04-06-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes -
APR%L 6, 19,89
The City of Wy� ie Pau! k and 4,zecirea�ion Bmard met in regular
session on Thursday, April 6. 1P89 at 7: 4:^. 5�1~ im the
Council Chambers at the MunicipAl [omp1ex. A cuormm was
prescent a.nd ncxtice m+, �he meetinct had been postoed in the
time �m�,.A �anmssr, re^luired by law. Thos�/ �resen� �ere
Cha�rm�m Q~F. W�it�c�w, Vica Chairmam Rkm Ferguson, Board
Members Jill Tomek, Joanie Zeeb, Bill Emsoffp amd E3,il�
8urpie, Pupblic Works SupesriTntnck'en� 0mn Wfjite° Grounds
Maaintenance Foreman Philip Bounds~ and Secretary Llsa
Board Member David Orr was aR_lsent.
Chairmam Whiitlow #:--alled the meE7-..�tim� tto or-der~
OATH'-OF -''OFF'ICE--TO-_-N EWMEMBER'-_BD=LBUflG City Secret^ary
L-aarczlyn Jones gave the oath of office to new member, Bill
Burge. The park board lcmmed hd m.
AlPRO.VAL_1]F- "HE_M.)RCH_'6,_-1989-y1INUT�ES: There being no other
aadditior is cxr correc1-1io�s ex fm«ztien vwas maoe to approve the
nminu�es as submittC-Cl. T�e ITImticxm was secc»ndecj with alI in
DEE}��S��-��- '"E]Vl[ATIvlE� F��R�' '��S��R- F^L/�l�� ��.F~ W�itlow said we
need to go ahead atri d final -1ze aa tentative plan, have Don
White taake it to engineering te have- the new pA.ans draywvn up.
When I say tentative I mean a 3 to 5 year plan of action .,
takimg into considetr`ation if the money is available or not'
and subnnitting. it to City Council for approval.
Joam�e ]E'eeb saicj a sw�mml.mg stil " needs to be put in
Ald ma��e WI��D pwi ll gm cm-op. Fxon ��ergusczn said the schooI
wou�d mx�� �e �nteres�e� at this txme. Jill Tomek said if w�e
k�ep the* pool in?, t��e ssame spot the schooI mauy even tu�I l�
want to usae* It. �e szlryou/ld �aj!Lso look at" pmttixng �mo tennis
cou s in the sam ar`ea~
D.F. Whitlow said my t�ouqht� om R thaat it
should be a� least a 50 mseter pocxl , bas»ed mm t0ne pat-tern of
how commmnities use pmol�.
Tmmne «xp tesntCative planss and went over the�
_- vo�th thse Board.
Jill Tomek painted out on the pKans, and said a 75x40 foot
pool with a diving board~ shower area, concession area, and
tennis courts should remain in the general area as shown on
the old Park master plan.
D. F. Whitlow said where the current playground area is, if
you position twc tennis courts there, you could almost
create a mini complex. I suggest that we entertain the
thought of. if there is enough land, to build four or five
more courts in the picnic/pavilion area . KIl Tonek
suggested a larger area near the school . D. F. Whitlow said
I think there would have to be some sort of co-op prograf.-,
with the school , if the courts were put by the schoc»l , for
jill Tamek pointed out on the plans, and said jogging trails
and walking paths can be put in for access to all
4acilitles. Frisbee golf is coming back and is becoming a
national sport, and is very inexpensive to put in. Anybody
in the City could utilize this. we might consider exlendinS
the voad irmm the first Perking lot and put another parking
- lot in thzt Ls about the same size. I received a quote to
stripe the existime parking lcot of $315. 0(} that will
accomooete 149 cars. The area next to the pavilion could be
set up for croquet and a horse shoe pit. % would also like
to see another restroom on the other side of the road. I
have drawn in a sand volleyball pit and garden club area.
Bon White said the small area by the library wonid be good
for a garden club and would be easy to put in and maintain.
D. F. Whitlow said there is no question that the soccer
fields will have to gm down in the southeast section of the
park~ As soon as soccer season ends all the goal posts and
poles need to be moved to the now location. Gm ahead and
set two fields since they won ' t be played on for the rest of
the summer.
D. F. Whitlow said I 'm not sure about frisbee golf. I don ' t
want to run into the same problem with the greenbelt area, l
don ' t want to clatter it up. What I would like to do with
the naseball complex is within 3 years to enclose it to
nothing but a baseball area. My thoughts on the
jogging/walking trail as that it should cover the outskirts
uf the park. My guess is it would be approximately 2. 1 or
2. 0 miles. Would be low cost and out of the **ay. I think-
we need to consider the hazards of having to cross the roao
Philip Bounds said we need to have a regulation size pool .
Bill Emsoff said if we put in e 50 meter pool it would be
double the size of the one on the old plans.
