Resolution 2025-06 RESOLUTION NO. 2025-06(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A JOINT ELECTION CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND THE DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE MAY 3,2025 WYLIE GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS FOR THE CITY'S VOTERS RESIDING IN DALLAS COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie wishes to contract with Dallas County Elections Administrator, Heider Garcia to administer the May 3, 2025 General and Special Elections as referenced in the contract which is attached as Exhibit"A", and WHEREAS, Article 2, Section 1(c) of the Home Rule Charter allows the Council to cooperate with the government of any County for any lawful purpose for the advancement of the interests of its inhabitants and cost savings to the taxpayers. The Election Code allows and encourages cities to contract with any county within its incorporated city limits for the administration of local elections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, an Agreement by and between the City of Wylie and the Dallas County Elections Administration for the Administration of the May 3, 2025 Wylie General and Special Elections for Dallas County Voters. Should the final, executed version of such Agreement be modified from the version attached as Exhibit "A", such final, executed version shall replace Exhibit"A" of this Resolution for all purposes. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this 25th day of February, 2025. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST TO: Jdu-01Atiti Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution No. 2025-06(R) Dallas County Election Administration Contract Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" Contract for Election Services Resolution No. 2025-06(R) Dallas County Election Administration Contract Page 2 of 2 ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT("Election Services Contract"or"Contract") BETWEEN THE DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR AND City of Balch Springs(COBS) City of Cedar Hill(COCH) City of Cockrell Hill(COCkH) City of Combine(COCb) City of Dallas(COD) City of Desoto(CODe) City of Duncanville(CODu) City of Farmers Branch(COFB) City of Garland(COG) City of Grand Prairie(COGP) City of Hutchins(COH) City of Irving(COI) City of Lancaster(COL) City of Lewisville(COLe) City of Richardson(COR) City of Rowlett(CORo) City of Sachse(COSa) City of Seagoville(COS) City of Wilmer(COW) City of Wylie(COWy) Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD(CFBISD) Cedar Hill ISD(CHISD) Coppell ISD(CpISD) Dallas ISD(DISD) Desoto ISD(DeISD) Duncanville ISD(DUISD) Ferris ISD Garland ISD(GISD) Grand Prairie ISD(GPISD) Highland Park ISD(HPISD) Lancaster ISD(LISD) Mesquite ISD(MISD) Richardson ISD(RISD) Sunnyvale ISD Town of Addison(TOA) Town of Highland Park(TOHP) Town of Sunnyvale(TOS) Lancaster Municipal Utility District 1(LMUD1) Northwest Dallas County Flood Control District i(NWDCFCD1) (Collectively,"Participating Political Subdivisions)") May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 1 of 22 FOR THE CONDUCT OF JOINT ELECTION TO BE HELD SATURDAY, MAY 3,2025 TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT 1) STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR AND PARTIES TO THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT a) Heider Garcia is the duly appointed County Elections Administrator ("Elections Administrator") of Dallas County, Texas ("County") and the Department Head of the Dallas County Elections Department ("DCED"). As such, Heider Garcia is the County's Voter Registrar and the Election Officer of Dallas County, Texas, and is authorized by Subchapter D of Chapter 31 of Title 3 and Chapter 271 of Title 16 of the Texas Election Code to enter into this Election Services Contract ("Election Services Contract" or "Contract") with the contracting authorities of the Participating Political Subdivisions listed in "Attachment E" of this Election Services Contract. DCED acts at the direction of the Elections Administrator. The Elections Administrator, DCED, and the Participating Political Subdivisions together may be referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Party." b) The Participating Political Subdivisions are hereby participating with each other in this Joint Election to be held in Dallas County, Texas on Saturday, May 3, 2025, under Chapter 271 of Title 16 of the Texas Election Code ("Joint Election"); and are hereby contracting with the Elections Administrator of Dallas County, Texas to perform the election services set forth in this Election Services Contract under Subchapter D of Chapter 31 of Title 3 and Chapter 271 of Title 16 of the Texas Election Code. The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that they are participating in this Joint Election with each other to the extent that they have candidates and/or propositions on the ballot in this Joint Election. The terms and conditions of this Elections Services Contract also apply to any run-off election or re-count related to this Joint Election unless otherwise agreed in writing. c) The Elections Administrator will coordinate, supervise, and handle all aspects of administering this Joint Election in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and as outlined in this Election Services Contract. Each contracting authority of each Participating Political Subdivision will pay its share of the Election Costs to the Elections Administrator for the equipment, supplies, services, and administrative costs outlined in this Election Services Contract. The Elections Administrator will administer the election; however,each Participating Political Subdivision will be responsible for the duties directly administered by the Participating Political Subdivision. Pursuant to Texas Election Code §§ 31.093 and 31.098, the Elections Administrator may enter a contract to furnish the election services requested within this Election Services Contract. d) Pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 2.025 and Texas Secretary of State Election Advisory No. 2024-38, if a runoff election is necessary,the date of the runoff for this Joint Election would be Saturday, June 7, 2025 ("Joint Runoff Election"). This Elections Services Contract and its terms will be automatically extended to cover the Joint Runoff May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 2 of 22 Election unless a Participating Political Subdivision states in writing on or before Friday, May 16, 2025,that it does not wish to participate in a Joint Runoff Election contemplated herein. DCED will provide each Participating Political Subdivision to which this Section 1(d) applies an estimated cost based on the formula in Section 10(b),and such estimated costs will be paid in accordance with Section 10(e) ("Joint Runoff Fees"). Early voting polling place(s) and vote centers for any runoff will be established in accordance with Texas Election Code §§43.004 and 43.007. e) Joint Runoff Fees will be deposited into a special and separate Joint Runoff Election account. The Joint Runoff Fees must be deposited by the Participating Political Subdivisions that are participating in the Joint Runoff Election within seven (7) days after DCED provides unofficial results of the Joint Election to the Participating Political Subdivisions. f) In the event of a recount and upon a Participating Political Subdivision's written request, the DCED will provide assistance for a recount to the extent permitted and in accordance with Title 13 of the Texas Election Code ("Recount(s)"). The Participating Political Subdivisions requesting a Recount shall deposit with DCED the deposit received by the candidate requesting the Recount. DCED will bill each requesting Participating Political Subdivision for providing assistance for any Recounts,and such costs will be in accordance with the allowable costs under the Texas Election Code ("Recount Fees"). Recount Fees will be paid by the requesting Participating Political Subdivisions in accordance with Section 10 (e). 2) ATTACHMENTS The following attachments are hereby incorporated into this Election Services Contract as if set forth herein in their entirety.The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that the following attachments are subject to reasonable changes by the Dallas County Elections Administrator before, during, and after Election Day and any runoff election(s), if any runoff election(s) are required by law to be held. a) "Attachment A" is an itemized list of the estimated election expenses for this Joint Election and the amounts that each Participating Political Subdivision must deposit with the Dallas County Elections Department. It also includes the Deposit Detail for each entity. The Elections Administrator will amend "Attachment A" to reflect the changing estimates of election expenses that are caused by changing circumstances and by the withdrawal of Participating Political Subdivision(s), if any, from this Election Services Contract. b) "Attachment B" is a list of the early voting polling places for this Joint Election. ("early voting vote center(s), or"early voting polling place(s)" c) "Attachment C" is a list of the Election Day Countywide polling places ("vote center(s)") for this Joint Election. d) "Attachment W is a list of the presiding election judges and alternate election judges for Election Day for this Joint Election.. e) "Attachment E" is a list of the Participating Political Subdivisions that will be holding May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 3 of 22 elections in Dallas County election precincts and sub-precincts and the number of registered voters in each of those election precincts or sub-precincts. "Attachment E"will be amended if any of the Participating Political Subdivisions withdraw from this Election Services Contract. "Attachment E" will be amended to reflect the number of registered voters in each election precinct and sub-precinct as of the statutory deadline of April 3, 2025, for voters to submit applications to register to vote or changes of address in this Joint Election. f) "Attachment F" will contain, for each Participating Political Subdivision, the full name of the person serving as a point of contact, the physical address, the mailing address, a facsimile number, and an email address. "Attachment F" will be amended if any of the Participating Political Subdivisions withdraw from this Election Services Contract. g) Notwithstanding Section 18, if any of the foregoing attachments are amended by the Elections Administrator, the Elections Administrator will send each Participating Political Subdivision an amended version of the attachment by email to the email address provided by each Participating Political Subdivision in "Attachment F". Such amended attachments will be emailed no later than before the start of early voting by personal appearance. If any amendments of any attachments are necessary after the start of early voting by personal appearance, such amended attachments will be emailed no later than five (5) calendar days after Election Day. 3) LEGAL DOCUMENTS a) Each Participating Political Subdivision will prepare, adopt, and publish all legally required election orders, resolutions, notices, and other documents that are required by, or of, their governing bodies. Any orders, resolutions, notices, or other documents that are required to be posted to the County's website shall be provided by each Participating Political Subdivision to the Elections Administrator at least three (3) business days before the statutory deadline to post and such orders, resolutions, notices, or other documents shall be posted to the County's website as directed by the Participating Political Subdivisions. Any orders, resolutions, notices, or other documents that are required to be posted at an early voting or election day vote center shall be provided by each Participating Political Subdivision to the Elections Administrator at least seven (7) business days before the statutory deadline to post and such orders, resolutions, notices, or other documents will be provided to each election judge or clerk for posting. The Elections Administrator and DCED are not responsible for the proper posting or verification of posting of any required notice, order, resolution, or other documents at any early voting or election day vote center.The election fudge,clerk,or their designee, at each early voting or election day vote center will be responsible for the posting of any such notice, order, resolution, or other documents. Such documents can be sent to the attention of: Heider Garcia Elections Administrator 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas,Texas 75247; May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 4 of 22 or, emailed to DCECommunications@dallascounty.or� With a copy sent to Heider.Garcia@dallascounty.org on all communications related to legal documents and questions regarding this election. b) Each Participating Political Subdivision is responsible for having its own election orders, resolutions, notices, or official ballot wording translated into the Spanish and Vietnamese languages. 4) VOTING SYSTEMS a) Each Participating Political Subdivision agrees that, during this Joint Election, voters will cast their ballots on the following voting systems, that are approved by the Texas Secretary of State in accordance with the Texas Election Code and the Texas Administrative Code: the ES&S ExpressVote Universal Voting System Ballot Marking Devices ("BMD(s)"), and the ES&S DS200 Digital Vote Center Scanner("Tabulators"). Each of these systems are accessible to voters with physical disabilities. On March 17, 2025, beginning at 10:00 A.M., until completed, at the County Elections Department at 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247, the Elections Administrator will test the BMDs and Tabulators used for counting ballots at the central counting station. At least 48 hours before the date and hour of each test, the Elections Administrator will publish a newspaper notice with the date, hour, and place of the testing. b) The Elections Administrator will provide Electronic Poll Books, BMDs,Tabulators, and any other necessary equipment for this Joint Election. For Early Voting and on Election Day, the Elections Administrator will allocate voting equipment to the vote centers in amounts reasonably sufficient for the anticipated turnout of voters. c) The itemized list of the estimated election expenses for this Joint Election are in "Attachment A," which includes, but may not be limited to the number of Electronic Poll Books, BMDs,Tabulators, and any other necessary equipment. 5) POLLING PLACES/VOTE CENTERS a) The Elections Administrator will select and arrange for the use of and payment for all of the early voting vote centers listed in "Attachment B" and the Election Day vote centers listed in "Attachment C". Early voting polling places and vote centers identified in Attachments "B" and "C" cannot be changed by a Participating Political Subdivision, but the Elections Administrator may consider changes requested by a Participating Political Subdivision.Any changes to vote centers are subject to the procedures outlined in Section 43.007 of the Texas Election Code. The Elections Administrator will finalize the vote centers as soon as possible before this Joint Election, amend "Attachment B" and "Attachment C" accordingly and send each Participating Political Subdivision the amended "Attachment B" or "Attachment C" in accordance with Section 2(g). May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 5 of 22 b) Whenever possible, previously used vote centers that voters are accustomed to using will be used in this Joint Election; however, the Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that sometimes previously used vote centers are not available or appropriate for every election. Accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act is an important consideration for all vote centers in this Joint Election. c) In accordance with Section 43.007(o) of the Texas Election Code, the Elections Administrator will post a notice at each vote center of the four nearest vote centers by driving distance.The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for any notices required under Section 43.062 of the Texas Election Code. 6) PRESIDING ELECTION JUDGES, ALTERNATE PRESIDING ELECTION JUDGES, ELECTION CLERKS, AND OTHER ELECTION DAY PERSONNEL a) In accordance with Section 32.005 of the Texas Election Code, the Participating Political Subdivisions are responsible for the appointment of the presiding election judges and alternate election judges listed in "Attachment D" for each vote center listed in "Attachment C" subject to the eligibility requirement found in the Texas Election Code Subchapter C, Chapter 32 and Subchapter A, Chapter 83. Approval of this Election Services Contract by the Participating Political Subdivisions shall constitute approval and appointment by the Participating Political Subdivisions of the presiding election judges and alternate election judges listed in "Attachment D" and as amended in accordance with this Contract. The alternate presiding judge shall serve as presiding judge for an election if the regularly appointed presiding judge cannot serve. The Elections Administrator will be responsible for the administration of the election judges listed in "Attachment D". b) In accordance with Section 32.007 of the Texas Election Code, if both the presiding election judge and alternate election judge are ineligible, unable, or unwilling to serve in this Joint Election, and the presiding officer of the appointing authority is unavailable to appoint a replacement, then the Election Administrator will name a replacement presiding election judge or alternate election judge, amend "Attachment D" accordingly, and send each Participating Political Subdivision the amended "Attachment D" in accordance with Section 2(g). c) If amendments to "Attachment D" are necessary due to a presiding election judge or an alternate election judge vacancy that is created before the emergency appointment period begins,then the Elections Administrator will name a replacement presiding election judge or alternate election judge, amend "Attachment D" accordingly, and send each Participating Political Subdivision the amended "Attachment D" in accordance with Section 2(g). d) The Elections Administrator will provide county training programs and applicable notice of such training programs, in accordance with Section 32.114 of the Texas Election Code, for all presiding election judges,alternate election judges,and election clerks for this Joint Election. Pursuant to Section 32.114(b),the training programs will be open to the public free of charge. May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 6 of 22 e) To serve in this Joint Election, each presiding election judge and alternate election judge must have attended an in-person training class which includes information regarding recent law changes, court rulings, Voter ID laws, poll watcher rules, election equipment, and election procedures. New judges and election clerks must attend an in-person training class. f) The Elections Administrator will notify the Participating Political Subdivisions by email and post on the DCED's website the dates, times, and locations of training classes for both Early Voting and Election Day workers. g) To comply with the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, vote centers are required to have interpreter assistance. If a presiding election judge of such a vote center is not bilingual and is unable to hire a bilingual election clerk, the Elections Administrator may recommend an individual to provide interpreter assistance. If the Elections Administrator is unable to recommend an individual to provide interpreter assistance for such a vote center, the Elections Administrator will notify the Participating Political Subdivision in which the vote center is located and request assistance in identifying an interpreter. If a bilingual election clerk is hired by the Elections Administrator for a vote center required to have interpreter assistance, the bilingual clerk will be paid according to a rate set by the Elections Administrator. The Elections Administrator will charge that expense to the funds deposited with the Dallas County Elections Department for the conduct of the elections listed in this Election Services Contract. A Participating Political Subdivision may pay more money to a bilingual clerk than the rate set by the Elections Administrator, however that expense will be borne by that Participating Political Subdivision individually and that extra expense will not be charged to the funds deposited with the Dallas County Elections Department for the conduct of the elections listed in this Election Services Contract. h) The Elections Administrator will notify all presiding election judges and alternate election judges about the eligibility requirements of Subchapter C of Chapter 32 of Title 3 of the Texas Election Code and Section 271.005 of the Texas Election Code. The Elections Administrator will take the necessary steps to ensure that all presiding election judges, and alternate election judges appointed to serve during this Joint Election are eligible to serve and qualified to serve in this Joint Election. Under Section 32.031 of the Texas Election Code,the presiding election judge for each vote center shall appoint the election clerks to assist the presiding election judge in the conduct of the election at the vote center served by the presiding election judge on Election Day. i) The presiding election judges are responsible for picking up election supplies at the time and place determined by the Elections Administrator, which will be set forth in the letter to the presiding election judges requesting service for this election. Payments for the presiding election judge will be specified in "Attachment A." May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 7 of 22 j) Any Participating Political Subdivision electing to pay their election workers for attending a training class must bear that expense separately from the funds deposited into this Joint Election account. k) The Elections Administrator will employ and or contract for other personnel necessary for the proper administration of the election, including such part-time help as is necessary to prepare for the election, to ensure the timely delivery of services, supplies, assistance, and equipment,during the period of early voting and on Election Day,and for the efficient tabulation of ballots at the central counting station. 7) SUPPLIES AND PRINTING a) The Elections Administrator will obtain and distribute all election supplies and election printing necessary for this Joint Election, including, but not limited to,all forms, signs, and other materials used by the presiding election judges and clerks at the vote centers. b) The Elections Administrator will provide maps, if necessary, instructions, and other information that the presiding election judges need to conduct this Joint Election. c) Each Participating Political Subdivision must deliver a list to the Elections Administrator of candidates and propositions for their elections no later than February 25, 2025. The list must be in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.The list must include the ballot positions for the candidates and the propositions.The list must include the correct spelling of each candidate's name and the precise wording of all the propositions. As soon as possible after each Participating Political Subdivision has determined its ballot positions for the candidates and propositions in its election, the Participating Political Subdivision must email the completed list to the Elections Administrator. The Elections Administrator will use the lists received from the Participating Political Subdivisions to create the ballot styles for this Joint Election.The Elections Administrator will deliver the proposed ballots to the Participating Political Subdivisions for approval. Each Participating Political Subdivision will be responsible for proofreading the proposed ballots and notifying the Elections Administrator of any corrections that are required for their particular ballots. The Elections Administrator is responsible for implementing the corrections made by the Participating Political Subdivisions to their ballots and then producing the ballots for this Joint Election. 8) OPTICAL SCAN CARD BALLOTS a) The Elections Administrator will supply a sufficient number of ballots to ensure that there will be more than enough ballots for the Joint Election. 