gov Revised January 23, 2025 Page 3 Exhibit B(Anexo 8) Collin County(Condado de Collin) Election Day Vote Centers for the May 3,2025 Joint General and Special Election—7 am-7 pm* (Centros de votoci6n del dia de las elecciones para los Elecci6n de general y especial conjunta del 3 de mayo de 2025—7 am—7pm*) Important Note:Eligible Collin County registered voters(with an effective date of registration on or before May 3,2025)may vote at any Election Day location. (Nota importante:Los votantes registrados elegibles del Condado de Collin(con una fecho efectiva de registro en o antes del i de mayo de 2025 puede votar en cuolquier Lugar el dia de las elecciones.) Polling Location Room Name Address City Zip Code (Lugar de Votaci6n) (hombre de la ( ) (Ciudad)Direcci6n (Cddigo habitaci6n) postal) Aldridge Elementary School Gym 720 Pleasant Valley Ln. Richardson 75080 Allen ISD Service Center Main Lobby 1451 N.Watters Rd. Allen 75013 Allen Municipal Courts Facility Community Room 301 Century Pkwy. Allen 75013 Anna Municipal Complex Lobby 120 W. 7th St. Anna 75409 Armstrong Middle School Gym 3805 Timberline Dr. Plano 75074 Bethany Elementary School Gym 2418 Micarta Dr. Plano 75025 Blue Ridge ISD Administration Building Board of Trustees 318 W.School St. Blue Ridge 75424 Board Room Bowman Middle School Cafeteria Foyer in 2501 Jupiter Rd. Plano 75074 Corridor H Carpenter Middle School Small Gym 3905 Rainier Rd. Plano 75023 Carpenter Park Recreation Center South Lobby 6701 Coit Rd. Plano 75024 Children's Health StarCenter Activity Room 6993 Star Ave. McKinney 75070 Collin College Celina Campus Classroom CEC110 2505 Kinship Pkwy. Celina 75009 Collin College Farmersville Campus Atrium 501 S.Collin Pkwy. Farmersville 75442 Collin College Frisco Campus Building J, Room 113 9700 Wade Blvd. Frisco 75035 Collin College Higher Education Center Atrium 3452 Spur 399 McKinney 75069 Collin College McKinney Campus Atrium C Square 2200 University Dr. McKinney 75071 Collin College Plano Campus Atrium D Square 2800 E.Spring Creek Pkwy. Plano 75074 Collin College Wylie Campus Lobby 391 Country Club Rd. Wylie 75098 Collin County Elections Office Voting Room 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 McKinney 75069 Davis Library Children's Program 7501 Independence Pkwy.A Plano 75025 Room Revised January 23, 2025 Page 1 Polling Location Room Name Address City Zip Code (Lugar de Votaci6n) (Hombre de la (C6digo habitaci6n) (Direcci6n) (Ciudad) Postal) East Plano Islamic Center Mulitpurpose Room 4700 14th St. Plano 75074 Fairview Town Hall Council Chambers 372 Town Place Fairview 75069 Frazier Elementary School TBD 1600 N.Sweetwater Cv. McKinney 75071 Frisco Fire Station#05 Training Room 14300 Eldorado Pkwy. Frisco 75035 Frisco Fire Station#08 Training Room 14700 Rolater Rd. Frisco 75035 Gay Library Meeting Room 6861 W. Eldorado Pkwy. McKinney 75070 Haggar Elementary School Gym 17820 Campbell Rd. Dallas 75252 Haggard Middle School Main Vestibule 2832 Parkhaven Dr. Plano 75075 Hendrick Middle School Gym 7400 Red River Dr. Plano 75025 Lavon City Hall Gymnasium 120 School Rd. Lavon 75166 Lovejoy ISD Administration Building Portable#1 Training 259 Country Club Rd. Allen 75002 Room Lucas Community Center Community Room 665 Country Club Rd. Lucas 75002 McKinney Boyd High School Library 600 Lake Forest Dr. McKinney 75071 McKinney Fire Station#05 Community Room 6600 Virginia Pkwy. McKinney 75071 McKinney Fire Station#07 Community Room 861 Independence Pkwy. McKinney 75072 McKinney Fire Station#09 Community Room 4900 Summit View Dr. McKinney 75071 McKinney High School Performing Arts Center 1400 Wilson Creek Pkwy. McKinney 75069 Lobby McKinney Municipal Complex TBD 401 E.Virginia St. McKinney 75069 McKinney North High School Auditorium Lobby 2550 Wilmeth Rd. McKinney 75071 Melissa Public Safety Building Court Room 2402 McKinney St. Melissa 75454 Methodist Medical Center