Resolution 93-02 RESOLUTION NO. I/J-if- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, APPROVING A REQUEST FROM THE CITY OF SACHSE TO ALLOW ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY LOCATED WITHIN THE WYLIE EXTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION AND DESCRIBED HEREIN WHEREAS, The City of Wylie has received a request from the City of Sachse for approval of annexation of territory within the City of Wylie ETJ, and WHEREAS, Property proposed for annexation includes Elm Grove Road from Pleasant Valley to the Garland power transmission line easement and Pleasant Valley from Muddy Creek to Elm Grove Road, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie finds that said annexation is advantageous for the City of Sachse, whereby Dallas County will assist in the maintenance of said roads if they are wholly located within the City of Sachse, and WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Wylie finds that the approval of the request would pose no negative affects on the citizens of Wylie NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Wylie: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie does hereby grant approval to the request from the City of Sachse to annex those territories described herein and attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and Exhibit liB" and shown on the map, Exhibit "C", attached hereto. SECTION 2. That said Exhibits are hereby incorporated as a part of this resolution. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26th day of January, 1993. ~ Jf afk:J PPROVED Ai/1r~'1{~ -' CITY OF SACHSE December 14, 1992 Steve Nortlood. City ilanager C ~ t Y 0 f vi Y 1 i e F.O. Box 428 i'lylie, Tx 75098 Dear Steve, The City of Sachse has executed an agreement Vlith Dallas County to assist with the annexation of "orphan roads". Under the terms at this agreement we began annexation proceedings to the centerline of the following roads between our two cities: 1. Elm Grove Rd from Pleasant Valley to the Garland power transmission line easement. 2. Pleasant Valley from Muddy Creek to Elm Grove Rd. Attached is a copy of the description of the road and a map showing the location to the centerline only. HOVlever, Dallas County has notified us that they want us to include the entire Bight-ot-Way in the annexation rather than to the centerline. The Sachse City Council is willing to annex the entire road but not without your council being aware of their action since half of this road is probably in your extra territorial jurisdiction. At your earliest convenience would you please bring this matter before your council for a response. We will hold up and not proceed with any annexation until we get your council's approval to take in the entire right-of-way. If you have any questions or if I can be of further help please do not hesitate to call on me. SZ;~ Lloyd Henderson, City Manager LH/jl 3033 Sixth Street Sachse, Texas 75048 (214) 495-1212 PROPERTY .u ., ~... BEING a tract of land situated partly in the F.T. Gaines Survey, Abstract No. 497, . and the H. Masters Survey, Abstract No. 858, Dallas County, Texas, and being 1II0re particularly described &S follows: BEGINNING at the inter_ction of the centerline of Pl.e.ant Valley Road (80 ~t. R.O.W.) and the c.nterline of E~ Grove Road (60 ~t. R.O.W.), said point being North 09 daq. 38 min. 3S s.c. W_t, 58.96 teet trOJll the north_8t corner of a tract of land conveyed to Max Sheid, Truatee by Dead recorded in Voluae 72006, paqe ~283 of the Dead Records ot Dall_ COunty, '1'exa.; 'I'RENc:E South <&0 daq. ~3 min. 45 _c. k.t, along the centerline of ElJD Grove Road, a di.tance of 452.83 teet to the baqinning of a curve to the l.ft having a central anqle of 49 daq. 46 .un. and 15 sec., and a radius of 371.95 feet; THENc:E ~long .aid curve to the left, an arc di.tance of 323.10 feet; '!'HEMe!: Sout.'t 89 daq. S3..in. 00 aec. Za.t, a cU.tance of 9L23 f.et to a point for corner, _id point being the beiJinninq of a curve to the riqht havinq a central anqle of 4S deq. 30 ain. 00 ..c., and . radius of 382.00 teet, and chord bearing South 67 deq. 08 1Ili.n. 00 sec. Ea.t, . di.tance of 295.44 fe.t; THENc:E along .aid curve to the riqht, an arc di.tance of 303.36 feet; THENc:E South .44 daq. 23 min. 00 ..c. Ea.t,a di.tance of 461.30 fe.t to the beqinning of a curve to the lett bavinq a central angle of 30 daq. 28 .in. 19 ..c., and ~ radiua of 716.30 feet, and chord bearing South 57 daq. 17 1Ilin. 54 -c. Ea.t, ~ di.tance of 376.48 teet; 'I'RENc:E along ..id curve to the 1.ft, an arc di.tance of 380.9S feet; TRENC!: South 69 daq. 49 ..in. 30 -c. Zast, a distance of 183.00 feet