02-02-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes _
FEBRUARY 2, 1989
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session on Thursday, February 2nd, 1989 in the Council
Chambers at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow,
Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson, Board Members Bill Emsoft , Jill
Tnmek, Jim Ferguson, and David Orr, Public Works
Superintendent Don White, Grounds Maintenance Foreman Philip
Bounds. and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Member Joania Zeeb
was absent'
Chairman Whitlow called the meeting to order'
OATH_OF_ OFFICE _MEMBER: City Secretary Carolyn Jones
gave the oath of office to new member David Orr'
— business was tabled until the March meeting as Mr ' Nelson
was unable to attend the meeting due to illness,
Chairman Whitlow addressed Bob Evans,
President WSA, stating that the Park Board would like to
hear WSA, e perspective on what to spend the $3, 000 revenue
on that is suppose to be used to upgrade the park. The Park
Board will have the ultimata decision power as to what is
Bob Evans said it was his understanding that WSA provides
the funds and helps the Park Board decide what to spend it
Bob Evans said that we need a new football and soccer fiald.
We can upgrade and make a dual uoeaQe field with the lights
mounted on the telephone poles. The desired location is
where the pavilion is along the dirt road on the other aide
and south of the big pile of dirt.
Don White said { already have plans to make soccer fields
for WSA' This was discussed last year. l have an estimate
to have all the debris removed and level off the entire
area. l have the TOPO here to tell what needs to be done'
- We have plans to extend the sprinkler system. The area will
be leveled out by Spring.
David Orr said ] think it would be good for us to know what
the City and the new employee plan to do first'
Don White introduced Philip Bounds, Grounds Maintenance
Foreman, to the Park Board informing the Board of his past
experience in this field. I would like for him to attend
the Park Board and WSA meeting to act as a coordinator.
I ' ve done what I can do, now lets put something together.
David Orr said that the baseball fields need to be turned
over and clayed. Is this in the budget or does WSA have to
do this.
Don White said it doesn' t specify clay for the fields in the
budget. I recommend that the Park Board consider purchasing
the clay with the $3, 000 revenue.
Bill Emsoff said the WSA Agreement states that the City is
responsible for field preparation.
Don White told WSA that they needed to give him advanced
notice of when the first ball game is scheduled so that the
City will have the fields ready.
Jill Tomek asked Bob Evans if he remembered what the cost of
the clay was last year. Bob Evans said around $120 per
load. I think it took two loads, I ' m not positive. It was
a clay and sand mixture.
David Orr said it was $100 per load from Eubanks Trucking.
They hauled it in from Seagoville.
Don White said myself and Philip Bounds will get some
figures together before the next. WSA meeting.
Bill Emsoff said the $3, 000, I think, is just for
improvements and I feel like clay is maintenance.
Don White said you' re kind of right, but because this is the
first year we' re doing anything at all , I recommend you to
consider $400 for clay this year. Then next year we can
budget the money.
Bob Evans said I feel it' s better to go ahead and put in the
two extra fields we need, all at the same time. Including
the lights.
D. F. Whitlow said if you want to upgrade the field and
maybe add another field later then maybe you can have one
classy field with an electronic score board.
Bob Evans said it would be better to go ahead and complete
one field, do the dirt work for both, and the lights for
both. It' s cheaper to do both at the same time.
Jill Tomek said if we can get this park into chap@ usinS I=ha
budget that' s great. But if not I think we need to use the
$3, 000 to initially get it into shape.
Bob Evans stated that he was merely bringing up suggestions
to spend the money on. Second on the list is additional
backstops for the kids. We had 430 some odd kids last year.
This years projection is 450. T-Ball makes up about a third
of the kids.
Jim Ferguson asked Bob Evans if they needed permanent or
portable backstops. Mr . Evans said permanent. They would
be placed where there would be no interference with soccer.
Bob Evans said additional lights are needed for Ralph Field
to light the inner part of the field.
Ron Ferguson asked Bob Evans what the cost is on the back
stops. Mr . Evans said I don' t know. We could use a
straight backstop with two wings approximately 10 ft. tall ,
a cyclone fence type.
