Resolution 81-82-04-04 RESOLUTION 81-82-4-4 WHEREAS population and automotive traffic have rapidly increased in and near the city of Wylie in recent years; and WHEREAS current and anticipated growth and development in Collin County and adjoini ng porti ons of Denton and Dallas Counti es wi 11 result in tremendous increases in traffic over the next twenty years; and WHEREAS the people of Wylie are already encountering unusual and unacceptable travel delays; and WHEREAS the Collin County Transportation Committee has prepared a schedule of projects urgently needed to improve the flow of traffic (attached hereto and fully incorporated herein as Exhibit A), for presentation to the State Highways and Public Transportation Commission (The Commission): NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The City of Wylie hereby adopts the issue of road and highway improvements in our area as a top pri ority matter. 2. The City of Wylie endorses the schedule of projects listed on Exhibit A hereto, and requests the Commission to incorporate the said projects into the State plan and to approve for immediate construction those projects marked "Immediate" on Exhibit A. 3. The City of Wylie shall cooperate with all interested parties in the public and private sectors to find and secure adequate funding for highway construction and maintenance in Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 13th DAY OF APRIL, 1982. ~hl &;::;; ohn W. Akin, ~~ayor ATTeST: ~~ AdJ1.tvJ Gail 1 ce, City Secretary