09-24-2009 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Special Called Board Meeting September 24, 2009 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Chairman Stewart Matthews. Members in attendance were Vice Chairman Polly Harrison, board members Ashley Burt and Kathy Spillyards. Board members Erin Dougherty, Thomas Gaudreau and Alvaro Salinas were absent. Staff present included Craig Kelly, Public Information Officer and Carole Ehrlich, Board Liaison/Secretary. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Wylie Arts Festival Committee Reports. (Committee Chairs) Committee Summaries Committee chairs for the Wylie Arts Festival gave a brief update on the work completed for those functions. Fine Art ad High End Crafts Committee: Ashley Burt, committee chair, reported that there were now 23 booths confirmed with an additional 7-8 that had committed. She reported the booths were varied vendors both fine artists and hand crafters. She reported that by the deadline of October 31st, it was expected that the event would have between 40 and 50 booths confirmed. Volunteers Committee: Erin Dougherty and Thomas Gaudreau were absent for the meeting. Sponsorship and Publicity Committee: Committee member Stewart Matthews and Craig Kelly gave an overview of the new sponsorship packets. The committee suggested that at the Silver sponsorship of $500 that exclusivity to 2 businesses per category be made. Consensus of the board was to insure that no more than two of any types of businesses were approved at the silver level. There would be no limit to business categories in the bronze or "Friends of the Arts" levels. They reported that solicitation was continuing with several businesses showing interest. Entertainment/Performing Arts: Polly Harrison, committee chair, reported that there would be a total of 18, performance timeslots scheduled. She reported that the WISD Theatre Department would be managing the entertainment throughout the day. Several elementary schools had booked time for the event with several dance organizations also asking for time slots. Chair Harrison reported that she would contact WISD campuses one more time before going out to the outlying ISDs for additional entertainment groups. She reported that there would be several activities for the children in addition to the entertainment segments. A visual art contest was also being planned with the WISD Arts Department and the Wylie Downtown Merchants. Festive Food Vendors Food Vendor Chair Spillyards reported that there were three food demonstrations committed to the event. Those included: Chef Michael Weinstein, The Dread Head Chef; Donna & Heather Porterfield, RLP Farms, Venus, TX- Artisan Goat Cheese, and Chef Cammie Spillyards, Director of Culinary Development, Chili's (Brinker International). She noted that the committee had been in contact with several festive food vendors to solicit booths for the event. • Discussion regarding the timeline for selection of artist(s) for the Founder's Park Art Project. Executive Summary Staff liaison Ehrlich reported that a timeline for the selection of artists for Founder's Park CIP Art project was scheduled. The process would begin with a pare down of finalists on October 12, 2009. Presentations by the finalists would take place on October 21, 2009 (selection panel) and October 29, 2009 (PAAB). Final approval of the art design and contract will be considered at the City Council in either December 2009 or January 2010. The council members will be invited to all panel and board meetings to view the pare down and finalists presentations. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the September 3, 2009 Public Arts Advisory Board minutes. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Board Action A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Harrison to approve the PAAB minutes of September 3, 2009 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Salinas, Gaudreau and Dougherty absent. Tabled Item from 9-3-09 (motion to remove from table and consider) Board Action A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Harrison to remove consideration of the Wylie Municipal Complex CIP Art Selection Panel from the table and consider. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Salinas, Gaudreau and Dougherty absent. 2. Consider and act upon the Art Selection Panel for the new Wylie Municipal Complex CIP Art Project. September 3,2009 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 of 3 Executive Summary Board liaison Ehrlich reported that the board had tabled the artist selection panel on August 27, 2009 and again at the September 3, 2009 PAAB meeting to allow further time to contact artists and citizens willing to serve on this committee. The selection panel should consist of staff from the three buildings, artists or persons with public art knowledge and experience, citizens from the community, a representative from the Public Arts Advisory Board and possibly a landscape architect or building architect. She noted that nominations may be accepted from board members and action can be taken on those nominations to place some/all on the selection panel. Board member Spillyards asked that John Pototschnik, fine artist be added to the artists for the panel and Donna Edge is added to the citizens for the panel. Board liaison Ehrlich reported that Marie Renfro, fine artist had been added and was willing to serve as one of the fine artists on the panel if approved. Board Action A motion was made by board member Burt, seconded by board member Harrison to appoint the following members to the Wylie Municipal Complex CIP Art Selection Panel: Mike Sferra, Director of Public Services Director, Rachel Orozco, Library Director; Renae' 011ie, Planning Director; Maribeth Flowers, Landscape Architect; Margaret Robinette, Public Art Program Manager, City of Dallas (retired); Marie Renfro, Fine Artist; John Pototschnik, Fine Artist; Mary Davis, Wylie citizen; Donna Edge, Wylie citizen and Stewart Matthews, Art Board representative. Craig Melde, Principal Architect and Mindy Manson, City Manager will serve as advisory non-voting members. PAAB members directed board liaison Ehrlich to contact two additional artists to be alternates in the event someone could not attend the meetings. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Salinas, Gaudreau and Dougherty absent. ADJOURNMENT Board Action A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Harrison to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Salinas, Gaudreau and Dougherty absent. tewart Matthews, Chair C role Ehrli h, Secretary September 3,2009 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 3 of 3