06-13-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARY BOARD MEETING
Tho Cif,/ Cif Wylje Park and Recreation Board met, in regular
,teso'zich Wednesday. June 13 . 1990 at 7 :00 p. m. in the Council
Chambord, ot the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie
Board Members E. J . Upshaw, Bryan Glenn, Karen Cain, Charier.,
cltotler , and John Burns , Public Works Superintendent Don
White. and :-.,eor ,,:tary Lisa th. ' ay-c1 Memhor Ronald
Braswoll was rida-F.ent . 1,lareh Coin was Pre:7ent through
disc :s-aien df item #4, she loft the moeting at 8 : 30
r:hairoan SeeP callol the aeotin tc
requested to omit the renten,ce i5--; expensive" frcm roes
Z, paragraph
CHDI: 1 '7:::: Stotler re-rested an addition to pare 3, end of
paragraildi 3 to read "with a rain date of October 20th.
There being no other corrections . additions . or deletions
action was made by Charles Stetler to approve the minutes as
changed. Seconded by Karen Cain, motion carried with ml in
avor .
BARK BEST 1990 STATUS REIFORT : Bryan Cl eon said he had
corrected the solicitation letter by removing services, and
adding an explanation of goods needed. He also asked for
names of people to contact regarding food concessions.
Charles Stetier said the Wylie Extension Homemakers Club had
volunteered to assist with publicity. The first thing to do
is advertii.ae in the newspaper . Two or three people can help
me with that . We will need to select which newspapers.
design the ad ' s, contact the newspapers . It will take B to
ten people tc, make poster.:-,. problem is that we don' t
have a logo vet . We can' t make the pesters without the
logo. 4e need To Co ahead and hove the loo snntasr p -?-ttv
1--ic, h-fM,,,,ft were two en moker-a in town.
Fe PH,lv 'Thr, wrighi
Charles er asked shout the diEtribution of posters, are
there places we cannot put them up. Don White said he
thought there was an or against putting them on
telephone poles.
_ . .
Charles Stetier brought up the idea of putting up a banner
across downtown. Joe Helmberger said, to put those up you
have to close down the street and you must address City
Council for street closings . Don White said he didn' t think
you had to close down the street to install a banner , but
that you would have to go throught City Council for approval
to put up the banner .
Joe Helmberger asked everyone to get back with him on how
many boothes they would need. He brought up the need to set
a deadline for money donations. We need to figure out how
much up front money we need for various things.
Joanie Zeob said she thought got -1 ! ,71T—ge iorrion
from the bock for the
The Helm'oerger said h.e think that. parking would be z_4
prbiem since the sc:hool would lOt us use their parking let .
Mr . Heimberger rid, my wirotocycated her time to oversee the
jo;,, Heimberer asked Don White about temprzirvelectricit
to the par'!: for the event . Don White said he would take
care of it .
Joe heimberger said he would ask all the local scout troops
for their assistance in clean up. Joe Helmberger asked if
the city had enough trash barrels to cover the event . Don
White said we had 15 or 20 barrels, liner bags, and the
dumpster is permanently there anyway.
Joe Helmberger said that some craft show participants would
want indoor spaces, and asked the city to reserve the
communty room for October 13th.
Joe Helmberger brought up the need of a first aid station
being set up the entire day. Lien White said that RAECT
provides volunteers to help with first aid stations and
parking attendants to direct traffic ; you may also want to
get some of the local ambulance service employees to help.
Joe Helmberger said that the craft show participants would
be asked to send in a space fee. Who do they make the check
out to and where do they send it . Should we open up a
checking account . Don White said he would Iind out . Bryan
Glens volunteeled to be the treasurer . Board Members agreed
thai should he made paybe to Park: Fest 1990.
Joanie Zeeb said. I will take care et ordering the t-shirts.
We need two coordinators, one for the schools and one for
the businasses , to instruct and communicate. I ' ve got one
volunteer that said he would he the hndiness cordinator .
We must get t-,7,h1rt--- to the wInne . Cartwriht Sic'nf-z
cieted $4 . = i.:er , hr . Cur In!Thl of'delr• ,21 ! 1 be 1 , 000.
