11-02-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes - ~ '- pA8K BOARD MEETING MINUTES NUVEMBER 2, 1989 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session Thursday, November 2nd° 1989 at 7: 15 p. m' in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. Those present were Vic* Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members Bill Emeotf , Bryan Glenn, and Mike Miller, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Park Maintenance Foreman Philip Bounds, Meter Services Supervisor Phil Blakely, and Secretary Lisa Keith, Board Members Bill Burge and Cheri Albin were absent. Chairman Jill Tomek officially resigned prior to this meeting. Vice Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order' RESIGNATION:ACCEPTANCE OF JILL TOMEKS After reviewing Jill 7omeks resignation a motion was made by Bill Emsotf to — accept her resiQoatlon. The motion was seconded with all in favor. S; Joanie Zeeb received the only nomination for Chairman and was elected Chairman of the Park and Recreation Board with all in favor. Bill Emeoft received the only nomination for Vice Chairman and was elected Vice Chairman of the Park and Recreation Board with all in favor. MEETING:APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER The minutes were approved as submitted with all in favor, REPORT FROM DON WHITE ON JOBS COMPLETED IN OCTOBERAND PLANNED- PROJECTS-_FOR_lNOlDEMBEB : Don White briefly reviewed the jobs completed list for the month of October and the planned projects for the month of November. Mr, Don White added that the installation of Christmas decorations had been erroneously left off of the projects list, to include the transplanting nt a live red cedar to the Municipal Complex yard, donated by Raymond Cooper. The tree will be ] it every year before Christmas. There was some discussion regarding the equipment, labor, ~- and material costs included on the jobs completed report. COST REPORT FROM DUN WHITE ON COMMUNITY PARK SPRINKLER SYSTEM COMPLETION AND BUILDING SIDEWALKS AT COMMUNITY PARK: Don White stated that it would cost approximately $5, 400 to build sidewalks from Birmingham down the alleyway easement and from Memorial beside the drainage channel , and that only included two sidewalks. Don White explained that it was not cost effective to build the third sidewalk, as requested, in that we would have to cross a channel and install box culverts. Don White introduced Phil Blakely to the board and informed them that he was the meter services supervisor in the Utility/Billing department and was also a licensed irrigator and that he had been working on the existing sprinkler system at Community Park. After Phil Blakely and the board members reviewed the Community Park master plan and TOPO Phil Blakely suggested that we make all the necessary repairs to the existing system. Phil Blakely estimated that the repairs would require 40 to 80 man hours of work. Phil Blakely stated that it would not be worthwhile to get a total cost estimate based on the master plan. It will be much better to do it in phases and best to know what items or areas, included in the master plan, will be installed first and what will go in last. Don White explained that Charles Norwood was going to pursue getting more grants from Austin for the completion of the master plan. Phil Blakely explained that the cost on repairs to the existing system included the replacement of 16 valves at $50. 00 per valve. Phil Blakely offered to let the city borrow his controllers for now if the city can' t afford them at this time. Phil Blakely said that if we wanted to irrigate the whole park it would cost in the neighborhood of about $50, 000. Bill Emsoff said that the fields should be fixed first since WSA utilizes them the most. Phil Blakely said he would like to replace all of the heads with 610 Toros, designed to set one inch below grade. They require little maintenance, but the problem is the greater cost difference. $25. 00 per head verses $10. 00 per head. Don White reminded everyone that a new sewer force main will be installed at the new soccer field area of the park sometime between December and September of 1990, and that we definitely don' t want to install an irrigation system in this area until after the project has been completed. � Phil Blakely stated that five hundred to eight hundred dollars will get everything running in the existing system at the bal | fie ) d area, and in closing said that be would put together a good estimate now that he knew where they wanted the system repaired and extended to. : Don White explained that Charles Norwood had taken action in getting the sign. We are waiting for permission from the railroad. Don White pointed out the sign placement on the map and explained that it takes approximately six weeks to obtain a permit from the railroad' The bank or the chamber of commerce will assist in the funding of the sign. It will be lighted and l feel positive that it will be double faced. PLAN:DISCUSSION OF VALENTINE PARK MASTER Bill 2mooft requested that we ask the engineering department to prepare a TOPO of Valentine Park. Don White said that since this was a small area that it shouldn ' t take more than a couple of days to do this. This order of business will be discussed at �he December ~_ meeting providing that a scaled drawing and TQPO be prepared by that time. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : There being no citizens present the board moved on to the next order of business. �E-NER AIL-_Dl-SC0S�S-l-ON; Bill Emsott asked if the tire ant broadcast spreader had been received yet. Don White said that City Council approved the purchase, it has been ordered, but we have not received it yet. Bryan Glenn made u suggestion of incorporating the open space plans ideas into our plat-is. Chairman Joanie 2eeb addressed the board members asking each one of them to volunteer for one specific prcjeot , stay on top of it, and give s statue report at every meeting. There was some discussion of various projects. Don White stated that it one of them wanted to get involved in acquiring land that the Corp of Engineers will give us some existing pack land. All we have to do is maintain it. it would be a ] ot of paper work and time consuming. Yoo would have to work very closely with the Corp of Engineers. There would be a | ot of red tape to cut through. We would have to have a. money source to maintain the Park the first year until it generates revenue. We would have to report to the ~— Corp the first few years and we must have a program. Philip Bounds said he talk,ed tc the manager of the Corp of EngineerS - He said that they lease lake frunt parks to municipalities for twenty years or So. All revenues Xenerated from the park has to go back into that park, ~~ There being no other business or discussion Mike Miller moLinned to adjourn with all in favor. Q&OV b- -, �-? l-b JO ie Zeeb, C Oli�r M,an Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith< Secretary _ �