Resolution 2009-37 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-37(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF PLANO, TEXAS, THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THE CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS AND ALCATEL-LUCENT USA, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES RELATED TO A MICROWAVE RADIO SYSTEM FOR A JOINT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, an agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas, the City of Allen, Texas, the City of Wylie, Texas, the City of Murphy, Texas, and Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc. for the purchase of products and services related to a microwave radio system for a Joint Radio Communications System, attached hereto as Exhibit SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APRPOVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on this the 8 day of December, 2009. Eric Hogue, M r ATTEST TO: 1�� ��l .��n'�.�- r,�, Carole Ehrlich, 'ty ecretary ��1887�, Resolution No. 2009-37(R) Agreement for a Microwave Radio Products and Services Joint Radio Communications System i, l i CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF PLANO, TEXAS, CiTY OF ALLEN, i TEXAS, GITY OF WYIIE, TEXAS AND C1TY OF MURPHY, TEXAS AND I ALCATEL-LUCENT USA lNC. 2009-187-C I THIS CONTRACT is made and entered by and between ALCATEL-LUCENT USA INC., a Delaware corporation, whose address is 66d Data Drive, Pfano, Texas 75075, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" and the CITY OF PLANd, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipa! Corporation, CITY OF A�LEN, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipai Corporation, and CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipal Corparation, hereinafter referred to as "Cities", to be effective upon approval of the Cities' Councils and subsequent execution of this Contract by tha Cities' City Managers or their duly authorized designee. i Alcatel-Lucent USA inc. is the sole source provider of services and products ta be provided for a microwave radio system and this purchase is exempt from competitive bid as provided for in V. T.C.A., Locai Government Code, Section 252.022(a)(7). For and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, and for the mutuai benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties agree as foilows: i I BCOPE OF SERVICES The parkies agree that Contracfor shall perform such services as are further described in the Statement of Work attachad hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications in the Statement of Work may be authorized from time to time by the Cities, but said 1 authorization must be made in writing and signed by all parties. E The Contract consists af this written agreement and the fallowing itams which i are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: (a) Statement of Work (Exhibit "A"j; and (b) Tentative Timeline and Milestone Payment Information dated May 13, 2009 (Exhibit `B"}; and (c) Total Pricing Summary (Exhibit °C'}; and (d) Pricing Summary for the City of Plano, Texas (Exhibit "D"); end (e) Pricing Summary for the City of Allen, Texas {Exhihit "E"}; and (f} Pricing Summary for the City of Murphy, Texas (Exhibit "F"); and (g) Pricing Summary for the City of Wylie (Exhibit "G"); and (h} Insurance Requirements {Exhibi4 "H"j; and I i i CONTRACT PAGE1 N,CONTRACTS1Service Agraements�Aicatel-�ucent USA Inc Contractdoc {10115/09 PM) i I i i (i} Insurance Certificate for the City of Plano, Texas (Exhibit "1"}; and Q) Insurance Certificate for the Gity of AIIen, Texas (Exhibit "J"); and (k) Insurance Certiflcate forthe City of Murphy, Texas (Exhibit "K"}; and (I) Insurance Certificate for the City of Wyiie, Texas {Exhibit and {m) A�davit of No Prohibited Interest {Exhibit "M"); and {n) Payment and Performance Bonds (Exhibif "N). I 7hese documents make up the Contract documents and what is calied for by o�e shall be as binding as if called for by all. I� the event of an inconsistency or conflict in any of the provisians of the Contract docume�ts, the inconsistency or conflict shall be resolved by giving precedence first to the written agreement then to the co�tract documents in the order in which they are fisted above. These documents shall be I referred to coilectively as "Contract Documents." 11. i TIME OF COMPLETION Contractor agrees and covenants that ali work hereunder shall be completed in accordance with the terms set out in the Tentative 7imeline and Milestone Payment Information document attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. 11L WARRANTY Alcatel-Lucent warrants to the Cities that, for the applicable warranty period set forth herei�, (a} Equipment and Software media purchased hereunder and manufactured by Alcatel-Lucent {i�cluding those manufactured for Alcatel-Lucent by a contract manufacturer and based o� Alcatel-LucenYs specification), under normal use and service, will be free from defects i� material and workmanship; (b} Equipment and Software will materially conform to Alcatel-�ucent's speciflcations in effect on the date of acceptance; and (c) Services wiil be performed in a professional and workmanlike i manner. However, Rlcatei-Lucent makes no warranty that any Safiware will operate uninterrupted or error free. With respect to Products or partial assembly of Products i furnished by Alcatel-Lucent but not manufactured by Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatei-Lucent hereby assigns, to the extent permitted, the warranties given to Alcatel-Luce�t by its vendors of such items. The warranty periods applicable to Alcatel-Lucent Equipment and Software are 12 months and 90 days, respectively, other than the Qigital Microwave Equipment that nas a 36 month warranty. The warranty period for Equipme�t and Software begins on the date of shipment exceot if Alcatel-Lucent perForms installation Services for any Equipment or Software, in which case the warranty period begins on the date of Acceptance. The warranty period far Services is 30 days from the date of completion. CONTRACT PAGE2 N:\CONTRACTS\Service Agreements�Aicatei-�ucent USA!ne Contract.doc (10715109 PM) I I If any Equipment is not as warranted in this Article, then (a) the Cities shail obtain from Alcafei-Lucent a return authorization number, and return the Equipment at its expense, tagether with the authorizafion number and a defailed description of the problem, to Alcatel-LucenYs designated repair facility; and {b} Alcatel-Lucent shall repair or replace the Equipment and return it at Alcatel-LucenYs expense to the Cities' I point of shipment. Alcatel-Lucent shail assume the risk of loss or damage to a�y Equipment retumed to Alcafel-Lucent far repair or replacement from receipt thereof until delivery to the Cities' point of shipment. If any 5oftware is not as warranted in this Article, then, upon notice from the Cities, Alcatel-Lucent shall correct fhe Software by (c) electronic means or (d) delivery to the Cities of suitable media chosen solely by Alcatel-Lucent. If A(catel-Lucent ascertains that Equipment is not readily returnable for i repair, then at its opfion, Alcatel-Luce�t may elect to repair or replace the Equipment at i The Cities' site. In such insta�ces, The Cities, a# its expense, shall make the Equipment accessible for repair or replacement and shali restore the site after Alcatel- Lucent has completed its repair or replacement. If, Alcatel-Lucent determines that it cannot, in a commercially reasonable manner, {i} repair or repiace any Equipment, {ii} correct any Software, or (iii} correct any Services, then Alcatel-Lucent may, in its sole discretion, refund to The Cities the Price of the Product or Services, less a reasonable j adjustment for beneficial use. in repairing or replacing any Equipment, part of Equipment, or Software medium under this warranty, Alcatei-�ucent may use new, remanufactured, reconditioned, refurbished, or functionaily equivalent Equipment, parts of Equipment, or SoFtware medium. For any Equipment or parts thereof repaired, replaced or corrected under this Article, the warranty periad applicable fo the Equipment will continue for the langer of (iv) the remainder of the original warranty period or (v) 90 days after the date of shipment of the repaired or replaced Equipment. The warranty period far the corrected Software via fixes andlor patches wili be the remaining period of the original warranty period. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Alcatei-Lucent has no obligation to repair or replace any Equipment, correct any Software, or correct any Senrices if (a} the Praduct or any Software has been modified, repaired or E reworked by a�yane other than Aicatei-Lucent; or (b) the defect is the result of (i) a�y improper storage, hand(ing or use by anyone other than Alcatel-Lucent, (ii} failure to I provide a suitable climatic environment, (iii) operator error, (iv) improper installation of Equipment by anyone other than Alcatel-�ucent, (v) use in a manner not in accordance j with the Documentation, (vi) failure fo implement any new releases or update to the Software, (vii} a�y use of the Product in conjunetion with another non-Alcatel-Lucent product {except to the extent provided in the Documentation}, (viii} consumable items, including fuses, light bulbs, motor brushes and the like, (ix} Products which have had their seriai numbers or month and year of manufacture removed, altered, defaced, or deleted, or (x} any damage by power failure, fire, explosion or any act of God or other cause beyond Alcatel-Lucent's controf. The warranties set forth in this Articie are nontransferable. I CONTRACT PAGE3 N:\CONTRACTS1Service AgreementsiP.ICatei-Lucent USA Inc Contrzct.doC {10!',5109 PM} i I I I: Warranty does not include: Alcatei-Lucent assisting in diagnostic efforts; access to Alcatel-LucenYs technical support web sites, databases, or tools; Product integration; on-site assistance; or Qocumentation updates. These Services are available during i and a{ter the warranty period at Alcatel-LucenYs pubiished prices. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED OTHERWISE HEREIN, TNE LIMITED WRRRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS ARTICLE FOR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IS THE EXCLUSiVE WARRANTY. A�CATEL-LUCENT DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES IMP�IED OR STATUTORY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERGHANTABI�ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICU�AR PURPOSE, AND NON- INFRINGEMENT. THE REMEDY PROVIDED UNDER THIS SECTION THIS IS THE CITIES'S EXCLUSIVE REMEQY FOR FAILURE OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO j CdNFORM TO THE WRRRANTY. IV. PAYMEN7 Tatal compensation for Con#ractor's work on the Project shall be in an amount not to exceed the sum of ONE MI��ION FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGNT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX AND N01100 DOLLARS {$1,528,326.00} as set out in Exhibit "C". Cities shall be invoiced separately and Cifies shall make payments directly to Contractor in the individual amounts as set for each City as fallows: i i Exhibit "D" City of Plano, Texas I j Exhibit "E" City of Allen, Texas j Exhibit "F" City of Murphy, Texas i Exhibit "G" City af Wylie, Texas a Each City shall only be responsible for the individual charges for their City and shail not F I, be responsible for any charges for another City. All payments for goods and services will be processed within 3d days after the goods are provided, the services complefed, or a correct invaice is received, whichever is later, in accordance with the Texas "prompt payment law". �i Contractor recognizes that this Contract shali commence upan the effective date herein and continue in fuli force and effect until termination in accordance with its provisions. Contractor and Cities herein recognize that the continuation of any cantract after the close of any given fiscal year of the Cities, which fiscal year ends on September 30th of each year, shall be subject to Cities' Councils' approval. In the event that any of the City Councils do not approve the appropriation of funds for this contract, the Contract shall terminate at the end of the fiscal year for which funds were CONTRACT PAGE4 N:iCON7R4CTSiService Agreements�A!catei-�ucent USA Inc Contract.doc (10/15f09 PM) I i appropriated and the party for the City not appropriating funds shall have no further obligafions hereu�der. i V. I PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND In the event this Contract amount exceeds $25,000.00, a Payment bond in the i amount of not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the Gonfract amounf, conditioned upon the payment of a!I persons supplying :abor or fumishing materiais pursuant to the contract is required upon a form provided by the Cities. In the event this Contract amount exceeds $100,000.00, a Performance Bond in the amount of not i less than one hundred a�d fifteen percent (115%) of the Contract amount, canditioned upon the faifhful performance of the Contract, is required upon a form provided by the Cities. The bonds are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "N". VI. JOWT PROJECT MANAGER FOR CITIES Cifies agree that the City of Plano Radio System Manager shall be the Joint Project Manager for the duration of the project which is the subject of this contract (the Project). The Joint Project Manager shall be the liaison befween the Cities a�d the Contractor and ail communicafion between the Cities and Contractor shal! be made by and through the Joint Project Manager. The Joint Project Manager shall be responsible for project management services and technical expertise required to assure complefion of the Project. In this capacity, the Joint Project Ma�ager is responsibie for the oversight and facilitation of the successful campietion of the Project assignments for the I Cities as measured against the Statement of Work (Exhibit "A"); and Tentative Timeline and Milestone Payment lnformatian dated June 18, 2009 {Exhibit "B").. 