11-16-2009 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board
Monday,November 16,2009-6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
Board Members present: Co-Chair Donna Larson, Dan Chesnut, Brandi Lafleur, Gary Robas, Eddie Rodgers, and
Jim Ward.
Staff Members present: Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz and Park Board Secretary Sara Kisely.
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Residents must provide Their name and address.Council requests that comments be
*Wed to three(3)minutes.In addition,Council is not allowed to converse,dekberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen peRidpadon.
— None
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from October 26, 2009 meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Robas motioned to pass the minutes and Board Member Larson seconded. A vote was taken
and passed 7-0.
2. Discussion on a disc golf course in regards to cost, design and location.
Board Discussion:
Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz reported changes made to the disc golf figures from the October 26,
2009 Board Meeting. Baskets and tee signs installation was changed to fifty dollars each. Also, the number of
tee signs installed in a possible course design were reduced from 28-30 to 10-19. These adjustments create a
savings of$850.00 to$1,950.00. The Board had a consensus that the Oncor Property could serve as a good
location for a disc golf course due to its accessibility, location and City ownership. The Parks Staff has already
initiated efforts in clearing land at the site for future use and maintenance purposes.
3. Discussion on a dog park in regards to cost, design and location.
Board Discussion:
Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz reported changes to the dog park design per the Boards request from
the previous meeting. With the elimination of picnic tables, excess water fountains, benches, dog waste
receptacles, concrete footings, and vinyl coated fencing.The total cost savings range between$38,849.00
and$70,980.00. The demand for a dog park is occasional and frequency was not determined during the
meeting. Mr. Diaz did state that several athletic fields and parks are currently used for the same purpose. The
consensus of the Board was that the Oncor Property would be a good location for the dog park.
4. Discussion on a splash park in regards to cost, design and location.
Board Discussion:
Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz presented splash park data to the Board. The Board reviewed an
installation fee of$10,000.00 and equipment cost totaling$155,000.00. Board Member Robas stated an
interest in Stephenville, TX and Ft. Hood, TX use of lake water for their splash parks. Board Member Rodgers
stated a possible use of the Hensley Property for a splash park. The low elevation would be a great area to
build a retention pond for a splash park and serve a secondary purpose of athletic field irrigation. Staff will
research the systems Board Member Robas refers to during the discussion.
5. Discussion on mountain bike trails in regard to cost, design, and locations.
Board Discussion:
Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz reported the Army Corps of Engineers was unable to send a
representative regarding this issue for the meeting. The Army Corps of Engineers is still interested in
partnering with the City of Wylie, for a possible disc golf course and the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association
for a public use trail. Kelly Conner residing at 3109 Rainburst Lane, Wylie, TX spoke to the Board on behalf of
the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association. DORBA would prefer to work on a trail approximately eight to ten
miles long and would need eighty to one hundred acres of land to accomplish that design. Shorter trails,
around two to three miles, are more congested amongst bicyclists, dog walkers, and hikers. The trail would be
sketched, flagged, mapped, and maintained by DORBA volunteers. DORBA will need to enter an agreement
either through the City of Wylie or with the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with this trail. Staff will follow
up with an example of the memorandum of agreement, more specific costs associated with the ACOE, andany city site restrictions.
6. Discussion on football amenities at Community Park.
Board Discussion:
Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz stated it is possible to order a double sided press box but staff was
unable to get a cost estimate for this meeting. Staff will bring press box quotes and measurements to the next
meeting on December 14, 2009. Mr. Diaz presented an additional quote from Jaco Welding in Wylie regarding
new goal posts and their quote came in slightly higher than BSN Sports.
7. Update on the Community Park and Founders Park improvements project.
Board Discussion:
Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz reported the City Council has moved forward with the first phase of
Community Park Improvements. Proceeding with surveys of the park and scheduling meetings with
stakeholders. Half Associates has come forward with major cost oversights regarding Founders Park. Public
Services Director Mike Sferra, City Manager Mindy Manson, and Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters will be
meeting with Martin Molloy, President of Half Associates on November 20, 2009 to determine a solution.
Minutes—November 16,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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A motion was made by Board Member Ward to adjourn and Co-chair Larson seconded the motion; consensus of
the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
Anne ney,Chai
ra ly,Pa Board S tary
Minutes—November 16,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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