03-15-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING
MARCH 15, 1990
The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in a
workshop session Thursday, March 15, 1990 at 7: 15 p. m. in
the council chambers at the Municipal Complex. Those
present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members B. J .
Upshaw, Bill Burge, and Ronald Braswell , City Manager
Charles Norwood, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and
Secretary Lisa Keith. Cheri Albin and Bryan Glenn were
Board Member Bill Emsoff had previously resigned.
Chairman Zeeb called the meeting to order and introduced new
member Ronald Braswell .
Zeeb informed the board that Cheri Albin would also be
resigning from the board.
Joanie Zeeb talked about poor attendance and the need to
have people serving on the Park and Recreation Board that
want to be here.
Joanie Zeeb said she felt it necessary to have more than one
meeting per month and requested that at the next regular
session they voted on having two regular session meetings
per month. All board members that were present indicated
that they were in agreement with this proposal .
When asked by Joanie Zeeb if any people have volunteered to
serve on the Park Board, Charles Norwood stated that people
selected for particular boards should have an interest in
that board. I think a different procedure should be
followed. This board should go out and seek two new
members, and you should recommend to City Council who you
want on the board and talk to these people and let then know
what you expect and what commitment they will have to make
if they become a member of the board.
B. J . Upshaw said he knew of a parent member of W. S. A. who is
a park and recreation major that may be interested. He said
that he would confront her with the possibility.
Charles Norwood suggested that they get a list of names, a
brief resume' , and get together and choose which two you
would select for the board. You need to form a blue ribbon
board, who are go getters with a well rounded interest.
Ronald Braswell asked if the newspaper advertisement could
go into more detail of the desired requirements.
Charles Norwood said, why doesn' t each member of the board
suggest someone, plus put the ad in the newspaper. The City
of Wylie will turn over the names to you for interviewing at
the next meeting. In the past we have advertised in the
paper, the names were submitted to City Council , and they
appointed the member.
Joe Helmberger (was present at the meeting to actively
participate and assist the board) suggested that the board
set a date to meet with each one of the applicants. Can we
invite these people to the next meeting.
. The board requested that the city run an ad in both local
newspapers instructing them to contact city hall , by a
certain date, if interested in serving on the Park and
Recreation Board, and to place on the next regular session
agenda the business of briefing possible candidates and have
them approach the board.
Charles Norwood said, I think you will find that you have a
quality board if you do this. I do suggest that a Park
Board member make your recommendations, in person, to City
Council , for two desired selections, at the April 10th
council meeting.
The board requested that Joe Helmberger be voted in as an
ex-official , non voting board member at the next meeting.
He is unable to serve on the park board as he lives just
outside the city limits, but is willing to assist the board
in any way that he can.
Don White expressed to the board that punctuality and
promptness of arriving at meetings on time is a priority,
and that he would only delay the meeting for a maximum of
ten minutes if a quorum is not present.
Joanie Zeeb expressed her disagreement of the three
consecutive meetings absence rule set forth in the home rule
charter , and suggested that it be changed.
After some discussion the board appeared to be in agreement
that three unexcused absences per year would be more
acceptable than the existing rule.
The board requested that this item be placed on the next
agenda for a vote.
Joanie Zeeb said, we are trying to raise money for the
parks. We will need to select a name for the fund raiser.
A route must be chosen and we will try to get all the school
kids, grade school , middle school , and high school , to
compete and give trophies. If we go at this right, we
should be able to raise between $25, 000 and $75, 000. There
are 2, 400 kids in school . If each one brought in $10 that
would be $24, 000.
Joe Helmberger asked if they got pledges for so much money
per mile, and stated that he felt a goal of $75, 000 was a
hefty amount for a walk.
Charles Norwood said, you have to be realistic. I would be
totally satisfied if we got $10, 000. That is a very
realistic goal .
Joe Helmberger said, maybe this could be done in conjunction
with Jubilee Week.
Joanie Zeeb said, we would miss the schools, though.
think the schools involvement is important.
Don White suggested, because Jubilee Week is a big event in
Wylie, that the board get with the Chamber of Commerce and
figure out a way for the participants of the walk to begin
the walk by falling in at the end of the parade, and have
the route go directly to Community Park. I think it is
about a mile and a quarter from downtown to the park.
Joe Helmberger made a suggestion of having a separate fund
raiser at the Jubilee this year if there is not enough time
to organize the walk before then.
Joanie Zeeb brought up a suggestion made in a previous
discussion about buying t-shirts and selling them for a
B. J . Upshaw suggested that other items such as necklaces,
patches, or caps be incorporated as selling items.
Joanie Zeeb said that one month prior to the day of the
event the project needed to be circulated through the
schools. Let the kids know about it and supply them with
pledge sheets. We could set a goal such as $25. 00 of
pledges means that they earn a t-shirt. Get them to collect
the money in advance.
B. J. Upshaw stated that he was in agreement• of collecting
the money first because then the kids would definitely
participate in the walk to get the t-shirt.
Charles Norwood brought to the boards attention that they
have to remember that if a kid raises $25. 00 and gets a t-
shirt, then they want to immediately wear the shirt to
school , other kids would see it and want to get one.
B. J. Upshaw said , I think if you have the t-shirt goal you
will have more interest.
Charles Norwood said that you also have to encourage them to
Joe Helmberger said, let' s set a target date for two weeks
before school is out.
B. J . Upshaw said, if we have them get donations for the
park and after so many donations give them a t-shirt they
. most likely won' t participate in the walk. My idea is to
get everyone out to the parks so they can see them. We need
to have check point station boothes set up possibly by
companies in the city and give a trophy to the best
decorated booth. They could walk from Community Park to
Kirby Park. Give the t-shirt after the walk and have
boothes set up along the way. Have other events going on in
the park at the same time. I suggest doing a whole event
thing instead of just the walk. I know our goal is to raise
so much money for the big park, but we have two other parks
to also think about. Kirby Parks playground equipment needs
to be reworked. We need to get everyones interest, we can
do that by having them walk to that park as part of the
B. J . Upshaw suggested putting one of the t-shirts on display
at each school and as each kid earns a shirt put their name
in the window.
Ronald Braswell said, I think we also need to have t-shirts
at the park to sell .
Charles Norwood said, what if you had a volleyball match
where teams enter for "X" number of dollars. You can create
all kinds of interest. Set up a tournament with and entry
fee. The city could have a team, Sanden, Extruders, Chamber
of Commerce, etc.
Joanie Zeeb instructed each board member to submit two
suggested games at the next meeting that could be included
in the fund raiser.
Charles Norwood suggested that the board get several of the
organizations in the city involved in this project and use
them as the nucleus to get this thing going. Invite them to
participate and meet with them to discuss the program.
Joe Helmberger suggested that the walk event be moved to
September or October and to have a different event during
Jubilee week.
The board was in agreement to meet with three organizations
at a workshop meeting to include the Chamber of Commerce,
W. S. A. , and the Wylie Womens League.
B. J . Upshaw asked if anyone had approached Sanden about
sponsoring the t-shirt purchase, with their emblem on the
Joanie Zeeb suggested that we originally order 2, 000 t-
shirts in various sizes from a local source. Then if more
shirts are needed we could re-order and get them fairly
Ronald Braswell said he had a friend who worked at a sports
store and that he would see what he could do on getting a
good price.
Joe Helmberger suggested having an emblem contest through
the schools for the t-shirt design. Convey the theme to
Joanie Zeeb informed Ronald Braswell that he needed to
select a park related project goal to work towards.
There being no other business or discussion the board
adjourned with all in favor.
Joanie Zeeb, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Keith, Secretary