1 i PROTEGTION AGAINST ACCIDENT Td EMP�OYEES AND THE PUBLIC Contractor shall at a!I times exercise reasonable precautions for the safety of ��I' employees and others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of Federal, State, and Municipal safety laws. The safety precautions actualiy taken and the adequacy thereof shall 6e the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor shall indemnify Cities for any and ali losses arising out of or reiated to a i breach of this duty by Contractor pursuant to section IX. INDEMNIFICATION and section X. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICAB�E �AWS set forth herein. CONTRACT PAGE5 N:\CONTRACTStServiceAgreementslAlcatel-WcentUSAlncContract.doc(10t:5(Q9Pf�4) i I V���. LOSSES FROM NATURAL CAUSES i Unless otherwise specified, all loss or damage to Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstances in fhe prosecution of the same, or from unusual obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at its own cost and expense. i IX. INDEMNIFICATI4N I, CONTRACTOR SHALL. RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLd THE CITIES, ITS ELECTED OFFICIALS, OFFICERS AND EMPLQYEES HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, DAMAGES, INJURIES (ING�UDING DEATH), j PROPERTY QAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE), LOSSES, DEMANDS, SUITS, i JUDGMENTS AND COSTS, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES, IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF, RELATED TO, OR RESULTING FROM THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY CQNTRACTOR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT dR CAUSED i i BY THE NEGLIGENT AGT QR OM(SSION OR THE INTENTIONAL ACT OR i OMISSION OF GONTRACTOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, �ICENSEES, INVITEES OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTIES FQR WHOM CONTRACTOR IS LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE {HEREINAFTER "CLAIMS"). CONTRACTOR IS EXPRESSLY REQUIRED TO DEFEND CITIES I AGAINST A�� SUCH C�AIMS. IN ITS SO�E DISCRETION, CITIES SHAL� HAVE THE RIGHT TO SELECT OR TO APPROVE QEFENSE COUNSEL TO BE RETAWED BY GONTRACTOR IN FULFILLING ITS OBLIGATION HEREUNDER TO DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY CITIES, UNLESS SUCH RIGHT IS EXPRESS�Y WAIVED BY CITIES IN WRITING. CITIES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PROVIDE A PORTION OR ALL OF THEIR OWN i DEFENSE; HOWEVER, CITIES ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO DO S�. ANY SUCH ACTIdN BY CITIES IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF j CONTE2ACTOR'S OB�IGATION TO DEFEND CITIES OR AS A WAIVER OF i CON7RACTdR'S OB�IGATION Td INDEMNIFY GtTIES PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN DEFENSE CdUNSEL WITHIN SEVEN j (7) BUSINESS DAYS OF CITIES' WRITTEN NOTICE THAT CITIES ARE INVOKING THEIR RIGHT TO INDEMNIFICATION UNDER THIS CONTRACT. IF CONTRACTOR FAILS TO RETAIN COUNSEL WITHIN SUCH TIME PERIOD, CITIES SHA�� HAVE THE RIGHT TO RETAIN DEFENSE COUNSEL ON THEIR OWN BEHALF, AND CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ALL CdSTS INCURRED BY CITIES. CONTRACT PAGE6 N:\CONTRACTSiService Agreemen`sVAlcatei•�ucent USA inc Contract.doc (10115/09 PM) �I I x. INSTALLATIdN, VERIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE If Alcatel-Lucent perEorms installation Services for any Product, then, upon I completion of the installafion, Alcate(-Lucent shall perform its acceptance tests for the Product in accordance with the Project Specific Statement of Work, Articles 7.5 HOP Acceptance and 8.0 Acceptance Plan. The Cities may witness these verifica#ion tests, j When Alcatel-�ucent has completed ail of its verification tests for any Product to the satisfaction of Alcatel-Lucent and The Cities, then Alcatel-Lucent shall deliver to The i� Gities an Equipment and 5oitware Verification certificate. Upon receipt of this certificate, (a) the Product shali be deemed to hav� been accepted by The Cities, and {b) any failure by Alcatel-�ucent to perform the related installation Services in accordance with this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived. If The Cities underkakes any commerciaily beneficiai use of any Product prior to the completion of Alcatel-LucenYs verification tests, then (a) the Product shall be deemed to have been I i eccepted by The Cities, and (b} the failure by Alcatei-Lucent to perform the related installation Services in accordance with this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived. If Alcatel-lucent does not perform installation Services for any Prociuct, then the Product shall be deemed to have been accepted by The Cities when the related risk of loss or damage passes to The Cities under this Agreement. Documentation shali be deemed to have been accepted by The Cities when the related risk of loss or damage passes to The Cities u�der this Agreement. XL I SOFTWARE 1 Upon delivery of any Software, Alcatei-Lucent grants to The Cities, and The Cities accepts, a nonexciusive, nontransferable license to use the portions of the Software (including any methods or concepts utilized therein} for which activation has been authorized by Alcatel-�ucent, solely on or with a singie unit or arrangement of I Equipment for which the Software was delivered. The Cities may make one copy of any Software for backup and archival purposes if the copy contains all af the Alcatel-Lucent proprietary notices contained in the original Software. All copies of all Software shall be Confidential Information. If Alcatel-Lucent modifies, updates or replaces any Software, or if The Cities discontinues the use of any Product, then, within 30 days thereafter, i The Cities shall deliver to Alcatel-�uce�t, or certify in writing to Alcatel-Lucent the I destruction of, all 5oftware superseded or discontinued as a result thereof. I CONTRACT PAGE7 N:\CONTRACTStService A�reementsWlcateFlucent USA Ir,c Contract.doc (10115f09 PM) i i i X��. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION I Notwithstanding anything provisians co�tained in this section, The Cities may disclose Confidential Information in accordance with appiicable law. If Alcatel-Lucent delivers to The Cities any information or data marked or i identified as confidential or proprietary ("Gonfidential information"} including software, then The Cities shali not {a) disclose or otherwise make available the Confidential information to any third party (except that The Cities may disclose the Confidential information to Aicatel-Lucent to the eatent that they have a need to know the Confidential Informatian in connection with the operation andlor maintenance of any Product for The Cities, provided, however, that prior to the disciosure, the Alcatel- Lucent has agreed in writing to treat the Gonfidential Information as confidential in accordance with the terms and conditions the Cities' herein), (b} modify, copy, transmit, alter, merge, decompile, disassembie, reverse engineer or adapt any portion of the Confidential lnformation (except to the extent otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement) or (c} use the Confidential Information for any purpose except ta operate and maintain any Product. i Subject to notification requirements specified in applicable Public Records or Public Meetings laws, The Cities further agrees that Alcatel-�ucent will be provided with Notice, in the event that release of this Agreement or any Co�fidential Informatio� has been requested. If a p�blic disclosure of Confidential Information is requested. The Cities shall notify Alcatel-Lucent in wrifing of such request. Alcatei-Lucent may seek a protective order, at its ow� expense and in a court of competent jurisdiction. The Cities �vill reasonably cooperate with Aicatel in such action, but is under no obligation to obtain or seek any court protection. The rights and obligations of The Gities under this Article shail survive the expiration of the term or sooner termination of this Agreement. Xill. EXPORT CONTROL i The parties agree that each shall not export, re-expork or release technology, I including confidentiai information, software abject and/or source code, (collectively, "Controlled Technology") which may be subject to either the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (the "ERR"} or the Canadian Export and import Permits Act i ("CEIPA"}, either direcfly or indirectly, unless the exporting or re-exporting party has first obtained any required licenses which may be required under the EAR and/or the CEIPA. The parties further agree that each shall not export or re-export either directiy or indirectly Controlled Technology under the license exception "TSR" as defined in Part CONTRACT PAGE8 N:ICONTRACTSIService Ag:eeme�ts\A!cateblucent USA Inc Conhzct.doc (10/'15/C9 PiN} 740 of the EAR to fhird parties or nationals shown in Suppiement 1 of Part 74d who are members of or associated with either Country Group D:1 or Country Group E:2, as amended. Each party shali be solely responsi6le for obtaining the appropriata licenses required under the EAR andtor the CEIPA. XIV. DELIVERY AND RISK OF �OSS Care, custody and control of and risk of loss with respect to the project including responsibility for products and services associated with the scope of work shaii remain solely with the Contractor until finai acceptance of the project by the Cities. XV. CQMPLIANCE WITH APP�ICABLE LAWS I I Contractor shall at atl times observe and comply with al( Federal, State and local laws, ordinances and regufations including all amendments a�d revisions thereto, which in any manner affect Contractor or the work, and shall indemnify and save harmless Cities against any claim rela#ed to or arising from the violation of any such Iaws, ordinances and regulattons whether by Contractor, its employees, officers, agents, subcontractors, or representatives. If Contractor observes that the work is at variance therewith, Contractor shail promptiy notify Cities in writing. XVL ASSIGNMENT AND SUB�ETTING Contractor agrees to retain controi and to give full attention to the fuffillment of this Contract, that this Gontract shall not be assigned or subiet without the prior written consent of Cities, and that no part or feature of the wark will be subiet to anyone objectionabie to Cities. Contractor further agrees that the subletting of any portion or k feature of the work, or materials required i� the performance oP this Contract, shall not i relieve Contractor from its full obligations to Cities as provided by this Contract. XVII. i INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Contractor covenants and agrees that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an officer, agent, servant or emp(oyee of Cities; that Co�tractar shali have exclusive control of and exclusive right to control the details of the work perforrned hereunder and ail persons performing same, a�d shall be responsible for the acts and I omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subco�tractors and consultants; that the doctrine of respondeat superior shail not apply as between Cities j and Contractor, its officers, agents, empioyees, contractors, subcontractors and CON7RAC1' PAGE 9 N1CONTRAGTS\Service AgreementsL4lcatel-Lucent USA 1nc Cont!actdoc (10/�5f09 PM) i consultants, and nothing herein shail be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between Cities and Contractor. XVIIL INSURANCE AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Contractar shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract far the benefit of each of the Cities {naming each City and its officers, agents and employees as additional insureds} insurance coverage as set forth in the Insurance Requirements marked Exhibit "N" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Contractor shall provide a signed insurance certificate for each City verifying that the Gontractor has obtained the required insurance coverage far each City prior to the affective date of this Cantract. lnsurance Certificates for each Cify are attached as follows: Exhibit "I" City of Plano, Texas j Exhibit "J" City of Allen, Texas Exhibit "K" City of Murphy, Texas Exhibit "L" City of Wylie, Texas XIX. HINDRANCES AND DELAYS No claims shall be made by Contractar for damages resulting from hindrances or delays from any cause during the progress of any portion of the work embraced in this Contract. )C)C. AFFIDAVIT OF NO PROHIBITED INTEREST Contractor acknowledges and represents it is aware of all applicable laws, each City's Gharter, and each City's Code of Canduct regarding prohibited interests and that i the existence of a prohibited interest at any time will render the Contract voidable. Contractor has executed the Affidavit of No Prohibited Interest required by the City of Plano, as attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit "M". i XXL SEVERABILITY i The provisions of this Contract are severable. If any paragraph, section, subdivision, sentence, ciause, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held to be contrary to the law or contrary to any rule or regulation having the force and effect of the law, such decisions shali not affect the remaining portions of the Contract. However, CONTRACT PAGE10 N:iCONTRACTS\Service Agreementsb4lcatel-Lucent USA Inc Contract.doc (10715lC9 PM} upon the occurrence of such evenf, either parky may terminate this Contract by giving the other party thirty {30} days written notice. XXIL I TERMINATION Cities, collectively, may, at their option, with or withaut cause, and without penalty or prejudice to any ather remedy they may be entitled to at Iaw, or in equity or otherwise under this Contract, terminate further work under this contract, in whale or in part by giving at least thirty {30) days prior written notice thereof ta Contractor with the understanding that alI services being terminated shall cease upan fhe date such notice is received. Unilateral termination by any individua! city is prohibited. XXIIt. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract and its attachments embody the entire agreement between the parties and may anly be modified in writing if executed by both parties. XXIV. CONTRACTINTERPRETATIDN Although this Contract is drafted by Gities, should any part be in dispute, the parties agree that the Contract shali not be construed more favorably for either party. XXV. SUGCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Contract shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors, heirs, personal representatives and assigns. XXVI. NOTICES i Unless notified atherwise in writing, al{ natices, inciuding notice of disputes, ciaims and co�troversies, are required to be given to the parties in writing and delivered j CONTRACT PAGE 11 N:\CONTRACTS1Service AgreementsWlcatel-Lucent USA inc Contract.doc {10715tQ9 PM) I i in person or sent via certified mai! to the other parEies at the foliowing respective addresses: Plano Representative: CITY OF P�ANO Director of Public Safety Communications 1520 K Avenue, Suite 010 Pfano Texas 75074 (972} 941-7930 Ailen Representative: CfTY OF ALLEN I.T. Director 305 Century Parkway Ailen, Texas 75013 Phone No. (214} 509-4851 i Wyiie Representative: j CITY OF WYLIE Fire Chief 20Q0 N. Hwy. 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Phone No. (972} 442-8111 Murphy Representativa: I CITY OF MURPHY City Manager 206 N. Murphy Road Murphy, Texas 75094 Phone No. (972) 468-4007 I Alcatel Representative: I ALCATEL-�UCENT USA, INC. Senior Contracts Manager 34Q0 W. Plano Parkway I Plano, Texas 75d75 Phone No. (972) 477-0332 XXVIL IMMUNITY in the execution of this Agreement, none of the Gities waive, nor shail be deemed hereby to have waived any immunity or any (egal or equitable defense j otherwise availabfe against claims arising in the exercise of govemmental powers and CONTRACT PAGE12 N:\CONTRACTStService AgreementslAlcatei•Wcent USA Inc Cont2et.tloc (10t15l09 PM) I i i functions. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not create any obligations, express or implied, other than those set forth herein, and this Agreement does not create any rights in partias who are not signatories to this Agreament. I XXV(IL DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of a dispute regarding any aspect of this Agreement, the parties shall refer the dispute to outside non-binding mediation for resolution prior to engaging in litigation. AII parties shall share equaliy in the cost of a certified mediator and each party shall be responsible for their own attorney fees. Disputes among the Cities that are independent of any dispute with the Contractor shall be resalved according to the terms and provisions of the interlocai 1 agreement passed by resolutian and adopted by each of the Cities titled: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PLANO, TEXAS, AND TNE CITY OF AL�EN, TEXAS, THE GITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND THE CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS FOR JOINT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SY5TEM i I XXIX. HEADINGS i The headings of this Contract are for the convenience of reference only and shall not affect in any manner any of the terms and conditions hereof. I XXX. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas; and venue for any action concerning this Agreement shall be in the State District Court of Collin County, Texas. The parties agree to submit to the personal and subject matter i jurisdiction of said Court. XXXL GOUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. Each of the counterparts shall be deemed an original instrument, but alI of the counterparts shali constitute one and the same instrument. i CONTRACT PAGE13 N:ICCNTRACTS1Service Agreements\Alcakel-Lucent USA Inc Contract.doc {70!'15/09 PM) i /�/lA��. EXNIBITS A�y exhibits ta this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference for the purposes wherever reference is made to the same. XXXI IL SURVNAL OF COVENANTS I 1 Any of the representations, warranties, covenants, and obligations of the parties, as well as any rights and benefits of the parties, pertaining to a period of time following the termination of this Agreement shali survive termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract by signing below. ALCATEL-LUCENT USA WC., a i Delaware carporation i DATE: By: Name: ?itle: Add ress: CITY OF PLANO, TEXAS j DATE: By: Thomas H. Muehlenbeck CITY MANAGER Address: P. O. Box 86�358 Plano, TX 75d86-0358 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Diane C. Wetherbee, City Attomay COtVTRAC? PAGE �4 N:iCONTRACTS\Service AgreementstAlcatei-�ucent USA inc Con'iact.doc (10H 5l09 PM) i CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS DATE: By: Peter H. Vargas City Manager 305 Gentury Parkway AIIen, Texas 75013 APPRdVED AS TO FORM: Peter G. Smith, City Attorney CITY OF WYUE, TEXAS DATE: By: Mindy Manson I CiTY MANAGER Address: 2000 N. Hwy 78 Wylie, TX 75098 I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: e I Courtney A. Kuykendall, Gity Attarney j i I I CONTRACT PAGE15 N:\GONTRACTS1Service AgreementsV+ICatei-�ucent USA Inc Contract.doc {10t15/09 PM) �i I I CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS DATE: By: James Fisher CITY MANAGER 206 N. Murphy Road Murphy, TX 75094 I APPRQVED AS Td FORM: I I Ben Wyse, City Attorney I i AGKNOWL6DGM6NT8 j STATE OF GOUNTY OF I This instrument was acknowiedged before me on the day of 2009, by of ALCATEL- LUCENT USA INC., a Deiaware corporation, on behalf of said corporation. I I i Notary Public, State of_ i I I I GONTR.4CT PAGE16 N:\CONTRACTS\Service AgreementsWlcate!-Lucent USA Inc Contract.doc (10/'ISl09 PM) I i I STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of 2009, by THOMAS H. MUEHLENBECK, City Manager, of the CITY OF P�ANO, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipai Corporation, an behaif of said municipal j corporation. I 1 Notary Public, State of Texas I i STATE OF TEXAS i' I COUNTY OF C4LLIN This instrument was acknowledged befare me on the day of i 2009, by PETER H. VARGAS, City Manager of the CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, on behalf of said municipal corporation. i Notary Public, State of Texas i i I STATE OF TEXAS p I i GOUNTY OF COLLIN I This instrument was acknowiedged before me on tfie day of i 2009, by M1NDY MANSON, City Manager of the GITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a Hame-Rule Municipal Corporation, on behaif of said municipal corporation. i Notary Public, State of Texas CONTRACT PAGE17 N:ICONTRACTS1Service AgreementstAlcatel-Lucent USA inc Contract.doc {1 �t15(09 PM} I STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF CQLLIN This instrument was acknowiedged before me on the day of 2Q09, by JAMES FISHER, City Manager of the CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS, Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, on behalf of said municipal corporation. 1 Notary Public, State of Texas I I I i t i i i I CONTRACT PAGE18 N:\CONTRACTS1Service AgreementslAlcatel-lucent USA Inc Contr2cLdoc (10I15J09 PM) i i Alcatei•Lucent PROJECT �PECIFIC STA►T�i1itENT C�F Vi/4RK (SOlN) FOR ClTIES OF PLANO, ALLEN, WYLIE 1VIURPHY i TEXAS MICROWAVE RADIO SYSTEM Alcate!-Lucent Bid Ref. No.: D115914C Dated: Q6118/2009 Prepared by; i, Aicatel-Lucent USA Inc. Russell Pletzer i Customer Applications Engineer Wireiess Transmission Qivision Alcatei-i.ucenf USA Inc. EXH►BIT PAGE t OF i Alcatel•Lucenk STATEMENI' OF WORK FOR PAWM Table of Gontents WTRQDUCTION...............................................................................................................1 1. GENERAL ...................................................................................a............................1 i 2. EQUIPMENT WARRANTY POST INSTALLATION SUPPORT ...........................2 3. SCOPE OF WORK ...................................................................................................3 3 .1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................:....3 3.2 MICROWAVE NEIWORK DESIGN SUMMARY ..........................................................3 3 .3 LIMITATIONS OF ALCA7EL-�UCENT SOW ..............................................................3 4. TRANSMISSION ENGiNEERING SERVtCES .........................................................4 4.1 FEASIBILITY STUDIES ...........................................................................................4 i�.. 42 P,4rH Sutzvevs ...................................................................................................4 4.3 PATH DESIGN ......................................................................................................5' I 4.4 FREQUENCY PLANNING ...........6 5 PROJECT SERVICE5 ..............................................................................................6 5.1 PROGftAM MANAGEMEN7 ....................................................................................6 5.2 hIETWORK ENGINEERihlG SYS7EM DESIGN ........................................................7 5 .3 IMPLEMENTATIqN PROJECT MANA�ER .................................................................7 5 .4 SITESURVEYS ....................................................................................................7 5.5 GENERAI PROJECT RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................8 6 BUILDING AND OUTSIQE PLANT ..........................................................................8 6.1 CIVIL Wow< .....................................................................................:..................8 6.2 ToWERS .............................................................................................................8 F 6 .3 SHELTERS FACILITIES ......................................................................................9 I 7 fNSTALl.ATION SERVICES .....................................................................................9 I 7.1 ANTENNA WAVEGUIDE SYSTEMS WSTAL�ATION ................................................9 i 7.2 RADIOINSTALLATION .........................................................................................10 7.3 RNCICLARY EQUIPMENT .....................................................................................1 O 7.4 NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYS7EM COMMISSIONING ...........................................11 7.5 HOP ACCEPTANCE TESTS ..................................................................................11 i B SYST6M ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURES .............................................................11 I 9 SYSTEM TRAFFIC GUT-OVER .............................................................................12 10 EQUIPMENT REMOVAL ....................................................................................12 Exhibit A Equipment List Services Exhibit B Project Completion Nofice I Aicatel•Lucent Confidenttal I 06118109 EXN(BiT PAGE 4F Alcate!•LUCent SpW for PAWM Introduction This Statement of Work (this "SOW"} outlines the Services to be performed by Alcatel-�ucent USA inc. ("Alcatel-Lucent") i� support of the Miorowave Radia System {the "Project"}. This SOW and any Purchase Order issued In connection herewith shall be governed by the terms and conditlans of the Co�tract with Yne cfti�s of Piano, Allen, Wylie and Murphy, Texas, (coliectively known as "PAWM") and this SOW whlch Is hereby made a part of the Agreement. j If Project changes occur, or if pther circumstances arise that require modification of the Equipment to be delivered under the Agreement andlor the Services to be performed under the Agreement, then Alcatel-Lucent and PAWM shail oegotfate in good faith to modify the Serv(ces confempiated by thls SdW. This SOW applies only to instaliation Services and Products to be provlded by Ncatei-�ucent. 1. General 1.1 Alcatel-Lucent will not be obiigated to pertorm any addltlon, deletlon, or change to the InstallaUon and Test Scope of Work that has a cost impact unless the addition, deletio� i or change has been documented in writing a�d signed by Alcatal-�ucent and PAWM. 1.2 Aicatal-Lucanf and PAWM will document in a dob Information Memarandum any delays or lost time due ta leck of coordination between PAWM and Its contractors, other interfacing companies or facilities that (mpair Aicatel-LucenYs efforts as soon as the delays or lost time occur or are anticipated to occuc Alcatel-�ucent tvili take reasonable efforts to minimize the impact of the delays and last dme to the overaA Project schedule. 