07-06-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARR BOARD MEETING
JULY 6, 1989
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session Thursday, July 6 , 1989 at 7 :15 P .M. in the Council
Chambers of the Municipal complex . Those present were Cheri
Albin, Jill Tomek , Bryan Glenn, Bill Emsoff , Bill Burge,
Joanie Zeeb (arrived late) , City Manager Charles Norwood,
City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Superintendent
Don White and Park Maintenance Foreman Phillip Bounds. Park
Board Member Mike Miller was absent .
Mr . Don White called the meeting to order , as the chairman
and vice chairman were not present since their term has
expired .
OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW MEMBERS: City Secretary Carolyn Jones
gave the oath of office to Bryan Glen and Cheri Albin. Mrs .
Zeeb arrived late and her oath of office was given at that
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: A motion was made by Mr . Emsoff to
elect Jill Tomek as Chairman of the Park Board. Seconded by
Mrs . Zeeb. This motion carried with all in favor .
ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN: Chairman Tomek made a motion to
elect Joanie Zeeb as Vice Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Emsoff .
This motion passed with all in favor .
corrected the June 1st meeting to reflect in the general
discussion, "Mrs. Zeeb asked is there anyway we can keep this
area mowed" and also "asked can we make a recommendation to
Council to do something to get the grass mowed" . Mrs . Zeeb
also corrected Mrs. Tomek statement to reflect asked instead
of said to Don White when things are bought out of the
budget can you let the Park Board know what is being bought ,
from who and how much it costs . Mrs . Zeeb also questioned
the roll call vote when everyone voted in favor . A motion
was made by Mr. Emsoff to approve the minutes with the above
stated corrections. Seconded by Mrs . Zeeb. This motion
carried with all in favor .
stated that the presentation of the park master plan was
made to the City Council. Everyone was very impressed but
wanted a cost estimate on each item. Chairman Tomek stated
she has talked with the City Manager Charles Norwood and who
agreed that a cost estimate should be put with each item.
Chairman Tomek said staff was looking at funding from the
Texas Wildlife Department. City Manager Charles Norwood
said the Texas Wildlife Department will go through the plan,
give staff cost estimates and suggestions on the over all
plan. Once staff finds the funding from the state, then the
staff must find matching funds. Chairman Tomek asked if the
matching funding could be with labor . Mr . Norwood said yes.
When the plans come back from the state, then the Park Board
should go through and give another priority listing. Mrs.
Zeeb wanted to know if the state would come and see the park
and give us the estimates at the same time. Mr . Norwood
said no, as this is their time for review of budget and
plans and they will be working out of their offices , but
sometime in the fall , the state will visit our park.
Chairman Tomek wanted to know how long before staff received
the information from the state. Mr . Norwood said within one
month. Mr . Emsoff stated that if these plans and cost
estimates come back, then we can put them on the next
Chairman Tomek said there are a few corrections to these
plans, the sand pit and volley ball court should be moved to
the picnic area on the north side of the playground and move
the basketball court to where the volley ball court is
shown. Phillip Bounds said the parking lot goes out into
where the fence will be around the ball fields, also looks
like the jogging path crosses the creek. Chairman Tomek
said according to Ron Homeyer, the jogging path does not
cross the creek.
Mr . Emsoff asked Mr . Norwood if the priority list was needed
now. Chairman Tomek said the Council was told at their last
meeting the swimming pool was on top of the list and I do
not believe Council objected to this, but there were
questions of the cost. Mr . Norwood said the pool will cost
approximately half million and I do not feel you can get it
this year . Chairman Tomek said that Council has talked
about asking for donations on the water bills - $1 .00 per
each family. This would bring in some of the cost of the
pool . Chairman Tomek said another top priority is the
soccer and football fields and also stated the playground
equipment is almost complete . Chairman Tomek asked Bill
Burge if it was to late to hydromulch. Mr . Burge said no.
Mr . White said funds are getting low and I do not know if I
have money for the materials. Chairman Tomek said we have
the $3 ,000 from W.S.A. Chairman Tomek said to go ahead and
try to hydromulch with this money.