Don White said he would check into it and see what the City
could do.
U. F. Whitlow said the major portion of Community Park is
baseball . Ultimately I think we can upgrade the area.
Maybe there are other areas in the City where fields can be
put in, exclusively for the younger groups . In choosing
locations for baseball fields you have to look at the
proximity of homes, buildings, etc.
David Orr said hazards do exist. Moving T-Ball away from
the complex would help and WSA would like to do this.
Jim Ferguson asked Mr. Evans if they had two fields for T-
Ball this year, would that be enough. Bob Evans said I
believe so. Even portable backstops would be fine.
Ron Ferguson said could we have backstops and not build
bleachers, on a short term basis for 3 to 4 years. Bob
Evans said we want temporary fields.
Don White said that there may be enough room at Valentine
Park for two fields.
Jill Tomek asked Don White about the two houses, that she
thought were suppose to have been condemned, that could be
used for parking lots at Valentine Park. Don White said no,
they are not condemned. Someone is fixing them up. You
would have to talk to Roy Faires to find out if they still
can be condemned. Jill Tomek said she would call him.
Bob Evans said we would also like to have an edging machine
to cut foul lines, etc. We would be able to save money
because the chalk stays down longer. It cuts a width of
about 2 1/2" to 3". The WISD has been letting us borrow
theirs in the past, but borrowing things gets old fast. We
need to go ahead and purchase one.
Bob Evans said these are the only things WSA has for
suggestions that we can consider improvements. Other things
that need to be done are, I assume, considered maintenance.
The doors need to be replaced at the field house and
concession stand. The concession stand roof is in need of
repair and needs a coat of paint to cover up the grafitto.
Bob Evans asked if the Cities insurance policy covered the
contents of the field house. James Johnson said if the
items were included on the inventory list, submitted to the
insurance company, it would be covered. The policy
specifically states City property. The insurance company
will ask if it does belong to the City. The policy won' t be
renewed until September.
Don White said WSA needs to bring it up in August and ask
Council about the insurance right before the policy is
Bob Evans said I believe that it has become City property.
The property and building were donated. WSA' s insurance
policy renewal is due in March. We have $15, 000 to $20, 000
worth of equipment in that building.
Gary, WSA, said they could have FFA build a bar type
security fence to be installed on the field house. Don
White said if you get someone to build it the City will
install it.
Bob Evans said in order to have Pony Tournaments we must
have fenced fields. Temporary fencing can be used. I think
it has to be 5 ft. tall . Don White said we have the
temporary type of fence, in the warehouse, to use for
barricading purposes. I can tell you where to buy it, it' s
not expensive.
D. F. Whitlow aok@d Bob RvaM§ what th@ On# 0aibf 0-0flo i4.-'
that WSA wanted to do. Bob Evans said fields . All of tho
suggestions have been presented to you in priority order.
There was some discussion of going over the TOPO before
making a decision on what to purchase with the $3008.
D. F. Whitlow said we want to put the money to the best use
that we possible can.
Bob Evans said the security lights at the parking lot are
not working right. We need someone to check it out and see
what the problem is, If the bulbs are the only problem we
have some in stook. Don White said he would try to get
someone to look at it.
Bob Evans said the W{ SD Athletic Director informed him that
he is putting together a baseball camp. It will be put on
by the coaches in the school district, and they may even
have a basketball oamp, l think this will become a reality
this summer.
The Park Board told Bob Evans they appreciated him coming to
the meeting and presenting their suggestions.
Don White said there are some other areas you might
consider. l would like to see a security fence put up
around the park perimeter. I have gotten an estimate of
$250O to install 3 ft. high fencing from the Library to the
school parking lot.
Jill Tomek said why can' t you put up cable and concrete
poles and plant shrubs to cover it up. Wouldn ' t that be
There was some discussion of citizens repeatedly cutting the
cables in the past to open access to motor vehicles.
Don White said the school board may agree to split the cost
of putting in a fence to aeperate the school and the park.