1.3 PAWM wiil ensure that Its engineering, craft-Ievei and/or supervisory personnel wiii he I' available at mutuaNy acceptable times to establish crittcal or working circuit cut-overs andlor other PAWM connect(ons. PAWM wfli also make availabla authorized personnel to sign Method af Prooedures (MOP), Job Information Memorandums (JIM) and Project I Comple6on Nofices (PCN). i 1.4 Resarved 1.5 if Alcatei-Lucent is reqWred to utillze a Iabor iorce other than the labor force intended by Aloatei-L.ucent, PAWM will reimburse Alcatel-Lucent for any additlonal labor costs and delays. 1.6 PAWM will make available to Aicatei-Lunent spare moduVes held by PAWM for use by Alcatel-�ucent during the initial alignment of fnstailed or retrofitted Equipment. Aicatel- Lucent will bear the cost of repair including transportation charges for any failod module during Initial Acceptance testing. 17 Alcatel-�ucenPs quote anticipates the use of industry standard maferials and i pedormance of the tivork dunng normal Alcatel-�ucent business hours ("Business Hours"}, which are befiueen $:00 a.m. and 6;60 p.m. CT at the Job site on Alcatel- �ucanYs standard business days ("Susiness Days"}. Business Days consist of 10 hours per day, Monday through 5aturday exciuding ali Alcatel-�ucsnt obseroed hplldays. If PAWM requires that Ricatel-Lucent use other materiats or pertorm work at other times, Yhen PAWM wlil re(mburse Alcatei-�ucent for any additional costs. i Alcatei-Lucant Gonfidential 7 pg(q $/pg EXHIBIT I PA�E OF i Alcatei�Lucent SOW for PAWM 2. Equipment Warranty Post lnstallation Support 2.1 When formal path surveys are completed by Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent warrants, for a period of 12 months from the date of Acceptance, that Alcatel-Lucenfs recommended radio paths confarm to PAWM's availability requirement for normal atmospheric multipath fading set forth in Yhe follawfng design criteria: Design Crlterla Vaiue Exam le Availa Objec 99.9999% 1-way or 2-way Objective 2-wa i Bit Error Rate at Threshald 10' BER r Alcatel-lucent warrarts its MDR-8000 products for a perlod oP 24 months from Acceptance when instalied by Aicatei-�ucent, that radio Equlpment will be free from j defects in materlals and workmanship and pertorm in accordanca with its specifications. i All other Alcatel-L.ucent manufactured Equlpment carries a warranty for a period of 12 i months from Accsptance. If Alcatel-Lucent does not pertarm the installation work, the applicable warranty period commences on the date of shipment from Alcatel-GuceM. OEM equipment and software ("OEM Product°) warranties wifl 6e provided directry from the manufacturer of the OEM Product. 2.2 Duri�g the warranty period, Alcatei-Lucent wili repair or replace any Alcatel-Luoent Product that does not substantlally conform to Product specifications. PAWM is respansible for obtaining a fteturn Material Authorizetion (RMA) number from Alcatel- i �ucent and ship the uNt to the Alcateld ucent repair `acility In Longview, Texas. Alcafel- Lucsnt wiil retum the unit to PAWM at Alcatel-LucenYs cost as promptly as practicahie. Typical turn around tlme is twentyone (21) Aicatei-Lucent Business Days from the time of recelpt. Advanca Replacemant and Emergency Replacement Services are avallable only for an additional charge at Rlcatel-LucenYS then-current retes. 2.3 Dunng the applicable warranty or post-warranty maintenance period, Aicafel-Lucent will provide Customer Technical Assistance Center (CTAC) remote support in accordance with then current Alcatel-Lucent policles. Alcatei-Lucent will use its reasonable commercial efforts to provide affective telephone assistance whlch resWts in timely answers to technical questlons Involving applicatlons, operations and maintenance of Alcatel-Lucent radio Equipment. Th(s I involves defining, isolating and reproducing system problems. Ali calis to Aicatel- Lucent CTAC are logged and tracked. i I Access to Alcatel-�ucent CTAC fs available by phone at 1-888-252-2832 or j 972-519-4141 or by email at ml-taasupport(o�Alcatei-Lucent.com. 2.4 Alcatel-Lucenf CTAC can provide on-Site assistance for operations and maintenance j issues that cannot be resolved effedively by telephone. This service is available only (or an additional charge. 2.5 Alcatel-Lucent CTAC can provide database support by addressing additions to and malntenance of PAWM's dafabase. This i�ciudes collectian of any neiwork in`ormation required to allow the Product to pertorm its specified functions. This service is available i only for an additional charge. Alcatel-Lucent Co�fident(a{ 2 °61 E�X�iiBIT FAGE �F Alcatei•LUCent SOW for PAWM 2.6 Aicatel-Lucent provides factory repair Services for all Alcatel-6ucent manufactured Equipment. These Services are availahie during the applicable warra�ty period (and the applioabie post-warranty perfod if PAWM has purchased post-warranty services) through Alcatel-LucenPs Repair and Retum (R&R) department. Access to the R8R department is availabie by caliing 1-888-252-2832. 2.7 Aicatel-Lucent offers PAWM the resources of fulty staffed Technicai Training Centers to provide initlai and ongaing Product tralning. Skllled, qualified instructors offer hands-on experiance in the use of every Alcatel-Lucent Product group that goes bayond tez�book learning. This service is availabie only for an additional charge. Alcatei-�ucent wili quote tralning prlces upon PAWM's request. 3. Scape of Work 3,1 General 3.T.1 The Alcatel-Lucent proposal to PAWM In support of this Project indudes the Equipment and Services itemfzed In Exhlbit A. The services contemplated under this SOW will be performed in accordance with generally accepted industry standards. i 3.1.2 AI :atel-�ucent will assign to this Project the following personnel, with responsib8ities listed in sectlon 3 of this SOW: The Program Manager {PM): The PM is the Alcatel-Lucent individual responsible for the day-to-day activiUes required to ensure successful depioyment and completion af the Project. The PM will ma(ntain cantrol of the Project and has access ta those resources required for successfW completio� of the work. The PM is PAWM's primary point of contect during the performance of the work. i The Network Engineer (NE): The NE is the Alcatel-Lucent Individual responsibls for the ProjecPs adherence to good engineering practice, responsive�ess to PAWM's technical requirements and requests, and compiiance with Alcatel-LucenYs engineering standards. I i The Aicatel-Wcent Implementation ProJect Manager (IPM): Ths IPM is the individual responsible for the day-to-day activfties required to ensure successfui instailation and commissioning of the Equipment. The IPM has resources at his disposal to compiets I the Project on time and wit�in PAW M's axpectations. 32 Microwave Network Design Summary The table found in Exhfbit A, lists the Products to be suppiled by Alcatel-�ucent and a general description oF the microwave network including the number of sites, radio type, and antenna types. This S4W is subject to revisw and revision pending the outcome of path surveys, site inspections and flnal engineering design, 3.3 Limitations of Alcatel-Lucent SOW Alcatel-Lucent is not responsible for the condition of PAWM's existing equipment or the deficiencies of non-Alcatel-Lucent work related items. If the Pmject requires equipment and services in addition to the Equlpment and Services provided by Alcatel-�ucent, then j PAWM bears the sole responsibiliry of acquiring that equipment and those services. i� Aicatel-Lucent Confidentlal 3 06118tA� tXH PAGE 5' OF Alcatel•Lucent SOW far PAWM 4. Transmission Engineering Services Alcatei-�ucent and PAWM wiil undertake the responsibilifies assigned to them, respectively, in this Section 4. A Alcatel-�uceM R�nsibili C Customer Resp�nsibilli NtA NotAppilqble 4.1 Feasibility Studies 4.1.1 Feasibility studies are prepared using preliminary and unverified information provided by PAWM or other sourcas. Feasibility studies are prepared by Alcatal-Lucent M order to form the basaline Equipment and radio frequency system deslgn and budgetary astimates. Feasibllfry studies include the foliowing responsfbilities: A C N(A I Providing system topoiogy maps X Providing preliminary path protiiss, path calculatlons and avallabiiity X calculatlons Providing a technioai report summarizing system desfgn consideretions and X E ui ment re uirements 4.1.2 Aicatel-�ucent requires the following information from the Customer! subcontractor to perform feasi6i8ty studies: Latitude and Longitude of the proposed microwave sites X Dakum of the site coordinates if known NAD27 or NAD83 X Existing tower hei hts if known X Ground Etevation of the sites if known X 4.1.3 Feasibility studies provide preliminary assumptions and are not intended to be final designs. The Customer subcontractor will assume all risks associated with installing any Equipment based on a feasfbility study. 4.2 Path Surveys E 4.2.1 Formal mlcrowave path surveys are conducted to determine or verify sita coordinafes, ground elevation, on-path obstructions (Iocation and height), tower informa5on, and other parameters required to enginaer the final design of a raciio Iink. The present and anticipated future effect of on-path obstructions, such as tree growth, is evaluated and incorporated into the path design where appiicable. Micrawave path surveys include the following responsibilides: A C N/A j Provide documents relating to previous path calculations and frequency X i coordinafion Provide informatlon to surve ors to locate the roposed microwave sites X Arran e surve or access to the roposed microwave sites X i Veri site elevaGons above sea Ievel X Veri site lon itude and latitude X I Provide existin tower descri tion and information X o Provide e�eral surve observations, comments and site photographs X Provide site layouts including towers with antennas at proposed center Iines X Alcatel-Lucent Confiden4fal 4 pgt�hlt51T PP,GE Aicatei•Lucent SOW for PAWM 4.2.2 Alcatel-Lucent geodetic coaMlnates wlil be accurate to within 1-second of Iatitude and 1-second of Iongitude. Ground elevatfons are accurate to within 5- feeEand that on-path obstructio�s at crificai points are identified and present heights are accurate to within 5-feek 4.3 Path Design 4.3.1 When oonducted by Aloatel-Lucent, path design Services are based on formal field survey data gathered under task 42. Path designs are considered final. The ProJect can move to the impiementation stage based on the recommendations within the finai design report, Path design Services include the foliowing responsibilities A C N!A Selsct fra uenc band and ca acit re uirements for each ath; X Deiertnine antenna centerii�e heights based on Alcatei-Lucent's path X clearance criteria Desi n paths to protect a ainst round-based reflections X Select radio types, anten�a sizes and typas, power output, and protecrion X soheme required to meet Customer subcontractor availabiiity and capacity re uirements f Calculate path availabllity using industry accepted models for predicting X ou#agas and countermeasure improveme�ts associated witb �ormal atmos heric multi- ath fadin u-fadin rain fadin and obstruction fadin Submit a flnal path design report, induding system maps, path profiles and X availabiiity calculations 4.3.3 I� addition to warranty exclusions set forth in the Agreement, Alcatei-Lucent is not responsible far excessive outages or degraded pertormance due to abnormal fadi�g condlBons that include, but are �ot limited ta o Formation of exkreme radio refractivity gradients associated with: Excepttonaliy large temperature invers(ons Abnormai temperature(humtdity Iayers Fog formation Signai trapping caused by surtace or atmospheric ducting Reflections from unidentifiabie off-path terra{n features or physical structures Rain fading due to rainfali rates that are in excess of the published rates or I charts used to predict rain Induced outages i If AlcatehLucent suspecYs abnormai propagation conditions are ceusing degraded system performance, Alcatei-Lucent will reasonably assist PAWM with verifying the conditions ieading to the degraded system pertarma�ce. After the problem is identifiad, Alcatel-Lucent wii! support PAWM in identifying possibie solutions to the problem, and assess the incrementai improvement expected fram corceckive actions. Implementation of corrective acUon required I to remedy this type of problem shall be the soie responsibility of PAWM. The stated rain model applies for systems that are eight {8} gigahertz and highec PAWM may request a copy of Alcatei-LucenYs path design modeL Alcatel-Lucent Confidential 5 06/18t49� tJ�H I PAGE Of i Aicatei•Lucenk SQW for PAWM 4.4Frequency Planning 4.4.1 Frequency planning Ser�ices inciude frequency sefecdon, priar coordination, Interference case resolution, and FGC license application documentation prepara{ion. In{Brterence studles will be conducted utllizing industry accepted methods, herdware, and software to buiid a database that is es accurate as possibie at khe fime of the study. Frequency pianning Services include the following responsibilities: A C N(A Complete freguency selection and provide frequency coordination data X shaets o Complete the Prior Coordinadon Notice and associated Suppiemental X Showin documents under PCC Part 101.103 d rules Com iete the FCC 601 iicense a plicafion X File the license application with the FCC X Payment of FCC Iicense fees X i 4.4.2 In the event harmtui frequency interference Is detected during the Acceptance I Testing of a radio system and Aicatel-�ucent provided the frequency planning I Services, Alcatel•lucenYs total rasppnsibility for correcting the problem is Ilmited to selecti�g new frsquenciea 4.4.3 lf harmful interference occurs after the radio system has bsen installed a�d accepted, corzective acfion is the sole responsibility of PAWM. i 5 Rrojecfi Services I Alcatel-Lucent and PAWM will undertake the responsibifities assigned to them, respectively, in this Section 5. A Alcatei-Lucent Res ons�bili i C Customer Res op nsibilit i N1A Not Applicable i I� 5.1 Program Nlanagemettt 5.1,1 Alcatel-Lucent's PM responsfbiiitles Indude: A C N/A Preparin u datin and monitarin Pro ect schedules X I Compiying with the terms and conditions of the contract and Purchasa X X Order Maintaining positive Customer t subcontractor focus during the depioyment X sta e of the Pro ect and I�to the ost de Io ment hase i Alcatel-Lucent Confldential 6 06118(09� t1Ct't PA6E OF Aicatel•�ucent SOW for PAWM 5.2 Network Engineering 8� System Design 5.2.1 Alcatel-�ucenYs NE responsibilities inciude: A C N(A Providing system designs that meet PAWM's specifications and X re uirements. Definin Bemarcatlon oints for Alcatel-Lucent reiated work Defining tachnical requirements and interfaces of outside ve�dor purchased X items Designin and e�gi�eerin a channel plan X X Providing functlonal system and statio� dia rams X Providin a bill of materiais for the Pro'ect X Developing manufacturi�g systems test, integratlon and field test X X re ulrements to e�sure the s stem o erates as er the desl n intent Providing systems and network engineering support dud�g Equipment X manufacturinq a�d field depioyme�t phases of the Pro'ect 5.3 lmplementatlon Project Manager 5.3.