9) RETURNS OF ELECTIONS a) Pursuant to Section 127.001 of the Texas Election Code, the Participating Political Subdivisions will establish a central counting station to receive and tabulate ballots cast in this Joint Election under Chapter 127 of Title 8 of the Texas Election Code. As such,the Participating Political Subdivisions authorize the establishment of a central counting station at the Dallas County Elections Department to be managed and operated by the personnel listed in this section in accordance with this Contract and Chapter 127 of the May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 8 of 22 Texas Election Code. b) The Participating Political Subdivisions hereby, in accordance with Sections 127.002, 127.003, and 127.004 of the Texas Election Code, appoint the following central counting station officials: Central Count Station Manager: Heider Garcia, Dallas County Elections Administrator Tabulation Supervisor: Danielle Grant, Central Count Station Manager Assistant Tabulation Supervisor: Angelica Munoz, Central Count Station Lead Clerk Assistant Tabulation Supervisor: Michelle Lee, Central Count Station Lead Clerk The Participating Political Subdivisions hereby, in accordance with Sections 127.005 of the Texas Election Code, appoint the following central counting station officials: Presiding Judge: Brylon Franklin, Appointed by the Participating Entities Alternate Presiding Judge: Veree Hawkins Brown, Appointed by the Participating Entities The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that approval of this Election Services Contract by the Participating Political Subdivisions shall constitute approval and appointment of the Presiding and Alternate Presiding Judge listed above for the central counting station. c) The Central Count Station Manager or their representative will deliver timely, cumulative reports of the Joint Election results as vote centers are tabulated. The Central Count Station Manager will be responsible for releasing cumulative totals and vote center election returns from the Joint Election to the Participating Political Subdivisions, candidates, press, and the public by the distribution of hard copies or electronic transmittals (where accessible). The Elections Administrator will operate an election result center to release election results in the Dallas County Elections Operations Facility, 1520 Round Table Dr., Dallas,Texas 75247. d) The Elections Administrator will link any Participating Political Subdivision's website to DCED's website. Participating Political Subdivisions that want such website linkage should deliver their website address to the Tabulation Supervisor at DCED. e) The Elections Administrator will prepare the unofficial canvass report after the results from all vote centers have been counted and will email a copy of the unofficial canvass to May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 9 of 22 each Participating Political Subdivision as soon as possible after all returns, provisional ballots, and late overseas ballots have been tabulated, but no later than May 12, 2025. All Participating Political Subdivisions will be responsible for the official canvass of their respective elections. f) The Elections Administrator will be responsible for conducting the post-election manual recount, unless the Texas Secretary of State grants a waiver under Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code. If no such waiver is given, the Elections Administrator will provide notice and copies of the recount to each Participating Political Subdivision and the Secretary of State's Office. Each Participating Political Subdivision must notify the Elections Administrator if such a waiver has been granted or denied as soon as possible, but no later than five (5) calendar days before Election Day. 10)ELECTION EXPENSES a) The Participating Political Subdivisions agree to share the costs of administering this Joint Election as specified in "Attachment A." The Election Administrator will charge a general supervisory fee not to exceed ten (10%) percent of the total cost of this Joint Election as authorized by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code. In no event will the ten (10%) percent general supervisory fee be refunded to any Participating Political Subdivision. If the ballot, candidates, or propositions supplied by the Participating Political Subdivision are changed aftertheir initial programming and/or printing by the Elections Administrator due to a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction, an incorrect submission of ballot language by the Participating Political Subdivision, or the failure of a Participating Political Subdivision to submit their final ballot language, then the affected Participating Political Subdivision(s) agrees to pay all expenses associated with re-printing and re- programming the ballots including expenses for expedited services and "Attachment A" will be amended by the Election Administrator. Any additional expenses, including but not limited to,additional early voting polling places and/or election day vote centers,that are ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be paid for by the Participating Political Subdivisions using the same formula listed in Section 10(b). b) Allocation of costs among the Participating Political Subdivisions will be according to a formula based on the total cost of the Joint Election multiplied by the Participating Political Subdivision's percentage of the total current, and active registered voters for the Joint Election ("Election Cost(s)"). Any special request(s) for additional vote center(s), early voting polling place(s), supplies, personnel, or equipment beyond what is allocated and anticipated for the Joint Election will be billed separately as additional costs ("Special Request Fee(s)"). Special Request Fees will be paid by the Participating Political Subdivision making the request. If the special request(s) is agreed to by all Participating Political Subdivisions and stated in this Election Services Contract, then the fees for the special request(s) will be allocated amongst all the Participating Political Subdivisions based on the formula for determining Election Costs. A Special Request Fee will not be assessed against a Participating Political Subdivision who requests an early voting polling place within their jurisdiction if an early voting polling place is not already located in their jurisdiction ("Early Voting Request"). The costs for any Early Voting Request will be May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 10 of 22 allocated amongst all the Participating Political Subdivisions based on the formula for determining Election Costs. c) The expenses for early voting by mail and personal appearance will be paid by each Participating Political Subdivision as set forth in "Attachment A." d) The Elections Administrator will determine the final election expenses to the extent practicable within one hundred and eighty (180) business days after the final canvass of this Joint Election or the Joint Runoff Election, if any. The Elections Administrator will provide each Participating Political Subdivision with a final, written accounting of all money that was deposited into, and payments that were made from, the Joint Election account(s) maintained by the Dallas County Elections Department for this Joint Election and the Joint Runoff Election, if any. e) If the Elections Administrator requires additional funds to perform their obligations under this Election Services Contract that is more than the estimate listed in "Attachment A" or any estimate provided for Joint Runoff Fees,then the Elections Administrator will bill each Participating Political Subdivision using the same formula listed in Section 10(b) ("Joint Election Fees"). If the Elections Administrator requires additional funds to assist in any Recounts that is more than the estimate provided for Recount Fees, then the Elections Administrator will bill each Participating Political Subdivision that is participating in a Recount for such fees ("Final Recount Fees"). An invoice will be sent to each Participating Political Subdivision which will include the Joint Election Fees, Special Request Fees, and Final Recount Fees ("Final Bill"). The Participating Political Subdivision shall pay the Final Bill within thirty (30) days of receipt except for any amount the Participating Political Subdivision files a timely good faith written dispute under Section 17 of this Election Services Contract. As soon as practicable after all expenses of this Joint Election are paid and disputes, if any, resolved, any funds that remain in the account maintained by the Dallas County Elections Department for this Election Services Contract will be refunded to the Participating Political Subdivisions (the "Refund(s)"). Refunds will be prorated in accordance with the Participating Political Subdivisions' respective share of the costs, not including any costs for conducting the Joint Election for which the respective Participating Political Subdivisions may be separately responsible as provided in this Contract. If there is an increase or decrease in the total costs for any line item or if an additional line item expense is added than what was estimated in "Attachment A", then the Final Bill or Refund will contain an explanation of these changes. 11) DEPOSIT OF FUNDS a) Attachment A details the cost and expenses anticipated for the Joint Election. Participating Political Subdivisions will initially receive an estimated cost from the Elections Administrator. The Final Bill will be distributed in accordance with Section 10 (d). Each Participating Political Subdivision hereby agrees to deposit with the Dallas County Elections Department one hundred (100%) percent of the full balance of money listed for its respective entity in "Attachment A: Deposit of Funds Detail" of this Election Services Contract not later than March 12, 2025. The Dallas County Elections Department will place the money deposited by the Participating Political Subdivisions in May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 11 of 22 a Joint Election account. In accordance with Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code, only actual expenses directly attributable to this Contract may be paid from the Joint Election account. The Elections Administrator may not charge for performing duties that the officer is required by law to perform. b) The deposit of funds by each Participating Political Subdivision is an express condition precedent to the participation of each Participating Political Subdivision in this Election Services Contract. A Participating Political Subdivision may seek an extension from the Elections Administrator as to the due date for the deposit of funds. Such an extension must be sought in writing and prior to the due date for such deposit by the Participating Political Subdivision. Any decision(s) made by the Elections Administrator will be provided in writing to the Participating Political Subdivision. The Elections Administrator, however, shall not be required to grant an extension for the deposit of funds by a Participating Political Subdivision. For any Participating Political Subdivision that fails to deposit the total amounts specified in "Attachment A" by the dates specified in this Election Services Contract or any extension granted by the Elections Administrator, the Elections Administrator will be relieved from the responsibility to perform under this Election Services Contract for such Participating Political Subdivision. c) The Elections Administrator will only draw money from this Joint Election account to pay for expenses for the Joint Election that are included in "Attachment A" to this Election Services Contract and for other expenses to which all of the Participating Political Subdivisions agree to in writing. d) If a Participating Political Subdivision withdraws completely from this Joint Election on or before March 14, 2025, then the Elections Administrator will refund (as soon as practicable) that Participating Political Subdivision's deposit, less the Participating Political Subdivision's prorated share of (i) any funds already expended before the withdrawal and (ii) less the general supervision supervisory fee authorized by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code. In the event of a partial withdrawal of a Participating Political Subdivision from this Joint Election, the Participating Political Subdivisions shall not be entitled to a refund of the deposit. e) The Elections Administrator will not make partial refunds to a Participating Political Subdivision if any candidate(s) or propositions do not appear on the ballot for that Participating Political Subdivision. f) Deposits should be made out to Dallas County Elections Department and delivered within the mandatory time frame to: May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 12 of 22 Heider Garcia Dallas County Elections Administrator 1520 Round Table Drive Dallas,Texas 75247 In the"memo" section of check place Election Escrow Account:_91492_ 12) RECORDS OF THE ELECTION a) The Elections Administrator is hereby appointed the general custodian of the voted ballots and all election records of this Joint Election to the extent authorized by Sections 31.094, 31.095, 31.096, and 31.097 of the Texas Election Code. b) Access to the election records will be available to each Participating Political Subdivision as well as to the public in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552, Government Code, at the Dallas County Elections Department, 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247 at any time during normal business hours. The Elections Administrator will ensure that the records are maintained in an orderly manner, so that records are clearly identifiable and retrievable per records storage container. However, access to election records that contain confidential information that must be redacted pursuant to federal, or state law may be provided at the offices of the Civil Division of the Criminal District Attorney's Office of Dallas County, Texas at 500 Elm Street, Suite 6300, Dallas,Texas 75202. c) Pursuant to Section 66.058 of the Texas Election Code, the Elections Administrator will retain the precinct election records that are distributed to the Elections Administrator at the Elections Administrator's main offices and Elections Warehouse for sixty (60) days after the date of this Joint Election. At any point sixty(60) days after the date of the Joint Election, the Elections Administrator may arrange for transport of precinct election records for the Joint Election to the Dallas County Record Storage facility. If so, the precinct election records will then become the responsibility of Dallas County Record Storage for the remainder of the twenty-two (22) month preservation period. If the Elections Administrator does not transport the precinct election records to the Dallas County Records Storage facility, then the precinct election records will remain the responsibility of the Elections Administrator for the remainder of the twenty-two (22) month preservation period. Dallas County Record Storage will be responsible for the destruction of the Joint Election records after the preservation period. The Participating Political Subdivisions agree the Elections Administrator may destroy the records from the Joint Election after the twenty-two (22) month preservation period without further notice to the Participating Political Subdivisions unless the events in Section 12 (d) occur. d) A Participating Political Subdivision must notify the Elections Administrator in writing not later than three (3) business days after any official or employee of the Participating Political Subdivision becomes aware of any election contest, litigation, or criminal investigation or proceeding in connection with this Joint Election or the Joint Runoff Election. In accordance with Section 1.013 of the Texas Election Code,the election records of the Joint Election and/or Joint Runoff Election, as applicable, must be preserved until May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 13 of 22 any election contest, litigation, or any criminal investigation or proceeding is completed and a judgment, if any, becomes final. Also, the election records of the Joint Election and/or Joint Runoff Election, as applicable, that are within the scope of an active or pending request for public information related to such election records will be maintained by the Elections Administrator until such request for public information is finally concluded. e) The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge and agree that the Elections Administrator reserves the right to intervene in any election contest or litigation in connection with this Joint Election in order to preserve any available remedies at law and to preserve the Elections Administrator's obligations under this Contract and the Texas Election Code. f) If the Participating Political Subdivisions have changed their single-member districts since their last election,the Subdivisions must submit new boundaries by February 7, 2025. g) The Elections Administrator will provide each Participating Political Subdivision records that indicate the jurisdictional boundaries of each Participating Political Subdivision by January 27,2025. Each Participating Political Subdivision will have until February 27,2025 to verify in writing that the jurisdictional boundaries provided by the Elections Administrator are correct. 13) EARLY VOTING a) Under Sections 31.094 and 271.006 of the Texas Election Code, the Participating Political Subdivisions hereby appoint the Elections Administrator to be the early voting clerk for all political subdivisions participating in this Joint Election. The deputy early voting clerks will be appointed by the Elections Administrator in accordance with subchapter B of Chapter 83 of the Texas Election Code. A list of appointed deputy early voting clerks will be e-mailed to the Participating Political Subdivisions before the beginning of early voting by personal appearance. b) Any qualified voter for this Joint Election may vote early by personal appearance at the main early voting polling place or at one of the early voting branch polling places listed in Attachment B. Early voting will be conducted as agreed by the Parties as follows: Tuesday-Friday,April 22-25, 2025,from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday,April 26, 2025,from 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. Sunday,April 27, 2025,from 12:00 p.m.to 6:00 p.m. Monday-Tuesday,April 28-29, 2025,from 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. c) All requests for early voting ballots by mail that are received by a Participating Political Subdivision must be transported by runner on the day of receipt to the Dallas County Elections Department, Elections Operations Facility at 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247 for processing. Persons voting by mail must send their voted ballots to the Dallas County Elections Department. d) All early voting ballots will be prepared for counting by an Early Voting Ballot Board appointed under Subchapter A of Chapter 87 of the Texas Election Code.The Participating May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 14 of 22 Political Subdivisions agree to appoint Chaka Terrell as the Presiding Judge, and Patti Clapp as the Alternate Presiding Judge of the Early Voting Ballot Board. In accordance with Section 87.002(b)of the Texas Election Code,the presiding judge will appoint at least one or more members to the Early Voting Ballot Board. The Participating Political Subdivisions may submit one individual for consideration by the presiding judge to be appointed as a member of the Early Voting Ballot Board and will notify DCED of the individual's name,telephone number, mailing address, and email address, if any, no later than April 4, 2025. A list of Early Voting Ballot Board members will be furnished to each Participating Political Subdivision by April 11, 2025. The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that approval of this Election Services Contract shall constitute approval and appointment of the Presiding and Alternate Presiding Judge listed above for the Early Voting Ballot Board. e) A signature verification committee will not be appointed,and signature verification duties will be performed by the Early Voting Ballot Board in accordance with Chapter 87 of the Texas Election Code. f) The Presiding Judge of the Early Voting Ballot Board shall deliver notices of rejected ballots in compliance with Section 87.0431,Texas Election Code. 14)CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS The Elections Administrator, their agent or assignee will conduct a criminal background check (in accordance with statutory requirements) of any person who is expected to or scheduled to serve or work in this Joint Election at either the Elections Department or an Early Voting location.Any person that does not satisfactorily pass the criminal background check will be ineligible to serve or work in this Joint Election. Failure to obtain a criminal background check does not release the Participating Political Subdivision's obligation to pay for service rendered in good faith.Additionally, DCED will conduct a review of all poll workers against the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry and provide the results to the Participating Political Subdivisions. 15) ELECTION REPORTS During the early voting period for this Joint Election, the Elections Administrator will deliver daily reports to each Participating Political Subdivision of the Early Voting Location Turnout Totals and Early Voting Roster. The day after the early voting period ends, the Elections Administrator will deliver to each Participating Political Subdivision a Daily Early Voting Roster by vote center report that includes the entire Early Voting period. Pursuant to the Texas Election Code Section 87.121, the Elections Administrator will deliver these election reports by providing a link to a website posting. 16)WITHDRAWAL FROM CONTRACT a) No deposits will be refunded if a Participating Political Subdivision withdraws after the deadline to withdraw from this Election Services Contract has passed. b) In order to withdraw from this Election Services Contract, a Participating Political Subdivision must deliverto the Elections Administrator any certifications and declarations May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 15 of 22 that are required under Subchapter C or Subchapter D of Chapter 2 of Title 1 of the Texas Election Code. c) The Elections Administrator will bill any Participating Political Subdivision that withdraws from this Election Services Contract for any expenses incurred prior to the Elections Administrator receiving copies of the certifications and declarations that are required under Subchapter C or Subchapter D of Chapter 2 of Title 1 of the Texas Election Code. d) Within ten (10) business days after receiving a withdrawal from the Joint Election in accordance with this Election Services Contract, the Elections Administrator will amend the attachments to this Election Services Contract as appropriate and provide updated copies of the amended attachments to all remaining Participating Political Subdivisions. e) The general supervisory fee authorized by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code will not be refunded. 17)AUDITING AND PROHIBITION ON WITHHOLDING OF DEPOSITS a) The Dallas County Auditor will conduct a review of the deposits and expenditures related to this Election Services Contract before the Final Bill or Refund is submitted to the Participating Political Subdivisions. Refunds will be submitted as soon as practicable. b) The Participating Political Subdivisions may request a financial audit of the Final Bill or Refund or dispute the Final Bill or Refund under this Section 17, if: i)the Final Bill exceeds ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Participating Political Subdivision's initial deposit as required in "Attachment A" to this Election Services Contract; or ii) the accounting accompanying the Refund is ten percent (10%) less than the amount the Participating Political Subdivision determines, should be refunded, after its good faith review. The request for a financial audit or written dispute must be requested in accordance with Section 17(c) below. c) Should the circumstances giving rise to an audit or dispute in Section 17(b) occur, the Participating Political Subdivision may send a formal written notice of dispute of the Final Bill or Refund ("Dispute Notice") to the Elections Administrator and the other Participating Political Subdivisions. This Dispute Notice must be received by the Elections Administrator and the Participating Political Subdivisions no later than fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the Participating Political Subdivision receives the Final Bill or Refund. This Dispute Notice must provide: i) an itemization of the disputed charge(s) by the Participating Political Subdivision; ii)the basis for the dispute; iii)the methodology showing how the Participating Political Subdivision arrived at the amount disputed; and iv) documentation, if available, in support thereof. The Participating Political Subdivision will have no right to withhold any undisputed amounts set forth in this Election Services Contract or reflected in the Final Bill. Payment of undisputed amounts in the Final Bill must be made by the Participating Political Subdivision as set forth in Section 10(e) of this Election Services Contract. d) Failure of the Participating Political Subdivision to submit a timely Dispute Notice, as set forth in Section 17(c), shall waive any and all disputes, claims, or challenges to the Final May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 16 of 22 Bill or Refund by the Participating Political Subdivision. The entire amount of the Participating Political Subdivision's Final Bill shall be due immediately; or any estimated refund amounts will become final. e) If the Participating Political Subdivision files a timely Dispute Notice in compliance with Section 17(c), the Participating Political Subdivision will also have the right to conduct a good faith financial audit of the deposits and expenditures related to this Elections Services Contract ("Financial Audit"). In conducting the Financial Audit, the Participating Political Subdivision will have no greater right to demand access to or copies of the County's governmental or election records than those rights specified in the Texas Election Code, the Texas Administrative Code, and the Texas Public Information Act. The cost of any Financial Audit conducted by the Participating Political Subdivision shall be borne by the requesting Participating Political Subdivision and may not be paid for with funds deposited with the Dallas County Elections Department under this Election Services Contract. Further, the Participating Political Subdivision conducting the Financial Audit shall pay the Elections Administrator the reasonable costs for time expended and copies provided in order to perform the Financial Audit. The results of the Financial Audit must be presented to the Elections Administrator within thirty (30) calendar days after a Dispute Notice is properly submitted and received by the Elections Administrator. If the Financial Audit identifies charges by the Elections Administrator of more than ten percent (10%) of the initial deposit amount required by "Attachment A", the Elections Administrator will review and assess the findings of the Financial Audit with the Dallas County Auditor and will attempt in good faith to resolve any disputes over the accuracy of any charges with the Participating Political Subdivision. The Elections Administrator shall not be bound by the findings or recommendations of the Participating Political Subdivision's Financial Audit.The financial records will be retained at the County Election Administrator's office until the conclusion of the Financial Audit and resolution of all outstanding audit disputes. f) In the event that a Dispute Notice is properly submitted in accordance with this Contract, all Participating Political Subdivisions shall have ten (10) business days after their receipt of the Dispute Notice to provide any applicable documentation in support of or against the Dispute Notice to the Elections Administrator. All Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that a Dispute Notice submitted by another Participating Political Subdivision may result in an adjustment to their Final Bill or Refund. If the Elections Administrator and the Dallas County Auditor determine pursuant to a Dispute Notice, or a Financial Audit, that an adjustment to the Final Bills or Refunds for any of the Participating Political Subdivisions is warranted, then the Elections Administrator and Dallas County Auditor will submit their determination of a Final Adjusted Bill or Adjusted Refund to the Dallas County Commissioners Court for approval. Any Final Adjusted Bill approved by the Dallas County Commissioners Court will be due and payable within thirty(30) calendar days after receipt by the Participating Political Subdivisions.Any Adjusted Refund approved by the Dallas County Commissioners Court will be due and payable to the Participating Political Subdivisions within thirty (30) calendar days after approval. If it is determined by the Elections Administrator May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 17 of 22 and the Dallas County Auditor that no adjustment is warranted or if the Dallas County Commissioners Court does not approve an adjustment to the Final Bill or Refund,then the Refund will become final, or any disputed amounts in the Final Bill will be due within thirty(30)calendar days after receipt by the Participating Political Subdivision of the decision of the Dallas County Commissioners Court. g) The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that withholding undisputed funds that are required under this Election Services Contract would result in breach of this Elections Services Contract and the other Participating Political Subdivisions' taxpayers subsidizing the withholding Participating Political Subdivision's election expenses. 