03-25-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
MARCH 25, 1991
The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regulaL
session at 7 : 00 p .m. on Mundav , March 25 , 7991 in the
Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was
present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the
time and manner required by law. Members present were
Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw , Scott
Brown, Willie Calverley, John Burns and Charles Stetler .
Staff members present we Director of Parks and Recreation
Bill Nelson and Secretary Sandy Stevens .
John Burns made a motion to approve the minutes as read.
Scott Brown. seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in
favor .
Nelson stated that a 4 cubic yard container from BF I would
cost $15 a month for them to service and empty it , keeping
the proceeds from the recycled products . He added that this
size is accessible for people to stuff large items such as
mattresses into , but a smaller unit with a 7"x12" opening
could be monitored and maintained by the Park Department . It
could be emptied into the larger one downtown.
Scott Brown asked if the city is making any profit from the
bin downtown . Mr . Nelson answered he does not know .
Scott Brown and Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw commanted theeL
they thought this was instigated to raise more funds .
Chairman Bryan Glenn asked where the collected cans could be
taken . Mr . Nelson replied that. BFI is opening a recycling
center on F .M. 544 at Los Rios in Plano in the spring .
Mr . Brown commented that the concession stand at Community
Park sells soft drinks in paper cups . He suggested
monitoring the bin downtown first to see if it profits .
Mr . John Burns asked which fund the fee for the bin would be
taken from. Mr . Nelson replied from either the Capital
Improvements or Park Fund .
Vice Chairman Upshaw made a motion to table the item until
more research could. be done . Mr , Burns seconded the motion .
Motion to table the item was carried with all in favor .
. . _
COMMUNITY PARK. Item tabled .
DISCUSS VALENTINE PARK. Mr . Brown said he had lived on
Stoneybrook fc.) .- 3 years and on Yemorial for 1 1/2 years and
the allegations of snakes in the creek are true . He added
that the baseball backstop is used by the kids on Willow Way
and Stoneybrook mostly . Mr . Brown also commented that
several of the houses on Memorial that back up to the park
do not have fences and anyone using the park can walk right
up to their houses .
Mr . Nelson expressed two obstacles of the park; access into
the park and gaining the citizens , who ' ve seen a negative
side of the Park Dept. . in the past , good favor .
Mr . Burns stated that in the past no one wanted to use the
park because it was never mowed . He suggested making it a
beautification and gardening project with trees , picnic
tables and a garden type atmosphere .
Mr . Glenn asked Mr . Nelson for an estimate of costs for the
suggested improvements . Mr . Nelson replied under $5000 . 00 to
supply plants , trees , water and picnic tables on pads .
Mr . Burns made a motion to recommend to City Council for
Valentine Park to be developed into a passive park with a
garden area , shade trees , regular maintenance with mowing
and the Park Board keep pursuing access . Vice Chairman B . J .
Upshaw seconded the motion . Motion carried, with all in
favor .
a) New road into Community Park Mr . Nelson said he is
working out an easement for a road across school property
with Mr . Whitt .
b) Athletic field fees collected Mr . Nelson stated that
$616 for athletic use fees had been collected to date .
c) Community Center/Library landscape/sprinkler improvements
Mr . Nelson said that 95% of the Community Center and
Library ' s landscaping is complete . He added that the
sprinkler system is 100% complete .
d) Electrical improvements for concession stand/ball field
lights Mr . Nelson stated that the electrical improvements
were started over the weekend.
e) Plumbing improvements for concession stand/restrooms
M-1: Nelson said the water heater is connected into the
restrooms ; seating , flush valves , faucets , urinal shields
and fixtures in concession stand have been completed .
f) Wylie Women' s League Plague for Playground Mr . Nelson
said the plaque has been ordered and will be installed by
the drinking fountain when it arrives .
a) Akin Lane sprinkler/grass improvements Mr . Nor
stated the grass and sprinkler system are installed .
h) HWY . 78 Tree Installation Project Mr . Ne7or,n raid.
that Phase I has been completed and the donated sprinkler
system will Le instalt ,s soon as possible
i ) City Hall landscape improvements Mr . Nelson said that
an arborelogical service iez transplantint; trees on site and
moving some over to ("omenty Par7_ . H, added that all of the
shrubs have been remeved red the blr system eeeds t-o
be repaired before planting too many plants .
1) Sanden Property Mr . Nelson on Id be had ,7:. meting with
a Sanden representative , who wants the aeceos Hd , Y .
donated property to come off Sanden Elvd .
k) Kirby Park sprinkler/landscape improvements Mr . Nelson
said Axon Engineering installed the sprinkler system for the
cost of the parts and dented a elock , to make it an
automato system, for free . He added that the playground is
almost finished and the picnic tables ire in good
condition ,
RDJOURN. Vice nairman 7Lshaw made a motion to adjourn .
Willie Calverley seconded the motion . Motion carried with
all in favor .
B.J. UpshaW Vice-President
R spectfully submitted,
VA-ktel. il C1,2 , t.12i
Sandy Stev ns , S 1 cr ary