04-05-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 5, 1990 The City Of Wylie Pari and Recreation Board met in regular session Thursday, April 5, 1990 at 7: 15 p. m. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members Bill Burge, Bryan Glenn, B. J . Upshaw, and Ronald Braswell , ex-offical Member Joe Helmberger, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Member Cheri Albin had officially resigned. Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Bryan Glenn submitted a change to the February 1 minutes to add the word "not" to page one to the paragraph on the "report of open space project, attractive areas in Wylie" , third sentence, between the words "were" and "approved" . The February 1 minutes were approved to include this change and the March 15 minutes were approved as submitted with all in favor. W. S. A. CONSULTATION REGARDING THE PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL BLEACHER'S : David. Orr. W. S. A. Treasurer Baseball Commissioner . asked the board to consider approval of purchasing additional bleachers, stating that there was not enough bleacher space for ail spectators. David Orr also said, if additional bleachers are purchased the wear and tear on the existing ones will decrease because they won' t have to be moved as much. Den White had researched tie cost of bleachers and distributed a pictured catalog for board members to view. When asked by Joanie Zeeb what the cost of the bleachers were, Dan White said approximately 1725. 00 to T1 , 000. 00 per set , depending oh the Er: I :ie. David Cf'r 5a :d that the bleachers we have co-s ass- oversized. They ,.,, uh:1 be eE'Jsier to transport if smaller ones were bouht . He viewed the catalog and stated that the ones pictured aa he alriht . •-- Don White said that he would like to further nor carob this .ifitt .,,,n , aote, ? riel,- ot rose bleachers and get mor-e prices . Mr . White said he woud report furter information to the .!-: 31 :1 : t. ':. tl next :- e ! .,,,.r session .cc that they oaud ocheld, r recommmuat.h, tion sf the purchase to City Council . io th;:lt W. S. A. needed t hilDacherg now and war concerned that the sccer season would be over by the time the Park Board and City Council approved the purchase. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL TO ACCEPT jOE HELMBERGER AS AN EX-OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE PARK BOARD: Don White explained to the Board that it was not necessary to do this and that the business was erroneously added to the agenda. CONSIDER AN APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL REGARDING A CHANGE IN THE HOME RULE CHARTER, SECTION 3F RULES AND REGULATIONS, THAT THE THREE CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS BE CHANGED TO THREE MEETINGS PER YEAR IN REFERENCE TO AUTOMATIC DECLARED VACANCY : Don White explained to the board that the only way to change this was with an election. Staff is currently working on recommendations for Home Rule Charter changes because it is six years old now and needs to be revised. All changes including the request for this one will be done at that time. It is not necessary for your to vote on this. We will make sure that this issue is included. staff will make sure it is not forgotten. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING IN A SPECIAL SESSION THE THIRD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH: Don White explained that the Chairman of a Board has the authority to call a meeting at any time they feel it is necessary without the consent or majority vote from the board members . This information was relayed to us after the agenda was posted. Joanie Zeeb said she wanted to change the regular session to the second Thursday of each month and have a special session the fourth Thursday of each month if all members had no objections. Some members were in agreement, others would have to think about it. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PARK AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN QUESTIONNAIRE & CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE TO INSERT THE QUESTIONNAIRE INTO THE WATER BILL MAIL OUT : The Board reviewed a revised copy of the questionnaire. A motion was made by Bill Burge to accept the questionnaire as submitted and to recommend that staff insert the same in the next water bill mai out . Motion seconded by Ronald RI: swel , with all in favor . DISCUSSION OF WALK FOR WYLIE PARKS FUND RAISER : There was some discussion of what type of events to have, horseshoe tournament , volleyball tournament kids games such as three legged race. egg toss. frisbee throws, and having refreshments available. Joe Helmberger said we need to set a date. Joanie Zeeb suggested sometime in mid October on a Saturday, school will be back in session. Bryan Glenn said he wanted to avoid having it during the same time frame as Sachse' s Fall Fest. The Board decided on Saturday. October 13th if it will not interefere with any sports activities that W. S. A. may have scheduled for that day. Don White said that alot of functions go on in this town year round, put on by different organizations to raise money for a specific thing. I