04-26-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING
APRIL 26, 1990
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in a special
session Thursday, April 26, 1990 at 7 : 1S p. m. in the Council
Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb,
Board Members Bill Burge, B. J . Upshaw, Ronald Braswell . and
Bryan Glenn, Ex-Official Member Joe Helmberger, Public Works
Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith.
Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order.
CLUBS: Joanie Zeeb presented the master plan to all who
were in attendance of the meeting and stated that City
Council approved the plan at Tuesdays meeting. She added
that a park and recreation questionnaire will be mailed out
with the water bill statements. She said, once the
questionnaires are returned to us then we will be able to
set priorities according to what the community wants.
Chairman Joanie Zeeb explained to all those present that the
Park Board has planned a proposed fund raiser for sometime
in October of this year to raise matching grant monies for
the Community Park Master Plan. She added that a definite
date has not been set, and that they have not come up with a
name for the event. She said, we were thinking about
starting the day off with a walk, it would be nice to have
the band lead the walk, the walk would end in the park,
where we would have various types of events and games going
on, to include concessions. She explained to those present
that the board asked them here tonight for their ideas and
input, and to see if each organization had arty interest in
participating in the event. She added, we will have
shirts available for prizes and for sale, and will also be
having a design the t-shirt contest, especially for the fund
raiser theme. We may also give trophies for winners of
Chairman Joanie Zeeb addressed all those present in the
audience, stating that she would be calling out the name of
each organization/civic club that was invited to the
meeting, and asked the representative to step forward at
that time and state their name' Attendance was as follows :
Band Booster Club - Philip Bounds
Garden Club - 0 Attendance
East Fork Lodge/Eastern Star - 3oe Doke & John Carr
Womens League - Judy 8amiey
FFA - 0 Attendance
Volunteer Fire Dept - 0 Attendance
Chamber Of Commerce - Linda Hamar
Wylie Sports Association - Boy Taylor & Ka/en Cane
Hospital Auxila/y - O Attendance
Wylie Homemakers Club - Kay Waynewright
Joanie Zeob then asked for suggestions , ideas . etc. from the
Linda Hamar said that July jubilee Week can from the 14th
through the 21st, and that there was a ball tournament on
the 18th. She added that the Chamber o/ Commerce would like
to hand over the proceeds of this event for the park.
When asked by Judy Bamiey what the goal money amount was,
Joanie Zeeb said she thought they could raise between
-- $35 , 000 and $45 , 000. She added that we were going to submit
a request for grant money for funding, however we have to
have matching monies available prior to submitting the grant
for approval . She said that approximately one miliion
dollars was needed to complete the five year master plan.
When asked by Karen Cane it we had cooperation with the
school district on this, joanie 2eeb stated that she had
spoken to Don Whitt about building tennis courts on school
property that the school could utilize during the day, and
the public could use in the evenings and on weekends. She
added that W [ ED is allowing the City to use school prnperz;
to construct an additiona | entrance to the park, Joanie
Zeeb said that Mr . Whitt agreed to let the kids do things
for the park fundraiser .
Karen Cane brought up the idea of having a basketball
tournament and added that they have had a | oi of success with
them. She said the only problem she could possibly se* is
that W [ SD charges $9, 00 per hour for gym usage.
Roy 7ayior said, what W. S. A. is looking at is football and
soccer fields, there is no place to play. He added that
W. S. A. would have to incur the cost of new fields , and they
aren ' t sure what the cost will be. He stated that right
~- now W, S. 8. ` s goal is to get them a place to play soccer, and
that they would do everything they could to get two soccer
fields ready for play.
Joe Doke was mnabla tu make any cummmitment for the
fundcaiser event. stating that he wou } d have to take it
before the lodge for approval . Joanie Zeeb suggested that
they consider some type of concession stand, s � nce she had
heard that was their specialty. Mr. Doke said he wou | d
present it to the lodge and ask them exactly what they can
do. He added that the Eastern Star and Masons are 100%
behind the community.
Linda Hamar said she was sore that the Chambo/ of Cmmmeroe
will help. She stated, [ would [ ike to see ail organizations
and clubs do something together, each club handling one
thing on the same day, got a unity going. She added that
almost everyone in the community is involved, in one "ay or
another, with at least one of the clubs. Ms. Hamar said, i
think it could really work, homecoming is that time of year
and everyone is Pumped up already.