18) NOTICE Any addendum to, change/modification of, clarification of, and/or withdrawal from this Contract requires written notice to and written approval by the Dallas County Elections Administrator. Whenever this Election Services Contract requires any consent, approval, notice, request, or demand, it must be in writing to be effective and must be delivered to the Party intended to receive it as shown below: Address for notice to the Elections Administrator: Heider Garcia Dallas County Elections Administrator 1520 Round Table Drive Dallas,Texas 75247 (214) 819-6334 telephone (214) 819-6301 facsimile Address for notice for the Participating Political Subdivisions: The physical addresses as listed in "Attachment F". Any written notice required under this Contract shall be deemed to have been given when personally delivered, or if mailed, seventy-two (72) hours after deposit of the same in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified, or registered, return receipt requested, properly addressed to the contact person shown at the respective physical address set forth above, or at such other addresses as shall be specified by written notice delivered in accordance this notice section. 19)LIABILITY FOR NEGLIGENCE ALL PARTIES TO THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT AGREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAW, EACH FOR THEIR OWN NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS, OR OTHER TORTIOUS CONDUCT IN THE COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OF THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT WITHOUT WAIVING ANY SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY, GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY, STATUTORY IMMUNITY, OR OTHER DEFENSES AVAILABLE TO THE PARTIES UNDER FEDERAL OR STATE LAW. May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 18 of 22 NOTHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO CREATE OR GRANT ANY RIGHTS, CONTRACTUAL OR OTHERWISE, IN OR TO ANY THIRD PERSONS OR ENTITIES. ALL PARTIES AGREE THAT ANY SUCH LIABILITY OR DAMAGES OCCURRING DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT CAUSED BY THE JOINT OR COMPARATIVE NEGLIGENCE OF THE PARTIES, OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR OFFICERS WILL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMPARATIVE RESPONSIBILITY LAWS OF TEXAS,BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT SUCH LAWS ARE APPLICABLE TO THE PARTY. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IF LEGAL ACTION IS FILED AGAINST A PARTY TO THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT, THAT PARTY SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN RESPECTIVE COSTS AND DEFENSE OF THAT SUIT. 20)CHOICE OF LAW This Election Services Contract will be governed and interpreted by the laws of the State of Texas. 21)VENUE AND JURISDICTION The courts of the State of Texas and the United States of America that are physically located in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas are the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any lawsuit, cause of action, temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, injunction, petition for extraordinary relief, mandamus,or any other legal proceeding or claim arising out of the performance of this Election Services Contract. 22)SEVERABILITY If any term of this Election Services Contract is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms of this Election Services Contract will remain in full force and effect and will in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. 23)ENTIRE CONTRACT This Election Services Contract, including any exhibits or attachments, contains the entire agreement between the Elections Administrator and the Participating Political Subdivisions concerning the duties required by this Election Services Contract. The Elections Administrator of Dallas County, Texas and each Participating Political Subdivision hereby expressly warrant and represent that they are not relying on any promises or agreements that are not contained in this Election Services Contract concerning any of the terms in this Election Services Contract. Except otherwise specified in this Election Services Contract, no modification, amendment, novation, renewal, or other alteration of this Election Services Contract shall be effective unless mutually agreed upon in writing and executed by the Parties hereto. 24)PLURALITY, GENDER,AND HEADINGS In this Election Services Contract, words in the singular number include the plural, and those in the plural include the singular. Words of any gender also refer to any other gender. Headings in this Election Services Contract are terms of inclusion, not exclusion. May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 19 of 22 25) RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES The Participating Political Subdivisions, including their respective agents, or employees, are not an agent, servant,joint enterpriser,joint venturer, or employee of the County Elections Administrator, the County, or DCED, and are responsible for their own acts, forbearance, negligence and deeds, and for those of their agents, or employees in conjunction with the performance of services covered under this Election Services Contract. The Participating Political Subdivisions represent that they have, or will secure at their own expense, all personnel and consultants required in performing the duties directly administered by the Participating Political Subdivision. Such personnel and consultants shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with the County,the County Elections Administrator, or DCED. 26) FORCE MAJEURE No Party shall be in default or responsible for delays or failures in performance resulting from causes beyond its control. Such causes include but are not limited to acts of God, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, natural disaster, pandemic, epidemic, nuclear accident, strike, air traffic disruption, lockout, riot,freight embargo, public regulated utility, or governmental statutes, orders, or regulations superimposed after the fact. Any Party delayed by force majeure shall as soon as reasonably possible give the other Party written notice of the delay. The Party delayed shall use reasonable diligence to correct the cause of the delay, if correctable, and if the condition that caused the delay is corrected, the Party delayed shall immediately give the other Parties written notice thereof and shall resume performance under this Election Services Contract as soon as practicable. The date of delivery or of performance shall be extended for at least a minimum time period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. 27) DEFAULT/CUMULATIVE RIGHTS/MITIGATION. It is not a waiver of default if the non-defaulting Party fails to immediately declare a default or delays in taking any action. The rights and remedies provided by this Election Services Contract are cumulative, and no Party's use of any right or remedy will preclude or waive its right to any other remedy. These rights and remedies are in addition to any other rights the Parties may have by law, statute, ordinance or otherwise. All Parties have a duty to mitigate damages. 28) CONTRA PROFERENTEM The legal doctrine of contra proferentem will not apply to this Election Services Contract. Consequently, any ambiguity that may exist in this Election Services Contract will not be construed against the Party who drafted this Election Services Contract. 29) ORDER OF PRECEDENCE Any inconsistencies in this Election Services Contract will be resolved by reviewing and considering this Election Services Contract and Attachments A through F to this Election Services Contract together in context with each other. May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 20 of 22 30) SIGNATORY WARRANTY The Elections Administrator of Dallas County, Texas and all of the contracting authorities of all of the Participating Political Subdivisions listed in "Attachment F" of this Election Services Contract represent that each has the full right, power and authority to enter into and perform this Election Services Contract in accordance with all of its terms and conditions,and that the execution and delivery of this Election Services Contract has been made by authorized representatives of the Participating Political Subdivisions to validly and legally bind the Participating Political Subdivisions to all terms, performances, and provisions set forth in this Election Services Contract. 31) COUNTERPARTS. This Election Services Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original,and such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same Contract. The Parties shall be entitled to sign and transmit an electronic signature of this Contract (whether by facsimile, PDF, or other email transmission), which signature shall be binding on the Party whose name is contained therein. A signed copy of this Contract transmitted by facsimile, email or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Contract for all purposes. [Signatures on following page] May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 21 of 22 WITNESS HEREOF,the Parties have executed this Election Services Contract to be effective as of the date of the last of the Parties to sign. RECOMMENDED AND APPROVED: APPROVED AS TO FORM* HEIDER GARCIA JAMES R. PALOMO COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY DALLAS COUNTY,TEXAS DALLAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE CIVIL DIVISION DATE: *By law,the Criminal District Attorney(s Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). ACCEPTED TO AND AGREED TO BY THE on this day of , 2025: APPROVED Brent Parker, City Manager May 3, 2025 Joint Election Services Contract Page 22 of 22 Y Dallas County Elections Depart 1520 Round Table Drive Dallas.Texas 75247 May 3, 2025 Joint & Special Election ESTIMATED COST INVOICE Subject to Change Registered Voter Split Total City of Wylie ATTACHMENT - A Total Number of Units per Entity 2,423,953 923 34 Entities Cost Per Unit(w/o GSF) $1.53 $1.53 52 EV Locations Total Cost $3,719,071.68 $1,416.16 450 ED Vote Centers %of Units 100% 0.04% Total City of Wylie Election Total $3,719,071.68 $1,416.16 Special Request Fee General Supervisory Fee (GSF) $371,907.17 $141.62 Total Cost $4,090,978.85 $1,557.78 Cost Per Unit(w. GSF) $1.69 $1.69 Amount of Deposit (Overpaid)/Underpa Exp. Code Early Voting Units Unit Cost Estimated City of Wylie POSTAGE 62175 Mail Ballot Kits 15,000 $2.62 $39,300.00 $14. 62175 Undeliverable/Resent Mail Kits 750 $3.20 $2,400.00 $0.91 62170 Postage for Ballots Mailed 15,000 $0.63 $9,450.00 $3.60 62170 jPostage for Undeliverable/Resent Mails 750 $0.63 $472.50 $0.18 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 62024 EV Furniture Rental(Table) 122 $8.50 $1,037.00 $0.39 62024 EV Furniture Rental(Chair) 110 $1.25 $137.50 $0.05 62025 EV Model DS200(Tabulator/Scanner) 52 $464.10 $24,133.20 $9.19 62025 EV ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device(BMD) 681 $295.00 $200,895.00 $76.50 62025 EV EPB Printer 217 $62.00 $13,454.00 $5.12 62025 EV Election Supply Cart 104 $295.00 $30,680.00 $11.68 62021 EV Mini-Van Rental 7 $2,040.00 $10,710.00 $4.08 62021 EV Truck Rental 2 $3,120.00 $4,680.00 $1.78 RENTAL BUILDINGS 62023 EV Location Rental Various Locations $110,000.00 $41.89 PERSONNEL 61050 EV Election Department(OT) 35 Various $43,680.00 $16.63 61050 EV Clerks(OT)6hrs 381 $27.36 $62,544.96 $23.82 61050 EV Judges(OT)6hrs S2 $30.33 $9,462.96 $3.60 61050 EV Inspectors(OT) 7 $30.33 $1,273.86 $0.49 61050 EV Training Trainers(OT) 10 $30.33 $1,819.80 $0.69 61050 EV Sheriff Deputies(OT)20hrs 20 $75.00 $30,000.00 $11.42 61050 EV Ballot Board Committee(OT) 31 $36.33 $3,378.69 $1.29 61050 EV Ballot Board Judge(OT) 1 $36.33 $108.99 $0.04 61060 EV Clerks(ST) 381 $18.24 $555,955.20 $211.- 61060 EV Judges(ST) 52 $20.22 $84,115.20 $32. 61060 EV Inspectors(ST) 7 $20.22 $11,323.20 $4. 61060 EV Training Trainers(ST) 10 $20.22 $16,176.00 $6.16 61060 EV Ballot Board Committee(ST) 31 $24.22 $33,786.90 $12.87 61060 EV Ballot Board Judge(ST) 1 $24.22 $1,089.90 $0.42 61111 EV FICA 6.2% $2,708.16 $1.03 61112 EV Medicare 1.45% $12,393.38 $4.72 61113 EV PARS 1.3% $10,543.46 $4.01 61150 EV Retirement Chargeback 13.23% $5,778.86 $2.20 62225 EV Temp.Employees 45 $26.60 $143,640.00 $54.70 SUPPLY EXPENSE 62175 EV Official ExpressVote Ballots 65,000 $0.14 $9,100.00 $3.47 62175 EV Judges Kits 52 $80.00 $4,160.00 $1.58 SERVICE EXPENSE 62013 Legal Notice Legal Notice $4,794.50 $1.83 62225 EV GTS IT Services 6 $35.00 $33,600.00 $12.79 62225 EV ES&S Project Management 2 $1,975.00 $3,950.00 $1.50 62225 EV ES&S BOD Election Setup $2,000.00 $0.76 PREPARATION AND TRANSPORTATION OF VOTING EQUIPMENT 62910 EV Atlantic Delivery and Pick-up 104 $100.00 $10,400.00 $3.96 62910 EV Warehouse Delivery and Pick-up(Special) 5 $45.00 $225.00 $0.09 MILEAGE/FUEL 62285 EV Fuel Vans and Trucks $1,200.00 $0.46 EARLY VOTING TOTAL F $1,546,558.22 $588.90 Exp. Code Election Day Units Unit Cost Estimated City of Wylie !UIPMENT RENTAL 62024 ED Furniture Rental(Table) 1,490 $8.50 $12,665.00 $4.82 62024 ED Furniture Rental(Chair) 1,398 $1.25 $1,747.50 $0.67 62025 ED Model DS200(Tabulator/Scanner) 450 $464.10 $208,845.00 $79.52 62025 ED ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device(BMD) 1,631 $295.00 $481,145.00 $183.21 62025 ED EPB Printer 1,074 $62.00 $66,588.00 $25.36 62025 ED Election Supply Carts 450 $295.00 $132,750.00 $50.55 62021 ED Mini-Van Rental 7 $2,040.00 $10,710.00 $4.08 62021 ED Truck Rental 2 $3,120.00 $4,680.00 $1.78 RENTAL BUILDINGS 62023 ED Location Rental Various Locations $112,000.00 $42.65 PERSONNEL 61020 ED Clerks(ST) 1,836 $18.24 $502,329.60 $191.28 61020 ED Judges(ST) 450 $24.22 $163,485.00 $62.25 61020 ED Judges Delivery(Can Money) 450 $25.00 $11,250.00 $4.28 61020 ED Office/Warehouse Contractors(ST) 59 $25.00 $22,125.00 $8.42 61020 ED Phone Bank(ST) 35 $25.00 $13,125.00 $5.00 61020 ED Regional Site Support(ST) 53 $20.00 $5,300.00 $2.02 61020 ED Inspectors(ST) 45 $25.00 $16,875.00 $6.43 61020 ED Techs(ST) 25 $25.00 $9,375.00 $3.57 61050 ED Sheriff Deputies(OT) 36 $75.00 $40,500.00 $15.42 61050 ED Building Security(OT) 19 $75.00 $21,375.00 $8.14 61050 ED Election Department(OT) 48 Various $21,216.00 $8.08 61111 ED FICA 6.2% $3,826.39 $1.46 61112 ED Medicare 1.45% $307.63 $0.12 61113 ED PARS 1.3% $275.81 $0.11 61150 ED Retirement Chargeback 13.23% $8,165.03 $3.11 62225 ED Temp.Employees 45 $26.60 $143,640.00 $54.70 'TbPPLY EXPENSE IM 62175 ED Official ExpressVote Ballots 45,000 $0.140 $6,300.00 $2.40 62175 ED Judge Kit 450 $80.00 $36,000.00 $13.71 SERVICE EXPENSE 62225 ED ES&5 Site Support 1 $4,975.00 $4,975.00 $1.89 62225 ED GTS IT Services 6 $35.00 $16,275.00 $6.20 PREPARATION&TRANSPORTATION OF VOTING EQUIPMENT 62910 ED Atlantic Delivery and Pick-up 900 $100.00 $90,000.00 $34.27 62910 ED Warehouse Delivery and Pick-up(Special) 45 $45.00 $2,025.00 $0.77 MILEAGE/FUEL 61080 Mileage for Deputies 2,5CC 1 $0.655 $1,637.50 $0.62 62285 ED Fuel Vans and Trucks $1,000.00 $0.38 ELECTION DAY TOTAL $2,172,513.46 $827.26: DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment B Early Voting Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint Election May 3, 202S Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edificio Lugar De Vataci6n Direcci6n Ciudad Codigo Dia Diem Khu Vqjc Bb Phieu Dia Chi ThAnh Ph6 Postal M8 Bdu Chinh E0004 Elections Training/Warehouse Vote Center 1460 Round Table Dr DALLAS 75247 E0012 Glenn Heights Family Center muiltpurpose rm 1932 S Hampton Rd GLENN HEIGHTS 75154 E0021 Islamic Association of North Texas Brothers&Sisters Ent Foyer 840 Abrams Rd RICHARDSON 75081 E0022 Vietnamese Community Center Front and Back Room 3221 Belt Line Rd GARLAND 75044 E0023 For Oak Cliff Multipurpose Room 907 E Ledbetter Dr DALLAS 75216 E0024 North Garland Branch Library Program Room 3845 N Garland Ave GARLAND 75040 E0025 Kiest Recreation Center Small Rm 3081 S Hampton Rd DALLAS 75224 E0029 MILK Jr Branch Library Auditorium 2922 MLK Jr Blvd DALLAS 75215 E0030 Northway Christian Church Fellowship Hall 7202 W Northwest Hwy DALLAS 75225 E0038 Royal Lane Baptist Church Vickrey Hall 6707 Royal Ln DALLAS 75230 E0041 Makkah Masjid IDEA Back Mulitpurpose Room 3301 Buckingham Rd GARLAND 75042 E0043 Ministerios Charisma Large Side Room 740 Melrose Dr RICHARDSON 75080 E0049 Dallas County Mesquite Gov Ctr Community RM L101 500 S Galloway Ave MESQUITE 75149 E0050 Dallas County Records Bld Lobby 500 Elm St DALLAS 75202 E0051 Addison Athletic Club Community Rm 3900 Beltway Dr ADDISON 75001 E0052 Methodist Richardson Medical Center Suite 100 403 W.Campbell Rd RICHARDSON 75080 E1022 Oak Lawn Branch Library Auditorium 4100 Cedar Springs Rd DALLAS 75219 E1029 Richland Campus-Dallas College LeCroy Center R012 9596 Walnut St DALLAS 75243 E1052 Lochwood Branch Library Black Box Theater 11221 Lochwood Blvd DALLAS 75218 E1071 Lakewood Branch Library Auditorium 6121 Worth St DALLAS 75214 E1074 Samuell Grand Recreation Center Game Room 112 6200 E Grand Ave DALLAS 75223 E1088 Skyline Branch Library Auditorium 6006 Everglade Rd DALLAS 75227 E1096 Pleasant Grove Ctr-Dallas College Community Room 108/109 802 S Buckner Blvd DALLAS 75217 E1116 Harry Stone Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room 104 2403 Millmar Dr DALLAS 75228 E1301 Florence Recreation Center Event Room 2501 Whitson Way MESQUITE 75150 E1708 Garland Center-Dallas College Conference Room A&B 675 W Walnut St GARLAND 75040 E1723 South Garland Branch Library Program Room 4845 Broadway Blvd GARLAND 75043 E2005 Marsh Lane Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 10716 Marsh Ln DALLAS 75229 2/12 36 PM 1 of 6 DALLAS Cq"mW ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT rm Attachment B Early Voting Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edif cio Lugar De Volaci6n otncci6n Ciudad Codigo Dia 916M Khu VVc B6 Phiiu 91a Chi Thinh Ph6 Postal MS Btru Chinh E2052 Fretz Park Library Black Box Theater 6990 Belt Line Rd DALLAS 75254 E2060 Audelia Road Branch Library Auditorium 10045 Audelia Rd DALLAS 75238 E2220 University Park UMC Parlor RM 101 4024 Caruth Blvd DALLAS 75225 E2305 Farmers Branch Manske Library Community Hub 13613 Webb Chapel Rd FARMERS BRANCH 75234 E2407 Josey Ranch Lake Library Meeting Room 150 1700 Keller Springs Rd CARROLLTON 75006 E2604 Valley Ranch Library Meeting Room 401 Cimarron Trl IRVING 75063 E2805 Coppell Town Center Atrium 255 E Parkway Blvd COPPELL 75019 E2927 Rowlett Community Centre Room C&D 5300 Main St ROWLETT 75088 E2941 Sachse City Hall Courtroom 3815-B Sachse Rd SACHSE 75048 E3043 Paul L Dunbar Library Auditorium 2008 E Kiest Blvd DALLAS 75216 E3064 Friendship West Baptist Church Banquet Hall Foyer 2020 W Wheatland Rd DALLAS 75232 E3073 Highland Hills Library Auditorium 6200 Bonnie View Rd DALLAS 75241 E3106 A E Sims Cedar Hill Rec Center Bluebonnet Room 310 E Parkerville Rd CEDAR HILL 75104 E3202 Duncanville Library Meeting Rms 1-3 201 James Collins Blvd DUNCANVILLE 75116 E3400 Balch Springs Civic Center Big Room Area 12400 Elam Rd BALCH SPRINGS 75180 E3500 Sunnyvale Town Hall Council Chambers 127 N Collins Rd SUNNYVALE 75182 E3605 Disciple Central Comm Church Sanctuary 901 N Polk St DESOTO 75115 E3809 Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library Meeting Room 1600 Veterans Memorial Pkwy LANCASTER 75134 E3921 Seagoville City Hall Foyer 702 N Hwy 175 SEAGOVILLE 75159 E3940 Wilmer Community Center Main Room 101 Davidson Plz WILMER 75172 E3950 Hutchins City Hall Council Chambers 321 N Main St HUTCHINS 75141 E4029 West Dallas Center-Dallas College Room 141/142 3330 N Hampton Rd DALLAS 75212 E4050 Mountain Creek Library Auditorium 6102 Mountain Creek Pkwy DALLAS 75249 E4064 Martin Weiss Recreation Center Large Room 1111 Martindell Ave DALLAS 75211 E4071 Oak Cliff Government Center Main Lobby 702 E Jefferson Blvd DALLAS 75203 E4081 Jaycee Zaragoza Recreation Center Area in Lobby/Hallway 3114 Clymer St DALLAS 75212 E4086 Grauwyler Park Recreation Center Room A 7780 Harry Hines Blvd DALLAS 75235 E4113 Mountain View Campus-Dallas College E.Bldg., East Foyer 4849 W Illinois Ave DALLAS 75211 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 2 of 6 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment B 411 Early Voting Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint Election May 3, 202S 21P Location Voting Area Address City Codigo VC# Edificio Lugar De Votacuin Direccl6n Ciudad Postal Dia Diem Khu Vttc 66 Phitlu via Chi Th3nh Ph6 MS tu BWu C Chin E4502 Betty Warmack Library Empower Room 760 Bardin Rd GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 E4514 The Summit Ballroom 1 2975 Esplanade Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 E4516 Crosswinds High School Room 104 1100 N Carrier Pkwy GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 E4607 Irving City Hall Main Lobby 825 W Irving Blvd IRVING 75060 E4642 Irving Arts Center Suite 200 3333 N Macarthur Blvd PRVING 75062 2/12/ �36 PM 3 of 6 DALLAS COr=04 ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT ro"q Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Addross City ZIP VC# Edifk10 Lugar Do Votacidn Dirsccl6n Ciudad Codigo qa 916M Khu VVc Ba Phiiu aja Chi Th6nh Ph6 Postal MS Bum Chinh V0003 Evans Recreation Center Fitness Room 1116 Hillcrest St MESQUITE 75149 V0005 Churchill Recreation Center Parlor 6906 Churchill Way DALLAS 75230 V0012 Rosemont Elem School-Lower Campus Auditorium 1919 Stevens Forest Dr DALLAS 75208 V0014 Vietnamese Community Center Front and Back Room 3221 Belt Line Rd GARLAND 75044 V0016 Elections Training/Warehouse Vote Center 1460 Round Table Dr DALLAS 75247 V0019 Mockingbird Elementary School-DISD Auditorium 5828 E Mockingbird Ln DALLAS 75206 V0020 Central Elementary School-DISD Gym 902 Shady Ln SEAGOVILLE 75159 V0021 Campbell Green Recreation Center AB Room 16600 Park Hill Dr DALLAS 75248 V0022 Janie Stark Elementary School Cafeteria 124001osey Ln FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V0026 The Woods United Methodist Church The Commons 1350 Bardin Rd GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V0027 First UMC of Sachse Gym 1520 Blackburn Rd SACHSE 75048 V0030 Woodhaven Presbyterian Church Hancock Hall 3650 N O'Connor Rd IRVING 75062 V0032 Larry G Smith Elementary School Auditorium 5299 Gus Thomasson Rd MESQUITE 75150 V0034 Stephens Elementary School Entrance Hall 3700 Cheyenne Dr ROWLETT 75088 V0035 Albert Farine Elementary School Small Gym 615 Metker St IRVING 75062 V0038 Islamic Association of North Texas Brothers&Sisters Ent Foyer 840 Abrams Rd RICHARDSON 75081 V0039 West Irving Library Large Meeting Room 4444 W Rochelle Rd IRVING 75062 V0040 Desoto House of Peace&Comm Center Gym,Door 11 531 W Belt Line Rd DESOTO 75115 V0041 Frank D Moates Elementary School Gym 1500 Heritage Blvd GLENN HEIGHTS 75154 V0042 Frank Crowley Courts Building A5 133 N Riverfront Blvd DALLAS 75207 V0044 Cedar Hill Collegiate High School Gym 1515 W Beltline Rd CEDAR HILL 75104 V0047 Moises E Molina High School Auditorium 2355 Duncanville Rd DALLAS 75211 V0049 La Villita Elementary School Gymnasium 1601 Camino Lago IRVING 75039 V0050 Salem Institutional Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 3918 Crozier St DALLAS 75215 V0051 MLK Jr Branch Library Auditorium 2922 MLK Jr Blvd DALLAS 75215 V0052 Abbett Elementary School Front Foyer 730 W Muirfield Rd GARLAND 75044 V0054 Antioch Worship Center Auditorium 6245 Shannon Rd MESQUITE 75181 V0055 Rocky Springs Missionary Baptist Ch Fellowship Hall 316 E Shady Grove Rd GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 1 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address city ZIP Vc# Edificio Lugar De Votacl6n DiFreccibnn cludad Cod!" oia oi&n Khu V c B6 Phii�u Postal d oia Chi Th3nh Pho MA Bttu chinh V0061 The Summit Ballroom 1 2975 Esplanade Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V0062 For Oak Cliff Multipurpose Room 907 E Ledbetter Dr DALLAS 75216 V0063 Katherine Johnson Tech Magnet Acad Cafeteria 1200 Academy Way DESOTO 75115 V0064 Trinity Love Church Gym 111 E Stark Rd SEAGOVILLE 75159 V0065 Mt Zion MBC of Sandbranch Main Sanctuary 128 Burns Dr SEAGOVILLE 75159 V0066 Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Ch Fellowship Hall 1819 N Washington Ave DALLAS 75204 V0067 Thomas Jefferson High School Auditorium 4001 Walnut Hill Ln DALLAS 75229 V0076 Northway Christian Church Fellowship Hall 7202 W Northwest Hwy DALLAS 7S225 V0079 Royal Lane Baptist Church Vickrey Hall 6707 Royal Ln DALLAS 75230 V0081 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Gym 4601 N State Hwy 161 IRVING 75038 V0082 Makkah Masjid IDEA Back Mulitpurpose Room 3301 W Buckingham Rd GARLAND 75042 V0083 Ministerios Charisma Sanctuary 740 Melrose Dr RICHARDSON 75080 V0088 Canyon Ranch Elem School Gym 1205 Santa Fe Trail IRVING 75063 V0089 Bowie Middle School(Annex Bld) Cafeteria 600 E 6th St IRVING 75060 V0090 Glenn Heights Community Center Banquet Rm B 1938-D S Hampton Rd GLENN HEIGHTS 75154 V0093 Dallas County Mesquite Gov Ctr Community Room L101 500 S Galloway MESQUITE 75149 V0094 Dallas County Records Bld Lobby 500 Elm St DALLAS 75202 V0095 Addison Athletic Club Community Room 3900 Beltway Dr ADDISON 75001 V0096 Methodist Richardson Medical Center Suite 100 403 W Campbell Rd RICHARDSON 75080 V0097 Combine City Hall City Council Chambers Room 100 Davis Road COMBINE 75159 V1001 Sam Tasby M S Rm 114 7001 Fair Oaks Ave DALLAS 75231 V1003 Hamilton Park UMC Gym 11881 Schroeder Dr DALLAS 75243 V1004 Forest Meadow Middle School Back Entry/Hallway 9373 Whitehurst Dr DALLAS 75243 V1005 New Mount Zion Baptist Church Educational Bldg,Chapel 9530 Shepherd Rd DALLAS 75243 V1006 Moss Haven Elementary School Gym 9202 Moss Farm Ln DALLAS 75243 V1008 Lee McShan Jr Elem School Main Lobby 8307 Meadow Rd DALLAS 75231 V1013 North Dallas High School Freshman Bldg 3120 N Haskell Ave DALLAS 75204 V1015 Multiple Careers Magnet Center Portable 1016 4528 Rusk Ave DALLAS 75204 2/12/ 6 PM of 16 DALLAS CO j"�"!"M ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT ro" Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP Vc# Edifiklo Lugar De Votaci6n Dlrecci6n Ciudad Codigo 91a Dism Khu VVc Bb Phiilu 91a Chi Thinh Ph6 Postal MS Bu'u Chinh V1019 Solar Preparatory School for Girls Bonham Bldg Vestibule 2617 N Henderson Ave DALLAS 75206 V1020 Ben Milam Elementary School Cafeteria 4200 Mckinney Ave DALLAS 75205 V1022 Oak Lawn Branch Library Auditorium 4100 Cedar Springs Rd DALLAS 75219 V1023 The Father's Church Youth Room 2707 Abrams Rd DALLAS 75214 V1027 Audelia Creek Elementary School Gym 12600 Audelia Rd DALLAS 75243 V1029 Richland Campus-Dallas College LeCroy Center R012 9596 Walnut St DALLAS 75243 V1030 A M Aikin Elementary School Gym 12300 Pleasant Valley Dr DALLAS 75243 V1032 Northwood Hills Elementary Sch Gym 14532 Meandering Way DALLAS 75254 V1033 Spring Valley Elementary School Gym 13535 Spring Grove Ave DALLAS 75240 V1040 Thurgood Marshall Elementary School Large Room 9666 Ferris Branch Blvd DALLAS 75243 V1043 Skyview Elementary School Gym 9229 Meadowknoll Dr DALLAS 75243 V1045 PLA @ Highland Meadows Auditorium 8939 Whitewing Ln DALLAS 75238 V1049 Merriman Park Elementary School Cafeteria 7101 Winedale Dr DALLAS 75231 V1052 Lochwood Branch Library Black Box Theater 11221 Lochwood Blvd DALLAS 75218 V1054 Casa View Elementary School Auditorium Foyer 2100 N Farola Dr DALLAS 75228 V1056 Charles A Gill Elementary School Auditorium 10910 Ferguson Rd DALLAS 75228 V1057 St Pius X Catholic Church Parish Parish Hall 3030 Gus Thomasson Rd DALLAS 75228 V1058 Harry