03-16-2010 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet 13 1 • & • u u, Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Co CITY : E NOTICE OF MEETING Regular MeetingAgenda Tuesday, March 16, 2010 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Phillip Johnston Chair Dennis Larson Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Willie Osborne Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Vacant Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from March 2, 2010 Regular Meeting. March 16,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Pecan Creek Addition, Block A, Lots 1 - 5, creating five legal lots of record on 6.236 acres. The property is generally located west of Whitley and north of Elm Grove Road within Dallas County. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a multi-family development on a single lot consisting of 1.462 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Keller's Second Addition, creating a single multi-family lot. Subject property being generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 12th Day of March, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, March 2, 2010 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:35PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Commissioner Willie Osborne, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko, and Commissioner David Dahl. Vice Chairman Dennis Larson arrived late. Commissioner Ruthie Wright was absent Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Kopchenko led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 16, 2010, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Osborne, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve the minutes from February 16, 2010 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 4—0, with Vice-Chair Larson arriving after the vote. Minutes March 2, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Single Family 10/24 (SF-i 0/24) District to Single Family with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Day Care Use (SF-10/24-w/SUP) District to be located on the northwest corner of Pirate Drive and Thomas Street. ZC 2010-01 Ms. 011ie stated that the subject property is zoned Single Family Residential and the request is to rezone to allow a Day Care Use, Single Family Residential with Specific Use Permit. The tract is on 2.599-acres. In 2005, the property was platted into four lots, however it was never developed. The property was considered by the Commission at the February 16, 2010, Regular Meeting, by a replatting two separate lots into a single lot. The remaining two lots will be developed at a later time, and is owned by the current applicant. Ms. 011ie reviewed the Conditions of the Specific Use Permit for a Day Care Facility. The Commissioners discussed the first item which states: The intent of this Special Use Permit(SUP) is to allow for Day Care Facility with future expansion of the project across the remainder of the property to provide a positive asset to the neighborhood. The commissioners were in agreement that the statement is open-ended, and could allow a use not related to the Day Care Use. Twenty-six notifications were mailed to surrounding property owners in accordance with State Law, no responses were received in favor or in opposition. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Frederico (Rico) Medeiros, 709 Logan Court, Wylie, the applicant/owner for the subject property, stated that the Conditions of the Specific Use Permit will relate and serve the purpose of the Day Care Facility. Commissioner Dahl asked if item number one could read "the intent of this Specific Use Permit (SUP) is to allow for Day Care Facility with future expansion of Day Care on the remainder of the property to provide a positive asset to the neighborhood". Mr. Medeiros agreed to the revision and that the future use will relate to the day care. Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Osborne, to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Single Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Single Family with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Day Care Use (SF-i 0/24-w/SUP) District to be located on the northwest corner of Pirate Drive and Thomas Street, with the following conditions: 1. The intent of this Specific Use Permit (SUP) is to allow for a Day Care Facility with future expansion of the project on the remainder of the property to provide a positive asset to the neighborhood. Minutes March 2, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 2. Incidental accessory uses in conjunction with the operation of the primary use of day care facility are allowed subject to P&Z Commission's evaluation of impact upon surrounding properties. 