�. F. WhlAlo--,j saici� I e where t�e extra g:)aarkImg I o t is on
the old pIans be.-.,au� e at doesn ' t get into the greenbelt
Phili und you nee� to think abmut bui �dimg iamother
road for access i;o the iparD"'.. Dom WMte xj mayb*e a ��treet
fro� ��� Twin L�k�� ��bd�vis�ion ca� ���oon t��e park fozr �
south er;-itramcce. We cam aIwa4,s ask thoe P,n,-4i«'eer if ±he
C�eve1opoer can change their plans to acc-omodate a road into
the inark.
E)xll said from w h at I heeard CIty CoumCil w�mld be
will �ng �o fi9ht for � pocxl ��rs�. I ±hi�k this would be
�� �asie�st ��oject �o get ac��m�li��ed~ I wvou�d saugges�
that we build that first, with acKjoiming dressing
J� ll Tomek suggested a �mmcessimm s..tamd fmr the pmml .iund
tennis a a. It could create rewenue for the
Don White- said yc,u need to avgreee on the whole then l
~ will t'he engJ.me"er dravw up thee pKans and bring it to the
next aviailable Park Board mszetimg �or further d�ssc�ss�on.
Jill Tm�ek s�uid %}on White had given her s�me bad news last
we_ek the new sewage line. The were checked to
fin� thet the lime wi� l �e inst�lled t�nomqh �he park, not
on the bOundaary line.
D. F. Whitlmw said I s/m concerned with the tec�nica� tbin9�
like the sprinkler system when nelv l nes �a�e to bxe l�id.
Don White said the Ci to�. �fe
lookesd at the perk and s�id it woulci not be a problem. H�
is goip� �o put tm sprxn�le,r he�d�a ±bat wilI s�oo� wa�er
��proxzunately 50 fee�. T �o� ' � fael that t�e nssw sewer line
will be a pro� lem. ��e |�ave $2, 500 for the sprinkler �ystem.
We will extend t�e s�stexu �s mmch as we �an.
��ere w�s �sume discus�i�n �� X�T �avin8 �o �ay th� Ci�y $240
ove� on the �enal�y clause an�
�o�sib] � usin5 t�is nmoey 1.or the parks. �on 0�hi �e said he
wnuld r� tke� YT� �raoe t�e mxoney o*�ed for work. B�t w*s have
ta �ee w�'�t City �our'�il �vao�s �o de�. I thi�� i � wc�uld be
�e�ter for uy �o �a� off the uwone�y �e �we ��em an� loet m the
�ork of� w�at is �we� tcx us.
T . F' Whitlow askezd **hat would it take, cost wise, for
Vomymcnnty Park to he like new. This includes everything,
ivriqation" seed, new poles, even down to the smallest bolt.
What would be the cost 3 to 5 years down the road. Don
White said I ' Il take a wild guess and say $250, 000 per year
plus four people~ D. F. Whitlow said maybe over a 3 to 5
year p0ord we can create this. Don White said we used to
have $185, 000 in the park budget. Within that budget it
could look new. $185,000 would just cover operating
expenses, the capitol outlays would be added every year to
the budget.
Jcmaie Zeeb said I think the park is reel important, but it
is a small part of the City. We have to do something to
make the whole City look pretty.
Don White said after you put together a master plan for
Community Park then you can do a total park system plan.
Don White read ax list of prinritues that Jill Tomek had put
together for Community Park. jill Tmmek said these are all
— low cost items we can get done~
Dcm White said remember that the more you add to the park
the more one employee has to take care of. Make a decision
on what large items and facilities you want and what area
you want them in and maybe Jill Tomek could work closer with
Lisa in the engineering department to get some plans done~
D.F. Whitlow said the swimming pool area will basically
remain the same except have a larger pool and add two tenni-
courts. 2 or 3 soccer fields will be in the west end
quadrant' that would be no cost to put in jumt labor, and
would be combination soccer/football fields.
Jill Tomek asked i4 there *would be any objections to
changing the parking lot and put it in horizontally. There
was no objection.
Don White said myself' Jill Tomek, and Lisa in engineering
can all get together and draw up the new plans before the
next meeting.
There was some discussion and agreement on eventually making
the baseball complex only for baaeball and it should remain
the same on the new plans.
Bill Emsoff said once we get a new plan then we can decide
what the prioritioes should be. Then take it to City Council
for approval .
D. F. Whitlow s-aid the only changes to the old plan are
removing the ampitheatre, putting tennis courts in, -zkmd
moving the parking area.
����_LI�_�-_�� ��_B�E: J� ll Tome
said I don ' t know how much money the Womens League w ill
raise. So it ITK.i.ly not In a good idea to esk them for
play9rouxnd p*qmipffient. The last prmplmsa.l wwe reccsi�ed om
equipment was way tt::-z hig-h. I was adw-Aeed bY/ a et,tlemam in
Plano that metal equipment lsyst IonRier an ou ar-e r1ot
constantly, revamping. He also informed me th�t r%xthcer than
pea �ravel they use what%- I tll-tink is called bmckstAot. It 's
�maller and �culd cause l��as �ama�e when ch�ldnen �hrmw it.