D :“.1 Whit said, if th,,, Wornfm ,aage7- is having t-shirts fo.r
the 10K l'un and y..-. .,, have 0-no to: t1,- , Park Fest, 1 , 000 may be
toe many. He added, that time of year parents are funding
clot of activities for their kids . Joanie Zeeb said that
the kids who bring in $25. 00 or more will receive a free. t-
shirt. Joe Helmberger asked if the kids were going to be
asking for donations. Joanie Zeeb said they would be
getting sponsors for the March For Parks. Bryan Glenn
suggested that initially E200 to 600 t-shirts would be
better . There was some discussion of what, color the t-
shirts should be.
Karen Cain suggested having additional music other than just
country western to accomodate the kids. Maybe you can get a
station like Y95 or loo. a JAM to crone out and maybe even
sponsor the t-shirts if we put their lo -ro on it also.
E. J . Upshaw said, I talked to Patty Flint with The Wylie
News . She is coordinating the 10K run right now. We tried
to talk her into starting the run at Community Par-I; and
ending at the park.
E. J . Upshaw said that Bryan Glenn hoer friend that will set
up the softbli tournament. He added, the younger children
will be involved in soccer at the time. I ' m not quite sure
what we car do with middle school and older children.
pore;; Cain said Potts Stevens informed her that there would
be no problem with using the gym during the week. Joe
Helmberger suggested reserving the gym as a back up to use
for the craft show in case it rains, stating, that craft
shows normally are not rescheduled for rain dates.
John Burns said, I didn' t do anything with the games, I
wasn' t sure it that fell under entertainment. I have,
however, come up with three different contests, one being a
pet parade; funniest, ugliest dog etc. Don White informed
John Burns that Kevin Mathews, the Animal Control Officer ,
had been wanting to do something similar to that for a long
time and suggested that he call him for assistance with the
• _ • _• _____
John Burns added that he would have a funniest video
contest , stating that he would like to form a committee.
Joe Helmberger suggested having City Council be the official
judges, they also need to be involved in the Park Fest .
John Burns said that it could be narrowed down to five to
eight finalists, and at that point have an open showing set
up at. the Library for citizens to view and vote on the
finalists entries. Charge $5. 00 per entry. The grand prize
winner ' s video would be send to the T. V. show. Set a
maximum time limit of two to three minutes per clip. Joanie
Zeeb said, don' t we need to contact the T. V. show to fimi
out what their : pet.-;itioatiure_. c .1(3 set ours the same was
yeu are guien-; to enter the winnef ' s te the show.
John Burns informed the board of a third contest called baby
Mi . Burns said he saw it in Mesquite, that it is a
biez, kick, they have different classifications.
John Burns said that he wanted in have various
dementraticns cirai 1-1 del- in-: the day such as emergency
:., erviceL., ; police and fire departments, and possibly even
ease flight . Other boothes could be set up for service
groups , substance abuse. Corp of Engineers, city open space
program , RC Flaying Club from the lake.
Joe Helmberger asked if we were !=_T•aing to need P
ami flat bed Purn: said that he did
coed to know ohoso .:J1 of this was going to take place.
Dun White brought up the fact that some cit icr cc staes are
knuwna specific thing and that they held contooto and
national events that re ! alc to that . He sufrf,!ested that
; ince Wy ! fe is known on "Wide Awake WHie" that they have a
contort ':e Oct who can stay awoke the longest .
There the need to devif-,e a time
ohednie at ei events.
7.oeh E7aid that Potty Flint . Wylie Now . ,:ion ! ri write
Hp cc rtiolrr for so . D ! t wP need to do is rive her
.Thn Purn I wli t- t
nathin!:! mafe to report .
Pro;re C; Ieren d he Inshed at the Inventory in the
c:once:--L= Ien Mr . Story buys from Sams Wholesale, why
can ' t we. Joe Helmberger asked if money from the park
improvement fund could be used to purchase concession items
and then reimbursed.
After some discussion the board agreed on a menu of hoot
dogs, nachos, popcorn, soda pop, candy, and possibly snow
Joe Helmberger reminded everyone that the tournament start
time was 6 :00 p. m. and that everyone needed to try to be
there preferrably at 5 :00, but at least by 6 :00.