3. Minimum buffering, screening and landscape setbacks shall be established and adopted as part of the zoning exhibit. 4. Issuance of SUP for Day Care on Property shall closely conform to Zoning Exhibit"C". 5. A Site Plan, including any and all changes, shall require P&Z Commission review& approval. 6. Day Care Center operations shall comply with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services minimum Childcare Standards & Regulations. Motion carried 5 —0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Osborne, and seconded by Vice-Chairman Larson, to adjourn the meeting at 6:52PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes March 2, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLI '��. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 16, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Pecan Creek Addition Date Prepared: March 9, 2010 Zoning District: Unincorporated Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Pecan Creek Addition, Block A, Lots 1 - 5, creating five legal lots of record on 6.236 acres. The property is generally located west of Whitley and north of Elm Grove Road within Dallas County. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Pecan Creek Addition, Block A, Lots 1 - 5, creating five legal lots of record on 6.236 acres. The property is generally located west of Whitley and north of Elm Grove Road within Dallas County. Discussion The Final Plat under consideration will create five (5) lots, ranging in size from .0507 acres to 2.503 acres. The plat dedicates a private access easement. The area is an established subdivision consisting of residential dwellings with some light commercial uses. The subject lots are within unincorporated Dallas County and within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Wylie, and cannot be annexed into Wylie due to lack of contiguity. Development will comply with County code regulations. Ingress, egress and access easements were platted under separate instruments and shall remain in effect as described. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/09/10 Page 1 of 1 CIS 9� C f • '. 0 I\ ik i rQi, /ca. Q� a y y �M�yI y FCh J'r4`� / ♦SSl •ICI� _- �3 I\ ^JECT , / ♦ MINH K.HO „w 4 LOCOATION ', /1^ \,,,,.,\ ♦ THANH MAI LE ._ D F %§ JAMES R.&EDNA N.CAMPBELL / \168.) L01 TRAN o' 25' 50' 100' VOLUME 93077,PAGE 1011 a / S• DOC#200900110809 �1�y LOT 3,BLOCK A ♦ Scale r=50' ✓v/1/2"IRF Bears (2551 Elm Grove Rood) ♦ ,, s 28.28,0 w-,.47' 1.182 ACRES h s1,a6z sq.Ft. 'RB LOT 1 VICINITY MAP / \S (, WHITLEY ROAD ESTATE NOT TO SCALE /. RCS LANA MALLORY-BULEY ^� VOLUME 99104,PAGE 97 q>` \s VOLUME 2004113,PAGE 3834 BASIS OF BEARINGS '� F b(�� ♦SQL• Bearings contained within this field note description ore based upon an on the \ 0, \'''' ground survey performed in the field on the 19th day of November,2008 utilizing / ,cp z N45'33'26"WF G.P.S.north(WGS84)measurements. LOT 2,BLOCK A \09 ,,S,lRs 25 27' C/2. (2601 Elm Grove Road) / NOTES: • 0.507 ACRES h, ♦ p 1. Per the clients request no onsite improvements were located. yD' \S,� 22,088 Sq.Ft. \ ,,ry�/,b� aRs Q Z 2. Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City h 'p /�� RO (n Ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities �Dc�/ �2�, PECAN CREEK DEVELOPMENT / �ti, Q X Do and building permits. F COMPANY,INC. / ♦ w 3. All documents referenced hereon are recorded in the Deed Records of Dallas / VOLUME 2004177,PAGE 1311 o°j iRF w O County,Texas unless otherwise noted. \. ��� / 25'ACCESS EASEMENT m Z ir)Lg 4. Access Easement Note:Access Easement is to be used for the benefit and ,9 / Q, Q.