� Alcatel-Lucent's IPM res onsibilities include: A G NIA Site ac uisition Givil engineerin for Equi ment shelters and towers X Antenna systems and other OEM Equi ment procurement X Radio system installation X i Antenna s stem f�stallaYion Radlo and antenna s sfem test and commissionin I Building and tower modifications to accommodate new Equipment (if X and when re uired installation of ancillary Equipment X Coordinating the site surveys required to finaiize the scope o4 work refated to X X i the s�ecific Pro'ect 5.4 Site Surveys i A C N(A 5.4.1 Review tower structural analysis design information against proposod antenna I X X s stem desi n to determine fitness of tower for ur ose. 5.42 Determi�e and document locations for new Equipment at each site. X 5.4.3 Determine, measure, and document DC power i�tertace loca6ons and cabie X routes. 5.4.4 Dstermine and measure and document DS11DS3 /OC3 interface locatio�s and X cable routes. 5.4.5 Complete facitlty drawings, floor pians, cabie running sheets and wall eievations X X relative to the new E ui ment. 5.4.6 Provide and en ineer assi nments for alarm and control. X 5.4.7 En ineer and document fuse and breaker t es, sizes and assi nments. X 5.4.8 Com lete outside iant enerei surve and document. X 5.4.9 Prepare Customer t subco�tractar Survey documentation and Instaliation X X Specificatia�. Alcatel-LucenY Confidentiai 7 0611�Jp� i XHI PAG� F Alcatei•Lucent SOW for PAWM 5.5 General Project Responsibilities i A C NJA 5.5.1 06tain building permits aod constructlon licenses required for the X (mplementation of th(s Projact. Notices will be posted at the applicable sites prior to the commenaement of work. 5.5.2 Provida Afcatsi-Lucent access to the installation sites on an as neaded basis, X Work will be pertormed by Aicatel-Lucent andlor subeontracted personnel at Alcatel-LucenYs sols dlscretion. 5.5.3 Provide storage staging warehouse for radio Equipment and associated X E ui ment. 5.5.4 Provide normal raad conditions accessible by standard construction vehieles to X j the instellation sites. 5.5.5 Special Eqoipment for installation is not Included (i.e. cranes, helicopters, boom i trucks etc.). Usage of this Equipment wii( be at additional cost fo Customer subcontractor and documentad through a Job Informatfon Memorandum prior to commencemant of work. 6 �uilding and Outside Plant Alcatel-Lucent and Customer! subcontractor wili underkake the responsib(litles assigned to them, respectively, in this Section 6. i A Alcatel-Lucent Responsibili I C Customer Res�>oosibi6t N/A Nok Applicable I 6.1 Civii Work A C N/A 8.1,1 Provide as built documentation induding piot pians and archi{QCtural bluepriMs X far tpwers and shelters. 6.1.2 Pravida str�ctural analysis report an existing towers or facilitles to ensure they X are structurall sound to accommodate new radio and antenna E ui ment. I 6.1,3 Provide survey documentation with proposed tawer IocaGons, propsrty X boundaries, true north, landscape details, fences and other details necessary for new towers. i 6.1.4 Provide soil analysis report and foundatfon design for new towers and shelters. X I 6.1.5 ProviBe foundatio� design and tower design drawings and other technical data. X 6.1.6 Complste necessary documentation (formai survey 2C latterj for FCC and X FAA filfn for a roval and obtainin buildin ermits. Alcatel-Lucent Contidsntiat g 06��� t'Pt�� „�i ..&,;1.� Aicatei-Lucent SOW for PAWM 6.2 Towers A C N(A 6.2.1 Construct or modify tower in accordance with approved final design and the X applica6le version of EIAtT1A R&222, including painting, tower lights, safety climb ladders and li htenin rods. 6.22 Provide and connect adequate earth ground in accordance wifh finai design and X the a licable version of EIA(I"IA RS-222. 6.2.3 Provide antenna end wavegulde support systems including waveguide ladder, X wave uide brid e, ice shields, and round bus bars. 6.2.4 Provide and install footing hardware and building modificatlons required to X accommodate tripod or antenna mount on building rooftop or side wall if a Iicable. 6.3 Shetters FacilitEes A C N/A 6.3.1 Facilities will heve adequate space, heating and air conditioning to meet the X. o erational re uirements of new E ui ment ro osed herein. 6.3.2 Provide 220 VAC powar to the DC system. x 6.3.3 Provide appropriate fuse and oircuit breaker assignments. 6.3.4 Provide a power distribution fnterface within 30 feet of the proposed Equipment X Ioaation. 6.3.5 Provide attachmenf for station ground within the maximum distance of fifteen X (15) feet of the proposed Equipment Iocation. Existing facflity grounding ts a sin le oint confl uration. 6.3.6 Provide and install ACtDC recttfiers and battery back up systems if required. X 6.37 Provide a ground ring or plate as recommended by Iocal practices. x i T Installation Services Alcatel-Lucent and Customer t subcontractor wiil undertake the responsibilities assigned to them, respectively, in this SecGon 7. k Alcatel-Lucent Responsibilit C Customer Responsibilit NtA A�plicatife 7.1 Antenna Waveguide Systems InstalEation i A C N(A I i 7.1.1 Antennas, waveguide and mountlng Equipment delivered to site and inventoried. X 7.1.2 Assembie antennas, ri towers and de-ri towers u on com letion. X 7.1.3 Provide and install standard Ie i e mounts. X 7.1.4 Provide and install steel su ort members for side braces as re uired. X �.1.5 Penetrate building waii or roof for waveguide entry ports and install entry plates X a s required. Instali v�aveguide boat. 7.1.6 Install antennas and radomas at specified c enter Iines. X 7.1.7 Cap the unused polarity of a dual pole antenna with a termination load. X Alcatel-LucentGonfidentiat 9 O&l1���B�T PAGE �L OF /5 Alcatel•Lucent SOW for PAWM A C N/A 7.�.8 Instali waveguide runs, hanger kits and ground kits in accordance wlth X manufacturer's s ecifications. 7.1.9 7erminate waveguide runs within three feet of ro osed radio location. X 7.1.10 Perform antenna and waveguide sweep fests to cronfirm compiiance with X manufacturer's s eciflcatlons. 7.1.11 I�stall ressunzafion s stem E ui mant and callbrate. X 7.1.92 Pertorm anten�a alignmenf. Performanoe objectives of path will be set to X eKormance calculatlo� sheets. 7.2 Radio Instaliation A C NIA 72.1 Radlo and anoillary Equlpment delivered ta site and Inventoried. Uncrate radio X and locate In eneral vicini of fi�ai E uI ment IocaHon. 7.22 Instaii new radio fn existing reck or install new radio in new rack. Bolt rack to X floor and instap reck to su ort. 7.2.3 Complete power connections at redio IocaGon and dreuit breaker withtn 5Q feet X of radio locations. 7.2A Complete radio ground co��ection to station ground ring or bus bar withfn 50 X feet of radlo location. 72.5 Gom lete radio 1 wav nide intarFace connectinn. X 7.2.6 Install DS1 cabling betwsen radio and Costomer �emark(Program X Office/Customer! subconVactar to defi�e demarcation pofnt and other points 1n between 727 Instali DS3 oebling between radlo and x�ac. (Program OffcetCUStomer! X subcontractor to deflne demarcaUon oint and other oints In between i 7.2.8 Install flber o tic cabiin a�d fiber mana ement tra s as necessa X 7.2.9 Com lete alarm, ordenvire and ELMC and re eater oablin If re uired. X 7.2.10 Power on radio warm up and provision. 7.2.11 Conduct the following tests in accordance with the insuuctions contained in the applicable radio instructian books a. Transmit cr stal oscillator fre uenc check and record. X b. DS311ne and radlo DADE. X F c. Measure and record trensmit ower, X d. Measure and record actual RSL at radlo. X e. Record receiver fade margin (applicable only to paths designed by Alcatel- X Lucent 7.3 Anaillary Equlpment A C NIA 7,3.1 instaii and test Sonet MUX. X 7.3.2 Install and test M-13 MUX. X 7.3.3 Install and test DSX-X crass connect anels. X I 1.3.4 Run ma'or, minor and critical alarms for non-radfo E ui ment. X 7.3.5 Gom Iete n id wave ufde run from ent ort to radio loca#ion. X 7.3.6 Veri ro erfunctionin of alarms at alarm centec X i AlcatebLucent Confldential 10 pfi/9,g)pg tlCtiit3 PA6E 1� OF Aicatel•�ucent i SOW for PAWM 7.4 Nehuork Management System Cammissioning A C NJA 7.4,1 Install TSM mana ement s stem hardware com uters. X 7.4.2 Dsvelo database and GUI intertaces for TSM mana ement s stem. X 7.4.3 U date database with s ecific network node fnformadon. X 7.5 Hop Acceptance Tests A C N/A 7.5.1 Conduct over the hop one way Bit Error Rate Test {BERT) for 4 HOUR per X transmftter. 7.5.2 Rewrd US3 readings and compiete test documentation. X 7.5.3 Submit end to end system test documeMatlon for Customer 1 subcontractor j revfew and Acce tance. i 8 5ystem Acceptance Procedures 8.1 Alcatel-Lucent will notify PAWM of work complation and when system is ready for PAWM' Acceptance. 82 Alcatel-Lucent will compiete a site walk through with PAWM to inspect the installation work. A punch list of reasonable deficiencies will be prepared and agreed to by both Alcatel-lucent and PAWM. Punch list items affecting Customer 1 subcontractor traffic will be listed as critical. 8.3 Within reasonable time framss Aicatei-�ucent will work to ctear the punch ilst items concent�ating on critfcal items flrst 8.4 If deemed �ecessary by PAWM or Alcatel-�ucent, a final walk through wili be completed to verify completion of the punch list items. 8.5 Aicate4-Lucent will generate a PCN including the results of Eguipme�t tests a�d end to end system tasts. PAWM wiil stgn PCN acknowlodging completion and system Acceptance. B.6 For AlcatehLucent installed Products, Accoptance wiii occur on e per hop basis no later than five Business Days from the date Alcatei-Lucent completes Servlces. For Products not insta0ed by Alcatei-Lucent, Acceptance wiil occur upon shipment. For avoidance of doubt, Alcatel-LUCent wiil provide invoices for the Services upon completion of Services at each site. 8.7 Final System Accepfance occurs when alI of the follawing items have been completed: e PAWM has taken beneficial use of sysfem e Installation, test and turn-up of Equipment is complete at aIl contracted sites Tests have been compieted and test data provided to PAWM; or Traffic affec4ing punch iist items have been reasonably addressed 8.8 A finai invoice for Services wili be prepared and submitted to PAWM for payment once System Acceptance is echieved. 8.9 The Project Compietion Notice wili be signed by PAWM and A{catel-Lucent upon i Acceptance, refer to Exhibit B for a sample. A C N!A 8.1p Provide as buiit drawings and system documentation. X X Alcatel-Lucent Confidential 11 O6/�1��� ,/1 f /-�t PA6E OF Alcatel•Lucent SpW tor PAWM 9 System Traffic Cut•over Ricatel-Lucent and PAWM wili undertake the responsibilities assig�ed to them, respectively, in this Sectlon 8. A Alcatel-Lucent Responsibili C Customer Res op nsi6ilit NIA NotA li�cab�e__'� A C NIA 9.1 Prepare cut-over pian usl�g channel plan and PAWM's, Texas requirements X X 92 Schedule cut-over of traffia Ensura minimai disruption to axisting traffia X X 9.3 Complete cut-over and circuit wlring. X X 9.4 Validate cut-over compfeted succassfuliy with no adverse affect to PAWM's X X tra�c, 10 Equipment Removal Aicatef-Lucent and PAWM will undertake the respo�sibilifies assigned to them, respectively, in this Sectlon 10, ...