John Burns had reviewed the Park & Recreation budget and
found an existing line item for- food supplies and ice, no
monies were allocated so he asked Don White if monies could
be transferred into the line item and used to purchase the
goods. Don White explained that the line item was created a
long time ago for the specific purpose of purchasing ice for
the laborer crews and since then we have purchased an ice
maker. The line item just has not been deleted from the
budget report .
John Burns brought up the possibilities of setting up a bank
account for fundraiser monies . Don White suggested that
they may have to obtain Council approval on that, and that
he would find out.
Bryan Glenn asked that the minutes read that all funds from
the Jubilee Week project will be used in Park Fest 1990 to
purchase needed supplies .
AND THE CITY OF WYLIE: Don White advised the Board that a
joint board meeting between the Park and Recreation Board,
City Council and the Wylie Sports Association would be held
within the next two weeks, most likely on a Monday night at.
7: 30. Prior to that meeting the Mayor, Acting City Manager ,
myself , Joanie r:eeb, and the W. S. A. President will meet in
executive session to renew the W. S. A. /City Of Wylie
The Board reviewed the current agreement . which raised
several questions ; payment beginning on January 1st, have
financial activities ever been requested by City Council , is
$1 , 700 per year enough to pay the electric bill - needs to
state clearly who pays the amount in exce.ss of that . need to
discuss and further clarify the meeting of final field
prenaration, have U. S. A. address the Park Board regarding
requests rather than going directly to the City Manager or
to City Council and the Park Board report and request those
necessary requests through Council . send the document to the
city attorney and make it. a ? e:'al binding document.
Burns motioned to table this order of business . Motion was
seconded, and carried with all in favor.
some discussion of what to spend this years budget money on:
put in croquet courts, extend sprinkler system, build
additional restroom facility, shoot the parking lot , volley
ball pit .
Motion was made to table this business . Motion was seconded
with all in favor .
PARK SYSTEM : Jeanie 2leeb had compiled the questionnaire
results data and distributed a report to all present.. She
also distributed a cost report for the Community Park Master
Joe Heimberger said, I thought we decided to ash fol
$L00. 000 next year which is one fifth of the money needed to
complete the master plan.
juhn Burns suggested asking that a Parks Recreation
Director be employed beginning fiscal year 90/91 . Joe
Helmberger said , this is only for capital improvements.
Hiring a director does not fall under that category. John
Burns said, you must be realistic, the park budget was
approximateiy $80, 000 this year. He added, if we ask for a
director we will hove to add anothel. $40. 000 and you would
• want to ask for another 100, 000 for improvements.
think they will tell us to get all the money for capital
improvements from donations and fund raisers . Joe
Helmberger said that was fine, but he still thought the
board should ask for one fifth of the cost of the master
P lan. Don White said, I concur with John Burns about hiring
O di rector because he would have the know edge of who and
whore fi g to got of these things done.
There was some discussion of tieing everything in together ,
not just oapital improvements, into a five year plan to he
presented to Council . Bryan Glenn said, we are pinpointing
only one park . We Must consider all parks. 1 think we can
justify monies needed for maintenance, putting in a. jogging
I rail or basketball court .
Joe Helmberger said . now that we have the fi ,,;!ures we need to
lock at . 1 think we should all take the information home,
study it and come back to the next meeting with suggestions
from each member and make a final decision then.
John Burns motioned to table the business until the next
meeting. Motion was seconded and carried with ail in favor.
GENERAL DISCUSSION : B. J . Upshaw asked Don White what the
status was on the fire ant killer application. Don White
said that. Philip Bounds had said he would get some put out
this week, that he would find out for- sure. Joanie Zeeb
said that it needs to be done regularly.
There was some discussion of the temporary soccer fields
regarding construction, drainage, parking, and one field at
the edge of the creek maybe being a problem because of balls
rolling into the creek and when the creek rises from
excessive rain run off . Bryan Glenn said that a fence would
be put up. There was some concern that if the creel-: 1. ises
from rain that it will knock down the fence. John Burn
kkr.Luested that E . J . Upsh: w submit the plans for thc,
field cha cc at. hr?
nMPN ! P . j .
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T =Irie airman
gLO:k 01(›M
Keith, Secretary