Chairman Juanie Zeeb encouraged the representatives frum
each or-L'anization to approach their group, explain what we
are doing , and ask for approval to participate.
When asked by Karen Cane it we had considered getting
-- sponsors for the t-shirts. Joanie Ceeb said yes. Ms , Cane
said that soverai companies may be wil ] ing to donate at
least one hundred dollars towards the purchase of t-obicts.
Philip Bounds said he would prefer that decent , good qua � ity
shirts be bought, Linda Hamar said she would get a bid on
the oust of shi --ts, Roy Taylor said that W, S. A. could
possibly get the best pc ice trum H & -3 Sports Center in
Gac } and, it we go through W. S. A. for the purchase.
Linda Hamar said, the school and St. Anthonies Church could
get involved. She. added that people in this community are
concerned about the packs in Wyiie , we don, t have a movie
theatre or skating rink, the only thing we have for our kids
t.o do is participate in activities that 8o on in the park '
She also suggested rather than asking organizations for 100%
of the proceeds just ask tor part of it, they may be more
willing to participate. Joanie Zeeb said at the next
meeting they would also invite the churches.
Don White said, you may want to ask for a five member
committee to plan and promote the event, this may even turn
into an annual event. He added that almost every year every
organization has some soft of activity once a year, it you
had an extravaganza once a year you could possibly make a
tremendous amount of money. He said, it we 8et something
~ Qoin8 vithin the next two of. three years maybe we can get
some real tatent here, in Wylie. Joanie Zeeb said that
maybe they would elect a committee at the next meeting. Don
White addressing the representatives, said l think you know
who would make good candidates for the committee, because
you already know who can do what,
Linda Hamar said, } think if you are going to du anything
during Jubilee Week you need to plan it soon. Joanie 2eeb
said the next meeting was scheduled for the second Wednesday
in May, and that they would make a decision then'
When asked by Don White if there would be a Jubilee Week
parade, Linda Hamar replied yes- Mr . White suggested that
we set up a walk to the park, failing in at the end of the
parade and proceeding to one of the parks. Linda Hamar said
she thought that would be wonderful .
Joe He)mber8er asked it on normal fund raisers at jubilee
Week it any money was raised, or if it was just a get
together. Linda Hamar said it is not designed for the
Chamber to make money, just to stir up activity in the
Roy Taylor suggested setting up a donkey softball game for
an event' Joanie Zeeb said. anything like that, that is
funny and tun would be great.
Judy Ram } ey advised the board to contact Cathy Sokkar at
~— Regional Hospital , 442-5414, stating that she would probably
be a big help.
Dun White said, | would like to encourage any of you that it
you have any questions and cannot get ahu] d of Joanie 2eeb,
{ would be happy to meet with you and your organization and
explain a/ } of the processes that we must go thru to make
this e reality.
Linda Haman asked how much money was in the park fund from
water bi } | donations. Don White said the figure was right
at $10, 000, to be spent at Cmunoi | ` s discretion.
Juaoie Zoeb and Don White gave out their phone numbers to
Joanie Zeeb invited everyone back to meet on kedoesdoy. May
23, 1990 at 8 / 00 p. m' and thanked everyone for coming,
GEWE�AL'-D-[S-CUSS-1-ON' Bryan Glenn said he had arranged for a
radio station to have a remote broadcast here in Wylie at no
cost. He added that be had talked to the City of 5achoe,
and their Fall Fest is September I51h. there will be no
conflict With out event . Mr . Glenn said he was looking at
getting a Maverick, Dallas Cowboy, etc. to appear at tbe
-- event, don' t ask for any money, just for an appearance.
Joanie Zeab had asked Karen Came and Kenneth Love to the
meeting. She introduced them to the board stating that they
had both applied to serve on the Park and Recreation Board,
and that she wouid recommend to Council to @o ahead and
appoint. them.
After some discussion the board agreed to meet in regular
session the second Wednesday of every month, and have a
special meeting the fourth Wednesday of every month, and to
change the meeting time back to 7: 00 p. m. The next regular
session will be on Wednesday, May 9th, 1990,
There being no other business or discussion a motion was
made to adjourn, with all in favor.
J nie Zaeb, Cha an
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Keitv, Secretary