06-06-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes _ � PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES JUNB G, 1990 The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in special session Wednesday, June G, 1990 at 7 :00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex' A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manmer, required by law. Those present were Chairman Joaoie 2eeb, Board Members B. J , Upohaw, Bryan Glenn, Charles Stotler , John Burns, Karen Cain, and Ronald Braswell , Public Works Superintendent Don White, and secretary Lisa Keith. Chairmen Jounie Ceeb called the meeting to order. EVALUATION_OF PARK- &_ RECREATION_' QUESTIONNAIRE : After reviewing the results list , the board discussed the order in which the activities were prioritized. A swimming pool was the number one choice of the people and there was some discussion of an outdoor pool versos an indoor pool . Other aotivities , in priority order , are p} ay8rounda, jogging trails/paths , bicycle tcai | s, hiking trails, pionios^ tennis , baseball ^ volleybai ) , tootba | \ , soccer , croquet, horseshoes^ and shuffleboard. D| 3CUSSlON , ,_P­REPAyATlON, 'AND-RqC0MM2NPAT|P­N,T0_CITY 'CQUNC1l, TO APP8OVE' A 5 Y9AR_9;!jTA '.l'MPq0VyMBNT PgOYRAM �FOR THY PARK SYSTEM Bryan Glenn said | think before we ask for anything else, we must take care of what we have got now, first . He added that it would be ludicrous to add things to the park when we can' t maintain what we have. When asked b, Joe Helmberger how much it would cost during a budget year to employ a Park & Recreation Directur , Don White said, someone with good qualities and capabilities would probably cost approximately $35^ 000 per year . Don White added that five additional laborers were needed and the cost for that would be $72, 000 per year, and equipment needed would cost a60, 000. -^ Bryan Glenn said that if we could just maintain what we have now, then we could start putting in some of the lower oust items such as the jogging trail ' _ - _ Wheo asked by Bryan G| enn it there was enough work in the pack-s to keep e director busy al | year. Don White said, yes. Don White added that the city needed to i�ain better control of the park . Right now anvone can do 1uat about anything they want to in the park. There was some diyouseion of priorities in hiring a Park ex Recreation Director to oversee the parks and report needed information to the buaVd, and to upgrade and maintain the oxisLing tsui | ities. Ronald Bra-swell yaid^ I think we need to improve what we' ve got and prove that we can take care of it before making any additions, Bryan Glenn said, if we are going to upgrade existing taci ! itiea we probably need to include that in the five year P / an' Joanie Zeeb asked Don White for an update on the soccer field construction. Mr. White said nothing has been started as of yet, we are getting the dirt for the fields from North Texas Municipal Water District, it' s just not available yet. Bryan G | eno asked about the availability of equipment to spread and level the dirt. Don White said that we should be we | l into the street P r,ogram by then, and oontraotozs equipment may he available. Juanie 2*eb asked if grass was planted on the soccer fields in July wou1d we have grass by soccer season. Don White said, maybe, if you plant fast growing grass. Bryan Glenn suggested having porta potties by the new soccer fields . Don White said, the maoter, plan includes another restroom in the park, it shouldn' t cost that much to build. Joe He }mber&er, asked how much it would cost to construct the soccer fields. Cost information was not available. Bryan Glenn said, l checked the dimensions on the master plan, the existing ba } lfie ) ds are incorrect, the basketball omurt is not regulation size, neither are the tennis courts. Don White said, if the item is left in the same area of the master, plan | ^ m sure that the size can be changed to satisfy the regulations. �� _ ~^ Joanie Zeeb asked where we would get the land for a bigger park, Bryan Glenn said he talked to the Corp of Engineers, they had invited the Park Board out for coffee and a tour. Joanie 2eeb said, we need to work on getting Planning and Zoning to zone all creek beds as park. Bryan Glenn said, also the easements where the power lines are. Don White said, the new engineer may be able to help with that, since be now works for Austin Power and Light. Joe HeImberger asked Don White when the recommendations for next budget year had to be in to City Council , for a Parks Direotor , Don White said, by July 1st . Joanie Zeeb suggested installing coveted park benches. 9ryau Glenn said, plastics can be collected and made into benches for the park . - The Board tabled further discussion and recommendations until such time as they participated in a tour of the parks on Monday, June 11 , 1990 at S /UO p. m, This business will be placed on the agenda for the 06-13-90 meeting. P&RKFEST_19QO'-STATUS_REPORT: Bryan Glenn distributed copies of sample letter he had composed regarding solicitation. John Burns said , on solicitation letters it sometimes helps to include a wish list of items and goods needed. He added, i think if you are too vague they will ignore it, alot of places have promotional items that they give away. Bryan Glenn asked the board for their assistance in supplying him with m list of suggested names for s: | iuitation. There was some discussion of the legality of whether or not the Park Board could send out the letters or if the City had to. ULber £oaid Members had nothing to report. CDNSl[ ER RECOMMENDATION_ -.TD. Cl-7Y-_ _COUNCIL 7000057BQqT_-_THF VDLLEySALI�.- hOR1EQDE,_'-&MD CfOQo1T,CO!/R7S -A7 -COMMUNITY PARK AS DJ �{�� NA�`_ECL IN THE --APPROVED MQTER-_-RI/\N,- l;S|N{; THE — REMAINING-_MoNjgS__lN_ ��ffE_���ARK !M���V�MF��T _ FUND: This bvsi :ecs mao tclo | ed until the June 13th m�etin�' QN1RAL_J}lSCUSF1'3N ' None .,...„... A D,1"OURN: There bei.r:g .,,-. 7.. 0 t. 1.-;E?r b 1_177: i n e!,;n:=7... or ,:..-.1 .i :--...•.:c.n„ns 1,.., i on. Inc t. I i.--..;n ..4:.:3(,....-; l•ri,....nile. 'LTC; Li,:i -'; ..-.-.;i..1 I'CI. M on c.3..r r i e.d s..;I t1) a 1 I in 1 ,....,.,...'a.1.. ( „..;i nie Zeeb , (7,1-1,- men Respectful ly Submi t ted, Y6,54 ) -€,Niii Li s a Keith, Secretary. .......,. .....-.... , ... ...