Resolution 89-09-12-89-01 RESOLUTION NO. 89-9-12-89-1 RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AGREEMENT FOR McCREARY ROAD BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY: WHEREAS, The City Counc i I agrees that it is in the best inter-est of a I I of the citizens of Wy lie to provide a rai I road grade crossing for' McCreary Road in order to provide access to the Northwest portions of Wy lie and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the funding for this railroad grade crossing will come from the Collin County 1983 Bond funds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AGREEMENT The agreement between the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company and the City of Wylie, Texas covering land at Wyl ie, ColI in County, Texas, for right of way purposes for a public road designated as McCreary Road, TCC-583.27 is hereby authorized. SECTION 2 FUNDING The City of Wylie accepts the cost estimate of $132,718 by the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company as being reasonable and authorize Collin County to expend said amount of funds out of the 1983 Collin County Bond funds. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 12TH DAY COUNC I L OF T~/CTTY OF SEPTEMBER.,/ 1989. /~~ OF :;/ / (/ ~~-z---/' Chuck Trimble, Mayor 1\\\\\\\\1\1111111""",,1. ~~":...., 0 F 1.".~IIt;~ ~';,( '\ yy I..':~ #~" r(% ~CJ /:~ If :((\f~ ~ \ ~ $i . t::r---..... ;: c~,. " :::---::~ ::; \' SEAL i, ATTEST: / / ,,>. :",~.> ~,' -i ^. ~"(;/l."i:;';f;, i:~; ,; <.