05-09-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes _
MAY A, 1890
The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session Wednesday, May Q, 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the Council
Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie 2eeb,
Board Members B. J . Upshaw, Ronald Braswell . and Bryan Glenn,
Ex-official Member Joe Helmberger ~ Public Works
Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. As per
the City Secretary Bill Burge had submitted his resignation
from the Park and Recreation Board to the City Manager,
Chairman Joanie 2eeb had invited two park board member
applicants to attend the meeting. Karen Cane and John Burns
were present to participate in discussion.
Chairman Joanie Zeeb oailed the meeting to order .
Joanie Zeeh corrected the April 5 minutes, page 5, paragraph
7, general discussion, by adding a final sentence to read -
Everyone agreed that would be acceptab | e.
Joanie 3eeb corrected the April 26 minutes. page 7,
paragraph 5, sentence 2, changed to read - She added that
W/SD may allow the City to use school property to construct
an additional entrance to the park if taken before the
school board. Bryan Glenn corrected page g, paragraph l of
genera ) discussion, sentence 1 , to read - Bryan Glenn said
he had arran�ied for a radio station to have a remote
broadcast here in Wylie at no cnst , we will need to submit a
forma ) request.
Ronald Braswell motioned t: approve the minutes as
oorrected. Motion seconded by B. J . Upshaw- with all in
fevor '
reviewed a memo included in the packet from Finance Director
James Johoson, stating that m balance of $10, 346. 00 was in
the park improvement fund.
_ Bryan Glenn asked it this money could be spent without the
Park Board' s approval . Don White said yes it is to be spent
at the direction of City Council and the Park Board may make
spending recommendations, but is not necessary.
There was some discussion of the cost of the lights for Rudy
Rowell ball field being deducted from this fund, which would
leave a balance of approximately $7, 000. 00.
White said that after doing a price comparison they have
narrowed it down to an approximate cost of $900. 00 per
bleacher. He suggested that bigger bleachers serve the
purpose better than smaller ones. The City moves the
bleachers for W. S. A. at their request, since we have the
proper equipment to relocate them.
There was some discussion of bmu many needed to be purchased
and what size would be most appropriate. A priced catalog
was distributed, and it appeared to be cheaper to buy two
small ones instead of one big one.
B. J . Upsbaw motioned to recommend that City Council consider'
the purchase of 4 sets of S row, 15 toot all aluminum
bleachers for Community Park to accommodate spectators.
Motion seconded by Ronald Braswell . Motion carried with all
in favor.
Joe He }mberQer said that he did find out that we would not.
be able to run a softball tournament, but did find out that
we could possibly get all concession profits from the
tourney. He added that Date Story has a contract with
W. S. A. to operate the concessions at Community Park and that
all the equipment inside the building belongs to him. Joe
Helmberger volunteered to approach Date Story about using
the facilities and equipment during the softball tournament.
Don White said be would check on how we could operate the
concessions, and that he would find out sure.
Bryan Glenn said he didn' t see any problem with volunteers
operating concessions , it Dale Story agrees.
Everyone was in agreement to operate the concession building
during the softball tournament on July 18th, providing that
this was acceptable with Dale Story.
stated that the plan was accepted and approved as submitted
by City Council .
Don White addressed B. J . Upshaw regarding the soccer fields
we would be putting in at Community park, Mr . White said
excess dirt would be available from the sewer project to use
on the soccer fields and that he needed the areas staked oft
as soon as possible. B. J . Upshaw said that Philip Bounds
had the plans of where the eight temporary soccer fields
were to be placed. Don White said that he had planned for
the fields to be permanently located there.
Joe Helmber0er questioned the fact that it City Council
approved the Master Plan, how can we elect to change that
plan without the approval of Council . Don White said that
nothing was being added to the plan, just rearranged.
B. J . Upshaw stated that temporary fields were needed to
accommodate the soccer demand- Don White said that putting
in eight fields will make it crowded, but ] am in hopes of
the Park Board or the City looking into obtaining more park
]and in the near future.
