10-26-2009 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, October 26, 2009—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
Board Members present were: Chairwoman Anne Hiney, Vice-chair Donna Larson,
Brandi Lafleur, Gary Robas, and Jim Ward.
Board Members absent were: Dan Chesnut and Eddie Rodgers.
Staff members present were: Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Recreation
Superintendent Robert Diaz and Parks & Recreation Administrative Secretary Sara
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 31, 2009 special
called meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Lafleur motioned to pass the August 31, 2009 minutes and Vice-chair
Larson seconded. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
Minutes—October 26,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 28, 2009 meeting.
Board Action:
Vice-chair Larson motioned to pass the September 28, 2009 minutes and Board
Member Lafleur seconded. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
3. Confirm the parks tour scheduled on October 31, 2009 at 9:00 am.
Staff/Board Discussion:
The Parks and Recreation Board and Staff will be touring local parks and city properties
on Saturday, October 31, 2009. Board Member Ward inquired about the length of time
needed. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson estimated the tour to take three hours. Board
Chair Hiney requested a list of park amenities and acreage be provided prior to the tour
for Board review. Staff will email a list of the sites acreage and amenities before Friday,
October 30, 2009.
4. Discuss and confirm date for the Park Board Meeting in November 2009.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the Board. It was
discussed due to vacation and scheduling conflicts that the Parks and Recreation Board
will meet on the third Monday, November 16, 2009.
5. Discuss and confirm date for the Park Board Meeting in December 2009.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the Board. It was
discussed due to vacation and scheduling conflicts that the Parks and Recreation Board
will meet on the second Monday, December 14, 2009.
6. Update on the 4B Sales Tax Revenue.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson presented the 4B Sales Tax Revenue and Expenditure
Report to the Board. The total budgeted from 4B Sales Tax Revenue is $1,479,420.00.
The remaining revenue less expenses is projected to be $227,327.87. These funds are
unavailable for new spending due to the possible decrease in sales tax revenue.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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7. Discuss disc golf courses in regard to costs, design, location(s), and funding options.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the Board.
Chairwoman Hiney stated that rubber mats would not be necessary to include in the
design concept of a disc golf course. The possible disc golf sites have been narrowed
down to the Corps of Engineers Property at Lake Lavon and Wylie's Oncor/Lavon Park.
Board Member Ward stated that it would be more cost effective to go with an eighteen
hole course. Vice-chair Larson stated the dual purpose of creating a disc golf course and
dog park at Oncor/Lavon Park. Chairwoman Hiney stated the number of tee signs
should be reduced from the proposed design concept. Vice-chair Larson stated
preference towards a premium course design and tee signs with budget conscious
8. Discuss new football amenities at Community Park in regard to costs and funding
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the Board. The Board
reviewed and discussed costs for a new press box, scoreboards, and goal posts. Board
member Hiney and Board Member Robas stated their interest in replacing the amenities
at both football fields as opposed to upgrading only one field. Vice-chair Larson
requested hiring a local company that can construct the goal posts in an effort to cut
costs and promote Wylie businesses. Board Member Hiney stated adding the football
amenities as add alternate items to the Community Park Improvements. Staff will
present the football amenities as requested add alternates to superiors. Staff will
research the costs to modify a press box that can service both fields and find a qualified
local business that can build goal posts.
9. Discuss splash parks in regard to costs, location(s), and funding options.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the Board. The Board
reviewed new costs for installing a splash park. A recirculation system will add
$155,000.00 to the initial costs of building a splash park and an additional $25,000.00
annually in maintenance costs. A basic splash park with 8-10 spray features would cost
approximately $120,000.00 - $160,000.00 to install, not including the water recirculation
system. The operation of a splash park during drought conditions would be based upon
the type of water system installed. Board Member Hiney stated possibly working with the
Wylie Independent School District on this project. Board Member Ward stated the splash
park is ranked as a lower priority compared to outdoor swimming. Board Member Robas
would prefer to use the money spent towards a splash park as next year's funds for
matching grants.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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10. Discuss dog parks in regard to costs, design, location(s), and funding options.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson presented this discussion item to the Board. The first
site plan is 2.75 acres and is divided into two sections. One section is 400 ft. x 300 ft. for
large dogs and the second section is 200 ft. x 300 ft. for small dogs. A second site plan
doubles the first design, creating a park of 5.5 acres and four sectioned areas. The
second plan allows for the rejuvenation of grasses by rotating sections. Board Member
Hiney stated possibly begin with the smaller Site 1 which leaves an option for expansion
in the future.
A motion was made by Board Member Ward to adjourn, Board Member Robas
seconded motion; consensus of the Board was to adjourn at 8:36 p.m.
Anne Hiney, Chairw nd----)---
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Minutes—October 26,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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