�._to oer t Responsibliit A Aicatel-Luce Resp�nsibilit j NIA N C Cus m t ApPlicable i A C IV/A 10.1 Re(ocate existing equipment at instailation sites to accommodake installafion of X new E ui ment. 1D.2 Relocate antannas and waveguide ftom towerto accommodate new antenna X s stem. 10.3 Remove oid radio equlpment upon compietion of fraffic cut-ovec X 10.4 Remove antennas and wavegulde ftom tower upon compietion of trafflc cut-aver, 1Q.5 Disposeofdecommissionedequipment. X 10.6 Customer! subcontractor is responsible for removal, disposal, and abatement of X alI hazardous materials. i i i 1 A�cafei-Lucent Confident(al 12 061a�10� c t1I PA�E OF� Wireless Transmission Division Project Compietion Notice Customer! PAWM Subcontractor PO#: Name: Project Name: PAWM Upgrade SPT#: Work Compietion Rate: (infernal use only) WORK SITE3: Site Names Equipmenf lype 1 Pla�o Parkway 2 Avenue K 3 Avenue N 4 Ridqeview 5 Doghouse 6 AIIen W.T. 7 Allen PD Bldg 8 Wy(ie 9 Murphy W.T. 10 Frisco W.T. PuNCH usr: Accep4ed By Date Customer Punch L9st itams ��ucent subcontr Acceptsd actor 2 3 4 5 6 F 7 g I 9 10 COMMENTS: I SYSTcM ACGEPTANGE: Customer J subcontractor Representative: Aicate►-Lucent Representative: Name: Name: Signature: Signature: Date: Date: EXHIBIT PAGE OF �Ica��k��ut�t1� PAYMENT SCHEDULE st �r ��5�la°�� t a�. g �ItAI�.E�Tt7NE �'JI�CR'�O�N�A+U�E�PR'O�16CT i ,.N r z i s n a u p v rf f�'" i i• 4 k e 1 "����4���"�*� I 'uh�,��`n,.:;'; m�� 'e t, iz� �"�.v I Equipment Received At Customer Site designated On 55°!0 Purchase Order Ef�flip'men�s,�nst"all�d a u�hT d �,s,,. ,,.W Final Test Acceptance of Each Hop (To be Performed No Greater than 10 Business Days After Insfailation) 4 r r i'v� �����;3� e�i'�����' :t" 'C,�, Y y 9 sP °M., �1� r '�.�'h ,r �.�'��,3a05"' a�Mv J��d..9d� �r�..�?.v �hi���r�'`":�rw'& 4 I 7 (PAYMENT DATE NET 3� DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE) i I i i EXHIBIT PA6E �F s sx a 5i� �ifti� �.�i i 'S�^ �'N r �i�� ��'��v���d 7�, a a��.a �S 2� s. t t s�:r� ��rJw��tv�etwv� e.r�� e�dxx ard rnini�es�' ,hddda �ac c vn ,ma s i I t �eP Ey �;k� }����!l� ��li}':(1l�. �.�j�'�C�tF� 'se�yvYYYr^34iY��,Y,la�M�. Z�:�3�•�qY��{�"�y�'�4Cp11�S}'�fY}Iji51S���E�t1}�t€IE ri{t��;�� F1�1 ��I`f��f�;��(!��f,�, :x��z� ��r ����E�fl��iii%����iff� �tiii�{'`'�x��i�,��zr��� 1�1[ti�� �,;;ze�� t`�if� ���E�r�z!l,ri �z �j�f{(�tjl1(1(:�,!ljji,j� r��rrrii�rrrri�xKii�x 'ii;t ���sjk;� i E j r r� �i t' 1 tt:k! 7tf�rd a 5 y: i 1 f li��ll;I{4 i�'ft tz4aS8i{f rl is�."rt{i tI?1 I{:tiFf fi�S ��.i3�t r rir �:ir snr{ r,ir fr r�..�: zszfal;3S3�{tSt+6id{ifS�'i�! �iiji_ I '.¢.tra�e� ��y1 [it�,IfFF rldtftLFt i�ft��tfiEfF €II ��if3�iP�Ctilfiii xGS rPeEr�I�6kFFttfffe{t�itEi�;Fiiff`i.{fS tPe�� S,'siEl�li 7i.P �3��riftilf3.�i4@II i s".4 �3if 4f�.v.l�n 3�I�iii i¢'1Ei�S3!l3ttP�,S9i1$i�9Sil�11��963S3x�i$�§4�:Ei fHItIJi E�':t �k�tt� Rt ft�y�f> 1 x t�i� ttt �C.ix:l ��;��tffiClt ILr Pxlf{[CTI[F[NCfFttlt�l� t� s Y r r�vmlat rst�4�6�: ���I o�#ti9�81'�r�t��[�x p��ti�3.1�€3 3u��i,� 6�3ia9i9iiti€3��Yt�tap�8;;�;�$tt@��9t���`��k3���4_ i i i i 4... I i ry Y �Ct� i�. 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G�'1-�u�r i C i I a EkIiiB1T PAGE OF a sa_'�i��i�1�`SF s�A,.isd x�U�g.1.��,�nxc�d�Y�9��lh5j�:,� �S e��E a a c rcv .a�' I �s4 ��i����� ��i��31� �([f'zF�s;� i�(rf �r��(���i�+j(fi{ r f�„� ���tt�( ;�f„'�1��� !�I���}�r�Er��;£I��F �tt �si��f� ��f3��: "s� (��q� t i ikT.k. i 'i f i Y 4iluiGdt r l++3+f �f� �i#tdsi !I-il�iS+s{17Sd�Sl�l P.1'E�I 7Pte�CCt fx rfl� fttr'p'. lzrxtt!:�reeFt.tiCz�.if� a413��� 43i��liP!&d33:9irS ��:?i83's�l$9f9'3!liP,399.. rrrt Etlrripi p Ctrrr:r� rtsr trersrar[>rrierr i !����'�o���@���4��'� ��'�������'l��t���s���� I i i Q i i J 4� �I.:�:: :t ...:t f 1 i I I �5,f,..�.�.s �Ch's'R9'g w g d I i g I i ..t� EXHIBIT PA�E r QF Alcatei•Lucent �i AICATEL U5A MARKETING. INC. 3400 W. Plo�ro PMrry. Plara, TX ?b07E CITY OF PLANO PRICING SUMMARY CITY OF PLANO UPGR4DE BID# Dt159'14D June1,2008 PROJECT EQUIPMENT MDR-8000 RADIOS 355,390 QMNI SWITCH 51,510 BAY�Y SWITCH 94,071 DSX-1 PANEIS 13,310 ZHONE FIBER GXTENDER 15,072 i MCS•11 REM07E SCANNER S a8�529 TSM-8000 51,462 i DCpOWERSYSTEMS 130,834 ANTENNA EQUIPMENT 218,898 PROJECT EQUIPMENT TOTAI 469,076 PR4JECT SERVICES MSTAILATIONANDTEST,RAD10&ANTENNAEQUIPMENT 354,706 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING 5@,338 fAC70RYSTAGING z2�5�g INSTA�!.ATION TESTING OS6855 FOR NEW RINGS 5,203 iNSTA�tA?ION TES7ING OS8855 FOR OLD 4 HOP RING S 2,400 APPLICATIdN SYSTEM ENGINEERING S 22,137 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 15,866 i Managementadjustment 5 (15,866) PROJECT SERVICES TOTAI 465,332 PROJECT9PARE5 RADIO SPARE MODULES MDR-8000 45,261 OMNI SWITCH SPARES S 2.548 BAYLY SWITCH SPARES 4,955 ZH4NE FIBER EXTENDER SPARES 459 MCS-11 REMOTE SCANNER SPARES 3,840 TSM-9000 SPARES 7�181 pC POWER SYSTEMS SPARES '1,148 PROJEG7 SPARES TOTAL 65,406 TRAINMG f MDR-8000 Hi-Cap Microwave Radio OiM (4 Studentsjat Alcatel-Luceat Faci)Ity &,600 i TSM-8�00 MGS-11 Telemetry Master O!M {4 SWdents) at Alcatel-Lucent Faciiity 9,200 OMNtFIez TRAINING CUSTOMER LOCATION WtEXPENSES 10,710 TRAINING TOTAL 28,b10 PROJECS EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, SPARES, TRAINMG TOTAL M1,528,326 QPTION5 OPTION POR HOT STANDBY?2ADI05 20Z.241 i E-Mail PO to Ordernow@Alcatel-Luaent.com and reference the ALII S7AR5 on cover sheet Tettns and conditions per existing Contrect #2477 4etween CiTy of Ptano and Alcatel-LUCent USA, Inc. Attachment A shall be statement of work of current project. EXHIBIT PA6E i OF Alcatei�Lucent ALCATEL U8A MARKETMG, WC. 9400 W. Piano Pkwy. Plena, TX 75075 CITY OF PIANO PRICING SUMMARY CITY OF PLANO UPGRADE PtANO sion o�ies7ao dune'I, 2009 PROJECT EQUIPMENT MDR-8006 RADIOS 232,336 OMNI SWITCH 37,774 BAYLY SWITCH 52,479 DSX-1 PANELS 8�47Q ZHONE FIBER EXTENDER i MCS-N REMOTE SCANNER S 21,465 TSM-8000 30,877 DCPOWERSYSTEMS 72�?78 ANTENNAEQUIPWtENT 'i17,589 PROJECT EQUIPMENT TOTAL 867,668 PROJECT SERVICES INSTALLATIOh� AND TE5T, RADIO ANTENNA EQUIPMENT 200,090 TRANSMISSIpN ENGINEERING 37,530 FACTORY STAGING 13,529 i INSTALLATION TESTING 058855 FOR NEW RINGS 3,3'11 INSTALLATION TESTING OS8855 FOR OLD 4 HOP RING 2,400 APP! ICATION SYSTEM ENGINEERING 12,833 PROGR4M MANAGEMENT 9,520 ManagemeM adjustmeM (9.620) PRO�ECT SERVICES TOTAL 265,693 PROJECTSPARES RADIO SPARE MODULES MDR-8000 27,169 OMNI SWITCM SPARES 1,528 BAY�Y SWITCH SPARES 2,973 ZNONE fIBER EXTENDER SPARES 275 MCS-11 REMOTE SCANNER SPARES 2,304 TSM-8000 SPARES 4,309 DC POWER SYSTEMS SPARES 869 PROJECT SPARES TOTAI 5 39,245 j� TRAlNIN6 I MDR-8600 Hi-Cap Microwave Radio O(M {4 Students)at Alcatsl-Wcent Pecility 5,160 TSM-8000 MCS�11 Telemetry Master O/M (4 Students) at Aloatel-LuceM Facility 5,520 �i OMNIFISx TRRINING CUSTOMER LOCATION W/EXPENSES 6,426 TRAINING TOTAL 97,M108 PROJEGT EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, 5PARE5, 8 7RAINING TOTAL 883,732 OPTIONS OPTION FOR HOT STANpBY RAOIOS 841,835 I E-Mail PO to Orciernow@Alcatei•Lucent.com and reference the ALU STARS on cover sheet I Terms and conditions per extsting Gonfract #2477 6etween City of Plano and Alcatef��ucent USA, !na Attaehment A shaii 6e statement of work of current project EXliIBiT Ff�GE OF t Alcatel•Lucent ALGATEL USA MARKETING, MC. 3404 W. ?!ano Pkwy. Planq TX 78075 CITY dF PLANO PRIGING SUMMARY CITY OP PLANO UPGRADE AILEN BID# D115914C May 5, 2009 PROJECT EQUIPMENT MDR-8000 ft4Di05 82,226 OMNISWITCH 6,868 BAVLYSWITCH 20,796 i DSX-1 PANELS 2,420 I ZHONEPIBEREXTENDER 15,072 i MCS11 REMOTE SCANNER 8.562 TSM-8000 1Q292 DCPOWERSYSTEMS 29,028 ANTENNA EQUIPMENT 29,623 PROJECT EQUIPMENT TOTAI. S 584,888 PROJECT BERVICE3 INSTALLATION AND TEST, RADIO ANTENNA EQUIPMENT 55,701 TRANSMtSSION ENGMEERING 10,404 FACTORY STAGING 4,510 INSTALLAT�ON TESTING 6S6855 POR NEW RING5 948 INSTALIATION TESTING OS8855 POR OLD 4 HOP RING APPLICAtION SYSTEM ENGINEERIN6 4,081 I I PROGRAMMANAGEMENT 3,173 Managementadjusiment {3,173) PROJECT SERVICES TOTAI S 75,651 PROJECTSPARES RAD{0 SPARE MODULES MDR-8006 9A56 OMNI SWITCN SPARES 509 BAYLY SWITCH SPARES 991 ZHONE FIBER EXTEN(�ER SPARES 92 i MCS-11 REMOTE SCANNER SPARES 768 TSM-8004 SPARES 1,436 DC POWER SYSTEMS SPARES 229 PROJECT SPARE3 TOTAI i3,082 i TRAINING MDR-800C Hi-Cap Microwave Radio O!M (4 Stutlenfs)at Alcatei-LUCent Faciifty 1,720 TSM-800D MCS-11 Teiemetry Master O(M (4 Students) at Alratel�Lucent Faciliry 1,840 UMNIFIezTRAININGCUSTOMERLOCATiONWtEXPENSES 2,142 i TRAINING TOTAI. 5,T02 i PROJECT ERUIPMENT, SERVIGES� SPARES,.& TRAIN(NG TOTAL S 279,923 i I E-Mafl PO to qrdernow@A4catel-Lucenkcom and reference the ALU STARS on cover sheet. Terms and conditions per existing CoMract #2477 between City of Ptano and Aicatel-Lucent USA, Ina Att2chment A shatl be statement of work of current projeck EXHIBIT �____�_�__p__ PA6E _L 0 ,,.L�., Alcatei•LuCent AICATEI USA MARKETING, MC. 3400 W. Plana Pkwy. Pimno, TX 75075 CITY OF PLANO PRICING SUMMARY CITY OF PLANO UPGRADE MURPHY BID# D115914C May 5, 2009 PROJECT EQUIPMENT MDft-8000 RADIOS 29�7�8 OMNISWI7CH 3,434 BAYLYSWITCH �n� DSX-1 PANElS 1,210 ZHONE FIBER EXTENDER MCS-11 REMOTE SCANNER 4,281 7SM-8000 5,146 DC POWER SYSTEMS 14,514 ANTENNA EQUIPMENT 57,866 PROJECT EQUIPMENT TOTAI 126,5�8 PROJECT SERVICES INSTALLATION AND TEST, RADIO ANTENNA EQUIPMENT 67,708 TRANSMISSION ONGWEERiNG 5,262 FACTORY STAGING 2,255 INSTALLATION TESTING OS6855 FOR NEVJ RINGS 473 INSTALI.ATION TES7ING OS6855 FOR OLD 4 HOP RING APPUCATION SYSTEM ENGINEERING 3,154 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 1,587 Managementadaustment 5 t�.s PftOJECT SERVICGS TOTAI S 78,782 PROdECT SPARES R4DI4 SPARE MODUIES MDft-8000 4,528 OMNI SWITGH SPRRES 255 BAYLY SWITCH SPARES 496 ZHONE FIBER EMENDER SPRRE3 46 MCS-11 REMdTE SCANNEft SPARES 384 TSh1-8fl00SPARES 7 t 8 DCPOWERSYSTEMSSPARES >>5 PROJECTSPARESTOTAI 5 6�549 1 TRAINMG M�R-8000 Hi-Cap Microwave Radio OtM (4 Students)at Alcatei-Lucent Facility 860 TSM-8000 MCS-11 Telemetry Master OfM (4 Students) at Aicatei-�oceat Faality 920 OMNIFiex TRAWING CUSTOMER LOCATION W/EXPENSES 1,071 TRAINING TOTAI S 2,851 PROJECT EQUIPMENT, SERVICE3, SPARES, &TRAINING TOTAL 214,831 E-Maii PO to Ordernow@Aloatel-Lucent.com and reference the ALU STARS o� cover sheol Terms and condiUons per existing Contract #2477 qatween City ot Piano and Aicatel•lucent USA, ina Attachment A shail 6e statement of work ofi current proJect EXHlBIT PAGE 1 OF Alcatel•Lucent AI_CATEL USA MARKE7ING, INC. 3400 W. Plano Pkvry. Plano, T% 75075 cirv oF a�ar�o PRiCING SUMMARY CITY OF PI.ANO UPGRADH �WY�IE 81D# DN5914C May 5, 2009 PROJECT EQUIPMENT MDR-BDOO RRDI05 31,110 OMNI SWITCH 3,434 BAYLYSWITCH 10,398 DSX-1 PANELS ",210 ZHONE FIBER EXTENDER MCS-11 REMOTE SCANNER 4,261 TSM-8000 5,146 DC POWER SYSTEMS 74,514 ANTHNNA EQUIPMENT 'I9,899 PROJECT EQUIPMENT TQTAL 5 89,993 PROJECT SERVICES INSTALLATION AND TEST, RADIO ANi"ENNA EQIJIPMENT 31207 I TRANSMISSION ENGINEERWG 5,2�2 FACTOftY STA6ING S 2,256 INSTALLATION 8 TESTING OS885b FOR NEW RINGS 473 lN5T.4�LATION TESTING OS6855 FOR OLD 4 HOP RING APPUCA710N SYSTEM ENGINEERING 2,059 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 'I,5&7 Managementadjustmeni (1.587} PROJECTSERVlCES70TAL 41,198 PRQJECTSPARES RADIO SPARE MODULES MDR-8000 4,528 OMNISWITCHSPARES 255 BAYLY SWITCH SPARES 498 ZHONE FIBER EXTENOER SPARES 46 MCS-1'I REMOTE SCANNER 9PAftE3 384 TSM-800� SPARES 778 f DC POWER SYSTEMS SPARES 715 PROJECT SPARES TOTAL 8,541 TR4INING i MDR-8000 Hi-Cap Microwave Radio OfM (4 Students}at Alcatel-WCent Facility S60 TSM-8400 MCS-t t Telemeiry Master OfM (4 Studants) at Aicatel-Lucent Facility 920 OMNlffex TRA4NING CUSTOMER �OCATION W/EXPENSES 1,071 TRAINING TOTAL 2,&51 PROJECT EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, SPARES, TRA�NING TOTA� 140,580 E-Mail PO to Ortlemow@Alcatei•Lucent.com and reference the ALU STARS on cover sheet. Terms and conditians per exfsting Contract #2477 between City of Plano and A�cateLLucent USA, Inc. Attaahment A shell be statament of work of current project. EXWIBIT G PAGE I 4F Gity of Plano Contractor Insurance Requirements a�nd Agreement Requirements Confractors performing work on City property or public righf-of-way for the City of Piano shall provide the Cify a certificate of insurance evidencing the coverages and coverage provisions identified herein. Cantractors shall provide the City evidence thaf all subcontractors pertarming wark on the project have the same types and amounts of coverages as required herein or that the subcontractars are included under the contractor's policy. The Gity, at its own discretion, may require a certified copy of the policy. A!( insurance com anies and cavera es musf be authorized b the Texas e ar men o nsurance o ransac usmess rn e a e o exas an mus e accep a e o e v o ano. I,isted below are the types and amounts of iusurance reqnued. Tile City reseives the iight to amend or require additional t es and a�nounts of coverages or }�rovisions de ending on tve nat�ire of the woric Type of Insurance Amount of Provisions Insurance Commercial General $500,000 eaci� occuizsnce, City to be listod as addi6onal (Public) Liabiiity to include !$=��d6,000 general aggregate; nisured ar,d provided 3Q-day notice of cancellarion or mateiial coverage for: Or change in coverage. 