to "the beqinninq of a curve to the l.ft havinq a central anqle of 34 daq. 49 -.in. 00 _c., and a radius of 573.00 f..t, and cbord bearing South 87 daq. 14 mn. 00 -c. Ea.t, a distance of 342.86 f.et; '!'HENeE alonq ..id curve to the l.tt, an arc di.tance of 348.19 teet to . point for corner; "l'HENC!: South 76 daq. 10 ..in. 18 ..c. Ea.t, .. diatance of "'70.26 feet to the beqinni.nq of .. curve to th. riqbt haviDq .. central an91. ef 56 -daq. 01.ain. 57 ..c:., and.a racUua of <&14.00 feet, and Chord beariftfJ SoUth 79 daq. 57 1Ilin. 58 ..c. Ea.t, .. cUatance of 388.93 teet; THENeE .along ..id eurve to the riqbt, an arc cti.tance of 404.87 feet to .. point ~or corner; -rHENCZ Soa1:b <&5 489. 33 ain. Z7 ..c. kst, ac!istaDce of 628.1' teet ~ ... poim: for corner; 'l"IIEIfCZ 80atb 4' dec;. 27 mn. 30 --=. s..t, .. clitI1::aDoe of ~,682.'8 teet ~ a poim: .in the north 1tiqbt-of.....y line of a 100 foot Garland Power and Liqbt _.-nt, .... beiDq the exi.ti.nq e1 ty LiJIlits of the e1ty of Garland, T.xa.; THENCE South 'J deq. 51..in. 30 .ec. We.t, a distance of 30.00 t..t and leaving the c.nterline of Elm Grove Road, along the north Right-ot-way line of s.id Garland Pover and Light ......nt, s..e being the eXistinq City Limits of the City of Garland, Texas, to a point for corner, locat.d on the existing City Li..its of the City of SaChse, T.x.s; ax/ANXlIlMaV .AJCJUaX1 .~ THENCE North 45 deg. 27 min. JO sec. West, a distance of 1,682.98 fee~ alonQ the existing City Limits of Sachae, Texas to a point for corner; THENCE No~h 45 aeg. JJ min. 27 .ec. We.t, a distance of 628.19 feet to a point tor corner and aame being the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 56 aeg. 01 min. 57 .ec., a radiua of 384.00 teet, end chord bearing of North 79 deg. 57 min. 58 .ec. West, a distance of 360.75 teet; THENCE along .aid curve to the ~e~t an arc di.tance at 375.53 teet to a point tor corn.~; THENCE North 76 d.g. 10 ain. 18 ..c. Waat, a di.tance ot .70.26 f_t to a point for corner and .... being the baginn.t.ng of a curve to th. right havinq a central angle ot 34 dag. 49 JIlin. 00 .ee., a radius of 603.00 t_t, and chord bearing North 87 dag. 14 ain. 00 .ec. west, a distance ot 360.81 teet; THENCE along said curve to the lett an arc distance of 366.42 teet to a point for corner; THENCE North 69 dag. 49 ain. 30 .ec. we.t, a cU.t:anca at 183.00 feet to a point 'tor corner and __ baing the beqinning ot . curve to the right heving a oentral angle ot 30 dag. 28 min. 19 -c., a radius ot 746.30 t_t, and chord bearing North 57 daq. 17 ain. 54 ..c. w..t, a di.tance of 392.25 teet; ~ENCE .~ong .aid curve to the ~ett an arc distance of 369.01 te.t to a point tor corner; THENCE North 44 dag. 23 min. 00 ..c. we.t, a di.tance of 461.30 te.t to a point tor corner, and .... baing the beqinning of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 45 d89. 30 min. 00 .ee., a radius ot 352.00, and chord bearing North 67 daq. 08 ain. 00 .ec. w..t, .a di.tance of 272.24 t.et; ~CE.alonq .aid curve to the left an arc di.tance of 279.53 teet to a point for corner; 'l'ImNCE North 89 dag. 53 JIlin. 00 ..e. West, a distance of 91.23 t..t to a point for corner, and ...e being the beiqinn1nq of a curve to the riqht, having a central anqle of 49 deq. 46 min. 15 .ec., and a radius of ~01.95 ~e.t; "'THENCE along .aid curve to the right an arc distance ot 384.34 f..t to a point tor corner; ~ENCE North 40 tSaq. 13 JIlin. 45 s.e. West a~ong the .outhwe.t Right-of-Way lin.. of Elm Grove Road, a di.tance o~ 402.07 teet to the point ot intersection between ElJIl Grove Road. R19ht-of-way and Pleasant Valley llDad;. "'THENCE South 33 decj. .04 1IIin. 45 .ee. wast, a ctiatance ot 675.93 feet, to a point for corner; THENCE South ..5 deg. 33 1II1n. 00 .ee. West, a~ong the Riqht-ot-way of Plea.ant Valley Road, a di.tance of 614.90 feet to a point tor corner: . I ~CE North ....2 daq. 23 1Ilin. 00 ..c. Waa"t, 40.00 teet to a point for corner on the center~ine of Pleaaant Val~ey Road: I "'1'ImNCE North 45 deq. 37 "1IIin. 00 .ee. East a~ong' the centerline of Pleasant Va~l.y ~oad a di.tanoe ot 614.'0 t.et to a point tor corner; THENCE No~ 33 d.g. 04 min. 45 ..c. East, a distance of 675.93 feet to the PLACE OF BECINNING and containing 5.106 acres of land, more or les&. ISX/AHXEl.MOV .AJCJUaSXI ~ J -,/ ~$"~ f;)-4. I ~~<:J J f PLEASANT VAu.....ry ROAD ~, , PLACE OF ~ BEGINNING 315.79 ACRES ANNEXA TlON ORD. 855 JAN. 8. 1990 CITY OF SACHSE. TEXAS ~ o c:: " .~ ~ GARlAND lANDFILL ~ ~ 5 - =:I~ i ~ ~ ~ c:: < ~ en o ~ ~ (; ~ o 0 CITY OF' SACHSE UWllS ORO. (855) ~ e ~ ~ -' ~ ~ I ! CITY OF SACHSE UMITS ~ ORe. (855) \ ~ .~ 100' G.P. Id... CO. EASEMENT