06-01-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK. AND RECREA | ION BOARD
JUNE l , 1909
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session on Thursday, June 1 , 1989 at 7: 15 P. M. in the
Council Chambers at the Municipal CompleA . A quorum was
present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the
time and manner required by law. Those present wenr
Chairman D. F. Whitlow, Board Members Jil I romck, Bi l l
Emsmff, Joanie Zeeb, and 9112 ?Orqs . oublic Wrrks
Superintendent Don Whitc, Park Foremzn philtp
Bounds, and RVcretary " ic , Keith. V17n Chnirman Rnn
Fergusor anJ Sourd MeAer Da ^jd or- we— atrpnt .
ticw .-sllcrd tho nen+ inv to crdc-.
*as in wcDona] ds
THT Mr^}LT75 OF THE MAY 4 , 1909 MFETIw% There
be��g no z�ditions or corrpct! c`rs 0 TOtinn mas oode by
y:arie 7eek. tn ar:ro^'e ine -in:�rs as suboit+wd. The motion,
vnte was As fo! 1o47: Chairman Whitlow -
' -Wa'c ^, � d �pr�er Zer� - in iavor, Board Member Emsoff
soard MemYer 2u070 - in favor, Board Member.
-one� in fe;ar. This Tctjon sarnien with all on favor,
YEAR COMMUNITY' P/��KMA�]�R-PLAN: Bo�rd Members reviewed the
to:tatz�e master plan drawm by the Engineering Department .
Don whito pointed out some changes to the jogging trail that
had been made by Engineering . The origimal location of the
trail wos unacceptable as it crossed the existing creek
approximately three times. The new locatton has no
crossings what so ever.
There WRs some discussion 04 tne need to fence each
ballfield separately instead of just the outer boundaries.
There was some discussion of the placement of the tennis
courts 4ased on the sunrzse and sunset.
After mu�h discussion changes were agreed upon as follows;
move the Vo er location, the tennis courts
s�ould be pc`sitimmed �or�h amd south, the ballf�elds n�ed to
f nded �ccordin oen t�e
specifi��ations of the Wyl ie Sports Association, and all
recreational areas need to be lightec .
D. F. Whitlow said once the plan is dr��n �o inclmde these
changes it will go to City Council for their approva1 .
Joanie Zeeb motioned to accep� t�e Communi �y �ark 5 Year
Master PIan to inclmde the sp�cified c�an�es. Th� mcotion
**as seconded. The vote was as follows: Ch�irm�n it�ow -
in favo�° Board Member Joanie Zeeb - in favor, Boa�d ��mber
Bill Bur�e - in favor, Board Member Bill Em��ff - in f�vor,
��oard Member Jill Tc»mek - in fa�or. This mcntion carried
with all in favor.
DI{}Cl]SSI1]1% _& -Af,PROVAL- MMUNIT\. _fAf0,_- 1:`L Y{RRf]U�D
E�UIY'l IF—[T : The Board viewed a video presentation by Phi l ip
BcnJnds regardinq a volunteer playground project compIeted in
the City of Hurst. Phili� ��un�s explaimeed that an
-- �arch�tectural a8ency omt o� �ew �ork hesads u� thee project
working wi eople zn the community start�ng with t��
chil�rem. They �iIl no� wC k 'Ili the C�ty~ This
particu1ar project was org�/nzz,ed by two hcmuse�iv�s. The
semds alI the details amd �la�s of e�ery�hi�g that will
De needed . The architectural fees were paid by the City and
every�hinS else, mater�a� . �abcx�, �ooIs" �no equipment were
d�na�iomed 'Ald volun �eers l� The archi �ec�s �esiqn
�he pl��9round based on interviews with children who live in
the un1 �y. The e�tjms cx»mmurit�, is inwolv�d ther�fore
the m�anmalism ra�e �s ext�ee�y �ow. This entir� p�oje�t
once organized took four days to erect . The m��er�al used
is pres��ure treated yellow
Jill Tome.k said that th�s program sounds wonder�ul , but due
�o �be size of the City right now I don ' t think it would be
feeas�ble tm at�empt su�h a p�oj�ct. I womld liku� to keep zt
on file for future use.
�hilip Bounds distrzbuted some photograp�s of a "super
structure" built �t the new Clay ca e in W�lie by a �entieman
out ctf Dallas.
this wou1d fi � l mp one -1alf C existzng pla�qround aI
and the other half �oul� �ossibl� �e used for �wings and a
sandbox. The cost is around $7, 00O.
ill ! Torek said it ' s a oeav iowa but not enough to keep the
kids busy. $1 , 200 was raised by ±ne womens League amd
McDonalos will ahso be mavinq a fund raiser. The Preside&-,�
of Womens League wiA meet winh different clubs and get
each c1ub to do a separate thin5 in building the playground.