B. J . Upshaw asked why it wae necessary for the Park Board to
enter in on this . Don White said that the Park Board is
created to oversee the Cities interest in the Parks.
John Burrs crid that no one wps disagreein; *hat Kocoer
field: orr needcd, but the Fit, has plans . and to do i +
1p1n } Y,: m:st get any ohanqVe +n +hnt rKn noprorwd.
S . J . upchay czid that he did not mean to bring this up to
the Park Board, we need temporary fields only. Don White
said that he wanted to put the fields in permanently. B. J .
Upshaw said that we needed to go through the proper
Joanie Zeeb said what l understand is we
can' t apply for a grant until we have matching fonda. We
need to find out what the priorities are from the
questionnaires, then submit a five year plan to City Council
for approval , then we apply for the grant.
John Burns asked what type of grant source we were looking
at. Joe He \mber0er said through Texas Parks and Wildlife.
John Burns asked if the City had any restrictions on the
type of grant that they can apply for. Don White said he
didn' t think so.
-~ John Burns then explained to the board the different types
of grants that can be submitted. He added that funds have
to be matched, they cannot be matched through other grants,
but can be matched with donations,
Joanio Zeeb asked John Burns if he would prepare a short
speech regarding grants to be addressed to tile
representatives from all the different organizations and
clubs at the special meeting on May 23rd, explaining the
process to them eo that they will know what we are up
MASTER-_PLAN--_FUND� RAISER_PROJECT: Bryan Glenn said ( talked
to someone about sponsoring a weekend softball tournament.
We need to decide the class and type of tournament to have,
l have AAA sanction umpires from Garland, Richardson, and
Piano, and [ have outside teams willing to play ball . We
can include this activity in the October fund raiser. Bryan
Glenn agreed to be in charge of planning and organizing the
tournament, and advised the board that he would need
ass isLanoe,
Joanie 7eeb said as soon as we get a price on the cost of
making t-shirts ( can approach the bank and Sanden about
donating the money to purchase them.
Bryan Glenn suggested naming the event. "Park Fest° , Joe
— Helmber8er suggested "Park Fest 1990" and change the year if
the event would be held annually. All were in agreement.
Everyone was in agreement to set the event day for Saturday,
October. 13, providing that it did not interfere with any
other activities that may already be sohedu)*d for that day,
Karen Cane suggested that we include a basketball tournament
for Friday night and Saturday night.
Jmanie Zeeb said she planned to appoint a committee to plan
and coordinate the fund raiser-. There was some discussion
as to whether or not the Park Board should act as the
committee' It was decided that it would be best to appoint
four volunteers who were experienced with planning fund
raiser, arid one Park Board Member to delegate the uommittee.
Everyone was in agreement to have Chairman Joanie Zeeb be on
the committee. She will report the progress of the fund
raiser at each board meeting.
The Board Members agreed to personally contact various
churches in the community to invite them to the special
meeting scheduled for May 28rd-
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Ex-official Member Joe He \ mberger
~~ requested the minutes to read that he was opposed to
building soccer fields without the approval of City Council
and that he is not opposed to building temporary soccer
fields .
Don White said that America' s Funniest Home Videos
television show was real popular and that maybe they could
have a contest for home video entries, select a pane ( of
judges from the community, and enter the winners video to
Amerioa` e Home Video show.
Bryan Glenn said that an activity list needed to be devised
prior to the May 23rd meeting.
Bryan Glenn suggested that we ask the churches to do all of
the concessions, with them keeping 20% and donating 80% to
the park,
Don White said he would check to see if health permits would
be required for the event.
The board requested that a flip chart and easel be available
to use at the next meeting.
ADJOURN : There being no other business or discussion motion
was made by Bryan Glenn to adjourn. Seconded by B. J .
Upshaw, the motion carried with all in favor .
Joa ie Zeeb, Ch rman
Respectfully Submitted, `
Lisa Keith, Secretary