Stone Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room 104 2403 Millmar Dr DALLAS 75228 V1059 Reinhardt Elementary School Auditorium 10122 Losa Dr DALLAS 75218 V1060 Alex Sanger Preparatory School Auditorium 8410 San Leandro Dr DALLAS 75218 V1061 W H Gaston Middle School Auditorium Foyer 9565 Mercer Dr DALLAS 75228 V1063 George Truett Elementary School Auditorium 1811 Gross Rd DALLAS 75228 V1070 Grace United Methodist Church Parlor 4105 Junius St DALLAS 75246 V1071 Lakewood Branch Library Auditorium 6121 Worth St DALLAS 75214 V1073 Junius Heights Church Milton Greer,Fellowship Hall 5429 Reiger Ave DALLAS 75214 V1074 Samuell Grand Recreation Center Game Room 112 6200 E Grand Ave DALLAS 75223 V1076 Eduardo Mata Montessori School Library 7420 La Vista Dr DALLAS 75214 V1078 Bayles Elementary School Computer Lab,Rm 121 2444 Telegraph Ave DALLAS 75228 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 3 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 ZIP Location Voting Area Address City Codigo VC# Edi/icio Lugar De Votaci6n DireccOn Ciudad Postal via Diem Khu Vttc Bo Philu via Chi Th3nh Ph6 MA BUM Chinh V1079 S S Conner Elementary School Auditorium 3037 Greenmeadow Dr DALLAS 75228 V1081 Owenwood Farm&Neighbor Space Sanctuary 1451 John West Rd DALLAS 75228 V1083 Colonial Baptist Church Hallway 6459 Scyene Rd DALLAS 75227 V1084 Edna Rowe Elementary School Auditorium 4918 Hovenkamp Dr DALLAS 75227 V1087 Skyline High School Auditorium Foyer 7777 Forney Rd DALLAS 75227 V1088 Skyline Branch Library Auditorium 6006 Everglade Rd DALLAS 75227 V1090 San Jacinto Elementary School Auditorium 7900 Hume Dr DALLAS 75227 V1091 Annie Webb Blanton Elem School Auditorium 8915 Greenmound Ave DALLAS 75227 V1092 Edward Titche Elementary School Auditorium 9560 Highfield Dr DALLAS 75227 V1094 S.Mendez Crew Leadership Acad Auditorium 1515 N Jim Miller Rd DALLAS 75217 V1096 Pleasant Grove Ctr-Dallas College Community Room 108/109 802 S Buckner Blvd DALLAS 75217 V1097 W W Samuell High School Auditorium 8928 Palisade Dr DALLAS 75217 V1098 Young Men's Leadership Academy Auditorium 1625 N Masters Dr DALLAS 75217 V1101 Pleasant Grove Branch Library Community Room 108/109 7310 Lake June Rd DALLAS 75217 V1102 B H Macon Elementary School Auditorium 650 Holcomb Rd DALLAS 75217 V1104 William Anderson Elem School Auditorium 620 N St Augustine Rd DALLAS 75217 V1107 Richard Lagow Elementary School Main Lobby 637 Edgeworth Dr DALLAS 75217 V1108 H Grady Spruce High School Auditorium 9733 Old Seagoville Rd DALLAS 75217 V1109 Fireside Recreation Center Small Room 8601 Fireside Dr DALLAS 75217 V1118 Ignite Middle School Main Entrance 2211 Caddo St DALLAS 75204 V1119 St Luke Community Church Echols Chapel 5710 E R L Thornton Frwy DALLAS 75223 V1120 Solar Preparatory School for Boys Auditorium 1802 Moser Ave DALLAS 75206 V1121 Living Waters Church of God Fellowship Hall 11110 Shiloh Rd DALLAS 75228 V1128 Lake Highlands High School L Auditorium 9449 Church Rd DALLAS 75238 V1134 Herschel Forester Field House Main Lobby 8233 Military Pkwy DALLAS 75227 V1300 Vanston Middle School Lobby/Main Entrance 3230 Karla Dr MESQUITE 75150 V1301 Florence Recreation Center Event Room 2501 Whitson Way MESQUITE 75150 V1302 Vernon Price Elementary School Cafeteria 630 Stroud Ln GARLAND 75043 2/12/1111111116IIIIIIIIE6 PM of 16 DALLAS COr""W ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 202S Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edificio Lugar De Votacl6n Diraccidn Ciudad Codigo DEa Dism Khu Vtrc B6 Phiiu D;a Chi Thinh Ph6 Postal MS Butu Chin V1304 Goodbar Recreation Center Craft Room 3000 Concord Dr MESQUITE 75150 V1305 Motley Elementary School Portable 119 3719 Moon Dr MESQUITE 75150 V1308 Range Elementary School Library 4060 Emerald Dr MESQUITE 75150 V1310 Tosch Elementary School Library 2424 Larchmont Dr MESQUITE 75150 V1311 1C Rugel Elementary School Cafeteria 2701 Sybil Dr MESQUITE 75149 V1312 Galloway Elementary School Front Foyer 200 Clary Dr MESQUITE 75149 V1314 West Mesquite High School Front Foyer,Right Side 2500 Memorial Pkwy MESQUITE 75149 V1500 Dover Elementary School Gym 700 Dover Dr RICHARDSON 75080 V1501 Professional Development Ctr Auditorium 701 W Belt Line Rd RICHARDSON 75080 V1503 Richland Elementary School Gym 550 Park Bend Dr RICHARDSON 75081 V1700 Bradfield Recreation Center Classroom 1146 Castle Dr GARLAND 75040 V1701 Bussey Middle School GYM 1204 Travis St GARLAND 75040 V1703 A R Davis Elementary School Teacher Lounge,Rm#201 1621 McCallum Dr GARLAND 75042 V1705 O Henry Elementary School Cafeteria 4100 Tynes Dr GARLAND 75042 V1706 Bradfield Elementary School Gym 3817 Bucknell Dr GARLAND 75042 V1708 Garland Center-Dallas College Conference Room A&B 675 W Walnut St GARLAND 75040 V1709 Austin Academy Practice Gym 1125 Beverly Dr GARLAND 75040 V1710 Kimberlin Academy Gym 1520 Cumberland Dr GARLAND 75040 V1711 Granger Recreation Center Classroom 103 1310 W Avenue F GARLAND 75040 V1712 Williams Elementary School Gym 1821 Oldgate Ln GARLAND 75042 V1713 Memorial Pathway Academy Gym 2825 S First St GARLAND 75041 V1715 Watson Technology Center Gym 2601 Dairy Rd GARLAND 75041 V1716 South Garland High School Foyer 600 Colonel Dr GARLAND 75043 V1717 Classical Ctr at Brandenburg MS Library 626 Nickens Rd GARLAND 75043 V1718 Southgate Elementary School Gym 1115 Mayfield Ave GARLAND 75041 V1719 Montclair Elementary School Gym 5200 Broadmoor Dr GARLAND 75043 V1720 O'Banion Middle School Practice Gym 700 Birchwood Dr GARLAND 75043 V1722 Classical Ctr at Vial Elem Sch Gym 126 Creekview Dr GARLAND 75043 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 5 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 202S Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edif icto Lugar De Votacidn Direcci6n Ciudad Codigo flja Di&m Khu VVc So Phieu Dja Chi Th3nh Pho Postal MA Buu Chinh V1723 South Garland Branch Library Program Room 4845 Broadway Blvd GARLAND 75043 V1726 Routh Roach Elementary School Foyer 1811 Mayfield Ave GARLAND 75041 V1727 Patty Granville Arts Center Atrium Building 300 N Fifth St GARLAND 75040 V1728 Sam Houston Middle School Classroom 101 2232 Sussex Dr GARLAND 75041 V2002 Thomas C Marsh Preparatory Academy Auditorium 3838 Crown Shore Dr DALLAS 75244 V2003 W T White High School H101, 102, 103 4505 Ridgeside Dr DALLAS 75244 V2004 Nathan Adams Elementary School Auditorium 12600 Welch Rd DALLAS 75244 V2005 Marsh Lane Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 10716 Marsh Ln DALLAS 75229 V2008 John J Pershing Elementary Sch Auditorium, Rm 136 5715 Meaders Ln DALLAS 75229 V2009 L G Cigarroa Elementary School Auditorium 9990 Webb Chapel Rd DALLAS 75220 V2011 Walnut Hill Recreation Center Small Room A 10011 Midway Rd DALLAS 75229 V2013 Lovers Lane UMC Watson Hall 9200 Inwood Rd DALLAS 75220 V2016 Unity Church of Dallas Fellowship Hall 6525 Forest Ln DALLAS 75230 V2018 Northaven United Methodist Ch Atrium;Flex Room(Room 127) 11211 Preston Rd DALLAS 75230 V2023 Benjamin Franklin-IEA Auditorium 6920 Meadow Rd DALLAS 75230 V2029 Westminster Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall 8200 Devonshire Dr DALLAS 75209 V2032 Skillman Southwestern Library Auditorium 5707 Skillman St DALLAS 75206 V2034 Henry W Longfellow-CEA Auditorium [173060 4 Boaz St DALLAS 75209 V2041 University of Texas Dallas Visitor Center-Atrium W Campbell Rd RICHARDSON 75080 V2042 Parkhill Junior High School Small Gym 00 Shadybank Dr DALLAS 75248 V2044 Texas A&M AgriLife Research Founders Hall 116 Coit Rd DALLAS 75252 V2047 Bowie Elementary School Gym 7643 La Manga Dr DALLAS 75248 V2050 Prestonwood Elementary School Cafeteria/Stage 6525 La Cosa Dr DALLAS 75248 V2051 Spring Creek Elementary School Gym 7667 Roundrock Rd DALLAS 75248 V2052 Fretz Park Library Black Box Theater 6990 Belt Line Rd DALLAS 75254 V2056 King of Glory Lutheran Church Edu Wing, Rm 115 6411 LBJ Fwy DALLAS 75240 V2059 Audelia Road Branch Library Auditorium 10045 Audelia Rd DALLAS 75238 V2061 Lake Highlands Elementary School Gym 9501 Ferndale Rd DALLAS 75238 2/12 "36 PM 6 of 16 DALLAS COr" ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edl(klo Lugar Do Votacl6n Dincci6n Ciudad Codigo Ole Di$m Khu Vgc B6 Phiiu 91a Chi ThAnh Ph6 Postal MA Bafu Chinh V2064 Robert T Hill Middle School Auditorium 505 Easton Rd DALLAS 75218 V2065 Victor Hexter Elementary School Auditorium 9720 Waterview Rd DALLAS 75218 V2067 L L Hotchkiss Elementary School Auditorium Foyer 6929 Town North Dr DALLAS 75231 V2068 Dan D Rogers Elementary School Foyer 5314 Abrams Rd DALLAS 75214 V2069 Ridgewood-Belcher Recreation Center Large Room 6818 Fisher Rd DALLAS 75214 V2071 Lakewood Elementary School Library 3000 Hillbrook St DALLAS 75214 V2072 Northridge Presbyterian Church Quillin Hall 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr DALLAS 75214 V2077 E D Walker Middle School Gym 12532 Nuestra Dr DALLAS 75230 V2079 Anne Frank Elementary School Auditorium 5201 Celestial Rd DALLAS 75254 V2203 John S Armstrong Elem School Small Outside Gym 3600 Cornell Ave DALLAS 75205 V2220 University Park UMC Caldwell Rm 120/FH Rm 130 4024 Caruth Blvd DALLAS 75225 V2221 John S Bradfield Elem School Gym 4300 Southern Ave DALLAS 75205 V2223 University Park Elem School C111 3500 Lovers Ln DALLAS 75225 V2224 Highland Park Middle School Small Gym Foyer 3555 Granada Dr DALLAS 75205 V2226 Highland Park ISD Admin Bldg Boardroom 7015 Westchester Dr DALLAS 75205 V2301 Alfred 1 Loos Field House Main Entry 3815 Spring Valley Rd ADDISON 75001 V2302 Vivian Field Middle School Lobby 13551 Dennis Ln FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V2305 Farmers Branch Manske Library Community Hub 13613 Webb Chapel Rd FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V2306 Chapel Hill Preparatory School Auditorium 12701 Templeton Trl DALLAS 75234 V2401 Ted Polk Middle School Gym Office 2001 Kelly Blvd CARROLLTON 75006 V2402 McCoy Elementary School Gym 2425 Mccoy Rd CARROLLTON 75006 V2403 Jerry R lunkins Elementary Sch Auditorium 2808 Running Duke Dr CARROLLTON 75006 V2404 Blanton Elementary School Gym 2525 Scott Mill Rd CARROLLTON 75006 V2406 Keller Springs Baptist Church Community Room 100 3227 Keller Springs Rd CARROLLTON 75006 V2407 Josey Ranch Lake Library Meeting Room 150 1700 Keller Springs Rd CARROLLTON 75006 V2408 Crosby Recreation Center The Pioneer Room 1610 E Crosby Rd CARROLLTON 75006 V2500 Greenwood Hills Elementary Sch Gym 1313 W Shore Dr RICHARDSON 75080 V2501 Canyon Creek Elementary School Gym 2100 Copper Ridge Dr RICHARDSON 75080 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 7 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 202S Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Ediftdo Lugar De Votocl6n Direcc!6n Ciudad Codigo Dja Diem Khu VVc B6 Phijiu 91a Chi Thinh Ph6 postal MS Bitu Chinh V2502 Prairie Creek Elementary School Hall C 2120 E Prairie Creek Dr RICHARDSON 75080 V2503 Mohawk Elementary School Gym 1500 Mimosa Dr RICHARDSON 75080 V2505 Northrich Elementary School Library 1301 Custer Rd RICHARDSON 75080 V2506 Arapaho Classical Magnet School Gym 1300 Cypress Dr RICHARDSON 75080 V2509 Care Church Atrium A3 1504 E Campbell Rd RICHARDSON 75081 V2510 Yale Elementary School Gym 1900 E Collins Blvd RICHARDSON 75081 V2511 Dartmouth Elementary School Library 417 Dartmouth Ln RICHARDSON 75081 V2513 Springridge Elementary School Gym 1801 E Spring Valley Rd RICHARDSON 75081 V2514 Jess Harben Elementary School Gym 600 S Glenville Dr RICHARDSON 75081 V2602 Cimarron Park Rec Center Gym 201 Red River Trl IRVING 75063 V2603 Freeman Elementary School Gym 8757 Valley Ranch Pkwy W IRVING 75063 V2604 Valley Ranch Library Meeting Room 401 Cimarron Trl IRVING 75063 V2700 Big Springs Elementary School Gym 3301 W Campbell Rd GARLAND 75044 V2701 Springpark Sports Club 1st Floor Ballroom 3330 Springpark Way GARLAND 75044 V2702 Spring Creek Elem School-GISD Foyer 1510 Spring Creek Dr GARLAND 75040 V2704 North Garland Branch Library Program Room 3845 N Garland Ave GARLAND 75040 V2705 Hickman Elementary School Gym 3114 Pinewood Dr GARLAND 75044 V2706 Wallace Ethridge Elementary Sch Gym 2301 Sam Houston Dr GARLAND 75044 V2710 Lister Elementary School Cafeteria 3131 Mars Dr GARLAND 75040 V2712 Northlake Elementary School Gym 1626 Bosque Dr GARLAND 75040 V2713 Club Hill Elementary School Gym 1330 Colonel Dr GARLAND 75043 V2714 Lyles Middle School Competition Gym 4655 S Country Club Rd GARLAND 75043 V2715 Northside Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 2510 N Glenbrook Dr GARLAND 75040 V2802 Wilson Elementary School Gym 200 S Coppell Rd COPPELL 75019 V2803 Mockingbird Elementary School-CISD Gym 300 Mockingbird Ln COPPELL 75019 V2805 Coppell Town Center Atrium 255 E Parkway Blvd COPPELL 75019 V2807 Lakeside Elementary School Gym 1100 Village Pkwy COPPELL 75019 V2808 Cottonwood Creek Elem School Gym 615 Minyard Dr COPPELL 75019 2/12/ 6 PM of 16 DALLAS COrII!" ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edifidio Lugar De Votacon Direcci6n Ciudad Codiga Dia Di$m Khu V#fc B6 Phigu 91a Chi Thinh Phil Postal M5 Bufu Chinh V2809 Riverchase Elementary School Gym 272 S Macarthur Blvd COPPELL 75019 V2921 Back Elementary School Gym 7300 Bluebonnet Dr ROWLETT 75089 V2922 Liberty Grove Elementary School Computer Lab 401 10201 Liberty Grove Rd ROWLETT 75089 V2924 Rowlett Community Centre Room C&D 5300 Main St ROWLETT 75088 V2925 Rowlett Elementary School Gym 3315 Carla Dr ROWLETT 75088 V2926 Herfurth Elementary School Gym 7500 Miller Rd ROWLETT 75088 V2927 Schrade Middle School Comp 6201 Danridge Rd ROWLETT 75089 V2941 Sachse City Hall Courtroom 3815-B Sachse Rd SACHSE 75048 V2942 B G Hudson Middle School Practice Gym 4405 Hudson Dr SACHSE 75048 V3000 William B Travis Vanguard Acad Orchestra Rm 2910 Allen St DALLAS 75204 V3003 T W Browne Middle School Band Hall 3333 Sprague Dr DALLAS 75233 V3004 Daniel Webster Elementary School Auditorium 3815 S Franklin St DALLAS 75233 V3009 Exall Park Recreation Center Large Room 1355 Adair St DALLAS 75204 V3012 Life in Deep Ellum Community Ctr Prayer&Practice Center 2803 Taylor St DALLAS 75226 V3016 Bill J Priest Ctr-Dallas College Room#1530 1402 Corinth St DALLAS 75215 V3022 Irma Rangel Women's School Auditorium 1718 Robert B Cullum Blvd DALLAS 75210 V3025 Mt Horeb Missionary Baptist Chur Fellowship Hall 3306 Carpenter Ave DALLAS 75215 V3026 St Paul Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 1600 Pear St DALLAS 75215 V3029 Evangelist Temple Church Church 2627 Dorris St DALLAS 75215 V3034 Greater Mt Pleasant Baptist Chur Conference Room 1403 Morrell Ave DALLAS 75203 V3035 F D Roosevelt HS of Innovation Library 525 Bonnie View Rd DALLAS 75203 V3038 The Way-Truth-Life Christian Ch Fellowship Hall Parlor 1702 S Denley Dr DALLAS 75216 V3040 Good Street Baptist Church Nathaniel Spigner Wing 3110 Bonnie View Rd DALLAS 75216 V3042 John Neely Bryan Elem School Auditorium 2001 Deer Path Dr DALLAS 75216 V3043 Paul L Dunbar Library Auditorium 2008 E Kiest Blvd DALLAS 75216 V3045 Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Ch Fellowship Hall 4600 Solar Ln DALLAS 1 75216 V3046 John W Carpenter Elem School Auditorium 2121 Tosca Ln DALLAS 1 75224 V3047 CFNI Student Center Main Lobby 444 Fawn Ridge Dr DALLAS 75224 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 9 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edificlo Lugar Do 1/otaci6n Direcci6n Ciudad CodigoPostal Dja 019M Khu Vic S6 Phieu Die Chi Thanh Pho MA Bttu Chinh V3048 South Oak Cliff High School Auditorium 3601 S Marsalis Ave DALLAS 75216 V3049 Clara Oliver Elementary School Auditorium 4010 Idaho Ave DALLAS 75216 V3050 H I Holland Elem School @ Lisbon Main Entrance Foyer 4203 S Lancaster Rd DALLAS 75216 V3051 Fountain of Living Word Church Sanctuary Entrance 2543 E Ledbetter Dr DALLAS 75216 V3056 Mark Twain Leadership Vanguard Auditorium 724 Green Cove Ln DALLAS 75232 V3057 T G Terry Elementary School Class Rm 115 6661 Greenspan Ave DALLAS 75232 V3058 St Paul Lutheran Church Chi Rho House 5725 S Marsalis Ave DALLAS 75241 V3059 Ideal Family Church Main Gym 1000 E Redbird Ln DALLAS 75241 V3060 Otto M Fridia Elementary School Auditorium 6011 Old Ox Rd DALLAS 75241 V3061 Barack Obama Male Leadership Acad Foyer 3030 Stag Rd DALLAS 75241 V3062 J N Ervin Elementary School Auditorium Foyer 3722 Black Oak Dr DALLAS 75241 V3063 Ronald E McNair Elementary Sch Main Lobby 3150 Bainbridge Ave DALLAS 75237 V3064 Friendship West Baptist Church Banquet Hall Foyer 2020 W Wheatland Rd DALLAS 75232 V3065 Umphrey Lee Elementary School Auditorium 7808 Racine Dr DALLAS 75232 V3066 Martin Weiss Elementary School Large Room 8601 Willoughby Blvd DALLAS 75232 V3068 Singing Hills Recreation Center Tech Room 6805 Patrol Way DALLAS 75241 V3069 Cornerstone Temple Church Bldg B, Room 1 2817 Cherry Valley Blvd DALLAS 75241 V3070 Tommie Allen Recreation Center Multipurpose Room 7071 Bonnie View Rd DALLAS 75241 V3071 Highland Hills UMC Fellowship Hall 3800 Simpson Stuart Rd DALLAS 75241 V3073 Highland Hills Library Auditorium 6200 Bonnie View Rd DALLAS 75241 V3075 Wilmer-Hutchins High School Auditorium Foyer 5520 Langdon Rd DALLAS 75241 V3078 Park in the Woods Recreation Ctr Gym 6801 Mountain Creek Pkwy DALLAS 75249 V3080 Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Small Room 1515 Edd Rd DALLAS 75253 V3081 Booker T Washington High School Montgomery Arts Theater Foyer 2501 Flora St DALLAS 75201 V3082 W A Blair Elementary School Library 7720 Gayglen Dr DALLAS 75217 V3083 Ebby Halliday Elementary School Multipurpose Room 141 10210 Teagarden Rd DALLAS 75217 V3092 Thurgood Marshall Recreation Ctr Large Room 5150 Mark Trail Way DALLAS 75232 V3097 University of North Texas-Dallas Room 100 7300 University Hills Blvd DALLAS 75216 2/12/ 6 PM Lowi Lujilad of 16 DALLAS CO f"ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edi/icio Lugar De Votad6n Direcci6n Ciudad Codigo gin 916M Khu Vwc B6 Phi6u 91a Chi Ths nh Ph6 Postal MS Bu'u Chinh V3100 A E Sims Cedar Hill Rec Center Bluebonnet Room 310 E Parkerville Rd CEDAR HILL 75104 V3102 L Kim Lewis Auxiliary Services Ctr Training Room, Enter Door#1 202 E Beltline Rd CEDAR HILL 75104 V3103 Bessie Coleman Middle School Library,Enter Door#2 1208 E Pleasant Run Rd CEDAR HILL 75104 V3104 Maddox Teaching&Learning Center Gym,Enter Door#3 1533 High Pointe Ln CEDAR HILL 75104 V3106 Plummer Elementary School Door 1, Main Entrance 1203 S Clark Rd CEDAR HILL 75104 V3107 Highlands Elementary School Gym,Enter Door#4 131 Sims Dr CEDAR HILL 75104 V3109 Lake Ridge Elementary School Gym,Enter Door#8 1020 Lake Ridge Pkwy CEDAR HILL 75104 V3202 Duncanville Library Meeting Rms 1-3 201 James Collins Blvd DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3203 Duncanville's First Baptist Chur Sanctuary Foyer 323 W Wheatland Rd DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3204 Reed Middle School Auditorium 530 E Freeman St DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3206 Byrd Middle School Gym B 1040 W Wheatland Rd DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3207 Arise Church Legacy Hall 201 W Center St DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3208 Central Elementary School-DUISD Auditorium 302 E Freeman St DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3209 Duncanville High School Performance Hall Foyer 900 W Camp Wisdom Rd DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3211 Fairmeadows Elementary School Gym 101 E Fairmeadows Dr DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3300 Porter Elementary School Cafeteria 517 Via Avenida MESQUITE 75150 V3301 Dunford Recreation Center Galloway 1015 Green Canyon Dr MESQUITE 75150 V3302 Georgia Kimball Elementary Sch Gym 4010 Coryell Way MESQUITE 75150 V3303 Dr 1C Cannady Elementary School Gym 2701 Chisolm Trl MESQUITE 75150 V3304 Poteet High School Small Gym 3300 Poteet Dr MESQUITE 75150 V3307 W L Wilkinson Middle School 300 Front Foyer 2100 Crest Park Dr MESQUITE 75149 V3308 Mesquite Convention Center Exhibit Hall A 1700 Rodeo Dr MESQUITE 75149 V3310 Mesquite High School Back Delivery Hallway 300 E Davis St MESQUITE 75149 V3312 Pirrung Elementary School Gym 1500 Creek Valley Rd MESQUITE 75181 V3313 J R Thompson Elementary School Gym 2525 Helen Ln MESQUITE 75181 V3314 A C New Middle School Front Entry Hallway 3700 S Belt Line Rd BALCH SPRINGS 75181 V3315 Tisinger Elementary School Front Foyer 1701 Hillcrest St MESQUITE 75149 V3316 Rutherford Recreation Center Room#100 900 Rutherford Dr MESQUITE 75149 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 11 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City Zip VC# Ediftdo Lugar De Votoci6n Direcci6n Ciudad Codigo Dja DiSin Khu V4fc Bb Phil& Dja Chi Th6nh Ph6 Postal MS Btru Chinh V3317 Horn High School Senior Section 3300 E Cartwright Rd MESQUITE 75181 V3400 Balch Springs Civic Center Big Room Area 12400 Elam Rd BALCH SPRINGS 75180 V3403 Floyd Elementary School Gym 3025 Hickory Tree Rd MESQUITE 75180 V3404 Hickory Tree Baptist Church 3200 Hickory Tree Rd BALCH SPRINGS 75180 V3405 Hodges Elem Sch Gym 14401 Spring Oaks Dr BALCH SPRINGS 75180 V3500 Sunnyvale Town Hall Council Chambers 127 N Collins Rd SUNNYVALE 75182 V3601 Faith Bible Church Auditorium 1437 W Pleasant Run Rd DESOTO 75115 V3604 Ruby Young Elementary School Gym 707 Young Blvd DESOTO 75115 V3605 Disciple Central Comm Church Sanctuary 901 N Polk St DESOTO 75115 V3606 The Meadows Elementary School Gym 1016 The Meadows Pkwy DESOTO 75115 V3607 lCockrell Hill Elementary School Gym 425 S Cockrell Hill Rd DESOTO 75115 V3609 Desoto High School Dyer Gym 600 Eagle Dr DESOTO 75115 V3611 Desoto East Middle School Gym 2 601 E Belt Line Rd DESOTO 75115 V3700 Couch Elementary School Gym 4349 Waterhouse Blvd GARLAND 75043 V3702 Toler Elementary School Gym 3520 Guthrie Rd GARLAND 75043 V3800 Houston Elementary School-LISD Library 2929 Marquis Ln LANCASTER 75134 V3802 Pleasant Run Elementary School Library 427 W Pleasant Run Rd LANCASTER 75146 V3803 Rolling Hills Elementary School Library 450 Rolling Hills PI LANCASTER 75146 V3805 Rosa Parks Millbrook Elem School Gym 630 Millbrook Dr LANCASTER 75146 V3807 Elsie Robertson Middle School Gymnasium 822 W Pleasant Run Rd LANCASTER 75146 V3808 West Main Elementary School Library 531 W Main St LANCASTER 75146 V3809 Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library Meeting Room 1600 Veterans Memorial Pkwy LANCASTER 75134 V3900 McCowan Middle School Dance Room Door#2 1500 Majestic Meadow Dr GLENN HEIGHTS 75154 V3921 Seagoville City Hall Foyer 702 N Hwy 175 SEAGOVILLE 75159 V3940 Wilmer Community Center Main Room 101 Davidson Plz WILMER 75172 V3951 Hutchins City Hall Council Chambers 321 N Main St HUTCHINS 75141 V4002 F P Caillet Elem School Auditorium 3033 Merrell Rd DALLAS 75229 V4004 IMarcus Recreation Center Large Room 3003 Northaven Rd DALLAS 75229 2/12/ _` 6 PM of 16 DALLAS COf",ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edi(icto Lugar Do Votaci6n Dkwcci6n Ciudad Codigo Gin 916m Khu VSIc B6 Phiiu DIa Chi Thinh Ph6 Postal MS Bafu Chinh V4006 Degolyer Elementary School Auditorium 3453 Flair Dr DALLAS 75229 V4010 Stephen Foster Elementary School Auditorium 3700 Clover Ln DALLAS 75220 V4014 Sudie L Williams TAG Academy Auditorium 4518 Pomona Rd DALLAS 75209 V4016 K B Polk Vanguard Center ATG Auditorium 6911 Victoria Ave DALLAS 75209 V4018 Maple Lawn Elementary School Cafeteria 3120 Inwood Rd DALLAS 75235 V4019 Arlington Park Recreation Center Gym 1505 Record Crossing Rd DALLAS 75235 V4022 Esperanza Medrano Elementary Sch Front Entry Foyer 2221 Lucas Dr DALLAS 75219 V4028 Victory Cathedral Main Foyer 3407 N Westmoreland Rd DALLAS 75212 V4029 West Dallas Center-Dallas College Room 141/142 3330 N Hampton Rd DALLAS 75212 V4031 C F Carr Elementary School Auditorium 1952 Bayside St DALLAS 75212 V4032 Reverchon Recreation Center Game Room 3505 Maple Ave DALLAS 75219 V4035 Margaret B Henderson Elem School Gym 2200 S Edgefield Ave DALLAS 75224 V4038 Harrell Budd Elementary School Gym 2121 S Marsalis Ave DALLAS 75216 V4043 The Union Church Educational Wing 4&6 3410 S Polk St DALLAS 75224 V4046 Clinton P Russell Elementary Sch Auditorium 3031 S Beckley Ave DALLAS 75224 V4050 Mountain Creek Library Auditorium 6102 Mountain Creek Pkwy DALLAS 75249 V4052 Bilhartz Elementary School Gym 6700 Wandt Dr DALLAS 75236 V4055 Leslie Stemmons Elementary Sch Auditorium 2727 Knoxville St DALLAS 75211 V4056 Palabra De Vida Church Multi-Purpose Bldg 2550 W Illinois Ave DALLAS 75233 V4057 Kiest Recreation Center Small Rm 3081 S Hampton Rd DALLAS 75224 V4060 Nancy Jane Cochran Elem Sch Rm 128 6000 Keeneland Pkwy DALLAS 75211 V4061 L O Donald Elementary School Auditorium 1218 Phinney Ave DALLAS 75211 V4062 Leila P Cowart Elementary School Auditorium 1515 S Ravinia Dr DALLAS 75211 V4063 Elmwood-El Buen Samaritano UMC Fellowship Hall Rm 13 1315 Berkley Ave DALLAS 75224 V4064 Martin Weiss Recreation Center Large Room 1111 Martindell Ave DALLAS 75211 V4065 Arcadia Park Elementary School Main Bldg Entry Hall 1300 N Justin Ave DALLAS 75211 V4066 Anson Jones Elementary School Auditorium 3901 Meredith Ave DALLAS 75211 V4068 Lida Hooe Elementary School Main Lobby 2419 Gladstone Dr DALLAS 75211 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 13 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edi/kio Lugar De Votactdn Direcci6n Ciudad Codigo via Diem Khu VVc 66 Phitu Dia Chi Th&nh Ph6 Postal Mii Bite Chinh V4069 Winnetka Elementary School Gym 1151 S Edgefield Ave DALLAS 75208 V4070 John Peeler Elementary School Library 810 S Llewellyn Ave DALLAS 75208 V4071 Oak Cliff Government Center Main Lobby 702 E Jefferson Blvd DALLAS 75203 V4073 Preparing the Way Ministries Situation Room 2442 W Jefferson Blvd DALLAS 75211 V4074 Sunset High School-Annex Bldg Room 410/411 2021 W Tenth St DALLAS 75208 V4076 Stevens Park Elem School Auditorium Foyer 2615 W Colorado Blvd DALLAS 75211 V4078 Kidd Springs Recreation Center Large Room 711 W Canty St DALLAS 75208 V4079 Kessler Park United Methodist Chur Sanctuary 1215 Turner Ave DALLAS 75208 V4081 Eladio Martinez Learning Center Library Hallway 4500 Bernal Dr DALLAS 75212 V4082 Jaycee Zaragoza Recreation Center Area in Lobby/Hallway 3114 Clymer St DALLAS 75212 V4083 lJ Moroles Expressive Arts Vanguard Auditorium Foyer 1400 Walmsley Ave DALLAS 75208 V4085 Anita Martinez Recreation Center Large Room 3212 N Winnetka Ave DALLAS 75212 V4086 Grauwyler Park Recreation Center Room A 7780 Harry Hines Blvd DALLAS 75235 V4087 Bachman Recreation Center Assembly Room 2750 Bachman Dr DALLAS 75220 V4094 Park Forest Branch Library Auditorium 3421 Forest Ln DALLAS 75234 V4097 David G Burnet Elem School Auditorium 3200 Kinkaid Dr DALLAS 75220 V4110 Boucle Storey Middle School Main Lobby 3000 Maryland Ave DALLAS 75216 V4113 Mountain View Campus-Dallas College E.Bldg.,East Foyer 4849 W Illinois Ave DALLAS 75211 V4300 Cockrell Hill City Hall Council Chambers 4125 W Clarendon Dr COCKRELL HILL 75211 V4501 Suzanna Dickinson Elem School Music Room, D113 1902 PalmerTrl GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4502 Betty Warmack Library Empower Room 760 Bardin Rd GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4507 Daniels Elementary Academy Front Foyer 801 Sw 19th St GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4508 Ellen Ochoa Stem Acad Milam Elem Project Room 2030 Proctor Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4509 Young Women's Ldrshp Acad-Arnold Auxiliary Gym 1204 E Marshall Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4511 Bowie Fine Arts Gym 425 Alice Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4512 Charley Taylor Recreation Center Meeting Room 601 E Grand Prairie Rd GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4513 Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute Staff Development Side 21S02CollegeSt GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4514 Crosswinds High School Room 104 1100 N Carrier Pkwy GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 2112/ 6 PM LW of 16 DALLAS COf""14 ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Edi(Iclo Lugar Do Votocldn Dbeccl& Ciudad Codigo flea fli6rn Khu Vytc B6 Phiiu via Chi ThAnh Ph6 Postal MA Bu'u Chinh V4515 William B Travis World Lang Academy Gym 525 Ne 15th St GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4517 Eisenhower Elementary School Music Room 2102 N Carrier Pkwy GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4519 Ronald Reagan Middle School Main Gym 4616 Bardin Rd GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4520 Sam Rayburn Elementary School Gym 2800 Reforma Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4521 Lorenzo De Zavala Academy Parent/Community Room 3410 Kirby Creek Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4522 Truman Middle School Library,A126 1501 Coffeyville Trl GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4525 L B Johnson Daep Main Entrance 650 Stonewall Dr GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4527 Hector P Garcia Elementary Sch-GP Gym 2444 Graham St GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4528 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church-GP Classroom in Southwest Wing 4729 S Carrier Pkwy GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4538 Global Leadership Academy Gym 511 E Springdale Ln GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4601 Sally B Elliot Elementary School Cafeteria 1900 S.Story Road IRVING 75060 V4602 Nimitz High School Auditorium Foyer 100 W Oakdale Rd IRVING 75060 V4605 Otis Brown Elementary School Small Gym 2501 W Tenth St IRVING 75060 V4606 Lamar Middle School Auxiliary Gym 219 Crandall Rd IRVING 75060 V4607 Irving City Hall Main Lobby 825 W Irving Blvd IRVING 75060 V4608 1 O Davis Elementary School Classroom 108&109 310 Davis Dr IRVING 75061 V4610 L B Barton Elementary School Small Gym 2931 Conflans Rd IRVING 75061 V4613 Irving High School Gym Foyer 900 N O'Connor Rd IRVING 75061 V4616 John R Good Elementary School Library 1200 E Union Bower Rd IRVING 75061 V4618 David Crockett Middle School Front Foyer 2431 Hancock St IRVING 75061 V4619 Lively Elementary School Front Office,Corner Hallway 1800 Plymouth Dr W IRVING 75061 V4620 Oak Haven United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall 1600 N Irving Heights Dr IRVING 75061 V4621 Thomas Haley Elementary School Small Gym 3601 Cheyenne St IRVING 75062 V4622 W T Hanes Elementary School Small Gym 2730 Cheyenne St IRVING 75062 V4623 A S Johnston Elementary School Small Gym 2801 Rutgers Dr IRVING 75062 V4624 Brandenburg Elementary School Small Gym 2800 Hillcrest Dr IRVING 75062 V4626 Macarthur High School Gym Foyer 3700 N MacArthur Blvd IRVING 75062 V4627 Irving Fire Station#8 Front Bay 650 Las Colinas Blvd E IRVING 75039 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 15 of 16 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment C Election Day Vote Center Locations 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 Location Voting Area Address City ZIP VC# Ediftcio Lugar De Votacii6n Direcct6n Ciudad Codigo Ole fliis'm Khu VVc 156 Phieu 91a Chi Th6nh Ph6 Postal Ma Bu'u Chinh V4630 T 1 Lee Elementary School Small Gym 1600 Carlisle St IRVING 75062 V4631 Travis Middle School Auxillary Gym 1600 Finley Rd IRVING 75062 V4634 Jack E Singley Academy Auditorium Foyer 4601 N MacArthur Blvd IRVING 75038 V4640 Houston Middle School Auxiliary Gym 3033 W Country Club Rd IRVING 75038 V4642 Irving Arts Center Suite 200 3333 N Macarthur Blvd IRVING 75062 V4645 Las Colinas Elementary School Gym 2200 Kinwest Pkwy IRVING 75063 V4646 Cardwell Career Preparatory Ctr Library 101 E Union Bower Rd IRVING 75061 V4647 Mustang Park Recreation Center lGyrn 12223 Kinwest Pkwy IRVING 75063 V4654 Irving Fire Station#2 Front Bay 1306 N Story Rd IRVING 75061 2/12/ 6 PM of 16 DALTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT room Attachment D List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 1 3 V0003 Evans Recreation Center 1116 Hillcrest St Mesquite 75149 Margaret Hall Johannes Schroer 2 2 V0005 Churchill Recreation Center 6906 Churchill Way Dallas 75230 Robert Kersey Mark Parry 3 4 V0012 Rosemont Elem School - Lower 1919 Stevens Forest Dr Dallas 75208 William White Linda Quinlan 4 1 V0014 Vietnamese Community Center 3221 Belt Line Rd Garland 75044 Danny Nguyen John Knoll 5 4 V0016 Elections Training/Warehouse 1460 Round Table Dr Dallas 75247 Valerie Hutchins Carolyn Pittman 6 2 V0019 Mockingbird Elementary School- 5828 E Mockingbird Ln Dallas 75206 Ruth Irwin Madeline Dvorocsik 7 3 V0020 Central Elementary School-DISD 902 Shady Ln Seagoville 75159 Omar Jimenez 8 2 V0021 Campbell Green Recreation Center 16600 Park Hill Dr Dallas 75248 Adria Ger 9 2 V0022 Janie Stark Elementary School 124001osey Ln Farmers Branch 75234 Sarah Berel-Harrop James Barnett 10 4 V0026 The Woods United Methodist 1350 Bardin Rd Grand Prairie 75052 Corrion Cox Philip Varghese 11 3 V0027 First UMC of Sachse 1520 Blackburn Rd Sachse 75048 Nancy Click John Moss 12 4 V0030 Woodhaven Presbyterian Church 3650 N O'Connor Rd Irving 75062 Lee Gnader Carol Holland 13 1 V0032 Larry G Smith Elementary School 5299 Gus Thomasson Rd Mesquite 75150 Sabrina Bosompem Brian Martinez 14 3 V0034 Stephens Elementary School 3700 Cheyenne Dr Rowlett 75088 Wathenia Clark Edward Smith 15 4 V0035 Albert Farine Elementary School 615 Metker St Irving 75062 Amy Wallace Janice Webb 16 2 V0038 Islamic Association of North 840 Abrams Rd Richardson 75081 Ulysses Prioleau Shannon Barnett 17 4 V0039 West Irving Library 4444 W Rochelle Rd Irving 75062 Gregory Williams 18 3 V0040 Desoto House of Peace&Comm 531 W Belt Line Rd Desoto 75115 Tanya Mason Mark Sellers 19 3 V0041 Frank D Moates Elementary School 1500 Heritage Blvd Glenn Heights 75154 Adrianna Johnson 20 4 V0042 Frank Crowley Courst Building 111 W Commerce St Dallas 75208 Krisshondra Walker Andrea Sasha Ortiz 21 3 V0044 Cedar Hill Collegiate High School 1515 W Beltline Rd Cedar Hill 75104 Ricky Dillard Rene Watson-Long 22 4 V0047 Moises E. Molina High School 2355 Duncanville Rd Dallas 75211 Jerlys Anderson Paula Rowland 23 2 V0049 La Villita Elementary School 1601 Camino Lago Irving 75039 Alan Benitez Paul Bertanzetti 24 3 V0050 Salem Institutional Baptist Church 3918 Crozier St Dallas 75215 Saundra Ray Osric Woods 25 3 V0051 MLK Jr Branch Library 2922 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Dallas 75215 Gerre Williams Sean O'Leary 26 1 V0052 Abbett Elementary School 730 W Muirfiield Rd Garland 75044 Paul Magnuson Rebecca Arredondo 27 3 V0054 Antioch Worship Center 6245 Shannon Rd Mesquite 75181 Shatoria Bowens Manuel Alvarez 28 4 V0055 Rocky Springs Missionary Baptist 316 E Shady Grove Rd Grand Prairie 75050 Charles Lewis Cynthia Cunningham 29 4 V0061 The Summit 2975 Esplanade Dr Grand Prairie 75052 Stephani Myers Harry Slaten 30 3 V0062 For Oak Cliff 907 E Ledbetter Dr Dallas 75216 Myrtle Brown Gladys Atkinson 31 3 V0063 Katherine Johnson Technology 1200 Academy Way Desoto 75115 Tonya Burton Harold Edwards 32 3 V0064 Trinity Love Church 111 E Stark Rd Seagoville 75159 Cindy Burkett La Ta'via Pearl 33 3 V0065 Mt Zion MBC of Sandbranch 128 Burns Dr Combine 75159 Kenneth Beck 34 2 V0066 Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist 1819 N Washington Ave Dallas 75204 Clinton Blade Patrick Hale 35 2 V0067 Thomas Jefferson High School 4001 Walnut Hill Ln Dallas 75229 Brittany Reynolds Jennifer Heath 36 2 V0076 Northway Christian Church 7202 W Northwest Hwy Dallas 75225 Margaret Croley Alan Cortez 37 2 V0079 Royal Ln Baptist Church 6707 Royal Ln Dallas 75230 Don Averitt Will Wilkins 38 4 V0081 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir 4601 N State Highway 161 Irving 75038 Sharica Reese Thomas Burrows 39 1 V0082 Makkah Masjid(IDEA) 3301 W Buckingham Rd Garland 75042 Martin Saenz Judith Canion 40 2 V0083 Ministerios Charisma 740 Melrose Dr Richardson 75080 Olga smith Janice Peters 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 1 of 11 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 0 List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3. 2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 41 2 V0088 Canyon Ranch Elementary School 1205 Santa Fe Trail Irving 75063 Francine Ly Jessica Gibson 42 4 V0089 Bowie Middle School 600 E 6th St Irving 75060 Benedict Parks Donald Hobbs 43 3 V0090 Glenn Heights Community Center 1938 S Hampton Rd Red Oak 75154 Zira Jones Linda Worthy 44 3 V0093 Dallas County Mesquite Gov Ctr 500 S Galloway Mesquite 75149 Ericka Thrower Jennifer Vidler 45 3 V0094 Dallas County Records Building 500 Elm St Dallas 75202 Sandra Biggs Richard Groesch 46 2 V0095 Addison Athletic Club 3900 Beltway Dr Addison 75001 Kimberly Woodward Lola Hurt 47 2 2 V0096 Methodist Richardson Medical 403 W Campbell Rd Richardson 75080 Anthony Zhang Bruce Bradley 48 OOC V0097 Combine City Hall 100 Davis Rd combine 75159 Juana Hernandez Juana Hernandez 49 2 V1001 Sam Tasby M S 7001 Fair Oaks Ave Dallas 75231 Terrell George Terrell George 50 2 V1003 Hamilton Park UMC 11881 Schroeder Dr. Dallas 75243 Linton Gray Linton Gray 51 1 V1004 Forest Meadow Junior High School 9373 Whitehurst Dr Dallas 75243 Bryon Hannah Bryon Hannah 52 2 V1005 New Mount Zion Baptist Church 9530 Shepherd Rd Dallas 75243 Linda Newman Linda Newman 53 1 V1006 Moss Haven Elementary School 9202 Moss Farm Ln Dallas 75243 Mark Weber Mark Weber 54 2 V1008 Lee McShan Jr Elem School 8307 Meadow Rd Dallas 75231 Lori Reisenbichler Lori Reisenbichler 55 2 V1013 North Dallas High School 3120 N Haskell Ave Dallas 75204 Kathleen Nugent Kathleen Nugent 56 2 V1015 Multiple Careers Magnet Center 4528 Rusk Ave Dallas 75204 Christine Jones-Smith Christine Jones-Smith 57 2 V1019 Solar Preparatory School for Girls 2617 N Henderson Ave Dallas 75206 Amos Howell Amos Howell 58 2 V1020 Ben Milam Elementary School 4200 Mckinney Ave Dallas 75205 Jean Ball-Meta Jean Ball-Meza 59 2 V1022 Oak Lawn Branch Library 4100 Cedar Springs Rd Dallas 75219 David Fisher David Fisher 60 2 V1023 The Father's Church 2707 Abrams Rd Dallas 75214 Jean Lamberty Jean Lamberty 61 2 V1027 Audelia Creek Elementary School 12600 Audelia Rd Dallas 75243 Robin Goodpaster Robin Goodpaster 62 2 V1029 Richland Campus-Dallas College 12800 Abrams Rd Dallas 75243 Chrystin Pleasants Chrystin Pleasants 63 2 V1030 A M Aikin Elementary School 12300 Pleasant Valley Dr Dallas 75243 Randall Epps Randall Epps 64 2 V1032 Northwood Hills Elementary Sch 14532 Meandering Way Dallas 75254 Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 65 2 V1033 Spring Valley Elementary School 13535 Spring Grove Ave Dallas 75240 Veranina Gajewsky Veranina Gajewsky 66 1 V1040 Thurgood Marshall Elementary 9666 Ferris Branch Blvd Dallas 75243 Ann Meripolski Ann Meripolski 67 1 V1043 Skyview Elementary School 9229 Meadowknoll Dr Dallas 75243 Karen Stuart Karen Stuart 68 1 V1045 PLA @ Highland Meadows 8939 Whitewing Ln Dallas 75238 Linda Cross Linda Cross 69 1 V1049 Merriman Park Elementary School 7101 Winedale Dr Dallas 75231 Michele Stephens Michele Stephens 70 1 V1052 Lochwood Branch Library 11221 Lochwood Blvd Dallas 75218 Timothy Sexton Timothy Sexton 71 1 V1054 Casa View Elementary School 2100 N Farola Dr Dallas 75228 Anne Shuttee Anne Shuttee 72 1 V1056 Charles A Gill Elementary School 10910 Ferguson Rd Dallas 75228 Derrick Drennon Derrick Drennon 73 1 V1057 St Pius X Catholic Church Parish 3030 Gus Thomasson Rd Dallas 75228 Christi Rodgers Christi Rodgers 74 1 V1058 Harry Stone Recreation Center 2403 Millmar Dr Dallas 75228 Weldon"Ben"Day Weldon"Ben" Day 75 1 V1059 Reinhardt Elementary School 10122 Losa Dr Dallas 75218 Annette Choice Annette Choice 76 1 V1060 Alex Sanger Preparatory School 8410 San Leandro Dr Dallas 75218 Bruce Anton Bruce Anton 77 1 V1061 W H Gaston Middle School 9565 Mercer Dr Dallas 75228 Marseilles Pataro Marseilles Pataro 78 1 V1063 George Truett Elementary School 1811 Gross Rd Dallas 75228 Elizabeth Hardage Elizabeth Hardage 79 2 V1070 Grace United Methodist Church 4105 Junius St Dallas 75246 Kenneth Jackson Kenneth Jackson 80 2 V1071 Lakewood Branch Library 6121 Worth St Dallas 75214 Vivian Dudley Vivian Dudley 2/12/20 M L004 2 of 11 DALITY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D ID List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 AddressNo. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name ..e Judge Alt.Judge 81 2 V1073 The Church at Junius Heights 5429 Reiger Ave Dallas 75214 Cheri Ball-Meza Cheri Ball-Meza 82 2 V1074 Samuell Grand Recreation Center 6200 E Grand Ave Dallas 75223 Lota Dunham Lota Dunham 83 2 V1076 Eduardo Mata Montessori School 7420 La Vista Dr Dallas 75214 Susan Thornton Susan Thornton 84 1 V1078 Bayles Elementary School 2444 Telegraph Ave Dallas 75228 Ola Allen Ola Allen 85 1 V1079 S S Conner Elementary School 3037 Greenmeadow Dr Dallas 75228 Rhonda Choice Rhonda Choice 86 1 V1081 Owenwood Farm&Neighbor 1451 John West Rd Dallas 75228 Jean Rogers Jean Rogers 87 1 V1083 Colonial Baptist Church 6459 Scyene Rd Dallas 75227 Jerry Leggio Jerry Leggio 88 1 V1084 Edna Rowe Elementary School 4918 Hovenkamp Dr Dallas 75227 Brenda Anderson Brenda Anderson 89 1 V1087 Skyline High School 7777 Forney Rd Dallas 75227 Delphine Vasser Delphine Vasser 90 1 V1088 Skyline Branch Library 6006 Everglade Rd Dallas 75227 Tracy Dotie-Hill Tracy Dotie-Hill 91 1 V1090 San Jacinto Elementary School 7900 Hume Dr Dallas 75227 Melba Johnson Melba Johnson 92 1 V1091 Annie Webb Blanton Elem School 8915 Greenmound Ave Dallas 75227 Queen Williams Queen Williams 93 1 V1092 Edward Titche Elementary School 9560 Highfield Dr Dallas 75227 Herlinda Resendiz Herlinda Resendiz 94 1 V1094 S. Mendez Crew Leadership Acad 1515 N Jim Miller Rd Dallas 75217 Andre Turner Yvette Atkins 95 1 V1096 Pleasant Grove Ctr-Dallas College 802 S Buckner Blvd Dallas 75217 Lakisha Nealy Angela Singletary 96 1 V1097 W W Samuell High School 8928 Palisade Dr Dallas 75217 James Smith 97 1 V1098 Young Men's Leadership Academy 1625 N Masters Dr Dallas 75217 Samuel Dick-Onuoha Shunkeedra Williams 98 1 V1101 Pleasant Grove Library 7310 Lake June Rd Dallas 75217 Allyn Coleman Roger Hudgens 99 1 V1102 B H Macon Elementary School 650 Holcomb Rd Dallas 75217 Robert Davis Franklin Swaffer 100 1 V1104 William Anderson Elem School 620 N St Augustine Rd Dallas 75217 Aubrey Sears Michael Houston 101 1 V1107 Richard Lagow Elementary School 637 Edgeworth Dr Dallas 75217 Kimberlyn John Meyer 102 1 V1108 H Grady Spruce High School 9733 Old Seagoville Rd Dallas 75217 Vernon Granville Shelimetra Davis 103 1 V1109 Fireside Recreation Center 8601 Fireside Dr Dallas 75217 Vicki Brown Ralph Stinson 104 2 V1118 Ignite Middle School 2211 Caddo St Dallas 75204 Max Nunez Keith Burtner 105 2 V1119 St Luke Community Church 5710 E R L Thornton Frwy Dallas 75223 George Collins Melissa Gomez 106 2 V1120 Solar Preparatory School for Boys 1802 Moser Ave Dallas 75206 Robert Sullivan Lynne Mabry 107 1 V1121 Living Waters Church of God 11110 Shiloh Rd Dallas 75228 Hurley McMaster Roberto Placino 108 1 V1128 Lake Highlands High School 9449 Church Rd Dallas 75238 Solomon Kimuyu Nancy Kasten 109 1 V1134 Herschel Forester Field House 8233 Military Pkwy Dallas 75227 Kim Muhammad Bridgette McNeill 110 1 V1300 Vanston Middle School 3230 Karla Dr Mesquite 75150 Cameron Baustian 111 1 V1301 Florence Recreation Center 2501 Whitson Way Mesquite 75150 Marylin Sherrard Bruce Bishop 112 1 V1302 Vernon Price Elementary School 630 Stroud Ln Garland 75043 Linda Garrett Russell Johnson 113 1 V1304 Goodbar Recreation Center 3000 Concord Dr Mesquite 75150 Melanie White Patricia Moorman 114 1 V1305 Motley Elementary School 3719 Moon Dr Mesquite 75150 Tommy Cole Michael Wiethorn 115 1 V1308 Range Elementary School 4060 Emerald Dr Mesquite 75150 Fernando Rojas Mary Hennigan 116 1 V1310 Tosch Elementary School 2424 Larchmont Dr Mesquite 75150 Victor Narvaez Elizabeth Degelia 117 1 V1311 JC Rugel Elementary School 2701 Sybil Dr Mesquite 75149 Colette Kuykendall Brian Strasert 118 1 V1312 Galloway Elementary School 200 Clary Dr Mesquite 75149 Stephen Pogue Dana Lucas 119 1 V1314 West Mesquite High School 2500 Memorial Pkwy Mesquite 75149 Eric Kidder 120 2 V1500 Dover Elementary School 700 Dover Dr Richardson 75080 Hollis Simmons Randy Mitchell 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 3 of 11 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 0 List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3. 2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 121 2 V1501 Professional Development Ctr 701 W Belt Line Rd Richardson 75080 Julie Milazzo Robert Bartles 122 2 V1503 Richland Elementary School 550 Park Bend Dr Richardson 75081 Nancy Goehl Thomas Parsoneault 123 1 V1700 Bradfield Recreation Center 1146 Castle Dr Garland 75040 Daphne Gomez Charles Moncrief 124 1 V1701 Bussey Middle School 1204 Travis St Garland 75040 Megan Wolly Dick Masten 125 1 V1703 A R Davis Elementary School 1621 Mccallum Dr Garland 75042 Sandra Jonhson William Christopher 126 1 V1705 O Henry Elementary School 4100 Tynes Dr Garland 75042 Mabel Okechukwu Nicholas English 127 1 V1706 Bradfield Elementary School 3817 Bucknell Dr Garland 75042 Malcolm Davis Leah Carey 128 1 V1708 Garland Center-Dallas College 675 W Walnut St Garland 75040 Janet Harris Pete Almanza 129 1 V1709 Austin Academy 1125 Beverly Dr. Garland 75040 David Sponsel Dennis Cagle 130 1 V1710 Kimberlin Academy 1520 Cumberland Dr Garland 75040 Melodie Mcfarland Joshua Cahill 131 1 V1711 Granger Recreation Center 1310 W Ave F Garland 75040 Maggie Ensley William Collins Artzberger 132 1 V1712 Williams Elementary School 1821 Old Gate Ln Garland 75042 James Cahill Louis Henry 133 1 V1713 Memorial Pathway Academy 2825 S First St Garland 75041 Marylin Portman Scott McKim 134 1 V1715 Watson Technology Center 2601 Dairy Rd Garland 75041 Brionica Davis Melody Green 135 1 V1716 South Garland High School 600 Colonel Dr Garland 75043 Lauren Edgar Jeni Knighten 136 1 V1717 Classical Ctr at Brandenburg MS 626 Nickens Rd Garland 75043 Victor Davis Sherrie Beyer 137 1 V1718 Southgate Elementary School 1115 Mayfield Ave Garland 75041 Robert Day Catherine Glenn 138 1 V1719 Montclair Elementary School 5200 Broadmoor Dr Garland 75043 Janette Swinton Michael Sossamon 139 1 V1720 O'Banion Middle School 700 Birchwood Dr Garland 75043 Steven Oiler Pamela Johnson 140 1 V1722 Classical Ctr at Vial Elem Sch 126 Creekview Dr Garland 75043 Rufus Lewis Chisa Savage 141 1 V1723 South Garland Branch Library 4845 Broadway Blvd Garland 75043 Juanita Pollard Ruby Hernandez 142 1 V1726 Routh Roach Elementary School 1811 Mayfield Ave Garland 75041 Paul Palmer David Lawson 143 1 V1727 Granville Arts Center 300 N 5Th Garland 75040 Monica Mays Ronald Harper 144 1 V1728 Sam Houston Middle School 2232 Sussex Dr Garland 75041 Angela Robinette Matthew Fontaine 145 2 V2002 Thomas C Marsh Preparatory 3838 Crown Shore Dr Dallas 75244 Patricia Munoz Larry Farthing 146 2 V2003 W T White High School 4505 Ridgeside Dr Dallas 75244 Roxane Wierman Edward Simpson 147 2 V2004 Nathan Adams Elementary School 12600 Welch Rd Dallas 75244 John llzhoefer Janai Sherrell 148 2 V2005 Marsh Lane Baptist Church 10716 Marsh Ln Dallas 75229 Betty Rowe-Williams David Wallace 149 2 V2008 John J Pershing Elementary Sch 5715 Meaders Ln Dallas 75229 Mary Brooks Stephen Wright 150 4 V2009 L G Cigarroa Elementary School 9990 Webb Chapel Rd Dallas 75220 Amy Wallace(D) Jonnita Brown 151 2 V2011 Walnut Hill Recreation Center 10011 Midway Rd Dallas 75229 Rhonda Adams Charles Fishman 152 4 V2013 Lovers Lane UMC 9200 Inwood Rd Dallas 75220 Nancy Anderton Austin Anderton 153 2 V2016 Unity Church of Dallas 6525 Forest Ln Dallas 75230 Margaret Camstra Michael Willis 154 2 V2018 Northaven United Methodist Ch 11211 Preston Rd Dallas 75230 Erica Person Leon Solimani 155 2 V2023 Benjamin Franklin-IEA 6920 Meadow Rd Dallas 75230 Vincent Perucca James Carter 156 4 V2029 Westminster Presbyterian Church 8200 Devonshire Dallas 75209 Harold Wright Gregory Britt 157 2 V2032 Skillman Southwestern Library 5707 Skillman St Dallas 75206 Dale Greer Louis Swan 158 4 V2034 Henry W Longfellow-CEA 5314 Boaz St Dallas 75209 Lonnie Nix Larry Robins 159 2 V2041 University of -Dallas 800 W Campbell Rd Richardson 75080 lames Urmin Duane Dieterich 160 2 V2042 Parkhill Junior High School 16500 Shadybank Dr Dallas 75248 Robert Franklin Richard Summey 211212 Low M 4 of 11 DALITY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D ID List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 202S No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 161 2 V2044 A&M AgriLife Research 17360 Coit Rd Dallas 75252 Cheryl Basye 162 2 V2047 James Bowie Elementary School 7643 La Manga Dr Dallas 75248 Colleen Martin Jack Kocks 163 2 V2050 Prestonwood Elementary School 6525 La Cosa Dr Dallas 75248 Natalie Levy Richard Payne 164 2 V2051 Spring Creek Elementary School 7667 Roundrock Rd Dallas 75248 Debra Segal Lorraine Stierman 165 2 V2052 Fretz Park Library 6990 Belt Line Rd Dallas 75254 William"Bill' Julia Danklef 166 2 V2056 King of Glory Lutheran Church 6411 Lbj Fwy Dallas 75240 Lila Farmer Crystal Hughes 167 1 V2059 Audelia Road Branch Library 10045 Audelia Rd Dallas 75238 Jana Boswell Lori Raley 168 1 V2061 Lake Highlands Elementary School 9501 Ferndale Rd Dallas 75238 Terry Jefferson Roger Pryor 169 1 V2064 Robert T Hill Middle School 505 Easton Rd Dallas 75218 Scott Hadden Susan Reading 170 1 V2065 Victor Hexter Elementary School 972 Waterview Rd Dallas 75218 Patricia Fink Grant Reading 171 1 V2067 L L Hotchkiss Elementary School 6929 Town North Dr Dallas 75231 Fernando Hernandez Paul Ritter 172 1 V2068 Dan D Rogers Elementary School 5314 Abrams Rd Dallas 75214 Keith Buresh Robert Helbing 173 1 V2069 Ridgewood-Belcher Recreation 6818 Fisher Rd Dallas 75214 James Alexander Paul Lockman 174 1 V2071 Lakewood Elementary School 3000 Hillbrook St Dallas 75214 John Vernon Karen Thorne 175 1 V2072 Northridge Presbyterian Church 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr Dallas 75214 William Haugen Donna Swanson 176 2 V2077 E D Walker Middle School 12532 Nuestra Dr Dallas 75230 Carla McClanahan 177 2 V2079 Anne Frank Elementary School 5201 Celestial Rd Dallas 75254 Wendy Campbell Regina Blissey 178 2 V2203 John S Armstrong Elem School 3600 Cornell Ave Dallas 75205 Janey Petty Rick Rogers 179 2 V2220 University Park UMC 4024 Caruth Blvd Dallas 75225 Elizabeth Biesel Candis Morris-Hines 180 2 V2221 John S Bradfield Elem School 4300 Southern Ave Dallas 75205 Laura Biesel Leigh Bailey 181 2 V2223 University Park Elem School 3505 Amherst Ave Dallas 75225 Katherine Winniford Jere Reiser 182 2 V2224 Highland Park Middle School 3555 Granada Dr Dallas 75205 James Hairston Gina Weber 183 2 V2226 Highland Park ISD Admin Bldg 7015 Westchester Dr Dallas 75205 Cynthia Holliday Richard Scherba 184 2 V2301 Alfred J Loos Field House 3815 Spring Valley Rd Addison 75001 Candace Adams William Griggs 185 2 V2302 Vivian Field Middle School 13551 Dennis Ln Farmers Branch 75234 Nathan Roberts Scott Perry 186 2 V2305 Farmers Branch Manske Library 13613 Webb Chapel Rd Farmers Branch 75234 Paul Saldana Patrick Haggerty 187 2 V2306 Chapel Hill Preparatory School 12701 Templeton Trl Dallas 75234 Paul Lentz Fernando Reynoso 188 2 V2401 Ted Polk Middle School 2001 Kelly Blvd Carrollton 75006 Olga Smith Scott Walzel 189 2 V2402 McCoy Elementary School 2425 Mccoy Rd Carrollton 75006 Shontay Broughton Teena Marks 190 2 V2403 Jerry R Junkins Elementary Sch 2808 Running Duke Dr Carrollton 75006 Alison Schmidt Frank Solano 191 2 V2404 Blanton Elementary School 2525 Scott Mill Rd Carrollton 75006 Ronald Sercely Susan Templeton 192 2 V2406 Keller Springs Baptist Church 3227 Keller Springs Rd Carrollton 75006 Beth Brown Alfred Boughton 193 2 V2407 Josey Ranch Lake Library 1700 Keller Springs Rd Carrollton 75006 Carolyn Rutkowski Lori Pinto 194 2 V2408 Crosby Recreation Center 1610 E Crosby Rd Carrollton 75006 Terry Barker Danny Claiborne 195 2 V2500 Greenwood Hills Elementary Sch 1313 W Shore Dr Richardson 75080 Annamarie Ferguson Janet Mariani 196 2 V2501 Canyon Creek Elementary School 2100 Copper Ridge Dr Richardson 75080 Edward Dees Carol Coulter 197 2 V2502 Prairie Creek Elementary School 2120 E Prairie Creek Dr Richardson 75080 Kerry Gaines Jessica Rivera-Lucas 198 2 V2503 Mohawk Elementary School 1500 Mimosa Dr Richardson 75080 Jillian Zhorne Richard Coady 199 2 V2505 Northrich Elementary School 1301 Custer Rd Richardson 75080 Mila Senn 200 2 V2506 Arapaho Classical Magnet School 1300 Cypress Dr Richardson 75080 John Keiser 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 5 of 11 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 0 List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 201 2 V2509 Care Church 1504 E Campbell Rd Richardson 75081 Aleta Lubbers Evelyn Roberson 202 2 V2510 Yale Elementary School 1900 E Collins Blvd Richardson 75081 Howard Maher Rowell Lubbers 203 2 V2511 Dartmouth Elementary School 417 Dartmouth Ln Richardson 75081 David Santucci Cathy Bespaly 204 2 V2513 Springridge Elementary School 1801 E Spring Valley Rd Richardson 75081 Michael Donaldson Carol Duke 205 2 V2514 Jess Harben Elementary School 600 S Glenville Dr Richardson 75081 Dina Alsaid Dennis Rickerson 206 2 V2602 Cimarron Recreation Center 201 Red River Trl Irving 75063 Charlene Kiick Steven Paul 207 2 V2603 Freeman Elementary School 8757 Valley Ranch Pkwy W Irving 75063 Maynor Venegas Denise Pickett 208 2 V2604 Valley Ranch Library 401 Cimarron Tri Irving 75063 Bryant Jackson Amy Ellis 209 1 V2700 Big Springs Elementary School 3301 W Campbell Rd Garland 75044 Edward Holliman Curtis Ratcliff 210 1 V2701 Springpark Sports Club 3330 Springpark Way Garland 75044 Fany Vargas Brian Jensen 211 1 V2702 Spring Creek Elementary School 1510 Spring Creek Dr Garland 75040 Ellen Hairston Tanesa Lee 212 1 V2704 North Garland Branch Library 3845 N Garland Ave Garland 75040 James Harp Thomas Turner 213 1 V2705 Hickman Elementary School 3114 Pinewood Dr Garland 75044 Steven 011er Thomas Bosworth 214 1 V2706 Wallace Ethridge Elementary Sch 2301 Sam Houston Dr Garland 75044 Scott Spreier Eva Pantie 215 1 V2710 Lister Elementary School 3131 Mars Dr Garland 75040 Mauri Long Annette Ratliff 216 1 V2712 Northlake Elementary School-GISD 1626 Bosque Dr Garland 75040 Jennifer Gouge Jason Hardy 217 1 V2713 Club Hill Elementary School 1330 Colonel Dr Garland 75043 Pamela Hair Wesley Johnson 218 1 V2714 Lyles Middle School 4655 S Country Club Rd Garland 75043 Christian Lloyd Joseph Unger 219 2 V2715 Northside Baptist Church 2510 N Glenbrook Dr Garland 75040 Bob Brown Earnestine Sampson 220 2 V2802 Wilson Elementary School 200 S Coppell Rd Coppell 75019 Arthur Shrader Nancy Wang 221 2 V2803 Mockingbird Elementary School- 300 Mockingbird Ln Coppell 75019 Donna Sarabia Claire Ebert 222 2 V2805 Coppell Town Center 255 E Parkway Blvd Coppell 75019 William Hurlbert Adriana Rangani 223 2 V2807 Lakeside Elementary School 1100 Village Pkwy Coppell 75019 Denese McArthur Duc Nguyen 224 2 V2808 Cottonwood Creek Elem School 615 Minyard Dr Coppell 75019 Terrie Aune Nicholi Hoskins 225 2 V2809 Riverchase Elementary School 272 S Macarthur Blvd Coppell 75019 Melissa Lum Elizabeth Caires 226 3 V2921 Back Elementary School 7300 Bluebonnet Dr Rowlett 75089 James Wiederhold Kirk Wood 227 3 V2922 Liberty Grove Elementary School 10201 Liberty Grove Rd Rowlett 75089 Patricia Bermudez Aquasha Chancellor 228 3 V2924 Rowlett Community Centre 5300 Main St Rowlett 75088 Leslie Montena Angela Gibson 229 3 V2925 Rowlett Elementary School 3315 Carla Dr Rowlett 75088 Terence Sumner 230 3 V2926 Herfurth Elementary School 7500 Miller Rd Rowlett 75088 Stephen McDaniel Diane Flores 231 3 V2927 Schrade Middle School 6201 Danridge Rd Rowlett 75089 Robin Wisdom Winsor Barbee 232 3 V2941 Sachse City Hall 3815-B Sachse Rd Sachse 75048 Dan Kraemer Sandra Richardson 233 3 V2942 B G Hudson Middle School 4405 Hudson Dr Sachse 75048 Robert Salmon Rickie Wright 234 3 V3000 William B Travis Vanguard Acad 3001 Mckinney Ave Dallas 75204 Andrea Barreiro Kenneth Smith 235 3 V3003 T W Browne Middle School 3333 Sprague Dr Dallas 75233 Joe Tave Glen Barry 236 3 V3004 Daniel Webster Elementary School 3815 S Franklin St Dallas 75233 Martin Burrell David Aldridge 237 2 V3009 Exall Park Recreation Center 1355 Adair St Dallas 75204 Jennifer Lorenz Byron Dunn 238 2 V3012 Life in Deep Ellum Community Ctr 2803 Taylor St Dallas 75226 Elaine Campbell Christopher Hanna 239 3 V3016 Bill 1 Priest Ctr-Dallas College 1402 Corinth St Dallas 75215 Jerome Garza Helen Collins 240 3 V3022 Irma Rangel Women's School 1718 Robert B Cullum Blvd Dallas 75210 Karine Gipson Michael Grishman 211212 M 6 of 11 DALTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 4a List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 AddressNo. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name . Code . . - 241 3 V3025 Mt Horeb Missionary Baptist Chur 3306 Carpenter Ave Dallas 75215 Brittany Smith 242 3 V3026 St Paul Baptist Church 1600 Pear St Dallas 75215 Nicole Sims Susan Blackburn 243 3 V3029 Evangelist Temple Church 2627 Dorris St Dallas 75215 Lucy Cain Nancee Chambers 244 3 V3034 Greater Mt Pleasant Baptist Chur 1403 Morrell Ave Dallas 75203 Gloria James Kyle Mason 245 3 V3035 F D Roosevelt HS of Innovation 525 Bonnie View Rd Dallas 75203 Annie Newman Peter Hardage 246 4 V3038 The Way-Truth-Life Christian Ch 1702 S Denley Dr Dallas 75216 Dr. Nettiestine Smith Candies Presley 247 3 V3040 Good Street Baptist Church 3110 Bonnie View Rd Dallas 75216 James Baker Donald Bodine 248 3 V3042 John Neely Bryan Elem School 2001 Deer Path Dr Dallas 75216 Michael King Avis Hardaman 249 3 V3043 Paul L Dunbar Library 2008 E Kiest Blvd Dallas 75216 Kimberly Matthew Moorman 250 3 V3045 Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Ch 4600 Solar Ln Dallas 75216 Claudia Fowler Clinton Mitchell 251 3 V3046 John W Carpenter Elem School 2121 Tosca Ln Dallas 75224 Kia Williams Elvira Leal 252 3 V3047 CFNI Student Center 444 Fawn Ridge Dr. Dallas 75224 Margaret Cumby Oscar Bracks 253 3 V3048 South Oak Cliff High School 3601 S Marsalis Ave Dallas 75216 DaVince Wright Donald Marshall 254 3 V3049 Clara Oliver Elementary School 4010 Idaho Ave Dallas 75216 Artherine Prieston 255 3 V3050 H 1 Holland Elem School @ Lisbon 4203 S Lancaster Rd Dallas 75216 Jesse Lipscomb Kyli Vardeman 256 3 V3051 Fountain of Living Word Church 2543 E Ledbetter Dr Dallas 75216 Myrtle Johnson 257 3 V3056 Mark Twain Leadership Vanguard 724 Green Cove Ln Dallas 75232 Kebran Alexander Diann Smith 258 3 V3057 T G Terry Elementary School 6661 Greenspan Ave Dallas 75232 Lawson Turner Joseph Warner 259 3 V3058 St Paul Lutheran Church 5725 S Marsalis Ave Dallas 75241 Gladys Ivy Patrick Scott 260 3 V3059 Ideal Family Church 1000 E Redbird Ln Dallas 75241 Marylin Howard Kenneth Argo 261 3 V3060 Otto M Fridia Elementary School 6011 Old Ox Rd Dallas 75241 Kimberly Walker Kathryn Cook 262 3 V3061 Barack Obama Male Leadership 3030 Stag Rd Dallas 75241 Patsy Pea Charles Rice 263 3 V3062 J N Ervin Elementary School 3722 Black Oak Dr Dallas 75241 Ashlyn McKnight David Gutierrez 264 3 V3063 Ronald E McNair Elementary Sch 3150 Bainbridge Ave Dallas 75237 Dorothy Whaley Nore Crider 265 3 V3064 Friendship West Baptist Church 2020 W Wheatland Rd Dallas 75232 Dianna Jackson Cynthia Stairs 266 3 V306S Umphrey Lee Elementary School 7808 Racine Dr Dallas 75232 Sedonia Kidd Daniel Stairs 267 3 V3066 Martin Weiss Elementary School 8601 Willoughby Blvd Dallas 75232 Tiphanie Paige Dennis Pratte 268 3 V3068 Singing Hills Recreation Center 6805 Patrol Way Dallas 75241 Vivian Brown Robert Higgins 269 3 V3069 Cornerstone Community Church 2817 Cherry Valley Blvd Dallas 75241 Gloria Wafer Steohen McSwain 270 3 V3070 Tommie Allen Recreation Center 7071 Bonnie View Rd Dallas 75241 Yolanda Hightower Roxanne Hollingsworth 271 3 V3071 Highland Hills UMC 3800 Simpson Stuart Rd Dallas 75241 Debra Harwell Suzanna Archibald 272 3 V3073 Highland Hills Library 6200 Bonnie View Rd Dallas 75241 Clara McDade 273 3 V3075 Wilmer-Hutchins High School 5520 Langdon Rd Dallas 75241 Cyrena Nolan 274 3 V3078 Park in the Woods Recreation Ctr 6801 Mountain Creek Pkwy Dallas 75249 William Hill Michael Price 275 3 V3080 Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center 1515 Edd Rd Dallas 75253 Lantresa Williams Eugen Ralph(SR) 276 3 V3081 Booker T Washington High School 2501 Flora St Dallas 75201 Eduardo Garcia Deborah Waters 277 3 V3082 W A Blair Elementary School 7720 Gayglen Dr Dallas 75217 Yvonne Branch Russell Lambert 278 3 V3083 Ebby Halliday Elementary School 10210 Teagarden Rd Dallas 75217 Johnnie Goins Lillie Ralph 279 3 V3092 Thurgood Marshall Recreation Ctr 5150 Mark Trail Way Dallas 75232 Phylneec Harrison Anna Nelson 280 3 V3097 University of North -Dallas 7300 University Hills Blvd Dallas 75216 Wanda Davis Sandra Alexander 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 7 of 11 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 0 List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3,2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 281 3 V3100 A E Sims Cedar Hill Rec Center 310 E Parkerville Rd Cedar Hill 75104 A.D.Phillips Alexander Ray 282 3 V3102 Kim Lewis Auxiliary Services Ctr 202 E Beltline Rd Cedar Hill 75104 Beverly Moore Jack Kelly 283 3 V3103 Bessie Coleman Middle School 1208 E Pleasant Run Rd Cedar Hill 75104 Anna Green Timothy Pinon 284 3 V3104 Maddox Teaching&Learning 1533 Hight Pointe Ln Cedar Hill 75104 Dorothy Chambers Brian Homoleski 285 3 V3106 Plummer Elementary School 1203 S Clark Rd Cedar Hill 75104 Sharon Garrett- Lisa Thierry 286 3 V3107 Highlands Elementary School 131 Sims Dr Cedar Hill 75104 Cassandra Cooper David Hoffman 287 3 V3109 Lake Ridge Elementary School 1020 Lake Ridge Pkwy Cedar Hill 75104 Patrick Dale 288 3 V3202 Duncanville Library 201 James Collins Blvd Duncanville 75116 Zina West-Lewis Taft Thompson 289 3 V3203 Duncanville's First Baptist Chur 323 W Wheatland Rd Duncanville 75116 Andrea Curtis Jo Cienski 290 3 V3204 Reed Middle School 530 E Freeman St Duncanville 75116 Roszetta Howell Robert Ross 291 3 V3206 Byrd Middle School 1040 W Wheatland Rd Duncanville 75116 Kenneth Gail Turner 292 3 V3207 Arise Church 201 W Center St. Duncanville 75116 Carla Reynolds- Julie Smith 293 3 V3208 Central Elementary School-DUISD 302 E Freeman St Duncanville 75116 Tammy Britton Michael Hall 294 3 V3209 Duncanville High School 900 W Camp Wisdom Rd Duncanville 75116 Shirley Sikes Alex Givens 295 3 V3211 Fairmeadows Elementary School 101 E Fairmeadows Dr Duncanville 75116 Diane Searcy Danee Roedl 296 1 V3300 Porter Elementary School 517 Via Avenida Mesquite 75150 Steven Walton 297 1 V3301 Dunford Recreation Center 1015 Green Canyon Dr Mesquite 75150 Brad Underwood Valerie Walker 298 1 V3302 Georgia Kimball Elementary Sch 4010 CoryelI Way Mesquite 75150 Helen Nichols Shirley Sanders 299 1 V3303 Dr JC Cannady Elementary School 2701 Chisolm Tri Mesquite 75150 Sandra Weatherall William Walker 300 3 V3304 Poteet High School 3300 Poteet Dr Mesquite 75150 Richard Phillips Debra Scally 301 3 V3307 W L Wilkinson Middle School 2100 Crest Park Dr Mesquite 75149 Shekia Whiten Jorge Porta 302 1 V3308 Mesquite Convention Center 1700 Rodeo Dr Mesquite 75149 Rosie Walker 303 3 V3310 Mesquite High School 300 E Davis St. Mesquite 75149 Elizabeth Cumby George Hicks 304 3 V3312 Pirrung Elementary School 1500 Creek Valley Rd Mesquite 75181 Martha Rosales Deborah Busbee 305 3 V3313 J R Thompson Elementary School 2525 Helen Ln Mesquite 75181 Suzanne Hess Jeremy Rhudy 306 1 V3314 A C New Middle School 3700 S Belt Line Rd Balch Springs 75181 Diane Lee William Augustine 307 3 V3315 Tisinger Elementary School 1701 Hillcrest St Mesquite 75149 Leon Chandler Gregory Becker 308 3 V3316 Rutherford Recreation Center 900 Rutherford Dr Mesquite 75149 Robert Edwards 309 3 V3317 Horn High School 3300 E Cartwright Rd. Mesquite 75181 Lisa Pelmore 310 1 V3400 Balch Springs Civic Center 12400 Elam Rd Balch Springs 75180 Jacqueline Fain Deborah Hensley 311 1 V3403 Floyd Elementary School 3025 Hickory Tree Rd Mesquite 75180 Sandra Garcia Carl Hamm 312 3 V3404 Hickory Tree Baptist Church 3200 Hickory Tree Rd Balch Springs 75180 313 1 V3405 Hodges Elem Sch 14401 Spring Oaks Dr Balch Springs 75180 Janice Harrison Tajuana Brewster 314 3 V3500 Sunnyvale Town Hall 127 N Collins Rd Sunnyvale 75182 James Wade Wana Alwalee 315 3 V3601 Faith Bible Church 1437 W Pleasant Run Rd Desoto 75115 Norma Young Patricia Burke 316 3 V3604 Ruby Young Elementary School 707 Young Blvd Desoto 75115 Kasundra Brown-Corbin 317 3 V3605 Disciple Central Comm Church 901 N Polk St Desoto 75115 Patricia Carr Sylvia Bracks 318 3 V3606 The Meadows Elementary School 1016 The Meadows Pkwy Desoto 75115 Duttrell Jackson Jeffery Tippen 319 3 V3607 Cockrell Hill Elementary School 425 S Cockrell Hill Rd Desoto 75115 Sandra Chambers Robert Bruce 320 3 V3609 Desoto High School 600 Eagle Dr Desoto 75115 Brenda Curry Kenneth Brown 2/12/20 M 8 of 11 DALTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 40 List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 321 3 V3611 Desoto East Middle School 601 E Belt Line Rd Desoto 75115 Rodney White Robert Cook 322 1 V3700 Couch Elementary School 4349 Waterhouse Blvd Garland 75043 Travis Wortham Kevin Tomsic 323 1 V3702 Toler Elementary School 3520 Guthrie Rd Garland 75043 Virginia Evans Rowena Montgomery 324 3 V3800 Houston Elementary School-LISD 2929 Marquis Ln Lancaster 75134 Melvin Armstrong Patricia Pierson 325 3 V3802 Pleasant Run Elementary School 427 W Pleasant Run Rd Lancaster 75146 Frankie Walker Denise Ferland 326 3 V3803 Rolling Hills Elementary School 450 Rolling Hills PI Lancaster 75146 Donna Sparks Casandra McCray 327 3 V3805 Rosa Parks Millbrook Elem School 630 Millbrook Dr Lancaster 75146 Sherry Galloway Bruce Beal 328 3 V3807 Elsie Robertson Middle School 822 W Pleasant Run Rd Lancaster 75146 Tawana Williams John Stewart 329 3 V3808 West Main Elementary School 531 W Main St Lancaster 75146 Monica Turner Ryan Stewart 330 3 V3809 Lancaster Veterans Memorial 1600 Veterans Memorial Pkwy Lancaster 75134 Edward Williams Beverly Haley 331 3 V3900 McCowan Middle School 1500 Majestic Meadow Dr Glenn Heights 75154 Pamela Deal-Chance Dorina Demay 332 3 V3921 Seagoville City Hall 702 N Hwy 175 Seagoville 75159 Teena Gayle Louis Holman 333 3 V3940 Wilmer Community Center 101 Davidson Piz Wilmer 75172 Jaleesa Webster Justalan Knecht 334 3 V3951 Hutchins City Hall 321 N Main St Hutchins 75141 Ellena Davis John Epps 335 4 V4002 F P Caillet Elem School 3033 Merrell Rd Dallas 75229 Erika Anguiano Deia Roberts 336 4 V4004 Marcus Recreation Center 3003 Northaven Rd Dallas 75229 Alan Yuster Cherie Zalstein 337 2 V4006 Degolyer Elementary School 3453 Flair Dr Dallas 75229 Aimee EI-Zayaty Robert Hale 338 4 V4010 Stephen Foster Elementary School 3700 Clover Ln Dallas 75220 Vivian Gregorich Michael Burnaman 339 4 V4014 Sudie L Williams TAG Academy 4518 Pomona Rd Dallas 75209 Mark Aired Jose Alejandro-White 340 4 V4016 K B Polk Vanguard Center ATG 6911 Victoria Ave. Dallas 75209 Jonathan Maples Bruce Toplek 341 4 V4018 Maple Lawn Elementary School 3120 Inwood Rd Dallas 75235 Brent Pimentel John Holden 342 4 V4019 Arlington Park Recreation Center 1505 Record Crossing Rd Dallas 75235 Mark Blaskovich Elizeth Diaz 343 4 V4022 Esperanza Medrano Elementary Sch 2221 Lucas Dr Dallas 75219 Ricardo Medrano 344 4 V4028 Victory Cathedral 3407 N Westmoreland Rd Dallas 75212 Lettie Searles Joseph Payton 345 4 V4029 West Dallas Center-Dallas College 3330 N Hampton Rd Dallas 7S212 Craig Holcomb Debra Aguilar 346 4 V4031 C F Carr Elementary School 1952 Bayside St Dallas 75212 Julia Vasquez Sharon Clark 347 2 V4032 Reverchon Recreation Center 3505 Maple Ave Dallas 75219 Daniel Foyt James Moyers 348 4 V4035 Margaret B Henderson Elem School 2200 S Edgefield Ave Dallas 75224 Donna Wilson Donald Kuntzendorf 349 4 V4038 Harrell Budd Elementary School 2121 S Marsalis Ave Dallas 75216 Jose Cruhigger Wiley George 350 3 V4043 The Union Church 3410 S Polk St Dallas 75224 Marisa Gonzales Mark Slenczka 351 4 V4046 Clinton P Russell Elementary Sch 3031 S Beckley Ave Dallas 75224 Ebone Mason Timothy Young 3S2 4 V4050 Mountain Creek Library 6102 Mountain Creek Pkwy Dallas 75249 Pamela McKinney Mark Lambert 353 4 V4052 Bilhartz Elementary School 6700 Wandt Dr Dallas 75236 Sedrick McCurdy Thomas Wilkins 354 4 V4055 Leslie Stemmons Elementary Sch 2727 Knoxville St Dallas 75211 Gwenda Lowe Russell Miller 355 4 V4056 Palabra De Vida Church 2550 W Illinois Ave Dallas 7S233 Dario Ganic Shirley Weeks 356 4 V4057 Kiest Recreation Center 3081 S Hampton Rd Dallas 75224 Michael Goodman Kevin Bolton 357 4 V4060 Nancy Jane Cochran Elem Sch 6000 Keeneland Pkwy Dallas 75211 Daniela Villarreal Monty Weddell 358 4 V4061 L O Donald Elementary School 1218 Phinney Ave Dallas 75211 Andrew McGregor Carri Coleman 359 4 V4062 Leila P Cowart Elementary School 1515 S Ravinia Dr Dallas 75211 Jessica Santamaria Teresa Deleza 360 4 V4063 Elmwood-El Buen Samaritano UMC 1315 Berkley Ave Dallas 75224 Ngena Offords Leslie Hooker 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 9 of 11 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 0 List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 361 4 V4064 Martin Weiss Recreation Center 1111 Martindell Ave Dallas 75211 Russell Garner James Crawford 362 4 V4065 Arcadia Park Elementary School 1300 N Justin Ave Dallas 75211 Bradley Goodell 363 4 V4066 Anson Jones Elementary School 3901 Meredith Ave Dallas 75211 Temeckia Derrough Phillip Granderson 364 4 V4068 Lida Hooe Elementary School 2419 Gladstone Dr Dallas 75211 Perla Loza Gloria Hibdon 365 4 V4069 Winnetka Elementary School 1151 S Edgefield Ave Dallas 75208 Kathlyn Freeman Wendy Aired 366 4 V4070 John Peeler Elementary School 810 S Llewellyn Ave Dallas 75208 Robert Sheaks Willie Obrien 367 4 V4071 Oak Cliff Government Center 702 E Jefferson Blvd Dallas 75203 Ngina White Tood Stein 368 4 V4073 Preparing the Way Ministries 2442 W Jefferson Blvd Dallas 75211 Frank Rios Miranda Pereyda 369 4 V4074 Sunset High School-Annex Bldg 201 W Tenth St Dallas 75208 Stuart Bolding Victor Bannon 370 4 V4076 Stevens Park Elem School 2615 W Colorado Blvd Dallas 75211 Isabella Mohr Donald Harrison 371 4 V4078 Kidd Springs Recreation Center 711 W Canty St Dallas 75208 Marvin Carter Marianne Morris 372 4 V4079 Kessler Park United Methodist Chur 1215 Turner Ave Dallas 75208 Monica Rachel Megan Pearson 373 4 V4081 Eladio Martinez Learning Center 4500 Bernal Dr Dallas 75212 Yolanda Jimenez Ileana Hubbard 374 4 V4082 Jaycee Zaragoza Recreation Center 3114 Clymer Street Dallas 75212 Roberto Alonzo Nancy Rodriguez 375 4 V4083 J Moroles Expressive Arts Vanguard 1400 Walmsley Ave Dallas 75208 Debbora Thomas Michael Boston 376 4 V4085 Anita Martinez Recreation Center 3212 N Winnetka Ave Dallas 75212 Samuel Baker Vance Meurer 377 4 V4086 Grauwyler Park Recreation Center 7780 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas 75235 Mark Baker Sally Chavira 378 4 V4087 Bachman Recreation Center 2750 Bachman Dr Dallas 75220 Simon Mathew Philip Swatzell 379 4 V4094 Park Forest Branch Library 3421 Forest Ln Dallas 75234 Matthew Calvert Marguerite Buccino 380 4 V4097 David G Burnet Elem School 3200 Kinkaid Dr Dallas 75220 Jennifer Mason Patricia Cline 381 4 V4110 Boucle Storey Middle School 3000 Maryland Ave Dallas 75216 Stephen Carter 382 4 V4113 Mountain View Campus-Dallas 4849 W Illinois Ave Dallas 75211 Sylvia Shuffield Donald Weeks 383 4 V4300 Cockrell Hill City Hall 4125 W Clarendon Dr Cockrell Hill 75211 Thaxton Holmes Kathryn Reyes 384 4 V4501 Suzanna Dickinson Elem School 1902 Palmer Trl Grand Prairie 75052 Hattie Lanier- Kathryn Monette 385 4 V4502 Betty Warmack Library 760 Bardin Rd Grand Prairie 75052 Kiara Tolliver Gregory Heilman 386 4 V4507 Daniels Elementary Academy 801 Sw 19Th St Grand Prairie 75051 Patsy Ray Alejandro Rodela 387 4 V4508 Ellen Ochoa Stem Acad Milam Elem 2030 Proctor Dr Grand Prairie 75051 Timothy Rivera Lourdes Sifuentes 388 4 V4509 Young Women's Ldrshp Acad- 1204 E Marshall Dr Grand Prairie 75051 Jeanette Pugh Trudy Gill-Price 389 4 V4511 Bowie Fine Arts 425 Alice Dr Grand Prairie 75051 Michael Connell Minh Vuong 390 4 V4512 Charley Taylor Recreation Center 601 E Grand Prairie Rd Grand Prairie 75051 Richard Smith David Yaqubian 391 4 V4513 Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute 1502 College St Grand Prairie 75050 Nicole Gibson Jesus Martinez 392 4 V4514 Crosswinds High School 1100 N Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie 75050 Archie Stephenson Theresa Hayes 393 4 V4515 William B Travis World Lang 525 Ne 15Th St Grand Prairie 75050 Debra Wade Roberto Segovia 394 4 V4517 Eisenhower Elementary School 2102 N Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie 75050 John Duncan Tamika Pellum 395 4 V4519 Ronald Reagan Middle School 4616 Bardin Rd Grand Prairie 75052 Michele Epps Jena Perkins 396 4 V4520 Sam Rayburn Elementary School 2800 Reforma Dr Grand Prairie 75052 Subrina Brenham Nancy Sanderford 397 4 V4521 Lorenzo De Zavala Academy 3410 Kirby Creek Dr Grand Prairie 75052 Danielle Hampton Debbie Hubacek 398 4 V4522 Truman Middle School 1501 Coffeyville Trl Grand Prairie 75052 Lynell Arps Robert Baker 399 4 V4525 L B Johnson Daep 650 Stonewall Dr Grand Prairie 75052 Dee Hart Barbara Kurilecz 400 4 V4527 Hector P Garcia Elementary Sch 2444 Graham St Grand Prairie 75050 Rodney Chesnut 211212&004M L40010 of 11 DALL/fWW4RIINTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment D 0 List of Election Judges and Alternate Election Judges for Election Day 2025 Joint & Special Election May 3, 2025 No. Comm. Dist. Poll Code Voter Center Name Address City Zip Code Judge Alt.Judge 401 4 V4528 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church-GP 4729 S Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie 75052 Evelyn Gray Selena Wofford 402 4 V4538 Global Leadership Academy 511 E Springdale Ln Grand Prairie 75052 Sunja Smith Aaron McGrue 403 4 V4601 Sally B Elliot Elementary School 1900 S Story Rd Irving 75060 Roy Getting Richard Austin 404 4 V4602 Nimitz High School 100 W Oakdale Rd Irving 75060 Carolyn Fusinato Carolyn Hrncir 405 4 V4605 Otis Brown Elementary School 2501 W Tenth St Irving 75060 Karen Shrock-Jones Elizabeth Patton 406 4 V4606 Lamar Middle School 219 Crandall Rd Irving 75060 Bridgette Burdick Rene Krake 407 4 V4607 Irving City Hall 825 W Irving Blvd Irving 75060 Magdalena Martins Debra Arnett 408 4 V4608 J O Davis Elementary School 310 Davis Dr Irving 75061 Cindy Corpier Janet Corey 409 4 V4610 L B Barton Elementary School 2931 Conflans Rd Irving 75061 John Humen Carin Hughes 410 4 V4613 Irving High School 900 N O'Connor Rd Irving 75061 Arlene Green Karen Sweet 411 4 V4616 John R Good Elementary School 1200 E Union Bower Rd Irving 75061 Lucy Garcia Deepak Jayavant 412 4 V4618 David Crockett Middle School 2431 Hancock St Irving 75061 Teresa Steward Angela Heiter 413 4 V4619 Lively Elementary School 1800 Plymouth Dr W Irving 75061 Clarissa Lindsey Richard Lang 414 4 V4620 Oak Haven United Methodist 1600 N Irving Heights Dr Irving 75061 Sherron Molina Carrie Perkins Frost 415 4 V4621 Thomas Haley Elementary School 3601 Cheyenne St Irving 75062 Syed Quadri Alan Waterman 416 4 V4622 W T Hanes Elementary School 2730 Cheyenne St Irving 75062 George Mauko 417 4 V4623 A S Johnston Elementary School 2801 Rutgers Dr Irving 75062 Carla Nix 418 4 V4624 Brandenburg Elementary School 2800 Hillcrest Dr Irving 75062 David Bradley Rhonda Gililand 419 4 V4626 Macarthur High School 3700 N Macarthur Blvd Irving 75062 Danielle Rhodes Claire Shahzad 420 4 V4627 Irving Fire Station#8 650 Las Colinas Blvd E Irving 75039 Caryl Brock Mary Caldwell 421 4 V4630 T J Lee Elementary School 1600 Carlisle St Irving 75062 Sheila Vandenbush 422 4 V4631 Travis Middle School 1600 Finley Rd Irving 75062 Jacqueline Blair Theodore Cole 423 4 V4634 Jack E Singley Academy 4601 N Macarthur Blvd Irving 75038 Consuelo Evans Mary Schreiber 424 4 V4640 Houston Middle School 3033 W Country Club Rd Irving 75038 Lynn Alford Arthur Bertanzetti 425 4 V4642 Irving Arts Center 3333 N Macarthur Blvd Irving 75062 Joyce Agers Judith Samuel 426 2 V4645 Las Colinas Elementary School 2200 Kinwest Pkwy Irving 75063 Kimberly Batchelor Craig Creason 427 4 V4646 Cardwell Career Preparatory Ctr 101 E Union Bower Rd Irving 75061 Alison Trujillo Joseph Rhea 428 2 V4647 Mustang Park Recreation Center 2223 Kinwest Pkwy Irving 75063 Amena Jamali Kathleen Hodges 429 4 V4654 Irving Fire Station#2 1306 N Story Rd Irving 75061 Juan David Gutierrez 2/12/2025 3:36 PM Page 11 of 11 2025 Joint and Special Election Participants Attachment E - Participating Political Subdivisions and Registered Voters in Dallas County Election Precincts Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1004-01 476 Dallas D10 Richardson R14 1004-02 1074 Dallas D10 Richardson R15 1006-01 1621 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1007-01 381 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1039-01 242 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 1040-01 1469 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 1040-02 1225 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1041-01 665 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 1043-01 1875 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1043-02 333 Dallas D10 Richardson R14 1044-01 2898 Dallas D10 Richardson R15 1045-01 1527 Dallas D09 1046-01 325 Dallas D09 1047-01 1471 Dallas D09 1048-01 2603 Dallas D09 1049-01 1830 Dallas D10 Richardson R15 1049-02 0 Dallas D13 1049-03 0 Dallas D10 1050-01 45 Dallas D09 1050-02 101 Dallas D14 1051-01 214 Dallas D09 1052-01 3185 Dallas D09 1054-01 1778 Dallas D09 1055-01 873 Dallas D09 1056-01 991 Dallas D09 1057-01 1348 Dallas D02 1057-02 717 Dallas D09 1058-01 2068 Dallas D02 1059-01 1638 Dallas D09 1060-01 3245 Dallas D09 1060-02 858 Dallas D02 1061-01 1391 Dallas D02 1062-01 45 Dallas D02 1063-01 1074 Dallas D07 1063-02 664 Dallas D02 1064-01 102 Dallas D02 1065-01 1552 Dallas D07 1065-02 1066 Dallas D02 1067-01 1 Dallas D07 Mesquite *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 1 of 36 PctSub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1067-02 7 Dallas D07 1068-01 65 Dallas D09 1076-01 49 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1077-01 1 Dallas D02 1078-01 914 Dallas D07 1078-02 0 Dallas D02 1078-03 143 Dallas D07 1079-01 1335 Dallas D07 1079-02 341 Dallas D02 1080-01 624 Dallas D07 1081-01 2748 Dallas D07 1082-01 117 Dallas D07 1082-02 213 Dallas D05 1083-01 1215 Dallas D07 1083-02 315 Dallas D05 1083-03 321 Dallas D05 1084-01 3418 Dallas D07 1084-02 28 Dallas D07 1085-01 1340 Dallas D05 1085-02 109 Dallas D07 1086-01 424 Dallas D07 1087-01 3058 Dallas D07 1087-02 0 Dallas D07 Mesquite 1087-07 0 Dallas D07 Mesquite 1088-01 2236 Dallas D05 1089-01 2066 Dallas D07 1089-02 0 Dallas D05 1089-03 1 Dallas D07 Mesquite 1090-01 2248 Dallas D05 1091-01 2001 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1091-02 196 Dallas D07 Dallas DA4 1092-01 2415 Dallas D07 Dallas DA4 1092-02 476 Dallas D07 1092-03 173 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1092-04 168 Dallas D05 1093-01 1620 Dallas D07 Dallas DA4 1093-02 2 Dallas D07 Mesquite 1094-01 1291 Dallas D05 1095-01 1554 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1096-01 1517 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1097-01 2701 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1098-01 2111 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 2 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1099-01 84 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1100-01 1425 Dallas D05 1100-02 1473 Dallas D08 1100-03 98 Dallas D05 1101-01 1352 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1101-02 491 Dallas D05 1101-03 55 Dallas D05 1102-01 2004 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1103-01 518 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1104-01 2616 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1105-01 33 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1105-02 0 Balch Spring Dallas DA4 1105-03 8 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1106-01 240 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1107-01 910 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1108-01 2555 Dallas DOS Dallas DA4 1108-02 61 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 1109-01 552 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 1109-02 29 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1110-01 24 Dallas DOS Dallas DA4 1111-01 1701 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 1113-01 280 Dallas D05 1114-01 577 Dallas D07 1115-01 1406 Dallas D09 1116-01 1475 Dallas D02 1121-01 2242 Dallas D09 1121-02 17 Dallas D09 Garland 1121-03 0 Garland Garland 1121-04 0 Garland 1121-05 0 Garland 1124-01 9 Dallas D08 1125-01 174 Dallas D09 Garland 1125-02 1581 Dallas D09 1125-03 0 Garland Garland 1128-01 670 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1129-01 103 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1133-01 334 Dallas D02 1134-01 523 Dallas D05 1135-01 1596 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1136-01 11 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 1137-01 35 Dallas D02 1139-01 14 Mesquite Information as of February 19,2024-subject to changes Page 3 of 36 PctSub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1140-01 0 Dallas D08 1141-01 1222 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1142-01 2688 Dallas D7o Richardson RI5 1143-01 1535 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1143-02 0 Dallas D10 1143-03 0 Dallas D09 1144-01 2846 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1144-02 50 Dallas D10 1146-01 2200 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1147-01 748 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1148-01 0 Dallas D05 1151-01 68 Dallas D02 1153-01 14 Dallas D05 Dallas DA4 1159-01 0 Dallas D07 Mesquite 1162-01 0 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1163-01 1378 Dallas D09 1164-01 2270 Dallas D09 1165-01 2024 Dallas D09 1165-02 0 Dallas D14 1168-01 2929 Dallas D09 1169-01 2769 Dallas D09 1170-01 1378 Dallas D09 1171-01 2415 Dallas D09 1172-01 1665 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 1172-02 297 Dallas D09 1172-03 0 Dallas D10 Garland 1173-01 1034 Dallas D09 1174-01 2415 Dallas D09 1174-02 0 Dallas D09 1176-01 0 Dallas D02 1300-01 2643 Mesquite 1300-02 20 Garland 1301-01 1487 Mesquite 1301-02 878 Mesquite 1302-01 1998 Mesquite 1304-01 1525 Mesquite 1305-01 1658 Mesquite 1307-02 0 Mesquite 1307-04 0 Dallas D07 1308-01 1890 Mesquite 1308-03 13 Mesquite 1309-01 344 Mesquite *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 4 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1310-01 2760 Mesquite 1311-01 2136 Mesquite 1312-01 1007 Mesquite 1313-01 362 Mesquite 1314-01 1965 Mesquite 1314-02 657 Mesquite 1314-03 86 Dallas DA4 1315-02 