(n uninterrupted use for Ingress and Egress to and from Lot 1,Lot 2,Lot 3, �� \,S6 � VOLUME 2004163,PAGE 3936 =L'Q and Lot 4,Block A of the Pecan Creek Addition,maintenance and expenses /qrl' 4� / 'RF w O w for this access easement shall be responsibility of said Lots listed. \ '�L/ U w FLOOD NOTE / /� LOT 4,BLOCK A / N a i w JORGE ALVAREZ / LOT 1,BLOCK A a s ;y'^ (2601 Elm crone Road) r According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency,Flood Insurance Rate DOC#200600438896 / (26o1 Elm crave Road) /D 2.503 ACRES A'''''' wQ0.997 ACRES \ 12.503 S S gMap Community Panel No.48113CD235 J,dated August 23,2001,this property is q Z43,414 Sq.Ft. , within Flood Zone X. / Q clRsr PECAN CREEK DEVELOPMENT ' // / RIGOBERTD AGUILAR / O Zone X-Areas determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain. COMPANY,INC. o ' ./ AND/ A/or the structure ♦ `12;' � 2y/// / T , C,/ PECAN CREEK ADDITION COTTONOOCRCDITION ''' // f\\ VOLUME 2003250,PAGE 450 surveyor. R,, 71,63 ACRES 79` \'Dr/�F/, // S ♦ , GG / ♦ GP�/ \v O JOHN L.DAVID �,,'/ ��� &KIMBERLEY M.DAVID ;'''' cQ/// r \ A,/r1,, Q VOLUME 96018,PAGE 2745 / , ������\'''''' ���o�q���0' 0 0 / CIR � \w\�/ / L OI a , 4y,/ , ,«, 7 0,/ ��.. /0oa`" LOT 1,BLOCK A LLJ w 4,,,.. �pq// �P� / COTTONWOOD CHURCH ADDITION Q LLJ U �,� o\ / VOLUME 2003250,PAGE 450 Z I CL Q - 0 co w ��e'' LOT 5,BLOCK A \ TA �� (2621 Elm Grove Rood) ,�1,, en� 05'-' / // / 5,62 ACRES •y)\\ ��O�c VO 7O45,626 Sq.Ft. Q/ / 0 2 ^j //// 30'INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT o�eP// VOLUME 2004218,PAGE 2990 �/ COTTONWOOD CHURCH ,tx PAP j„,;'" aRF OF CHRIST 0_ a_ POINT OF ? / F2 BEGINNING A'.s'jh�`'''' FINANCIAL NECESSITIES NETWORK,INC. / m / j/ VOLUME 2005010,PAGE 4162 / O ciR / O :278 1/i., / N O _,`s / N 3 a> e1.M'(`p (N�i86.23' /p f 9S'R.'�0 2J4`` / O o tb is .,,,,R0q� , FINAL PLAT a .. ,� 4; LOTS 1-5, BLOCK A ,. S , 6 F PECAN CREEK ADDITION o 6.236 ACRES(271,630 SQUARE FEET)OUT OF a rn w a THE F.T.GAINES SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.497, ti LEGEND SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF DALLAS,TEXAS. SHEET IRF Iron Rod Found OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER SURVEYOR/ENGINEER 1 7. aRs Capped Iron Rod Set Financial Necessities Rigoberto&Ruth Aguilar Lana Mallory-Buley Roger Hankey WINKELMANN&ASSOC. IPF Iron Pipe Found Network 15215 Berry Trail,Apt.5D5 2Wyl Elm Grove Road 1645 F.M.544 6750 Hilllcrest Plaza Drive, OP 0 CIRF Capped Iron Rod Found p controlling Monument 2621 Elm Grove Road Dallas,Texas 75248 Wylie,Texas 75098 Wylie,Texas 75098 Suite 325 6osis of Bearings Wylie,Texas 75098 Dallas,Texas 7524D 2 Wylie Planning and Zoning _ - Co mm ission CITY OF - 'YLI iI AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 16, 2010 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Cotton Belt Addition, Block 12, Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Subdivision: Lot 1 Date Prepared: 02/19/10 Zoning District: Multi-Family Site Plan,Elevation& Exhibits: Landscape Plan Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a multi-family development on a single lot consisting of 1.462 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for a multi-family development on a single lot consisting of 1.462 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. Discussion The applicant, Habitat for Humanity is proposing a multi-family development on a single lot. The Cotton Belt Addition will accommodate five individual buildings 2,790 square feet in size. The subject tract was previously platted as Pinehurst Subdivision in 2005, but was never filed with Collin County. In addition,a site plan was approved for Pinehurst along with the Plat and has since expired. The proposed development will meet the necessary exterior facade requirements of a brick exterior and the required building articulation. Each entry features an approximately 80 square feet porch. New concrete paving will be poured to replace the existing asphalt and will extend Cotton Belt south to the DART rail line. All required parking will be met onsite. The Commission approved a Concept Plan during its October 6, 2009 regular business meeting and a corresponding replat is on the current agenda for your consideration. Recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/10/10 Page 1 of 1 V12'ALLEY ABANDONED BY LOT 1,BLOCK M CITY ORDINANCE N0.2005-34ZONED : Z�---- SECTION ONE Cc#2005-0111087 RUSTIC OAKS ADDITION- VOLUME 5980,PAGE 1393 20 10,,,,0,..., 20 PHASE 4 D.R.C.C.T.VOL.G,PG 93 \ LOT 168,BLOCK L i ji; : ;_�{ SECTION ONE SCALE 1"=20' FEET _ � EX PAR ING RUSTIC OAKS ADDITION- - - _ _ , PHASE 4 PROP.12' - - _ _ , • FEN E a VOL.G,PG.93 0 UTIUTY EASEMENT '' `-- - - - - �� ,.S.S.MH v r7 0 _ 0 5 8 F \ N "_'_.•.3 N ^'E-F, .,.�, d...,.ro .^..,�..- t;gam'- ,..�g�.-s -.�,„ \ 5'UTILITY EASEMENT �. i 0 BUICpING SL7 —— —— '_�I ___ F,_,v VOLUME 842,PAGE 308 ——— —____ iI \ D.R.C.C.T. L• 22.00' — — " — —I3412 \ 32.00 o t 40 50.0' - i y \ PLAY °� AREA BUILDING 4 e ,a�n1:- \ = ;'; v�i PROP.DUPLEX \ 2790 S.F. x x I 3 a a�' Z a\ \ „�w .