09-28-2009 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, September 28, 2009—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairperson Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
Board Members present were: Chairperson Anne Hiney, Vice-chair Donna Larson, Dan
Chesnut, Brandi Lafleur, Gary Robas, Eddie Rodgers, and Jim Ward.
Staff members present were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks & Recreation
Superintendent Bill Nelson, Parks & Recreation Asst. Superintendent Robert Diaz and
Parks & Recreation Administrative Secretary Sara Kisely.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 24, 2009 Meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Chesnut motioned to pass the August 24, 2009 minutes and Vice-chair
Larson seconded. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon approving the final plans for shade structure at Founders
Staff/Board Discussion:
Minutes—September 28,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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The Board reviewed three plans for a shade structure at Founders Park.
• Option A has one sidewalk on the northern end going from West to East into the
existing playground. A second sidewalk going from West to East leading to the
central part of shade structure but does not traverse the area. The third sidewalk
runs North and South from the parking lot and joins at the southern end of the
shade structure. Option A is designed with two small sitting walls.
• Option B has one main sidewalk going from West to East crossing the middle of
the shade structure and leading to the existing playground. There is no sidewalk
to the north or south of the pavilion. Option B is designed with one large sitting
wall and the shade structure is constructed further to the North.
• Option C has two sidewalks going from West to East on the North and South
ends of the shade structure. The third sidewalk runs from West to East across
the middle of the shade structure and leads into the existing playground area.
Option C is designed with one large sitting wall.
Board Action:
Board Member Rodgers motioned to approve Option A and Board Member Ward
seconded. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
3. Consider and act upon approving a request from Harrison Parent-Teacher
Association for a Yard Sale Fundraiser at Olde City Park on Saturday, 11/14/09 from
8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz presented this item to the
board on behalf of Harrison PTA to have a Yard Sale Fundraiser at Olde City Park
Pavilion on Saturday, November 14, 2009.
Board Action:
Board Member Robas motioned to pass the Yard Sale Fundraiser and Board Member
Lafleur seconded. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
4. Discuss Disc Golf Courses in regard to costs, location(s), and funding options.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the
Board. Board Member Ward recommended contacting a local disc golf organization to
cut down on design costs. Board Member Robas suggested to start with a 9 hole course
and then based on popularity and use expand to 18 hole course. Chairperson Hiney -
stated that an 18 hole course brings in championship play, which would allow for
tournaments and generate revenue for the City of Wylie.
Minutes—September 28,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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5. Discuss mountain bike trail in regard to costs, location(s), and funding options.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the
Board. Board Member Rodgers mentioned contacting the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle
Association for help in maintaining the trails.
6. Discuss splash parks in regard to costs, location(s), and funding options.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the
Board. Mr. Nelson reviewed splash park data collected from area cities and the
projected system costs. The most costly item after construction is water recirculation due
to staffing, tests and treatments. Board Member Ward stated the Splash Park is too
expensive to focus on at this time. Chairperson Hiney stated a splash park is one of the
most popular and requested items by Wylie residents.
7. Discuss the possible construction and costs of a dog park at the former landfill site
on Alanis and the Oncor Property Site.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the
Board. Board Member Chesnut stated that the Oncor Property was comparable in size
to the City of Plano's Dog Park at Jack Cartyer Park. Board Member Chesnut also stated
that the biggest cost for Plano is a requirement of a concrete pad and trim base for
maintenance and mowing purposes.
8. Wylie Football League special request for new amenities. Including the installation of
a press box, audio, additional goals, and a scoreboard.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Cristine Price residing at 1805 Country Walk Lane, Wylie presented this item to the
board on behalf of the Wylie Football League a nonprofit organization. Ms. Price
requests new audio equipment, goal posts, clock and scoreboard, and press box for the
Community Park Football Fields. Ms. Price was directed to coordinate with Parks &
Recreation Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz with all items specifications and costs.
Minutes—September 28,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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9. Update on the Acquisition and Improvement Fund.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that the Finance Department has
removed all of the negative interest from the Acquisition and Improvement Fund. This
change has changed the interest income in all three zones back into positive.
10. Update on the Founders Park project.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that Staff is finishing up last
minute bid items. Staff is hoping to start receiving bids in October 2009. Public Services
Director Mike Sferra stated the final set of plans will be ready on September 30, 2009
and he expects Council to award a construction contract by November or December
11. Update on the Community Park project.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Staff is waiting on notification from Collin County regarding grant money awarded
towards this improvement project.
A motion was made by Board Member Ward to adjourn, Vice-chair Larson seconded
motion; consensus of the Board was to adjourn at 8:53 p.m.
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Minutes—September 28,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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