3} PSeRIiSBS/C}peY3tiOriS 1,000,000 combined single City prefers tl�at insurer be ratad b) ProductslCompleted l;,uiis B+VI or higher by a.M.Bcst or A Opera+ions or higher by Standaxd Poors c} Independeut Coiztractois d) Personall�ijtuy e Coiztractual Liabilit 2. Business Auto �iability As required By State of Texas 3. Workers' Compensation Stahitory Zinuts City to be provided a waiver of Empioyers' �iability �100,000 eaeh accident subrogarion I Quesfions reqardina this insurance should be directed to tfis Ci4v of Piano Purchasinq Department (972) 941-7557. Tkis form rnusl be sig�Ted cand returraect with your qzcotatior7� to venfj� t7iat ��ou can amcl wtll meet ihe zr��sairance require�aaelats listed Tzer^ezn shoa�lrt you be selected to pe�forras worlc for the City, ancl will pYOVicle tTae ee��tzfieatn.s of itasurccr2ce �eceptable to tHe City. A P�iPCHAS� ORDER YVILL NOT BE XSSUED GVZTHOUT El'✓717ENCE OF INSliRANCE. acREFMEnrr I agaee to provide the aUove-descizbed instiueilce coverages if'selected to perfonn work for the City of Plauo. I i also agree to provide the City evidence of insura�ice coverage on any uid alI subcontractors perfonl7ing work on the project. ProjecUBid Com�aily: Printed Na�ne: Weildor (if applicable) Signature:_ Date:__ Retiu Signed Fornl to: N:SCONTRACTS\['oims0nswance Requirements-New.doc ExH�B�� PA6E OF A a d CE OF LtABI INSURANGE i°"TE""M'°°"""'-' osroetzaos Pft00UCER THIS CERTIPICATION IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION MershUSA,inc, ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGNTS UPON THE CERTIFlCATE 11 B6 Avenue of the Amertcas HOLDER, TH13 CBRTlFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, ExTEND OR New York, NY 10036 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POlIC1ES BELOW. i 069021-ALCA-CASUA-2009 GAW INSORERS AFFORDlN6 COVERAGE NAIC iNSUaeo iNSUamn:Aliianz Gbbel Risks Us insurence Company 35300 Alcatel Wcent USA Ina 3400 W.Plar,o Parkway �NSUrtEae:LlbeAy Mutuailnsurance Compaoy �230 Plano,TX. 75075 iHS�aeac:NtA NIA INSURER D: IN&URERE: COVERAGES THE POLIGES OF INSURANQE LISTEO BBLOW NAVE 6EEN�ISSUED TO 7HE INSURE� NAMED RBOVE FOR THE POUCY PERfOD IN�ICATED. NOTWITHSTAN�ING ANY RE4UVREMENT, TERM OR CONDIiION GP ANY CON7RACT OR OTHER DOCUMBNT WITH RESPECT TO WH�CH TNIS CERTIFICATO MAY 5F ISSUED OR MAY PERTAM, THE INSUR4NCE AFPORDED BY THE POLIC�ES UESCRBEO HEREW IS SU&IECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSiONS ANt] C ONDITIONS OF SUCH POUCIES. f�GGREGATE UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CIAIMS. MS��ADO' rypE0FIN5URANCE POLICYNUMBER PouCYECRECTVE POUCVenain.aloN UMRS LTR IN$ft OATEIMMIOp�I'YYYJ OATE(M41�OIVYY'!F A NE e� CG12002408 I0110'i(2009 01/0112010 �`.94.�4. x��, cown��rscw�ceN�ru�unaartv I Pae�u,sgs(ea«cu�m,o S 1,000,000 f CLaIMS MHOE OCCUR M� �^"y o^" P��") S 10,000 '�Qppt(y{¢{yal l'ah1Y�_ PERSONAL&AW WJ�RY �,OOd,OOO GE4EFALAGuREGP.TE 1,000,000 GENERAL AG6REGATE IJMIT NPPUES PEft PRODUCTS C�MPlOP AG POLICY j� lOC OOO OOO iAUTOMOBiLE�iPBitlN ASZ$2'I-OB3O4$-OJ9 01/OV2009 017012010 coMeteeosiuc,�.euMrr g-, 1,000,000 ANYAUTO (Ee accldmtJ ALLOWNE'JAUTOS I BOb!lY1NJURY SCHEDULEpAUTOS I�� y� N.lREOAUTOS I 80DILYINJ� URY X NOWOWNEDAVfOS �(PascldanQ Phvsicai Damepe Seit-Insurad �HOVErzrv �.wHACE (a« scclaen9 B GARAGE LIABIUTY AUiO pN�Y- EAACCIOENT ANYAUTO OTHEftTHAN �^ACC iS AUTOtlNLY: AGG EXCE55 t UM9ftELCA 1IA91lltt ;ACH OCCURRE'NCE S CCCUN CtA1MSMPDE AGORE�ATE �[DUCTIBI.E RETENTION S 8 WORKER CQMPEN40.TIONAND WA7-C2D-083O4H-0'IJ(AOSJ O'IIO'IIZOOB 01f01/2010 X WCSTATU- OTH- B emP�orees�unaiurv WC7-C21-093048-029(ORWI} 0'i161t2009 01101i20'10 ANYPROPRIETOPoPPRTNERlE%ECIRiVEYtN �.EA?IACCIOENT 'I,OOO,OOO �PFICERlMEMBEREXCI.U6EOR I,.OISEASEEAEMPi.OY S "I,OOO,OO� y v SPECI(N.�il'ft0�3iCNS�behwripeuntlm .L.OISFASE-POLICYLIMIT S �,QOD,OOO OTHER I �OESCRIPTIONOPOPEPATIONSlIOCATiQN3NEHiCLE&E%CLU810N9ADOE�BYENDOft6EMENTISPECiALPR0YBi0N8 City of Piano, TX is hareby na.med as Additlonai Insured with respect to the General lia6Nity Covorege. A Waiver at Subrogetion o n the Workers Compensation po�icy in favor of the City of Plano, TX I CERTIFICATE H OLDER NYG003885516- CANC ELLATION SHW�O ANY pF TME A904E DEBCRIBEU POLICIES &E ChNCELt,EO BEFQRE THE G�'( Of PI2I10, TX EXPIRAiION OATE TNEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WiLI ENDEAVOR TQ MAIL I �_DAYSWRITTEVNOTICETOTHECERTIFICATENOI�ERNAMEOTOTHEIEFT� 0UT PAILURE TO DO SO SHKLL IMPOSE NOOBLIGRTION OR IIABIIITY OF ANV NIN� UPON THE IN9URER, ITS AGENTS OR REPftE3ENTATiYE3. AU}ryO@2EpftEp ot Marah 116P Lauren Glagrande ACORD 25 (20R9101} (Q 1988-2009 ACORD CQRPORATiO�i�`�i�hts Reserve 7he ACORO name and logo ars registered marks of ACORO PAGE OF IMPORTANT ��if the certificate holder is an ADD'��.710NA� INSURED, the po!icy(ies} must 6e endorsed. A statement on this certiflcate does not wnfer rights to the certiflcate hoidsr m lieu of such endorsement(s). '��.f SUBftOGATIdN I5 WA'-.VED, subject to the torms and co�ditions of the po�'�:icy, certain policies may require en endorsament. A statement on this cedfficate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in liau of such endorsement(s). DISCI.AIMER This Certiflcate of insurance does not ponstitute a contrect between the issuing insurar(s}, auti�orized representative or producer, and ihe certificats hoider, nor does it eff�rmatively or nagatively amentl, extend or alter tfie coveraga afforded by the po'��.icies '���.isted therann. i t Acord 25 (2009107) Pa�E�aF� OATEIkM/DOIYYI'Yj A� CERTIFICATE OF LIABIL{TY INSURANCE I 09/09l2009 vaooucea THiS CERTIPIGATION IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Marsh USA, inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGNTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 1166 Avenue ot the Americas NOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR New York, NY 1D036 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 06902'i-ALCA-CASUA-2009 GAW INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAtC wsuaeo iwsuaea n: Ailianz Giobai R(sks Us Insurance Company 35300 Aicatei lucent USA Inc. 34�0 W. Piarro Par.kway �NS�REp e: liberty Mu1ua1 i�surence Compa 23043 Piano, TX. 75o75 fNeuae� c: NIA NtA INSUftERQ. IN9URER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BEIOW HAVE BF.EN ISSUEO TO THE INSUREO NAMED A80VE POR THE POUCY PERI00 WDICATED. NOTWITH5TANOING ANY F2E�UIREMEN7, 7ERM OR CONOITION OF ANY COMRACT OR OTHER OOCUMENT WITH RFSPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE WSURANCE AFFORDEO BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HOREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TNE TERMS, EXCIUSiONS AND COPl�ITIONS OF SUCH POIiCIES. ACGREGHTE LIMITS SNOWN MAV HAVE BEEN REUUCED BY PND CLAIMS. NB�AO� �qpEOFINSURANCE POLICTNUMBER P�GTEFFECTIVE POLIGTIXPIMTIOH LIMRS lTR IN$ DATE�MMIDONVYY� �ATE�MMNPlYYYY} A w CGL 2002406 Ot/01t2009 Otl01t2010 H u E 000 X COMWERCIAL^uENEFAtLiA81UTY PREM9E3 eccurrenep ��OOO,OOO i GWMSOAAOE OCCUft ME�FJ(p(Myonepereon) X �ntrg�y�jjy(�j�j[Y PERSONAL,SADVINJURY 1,000�000 GENERALAGGREGATE 1,0�0,000 GENER4L AC,GREGATE IiMITPPP1.iE5 PER PROOpCTS-COMPlOP AG PR6 ___'I OO��OO i j f+OUCY JECT LOC B AUTOM08ILEI.IA8ILM A52-327-093048•079 O'I(OVZOOJ O'I/O'UPO'IO COMWNE091NOlELIMl7 X FJJYAUTO (EeealCenl) AIIOWNE0AUT0S �BODI�y1NJURY SCHEDULEDAVT09 j (PerpemvnJ X HIREOAUTdS 1 I i 80DILY INd URY y, NpN-0YJNED PUTOS (Per acciEent) Physical Damage Seif-Insured P aoe DAMAGE I� 6ARAGE LIAeILITY N�TO QNLY EA ACGIDENT PNYAU50 OTHERTHAN AUTOONLY: qoG EXCESS:UMeREll0.liA81lRY EACHOCCORRENCE S A66RE�ATE OCCUR �J CLAIMSMAOE �EWCTBLE RETENTI�N S L B WORK C�MPENSATIOWANO WA7-02p-093G48-019(AOS) �1/fl�(2fl�J ��(4�12��0 X'�`'�STATU OTH- B EMFLOYEft&'LIABIIiTY WC7-C21-093048-029(OR WI) OV01t2009 01(Ot/2010 ANVPROPRIETORIPAftTNEAlEXECU7iYE��N .L.EACNACCIDENT 'I�OOO,ODO OYFICEWMcMBEREXIX.WED7 .LOISEASE_FAEMPLOY S 'I,OOO�OOO tMandatoryInNM)IfyosAnsc:lbeuntler .I.,OISEkSH-POLICYLIMiT �,���,�Od 9PECIAL pRWi510NStrebw OTHER I I i( DESCPoPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNENICLEBIE%ClUSi0N8 A66E0 0V ENOOR&EMENiI&PECIAI PROVISIONS Gity of Ailen, TX is hereby named as Atlditlonal Insuretl wl{h respect fo the General i.iabliity Coverage. A Waiver of Su6rogedon o n the Workers Compensation policy in favor of the Ciry of Allen, TX CERT�FICA7E HOIDER NYC-D03895522-23 CANCEI�ATION SHDUI.D ANY QF TNE ABOVE 6ESGRIBED POUpiE3 BE CANCELLEO BEFORE TNE E%PIRATION OATE TNERcOF, THE IS6UINC INSURER WILI ENOE4VOR TO MAII I CiVy oFHllen, TX r 3O OAYS WNITTEN NOTICE TO THE GERTIFICATE NOLDEft NAMED TO TNE IEFT, 9UT FAILURE TO 00 SO SNAtL IMPOSE NO 084GATION OR �IABILITY Of ANY KINO I U ry PO�N pqp h1E INBUREft, RS AGENTS Oft REPRESENiATVES. AOfMeSt�eUSAP�E�SENTFTNE _I_ lauren Glagrande +�r�w •hzJV.uw ACORU 25 (2a091�1} 1998•2008 ACORD CORPORATION.�AiI`R��hts Reserved� I,. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CRtI 6 PAGE OF IMPORTANT if the certtflcate holder is an ADDITIONAL SNSURED, the palicy(ies) must be endorsed. R statement on this cedificate does not confer dghts to the certfficato holder in tiau of such endorsement(s}. If SUBRdGATION IS WANED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain pol(cies may require an endorsemant. A statement on this certiflcate doss not confer dghts to fhe certificate holdsr in ifeu of such endorsement{s). DISCLAIMER This Certificete of tnsurance doee not constltute a co�trect batween the issuing insurer(s), authorized represeotative or producer, and the certfFlcats holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extand or aiter the coverage afforded 6y the policies ilsted thereon. t I Acortl 25(2068t05) PA�E �F e oare {enrnroorrrvr� av p CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE osiaerzoc9 aaooucea THIS GERTIFIGATION IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF MFORMATION Marsh USA, inc. ONLY AND CONEERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 116B Avenue of the Americas HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTENO OR New York, NY 10036 ALTER THE COVERAGE APFORDED BY THE PO41CIES BE�OW. q69021-ALCA-CASUA-2009 GAW INSURERS AFFORDIN6 COVERAGE NAIC �xsuaeo iHSUREan:Ailianz Globei Risks Us insuran Company 35300 Alcatel Lucent USA Inc. 3400 W. Plano Parkway insoaes a: berty Mutual insuran Cam 2 3043 Plano, TX. 75075 INSURER C: N/A N/A INSUAER 0; i INSURERE: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF MSURANCE IISTEO BEIOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR TNE POLICY PERI4D INDICATEO. NOTWITHSTANDWG ANY REQUIRGMEN7, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTNER OOGUMENT WITN RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED Oft MAY PERTAIN, THE INSORANCE AFfORDED BY THE Pd ICIES DE5CRIBEO HEftEIN IS SUBJECT 70 All THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OP SUCH POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE 6EEN REDUCEO BY PAID ClAIM3. NS AD' rypEOPINSURANCE PD�ICYNliMBER PoucreFFECn� Poucrsxp�w.nON LIMITS LTR IN5R OATE�MMIOPHYYYj OATE�M11MJpqYYYY� A �E R'° uA uirv CGL2002406 O1tOV2009 01i01120i0 7{ coMMeRantc�r+eRa�uae:urr T Y,600,000 PRER915E5 Es accumence CLAIMSMADE OCCUR MEDEXP(Mymvpe�nron) �O,OOO X_ CflotrsctueW861I@y_'"'"_ ?eRSawAL&paVINJUirr 7,000,000 GENFR41.AG6FEGATE 1,000,000 GENEfAt. AG�REGATE IIMIT APPLIES PE PROOUCTS COMP/OP AG 1 000.000 POLICY �Ea �oc nuromoeaeuneiutt AS2-621-093P48-075 0710112009 01I01t2010 I B Eemcc ?.000,000 X ANYAUTO i AU.DWNEDAUTOS BOOILYINJURY SCHEWlEDA41T03 (Pa'P�n) HIftE0AUT06 BOPILYINJURY E X NON-OWNE6AUTOS i (PerexlCent) i j PhVSlcal Damaoe SeM-Insured {p�oa�� I GAttAO@LIpBItITY AUTOONI.Y-FAACCiDENT$ ANYAUT6 IOTHERTHAN �AC� I AUTOONIY: AGG �IXCES67IJMBRELLALIp81lITY EACHOCCURftENGE OGCUR CLAIMSMA6E AGGREGATE_ OEDVC(18�E FETENTION B WORKER COMPENSATIpNANO WA7-C2D-093048-019{AOS} Q1id�i2�U9 07101120i0 x WGSTATU� OTW B emPwreres�weiutt WC7-C21-083048-029(OR WI) OilOV2009 011012010 I ANYPROPft1EORIPARTNFJllEXECO'IYE w�N .�.EAGiACd�ENi 1,0OO,ODO i OFFICERIMEMBEftEXCL00E�4 („DISEASE-EAEMP�OYE S 1,000,000 try yee rv SPECIAi.PROV�lON3�b av�u��� 1 .1.�I6EA3E-POt.iCYLIMIT u 7�000,000 i OTNER I OESCRIPTION OF 9PERATIONSILOCATIONStVENICLE&EXCW SION9 FPDEp BY ENDORSEMEqTISPEqAI PROYISIONS City of Murphy, TX is hereby nametl as Rdditlonai ins�red w1U respect to the Generai Liability Coverage, A Waiver of Su6rogation o n the No�kers ComPensetian policy in favor of i�e Cify of hdurphy, TX I I I GERTIFICA HOLDER NYC-0036955 CANCELl.A710N SHOUI.O ANY OF TME ABOYE Dc8CR18E0 POL{CIE9 BE CANCELLEO BEFORE THE CIiY OP MUtPiiY, TX E%PIRATION DATE TNEREOF, TNE ISSUMG INSURER WILi. ENOEAVOR TO MAIL ��AYSWftITTENNOTICETOtHECERTIFICATEHOLOERNAME0T07NELEF(, I BUT FAIi,URETO 00 80 BHALL IMPOSE NO OBIIGATiON OR LIA&LITY OF ANY KWD �PON TNE INSURER, IT3 AGEM3 OR REPRESENTATIVE8, AUTHOtuiEp nePREBENTATNE ��.,�t �f�� oiManh�JSAinc. C.,Y..V.�IWV� r•itiuiev.�� euren Glagrande ��I ACORD 25 (2009l�1) p i888-2009 ACORD CORPORA710N 3iicpts Reserved The ACORD name and logo are regisiered marks of ACORD p�t116TI PAGE _L Of IMPORTANT if ihe cartiFlcate holder is an ADDITIQNAL INSURED, tbe policy(ies) must be endorsad. A statemert on this certificete does aot confer rights to khe certificate hoidor in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBftOGATiON IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require a� endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certifirate holder in lieu ot suah endorsement{s). QISCLAIMER This Certificate of insurance does not constitute a contract between the tssuing insurer(sJ, authorized representativa or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it aff�rmatively or negatively amend, I. extend or alter the coverege afforded by the policies listed thereon. Acord 25 (2009Po1j PAGE OF p� CERTIFICATE OF �IABILITY INSURANCE °A E Y 09709t2009 eaoovicea THtS CERTIFiCAT10N IS 19SUE0 AS A MATTER �OF INFORMATION Marsh USA, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 1166AvenueoftheAmerioas HOLDER. THI$ CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR New York, NY 10036 AITER THE COVERAGE AFFOftDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW, 069021-A�CA-CASUA-2DOH GAW MSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC u+su2EO �NSUpeqa Allianz Globa{ Risks Us insureoce Gompany 35300 Alcatel �ucent USA inc. 3400 W. Plano Parkway �NS�REa a: LiHerty Mutual Insurance Company 23043 Piano, TX. 75075 �iesurzea a NJA N(A INSURER O: INBUREft E COVERAGES i THE POLIOSES OF INSLIRANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE I.NSURED NAMEp RBOVE FOR THE POLIGY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTNITfiSTANDING ANY REGUIREMENT, TERM OR CONOtTION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTNER DOCUMFM WITN RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUE� OR MAY PERTAIN, THE IN3URANCE AFFORDED BY TNE PpLiCIES DESCRBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLIGES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SH�WN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED &Y PAI� CLAIMS NS AOD' TypEOGiN5UR4NGE POLICYNUMBER Po�KresfECilvE nol�eYEXP�MiION LIMITS �17R IN3ft OAiE(N6YDOttYri� OATE(MMNRM»"h A I c N B1 ;CGL 2002408 67f01l2008 OV0112Q10 auea v X CpMMFRCW.GENEFALIIABIi.17Y PREWSE Eeoccurronca 1,060,000 i MEDE%P(Myonoperwn) ��,OQ� CLpM5MR0E OCCUR I i I ;X CnntreM��g��J�f�i(Y PER30NAL8ApVINJURY r$ �,ppq,p60 I GENF.RAIAGGREGATE 'I,OOO,OOO -GENEft4LA0GRfGATELIMITAPPiJESPFA POt,ICY PftP L� PROWCTS-COMPfOPAG 1,OOO,QOO JECT �i. B AUTOMOBILELIABILRT A$2-627-093�Q8-079 ��/0�/20�9 oirovzo�o CON81NEO61NGLELIMiT ANYAVTO �(Easaaanq 1�OOOAOQ All OWNE�AUTOS BOD1:Y WJURY i SCHE�ULE�FUTOS {Perperoon) X HIR'c0AUT05 i80DIlYiN��$ X NON-OWMEDAUTOB I{PeracdGent) I PhVSicalDamageSelf-�nsurad pR# i OARA6ELIABIUTY AUTOONIY-EAACCIDENT ANY AVTO OTMER THAN �PUTOONI.Y: A60 'EACdpCCVRRENCE EXCEDEDUCTIgLE 1AB14�IMSMPDC I AGGNEGATE i REfENTqN WORKEReCOMPENSATIONANO NC7CZt�-0B30AH-OZH(ORWI} IO'i(D'i/2009 O'J/0112010 X WCStATU- OTH• EMPLOYERS' LIA8ILITY ANYPROPRIETOW°AIXTNEWEXECUTIVEY/N I �L.E4CMACCIpENT 7,0��,�00 OGFlCEWMEMBEftEXClUOED't .