Ron Ferguson said that buckshot is a upgraded version of
sand. The metal equipment you are talkimg about has a. h��vy
duty plaast�c coatinq., is t--olc»r fa/st_ and does not a*bsimrb
heat or reflect co Id. � all o+ the literature and cmst
factors �n th�s �ype o� eqmipmment at my office. 3ilI Toff,
said shes would :1et th informatiom from 1--on �erqusCAm a's skalon
as possi�le.
Ron Fesrgusom said that tghe if purchasied, must be
professionalIy installed. This is a safeguard. Womd
equipment is more expensive thaon f ru etal .
Don WVhite said one item I woul� like for you to cmmsicUer
that wo«uld be of inl;erest to myseI4" �and Philip Boundsa, To~om
a wo -king stand point of it , is a gv,eenhomse so we can koeep
p�ants for the paxrk in order tcn k�oep i� nxce. Jrill Tm�ek
sa*id we mIght cmuld put in a smaIl greenhouse on the baack
side of the l ibrary since the bluebonnet romn is theere at
the library.
Ji ll Tomek said that McDonalds is wi I i n q toput on a
pancake breakfast fund raiser so we can get mew playground
equipment. So we might want to suggest other things to the
Womens League.
Joanie Zeeb said we might suggest trees, the cost on a good
sized one is around $250.
Jill Tomek said we are estimating $3000 from the Womens
League Fund Raiser.
Ron Ferguson said there are aIot of different things like
spiracle and poles for different age categories that run
from $500 to $1080 in the plastic coated metal playground
equipment. I would recommend locking at equipment that
covers a small area.
Jill Tomek said we need to start looking at some plans to
get ideas. There is aIot more to a playground than just
physical development. We need areas where imagination and
coordination would he used. When we ask for something we
need to know exactly what we want.
D.F. Whitlow said the playground area would still be an
opportunity for the Womens League fund raiser.
Don White said the Womens League fund raiser last year for
the police department was a great success~ The Womens
League bought equipment that was needed . They do have the
� final decision on what is bought.
D. F. Whitlow said we will have to get bids from at least
three companies. Don White said City Council never goes nut
on bids for engineering services. This isn ' t really a hid
item. Proposals are made and the best one is accepted.
DI ON',QF--'Tf1E-��l=AY�R�l���D-'ANI -9I QN1C-'AHQ; D.F. Whitlow
said this area is generally in pretty good shape. I think
the large grill at the pavilion needs to be replaced with a
smaller one. The large one is not being utilized .
Don White said the barbecue pit was put there for City
functions. It was utilized the first few years. The
initial idea was to rent the pavilion for large family
reunions. For those who want to cook the avilability is
D. F. Whitlow said I 'm sure that the intentions at that time
were great, but it needs to be maintained. Most people who
plan to cook are going to bring their own grill rather than
take the time to clean that one. The area is utilized but
the grill is not.
CITITENAARTICI9ATM: There being no citizens present the
- Board moved on to the next order of business.
GENERAL_DIS��SSJDN� Bill Emscxff asked that the order c»4
business regarding the Birmingham Farm Tract be placed on
the next agenda.
Jill Tomek expressed the need for a workshop to discuss the
playground. If we wait until the next regular session it
will be to late to plant.
Don White said we have $2, 500 in the budget for the
sprinkler system. Phil Blakely is drawing up the plans and
will get us the costs and everything.
Jill Tomek said to Bill Burge she understood that he had a
hydromulching business. Bill Burge said we have a
hydromuIch machine.
Jill Tomek asked Bill Burge how late in the Spring you can
plant Bermuda and still expect it to grow. Bill Burge said
at least by the middle of next month for best results but
you can plant clear through September.
Jill Tomsk said do we need to kill out the weeds in the
picnic area before seeding since it 's mostly weeds now.
Bill Burge said if you can get the seed in you must have
- irrigation if you expect it to grow.
Don White said I would like to start on the sprinkler system
in the picnic area within the next week. I 'm still banking
on a concrete retaining wall for the playground area.
Bill Burge said that if it is hydromulched you will be
mowing in one month. If the area to be seeded is a size we
can do, we will donate the machine and labor if the City
supplies the material .
Jill Tomek said should we get the parking lot striped now or
wait another year. Bill Emsoff said I think we should get
it done before the ball games start. Dom White said the
quote he got on striping was for 90 degree parking. It 's
less parking spaces but not as much of a hazard~ Jill Tomek
said if that 's more feasible and safer then 90 degree would
be better. I received at quote for straight spaces. Jill
Tomek gave Don White the name emn phone number of the
company she received a quote from so that he could get
another quote for 90 degree parking.
D. F. Whitlow said we need to have a bunch of volunteers or
boy scouts to clean up the park. There ' s broken glass, pop
tops, etc. everywhere. Don White said maybe we can get some
- people that owe community service time through the courts to
do it.
Don White said if you know anyone who wants to volunteer to
help weed-eat and generally clean up the park for the next
couple of Saturdays, we will be out there trying to get this
done. We have about six weeks that it is difficult to keep
up with because we only have one man. The two temporary
workers don ' t start working until June.
There being no other business or discussion a motion was
made to adjourn . The motion was seconded with all in favor.
D. F. Whitlow, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,