03-02-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes ^-
MARCH 2^ 1989
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session on Thursday March 2nd, 1989 in the Council Chambers
at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice
of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow,
Board Members Joanie Zeeb, Bill Emsott , Jill Tomek, and
David Orr, Public Works Superintendent Dun White, Grounds
Maintenance Foreman Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith.
Vice Chairman Bon Ferguson was absent.
Bon Ferguson gave advanced notice of his absence.
Chairman D. F. Whitlow called the meeting to order.
APPROVAL F THE MA51Hi_2, _1Q89_MEET{ NG�: David Orr
submitted a request to omit Page 3, Paragraph 2.
D. F. Whitlow submitted a request to omit Page 3, Paragraph
8^ Sentence 3.
A motion was made to approve the minutes, provided the
requested changes are made. The motion was seconded with
all in favor.
P8{}9O>SAI�; This business was tabled until the April Gth
meeting. Mr. Nelson did not attend the meeting.
BEAUTIFICATION PLANS : Dun White stated that the plans we
sent to Austin are on hold at this time. The Highway
Commission has set down new guidelineo. They met on
February 27th and 28th to approve the new guidelines. The
plans were sent book to Pat Haige in District 18 because
they would not approve of the signs. Mr. Haige feels
confident that if the signs are removed from the plans that
we will not have any problems' We will get the grant money.
Jill Tomek asked Philip Bounds if he had a chance to review
the plans. Philip Bounds said yes, the only thing that l
would change is the beds around the base of the trees. l
._ can add this at a later date.
Jill Tomek said I think we should recommend changes to the
plans now, before they are sent back for approval .
Don White said I disagree, if we try to make any changes on
the plans they could possibly be denied. The plans have
already been tentatively approved and the Highway staff has
already looked favorably upon them. The City has already
been trying to push this through for two years. If we
change it we will be back to square one and we will have to
spend more money to have the plans changed.
Jill Tomek said I strongly disagree. We need to get what we
want initially. I don' t think we' ll have a problem.
There was some discussion, between Park Board Members, of
whether or not it would be a good idea to go ahead and
recommend that changes be made.
A motion was made by Jill Tomek to recommend to City Council
to disapprove sending the Highway Beautification Plans to
the State as is, until they are reviewed and some additions
or changes have been made. The motion was seconded. Board
Members in favor of the recommendation were D. F. Whitlow,
Jill Tomek, Bill Emsoff , and David Orr. Board Member Joanie
Zeeb was opposed. Majority ruled.
the different areas of the Park on the TOPO.
There was some discussion of leveling out certain areas, but
overall the drainage is fairly good.
Don White said he wanted to let the Board know that some
construction would be taking place in one area of the Park
next year. An 18" gravity flow line will be installed to
the Sewer Treatment Plant. We don' t want to put a sprinkler
system in this area until after construction is completed,
otherwise the heavy equipment would possibly tear it up.
Jill Tomek asked, when the construction starts, how far into
the property line will they be working. Don White pointed
out the areas on the map.
Don White explained to the Board what projects Philip Bounds
has already started and what we have planned for this year
(see attached) .
David Orr said the ball games start on April the 22nd and
league games start on April the 18th.
Don White said that on March 18th we will prep three of the
ball fields and leave one open for try outs since they are
also scheduled for that same day. We will prep the
remaining field the following Saturday. Weather permitting.
David Orr said that all of the fields are irrigated except
for Ralph Field. Don White said Ralph field does have a
sprinkler system. It ' s not an automatic system, just
manual .
Don White explained to the Park Board that they need to set
up the ultimate Park plan so that the City will have
something to work towards as the years go by.
Jill Tomek said she had spoken with Kenny Powell and he
informed her that a house by Valentine Park was going to be
condemned and that it would probably become City property
due to the fact that the fines are so high. It should be
finalized sometime in June. If the house becomes City
property maybe we can use the area for an entrance to
Valentine Park. Right now the only access is through the
D. F. Whitlow said this is the first year that the Park
budget has had any money in it.
There was some discussion of how the Parks can be improved
if there is not enough money in the budget to improve them.
It was decided that it can' t be done with what ' s in the
budget now. There appears to be only enough funds for
Don White explained to the Board that next year the Park
budget would significantly increase, if we have proposed
plans to City Council prior to the budget session in August.
Bill Emsoff said that the capital outlay this year, for the
sprinkler system, is $2, 500. How far will $2, 500 get us
with a sprinkler system. Don White said he and Ron Homeyer
would have to get together, walk it out, and put a pencil to
There was some discussion, between Board Members, of
priority areas needing a sprinkler system. It was decided
that the ball field and picnic areas were priorities.
