10-05-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes - PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES OCTO8EB 5, 1989 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session Thursday, October Stb, 1989 at 7: 15 p. m. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. Those present were Vice Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members Bill Emsotf, Cheri Albin, and Bryan Glenn, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Park Maintenance Foreman Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Chairman Jill 7omek, Board Members Bill Burge and Mike Miller were absent. Vice Chairman Joanie Zeeb chaired the meeting in Chairman Tomeko absence. Vice Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order. _ APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER MEETING : Bill Emaott submitted a change to page 3, paragraph 3, last sentence, changing the word proposition to propose. There being no other corrections, additions, or deletions a motion was made to approve the minutes of the September meeting with the submitted change. The motion was seconded with all in favor. Dl'-SC PURCHAS_[NG_-A_- J'GN: Joanie Zeeb said she had talked to Ken Lane from American National Bank in regards to them donating a sign. He said that they do such things and they would probably be happy to do it but that he needs a proposal from us to take to the banks board of directors. Maybe we can get all the sign makers in the city to submit propu'salss to us. Don White said that if the Park Board decided what size they preferred the sign to be and exactly where they wanted the sign installed that he could get the prices. There are alot of things that we will have to consider before giving a proposal to the bank. The sign must comply with the sign ordinance, Bill Emsotf asked if they could get a copy of the sign ordinance. Don White said yes. Joanie 2eeb said she also had a discussion with the bank regarding them not putting their name permanently on the sign stating that they donated it. They did suggest that they would probably want to at } east put their logo on a small area in one of the corners of the sign. Don White said that he would get with Charles Norwood and Roy Faires and put a proposal together. Joanie Zeeb said that the Park Board may have to take this to City Council to get a waiver on the sign ordinance. Don White said that we definitely would want to comply to the sign ordinance. DISCUSSION OF ACCESS TO VALENTINE PARK : Don White read a memo he had written to Charles Norwood about what was discussed in the September meeting. Don White said that Charles Norwood asked Roy Faires to look in to this and he came up with a solution that might get us by for a while. Don White and the Board Members viewed a map of Valentine Park that Roy Faires had put together. Don White pointed out the existing access and dedicated alleyway on the map and said that because of the location of the park and the problem of getting in and out, Charles Norwood, Roy Faires, and myself are all in agreement that this park should be for foot traffic only or a neighborhood park. Don White explained that it would be very easy to build a sidewalk in the alleyway with maybe a little foot bridge. Don White said the Park Board could maybe retrain their thoughts from developing access to concentrating on generating a five year master plan for a small neighborhood park. Children from several housing additions could utilize this park facility. Cheri Albin asked if the park perimeter could possibly be fenced so the children could not go directly into the alleyway. Don White said the Park Board could include a fence on the master plan that would be presented to Council . Bryan Glenn brought up an idea of possibly adjoining the walking/jogging trail in Community Park to Valentine Park. The Park Board asked Don White to obtain costs of building the sidewalks. Bill Emsoff made a motion that Valentine Park be designated as a neighborhood foot traffic park. Bryan Glenn seconded the motion with all in favor. � SPENDING :DISCUSSION OF WSA REVENUE Bill Emsutt stated he had found out that the Park Board can only propose spending to City Council . The Park Board does not have the authority to make the final decision. Joanie Zeeb said Jill Tomek has really been trying to get n slide for the playground. Approximate cost $500. Bill Emsoff said he had mentioned to some council members that we possibly wanted to purchase a broadcast spreader for an ant control program and they said that was a maintenance item and that the WSA revenue was to be spent on park improvements. Cheri Albin said that the biggest complaint is ants . Joanie 2eeb said that everyone would benefit from an ant control program; WSA, the City, and anyone who uses the parks. Bill 2maoft said that WSA wanted portable backstops for the taeballers' When asked, Don White said he would get a cost on completing the sprinkler system in Community Park. ~~ Joanie 2eeb motioned to recommend to City Council that a slide, broadcast spreader for ant control , and two teebal ) backstops be purchased from the WSA revenue fund. The motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There being no citizens present the Board moved on to the next order of business. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Bill Emsoft asked Don White why Council had tabled the business of accepting dollar donations for the park system with the water bills . Dun White said that he was sure it would be put back on Councils agenda, but that he was unable to answer the question as he was not present that Council meeting. Bill Emaott said he would contact a Council member and find out. Dun White stated that he had a small problem with the water fountain that was donated by Mr . Cooper. There is a sprinkler system in the park so everyone reluootant \y thinks there is water there- { do not want to tie into this system for drinking water. We will have to run a separate water line. } just wanted you to know the reason for deiey' It won' t take alot of money but will take some time. _ Philip Bounds showed the water fountain to the Board and explained that a brick structure would have to be built around it to deter vandalism. Cheri Albin asked it the water fountain could be sent back and get something better. Don White said he did not know but that he would ask the purchasing agent if we could do that. ~ There being no other business or discussion, a motion was made by Bill Bmsott to adjourn, seconded by Cheri Albin with all in favor. - - - JO, ie 2eeb, Aoti Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Submitted, 0004 Lisa Kei��, Seoretary --