-WL N OAK 3412 J1i Jly \ a ti F.. c'\ N i Z to CV m o ' J� ELLIOT o • GOO GO FLEMING �� OVER HEAD POWER > BG,\ :p Jan Jan '' °�ti,\ ITO BE RELOCATED m a m a ao w T E sue\ —J I G' V ' : V N R=1531.20 '90\ PORCH ai ,� o " " PORCH x SiQ (TYP) 8 W ; w pi ��t�f`� W,AM 0=100610 F� F 00 J -i CB=S 49'21'27" W yo°° (TYP) �� IQ [� ZONED : yo KIRBY CITIZENS m CH=269.64' \ BUILDING 5` m \ PROP.DUPLEX W w ' o L=269.99' 22.00' N I' N 2790 S.F. S j O C.. X LOT 7,BLOCK 12 \ t� a .2 - . \ z 9 ^ Z X KELLER'S SECOND ADDITION \ w \ 8o o I— 2 00 I - 3 VOL.1,PG.111 VICINITY MAP r if ,. o `�" m B.F.R. F ao g NOT TO SCALE \ 14 1 //l o Z W ♦. \ (TYP) 717//1-//'''''':\ _1BUILDING 2 x�+ \ 3 \\\\\\� B.F.R. PORCH PROP.DUPLEX `�j' 2790 S.F.9 \ o Y!/f �\�/%` li:C (TYP) e ••♦ \——— — 3 a lG l E , ill MIK ——— 3 2.5 0' oo ILI 11♦d y, �� ■ I > ° ♦ ?� ti..+ 0 2D:oo �0 il S ,.60 LEG EN D a o n ♦, 9 PROPOSED l/'\//\f�,° N • M n n I Boundary Line ♦ '� 5'SIDEWALK \ Y ♦♦ B.F.R. �,\//\ \ • _ B.F.R. B.F.R.\ ——— Building Setback r \\\; a ♦ \l i EX.F.H. �. ♦1 I �Iq��" B.F.R. PROPOSED 5 SIDEWALK;, „\ Existing lot lines to be removed by plat ' ♦♦ ��F tSA� In®s°; 23 .0 k �r P.O.B. Point of Beginning222 i EX.WATER •♦I FND"PK"NAIL ,. N 7D.56734t�3+8 ♦.♦ OTTON-'BE�.1, AV'ENU - Pro osed cone. avin N 7056495.7069 E 2S6$280 8051 ♦♦ E 2568283.3607 fX S k EX.S.S. ♦♦ ^' '.(50'''R,Q W)(EX.;A$PHAL.T.PVMT TA BE fi;fM10VI D&REPL{tCED WkTH,QONL`RETE) EX.S.S.MH K,\\m Proposed Fire Lane Esmt. I \\:'•:','',,,:','..;,':„.1::,','?Il,y5'..--;=,' ' ,,,,,,- ••,`,40 <OMP MIP OW——011P♦♦ . ♦♦. LOT 2,BLOCK 12♦♦ ' 'KELLER'S VOL.SECi,PG D1 LOT DITION LOT i,BLOCK 12 ZONED :KELLER'S SECOND ADDITION � 7" ON.D 1 A1 VOL.1,PG.111 5 ♦ \ BLOCK 11 1, ♦♦♦ \\�\ MAR zl`o ♦ L' Viz..,. APPROVED/DENIED 1 ♦ \ \ MAR 1 6 2009 BY: Note: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINE COMPLIANCE All dimensions are to back ELEMENT BASE STANDARD MET of curb unless otherwise I _ noted. ° PERIMETER TAND NDSCAPKWAYS LARGE o c CANOPY FTEES 50 �-�E 9..... ,1 i CONCRETE WALK ZONED=MF �P 9s', SITE PLAN SIDEWALK LOCATIONS 5 FT.CONCRETE BOTH SIDES OF *' *'' COTTON BELT ADDITION a TREET,MEANDERING PROPOSED USE=DUPLEX-MULTIFAMILY 'DAYrON C.MACATEE i CONTINUOUS PATHWAY \-.. 65028 :'�; Lot 1, Block 12 BUILDING HEIGHT=17'-5�" BUILDING BULK& MINIMUM 25%OF STREET FACADE �'��FSI �`G���' 1.462 ACRES G ARTICULATION OFFSET MINIMUM 2 FT,MINIMUM NUMBER OF BUILDINGS=5 SOON L E� BEING ALL OF LOTS 3,4,5&6 BLOCK 11,OF 60%OF TOTAL AREA ON FIRST FLOOR PROPOSED BUILDINGS=13,950 Sq.Ft.(5 X 2,790 Sq.Ft.) ♦t/AV/,,\` /1 KELLER'S SECOND ADDITION HOUSE NUMBERS STONE PLAQUE WITH NUMBER o3/a�(d LOT COVERAGE=23.8% Tx.RES.No.F-ADD OWNER: ARCHITECT: BESIDE MAIN ENTRY TEE ENGINEERING EXTERIOR FACADE 100%BRICK,STONE OR MASONRY TOTAL SITE=1.344 ACRES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF MATERIALS STUCCO,WITH 20%STONE OR SOUTHERN COLLIN COUNTY DOMU.BOX STUDIO GROUP P.O. DECORATIVE BRICK ACCENT TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED=20 SPACES 08 1100 Summit Avenue Plano,Texass 75086 PORCH MINIMUM 40 SF COVERED FRONT TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED=20 SPACES(INCLUDING 1 H.C.SPACE) Plano,TEXAS 75074 TEL(214)587-4049 ENTRY PH:(972)398-0634 SURVEYOR: ENGINEER: ROOF MATERIALS ARCHITECTURAL-GRADE OVERLAP SHINGLES,TILE OR STANDING GLOBAL LAND SURVEYING,INC. MACATEE ENGINEERING SEAM METAL,NO WOOD 704 Genteel Parkway East,Suite 1214 6440 CENTRAL EXPT9Y.,#414 SHINGLES,PAINT ROOFTOP Y ACCESSORIES TO MATCH. Plano,Texas 75074 DALLAS,TEXAS 7508 Phone(972)881-1700 TEL(214)373-1180 Fax(972)423-1083 FAX(214)373-6580 email:jmor�an®gls-ino,com February,2010 i _......._s , 1-(. ''''::'''''••I'l".:•;"‘ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINE COMPLIANCE , _ ELEMENT BASE STANDARD MET '''f*:fr'A' • =Tr,:\CAAAPLE<WA" LAAN l'-‘NCIgII:INIE'175:,IILIECT.°.c. [-III :Mr ,i, -1 :":..:q4:10r 7 6, 9,e4 SIDEWALK LE)CATIE'S f',MEETAZIE'll'IEGTgNEIT-IN LT=1E2ATI-= 1 I 1111,1:: 1.1[1. I gr-f-ArrATAIN2FF1113441oR L. 0 0 17U 1 ' i'1,19 !T111'" 71 HOUSE NUMBERS STONE PLAQUE WITH NUMBER BESIDE MAIN ENTRY n 1 09007 1 'TERI'EACADE MATERIAL' 1"'"ICR''TO%ITROistn,l'O'RNRY ,--- i -- l'/TEUCOCRATLI=RICK ACCENT , _, lk_V_Ir) - 1 L-I1 l 1 :•''''.:1/1 1-i Al i PORCH 40 SF COVERED FRONT ENTRY AND 100 09/09/09 Concept Ptan SF COVERED BACK OR SIDE ENTRY ROOF MATERIALS ARCHITECTURAL-GRADE OVERLAP -.:1-: „AI 111 _-_:L': _::= .1611_ _ ,,.. , ,i 02/17/10 Final Plan i l'sFAIE-ILL,ENSIO-TOgrSTEll'Ils'l=,SPEAAls'IT PLAN LAYOUT 03/11/10 Final Site P,Ian ROOFTOP ACCESSORIES TO MATCH. 