City Manger Charles Norwood said if this board can do only
one thing , you have to generate an interest in the Park.
When you look at our population and the number of
volunteers, there is no interest in the park. Chairman
Tomek said the Wylie Sentinel run two articles on volunteer
work needed and my phone number . Chairman Tomek stated she
did not receive one call from these articles. Mr . Norwood
said you have to start now and let the citizens know about
the pool through the water bills and civic groups and news
media. If citizens do not know about what you are doing,
then you will not get the community involved . City Manager
Charles Norwood suggested the Park Board appoint a Community
Awareness Committee.
Mr . Bryan Glenn wanted to know where the tools for playing
volleyball , etc . would be kept . Chairman Tomek said either
in the Library or Community Room or in one of the storage
areas at the park. Mr . White said there is a deposit for
volley ball and net, although no one has used it in a long
time . Chairman Tomek said to use the Library and let the
people check the equipment in and out during the regular
library hours . Mr. Norwood said why not but up the net and
leave it up. Mr . Glenn stated not to put edging around the
volleyball court, just go from grass to sand.
Mr . White said this item is here because I wanted an ideal
from the board on what you want to see done next year if
funds are available. Chairman Tomek said Mr . White has
brought up an idea of having a contractor do the mowing for
the parks . Mr . White said he spends a lot on labor , tools
and maintenance to mow for the City and I believe a
contractor can do it cheaper . Mrs. Albin asked what areas.
Mr . White said the Municipal Building, Kirby Park, Valentine
Park and Community Park and all the highway right-of-ways,
approximately five miles .
Chairman Tomek asked what capital improvements Mr . White had
put in the park budget . Mr . White said the extension of the
park road and re-do the existing parking lot and the rest
will be for chemicals. Chairman Tomek asked Mr. Norwood
what the budget looked like . Mr . Norwood said he has not had
a chance to look at it or review it with Mr . White yet .
Mrs . Zeeb asked Mr . White if he still had the list of things
to do in the park. Mr . White said yes , but this is
maintenance not capital .
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There were no citizens present at
this meeting .
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr . Emsoff wanted to know if there was
a better entrance for Valentine Park. Mr . Emsoff said he
has talked with the owners of the houses on Ballard and
Birmingham and they are remodeling these homes. Mr . Emsoff
also stated there is a drainage ditch that goes into this
area, would it be possible to put in a pipe and lay a road
over the top of this drainage area. The Board requested
that Mr . White have Mr . Homeyer look at this area and see if
this could be done and give an approximate cost .
Mrs . Albin wanted to know if and when sub-divisions are put
in, do the developers have to address drainage. Mr . Norwood
said yes.
Chairman Tomek requested that the sections of the sub-
division ordinance pertaining to the parks be given to the
board members at the next meeting .
Chairman Tomek stated at each meeting the board should
discuss what they want to see done during that month and
then Mr . White can give a report the following month on what
was accomplished .
Mrs . Zeeb stated that each member of the board should have
an area to work on during the year . Mrs . Zeeb also voiced
her concern about not having a beautification program for
Mr . Glenn said maybe a joint meeting with the Planning and
Zoning Commission would help to get this beautification
program started .
Chairman Tomek asked what the board wanted done in the park
during this next month. Mr. Emsoff said to get the people
informed . Chairman Tomek said yes, but we need to get some
things done in the park. Mr . White said we are painting the
concession stand and trim on Akin Pavilion at this time.
Chairman Tomek asked Phillip Bounds to make a list of things
he wants to see accomplished this month. Chairman Tomek
asked Mr . Burge when he could start the hydromulch program
at the park. Mr . Burge said anytime. Chairman Tomek
volunteered to stay in touch with this project of getting
the hydromulch done in the park.
Mrs . Albin and Mr . Glenn volunteered to work on the Citizens
Awareness Committee. Chairman Tomek also requested that
this be a discussion item on the next agenda.
There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made
to adjourn with all in favor.
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Jill Tomek, Chairman
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Jones , City Secretary