02-01-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes _ ` ' � PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES FE8BUARY 1 ^ 1990 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in reAular, session Thursday, February 1 , 1990 at 7: 15 p. m. in the council chambers at the Municipal Complex. Those present were Chairman Joanio Zeeb, Board Members Bill Burge, Bryan Glenn, and 8. j ' Upshaw, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith, Board Members Bill Emsotf , Cheri Albin, and Mike Miller were ebsent. Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order. APPROVAL. .{ F,_-THE JANUABY' MINUTES: The minutes were approved as submitted with all in favor. FE88L|ABYPLANNED_- PROJECTS REPORT: Don White went over the projects list with the Board, — GRANT MONEY _FOR-P/�RKS_- PRO�ECT REPORT: Bill Burge said he found out where to go to get information we would need to request. grant money for parka projects, but that the information report would oust forty to fifty dollars . Bryan Glenn said some large corporations perform searches for free. He said that he would talk to his organization to see it they would fund a search for us. Don White said the librarian has submitted grants for library funds, and l believe there are other city employees who are experienced in writing grants. REPORT OF_ OPEN _SPACE _PROJECT,-A7T8ACTIV£_'�AREAS -lN__Wl,LIE: Bryan Glenn stated that the county said when the open space bonds were approved that they had no funding for beautification areas. They have County designations but not City. Mr, McLaughlin will give us an agenda on what attractive areas to look at in Wy } ie. These areas have to meet the criteria of a standard check list, VALENTINE PARK MASTER PLAN - PROJECT REPORT: This order of business was tabled due to Bill Emaoft ` a absence. -� - ~- HIGHWAY_6EAU? > p|C8Ti[UN -PROJECT_REPORT: Joanie 2eeb asked if everyone had read the proposed landscaping ordinance included in the packet, and said that she wanted everyone to be aware of what was going on. She discussed some phases of the ordinance with the Board. B . J . Upshaw said that his thoughts of a Park & Recreation Board were strictly related to the park facilities and recreational programs, and asked Chairman Zeeb if the P&Z Board should be handling the business of a proposed landscaping ordinance. Joanie Zeeb said her aspect of Park & Recreation includes beautification and landscaping in the City, and that the ordinance did have to be approved by the P&% Board. Bryan Glenn asked if there was a: existing ordioance, and if the Park & Recreation Board was attached to this in anyway. Joanie 2eeb said that there was not an existing ordinance and that last year the Park & Recreation Board supported the proposed ordinance and took it to p&Z' Bryan Glenn said his concern was that this item needs to be taken directly to P&Z. -~ Joanie Ceeb stated that she just wanted the board members to be aware that she was attempting to get such an ordinance passed, MARCH_FOR_-PARKS' PROJECT. REPORT ANDDl_SCUSS /-QN: Cheri Albin being absent no report was given. However there was some 6lsuussion of this being a national non-profit association to make money for the national parks. Joanie Zeob said she found out that they will send you a sample packet with sample brochures, eto, In return you send them all the money you collected and then they send you back fifty percent. All in all this does not fit in with what we want, / think we should go ahead and have o "Walk For Wylie Parks" fund raiser . Bryan Glenn asked where the walking route would be located, Bill Burge said the route needed to be visible. Don White said why couldn ' t some of the merchants support this project . Bryan Glenn said they could set up the check points and supply trophies. Don White said that companies within the city could have in house pledge competitions . -~ There was some discussion of what types of prizes to have available to qualified/certified walkers and to sell to participants. T-shirts , trophies, tags, etc. Don White said I think if this is thought out and put together property, including getting the companies in Wylie involved that you could possibly raise several thousand dollars. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: No citizens being present Chairman Zeeb moved on to the next order of business. GENERAL DISCUSSION: There was some discussion of what is referred to as Old City Park behind the old police station off of South Ballard as to whether or not it really is a park. Don White informed the Board that it was not legally designated as a park, it is actually the railroad right of way. Don White said to make it legal you would have to go through the railroad commission. Joanie Zeeb said she talked to Mr. Whitt from WISD. He said they could probably give us the land for a road as an alternate entrance to Community Park. He also said that they could give us the land for a swimming pool , but would not be able to donate any funds for the construction of the pool itself , and that they would allow us to put in more tennis courts on school property for the entire community to utilize. .;oanie Zeeb asked if the city would pay for her to attend the national swimming pool convention. Since a pool would be constructed at Community Park we need to know what is available. Don White instructed her to submit her request to City Manager Charles Norwood. Joanie Zeeb distributed a park and recreation questionnaire form to everyone present and stated that before we can promote anything I really think we need to conduct a survey to get an idea of what the community wants. The Community Park Master Plan may not be designed to fit the needs of the community, a survey will tell us. Don White brought up the tri -state area Nursery Associations Convention and stated that he thought they were due back in Dallas this year . Someone needs to check into this. The participating nursery companies ship in various trees for the show. Rather than paying the return shipping fees some companies give away the display merchandise. Maybe we can get some free trees . The Board scheduled a workshop on Thursday. February 8, 1990 at 7 : 15 p. m. to discuss the "Walk for Wylie Parks" fund raiser and the park and recreation questionnaire. _ There being no other business or discussion a motion was-, made by B. J . Upshuw to adjourn, seconded by Bryan Glenn with all in favor . yX Joanie Chairman = Respectfully, Submitted, _ Lisa Keith, Secretary _