21 Mesquite 1315-03 0 Mesquite 1316-01 619 Mesquite 1324-01 2640 Mesquite 1324-04 0 Garland Garland 1325-01 2537 Mesquite 1325-02 0 Town of Sun Sunnyvale 1325-03 0 Sunnyvale 1326-01 1370 Mesquite 1327-01 1991 Mesquite 1327-02 511 Mesquite 1328-01 5 Mesquite 1329-01 5 Mesquite 1401-01 431 Balch Spring BS5 Dallas DA4 1402-01 1290 Balch Spring BS5 Mesquite 1402-02 610 Balch Spring Mesquite 1402-03 418 Balch Spring Mesquite 1403-01 41 Balch Spring BS5 Mesquite 1404-01 560 Balch Spring Mesquite 1404-02 0 Balch Spring BS5 Mesquite 1405-01 415 Balch Spring Dallas DA4 1405-02 57 Balch Spring BS5 Dallas DA4 1405-03 14 Balch Spring BS5 Dallas DA4 1406-01 76 Balch Spring BS7 Mesquite 1406-02 385 Balch Spring Mesquite 1407-01 8 Balch Spring Dallas DA4 1407-02 0 Balch Spring BS5 Dallas DA4 1408-01 1 Balch Spring Dallas DA4 1409-01 419 Balch Spring BS3 Dallas DA4 1409-02 282 Balch Spring Dallas DA4 1410-01 306 Balch Spring Dallas DA4 1410-02 862 Balch Spring BS3 Dallas DA4 1410-03 474 Balch Spring BS3 Mesquite 1410-04 328 Balch Spring Mesquite 1411-01 2893 Balch Spring BS7 Mesquite *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 5 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1411-02 700 Bad Spring Mesquite 1411-03 21 Balch Spring BS3 Mesquite 1411-04 0 Balch Spring BS3 Dallas DA4 1412-01 412 Bad Spring BS3 Dallas DA4 1412-03 2 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 1700-01 2283 Garland Garland 1701-01 2055 Garland GAB Garland 1702-01 2862 Garland GAB Garland 1703-01 3677 Garland GA6 Garland 1704-01 1460 Garland GA6 1705-01 2075 Garland GA6 1706-01 3133 Garland GA6 Garland 1707-01 624 Garland GA6 Garland 1707-02 5 Garland Garland 1707-03 10 Garland 1707-04 0 Garland Richardson RI5 1708-01 603 Garland Garland 1708-02 125 Garland GAS Garland 1709-01 3704 Garland Garland 1710-01 1638 Garland Garland 1711-01 2254 Garland Garland 1712-01 2085 Garland GA6 Garland 1712-02 2 Garland GA8 Garland 1713-01 1174 Garland Garland 1714-01 1999 Garland Garland 1715-01 1636 Garland Garland 1716-01 2106 Garland GA3 Garland 1717-01 3235 Garland Garland 1718-01 1457 Garland Garland 1719-01 1723 Garland Garland 1719-02 858 Garland Garland 1720-01 2625 Garland Garland 1720-03 0 Garland Mesquite 1721-01 1789 Garland Mesquite 1721-02 148 Garland Garland 1721-03 39 Mesquite 1721-08 0 Garland Garland 1721-09 17 Mesquite 1722-01 2831 Garland Garland 1722-02 0 Garland 1722-03 0 Garland Mesquite 1723-01 165 Garland Garland *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 6 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1724-01 0 Garland Garland 1724-02 157 Garland Mesquite 1725-01 468 Garland Garland 1726-01 1854 Garland Garland 1726-02 0 Garland 1727-01 262 Garland Garland 1728-01 1379 Garland Garland 1729-01 1537 Garland Garland 1730-01 0 Garland 1731-01 0 Garland 1732-01 1394 Garland GA7 Garland 1733-01 2502 Garland GA8 Garland 1733-02 956 Garland GA7 Garland 1734-01 1418 Garland GA8 Garland 1734-02 31 Garland Garland 1735-01 3883 Garland GA8 Garland 1735-02 848 Garland Garland 1736-01 1755 Garland GA3 Garland 1737-01 4708 Garland Garland 1737-03 3 Richardson Garland 1737-04 0 Richardson Garland 1738-01 2934 Garland GA3 Garland 1739-01 2777 Garland GA8 Garland 1740-01 4406 Garland Garland 1741-01 3582 Garland GA3 Garland 1741-02 0 Dallas D09 Garland 1741-03 1264 Garland Garland 1742-01 3814 Garland GA3 Garland 1742-02 0 Dallas D09 Garland 1742-03 792 Garland Garland 1743-01 4036 Garland GA3 Garland 1744-01 19 Garland 1744-02 53 Garland GA3 Garland 1745-01 2673 Garland Garland 1746-01 1883 Garland Garland 1747-01 3141 Garland Garland 1747-02 0 Sachse Garland 1748-01 2118 Garland GA7 Garland 1749-01 3642 Garland GA7 Garland 1750-01 2918 Garland GA7 Garland 1751-01 1439 Garland Garland 1751-02 2080 Garland Richardson Rig *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 7 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 1751-03 1655 Garland GA7 Garland 1751-04 3 Richardson Garland 1751-05 21 Richardson Richardson RI2 1751-06 0 Garland GA7 Richardson RI2 1751-07 0 Richardson Richardson RI2 1752-01 2309 Garland GA7 Richardson RI2 1752-02 870 Garland GA7 Garland 2000-01 17 Dallas D06 2001-01 28 Dallas D13 2002-01 1281 Dallas D13 2003-01 2594 Dallas D13 2004-01 2172 Dallas D13 2005-01 964 Dallas D13 2006-01 1532 Dallas D13 2007-01 3021 Dallas D13 2008-01 702 Dallas D13 2008-02 717 Dallas D13 2009-01 2049 Dallas D13 2010-01 1441 Dallas D13 2011-01 2097 Dallas D13 2015-01 1281 Dallas D13 2016-01 3120 Dallas D11 2016-02 189 Dallas D11 Richardson R15 2016-03 0 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2017-01 1492 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2018-01 924 Dallas D13 2019-01 1763 Dallas 1311 2020-01 2405 Dallas D11 2020-02 2 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2020-03 2 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 2021-01 3567 Dallas D13 2022-01 761 Dallas D11 2023-01 1176 Dallas D11 2024-01 1683 Dallas 1311 2025-01 2604 Dallas D13 2026-01 2912 Dallas D13 2027-01 1589 Dallas D13 2028-01 1 Dallas D06 2030-01 1128 Dallas D13 2030-02 591 Dallas D13 Highland Park 2030-03 37 Dallas D13 Highland Park 2030-04 449 Dallas D13 Highland Park Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 8 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2030-05 2 Dallas D13 Highland Park 2030-06 1 Dallas D13 Highland Park 2031-01 3447 Dallas D09 2032-01 2094 Dallas D09 2033-01 2035 Dallas D09 2033-02 0 Dallas D09 2035-01 1469 Dallas D09 2035-02 375 Dallas D09 2035-05 0 Dallas D09 2037-01 1410 Dallas D14 2038-01 2850 Dallas D14 2038-02 210 Dallas D09 2039-01 2398 Dallas D14 2039-02 439 Dallas D09 2040-01 1678 Dallas D14 2041-01 2389 Dallas D12 2041-02 1728 Dallas 1311 2041-03 74 Dallas D12 2042-01 2830 Dallas D12 2043-01 1916 Dallas D12 2043-02 66 Dallas 1311 2044-01 997 Dallas D12 2045-01 1180 Dallas D11 2045-02 620 Dallas D12 2046-01 1189 Dallas D12 2046-02 506 Dallas D11 2047-01 2298 Dallas D11 2048-01 3744 Dallas 1311 2049-01 990 Dallas D11 2049-02 458 Dallas D11 2050-01 733 Dallas D11 2050-02 788 Dallas D11 2051-01 2369 Dallas D11 2052-01 1170 Dallas D11 2052-02 172 Dallas 1311 2053-01 2555 Dallas D11 2054-01 2164 Dallas D11 2055-01 1350 Dallas D11 2055-02 18 Dallas 1311 Richardson RI5 2056-01 722 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2056-02 633 Dallas D11 2057-01 418 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 9 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2057-02 129 Dallas D11 2058-01 972 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2058-02 133 Dallas D11 2058-03 0 Dallas D11 2074-01 1481 Dallas D06 Coppell 2074-02 0 Dallas D06 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2074-03 15 Irving Coppell 2074-04 2 Irving Coppell 2076-01 6 Dallas D06 2077-01 1305 Dallas D13 2079-01 1784 Dallas D11 2080-01 261 Dallas D11 2081-01 619 Dallas D02 2081-02 0 Dallas D07 2081-03 150 Dallas D02 2081-04 4 Dallas D02 2081-05 0 Dallas D07 2082-01 1331 Dallas D02 2082-02 1366 Dallas D14 2083-01 1482 Dallas D14 2084-01 453 Dallas D02 2085-01 222 Dallas D14 2086-01 2815 Dallas D14 2087-01 2385 Dallas D14 2090-01 47 Dallas D11 2091-01 522 Dallas D11 2091-02 267 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2091-03 180 Dallas D11 2092-01 0 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 2094-01 518 Dallas D13 2094-02 274 Dallas D13 2094-03 0 Dallas D13 Richardson RI5 2095-01 0 Dallas D13 2095-02 0 Dallas D13 2096-01 0 Dallas D13 2097-01 0 Dallas D02 2098-01 1639 Dallas D14 2099-01 3229 Dallas D14 2099-02 15 Dallas D14 20A8-01 0 Dallas D11 2100-01 1473 Dallas D14 2100-02 1773 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 10 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2101-01 1743 Dallas D14 2102-01 2464 Dallas D14 2102-02 1535 Dallas D14 2103-01 896 Dallas D02 2103-02 154 Dallas D02 2103-04 2 Dallas D02 2104-01 373 Dallas D14 2104-02 20 Dallas D02 2105-01 2503 Dallas D14 2106-01 1745 Dallas D02 2106-02 0 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 2107-01 8 Dallas D02 2107-02 38 Dallas D02 2108-01 466 Dallas D11 2108-02 272 Dallas D11 2109-01 0 Dallas D14 Highland Park 2110-01 525 Dallas D02 2110-02 12 Dallas D07 2110-03 0 Dallas D07 2111-01 24 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 2112-01 84 Dallas D14 2113-01 0 Dallas D14 2114-01 2085 Dallas D14 2114-02 338 Dallas D14 2114-03 16 Dallas D14 2115-01 1 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 2115-02 200 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 2116-01 35 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 2116-02 80 Dallas D14 2117-01 1715 Dallas D14 2117-02 0 Dallas D14 2118-01 539 Dallas D07 2118-02 542 Dallas D02 2118-03 224 Dallas D02 2119-01 330 Dallas 1311 2119-02 11 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2120-01 2034 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2121-01 1001 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2122-01 1299 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2123-01 348 Dallas D10 2123-02 1323 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2124-01 2259 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 11 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2124-02 3 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 2124-03 2 Dallas D10 Garland 2124-04 0 Dallas D10 Garland 2125-01 2890 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2125-02 97 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2126-01 618 Dallas D70 2127-01 1808 Dallas D10 2127-02 633 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2127-03 1191 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2128-01 2295 Dallas D10 Richardson RI5 2128-02 266 Dallas D10 Richardson RI4 2129-01 564 Dallas D11 2130-01 1329 Dallas D11 2131-01 1512 Dallas D11 2132-01 813 Dallas 1311 2133-01 61 Dallas D11 Richardson RI5 2134-01 1708 Dallas D13 2134-02 0 Dallas D10 2137-01 1124 Dallas D13 2138-01 799 Dallas D13 2139-01 258 Dallas D09 2139-02 424 Dallas D13 2140-01 760 Dallas D13 2141-01 699 Dallas D13 2142-01 1195 Dallas D13 2143-01 349 Dallas D13 2143-02 2 Dallas D13 2144-01 1516 Dallas D14 2145-01 1788 Dallas D14 2145-02 913 Dallas D02 2145-03 263 Dallas D14 2146-01 2658 Dallas D02 2146-02 0 Dallas D14 2147-01 1925 Dallas D14 2147-02 0 Dallas D14 2148-01 483 Dallas D02 2148-02 155 Dallas D02 2149-01 1022 Dallas D02 2149-02 562 Dallas D14 2150-01 1564 Dallas D02 2150-02 0 Dallas D14 2151-01 248 Dallas D14 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 12 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2152-01 2006 Dallas D02 2152-02 123 Dallas D02 2153-01 706 Dallas D14 2153-02 725 Dallas D02 2154-01 55 Dallas D02 2155-01 1002 Dallas D14 2155-02 985 Dallas D14 2200-01 1149 Highland Park 2201-01 1745 Highland Park 2201-02 0 Highland Park 2201-05 2 Dallas D14 2201-06 0 Highland Park 2202-01 1804 Highland Park 2202-02 0 Highland Park 2203-01 1485 Highland Park 2220-01 1724 Highland Park 2221-01 3480 Highland Park 2222-01 2981 Highland Park 2223-01 1618 Highland Park 2224-01 1698 Highland Park 2225-01 1641 Highland Park 2226-01 2795 Highland Park 2300-01 1163 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2300-02 174 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2300-04 15 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2301-01 2234 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2302-01 1583 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2302-02 177 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2302-03 169 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2303-01 2152 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2303-03 348 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2305-01 895 Farmers Bran FB4 2305-02 493 Farmers Bran FB4 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2305-03 1035 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2305-04 0 Farmers Bran FB4 2306-01 1369 Farmers Bran FB4 2306-02 0 Farmers Bran FB4 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2307-01 622 Farmers Bran FB4 2308-01 2288 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2308-04 17 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2308-07 439 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2309-01 1724 Carrollton-Farmers Branch *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 13 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2309-02 0 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2309-03 0 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2310-01 806 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2310-02 727 Farmers Bran F64 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2310-03 49 Fanners Bran FB4 2310-04 0 Farmers Bran FB4 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2310-05 0 Farmers Bran FB4 2310-08 141 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2310-09 441 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2311-01 524 Fanners Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2312-02 2 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2313-01 5 Farmers Bran FBI Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2315-01 190 Farmers Bran F64 2316-01 616 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2316-03 189 Farmers Bran FB4 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2316-05 256 Farmers Bran FB4 2400-01 153 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2400-02 0 Coppell 2400-03 0 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2400-04 0 Dallas D06 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2401-01 2437 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2402-01 3041 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2403-02 0 Town ofAddi 2404-01 1968 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2405-01 3169 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2406-02 0 Town of Addi 2406-03 47 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2406-04 0 Dallas D12 2406-05 0 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2407-01 4128 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2408-01 1835 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2409-01 2369 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2410-02 16 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2411-01 800 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2412-01 1 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2417-01 130 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2500-01 1675 Richardson 2501-01 1344 Richardson Richardson Rig 2502-01 1876 Richardson Richardson R12 2503-01 2557 Richardson 2504-01 1338 Richardson 2505-01 2133 Richardson Richardson RI2 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 14 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2506-01 2232 Richardson 2507-01 2132 Richardson 2508-01 2131 Richardson Richardson RI2 2508-03 723 Richardson Richardson RI2 2508-04 749 Richardson Richardson RI2 2508-05 27 Richardson Richardson RI2 2509-01 2740 Richardson Richardson RI2 2510-01 1760 Richardson Richardson RI2 2511-01 1994 Richardson Richardson RI2 2512-01 1399 Richardson Richardson RI2 2513-01 2697 Richardson Richardson RI2 2514-01 2751 Richardson Richardson RI2 2515-01 731 Richardson Richardson RI2 2517-01 2520 Richardson 2518-01 1834 Richardson 2519-01 2105 Richardson 2520-01 3052 Richardson Richardson RI2 2520-02 261 Richardson 2520-03 2 Richardson Richardson RI2 2520-04 0 Dallas D10 2520-05 0 Richardson 2521-01 1304 Richardson 2521-02 782 Richardson 2523-01 856 Richardson 2523-02 449 Dallas D12 2601-01 974 Irving Coppell 2601-02 812 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2602-01 2874 Irving Carrollton-Fanners Branch 2603-01 1158 Irving Coppell 2603-02 1460 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2603-03 403 Irving Coppell 2604-01 2847 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2605-01 2969 Irving Coppell 2605-02 0 Dallas D06 Coppell 2605-03 12 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2606-01 899 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2606-02 1051 Irving 2607-01 5 Irving Coppell 2607-02 0 Irving ME 2608-01 2973 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2608-02 38 Irving Coppell 2609-01 16 Irving Coppell *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 15 Of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISO District Water 2609-02 0 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2610-01 0 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2611-01 617 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2611-02 128 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2611-03 723 Irving Coppell 2612-01 271 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2613-01 3765 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2613-02 25 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2614-01 242 Irving Coppell 2800-01 3 Coppell 2801-01 3235 Coppell 2802-01 4515 Coppell 2803-01 1200 Coppell 2804-01 2400 Coppell 2804-02 0 Coppell NFC 2804-03 11 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2804-04 18 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2804-05 0 Coppell NFC 2805-01 3177 Coppell 2805-02 680 Coppell 2806-01 2559 Coppell 2807-01 2336 Coppell 2807-02 39 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2807-03 0 Lewisville Coppell 2807-04 89 Coppell 2807-05 0 Coppell 2807-06 0 Lewisville Coppell 2808-01 3249 Coppell 2808-02 0 Coppell 2809-01 2652 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2809-02 0 Carrollton-Farmers Branch NFC 2809-03 0 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2809-04 0 Coppell 2809-05 0 Coppell 2810-01 26 Coppell 2810-02 0 Coppell 2810-04 0 Lewisville Coppell 2900-01 2997 Town of Adds 2901-01 1667 Town oft Carrollton-Farmers Branch 2902-01 1402 Town of Add 2902-02 37 Dallas D12 2903-01 2528 Town of Adds *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 16 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 2904-01 14 Town of Addi 2905-01 499 Town of Addi 2910-01 74 Lewisville Coppell 2911-01 279 Lewisville Coppell 2913-01 6 Town of Addi 29A1-01 0 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 3000-01 3818 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 3001-01 227 Dallas D03 3001-02 116 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3001-03 103 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3002-01 1034 Dallas D03 3003-01 1679 Dallas D03 3004-01 1880 Dallas D03 3005-01 833 Dallas D02 Dallas DA7 3006-01 2498 Dallas D14 Dallas DA7 3006-02 755 Dallas D02 Dallas DA7 3007-01 888 Dallas D14 Dallas DA7 3007-02 372 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 3007-03 237 Dallas D14 Dallas DA7 3008-01 1 Dallas D02 Dallas DA7 3008-02 3253 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 3008-03 156 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 3008-04 0 Dallas D02 3009-01 0 Dallas D07 3010-01 516 Dallas D03 3011-01 1059 Dallas D02 Dallas DA7 3012-01 25 Dallas D07 3012-02 141 Dallas D07 3012-03 8 Dallas D05 3013-01 161 Dallas DA4 3013-02 699 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3014-01 1409 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3014-02 1833 Dallas D08 Mesquite 3015-01 292 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3015-02 2 Balch Spring BS3 Dallas DA4 3016-01 943 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 3016-02 477 Dallas D02 3016-03 515 Dallas D07 3016-04 0 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3017-01 698 Dallas D07 3018-01 1624 Dallas D07 3019-01 646 Dallas D07 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 17 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3020-01 206 Dallas D07 3021-01 961 Dallas D07 3022-01 1792 Dallas D07 3023-01 1171 Dallas D07 3024-01 1318 Dallas D07 3025-01 149 Dallas D07 3026-01 750 Dallas D07 3027-01 1214 Dallas D07 3028-01 962 Dallas D07 3029-01 919 Dallas D07 3030-01 13 Dallas DA4 3031-01 876 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3032-01 1264 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 3033-01 451 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3033-02 0 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3034-01 1352 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3035-01 1415 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3036-01 21 Dallas D04 3036-02 0 Dallas D07 Dallas DA5 3036-03 0 Dallas D07 3037-01 412 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3038-01 779 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3039-01 1957 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3040-01 1228 Dallas D04 3040-03 0 Dallas D07 3041-01 188 Dallas D04 3042-01 1354 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3043-01 1844 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3044-01 2568 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3045-01 665 Dallas D07 Dallas DA5 3045-02 0 Dallas D07 3045-03 0 Dallas D07 3046-01 2069 Dallas D04 3047-01 1403 Dallas D04 3048-01 2040 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3048-02 0 Dallas D04 3049-01 1806 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3050-01 1932 Dallas D04 Dallas DAS 3051-01 749 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3052-01 2174 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3053-01 2137 Dallas D03 3053-02 3 Dallas D03 Duncanville Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 18 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3053-03 192 Dallas D08 3053-04 0 Dallas D08 Duncanville 3054-01 2424 Dallas D03 3055-01 2122 Dallas D03 3056-01 2099 Dallas D04 3056-02 0 Dallas D03 3057-01 2138 Dallas D03 3057-02 398 Dallas D04 3058-01 1876 Dallas D03 3059-01 1094 Dallas D03 3060-01 1256 Dallas D03 3060-02 0 Dallas D08 3061-01 1414 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3062-01 2600 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3063-01 2702 Dallas D08 3063-02 0 Dallas D08 Duncanville 3063-03 498 Dallas D03 3064-01 2364 Dallas D08 3065-01 2114 Dallas D08 3066-01 1783 Dallas D08 3067-01 629 Dallas D08 3067-02 892 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3067-03 266 Dallas D08 Duncanville 3067-04 207 Dallas D03 3068-01 3691 Dallas D08 3068-02 12 Dallas D08 3068-03 0 Dallas D08 3068-04 0 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3068-05 0 Dallas D08 3068-06 14 Dallas D08 3068-07 1 Dallas D08 3069-01 1818 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3070-01 2789 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3071-01 2339 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3072-01 31 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3072-03 0 Dallas D07 Dallas DA5 3072-04 25 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3073-01 172 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3074-01 834 Dallas D08 3074-02 0 DeSoto 3075-01 107 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3075-02 8 Dallas D08 Lancaster LA6 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 19 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3075-04 68 Dallas D08 3076-01 0 Dallas D03 Cedar Hill 3076-03 0 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3077-01 2989 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3077-02 0 Dallas D03 Cedar Hill 3078-01 1991 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3078-02 817 Dallas D03 Cedar Hill 3079-01 272 Dallas D08 Mesquite 3079-02 329 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3079-04 17 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3080-01 1432 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3080-02 0 Balch Spring BS3 Dallas DA4 3081-01 1336 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 3082-01 2346 Dallas D08 3082-02 51 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3082-03 174 Dallas D05 3082-04 0 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3082-05 11 Dallas D05 3083-01 1501 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3083-02 52 Dallas DA4 3084-01 1382 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 3085-01 344 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3085-02 55 Dallas DA4 3086-01 2123 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 3086-02 864 Dallas D14 Dallas DA7 3087-01 0 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3088-01 81 Dallas D03 3089-01 125 Dallas D02 Dallas DA7 3089-02 0 Dallas D14 Dallas DA7 3090-01 1065 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 3091-01 0 Dallas D02 3092-01 1391 Dallas D03 3092-02 6 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3093-01 14 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 3094-01 0 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 3095-01 1742 Dallas D14 Dallas DA7 3095-02 553 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 3095-03 209 Dallas D14 3095-04 0 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 3096-01 1861 Dallas D14 Dallas DA5 3096-02 19 Dallas D02 Dallas DA7 3096-03 308 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 20 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3096-04 28 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 3096-05 202 Dallas D14 Dallas DA7 3097-01 148 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3098-01 241 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 3099-01 323 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 30A4-01 4 Dallas D08 Mesquite 30A6-01 0 Dallas D04 30C4-01 0 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 30T4-01 9 Dallas D08 Dallas DA4 30T4-02 2 Seagoville Dallas DA4 30T6-01 0 Dallas D04 Dallas DA7 3100-01 2183 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3100-02 14 Cedar Hill 3100-03 9 Cedar Hill 3101-01 748 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3101-02 225 DeSoto 3101-03 364 Cedar Hill DeSoto 3101-04 0 DeSoto 3101-05 4 Cedar Hill 3101-06 0 DeSoto 3101-07 55 Cedar Hill DeSoto 3101-08 0 DeSoto 3102-01 2864 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3103-01 2218 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3103-02 761 Cedar Hill Duncanville 3104-01 2555 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3105-01 2386 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3105-02 103 Cedar Hill Duncanville 3105-03 0 Duncanville DU1 Cedar Hill 3106-01 3550 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3107-01 2440 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3108-01 2425 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3109-01 3805 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3109-02 0 Grand Prairie Cedar Hill 3109-03 0 Grand Prairie Cedar Hill 3110-01 3008 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3111-01 5 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3111-02 0 Cedar Hill Duncanville 3111-03 0 Dallas D03 Duncanville 3112-01 49 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3113-01 7 Grand Prairie Cedar Hill 3114-01 0 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 21 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3115-01 2112 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 3115-02 118 Cedar Hill Duncanville 3116-01 9 Dallas D07 3117-01 0 Dallas D02 3117-02 35 Dallas D07 3119-01 0 Duncanville Duncanville 31 A4-01 0 Dallas D03 Cedar Hill 31 A5-01 0 Duncanville Cedar Hill 3200-01 1987 Duncanville 131.11 Duncanville 3200-02 72 Duncanville DUI Cedar Hill 3201-01 1300 Duncanville Duncanville 3201-02 360 Duncanville Duncanville 3201-03 0 Duncanville Cedar Hill 3202-01 2082 Duncanville Duncanville 3202-02 23 Duncanville 3203-01 1603 Duncanville Duncanville 3203-02 323 Duncanville DU1 Duncanville 3204-01 2172 Duncanville DU3 Duncanville 3204-02 366 Duncanville Duncanville 3205-01 1638 Duncanville Duncanville 3206-01 2331 Duncanville DU1 Duncanville 3207-01 2158 Duncanville