Richardson Conference Room A 2831 E. President George Bush Richardson 75082 Hwy. Michael J. Felix Community Center Rooms A and B 3815-E Sachse Rd. Sachse 75048 Miller Elementary School Gym 5651 Coventry Dr. Richardson 75082 Murphy Activity Center The Great Hall 201 N. Murphy Rd. Murphy 75094 Parker City Hall Council Chambers 5700 E. Parker Rd. Parker 75002 Revised January 23, 2025 Page 2 Polling Location Room Name Address city Zip Code (Lugar de Votoci6n) (Nombre de la (Odigo hobitaci6n) (Direcci6n) (Ciudad) postal) Parr Library Programs Room 6200 Windhaven Pkwy. Plano 75093 Prosper Town Hall Community Room 250 W. First St. Prosper 75078 Renner-Frankford Library Programs Room 6400 Frankford Rd. Dallas 75252 Robinson Middle School Gym 6701 Preston Meadow Dr. Plano 75024 Schimelpfenig Middle School Front Foyer 2400 Maumelle Dr. Plano 75023 Shepton High School Gym 5505 Plano Pkwy. Plano 75093 St. Paul Town Hall Council Chambers 2505 Butcher's Block St. Paul 75098 Terry Pope Administration Building Community ISD BoardRoom 611 N. FM 1138 Nevada 75173 The Grove at Frisco Commons Game Room C 8300 McKinney Rd. Frisco 75034 Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center Meeting Room A 5801 W. Parker Rd. Plano 75093 Weston Community Center Main Room 117 Main St. Weston 75097 Wilson Middle School F113 1001 Custer Rd. Plano 75075 Wylie Community Park Center Meeting Room East 800 Thomas St.#100 Wylie 75098 *Polling locations are subject to change. For the most current list of locations,please visit the Elections webpage at www.collincountytx.gov/elections. (*Los lugares de votacidn est6n sujetos a cambios.Para obtener to lista m6s octuolizada de ubicaciones, visite la p6gino web de Elecciones en ,vs ,v.col!i.r7countytx.gov,%e ections.) Applications for ballot by mail may be mailed and must be received no later than the close of business on April 22,2025,to: (Las solicitudes de boleta par correo pueden enviarse par correo y deben recibirse a m6s tardar el 22 de abril de 2025 para:) Kaleb Breaux,Early Voting Clerk 2010 Redbud Blvd.Suite 102 McKinney,Texas 75069 972-547-1900 vLV',v_cc ncDunl,/�xdc,1 Applications for ballot by mail may also be faxed or emailed and must be received no later than the close of business on April 22,2025.For an application for ballot by mail submitted by telephonic facsimile machine or electronic transmission to be effective,the hard copy of the application must also be submitted by mail and be received by the early voting clerk not later than the fourth business day after the transmission by telephonic facsimile machine or electronic transmission is received. (Texas Election Code 84.007) (Las solicitudes de boleta par correo tambien pueden enviarse por fax o correo electronico y deben recibirse antes del cierre de operociones el 22 de abril de 2025. Para que una solicitud de boleta par correo enviada par m6quina de fax o transmisidn electrdnica sea efectivo, la copia impress de la solicitud tambien debe presentarse par correo y ser recibida par el secretario de votacidn anticipada a m6s tardar el cuorto dia h6bil posterior a la recepcidn de la transmisidn par fax a m6quina electrdnica de fax. (Cddigo Electoral de Texas 84.007).) Revised January 23, 2025 Page 3 Fax(Fax)—972-547-1996 Email(Correa electronico)—absenteemailballoting@collincountytx.gov Revised January 23, 2025 Page 4 Exhibit C Collin County Election Services May 3, 2025 Joint Election Wylie City Registered Voters 34,797 Percentage 1.7229325% Estimated Estimated Polling Estimated Units or Election Estimated Entity Category Locations Description Cost Per Unit Expenses Expenses Early Voting by Mail Kits-Mail Ballots 4,000 $ 1.15 $ 4,600.00 $ 79.25 Postage 4,000 $ 0.88 $ 3,520.00 $ 60.65 Paper Ballot Printing Services 0 $ 0.38 $ - $ - Paper Ballot Shipping (per box) 0 $ 30.00 $ - $ - Ballot Stock-BOD 4,000 $ 0.12 $ 480.00 $ 8.27 Category Subtotal $ 8,600.00 $ 148.17 General Election Expenses Mileage Per Election $ 500.00 $ 8.61 8 vans for 6 weeks Van/Car Rental @$650 per week Per Election $ 31,200.00 $ 537.55 Election Night Receiving Cover Per Election $ 3,167.80 $ 54.58 Polling Place Rental Per Election $ 30,000.00 $ 516.88 Notice of Election Per Election $ 9,700.00 $ 167.12 Security-EV Per Election $ 2,000.00 $ 34.46 Security- ED including Traffic Control Per Election $ 2,000.00 $ 34.46 Early Voting Ballot Board Per Election $ 15,037.00 $ 259.08 FICA-Election Workers $ 622,875.00 Per Election $ 47,649.94 $ 820.98 County Employee/IT Overtime-EV/ED Per Election $ 30,000.00 $ 516.88 Process Pollworker Checks-EV 42 336 $ 1.50 $ 504.00 $ 8.68 Process Pollworker Checks- ED 58 464 $ 1.50 $ 696.00 $ 11.99 Drayage Per Location-ED 58 116 $ 202.00 $ 23,432.00 $ 403.72 Drayage Per Location-EV 42 84 $ 202.00 $ 16,968.00 $ 292.35 Category Subtotal $ 212,854.74 $ 3,667.34 Programming 25 Days @ Coding Services $1975/day $ 50,000.00 $ 861.47 Balotar Programming Per Election $ 1,400.00 $ 24.12 Category Subtotal $ 51,400.00 $ 885.59 Voting by Personal Appearance Election Judge OT-EV(with OT) $ 15.00 $ 64,680.00 $ 1,114.39 Alternate Judge OT-EV(with OT) $ 14.00 $ 60,438.00 $ 1,041.31 Clerk OT-EV (8 per location, with OT) $ 13.00 $ 330,876.00 $ 5,700.77 ES&S Support Staff/Field Techs-EV 40 Days $ 194,700.00 $ 3,354.55 Equipment Assembly-EV 42 58 $ 50.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 49.97 Category Subtotal $ 653.594.00 $ 11,260.98 Election Day and Tabulation Election Day/Post Election Vendor Support 15 Days $ 53,900.00 $ 928.66 Notice of Inspection/Tabulation Test Per Election $ 1,500.00 $ 25.84 Category Subtotal $ 55,400.00 $ 954.50 Exhibit C Wylie City Registered Voters 34,797 Percentage 1.7229325% Estimated Estimated Polling Estimated Units or Election Estimated Entity Category Locations Description Cost Per Unit Expenses Expenses iisupply Ballots-Card Stock ExpressVote-EV 133,000 $ 0.19 $ 25,270.00 $ 435.39 Ballots-Card Stock ExpressVote-ED 67,000 $ 0.14 $ 9,380.00 $ 161.61 Test Ballots 3,000 $ 0.29 $ 870.00 $ 14.99 Kits-ED 42 42 $ 60.00 $ 2,520.00 $ 43.42 Kits- EV 58 58 $ 32.00 $ 1,856.00 $ 31.98 Kits- Provisional EV 42 42 $ 52.00 $ 2,184.00 $ 37.63 Kits- Provisional ED 58 58 $ 45.00 $ 2,610.00 $ 44.97 Polling Place Maps-EV 42 42 $ 25.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 18.09 Polling Place Maps-ED 58 58 $ 25.00 $ 1,450.00 $ 24.98 Signs Metal (5 per location) 100 500 $ 5.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 43.07 Signs Wood 100 100 $ 2.00 $ 200.00 $ 3.45 Ballot Card Stock- Provisional- EV(50 PL) 42 2,100 $ 0.21 $ 430.50 $ 7.42 Ballot Card Stock-Provisional-ED(50 PL) 58 2,900 $ 0.16 $ 464.00 $ 7.99 Ballots-Sample-All Packs 0 0 Per Election $ 3,000.00 $ 51.69 Printer Labels- EV(1 roll per location) 42 168 $ 6.97 $ 1,170.96 $ 20.17 Printer Labels-ED (1 roll per location) 58 116 $ 6.97 $ 808.52 $ 13.93 Category Subtotal $ 55,763.98 $ 960.78 Equipment Cabinet Security - EV 42 58 $ 200.00 $ 11,600.00 $ 199.86 Cabinet Security- ED 58 74 $ 200.00 $ 14,800.00 $ 254.99 Computer Cabinet-EV 42 0 $ 50.00 $ - $ - DS200 Ballot Counter-EV 42 58 $ 350.00 $ 20,300.00 $ 349.76 DS200 Ballot Counter-ED 58 74 $ 350.00 $ 25,900.00 $ 446.24 ExpressVote-EV (9 per location) 42 522 $ 200.00 $ 104,400.00 $ 1,798.74 Expres Vote-ED (9 per location) 58 666 $ 200.00 $ 133,200.00 $ 2,294.95 ExpressTouch-EV 42 58 $ 200.00 $ 11,600.00 $ 199.86 ExpressTouch-ED 58 74 $ 200.00 $ 14,800.00 $ 254.99 Category Subtotal $ 336,600.00 $ 5,799.39 Pemonnel Election Judge-ED $ 15.00 $ 22,330.00 $ 384.73 Alternate Election Judge-ED $ 14.00 $ 20,938.00 $ 360.75 Clerk-ED(6 per location) $ 13.00 $ 108,576.00 $ 1,870.69 Category Subtotal $ 151,844.00 $ 2,616.17 Cost(minimum) $ 26,292.93 10%Administrative Fee $ 2,629.29 Total Cost $ 28,922.22 90%deposit due Friday. March 28.2025 $ 26,030.00