05 SCALE:NTS 1 \ ; ) 61' COMPOSITION SHINGLES * 1 -, _ -1--- 6 ft.'HUGlailitY. 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A ,'.0 4v41'dt-Ailiz. ,Asitaittre-riwt)41iiiialk%arli ' ' '..11:',11110:14101•14pagER,39,1MENR,111 Stegiti,___ ' '-', .,,-.'.-- Wylie,Texas ':' '' IWAINDEMPTARTTinalan'.*:;',C:4-4:„.4..:,I.,..;:,, -.mew.!!:M":•:::ti::ernirtlfrAt VrArie',',!0,,,,S.r:44°.:1:::':wftemen. wwwwwwert4w.,44.4.:;:::„::44„„„4-4,44.----., • 11 I " :: Developer: . , mAR 11.2010 -, Habitat for Humanity of ; I ll I I II I , trseunr:„ti,,,s,= __,L _____,._..._: , Plano Texas 75074 , 132 E1r!yATION , 972.3,98..34 •, APP"vP,', DENIED Design Architect: ,•,: MAR 1 6 2009 ::PT,0'Sgrgr rci u'El'. Plano,Texas 75086 „ BY: 214.587..49 :: 712 6 GI _112 6 CEMENTITIOUS SIDING Civil Engineer: : 6440 Central Expressway,41414 CEMENTITIOUS TRIM Dallas,Texas 75206 :, 214.373.1180 .,„ COMPOSITION SHINGLES 61- -- :-'' • 12 """ 12 CEMENTITIOUS FASCIA Landscape Architect: ': Mee.Design Group , —..ii111\ 1100 Centennial Blvd.,Suit,270 MIEINIM __, _ , 972.690.7474 :4 , 4,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,N.5"...,,, „.. , i,_ . .44y ii.-.......... $AEAACAGACAAA[H .,,,, :,.,,.,,,,;a., ,, ,,_i_,IrdaP rjek. ig."N:2.:±41.#,±:.:,::: :1. redM r4;11ifil i_:::,i,„:.i......_-,-x--,F_z,,,,,- '--immum-- -,.. , , .-:--.,- .......„ , ,,..• , 1 g 11111111111 5:-',.;451 +: ::.' IIIIIPITII EU' .....r.i.ii:f...r.:;;;,',; inointim,..400,7m.`'IMERNinrmmatme47: DOMUS 0006---- ---'7-'1;7,1.. ...;;;;;-- '.."nia*w.reflirrr m k •:!r,i••I I I HARM1.- T-li Inirilic. A 1 llorciriu tgttcmmgoos.ESS;EKKxoaijtkomommgmgitm Studio Groupii, PO Box 861208, t o TX 75086-1208 ,, Jr 13.-0" II Jr ,..„);; ir I 2,5Y2- 35.72" IL_ 22,Y2" Jr Sheet 0 1 S Flrif14:1-1EolrEVATION Al ISSUES: �ovt7no cITYREVIEw 0 12'ALLEY ABANDONED BY O LOT 1,BLOCK M CITY ORDINANCE N0.2005-34 REVISIONS: SECTION ONE CC 2005-0111087 003/09/10 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS i RUSTIC OAKS ADDITION— VOLUME 59 BA PAGE 1 BY Q PHASE 4 Q _± I VOL.IG,PG+KD D.R.C.C.T. • 11Z OINE Q • EX PAR ING /j / # � Q .�W00�FEN1E ---------- - _,_------7; _ � S S M H CLIENT: li ------ . 5'UTILITY EASEMENT -----t------,--_____ __ �' \ • & I20 BUILDING SETBACK _-------- ----------------------------------------------- —°--� _VOLUME 842,PAGE 308 - w. iftt 8 • \\, 40 AREA a BUILDING 4 -: gm for Humanity® • . a/ PROP. DUPLEX ;( m a:E,i� SdMCoIMCoumyHabsttoHumenry,lnc. / 2790 S.F. raj • \ 8 sctri:t o All Fi reseI `� ,� EA — X X W fEIJBBE;R H05E `�O•` H L ?�i - _E. •N • it-11% • PABOVE FIRST ! 0 • " S ' ,- , .;. — „„: ii,„,,,, HAIN BRANCHI - G OVER EAD POWER/ y b) �_j 0 O 0 In • �• O TO BE-ELOCATED a / (^�6lACsE rsALv.WIRE '/,\ j ', -O F n-n _ O i0 G m N m O N ____ . .. ,.\,\ 0.7 6 OI a 7L' y w o 4"MULCH LAYER— v '" 9 F�1 „ 12"MIN. BUILDING 5 Q t SAUCER �'/��,�II 1�IIIY PROP.DUPLEX ' � m 2 I W r� 11l l ==m== 1I 2790 S.F. '• • $:Ffi� N d • O I F • TREE BALL — ,,9 • CD • • _1 • • W IT j o N; W m �p� 20 50'. „ . rn V 9 X T'YP �\� 6"DEPTH GRAVEL'%^�° � • \���`u B.F.R. BUILDING 2 (- \\\, • in 4"PVC Ill/CAP I, PROP.DUPLEX o •'' K C 2790 S.F. FILTER FABRIC • 6,�,T��STEEL POLE O �- '3 /". '.. '' � _ � I — /! • S♦ R J 3' �ra,N llg TREE STAKING AND PLANTING � Ar AI / � OL U1=TO 3"CALIPER 3®CsA.LLON AND SMALLER AT,. � � .t ° �a d :'„- Illi • , \ . • 9� PROPOSED ' ' • • i N 5'SIDEWALKill �' •-C.1, / : A. • `/:SFR 2fa -- ( .• IDR D BFR,P:- s�- 00'43=3: 239.07' .....RE11.,-orliv-----. /EI___ , EI=IIIII1 IiiiiiimmCOI`TON BELY AYE JE s I.I=mll SlllNl=llllls—Ill, EX S$-NH {ONC�2ETE bFi1✓E) e EX.S.S.MH 0 ...=111111=111111-111111111111- SOIL MIX \0. STEEL STAKE STEEL EDGE(SEE PLANS FOR LOCATION) • ':• GRASSS - - - -''! BED-PREP W/STEEL EDGE . LOT 2,61 IK 12 N.T.S. KEL�EVOL SECOG.1ADDIT''' MAR 11ATIO aftu, GENERAL MAINTENANCE: LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS APPROVED/DENIED REQUIRED PLANTS MUST BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY CONDITION PROPOSEp P!_/-ANT LIST: 2 landscape AT ALL TIMES.THE PROPERTY 0.ER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REGULAR SITE ADDRESS MAR 1 I 2009 architects WEE DING,MOWING OF GRASS,IRRIGATING,FERTILIZING,PRUNING,AND TOTAL LANDSCAPE QTY SYM COMMON/SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE OTHER MAINTENANCE OF ALL PLANTINGS AS NEEDED.ANY PLANT THAT Meeks Design Group 600 Woodbridge Parkway BY: 1100 centennial bled.