Joanie Zeeb made a motion to recommend that sprinkler
systems be installed at the sports and picnic areas with the
$2, 500 in the budget. The motion was seconded by Jill Tomek
with all in favor.
Jill Tomek asked Don White if he could draw in the sprinkler
system, including measurements, onto the TOPO. I will have
Gary Starnes do the lay out. Don White said he would get
with Ron Homeyer and see what they could do.
D. F. Whitlow asked if the sprinkler system could be put in
between now and April . Don White said if Gary Starnes can
help, yes.
Joanie Zeeb suggested that this business be tabled until the
Master Plan is completed.
David Orr said if we table this business it will be too late
to decide on any of WSA' s baseball equipment
recommendations. WSA needs backstops before the games
Jill Tomek recommended that the money not be used for
Joanie Zeeb motioned to table this item to be discussed at
the workshop session. The motion was seconded with all in
AND WILDLIFE: Don White distributed copies of three
examples, and a price quote, to the Board.
Don White said he received a price quote of $1 . 31 per square
inch for a permanent cast bronze sign.
Don White explained to the Board that there is no money in
the budget to purchase the sign. I think we should consider
using part of the $3000 revenue to purchase this.
Jill Tomek asked Don White if he could ask City Council to
find the money somewhere else, since it wasn' t included in
this years budget.
Don White said we will find the money somewhere, we have to,
the sign must be installed by September. Otherwise we are
subject to a fine. I was unaware that we had to have a
sign. I didn' t find out about it until October, otherwise I
would have made sure the money was in this years budget.
There was some discussion between Jill Tomek and Don White
concerning the budget.
After some discussion the Park Board selected a sign lay
Jill Tomek made a motion to recommend to the City the
consideration of accepting the Park Boards sign lay out
selection and that the sign be made of cast bronze. The
motion was seconded with all in favor.
PARK ON APRIL 22, 1989: Ovita Vardell , WSA Board Member,
introduced herself and informed the Park Board of her
involvement in various Wylie organizations.
Ovita Vardell said I am the fund raiser chairman for the
carnival . We would like to have the carnival on April the
22nd from 11 :00 A. M. to 6 :00 P. M. We will have fifteen
total games for children to participate in, including
softball and baseball . We will also have concessions. We
have good leaders who are responsible people to operate the
There was some discussion of what type of game boothes were
going to be set up.
Jill Tomek asked Ovita Vardell if WSA has liability
insurance to cover the event. Ovita Vardell said she would
have to speak to the insurance agent, and that there
shouldn' t be any problem at all .
Ovita Vardell said the boothes would not be set up in the
parking lot. Bill Emsoff asked if motorized vehicles would
have to get on the grass, or fields, to set the boothes up.
Ovita Vardell said no, the boothes are small and light
enough that they could be carried.
Joanie Zeeb asked if there would be a parking problem.
Ovita Vardell said it wouldn' t be any different than normal
game days.
RAISER CARNIVAL: Bill Emsoff motioned to recommend that
City Council approve the WSA fund raiser carnival scheduled
for April 22nd, 1989, providing that WSA obtains liability
insurance for the event. The motion was seconded by Joanie
Zeeb with all in favor.
Don White said he would include this business on the March
14th, 1989 City Council Agenda.
Ovita Vardell said she would attend the Council Meeting to
answer any questions they may have.
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There being no citizens present the
Board moved on to the next order of business.
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Don White told the Board Members if
they know anyone who might be interested in becoming a Park
Board Member to please have them contact Carolyn Jones.
Jill Tomek said that a Council Member had talked to her
again about the Park Board making a recommendation to City
Council to accept the donation of Birmingham Farms tract
park land. Bill Emsoff said he thought the City was
concerned about liabilities. Jill Tomek said that it' s
covered by the City insurance policy. It is a natural area.
We just want to secure the land now. Don White said that
the land is already secured because it is zoned as park
land. Jill Tomek said that the City needs to go ahead and
accept the donation. Jill Tomek motioned to recommend that
City Council accept the donation. Don White said the Park
Board could not make a motion on this business because it
was not listed on the Agenda for this meeting.
Jill Tomek said that the Womens League wants to donate
something to the Park. They don' t want to just give us the
money, they want to purchase an item and then donate it to
the Park. After some discussion the Board decided to
recommend that the Womens League donate new playground
equipment, and that the Board would prepare a list of other
items needed for the Park.
There was some discussion of how far the Landscaping
Ordinance has gotten.
There being no other business or discussion a motion was
made to adjourn. The motion was seconded with all in favor.
A/5-4/e. s.)
D. F. Whitlow, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Kei , ecretary