05-04-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES MAY 4, 1989 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, May 4, 1989 at 7: 15 P. M. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow, Board Members Jill Tomek, Joanie Zeeb, David Orr, and Bill Burge, City Manager Charles Norwood, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Parks Maintenance Foreman Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson and Board Member Bill Emsoff were absent. Chairman Whitlow call the meeting to order. RULES AND PROCEDURES PRESENTATION: City Secretary Carolyn Jones not being present the Board moved on to the next order of business . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE APRIL 6TH MEETING : D. F. Whitlow requested a change on page 2, paragraph 6, to add a final sentence to read " I think we need to consider the hazards of having to cross the road twice. Page 4, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence, change the word "said" to "ask". Page 4, paragraph 3, 2nd sentence, change the word " lost" to " low". Jill Tomek requested an addition on page 2, paragraph 3, last sentence to add the word "area" as the last word in the paragraph. Page 3, paragraph 4, change the entire sentence to read "Jill Tomek suggested a concession stand for the pool and tennis area. It could create revenue for the City. " Page 5, paragraph 5, completely omit the first sentence. Page 5, paragraph 6, completely omit the entire paragraph. There being no other additions or corrections a motion was made to approve the minutes with the requested changes. The motion was seconded with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF BIRMINGHAM FARMS TRACT: Chairman Whitlow pointed out the memo in the packet on page 9 from Roy Faires. Charles Norwood reassured the Board Members that we don' t have to worry about loosing the park land. The property is zoned park land and in a 100 year flood plain. There is no way any kind of construction can take place. A motion was made to table discussion of this business until such time as the Birmingham land is deeded to the City. The motion was seconded with all in favor. REVIEW TENTATIVE PARK MASTER PLAN: The Board Members reviewed the tentative master plan designed by Jill Tomek and drawn by the City Engineers office. Jill Tomek explained that the reason a jogging trail was not included on the plan is that more information was needed on what type of trail to put in and where it should be located. Jill Tomek suggested a trail with several exercise stopping points along the path. It would be very inexpensive to do it ourself , out of redwood. There was some concern of the jogging trail having to cross two roads. D. F. Whitlow suggested drawing in a bridge over the road as a safety measure, just in case one is needed in the future. Jill Tomek pointed out the southeast quadrant where the combination football /soccer fields are, and said since soccer is the main event maybe we should switch the fields around so the second parking lot will be utilized. D. F. Whitlow said next fall I would like to see soccer played in the new area. I do not want to see another year on the baseball fields. Jill Tomek said she had talked to a park planner in Plano to get some input on what works best in parks. The way we have the fields set up now will work if the scheduling is done right. David Orr said I have been on this Park and Recreation Board for three months now and it is a Park and Beautification Board and apparently has nothing to do with recreation. I feel offended that you did not come to WSA for their input. Don White informed the board that they needed to finalize the master plan tonight. The purpose of this business is to agree on the park master plan. I want to see us move on to other designated park land and come up with plans like this for each one. Joanie Zeeb moved to accept the plan as amended. There was no second as there was obviously more discussion. Jill Tomek said she would have the jogging path drawn into the plan at the boundary lines. D. F. Whitlow said that wherever the designated start point is for the jogging trail that it should move in a direction away from the traffic flow. Jill Tomek said one of her concerns was a southern entrance to the park sometime in the future. D. F. Whitlow said his idea was that you can get to the jogging trail from several locations. Jill Tomek said exercise points will take up very little space, 4 ft x 6 ft maybe. D. F. Whitlow said the city needs to move the soccer goals out of the ballfields, now. Then we can eventually fence the ballfields in and close off the ballfields when it is not in use. There was some discussion between David Orr and Jill Tomek as to where the fence should be placed once the ballfields are enclosed. Don White said let me give you some recommendations. Jill Tomek wants us to go ahead and install a sprinkler system for the park, we also want to get this done. Right now we have to put this plan to rest. I can' t do any of this, this year. You have to approve a plan now. At budget session you have to decide which item you want to put in the park for fiscal year 89/90. Once the master plan is agreed on I will take it the Council for their approval . There was some discussion of moving the soccer fields away from the ballfield complex now. Don White said I can put a tentative field in now, but it won' t be permanent. We don' t have the money in the budget this year to do anything other than maintenance. Charles Norwood said we need to take each of these activities in the master plan and lets assign a cost to each one, then let you establish the priorities. Then the city can work from the priority