09-07-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session Thursday, September 7th, 1989 at 7: 15 P. M. in the
Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. Those preent
were Chairman Jill Tomek, Vice Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board
Members Bill Emsoff and Bryan Glenn, Public Works
Superintendent Don White, Park Maintenance Foreman Philip
Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Members Cheri
Albin, Mike Miller , and Bill Burge were absent.
Chairman Tomek called the meeting to order.
submitted a change on page two, paragraph three, last
sentence to read - - - - Joanie Zeeb said the newspapers
could be used since there are now two and most people read
at least one.
There being no other changes Joanie Zeeb motioned to approve
the minutes to include this change. Seconded by Bill
Emsoff , with all in favor .
Members reviewed the information enclosed in their packets.
Jill Tomek said that she thought the price would be much
higher than this. Don White said that this price did not
include the mounting poles.
There was some discussion of where to install the sign.
Preferrably in a high traffic area where alot of people
would see it.
Board Members discussed the possibilities of obtaining a
sign from a donation source and decided to table any further
discussion or recommendation so that more information could
be compiled, then discuss this business further at the
October meeting.
documentation Jill Tomek asked if the city needed to order
some "S" hooks to repair some of the swings that were
removed. Philip Bounds advised her that we did, and Jill
Tomek gave him a catalog to assist him in ordering the
hooks. Don White said that he would get them ordered.
Jill Tomek expressed her concern as to why the hydromulching
had not been done yet. Don White said that Southforks
machine had been moved out of state and probably would not
be returned. Mr. White said that we would have to find
another machine somewhere. Bill Emsoff asked if that type
of machine could be rented. Don White said that he would
check and see. Jill Tomek asked how much longer we had to
plant this year . Bill Emsoff said you are not going to get
a very good root system this late in the year. Don White
said that he was considering purchasing some winter rye and
planting it now, it will stay green all winter . Jill Tomek
said that instead of planting bermuda, we may consider
planting a different type of grass. Bermuda is very hard to
maintain, it grows out instead of up. Joanie Zeeb said that
licensed nursery people should be able to tell us what kind
of grass would be best in the park.
After asking, Philip Bounds informed Jill Tomek of the
different areas in town that he must water. There was some
discussion of installing automatic sprinkler systems at some
of these areas. Bill Emsoff suggested using valve timers
instead of control boxes, because they are alot less
expensive. Mr. Emsoff said he would check prices on them.
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Roberta Stevens was present and said
that she went to the high school and talked to the teacher
sponsor over the honor students. They are looking for
projects for approximately 35 students. They want to get
started on some projects as soon as possible and need a
projects list at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
Don White said that he would need a few days to organize and
put together a' list. He suggested that they could do
projects such as pulling weeds or painting.
Roberta Stevens stated that her request to the Park Board
was that the high school needs volunteers . Some of the
teachers want the help of volunteers. Roberta Stevens
distributed a sample volunteer form. Joanie Zeeb said maybe
they could get help from the Community Care Center. Jill
Tomek said she thought the Womens League would be thrilled
to help.
GENERAL DISCUSSION : Jill Tomek said that she would like for
the city to purchase two barbeque grills with a 14x20
cooking area that are rotating units. Then we would have
four total . They aren' t very expensive and I have a list of
three different suppliers that we could do a price
comparison on. Philip Bounds suggested that we also buy a
larger grill for the pavilion area. Don White said that he
would go ahead and order them.
Jill Tomek informed all members that the Texas Parks &
Wildlife representative had to postpone his trip to Wylie
that was scheduled in August, and that he will be here
sometime around the middle of September.
Bill Emsoff asked about the drainage ditch entrance
suggestion for Valentine Park. Don White said that the cost
is prohibitive right now, but I think that you need to
include a future entrance into the master plan for this
park. Jill Tomek said she thought the park needed to be
fenced. Don White said that they could ask for an easement
on the retail property off of South Ballard just north of
Stoneybrook. A fifteen or twenty foot easement there would
come into the rear of the park. Joanie Zeeb asked if they
could recommend to P&Z that they secure an easement if that
plat is ever sold. Don White said he would check into it.
Bill Emsoff stated that WSA said they would like to see
Valentine park utilized for a soccer or ballfield. It could
be used for practice fields, but 1 don' t want to proposition
any more traffic in the alleyway.
Jill Tomek said that she wanted to start using the WSA
revenue money. WSA wants teeball back stops for Valentine
Park, lights on Ralph field, etc. If we go ahead and use
part of this money on some things they need maybe it would
create a good relationship between entities.
Philip Bounds said that he wanted to start an ant control
program to kill out the ants at the park, but that we had to
have a broadcast spreader to put out granular ant poison.
It costs approximately $250. 00. It takes a long period of
time to get ants under control , we would have to continually
put out ant poison for several years to get rid of all the
ants . It is a slow, gradual process. Joanie Zeeb said that
maybe we could purchase the broadcast spreader machine with
the WSA money. Bill Emsoff said that it would benifit WSA,
the city, and the community. Jill Tomek said why don' t we
just go ahead and buy it. Chairman Tomek said she would
call James Johnson and talk to him about it.
The Board Members requested the following business be placed
on the October Agenda ; discuss WSA revenue spending,
recommendation on WSA revenue spending.
There being no other business or discussion, a motion was
made by Joanie Zeeb to adjourn. The motion was seconded
with all in favor.
Jill mek, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
Gda LiPA
Lisa Keith, Secretary