think you need to approach all of the organizations and ask them for a function just for the parks . These people know where to get donated sodas, food, etc. Get a. letter out to all organizations and invite them to a special meeting to ask for their participation. They can be alot of help. Get them all together doing something at the same time for a huge event. Bryan Glenn said, this may even unify the town. There was some discussion of what each orvanization could do at the function such as W. S. A. being in charge of all sports tournaments, having the Wylie High School band leading the walk, etc. Bryan Glenn said, we need to come up with a name for the endeavor . It was requested that this business be included in the agenda for the next meeting. Bryan Glenn suggested kicking off the day with the walk. Joe Hehmberger added that we could possibly even have a 5 or 10K run. There was some discussion of having a design the t-shirt contest. REPORT AND DISCUSSION OF THE PURCHASE OF T-SHIRTS FOR FUND RAISERS : Ronald Braswell said that he could get 50/50 cotton poly shirts for $4. 00 each, with one emblem, through the sports center in McKinney. The initial time frame will have to be 2-3 weeks and any additional orders could be ready in 2-3 days. Joanie Zeeb said she would talk to the bank and Sanden to see if there was any interest in sponsoring the t-shirt cost. DISCUSSION AND SELECTION OF FUND RAISER PROJECT FOR JUBILEE WEEK : This item was tabled until the next meeting so that Joe Helmberger could talk to the Chamber of Commerce to see if any open time was available. DISCUSSION AND SELECTION OF 90/91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PURCHASE FOR COMMUNITY PARK : There was some discussion of how much money was left in the park fund. Don White said he would provide an updated financial statement at the next meeting. Don White told the board that he needed recommendations from them on any capita ! improvement, items to the parks prior to budget sessions so that the allocations can be made for those items. Budget -figuring is done annually and is extremely detailed. You can request all improvements be allocated and any monies from grants and/or fundraisers would be above and beyond that. The request may be approved and it may not. City Council has the final decision. Joe Helmberger said, in everyonee best interest I think we need to build a five year plan. We can set capital improvements for each year, depending on how the board wants it set up. Don White said that his priority needs are not priorities to the public, for example we need more manpower. One man cannot maintain a forty acre park in a 40 hour week, plus all other city properties. If capital improvements are done that increases the maintenance demands. There was some discussion of the cities budget structure. Don White said that personnel and equipment are big priorities. Sports are real important in Community Park, without the sports the park would be nothing. Wylie people are very sports minded. The soccer fields and rr7lintainin the existing facilities are 7her prsporty 7o'h White fer e re,7-r,7,hf -sr hnd eosTihv soperhte piece of property for this. See Hemberger said, if City Council approved the Community Park Master Plan, we can go to them with a five year plan. We must have their support, in writing, to allocate monies to complete the project in five years. Bryan Glenn said, when we get the questionnaire survey back, we can tell Council that this is what the people want , this is the way we set it up. B. J . Upshaw explained that he added this order of business to the agenda in an attempt to get something besides soccer/baeball /football added to the park. _ . . . ~ Don White said, other smaller things can be budgeted each year like the croquet court, basketba | U court, etc, B. J . Upmhaw said, we need to give City Council something to look at. Selection of 98/91 capital improvement was tabled until the questionnaire is received back from the people. C{.Tl2U N P "T](ClFATl!}NI: There being no citizens present Chairman J:amie Zeeb moved on to the next order of business. GENJEBAL- _DlSC@SSlON/ Joe Heimbexger had obtained some information regarding local park grants and conservation funds, explaining that in order for approval you must have a capital improvement. The deadline is July 31st , You have to have a specific project in mind, site plan, the specifications written, insert questionnaire, environmental assessment, all in ail a total of fifteen different thinQs. They will match up to a600. 000. 00 50/50. You have to build first and then they will reimburse you, joe Heimberger said that his organizations could do the ~~ environmental assessment, since that' s what they do for a living. Joanie 2eeb asked the board members if they ever got to a point where they knew they could not continue to come to all of the meetings, because of a change in their job or personal activities, to please 8m ahead and resign. There being no other business or discussion a motion was made to adjourn, motion seconded, with all in favor . v _ fil rnwl �� Jr . ie Zeeb, Cha am Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith/--gelrttary -