11-19-2009 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Board Meeting
November 19, 2009 —6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by board vice chair Polly Harrison. In attendance were
board members Ashley Burt, Kathy Spillyards, Thomas Gaudreau, and Alvaro Salinas. Board members
Erin Dougherty and Stewart Matthews were absent.
Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison/secretary, and Craig Kelly, Wylie Public Information
• Wylie Arts Festival Committee Reports. (Committee Chairs)
Committee Summaries
Committee chairs for the Wylie Arts Festival gave a brief update on the work completed for those
Fine Art ad Hiqh End Crafts Committee: Ashley Burt, committee chair, reported that there were now
76 booths confirmed with several more committed. These also included submissions for several
concession stands with a large variety of festive/carnival foods and sponsor booths.
Sponsorship and Publicity Committee: PIO Kelly reported several sponsors with the gold sponsor
being Garnet Hill Nursing Facility. Mr. Kelly showed a layout of the booth area and also where other
activities would be going on. He reported that there were large banners at Olde City Park, SH 544 and
SH 78. He also passed out flyers to each board member to distribute to businesses and other facilities
in Wylie and the surrounding areas.
Mr. Kelly also showed the design of the park with additional areas for booths. He explained that Ballard
Avenue would be closed down for the event. He showed the parade route to members present and
stated that cars parked on the route would be asked to leave around 3:30 pm.
• Discussion and update regarding the Call for Artists for the Wylie
Municipal Complex CIP Art Projects. (C. Ehrlich, Board liaison)
Staff Comments
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that the Municipal Complex pare-down committee had met on the 17th of
November and reviewed 155 submissions for the two art sites at the new Municipal Complex. She reported that
after a 6 hour meeting the committee had pared the submissions for Art Site #1 to 24 artists and Art Site#2 to
21 artists. She noted that the Selection Panel for this project would meet on December 9th at 8:30 am to review
the 24 and 21 artists for the sites and narrow the artists to 2-3 artists per site. Those artists would be asked to
come to Wylie for a Community Input Meeting sometime in January 2011 and hear from the public, PAAB, and
staff regarding their community ties and how it relates to the art. They will also hear from staff regarding the
architecture and materials used for the complex so that this can be considered in the final designs. Staff will
take the artists on a site visit to familiarize them with the area and project site.
Each artist will then present their maquette for the appropriate site to the Selection Panel and PAAB at a
meeting to be held in February. The final artist for each site will be chosen and that art design along with a
contract to commission the art will be considered by the Wylie City Council in March 2010. Fabrication for the
art can then begin.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the November 12, 2009
Public Arts Advisory Board minutes. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison)
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Salinas, seconded by board member Spillyards to approve the
November 12, 2009 Public Arts Advisory Board minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the
motion passed 5-0 with board members Matthews, and Dougherty absent
With no further business before the Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board, a motion was made by board
member Gaudreau, seconded by board member Salinas to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m.
Next board meeting is scheduled for December 3, 2009.
Stewart Mat ews, Chair
Ca ole Ehrlich, ecretary
November 19,2009 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 of 2