Duncanville 3207-02 456 Duncanville DU1 Duncanville 3208-01 1516 Duncanville DU3 Duncanville 3208-02 281 Duncanville DU5 Duncanville 3208-03 0 Duncanville Duncanville 3209-01 183 Duncanville DU1 Duncanville 3210-01 1993 Duncanville DU5 Duncanville 3210-02 0 Duncanville Duncanville 3211-01 1387 Duncanville DU5 Duncanville 32AO-01 0 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 32A1-01 0 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 32C1-01 0 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 32TO-01 0 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 32T1-01 0 Duncanville Cedar Hill 3304-01 2054 Mesquite 3304-02 0 Mesquite 3304-03 715 Mesquite 3305-01 3977 Mesquite 3305-02 0 Mesquite 3306-01 1374 Mesquite 3306-02 311 Mesquite *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 22 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3307-01 1960 Mesquite 3308-01 2214 Mesquite 3308-02 0 Balch Spring BS5 Mesquite 3309-01 1848 Mesquite 3309-02 0 Mesquite 3309-03 0 Balch Spring Mesquite 3310-01 2778 Mesquite 3310-02 13 Mesquite 3311-01 2274 Mesquite 3312-01 3072 Mesquite 3313-01 3220 Mesquite 3314-01 1707 Mesquite 3314-02 1916 Mesquite 3315-01 715 Mesquite 3315-02 681 Mesquite 3316-01 1136 Mesquite 3316-02 1524 Mesquite 3317-01 2603 Mesquite 3317-02 238 Mesquite 3317-03 0 Balch Spring BS7 Mesquite 3317-06 0 Mesquite 3318-01 1526 Mesquite 3319-01 125 Seagoville Mesquite 3321-01 0 Dallas D08 Mesquite 3325-01 1811 Mesquite 3325-02 28 Mesquite 3327-01 3 Mesquite 3328-01 45 Mesquite 3500-02 3 Mesquite 3500-03 3991 Town of Sun Sunnyvale 3501-01 0 Dallas D09 Sunnyvale 3501-03 9 Town of Sun Sunnyvale 3503-01 1232 Town of Sun Sunnyvale 3504-01 1171 Town of Sun Sunnyvale 3600-01 1418 Desoto 3600-02 774 DeSoto Duncanville 3600-04 9 Duncanville Duncanville 3601-01 1968 DeSoto Duncanville 3601-02 36 DeSoto Desoto 3602-01 651 DeSoto DeSoto 3603-01 238 DeSoto Duncanville 3603-02 25 DeSoto DeSoto *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 23 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3604-01 2608 DeSoto Desoto 3605-01 2122 DeSoto DeSoto 3606-01 2163 DeSoto DeSoto 3606-02 45 DeSoto 3607-01 3920 DeSoto DeSoto 3608-01 3361 DeSoto DeSoto 3609-01 1549 DeSoto DeSoto 3609-02 1808 DeSoto DeSoto 3610-01 241 DeSoto DeSoto 3610-02 281 DeSoto DeSoto 3611-01 1122 DeSoto DeSoto 3612-01 2423 DeSoto DeSoto 3612-02 612 DeSoto DeSoto 3613-01 665 DeSoto DeSoto 3614-01 578 DeSoto DeSoto 3614-02 307 DeSoto DeSoto 3615-01 2438 DeSoto DeSoto 3616-01 777 DeSoto DeSoto 3617-01 2407 DeSoto DeSoto 3618-01 859 DeSoto DeSoto 3618-02 1 DeSoto DeSoto 3619-01 265 DeSoto DeSoto 3620-01 1366 Desoto DeSoto 3621-01 621 DeSoto DeSoto 3701-01 0 Garland Garland 3701-02 0 Rowlett Garland 3701-03 5 Garland 3701-04 3 Sachse Garland 3702-01 1 Dallas D09 Garland 3702-03 337 Garland 3702-04 8 Rowlett Garland 3800-02 2084 Lancaster LA3 3 800-04 1727 Lancaster LA3 3800-06 0 Dallas D08 3802-01 2053 Lancaster LA3 3 802-02 1616 Lancaster LA6 3802-03 112 Lancaster LA3 Lancaster LA3 3803-03 558 Lancaster LA3 3805-02 1966 Lancaster LA5 3805-03 1108 Lancaster LA5 3806-01 913 Lancaster LA5 3806-02 122 Lancaster LA1 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 24 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3807-02 810 Lancaster LA1 3807-03 187 Lancaster LA1 3807-04 470 Lancaster LA5 3807-06 88 Lancaster LA1 Lancaster LA6 3807-07 193 Lancaster LA1 3808-01 1244 Lancaster LA1 3808-02 165 Lancaster LA1 3808-06 1095 Lancaster LA1 Lancaster LA6 3 808-07 1126 LM 1 3808-08 105 Lancaster LA3 Lancaster LA6 3808-09 0 Dallas DA5 3808-12 0 Lancaster LA1 Dallas DA5 3808-13 0 Lancaster LA3 Lancaster LA6 3809-01 280 Lancaster LA3 Lancaster LA6 3809-02 98 Lancaster LA1 3809-03 10 Lancaster LA1 Lancaster LA6 3809-05 0 Lancaster LA6 3900-01 3244 DeSoto 3920-01 151 Dallas DA4 3920-02 1973 Seagoville Dallas DA4 3920-03 345 Combine Dallas DA4 3920-04 0 Dallas DA4 3920-05 2 Dallas DA4 3920-06 2 Dallas DA4 3920-07 9 Dallas DA4 3920-08 0 Dallas DA4 3921-01 4351 Seagoville Dallas DA4 3921-02 1361 Seagoville Mesquite 3921-03 0 Mesquite 3922-01 89 Seagoville Dallas DA4 3940-01 208 Dallas DA5 3940-02 2343 Wilmer Dallas DA5 3940-03 80 Ferris 3940-04 0 Lancaster LA1 Dallas DA5 3940-05 0 Dallas DA5 3940-06 0 Wilmer 3940-07 0 Ferris 3940-08 6 Wilmer Ferris 3940-09 0 Hutchins Lancaster LA6 3940-11 35 Lancaster LA1 3940-12 0 Dallas DA5 3940-13 0 Lancaster LA3 Lancaster LA6 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 25 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3940-14 0 Lancaster IA1 Ferris 3940-16 0 Hutchins Dallas DA5 3940-17 0 Ferris 3940-34 0 Wilmer Ferris 3940-36 7 Dallas DA5 3940-37 2 Dallas DA5 3940-38 2 Ferris 3950-01 2351 Hutchins Dallas DA5 3950-02 71 Dallas DA5 3950-03 0 Hutchins Lancaster LA6 3950-04 0 Dallas DA5 3950-05 0 Dallas D08 Dallas DA5 3950-06 0 Dallas DA5 3951-01 3395 Desoto 3952-01 266 DeSoto Desoto 3960-01 3221 Rowlett Garland 3960-02 296 Garland 3960-04 0 Dallas D09 Garland 3960-05 7 Garland 3961-01 2702 Rowlett Garland 3961-02 0 Garland Garland 3962-01 5202 Rowlett Garland 3963-01 2353 Rowlett Garland 3963-02 0 Dallas D09 Garland 3963-03 34 Garland 3963-04 0 Dallas D09 Garland 3963-05 5 Garland 3963-06 0 Garland 3963-07 2 Garland 3963-08 5 Garland 3964-01 2251 Rowlett Garland 3964-02 0 Dallas D09 Garland 3965-01 3311 Rowlett Garland 3966-01 3738 Rowlett Garland 3967-01 1513 Rowlett Garland 3968-01 3913 Rowlett Garland 3969-01 2790 Rowlett Garland 3969-02 0 Dallas D09 Garland 3970-01 0 Dallas D09 Garland 3970-02 3349 Rowlett Garland 3971-01 3070 Rowlett Garland 3980-01 3859 Sachse Garland *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 26 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 3981-01 1545 Sachse Garland 3982-01 3616 Sachse Garland 3982-02 477 Garland 3982-03 370 Wylie Garland 3982-07 13 Garland 3982-08 355 Wylie Garland 3982-09 30 Garland 3983-01 2123 Sachse Garland 3983-02 196 Wylie Garland 3984-01 1400 Sachse Garland 4000-01 430 Dallas D06 4000-02 23 Dallas D06 Carrollton-Farmers Branch 4001-01 879 Dallas D06 4001-02 59 Dallas D13 4001-03 349 Dallas D13 4002-01 1011 Dallas D13 4003-01 342 Dallas D06 4003-02 0 Dallas D06 4003-03 17 Dallas D13 4004-01 1194 Dallas D06 4004-02 0 Dallas D13 4004-03 616 Dallas D13 4005-01 865 Dallas D13 4006-01 1252 Dallas D13 4007-01 180 Dallas D13 4008-01 671 Dallas D06 4009-01 1544 Dallas D06 4010-01 1315 Dallas D06 4011-01 808 Dallas D06 4012-01 94 Dallas D06 4013-01 313 Dallas D13 4014-01 1913 Dallas D13 4015-01 1522 Dallas D06 4016-01 1506 Dallas D02 4017-01 420 Dallas D13 4018-01 1124 Dallas D13 4019-01 1487 Dallas D02 4019-02 785 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 4020-01 854 Dallas D02 4020-02 197 Dallas D13 4021-01 1762 Dallas D02 4021-02 196 Dallas D02 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 27 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4021-03 327 Dallas D02 4022-01 1292 Dallas D02 4023-01 1 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 4024-01 2255 Dallas D06 Dallas DA5 4024-02 2 Dallas D06 4025-01 376 Dallas D06 4025-02 0 Dallas D06 4026-01 46 Dallas D06 4026-02 108 Dallas D06 4027-01 375 Dallas D06 4028-01 969 Dallas D06 4028-02 126 Dallas D06 4029-01 18 Dallas D06 4030-01 25 Dallas D06 4031-01 2100 Dallas D06 Dallas DA5 4031-02 117 Dallas D06 4031-03 80 Dallas D06 Dallas DA7 4031-04 134 Dallas D06 4033-01 1918 Dallas D06 Dallas DA7 4033-02 0 Dallas D02 Dallas DA7 4035-01 529 Dallas D01 Dallas DAS 4035-02 350 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4035-03 112 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4035-04 41 Dallas D01 Dallas DA5 4036-01 799 Dallas D04 4036-02 34 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4037-01 191 Dallas D04 4038-01 2025 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4039-01 629 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4040-01 764 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4041-01 613 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4043-01 1272 Dallas D04 4044-01 1220 Dallas D04 4046-01 1355 Dallas D04 4047-01 916 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4048-01 8 Dallas D04 4049-01 0 Dallas D03 Duncanville 4049-02 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4049-03 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4050-01 4091 Dallas D03 Duncanville 4051-01 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4051-02 0 Dallas D03 Duncanville *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 28 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4051-03 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie GP6 4052-01 4228 Dallas D03 Duncanville 4052-02 0 Dallas D03 Dallas DA7 4052-03 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4053-01 194 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4053-02 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4053-03 268 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4053-04 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4054-01 574 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4055-01 1313 Dallas D03 4055-02 480 Dallas D03 4055-03 806 Dallas D01 4055-04 0 Dallas D03 4056-01 2487 Dallas D03 4056-02 269 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4057-01 1731 Dallas D04 4058-01 1002 Dallas D04 Dallas DA7 4059-01 437 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4059-02 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4059-03 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4060-01 2398 Dallas D03 Dallas DA7 4060-02 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4060-03 0 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4060-04 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4060-08 17 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4060-09 26 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4061-01 2564 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4062-01 1986 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4063-01 2365 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4063-02 614 Dallas D01 Dallas DA5 4065-01 801 Dallas D06 4065-02 0 Dallas D06 Grand Prairie 4066-01 1258 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4067-01 2065 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4068-01 2012 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4069-01 3102 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4070-01 1733 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4071-01 335 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4072-01 324 Dallas D04 Dallas DA7 4073-01 1464 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4074-01 2620 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4075-01 1347 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 29 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4076-01 1734 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4076-02 1017 Dallas D01 4077-01 976 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4078-01 1774 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4079-01 3708 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4080-01 696 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4081-01 3150 Dallas D06 4081-02 232 Dallas D06 Irving IR7 4081-03 335 Dallas D06 4081-04 0 Dallas D06 Grand Prairie 4081-05 0 Dallas D06 4082-01 2194 Dallas D06 4083-01 1337 Dallas D06 4084-01 627 Dallas D06 4085-01 954 Dallas D06 4086-01 98 Dallas D06 4086-02 2 Dallas D06 4086-03 2905 Dallas D02 4086-05 0 Irving 4087-01 924 Dallas D06 4087-02 1 Dallas D02 4088-01 395 Dallas D06 4090-01 113 Dallas D03 4091-01 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4091-02 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4092-01 170 Dallas D13 4093-01 45 Dallas D03 4093-02 14 Dallas D03 Duncanville 4094-01 373 Dallas D13 4094-02 134 Dallas D13 4095-01 53 Dallas D13 4096-01 15 Dallas D13 4097-01 977 Dallas D06 4098-01 37 Dallas D13 4099-01 1251 Dallas D13 40A2-01 0 Dallas D13 40A3-01 0 Dallas D06 Dallas DA7 4100-01 26 Dallas D02 Dallas DA5 4101-01 167 Dallas D06 Dallas DA5 4107-01 134 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4108-01 59 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4109-01 55 Dallas D04 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 30 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4110-01 969 Dallas D04 4111-01 362 Dallas D03 4112-01 143 Dallas D03 Dallas DA7 4112-02 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie 4113-01 2231 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4114-01 1745 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4115-01 335 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4116-01 0 Dallas D06 Dallas DA7 4116-02 26 Dallas D06 4117-01 148 Dallas D06 Dallas DA5 4118-01 0 Dallas D02 4119-01 1 Dallas D06 4120-01 643 Dallas D06 4122-01 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4125-01 0 Dallas D06 4126-01 1318 Dallas D13 4126-02 188 Dallas D13 Highland Park 4126-03 28 Dallas D13 4127-01 504 Dallas D13 4128-01 1279 Dallas D13 4129-01 1381 Dallas D13 4129-02 409 Dallas D13 Highland Park 4130-01 1714 Dallas D13 4131-01 562 Dallas D02 4131-02 866 Dallas D02 4135-01 1578 Dallas D02 4141-01 138 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4143-01 129 Dallas D04 Dallas DA5 4145-01 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4145-02 0 Dallas D03 Duncanville 4147-01 52 Dallas D06 4149-01 133 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4152-01 1 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4153-01 85 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4157-01 272 Dallas D03 4157-02 64 Dallas D01 Dallas DA7 4161-01 979 Dallas D03 Duncanville 4161-02 0 Dallas D03 4161-03 0 Dallas D03 4166-01 4 Dallas D03 Dallas DA7 41A1-01 0 Dallas D06 4300-01 1500 Cockrell Hill Dallas DA7 "Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 31 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4500-01 578 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4500-02 1965 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie GP6 4501-01 806 Grand Prairie GP4 Grand Prairie 4501-02 1545 Grand Prairie GP4 Grand Prairie GP6 4502-01 3453 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie GP6 4503-01 5371 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4503-02 152 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4504-01 1379 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4505-01 751 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4505-02 1071 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4505-03 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4505-04 28 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4505-05 210 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4506-01 1382 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4506-02 173 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4507-01 852 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4507-02 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4507-03 270 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4508-01 584 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4508-02 45 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4509-01 1450 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4509-02 166 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4510-01 2247 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4511-01 971 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4511-02 391 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4511-03 540 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4512-01 1254 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4513-01 1518 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4513-02 1026 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4513-03 32 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4513-04 10 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4514-01 1361 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4514-02 50 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4515-01 2255 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4516-01 45 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4516-02 0 Grand Prairie 4516-03 0 Grand Prairie Dallas DA7 4517-01 2812 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4518-01 773 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4518-02 1208 Grand Prairie Irving IR5 4519-01 3286 Grand Prairie G132 Grand Prairie GP6 4519-02 0 Dallas Doi Grand Prairie GP6 Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 32 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4520-01 1191 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4521-01 1373 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie GP6 4521-02 1358 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4521-03 1106 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4521-04 637 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4521-05 0 Dallas D03 Grand Prairie GP6 4522-01 939 Grand Prairie Cedar Hill 4522-02 3210 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie GP6 4522-03 3 Grand Prairie GP4 Grand Prairie GP6 4523-01 700 Grand Prairie Cedar Hill 4525-01 1355 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4527-01 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4527-02 3 Grand Prairie Irving IR7 4527-03 820 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4527-04 965 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4527-05 0 Grand Prairie Irving IR7 4527-06 0 Grand Prairie Irving IR7 4528-01 0 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie GP6 4529-01 720 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie GP6 4530-01 319 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4531-01 206 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4531-02 238 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4531-03 141 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4532-01 246 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4532-02 74 Grand Prairie GP2 Grand Prairie 4533-01 1145 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4534-01 112 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4535-01 931 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4536-01 51 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4537-01 4 Grand Prairie Cedar Hill 4538-01 886 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4539-01 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4541-01 0 Grand Prairie G132 Grand Prairie GP6 4542-01 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie GP6 4554-01 67 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4555-01 49 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4557-01 0 Irving Irving IR7 4558-01 0 Irving Irving IR7 4559-01 0 Irving Grand Prairie 4600-01 1804 Irving Irving IR5 4600-02 2 Irving Grand Prairie 4600-03 496 Irving Irving IR7 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 33 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4601-01 3800 Irving Irving IR7 4602-01 2000 Irving Irving IR7 4603-01 62 Irving 4604-01 3034 Irving Irving IR7 4605-01 2432 Irving Irving IRS 4606-01 1822 Irving Irving IR7 4606-02 945 Irving IR1 Irving IR7 4607-01 1797 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4608-01 3202 Irving Irving IRS 4608-02 104 Irving Grand Prairie 4609-01 1470 Irving Irving IRS 4609-02 128 Irving Irving IRS 4609-03 0 Irving IR7 4609-04 0 Irving 4610-01 1175 Irving Irving IR6 4610-02 871 Irving IR1 4610-03 99 Irving Irving IRS 4610-04 0 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4611-01 1199 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4611-02 453 Irving IR1 4611-03 46 Irving IR1 4612-01 310 Irving IR1 4613-01 691 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4613-02 84 Irving IR7 Irving IR6 4614-01 527 Irving IR7 Irving IR6 4615-01 167 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4615-02 52 Irving IR7 Irving IR6 4616-01 1296 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4617-01 179 Irving IR1 4618-01 496 Irving IR7 4619-01 1318 Irving IR7 4620-01 1410 Irving IR1 4620-02 276 Irving 4621-01 2879 Irving 4621-02 571 Irving 4621-03 0 Irving Irving IRS 4622-01 831 Irving 4622-02 1041 Irving 4623-01 2409 Irving IR7 4624-01 1634 Irving IR7 4625-01 1361 Irving 4625-02 465 Irving IR7 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 34 of 36 Pct-Sub Rea.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4626-01 1040 Irving 4626-02 1593 Irving IR7 4627-01 2780 Irving 4627-02 1200 Irving 4628-01 1541 Irving 4628-02 160 Irving 4629-01 697 Irving IR7 4629-02 403 Irving IR7 4630-01 799 Irving 4630-02 535 Irving IR7 4631-01 951 Irving IR7 4631-02 132 Irving IR7 4632-01 122 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 4632-02 1259 Irving 4632-03 332 Irving Coppell 4632-04 0 Irving 4632-05 370 Irving IR7 4632-06 0 Irving 4632-10 0 Irving 4633-01 906 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 4634-01 2922 Irving 4634-02 727 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 4639-01 544 Irving IR7 4640-01 2178 Irving IR7 4640-02 215 Irving IR7 4641-01 548 Irving IR7 4642-01 162 Irving IR7 4644-01 0 Irving 4644-02 22 Irving Coppell 4644-03 0 Irving Carrollton-Farmers Branch 4644-04 0 Irving 4644-05 0 Irving 4644-06 0 Irving Coppell 4646-01 552 Irving 4646-02 24 Irving 4646-03 0 Dallas D06 4646-04 0 Irving 4646-06 0 Dallas D06 4648-01 1870 Irving As 4649-01 80 Irving Irving IR7 4651-01 83 Irving Irving IR7 4652-01 682 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 35 of 36 Pct-Sub Reg.Voters City City District ISD ISD District Water 4652-02 72 Irving IR1 Irving IR7 4653-01 117 Irving IR7 4654-01 723 Irving IR1 4654-02 277 Irving IR1 Irving IRIS 4654-03 197 Irving Irving IRIS 4655-01 47 Irving IR1 Irving IRIS 4656-01 144 Irving IR1 Irving IRIS 4657-01 99 Irving IR7 Irving IRIS 4658-01 92 Irving IR7 Irving IR6 4659-01 228 Irving IR7 4660-01 41 Irving IR7 4661-01 816 Irving IR1 Irving IRIS 4661-02 187 Irving IR1 4662-01 252 Irving 4662-02 60 Irving IR1 Irving IRIS 4662-03 1 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4663-01 0 Irving 4664-01 725 Irving 4664-02 0 Irving IR7 4664-03 485 Irving 4665-01 0 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4667-01 0 Irving IR1 4667-02 0 Irving 4673-01 0 Irving 4674-01 0 Irving Irving IR5 4675-01 131 Irving IR1 Irving IR6 4677-01 824 Irving Coppell 4677-02 0 Irving Coppell 4678-01 191 Irving *Information as of February 19,2025-subject to changes Page 36 of 36 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Attachment F- Participating Political Subdivisions May 3, 2025 -Joint&Special Election Line Entity Name Contact Email Fax Mailing Address City Zip Code Office Address 1 Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Brian Moersch PO Box 115186 Carrollton 75011 1445 N.Perry Rd.Carrollton,TX 75006 2 Cedar Hill ISD Courtney Lackey-Wilson Courtnev.Lackev-Wilson@chisd.net 285 Uptown Blvd,bldg.N300 Cedar Hill 75104 285 Uptown Blvd.Bldg.100 Cedar Hill,TX 75104 Diana Dominguez Dana.Dom ineue: h,scl—t Tierney Tinnin Tiernea.TInZ;chisd.net Paula McBride Paula.MCBndecwchisd.net 3 City of Balch Springs Cindy Gross r 13503 Alexander Rd. Balch Springs 75181 13503 Alexander Rd.Balch Springs,TX 75181 4 City of Cedar Hill Belinda Berg eelinda.Bera6cedamilltx.com 972-291-5199 285 Uptown Blvd.Bldg.100 Cedar Hill 75104 285 Uptown Blvd.Bldg.100 Cedar Hill,TX 75104 5 City of Cockrell Hill Bret Haney 1 4125 W.Clarendon Dr. Dallas 75211 4125 W.Clarendon Dr.Dallas,TX 75211 6 City of Combine Robin Price Cmaacombinea.com 1D0 Davis Rd. Combine 75159 100 Davis Rd.Combine,TX 75159 7 City of Dallas Bilierae Johnson 1500 Marilla St.,5DS Dallas 75201 1500 Marilla St.Dallas,Tx 75201 8 City of DeSoto Alicia Thomas AThomao#desototexas.xov 972-230-5793 211 E.Pleasant Run,Ste.A Desoto 75115 211 E.Pleasant Run,Ste.A Desoto,TX 75115 9 City of Duncanville Chiquita Taylor MOMW 203 E.Wheatland Rd. Duncanville 75116 203 E.Wheatland Rd.Duncanville,TX 75116 30 City of Farmers Branch Stacy Henderson Stacv.Henderson@farmersbranchta.aov 972-919-2514 13000 William Dodson Pkwy. Farmers Branch 75234 13000 William Dodson Pkwy.Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Erin Flores Erin.Ro—Ofarmersbranchtx.auv 11 City of Garland Jennifer Stubbs J -2 L PO Box 469002 Garland 75040 200 N.Fifth St.Garland,TX 75040 12 City of Hutchins Cynthia Olguin 972-225-5559 PO Box 500 Hutchins 75141 321 North Main St.Hutchins,TX 75141 13 City of Grand Prairie Mona Lisa Galicia 972-237-Bone 300 W.Main St. Grand Prairie 75050 300 W.Main St.Grand Prairie,TX 75050 Gloria Covin 14 City of Irving Shanae lennings srennmas@citvofirvi Aore 825 W.Irving Blvd. Irving 75060 825 W.Irving Blvd.Irving,TX 75060 15 City of Lancaster Angie O.Arenas 16 City of Lewisville Jennifer Malone 1Malone�citvo8ewisvdle.com 972-219-3410 PO Box 299002 Lewisville 75029 151 West Church St.Lewisville,TX 75057 17 City of Richardson Aimee Neemer 6ftl3Lh9M2Ee2XJ= PO Box 830309 Richardson 75083 2360 Campbell Creek Blvd,#525 Richardson,TX 75082 18 City of Rowlett Debbie Sorensen DS—risenh+rowlen.com 972.412-6118 40DO Main St. Rowlett 75089 400 Main St.Rowlett,TX 75089 19 City of Sachse Leah Granger t 3815 Sachse Rd.,Building B Sachse 75048 3815 Sachse Rd.,Building B Sachse,TX 75048 20 City of Seagoville Sara Egan SE-05eaaoville.us 972-287-3891 702 N.Hwy.175 Seagoville 75159 702 N.Hwy.175 Seagoville,TX 75159 21 City of Wilmer Susie Quinn 128 N.Dallas Ave. Wilmer 75172 128 N.Dallas Ave.Wilmer,TX 75172 22 City of Wylie Stephanie Storm Steohanie.Stormcawvlietexas.aov 972-516-6026 300 Country Club Rd,Building 100,SSt FI Wylie 75098 300 Country Club Rd.,Building 1D0,Wylie,TX 75098 23 Coppell ISO Carol Snowden 200 S.Denton Tap Rd. Coppell 75019 2D05.Denton Tap Rd Coppell,TX 75019 24 Dallas ISD Shantell Grant SGrantgDdallasisd.ora 5151 Samuell Blvd.Ste.250 Dallas 75228 5151 Samuell Blvd.Ste.250 Dallas,TX 75228 Tamara Jordan TJordan9Ddallasisd.ora 25 DeSoto ISD Silvia Martinez 50,10.1varum0desotaiad.ma 200 E.Beltline Rd. Desoto 75115 2D0 E.Beltline Rd.Desoto,TX 75115 Michelle Neely 26 Duncanville ISD Brandy Mayo BMavo@duncanvilleisd.ora 972-780-2020 710 S Cedar Ridge Dr Duncanville 75137 710 S Cedar Ridge Dr.Duncanville,TX 75137 Jody Lofton noftonec[uncanvineisd.ora 27 Garland ISD Mechelle Hogan 5015.Jupiter Rd. Garland 75042 501 S.Jupiter Rd.Garland,TX 75042 28 Grand Prairie ISD Debbie Torres 972-327-5533 2602 South Belt Line Rd. Grand Prairie 75052 2602 South Belt Line Rd.Grand Prairie,TX 75052 29 Highland Park ISD Scott Drillette Dr1hesnhasd.mx 6915 Westchester Dr. Dallas 75205 6915 Westcher Dr.Dallas,TX 75205 Halley Dalrym o 30 Lancaster ISD Sonja Brown SoniaBr—Mancasterisd.ora 422 S.Centre Avenue Lancaster 75146 422 S.Centre Avenue Lancaster,TX 75146 31 Mesquite ISD Linda Samples 3819 Towne Crossing Blvd. Mesquite 75150 3819 Towne Crossing Blvd.Mesquite,TX 75150 32 Richardson ISD David Pate DavidTate@risd.orR 400 S Greenville Ave. Richardson 75081 400 S Greenville Ave.Richardson,TX 75081 Wendy Evans wendv.Evans2@nsd.ore 33 Town of Addison Valencia Garcia PO Box 9010 Addison 75001 5300 Belt Line Rd.Dallas,TX 75254 34 Town of Sunnyvale Rachel Ramsey Rachel,Ramsev@townofsunnwale.ora 127 N.Collins Rd. Sunnyvale 75182 127 N.Collins Rd.Sunnyvale,TX 75182 35 Sunnyvale ISD Becky Gilmore 417 E.Tripp Rd. Sunnyvale 75182 427 E.Tripp Rd.Sunnyvale,TX 75182 36 Ferris ISD Loreen Harbour LHarbour�ferdsisd.ora 972-544-3858 301 E.Sth St. Ferris 75125 301 E.5th St.Ferris,TX 75125 37 Lancaster MUD 1 Judy Marcantel 1 1330 Post Oak Blvd.Ste.2650 Houston 77056 1330 Post Oak Blvd.Ste.2650 Houston,TX 77056 38 Northwest Dallas County Flood Control District 1 Pete Eckert 972-243-5838 3960 Broadway Blvd.Ste.220-0 Garland 75043 3960 Broadway Blvd.Ste.220-0 Garland,TX 75043