10-15-2009 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Board Meeting
October 15, 2009 - 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Chairman Stewart Matthews. Members in attendance
were Vice Chairman Polly Harrison, board members Ashley Burt and Kathy Spillyards and Erin
Dougherty. Board members Thomas Gaudreau and Alvaro Salinas were absent.
Staff present included Craig Kelly, Public Information Officer and Carole Ehrlich, Board
• Wylie Arts Festival Committee Reports. (Committee Chairs)
Committee Summaries
Committee chairs for the Wylie Arts Festival gave a brief update on the work completed for those
Fine Art ad High End Crafts Committee: Ashley Burt, committee chair, reported that there were now
32 booths confirmed with an additional 4-5 that had committed. She reported the booths were varied
vendors both fine artists and hand crafters. She reported that by the deadline of October 31st, it was
expected that the event would have between 40 and 50 booths confirmed. There were also
submissions from the Lion's Club for a concession stand with corny dogs, hamburgers, sweets and a
variety of hot drinks and an application for a kettle corn concession stand.
Volunteers Committee: Erin Dougherty reported that she was gathering numbers on how many
volunteers would be required for the day and what functions they would provide. She reported that it
would be a good idea to provide each volunteer with an Arts Festival T-shirt to thank them for their
participation and to denote them as volunteers within the event.
Sponsorship and Publicity Committee: Committee member Alvaro Salinas was absent but sent a
report showing four committed sponsors. Craig Kelly reported that he had been working on the "Gold"
sponsors but had not received any applications as of the meeting.
Entertainment/Performing Arts: Polly Harrison, committee chair, reported that there were 25 time
slots confirmed for entertainment for the event. She noted that they included performing artists, singers
and dancers. They also included some of the WISD campuses. Craig Kelly and Carole Ehrlich reported
that the Christmas Parade would take place at 5:30 p.m. or at dusk and would gather people
downtown. Once the parade was ended, attendees would be directed back to the park for shopping
and the official Christmas Tree Lighting. One of the choirs from the First Baptist Church would be on
hand to sing during the lighting of the tree.
Festive Food Vendors
Food Vendor Chair Spillyards reported that there were five food demonstrations committed to the event. Those
included: Chef Michael Weinstein, The Dread Head Chef; Donna & Heather Porterfield, RLP Farms, Venus, TX-
Artisan Goat Cheese, and Chef Cammie Spillyards, Director of Culinary Development, Chili's (Brinker
International) and the WISD Culinary Arts Department.
• Discussion regarding the timeline for selection of artist(s) for the
Founder's Park Art Project. .(C. Ehrlich, Board liaison)
Executive Summary
Staff liaison Ehrlich reported that a timeline for the selection of artists for Founder's Park CIP Art project was
scheduled. The process started with a pare down of finalists on October 12, 2009. Ms. Ehrlich reviewed with the
board the presentations by all artists and reported the semi-finalists that included Josh Garber, Ellwood Risk and
Bosmat Niron. These artists will present additional presentations on October 28, 2009 to rank the three finalist in
order of preference (selection panel) and October 29, 2009 (PAAB)recommendations. Final approval of the art
design and contract will be considered at the City Council in either December 2009 or January 2010. The council
members will be invited to all panel and board meetings to view semi-finalists presentations.
• Discussion and update regarding the Fire Station #3 Art Project and
100% Anniversary Celebration of the Wylie Fire Department.(C. Ehrlich,
Board liaison)
Executive Summary
Board liaison Ehrlich reported that Larry Enge and Charlotte Lindsey (Montage 48/61) had completed two of the
six art panels for the Fire Station#3 art project. She reviewed the completed panels with the board. She explained
that the 100th Anniversary would be celebrated on October 24, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.at the First Baptist Church Esent
Center at 200 North Ballard Avenue. She presented invitations to all board members and reported that each
completed panel would be on display at the event along with the final design of the wall.
• Discussion and update regarding the Call for Artists for the Wylie
Municipal Complex CIP Art Projects. .(C. Ehrlich, Board liaison)
Executive Summary
Board liaison Ehrlich reported that the Call for Artists has been posted on the Public Art Network which notifies
800-1,000 artists. She reviewed the final call with board members and provided a copy of the final call in the
packet. She reported that it was anticipated there would be hundreds of submissions due to the requests
received for the call and additional information.
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1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the September 24, 2009
Public Arts Advisory Board minutes. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison)
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Burt, seconded by board member Spillyards to approve the
PAAB minutes from September 24, 2009 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0
with board members Gaudreau and Salinas absent.
2. Consider and act upon the final budget for the new Wylie Municipal Complex
CIP Art Projects.
Executive Summary
Board liaison Ehrlich presented the final budget for the new Wylie Municipal Complex CIP Art Project. She
reported that the numbers were close estimates and staff would try and work within the line items. She noted
that the board has reviewed the budget for the Wylie Municipal Complex previously and staff has made only
small changes. She explained that the budget is set for two art sites and has been included in the packet. Staff
requests approval of the proposed budget.
Board Discussion
PAAB members reviewed the line items within the budget and discussed very limited consulting on these
projects. Board liaison Ehrlich stated that she would contact art consultant Sharon Leeber to provide a cost for
very limited consulting which she would bring back to the board for consideration and possible approval.
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Dougherty, seconded by board member Spillyards to approve
the proposed budget for the Wylie Municipal Complex Art Projects subject to any changes required,
with board approval. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0
With no further business before the Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board, a motion was made by board
member Dougherty, seconded by board member Spillyards to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.
Next board meeting is scheduled for October 29, 2009.
Stewart Matthews, Chair
arole Eh ich, Secretary
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