Also you need to think about the playground area. { know
you are suppose to get volunteers to pot it in, but it
depends on bow classy you want to get. l can tear down the
landscaping timbers and put in a permanent concrete
retaining wall that would hold the pea gravel forever.
APPROVAL T : There being
— no corrections or additions, a motion was made to approve
the minutes as submitted' The motion was seconded with all
in favor .
AND WILDLIFE: Board Members reviewed the sign examples in
the packet.
Don White said as you can see there are no specified
dimensions. Mr. Akin told me he would like you to choose a
sign that stated the dedication date.
Jill Tomek asked if the sign could be put at the entry way
or if there was a designated area it had to be placed. Don
White said we can go ahead and purchase the sign and install
it, then later on move it to a different more permanent
location. There is no money in the park budget for the
sign, but Mr. Akin told me we would get the money somewhere.
We have to have the sign op by September.
Jill 7umek said she thought it would be better to buy a more
expensive permanent sign'
Dun White said all { need is for the Park Board to tell me
what idea you want to use for the signs and what you want it
to say.
Bill Emsoff said the examples on page 8 and 7 would be
sufficient. We might consider having the sign made of cast
bronze alloy.
Jill Tomek said the example on page 8 has lees wording and
would satisfy the request for the dedication date.
Don White said he could get a quote on all three of them and
then go from there.
Bill Emsott made a motion to recommend looking at the
examples on page G, 7, and 8, made in oast alloy bronze.
The motion was seconded with all in favor.
H : Don White
explained where the designated locations are at and said the
plans have been in Austin. We have been informed that the
plans don' t meet the States requirements. l wasn' t told
why, but l know why. The State does not want signs on their
right-of-ways. We can submit the same plane without the
signs and then put the signs in at a later date.
Jill Tomek expressed her concern about how the areas would
look in the winter time with the trees and plants specified
in the plans.
Don White said now that the plans have been rejected, it
there are any changes to be made now is the time to do it.
Jill Iomek said she would like for Philip Bounds to review
the plans and make any suggested changes he may have.
Jill Tomek made a motion to have Philip Bounds review the
plans and make his recommendations. The motion was seconded
with all in favor.
REVIEW ORDINANCE #78-18: Don White said the Park Board can
change the hours the park is open to the public.
There was some discussion of what the best hours would be.
It was decided that the current hours specified in the
ordinance are sufficient.
Don White said that Joanie Zeeb, at the last meeting, had
asked about placing a sign on the security gate stating the
hours and a warning to violators. I found out that we can
do this without getting prior approval from City Council .
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There being no citizens present the
Board moved on to the next order of business.
GENERAL DISCUSSION: There was some discussion of alot of
traffic driving onto the fields at Community Park through
the school parking lot, and that we need to put the cables
back up and lock them, get them in shape to keep the traffic
Jill Tomek said the Wylie Environmentalists group are
putting together a new paper collection center to be located
next to the old Police Department downtown. They will take
all old unwanted paper with the exception of glossy print.
Fifty percent of the funds will be donated to the park
Jill Tomek said the Womens Leagues next fund raiser is for
the parks, they need recommendations from the Park Board on
items that are needed in the Park.
U. F. Whitlow requested a list of the top five areas that are
priorities from Philip Bounds. Mr. Whitlow said we need to
accelerate a game plan.
Don White said we will be developing a program for what
needs to be done for each month of the year. The first
project Philip has been assigned is the "Big W" on SH78.
This will be completed this month.
Jill Tomek said she was approached by a Council Member in
regards to the developer who owns land by Birmingham. He
wants to donate the land to the City for park land. We need
to recommend to Council that they go ahead and accept the
donation to secure for park land. Bill Emsoff said we need
to obtain further information and discuss this at the next
Don White distributed the TOPO plans to the Board Members
and instructed them on how to read it.
The Park Board was in agreement to schedule a called
workshop meeting on Saturday, February 18th at 1 :30 P. M. , in
the break room area at the Municipal Complex. The topic of
discussion will be the Park Master Plan and review of the
There being no other business or discussion a motion was
made to adjourn. The motion was seconded with all in favor .
D. F. Whitlow, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Kei h, Secretary