list. The mention of a swimming is a huge expense, around $150, 000, we' re looking at some real mega bucks. Of course the city must face your priorities along with its other priorities. I recommend for you to adopt a plan tonight, let us set the costs, then you can set the priorities. Jill Tomek asked Don White how much money had been spent on the sprinkler system, so far. Don White said $1 , 500 to $2, 000 so far . I think we can come up with the money somewhere to finish the irrigation system to get it into one field. Jill Tomek motioned to approve the master plan as amended. The motion was not seconded as there was further discussion. David Orr said I think frisbee golf needs to be taken off the plans. Jill Tomek said she would like to leave it on the plans. D. F. Whitlow asked Jill Tomek if other cities had frisbee golf in the regular park complexes where it overlaps other activities, or is it separated. Jill Tomek and D. F. Whitlow reviewed a map of one of Richardsons parks containing a frisbee golf course, where it had it' s own designated area and did not overlap into other activities. D. F. Whitlow said maybe we can move frisbee golf to Valentine Park. Then we might get some useage out of that park. My concern is the frisbee golf overlapping other areas. I think it should be in a designated area by itself . There was some discussion of the jogging trail and frisbee golf getting in the way of each other. There was some discussion of moving baseball practices to Valentine Park. David Orr said there was no parking. Jill Tomek said that a couple of houses were being condemned, when that happens the lots can be turned into parking. David Orr said that Valentine Park was to small for baseball or soccer. Jill Tomek recommended that the jogging trail location not interfere with a future south entrance to the park. Jill Tomek recommended to take out the frisbee golf , temporarily, and move the jogging trail as discussed. There was some discussion of adding four tennis courts in place of the frisbee golf . Charles Norwood asked how popular tennis was in Wylie. D. F. Whitlow felt it would be very popular if we had the facilities. Charles Norwood said that from his past experiences that a lighted basketball court got the most activity. I would recommend you to consider adding a basketball court. D. F. Whitlow said that we are very fortunate to have a person who lives here in Wylie that constructs combo tennis/basketball courts for a living. It is expensive. Charles Norwood said we might look at joint recreational programs with the city and the school district. Through these type of programs the entire community learns to work together. A motion was made to accept the park master plan as drawn with changes being to fence the ballfield complex, add two more tennis courts, one lighted basketball court, and include a jogging trail along the boundary. The motion was seconded with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There being no citizens present the board moved on to the next order of business. GENERAL DISCUSSION: D. F. Whitlow complimented Philip Bounds for his efforts, alot of people are starting to notice things happening. We need to spend what additional monies we have to put in the sprinkler system. Don White said we are going to used two temporary employees starting June 1st to mow, weed eat, and maintain the existing parks. Joanie Zeeb said we need to mow every four to five days and keep it looking nice. Jill Tomek asked Don White when the Community Park sign would come in. Don White said I approved the proofs last week, we should have the sign in another couple of weeks. Jill Tomek said to Don White, when reading the minutes of the last meeting I noticed you said that we used to have $185, 000 in the park budget. Is this true? Don White said $185, 000 may not be totally accurate, but if my memory is correct it was somewhere in that range. We had four employees in the year 1985. There was alot of money in the budget. D. F. Whitlow asked when the final budget is to be put to bed. Charles Norwood said we should starting working on it in July. There was some discussion of the budget and the WSA agreement. Charles Norwood asked David Orr if the city was fulfilling its part of the WSA agreement. Daivd Orr said , sir you are doing the best you can with what you' ve got. There was some discussion of the $3, 000 revenue from WSA and how it should be spent on park improvements, not on maintenance or operations. Jill Tomek said she needed some feedback on what kind of playground equipment to look at. What does everyone recommend. There are three types ; wood, metal , or PVC. All of them have ten year warranties on the main frame. I ' m afraid of metal , even though it' s a combination of steel and aluminum it still gets hot. The wood equipment is made out of redwood and will eventually deteriorate. PVC is new so I ' m not sure about it. Don White said before a decision is made I would like to check with TML Insurance and see which would be safer and a low risk liability to the city. I need to call and find out which would be best where our insurance rates are concerned. Jill Tomek said we would have to wait until we got the new playground equipment to put the french drain in and the pea gravel . When the equipment is set in it has to be sunk around twenty four inches. It doesn' t make sense to have to shovel pea gravel out of the way when we could just wait to put it in. There being no other business or discussion a motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded with all in favor. hii0/2271110:) D. F. Whitlow, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Titsit Lisa Keith, Secretary