�,.pi9EASE-EP.EMPL�YE S 'I,D��,O�O 5 ECIAI.PROVNSIONS�babw�mau�i�e� I �.�ISEASE-WLICYIIMii v� �,OQO,O� OTMER I I I DESGRIPTION OF OPEftATIONSlLOGATIONSNEHICLES/'eXC1.USiON3 APDED BY ENDOftSEMENTf9PECIAL PROVISIONS i City of Wyile, TX is hereby named as Additional lnsuretl with respect to the Generel Llabfliry Coverage. A Waiver ot Subrogeiion o n tha Worksrs I Campensa4on policy in favor of the Gity of Wylie, TX I i L_..--... CERTIPICATE HOLDER NYC-003895523 C ANCElLAT10N SHOIILO ANY OP THE A80VE OESGRIBED POIICiE3 BE CANCELLEO BEFORE TNE Clfy Of WyI1C, TX E%PIRATION DATE TNEREOP, THE ISSUING IN&URER WIIL ENOFAYOR TO MRiI 3(�. �AYS WftiTTEN NOTCE TO THE CERTIiiCATE HOLDER NAMEP TO THE LEfT, BUT FAII.URE TO DO SO SHAIUMPOSE NOOBLiGATION OR L1AelUN OP ANY KINO I/PON TNE INSUREfl. ITS AGEYTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. p�U T(QR 6 �$Epp P0.E9EYTATIV6 J_ M� I� U$� IIIC. �U�� �R MO/\W}Nh.Y Lauren Giag,ande -0 ACORO 25 (20�9(01) The ACORO name and logo are regise ed oAACORD ORPORATIOpt,Rjj,(;jghts fteservad t7�t11C1 I PA6E OF IMPORTANT If the certiflcate hoider is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poAcy(ies) must be endorsed. A stetement on this certificats does not confer rights to the oertiFlcate hoider in iteu ot such endorsement(s). if SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subjeot to the terme and conditions of the poiicy, certsin polides may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer nghts to the certificate holder in ileu of such endorsement(sj. DISCI.AIMER This Certificate of Insurance does not constltute e contract between ths issuing insurer(s), authorizad representative or producar, and the certificate holder, nor does It affirmatively or nsgatively amend, axtend or alter the coverage afforded by the poBcies Iisted thareon. i i 1 i i I Acord 25(2609l01} PA6E� OF AFFIDAVIT OF NO PROHIBITED INTEREST I, the undersigned declare and affirm that no person or afficer of A�CATEL-LUCENT USA INC., a Deiaware corporatian (herein "Contractor"} is either employed by the City of P(ano or is an elected official of the City of Plano and who has a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with the City of Plano or has a financial interest, directly or indirectiy, in the sale to the City of Plano of any land, or rights or interest in any la�d, materials, suppiies or service. Rs per Section 11 A2 of the Plano City Charter, interest represented by ownership of stock by a City of Plano emp(oyee or official is permitted if the ownership amou�ts to less than one (1) per cent of the corporation stock. I further understand and ack�owledge thaf the existence of a prohibited interest at any time during the term of this contract will render the contract voidabie. ALCATEI-LUGENT USA, INC., a Oelawace carporation By: Signature Print Name Title Date STATE QF COUNTY OP SUBSCRIBEQ ANd SWORN TO before me this day of 200_. Notary Pubiic, State af EXHI8IT N:\CONTRACTSV�ffidzvit of No Prohibited Interest Alcatel.doc Pf{GE dF PAYMENT BOND STATE OF 7EXAS KNOW AL� MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: GOUNTY OF GOL�IN That hereinafter called "Principal", and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and fully licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, hereinafter "Suraty", are heid and firmly bound unto the CITY OF PLANO, TEXAS, a home-rule municipai corporation, the GITY OF A�LEN, TEXAS, a home-rule municipal corporation, the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a home-rule municipai corporation, and the G(TY OF MURPHY, TEXAS, a home-rule municipai corporation, hereinafter calied "Beneficiary", and unto all persons, firms, and carporations who may furnish materiais for, or perform labor upon the building or improvements described below, in the penal sum of DOLIARS in lawfuf money af the United States, to be paid in Coliin County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointiy and severally, firmly by these presents. This Bond shali autometically be increased 6y the amount of any Change Order or Suppiemental Agreemenf which increases #he Contract price, but in no event shall a Ghange Order ar Suppiementai Agreement which reduces the Contract price decrease the penal sum of this Bond. THE OBLIGATION TO PAY BAME is conditioned as foilows: Whereas, the Principal entered inta a certain written Contract with the Beneficiary, dated the day of A.D. which is made a part hereof by reference, for the cons#ruction of certain public improvements that are generally described as follows: NOW, THEREFOR�, if the Principal shali well, truly and faithfully perform its duties and make prompt payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors, corporations a�d ciaimants supplying labor and(or material in the prosecution of the Work provided for in said Contract and any and ail duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be rnade, notice of which modification to the Surety is hereby expressly waived, then this obligatior� shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in fuii force and effect. PROViDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, exclusive venue shail lie in Collin County, Texas. EXNIBIT N:\CONTRACTS�Payment Bond Plaao, Allen, Wylie, andMmptry.doc pAGE i j_ OF �n AND PROVIdED FURTHER, that the said Surefy, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to Contract, or fo the Work performed thereunder, or fhe Plans, Specifications, Drawings, etc., accompanying ths same, shall in anyway affect its obiigation on this Bnnd, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, exfension nf time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, ar to the Work to be performed thereunder. This Bond is given pursuant to the provisions of Texas Government Code Section 2253.601, et seq., and any other applicable statutes of the State of Texas. The undersigned and designafed agent is hereby designated by the Surety herein as the Resident Agent in Collin County or Dallas County to whom any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in i matters arising out of such suretyship, as provided by Texas Insurance Code Articie 3503.003. IN WITtJESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the day of i PRtNGIPAL: Address Tel. Na ATTEST: �Y: TITLE: SURETY: Address TeI. No. ATTEST: BY: TITLE: I I ExHiBir n� N;\CONTRACTS�Payment Bond Plano, Allen, R'ylie, and Muiphy.doc P{�(�j� dF The Resident Agent of the Surety i� Collin Counfy or dallas County, 7exas, for delivery of notice and senrice of the process is: NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: For additiona( information on the abave named Surety company you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance at (840)578-4677. NOTE: Date on Paqe 1 af Paymenf Bo�d must be same date that Citv Gouncil awarded Cantracf. Date on Paqe 2 of Payment Bo�d must be affer tite date that Citv Council awarded the Contract. If Resident Agent is not a corparation, give a person's neme. I I I I i I i i i i i I i i EXNIBIT N:iCO?dTRACTS�Pa}nnentBond Plana, Atlen, Wylie, and Nlmyhy.doc PAGE QF PERFORMANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALI. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY dF GOLLIN That hereinafter cailed "Principal", and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and fuliy licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, herei�efter cakled "Surety", are heid and firmly bound unto fhe CITY OF PLANO, TEXAS, a home-ruie municipal corporation, the CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, a home- rule municipal corporation, the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a home-rule municipai corporation, and the GITY oF MURPHY, TEXAS, a home-rule municipal corporation hereinafter called "Beneficiary", in the penai sum of DOLLARS plus fifteen percent (15%) of the stated penai sum as an additionaf sum of money representing additiona[ court expenses, attorneys' fees, and iiquidated damages arising out of or connected wifh the below identified Contract in lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Collin Gounty, Texas, for the payment af which sum weil and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. This Bond shall automatically be increased by the amount of any Change Order or Supplemental Agreement which increases the Contract price, buf in na event snall a Change Order or Suppiemental Agreement which reduces the Gontract price decrease the penal sum of this Bond. THE OBLiGATtON TO PAY SAME is canditioned as follows: Whereas, the Principal enfered into a certain written Contract with the Beneficiary, dated the day of A.D. which is made a part hereof by refarence, for the construction of certain pubiic improvements that are generally described as foilows i i NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfuily perform and i fulfi(I all of fhe undertakings, covenanfs, terms, conditions and agreemer�ts of said i Contract i� accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents duri�g the original term thereof and any extension thereof which may be granted by the Beneficiary, wifh or without notice to the Surety, and during the life of any guaranty or i warranty required under this Contract, and shall also weik and truly perform and fulfill all the undertalcings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of any and ail duly authorized modifications of said Contract fhat may hereafter be made, notice of which madifications to the Surety being hereby waived; and, if the Principal shail repair and/or replace aII defects due to faulty materiais and workmanship that appear EXHIBIT PAGE OF �i.rnnvmnn��rrno.,..r.,�,,,.,...o....dn�.,..., nne.. un.uo,,.dnn.....n..n... within a period of one (1) year from the date af final completian and final acceptance af the Work by Beneficiary; and, if the Principai shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Beneficiary from all costs and damages which Beneficiary may suffer by reason of failure to so pertorm herein and shall fully reimburse and repay Beneficiary all outlay and expense which the Beneficiary may incur in making good any default or deficiency, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain in fuil force and effect. PROVIDED FURTHEft, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, exclusive Venue shall lie in Gollin County, Texas. PROVIDED FURTHER, that th� said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, e>ctension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract o� to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shali in anywise affect its obiigation on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of fhe Gontract, or to the Work or to the I Specifications. This Bond is given pursuant to the provisions of Texas Governmenf Code Section 2253.d01, et seq., and any other applicable statutes of fhe State of Texas. The undersig�ed and designated agent is hereby desigr�ated by th� Surety herein as the Resident Agent in Coilin County or Qailas County to whom any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship, as provided by Texas Insurance Code Section 36Q3.003. i IN WITNESS WFtEREOF, this instrument is executed in copies, each one of which shalt be deemed a.n original, this, the day of PRINCIPA�: Address Tel. Na ATTES7: BY: I TITLE: I SURETY: Address Tel. No. ATTEST: BY: TITLE: EXNIBIT PAGE OF ��nrnn�rnnr�rc�ve.F.....�»..,,n,...aoL...,, nm» tx),d;o,.,dnn�,...6..dev� 1 The Resident Agent of fhe Surety in Collin County or Dailas County, Texas, for delivery of notice and service of process is: NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIl': For additional informatian on the above named Surety company you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance at (800)578-4677. NOTE: Date on Paae 1 of Performance Bond must be same date fhaf Cifv Council awarded Contract. Dafe on Paqe 2 of Performance Bond must be after fhe dafe fhat Cifv Councit awarded the Confract. If Resident Agent is not a corporation, give a person's name. �XHl81T PAGE Qf