#270 TOTAL SITE AREA=63,715 SG,FT(L46 ACRES) richerdson,tx 75081 DIES MUST GE REPLACED WITH ANOTHER LIVING PLANT THAT IS WYL fE,TC-'XAS 75ID98 COMPATIBLE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN WITHIN OW) TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA=40,800 SQ FT(0.94 A 4"CRES) AL.MIN. ph 972)890-7474 NINETY DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION FROM THE CITY,THE BUILDING24 a'OFFICIAL HT.MIw6'SPR MIN. fz 972)890-7878 PROPOSE,'SHADE TREE MA?"EXTEND THE TIME PERIOD UP TO AN ADDITIONAL(90)DAYS DUE LANDSCAPING/N YARDS _REF TREE LIST FOR TYP. TO WEATHER CONSIDERATIONS.IF THE PLANTS HAVE NOT BEEN REPLACED REQUIRED:20T OF SITE TO GE LANDSCAPED OWNER INFORMATION: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ,AFTER APPROPRIATE NOTIFICATION AND/OR EXTENSION,THE PROPERTY PROVIDED:64.OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED HABITAT FOR HUMANITY,INC.- MEEKS DESIGN GROUP,INC. r°I*. OWNER SHALL BE IN VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. SOUTH COLLIN COUNTY 1 �'• LANDSCAPING OF PARKING LOTS 17 �00 CENTENNIAL BLvD"270 �� PLANO, SUMMIT AYE. k ''. EXISTING TREE -REF LANDSCAPE LIST ' Jr, t ANY DAMAGE TO UTILITY LINES RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE c TO BE PRESERVED FOR TOTAL INCH'S PLANO,TEXAS 75074 0ALLAS,TX 75081 ' Cr THE PROPERTY OWNER OR HIS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES IN THE 50 SF.X Zl=1,05ID SF.REQUIRED On,398-0634 '' �ff I INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF REQUIRED LANDSCAPING IN A 40,800 S.F.PROVIDED (972)-690-7474 I .iP") UTILITY EASEMENT 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER •'',yF of,.411.i'=' 1F d PUBLIC UTILITY DISTURBS PLANTS WITHIN AN EASEMENT,IT SHALL LANDSCAPING OF STREET FRONTAGE 2 EXISTING TREE REF LANDSCAPE usT ARGI-IITEGT: SLIRVE�OR- 5.1•Ir MAKE EVERY REASONABLE EFFORT TO PRESERVE THE PLANTS AND 5'WIDE LANDSCAPING STRIP WITH '✓ r' TO BE REMOVED FOR TOTAL INGH'S DOMUS STUDIO GROUP GLOBAL LAND SURVEYING,INC. RETURN THEM TO THEIR PRIOR LOCATIONS AFTER THE UTILITY WORK.IF (A SHADETREE PER 40 LINEAR FT OF FRONTAGE P.O.BOX 861208 704 CENTRAL PARKWAY EAST,SUITE 1214 CITY SUBMITTAL NONETHELESS,SOME PLANTS DIE,1T 15 THE OBLIGATION OF THE PROPERTY PLANO,TEXAS 75086 PLANO,TEXAS 75074 OILMEN TO REPLACE THEM. 422 LINEAR FT of FRONTAGE/40=II REQUIRED 48 CCCC) 36"HT SHRUB SCREEN 5 GAL-REF SHRUB LIST (214)587-4049 (972)881-1700 LANDSCAPE PLAN 13 SHADE TREES PROVIDED IN STREET FRONTAGE QQQQ SIDE IRRIGATION ENGINEER, COTTON BELT ADDITION EXISTING TREES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY TYPICAL TREE LIST: (> IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL BE DESIGNED TOTAL EXISTING TREE INCH'S ON SITE:/SS" MACATEE ENGINEERING WYLIE,TEXAS AINI,INSTALLED BY A LICENSED IRRIGATOR SHUMARD'S RED OAK QUERCUS SPUMARDII 6440 CENTRAL EXPWY.,"414 PEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT. (17)EXISTING TREES PRESERVED:167" CEDAR ELM ULMUS CRASIFOLIA DALLAS,TEXAS 75206 <2I EXISTING TREES REMOVED:22" LIVE OAK QUERCUS VIRGINtANA (214)373-1180 DOM-0902 (24)4"SHADE TREES PROY/DED=96" SCREEN/BUFFER SHRUB LIST 0 20 40 LANDSCAPE PLAN DWF.BURFORD HOLLY ILEX GORNUTA"BURFORDII NANA" CITY SUBMITTAL OLEANDER NERIUM OLEANDER DUE.INDIAN HAWTHORN RAPHIOLEPIS/NDICA'NANA' TEXAS SAGE LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 1 '20'0" GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PL 1.01 Wylie Planning and Zoning _ - Co mm ission CITY OF - 'YLI iI AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 16, 2010 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Keller's Second Addition Date Prepared: March 10,2010 Zoning District: Multi-Family Exhibits: Replat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Keller's Second Addition, creating a single multi-family lot. Subject property being generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat creating a single multi-family lot for the Cotton Belt Addition. Subject property being generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. Discussion The property totals 1.462 acres and would create one multi-family lot. The property is zoned Multi-Family (MF) District and was originally platted as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and an unidentified triangular tract in Block 11 of the Keller's Second Addition in the 1950's. The property was the subject of a zoning request (ZC2004-21) to change the zoning from Single-Family 8.5/17 to Multi-Family (MF) District and was approved by Council on December 14, 2004. Since that time, the property owner has changed and is now under the ownership of Habitat For Humanity. Habitat is proposing to construct five duplex buildings 2,790 square feet in size. The Site Plan is on the current agenda. A 12' alley was abandoned by City Ordinance No. 2005-34 and is incorporated in the overall acreage of the subject tract by this plat. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/10/10 Page 1 of 1 W STATE OF TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS 5 COUNTY OF COLLIE COUNTY OF COLLIE m KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF SOUTH COLLIN COUNTY,IS THE OWNER That I,JASON L.MORGAN,do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of Z OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERKS W E.BROWN sr. FILE TRACT911 LAND DESCRIBED DEED RECORDS,COLLIE COUNTY,TEXAS,AND A the land and that the comer monuments shown thereon were property placed or found under my personal a PORTION OF AN ALLEY RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONED BY CITY OF WYLIE supervision in accordance with the subdivision regulations of the C'of a City Wylie.Texas. ��i N ORDINANCE NUMBER 2005-34,A COPY OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN VOLUME 5980, RELEASED ON 03/01/2010 FOR REVIEW SITE PURPOSES ONLY.THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT LOCATION -� o PAGE 1393,DEED RECORDS,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING ALL OF LOTS BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE 3,4,5,AND 6,BLOCK 12 OF KELLER'S SECOND ADDITION,AN ADDITION TO THE FLEMMING Jason L.U Z CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF Registered ProfessionalMorgan Land Surveyor No.5587 ^9, RECORDED IN VOLUME 1,PAGE 111,OF THE MAP RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, I l�Qom`,o 544 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY COUNTY OF COLLIE: 5• METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEFORE me,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared,JASON L.MORGAN known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and he LOT 4 BEGINNING AT A POINT FOR CORNER CORNER AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein VICINITY MAP(Nor To SCALE) - WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID ABANDONED ALLEY WITH THE expressed. LOT 7 RIGHT-OF-WAY)AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1,BLOCK M OF SECTION NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT(100' GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this day of 2010. ONE,RUSTIC OAKS ADDITION-PHASE 4,AN ADDITION TO THE THE CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME G,PAGE 93,MAP RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY„FROM WHICH A 5/8"IRON ROD FOUND FOR REFERENCE BEARS SOUTH 02°33'03"WEST, A DISTANCE OF 0.36 FEET; Notary Public in and for Collin County,Texas. FLEMING STREET THENCE NORTH 02°33'03"EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1,BLOCK M, [so'a o.w.) AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID ABANDONNED ALLEY,A DISTANCE OF 414.40 FEET (VOLUME 1382:PAGE 504) TO A 5/8"IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER AT THE COMMON NORTH CORNER CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL THEREOF AND BEING IN THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FLEMMING STREET Recommended for Approval (A 50'RIGHT-OF-WAY); N 89.47'02"E 183.12' sET s/a"I.R. I 1 FrtD s/a"I.R. THENCE NORTH 89°47'02"EAST ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID Ii FLEMING STREET,A DISTANCE OF 183.12 FEET TO A 5/8"IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6 AND BEING IN THE WEST N 7os6�34�34e RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COTTONBELT AVENUE(50'RIGHT-OF-WAY); Chairman,Planning and Zoning Commission Date E 2566280.8051 City of Wylie,Texas i► ;;;T 6THENCE SOUTH 00°43'38"EAST ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID LOT 5 COTTONBELT AVENUE,A DISTANCE OF 239.07 FEET TO A"PK"NAIL FOUND FOR I I LG*z,BLGCp 11 CORNER AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 AND BEING IN THE Approved for Construction (YGLUME 35,PAGE 241) 5'UTILITY EASEMENT ` NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT, I VOLUME 842,PAGE 3oa SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE I D.R.C.C.T. I RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1531.20 FEET,A CENTRAL ANGLE OF10°06'10",AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 49°21'27"WEST,A DISTANCE OF 269.64 FEET; Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date I W THENCE IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE CURVING NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT, _� 4. AN ARC DISTANCE OF 269.99 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND Accepted o > CONTAINING 1.462 ACRES OF LAND. I' L0T ., 1 M Q^ I Lo?3,,eLocK 1 P, Imo.3 I C tro4 uNE 35,PAGE 24i� F•+ LOT 6 NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: I I m h That HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF SOUTH COLLIN COUNTY does hereby adopt this plat MayorXityof Wylte,Texas Date I I designating the hereinabove described property as COTTON BELT ADDITION an addition t z'ALLEY ABANDONED BY I be to the City of Wylie Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets and CITY ORDINANCE N0.2003-34 - alleys shown thereon and do hereby reserve the easement strips shown on this plat for the cc#zoos-o,t 1 t087 mutual use and accommodation of garbage collection agencies and all public utilities The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby certifies that the voI uME saao,PAGE 1393 j -- LOT 1 -- -- --• U desiring to use or using same.An foregoing final plat of the subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie wa D.R.C.C.T. I I BLOCK 12 y public utility shall have the right to remove and keep ty y s submitted to the removed all or part of any buildings,fences,trees,shrubs,or other improvements or City Council on the day of 2010,and the Council,by formal action, I i 63,6i49 SQ. FT. growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction,maintenance or then and there accepted the dedication of streets,alley,parks,easement,public places, 1.462 ACRES efficiency of its respective systems on any of these easement strips and an and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council P y public utility further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as I I shall at all times have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon the said f - easement strips for the purpose of constructing,reconstructing,inspecting,patrolling, hereinabove subscribed. ISM BLocK M _ v % without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone.This plat approved Witness my hand this_day of A.D.,2010. SECTION ONE,RUSTIC �`gg.`F I LGT 4,BLGCK 11 OAKS ADDmON-PHASE 4 Yecs,y I i YGLUNE 35,PAGE 241� subject to all platting ordinances,rules,regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, VOLUME G,PAGE 93 `1/ Texas. M.R.C.C.T. � 3 I I City Secretary M q la Witness our hands at Texas,this day of 2010. City Of Wylie,Texas ti I-{ - Z I FND'PK'NAIL AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE I I 1 PRINTED NAME: I► E2 3�� TITLE: I FINAL PLAT HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF SOUTH COLLIN COUNTY ' E�°-s,a,5 COTTON BELT ADDITION STATE OF TEXAS: BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3,4 AND AN UNIDENTIFIED COUNTY OF COLLIN: R=1531.20 TRIAGULAR TRACT,IN BLOCK 11 OF KELLER'S 2ND ADDITION =1 tros•10' BEFORE me,the undersigned authority,or,this day personally appeared RECORDED I VOLUME 35, PAGE 241,DEED I II known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and heRECORDS, I �5\� CB=S 49'21'27"W acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND AN ALLEY ABANDONED Q' CH=269.54' L=269.99' r�BY THE CITY OF WYLIE ORDINANCE NO. 2005-34 �' I i Q�� GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this day of ,2010. BEING SITUATED IN THE SAMUEL B. SHELBY SURVEY SiP� �) ABSTRACT NO.020 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. •\ I I p Notary Public in and for Collin County,Texas #��0) IN.S l SHEET 1 OF 1 JANUARY,2010 SURVEYOR:I I P� GLOBAL LAND SURVEYING,INC. SCALE:1"=30' 30' 0' 30' 60' I i Q Ate, LItiB■\\\\ 704 Central Parkway East,Suite 1214 JOB NO.09-12-111 I Willi WY Plano,Texas 75074 cRAFIc scALE: I ��-rlll��w�1\ DATE:NOB/04/MO 1 INCH=30 FEET \\\���ti�/ Phone(972)881-1700 \ill i I�i BEGIN Fax(972)423-1083 FNo s/a"I.R eEARs email:jmorgan@gls-inc.com 5 02'33'03'W,0.36' NOTE: NOTICE:SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS 1S A VIOLATION OF CITY OWNER. ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF BUILDING PERMITS. SOUTH COLLIN COUNTY 1100 Summit Avenue '_°C 0 Plano,TEXAS 75074 PH:(972)398-0634