D. F. Whotlow askew how much money was in the budwet for
piay9rouoo equipmenv. Jil } Tomek said no,e, just money for
the french drain and pea gravel is included in the budget.
Jill ToTok said I gave a list to the Womens League an things
to purchase for the pleyercxund. I got a good price om
Bill Emsoff said doesn ' t redwood, along with all wood , have
to be treated every year. Jill Tomek saio if it does we may
as well go ahead and get Ve pressure treated pine since it
is cheaper. Ron Homeyer sXid redwood is not as strong bM
Will last twice as long if it is sealed every year.
Philip Bounds said the problem is that we need to get
equipment in our playground now. The main thinq is getting
~- it organized and the whole community involvem
There was some discussion of what types 04 equipment are
considered unsafe by T. M. L. and the liabilities involved.
As t0e Board Members revieweo a catalog tMere was some
discussion of what items to put in the playground and the
prices of various equipment.
After discussing the possibility of hav2ng a meeting witri
some citizens for their input on what type of equipment is
wanted it was decided that what is waotet and what is
affordable are two different things.
Jill Tom&k suggested going ahead and spending the $1 , 200
donated by the Womens League and to get started with putting
small items in the playground area now.
Bud Naish explained tne budget situation to the Park Board
and informed them that they could request that part of the
$3, 000 WSA revenue go towards the purchase of playground
Councilman Naish suggested asking for donations from
businesses outside of Wylie. Home Depot for example, alot
- of people in Wylie buy there hardware at tnis store. The
ousinesses in Wylie are just about donated out.
Board Members agreed to meet on Monday, june 5` 1989 at
12: 00 P. M. to tour the playground area in Irving that was
earlier discussed by Philip Bounds.
Philip Bounds suggested to the Board that they completely
organize a plan before setting any dates for installation.
QI1IZEN-FAFT.lCI9ATIDN: There being no citizens present the
Park the next order of ousiness.
GENERAL 'DIBCUSSION: Joanie Zeeh expressed her concern over
keeping the grounds at the Municipal Complex looking good~
Joanie Zeeb asked is there anyway we cam keep this area
mowed, , t looks aweful . Don White said we do the best we
can with one man. Jill Tomek said that in a few weeks the
seasonal helpers will start work so maybe we can keep up
with it better. Joanie Zeeb asked con we make a
recommendation to Council to do something to get the grass
mowed . D. F. Whitlow said I feel we have the authority to
make recommendation on just about anything involved with
parks and °ecreationw . Bzll
Emsoff said maybe we could suggest to City Council to hire
�- 40me cmntractors to mow.
U. F. Whitlow suS9ested makinp a recmmmencaticnn to City
Council for some money to ne appropriated out of the general
fund for playground equipment.
Jill Tomek asked Don White when things are bought out of the
budget can you let the Park Board know what is being bought,
from whoo, and now much it costs. We don ' t know how mucin
money we have left to work with. Don White Raid I will have.
to discuss this with the City manager. I don think you
would be interested in, or need tm kmow everything that is
spent. For example that I hought a clutch for one of th;5�
mowing tractors or a r&dlator nose for sne truck. Jill
Tomek said yes I would. Don White said let me remind you
that you are an advisory board to the City Council . I will
discuss this with the city manager. Bill Emsoff said the
budget is available for anyone who wants to look at it ,
Jill Tomek said I feel we should know *what is going an in
the park .
Jill Tomek expressed her disapproval by stating that she ho-I
witnessed a city employee pulling Philip Bounds off of his
job in the park the other Cay to help hang a bulletin hoard
at city hall that she could have hung herself. Don White
— said all my employees have to work together as a team and my
+oremans are given tasks to do on a weenly basis. If they
do not get it done they are zm trouble with me.
Councilman Naish said our park is a quality of life. We
knew when Philip Bounds was hired he would be one person and
that is not enough . It is a start.
There was some discussion of the importance of keeping th-ZD,
Municipal Complex grounds mowed. Especially if the city
expects the citizens to keep their property mowed.
There being no other business or discussion, a motion was
made to adjourn , was seconded with all in favor.
D. F. Whitlow,Whitlow, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted .
Lisa KeitV